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what is up everybody my name is Hudson welcome back to enter the gungeon been a while we've recently been playing exit the gungeon so check that out on my channel if you haven't yet but today we are gonna be doing a custom challenge from the subreddit yay finally right starting as the gunslinger every item is litchi trigger finger so what does this mean I'm not sure how this is gonna go you guys because his gun already tapped shoots as fast as I could tap shoot so I'm not oh no I don't know what a bunch of sugar fingers are actually gonna do for me but there goes one maybe I'll just get it so fast that I can just hold down shoot like this and it'll shoot as fast as this another rule to challenge you guys besides junking every chest if a boss fight pays out with a pistol I can take it we're talking big iron frost giants Magnum so I guess a different weapon that does more damage would be nice but you know this one like I said the rate of fire is already so strong on it not sure what I would give it up for I can buy items in the shop and turn those into trigger fingers let's hopefully get some keys so we can hit up the secret floors like IO this is already hurting my hand you guys detach shoot this fast I would honestly say that this this challenge would make a lot more sense if I had to start with a gun that inherently had low fire rate you know to pump it up to the point or may like an automatic gun that not a tab shooter of some sort so like we get to look a ridiculous level where you could actually see it if you won't be able to see it if I can shoot you know as fast as I can possibly shoot if I like maxed out the fire rate it wouldn't be able to see a difference this as fast as I can go Glasgow on stone great somebody broke my [ __ ] water barrel who was it I need to know now so I can hunt down their family I don't even see a water barrel and then move inside I will [ __ ] cheat in a dowser if I have to don't even think I won't big iron it says if the reward from a boss is a revolver hey come on hey hey but hey we all want to see it we all want to see big iron max fire rate [ __ ] mr. Krim pets [ __ ] just let me have the [ __ ] Magnum oh there's my other water barrel protect it at all costs and wait to go on this [ __ ] water barrel journey come on come on what a [ __ ] test me game finally no ice even save the barrel take Arne in the first shout though like what the hell is that about first boss fight let's go what was it trigger twins fight me a [ __ ] bow you shits good old Bobby B ya hand hurts a lot first battle some people don't notice but the gun shoots faster after you dodge roll I believe and fin hey that's whoa hey buddy that's Desert Eagle the deagle that that counts that counts right I mean it's a pistol not a revolver big iron frost giant Magnum etcetera I don't think it counts it's the dissenter revolver it says specifically bound by the rules the challenge secret floor here we go oh god pisses me off this breaking news this just in HUD spits carpal tunnel news challenge maker oh [ __ ] you just give me my goddamn gun or plugging junk how much damage does this thing do Oh brick cash would actually be really good actually not bad damage five point five per bullet locked crest room fun got five of them now no [ __ ] difference in the fire rate okay you know what no I'm calling it right now this this is not a good challenge it's a good challenge and the fact that it's challenging not a good challenge and the fact that I have five little trigger fingers and they mean nothing this is not fun to play or fun to watch and I need to change it now big iron you all were to see it it's also big iron via gunslinger and test it out here here we go I don't even know how fast could this thing fire above before because like this is so lost on tap shoot guns this is amazing another one should have started with something like machine pistol something automatic it would have meant a lot more you know what fine well do machine pistol then I want to see what this looks like I have to know it's we should not we should not have started as the gunslinger but you know what here we are it's too late too late to turn back now if only witchy trigger-finger made it so i reloaded faster and that be nice okay I [ __ ] up on that one that was my badge right we have to hope and pray for ammo drops though that's the only problem here alright another big iron oh I don't know that matters that that probably doesn't do anything with uh with lychee alright locked crushed from here we go Hey look at that that's nice [Music] it's less nice goodbye one of these and get another lychee let's do it let's just see what it looks like first though deadly I actually like the pitchfork to be honest we're gonna be dumping off our ammo so fast I'm not gonna get any chance to use my machine pistol maybe I'll use my slinger in between rooms and then when we get to the boss that's