Curry Blake Sons Of God Its Time To Manifest

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and I want to show you just a couple of things we're in Matthew 8 if I'm not gonna go back and read Matthew 7 but if you did he he is talk to them and it very one of the very last things he says there's everyone that says to me Lord Lord is not going to enter the kingdom of heaven so it's not just saying Jesus is Lord they get you there he said he that does the will of my father so we can't just be hearers of the word we got to be doers of the word we gotta be doers of the will of God and as you make Jesus your Lord the matter of fact if you look at that I actually just taught on this recently when he said Lord Lord they came to him saying Lord didn't we do all these mighty things in your name didn't we do these did we prophesy didn't we work these miracles and cast out devils and do all these things and notice Jesus did not say you're lying you didn't do it they they did them they did these things and yet he said depart from me you workers of iniquity because I never never knew you now what that tells us is that you can work miracles and not know Jesus you say how do you do that you know you can have faith in Jesus to work miracles and not have faith in Jesus to be your Lord and that's what you can see you can sit on the world today you can see people that have no faith in those no substance no stability in Jesus no foundation and yet they're working miracles there they're getting people healed and it's been amazing and this is the first generation where we've really seen just a number a multitude of people fulfilling this verse so as the people of God the first thing we have to do is make sure that we are on solid ground that we know him that we are connected to him that we are truly born again not just here as these people they thought they were born again they said Lord Lord didn't we do these things they thought they were right with God but he said I never knew you and he said they were workers of iniquity so here is people that were doing working iniquity and yet they thought they knew gun Bible tells us to examine ourselves to see whether we are actually in the faith so we do need to examine ourselves not in a critical way or with condemnation or any of that kind of stuff but we do need to say you know am I really walking with him am i talking with him is he talking with me it does does his spirit bear witness that I'm a child of God that I'm right with God and once you know that then you go ahead and you move ahead but we have to have that foundation and we have to have those foundations solid in us and Matthew we're at Matthew 7 he tells him all these things and then he gives the parable of the rain falling and people doing his word and the ones that do his word their house will stand and the ones that just hear it but don't do it their house will fall then at the very end it says and it came to pass when Jesus had ended these sayings the people were astonished at his doctrine for he taught them as one having Authority and not as the scribes then he says in Matthew 8 when he was coming down from the mountain great multitudes followed him behold there came a leper and worshipped him saying lord if you will now that word wilt it means very simple Lord if you want to if you desire to Lord if it is your will if you want to you can heal me you can make me clean Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying I will now he wasn't saying I will do it he was saying it is my will a matter of fact if you look up the word in the Greek it literally means it is my nature it is my desire and it is an out flowing of my character and I am always willing imagine that just that the little four-letter work will shows his character he says I'm not just doing this for you he said this is who I am he said I could it be as if we would say he couldn't help himself this is who he is if you look at everything we know about God and you look at how God had told the people I want you to know me by this name and by this name because God has so many names in the Old Testament jehova rapha jehova sholom jehova sidqa knew jehovah jireh all of these names and every one of them he said i want you to know me by this name what was he saying I'm trying to show you a piece of my character I want I want to be this to you I want you to look at me as your provider I want you to look at me as your healer I want you to look at me as your peace he was saying I'm trying to show you a piece of it and then Jesus shows up and he's called Emmanuel God with us so now he's he's with us and he is showing us God's nature in character you look at Jesus we can look at the names of Jehovah Jehovah Jireh the Lord who provides we can look at the name of Jehovah Rapha the Lord that heals he's the Lord that heals well did Jesus show us the Lord that heals absolutely did he show us the Lord who provides absolutely he multiplied food he he multiply when they needed money he told Peter to go fishing he was the God who provided he was the God whom who healed he was Jehovah Shalom the God who is our peace did Jesus give us peace he said I'd give you my peace not the world that not the peace of the world has my peace every Jehovah named Jesus was the living embodiment and he lives in you at any second in time you can experience Jehovah Jireh at any second in time you can experience Jehovah Rapha all you have to do is recognize his presence because he's present with you he has in you even whenever Jesus was telling his disciples he said I've got to go away but I will not leave you an orphan I will send another comforter and he is with you but he shall be in you and he said now we'll send you another comforter that will uh that will abide with you forever imagine that so he said I'm gonna be the spirit that was doing all these miracles he moved into you and he moved in to abide in you forever not to come and go but to live in you so that any second you could experience God's healing power at any second you need it right then any second you need it you can experience his peace and all you had to do is simply acknowledging acknowledge his presence that God you are with me Emmanuel Jesus you're in me and because of that right now I experience you as my healing right now I experience you as my peace there's there's all kinds of trouble all kinds of turmoil but right now you're my peace and you just acknowledge in his peace overwhelmed you it didn't come upon you it comes out of you right because he he doesn't he doesn't pour out power tonight when you need healing if you need healing he's not going to pour it down from heaven he poured out his