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what is up you sexy youtube mother lovers and welcome back to another episode of my favorite it's curse gun images we're doing curse gun images today if you're new here curse gun images is where you guys just take all of the random [ __ ] you find on the internet and send it to me whether that be stupid guns guns that have been bubbed into the ground or guns that just need to be put out of their misery and taken off this planet or sometimes guns that are just so bad they deserve their own category by themselves preferably off the planet anyhow i got a whole new batch of submissions so let's go over them together starting off we have what i think might be our first submission of cursed ammo images so without further ado let's start the way i always do with just the tip that is a dick i guess you could say these bad boys were designed for maximum penetration when it comes to customer satisfaction these things are hard to beat i've got a couple more in all seriousness though i think these are a joke i don't think this is a real product considering the packaging itself says nine millimeter parabel end uk slang for for a dick it's the tip of your dick oh you cheeky brits never thought i'd see a type of ammunition where part of the reloading process is circumcision nine millimeter parabel end when you're trying to prove that you're not shooting blanks all right i'm i am now done okay no i'm not one more this brings a whole new meaning to cocking your gun all right i'm done i'm done all right next up we've got whatever this is this man is the [ __ ] president of carry handle gang looks like we actually have a 3d printed lower as well so it's a 3d printed ar lower and a 3d printed just long boy carry handle it looks like you kind of married the g36 style like carry handle integral optic thing with like a long famas kind of thing going on also 3d printed but still spanning the entire upper this man will carry the [ __ ] out of this gun [ __ ] you could fit like four hands on that carry handle make it like a [ __ ] team exercise ian is not happy with what you are doing to the imagery of the famas there will be consequences moving on this one actually clearly sent to me by a russian fan here we have a russian meme of me looking at an ak that has got a lot going on got one of those hexagon tactical hand guards those are pretty neat honestly but it looks like they've done like a replica vss stock on the back and judging by the magazine and the rounds that are just floating around the photo it looks like it's chambered 9x39 mom can we have vss no sweetie we have vss at home now if you're curious what the text says so was i so i've put it through google translate i doubt this is correct but google translate said i can't decide if it's a gun or not a gun doesn't quite seem right so if there's any native russian speakers that would like to correct that in the comments please let me know because i'm kind of curious either way not terrible execution on this one we actually did our own version of an ak and 9x39 a while back although if this is really a 9x39 i'm curious why they went with such a long barrel number 39's a slow boy you don't need a lot shorter mobetta oh babe i prefer the sbr the big ones hurt me now jumping over from russia back to the uk for a moment of course as you have all heard queen elizabeth ii has passed not a real big fan of any royal family but definitely not the ones that have connections to jeffrey epstein yeah you know it's the little things but we do have this photo of the queen shooting the famous and kind of infamous l85 which you know hey based le5 of course having a lot of its own problems and being somewhat of a cursed gun image in itself so hopefully with the passing of the torch the new generation of royal guards will be able to carry something that doesn't suck a man can dream unless she redeploys after beating princess diana in the gulag now there's been a lot of stupid politicians that have been saying for a while that the second amendment in the us only applies to muskets and not any sort of modern firepower it seems that a few of you guys have been preparing for that interpretation and making some upgrades here we have the tactical musket here we have what appears to be a tactical lcan held on by only the finest of industrial strength zip ties and up front a pec 15 ir unit because you never know when you have to slot redcoats in the dark now if you recall at the end of the last curse gun images video we teased what i called the most cursed ak i had ever seen what the [ __ ] is that i actually saw that gun online bought it and proceeded to do an entire video talking about how bad it was it's it's not great truly to this day i still think probably the most cursed ak build i have ever seen but i said we might do a video fixing it bringing this bad boy up to her former glory as a beautiful hugo ak and as always i'm a man of my word so if this curse got images video gets a 100 000 likes we will do a video taking this bad boy tearing it completely down back to the basic parts kit and rebuilding it as a beautiful gun that it's capable of being and not a safety hazard to whoever's holding it so here we have a submission of what looks like a model you know from back in the day holding a wacky pistol looks like some sort of weird [ __ ] toy gun right no way that that thing is actually real or is it as it turns out this is actually from james bond and that pistol well looks like a you know kid's toy made out of bent sheet metal is actually a very exotic and rare firearm known as the gyro jet it was an experimental weapon in the 60s basically getting rid of cased ammunition instead using rocket propelled projectiles this is the world's smallest rocket launcher and i'm not gonna lie they're pretty [ __ ] neat maybe even something that we should do for the channel you know what i'm gonna double up i'm gonna double up on the light goal if you guys get us to a hundred thousand likes on this video i'll hunt down a gyro jet can't be that hard right right so yeah if you want to see one of these bad boys fire i recommend you go ahead and subscribe if you're enjoying curse gun images we do this every now and again we also do series like darwin awards and of course gun meme review we also do some cool range videos including hopefully coming up a gyro jet so if