when I whip out the big guns most of this stuff is skippable anyways as far as it comes to like footage the JK 47 nice [ __ ] try another revolver for sale in the shop what is your deal do you understand the challenge that I'm doing this makes it what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and we made it to the Krusty boy good one you got me make that 10 all the ammo is so delicious I love how this guy spins the gun around when I do this looks like nunchucks boss fight him whenever whenever is a good time for me anaconda I am so sorry how did he get one I already eat it though oh goodness why am i struggling he got another one got'em oh geez don't give me that [ __ ] dude in Wakanda why do you exist doing her revolver nice I'll take ya over half of our machine pistol clip right there this floor is actually gonna test me if I can't use my machine pistol until the boss tough floor man so I'm good in the shop hey this guy like good things in the shop I guess all we really mean our ammo boxes and cheap [ __ ] but I can convert to let you trigger fingers would that be a really cool idea you guys for an item in either Gunjan or Isaac and what it would do it was is it would turn any other item into something else maybe you could activate it like duct tape oh here we go this cell would work you first use the item on a gun or an item and it eats that item or gun you no longer have that thing right then the next time you charge it up you can use it again on a different item and it'll turn that item into whatever at 8 first and it's locked to that one thing right so if you got let you trigger finger you have to sacrifice your one to get more later hey I'm just saying that is a fantastic idea Mad Dogs kidding somebody though please call it the replicator or something more clever than that I need ammo I need ammo nice bro [ __ ] got me no ammo good choice yeah buddy yes what is this like 13 something like that let's definitely see your room yeah this will be a 14 then can't wait to see you of us we're gonna clear these bullets bus time metal knock knock mr. King oh man takes me 400 times longer to reload look at that there's a damage cap that you can do on them right I wonder we're gonna hit that cuz it just seems like we're just like not doing as much damage as I would expect figured oh my good shot fella good shot there got my ammo back though that's all that really matters and I'm gonna shoot this sucker and get myself to lychees it's so nice to see this guy in the shop cuz my my health machine is right there this works out great for all of us - I'll just start buying everything then not really a reason not to look at all those fingers how many Lich had to die for this run hungry bullet cell phone with that be apparently too much fun rat roam I never bought the Radke should I skip the Radke to myself I feel like fighting the rat should be within the limits here it's more of a challenge right almost got me there bud yeah more gold chests ouch alright 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 I think oh [Music] this boss is [ __ ] tough though I mean come on dude really a damage though that damage he tried to split up into multiple bells he got rocked immediately going down mine flare about feeling your whole family's going down o'doole O'Doyle old duels the non-alcoholic beer cactus gun I just want to feel it that was exactly like a Star Wars space battle okay bye love my life it just just gave me like a nod do you see that that room some of you guys might be like I can't believe have to change the rules the challenge I'm running a channel here you guys [ __ ] whoa hey wow if I don't enjoy playing it I don't I don't expect anybody to enjoy watching me play it okay that's this how it goes man that's rule number one get your day get out of here well thanks for the ammo though appreciate you check this [ __ ] out oh man oh we're fine yeah how about no bad fight go let's do the red fight yeah we're gonna run an ammo before we finish this guy I sell my big iron so I'll probably have to whip that out got me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] got him over half the ammo left that was not bad not too shabby I also have two blanks let's just see how it goes someone requested that I use the lowercase R instead of this gun that can be pretty [ __ ] hilarious bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet oh my god that's the first time I ever dodge that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] damage quit wait ah I'm out of ammo Oh big iron time got nothing Punk you got nothing Punk you got nothing I walked into that one now it's my bad that one was not my bad I don't know you know what happens we doing any damage am i hitting him what's going on here man oh man finish him we could have been in serious trouble they're almost used up both guns all right there goes nothing this determines how many lychee trigger fingers we get BAM it's so unfair that