you want to be part of the akg cult i mean akg nation uh go ahead and subscribe gotta want a gyro jet now now i know this is cursed gun images and not gun meme review but this one's kind of a meme but it also has a cursed gun image in it so yeah it works when you tell her you're gonna destroy that ass and she just laughs when i said i was looking for a plug for hand grenades that is not what i had in mind this brings high impact sexual violence to a whole new level and if you're too young to get this joke god bless you stay innocent as long as you can now i've got some unconventional improvised [ __ ] and some cursed pistols coming up but if you're looking for weapons of the non-cursed variety usually and you live in the united states and you're of age i recommend checking out arms list i actually remember using arms list all the time when i was first getting into guns it's a great way to see deals from local dealers and or meet up with private persons for buying and selling if that's legal in your area they're an awesome sponsor the channel we obviously can't link them on a youtube video but you can go check them out at arms list we appreciate their support now back to some cursed [ __ ] so up next we have a photo that is apparently from a gun buyback i present to you the pipe gun p90 also known as the pipe 90. probably it's always funny seeing the [ __ ] that people build to turn in at gun buybacks [ __ ] that's technically a firearm but costs like 80 bucks to build to get a 200 walmart gift card or whatever the [ __ ] they're giving out draining the pockets of anti-gun activists one 3d print at a time it's actually a pretty common og design for a pipe shotgun it's a slam fire so if you see that little rod hanging off the bottom what you do is you uh it's two pipes inside of each other and you push that back you slam it back because the shotgun shell is sitting in the first there's a firing pin at the very very back of the tube so by slamming it rearward you're firing the shotgun shell now a word of advice when it comes to building improvised homemade pipe guns at home maybe like [ __ ] don't this next one is from brazil police confiscated what looks to be somehow a cruder looty than the ludi oh my god that's awesome kind of impressive though and what's weird is it that doesn't even look like a detachable magazine it looks like it's just part of the gun maybe just top fed and also the octagonal barrel that just looks like a nut at the end like a brass nut just goes to show when you can't buy weapons people will improvise adapt and overcome and then get it confiscated and then end up on curse kind of itches now this guy over here has got the [ __ ] gun from hell the very very tactical blue camouflage really helps out i don't actually know where this photo is from but what is killing me is the contrast you got a super crude tube gun that you probably wouldn't even pick up if you were playing fallout in one hand and then his modern tactical pouches and [ __ ] over the front of his belt yeah i love how he camouflages his pouches meanwhile his gun next for improvised we've got well this the tactical artillery shell complete with bipod and acog and a hammer and screwdriver to you know set her off you know typically in the middle east when they were building ieds out of old artillery shells it didn't require manual operation of the actual you know detonating that's why they're using cell phones and wires and [ __ ] this id here appears to be all manual i guess they just draw straws for whoever has to be the one to set it off they expect one of us in the wreckage brother so now onto pistols i present to you the most tactical glock of all time as if the stock foregrip and laser weren't enough we also have a member of carry handle gang not sure why we have a carry handle on this one considering there's no front sight on that gun for the carry handle sight to be useful but that's okay i have a feeling he's not going to be using sights anyway that's what the laser's for i was laughing thinking like uh you know what this person probably doesn't have a tack stamp to make this an sbr considering there's obviously a stock and a foregrip on it then i thought well the vertical foregrip isn't exactly vertical is it it's at an angle so i wonder if that skirts the law and then i realize sbr [ __ ] doesn't [ __ ] matter at all because this thing has a [ __ ] auto steer got the little switch on the side of the slide that makes it a happy glock yeah so this is either a legit glock 18 or this is some cringe airsoft larp i'm probably going for the latter but who knows it's a crazy world now i'm not a big fan of pocket carry you know people who like carry those like really tiny like 22 revolvers in their pocket on the day-to-day i'll get into why i don't like it probably in this next episode of the darwin awards frankly but the only advantage that it would have is that it's super tiny super easy to conceal in your pocket you could just carry it on the day to day well this guy said [ __ ] that i want all the power of a tiny pocket size 22 and the concealability of a [ __ ] ar lower your wish is his command now this next one is when you realize that cult makes both ar-15s and revolvers voila it's hideous i'm actually trying to think whether or not this is california legal does this count as featureless when you have to have your marty robins big iron at six but black hawk down larp at seven considering that long sight radius you now get on this revolver with those uh those old m4 sights the nice c-clamp you can get on that handguard and the stability of the stock this thing is the perfect killing machine i think the only thing that could make this thing more deadly is some dick bullets well that closes up this episode of cursed gun images what was your favorite slash least favorite in this episode let me know down in the comments and again you can always submit your cursed gun images suggestions over on the subreddit or via smoke signal anyhow i appreciate you guys watching all the way to the end and as always i'll see you sexy youtube mother lovers in the next video thanks [Music] damn it
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 2,068,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, ak-47, guns, gun
Id: L3LkNeg4jpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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