he shoots them instead of punches them wildly wildly unfair putting your cheese missed it [ __ ] me there's my perfect round God dang it quit just seriously squid I don't want to try anymore all right now what come hither slinger ah good one two three four five five lychees boom we need some ammo there's animal in the next floor okay good I almost forgot should we just try shooting some of these just to see what it feels like sniper oh my [ __ ] Foley assault sniper that is amazing what about this helix oh sweet cobalt Amer that's some fast charges on that thing the cricket derringer Nolan cares all right let's get some that ammo let's just give ourselves for let cheese for this don't you have a problem down we go we were talking about maybe the fact that I have such high fire rate if I just held down my slinger my gunslingers flinger slinger hash Liang slasher gun that we start with that it would maybe shoot faster no it's the exact same after like 75 lychee fingers this would that yeah that's unacceptable you know this was to be firing at the same freakin rate tested we tested it who mega shop oh man cursed bullets 417 Wow mega dowser wouldn't even like no one would care of his strafe gun no that would look sweet all right step right up I'm gonna play this just for fun nailed it nailed it thinking right here nailed it thinking like right like hero can I keep it ah big shootie gun is let you take your finger I'm gonna buy this straight can I want to test it out see what it looks like cool at this point I might as well just keep these guns I mean whatever right so painful to use this starting what happened Oh save me wake me up inside hey that's nice eight keys just open the damn thing see what it is reload faster that's what I said I wanted how fast yeah ah damn it grappling hook you should get in steal the stuff from the shop Oh sometimes Tim might even have good advice I just have to say no to him every time a little overwhelmed here starting life is not cutting it not yet Oh Oh my fight you didn't that didn't even touch me though no it did not it Wow no that one did neither I was in the middle of dodge roll settled ok ballon [ __ ] you you we just we're all mine I were dead weird [ __ ] dead that was like 12 hits in one room I think we're spiraling right now Oh before boss wall oh good an easy one ah [ __ ] me I need that health dude reload faster there we go I get so salty when I forfeit a health upgrade just cuz for one hit one freaking head dude last floor let's finish this compressed air tank would that be ridiculous how many sharks could we make huh one way to find out huh nah it's okay it's the reload time that gets you there okay never mind stop oh my [ __ ] we're dead we're just a [ __ ] dead dude exercise this is purity run this is just purity run dude dragon do we fight the dragon immediately with no health I guess I'm not doing this right the bat not like this good damage though no ice damage keep the Dodge is up stop for that [ __ ] and that [ __ ] but got it make sure that he's not out of my range got him can I finish the heart off with one clip probably not used to help him no pull out my [ __ ] original gonna fish haha go mine now the Rios there's no excuse to this not to be tearing apart everything time and space itself I've at least 700 litchi fingers there we are I think I I haven't noticed a difference in the last I don't know seventy two of the lychee fingers that I have I think we've maybe hit a cap hey got a master round though for the litter no balls oh I can hear a chat already my goal is to die before I even get there that way I don't don't worry about it Oh queer out already yep all is going according to plan oh man can you roll right into a bullet you know it's coming take your sweet time to give me some ammo back game whenever you really feel like it on secret room babe a health oh we're not gonna make it that means I have to fight the lid yeah buddy not gonna happen can't do it oh I was an ammo nice ammo thanks for that oh yeah that's the rum I needed right there bruh how are we still alive okay fine what a nice-looking end screen that was rough that was rough I do not want to play that again my hand is just like you guys have some like really really stellar ideas do put them on there please do test it beforehand though like I said if I'm not gonna enjoy it then I don't think you're gonna enjoy it and if you don't enjoy your own challenge it's not gonna make a good video thank you guys for watching of course there will be a link in the description for a GoFundMe for my carpal tunnel surgery in the description and as always I will see you in the next video see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 445,305
Rating: 4.9193106 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bullet hell, a farewell to arms, gunslinger, paradox
Id: ovGah-c3-SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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