spirit and now it dwells in you so now it says and I will pour out of my spirit so he's going to pour out see if I pour out of this bottle where is the water in the bottle well if he's going to pour out of his spirit then the power is in the spirit and where's the spirit in you and he came to abide in you forever he will never leave you no forsake you this is the message Jesus tried to bring say Jesus wasn't preaching religion he was preaching the kingdom of God but he was preaching our union with God he was preaching and as even again up and kind of going back to this morning a few things here don't turn there but if you know the story of Genesis in Genesis one two and three you start seeing the story of the creation of the world you can see how God was getting the world ready it was like a mother hen making nest for her babies and God made the earth just so man could live here and then man gets here in God says now we're gonna make man in our likeness in our image and he did that he said and let them have dominion and then he said you have dominion over all the earth and then the next thing you see shortly after that is the fall and Adam and Eve had their selves and now and they were used to walking with God in the garden in the cool of the day it said that that God walked with out and walk with man in the garden in the cool of the day every day God would show up and walk without him and they would talk and that's what God wanted that's what he was doing it now if you go back there don't go there now and I said it but I'm saying if you if you go back there and think about it was there a church there was there a temple was there a temple in the garden was there an altar was there a sacrifice not till after the fall there was none of that before the fall it was always everyday the same God walked with man and if you look at the beginning of something you can see what God well you can see with a plan for it God's plan was always all along to walk with man all along he didn't come to separate other religion he came to walk with men and if you go to the from the front of the book he walked with man then you go to the back of the book and what do you see again everything is wrapped up the kingdoms are getting back to God and now what now man walks with God again Jesus came to show us what it's like for a man to walk with God that's the normal Jesus's life was the normal Christian life he walked with God and that's what God wants and that's why Jesus that's what Jesus brought he he brought the ability for man to walk with God again and that's why God now he feels man see again that we are the temple of God see not the building we are being builded into a habitation and he says that because we are we have the Spiritist that we are having the habitation of God through the spirit God wants a temple but he wants it to be us he wants us to walk this way to walk with Him and just to fellowship with him and not to be hung up on the on all the rules and regulations because I can tell you if you just keep the commandments of Jesus Jesus said if you love me keep my commands and said then if you do that then the father and I will come in a make our abode in you and he said and we will manifest ourself to you I've so many people asked me how do I get God to manifest how do I get God to heal this person easy keep his commands what's his command love God love your neighbor that's it's come in you love God and you love your fellow man as you do yourself you'll do for them what you would want done for you and when you do that you will never violate any law of the Bible you'll never violate anything if you love God you're not gonna have another idol if you love God you're not gonna worship something else you you're not gonna take his name in vain you're not gonna do these things why cuz you love him and if you love your neighbor as yourself you're not gonna covered his goods you're not gonna steal for him you're not gonna bear false witness why cuz you love him the answer is to love him not to be so caught up on not doing one of the don't do it so now we see here he's he's he's showing us how to do this this leopard comes to him and he says this is my nature and notice he said and immediately I read verse three and Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean two things here he answered the man's question and said this is my will I'm gonna do it this is my desire but now notice the second part he didn't pray he gave a command he said be thou clean three words and the man was healed we need to remember those long prayers those were one of the marks of a Pharisee usually people pray long prayers because honestly they don't think anything's gonna change when they stop so they just keep on praying because they don't want to stop and they think if they keep praying long enough maybe something will hit but the reality is it's amazing Jesus only gave one in two word commands he told demons go he didn't argue with him he didn't give long lectures to him he didn't tell him why they had no authority he just said go well because he had authority and honestly when you walk an authority you don't have to explain yourself and then so here he says Jesus Anthony MC so keep record of the healing juicier so here's the first one leprosy now notice what he didn't do did he ask the man how much faith do you have didn't say that did he he didn't say sir first before I lay is there any sin you need to get forgiven up sir you got leprosy is there any generational curse that we need to deal with notice he didn't say any of those things why because when you walk in authority none of that matters but in verse four Jesus said to him see that you tell no man but go your way show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a testimony unto them and when Jesus was entered in a camper neum there came unto him a Centurion beseeching him and saying Lord my servant life life at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented jesus saith unto him I will come and heal him he said quickly Jesus jumps at the chance to heal somebody he didn't say wait a minute let me pray let me see if this is God's will hang on a minute is your servant a good servant has he been obedient because this could be the father trying to teach him something you know trying to make him a better person he didn't say any of that this man in matter of fact I can prove that that Jesus actually interrupted this man because the man wasn't gonna stop and say I mean I met he walks up as his Lord my servant lies at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented you think he's going to stop right there that he said nothing except his servant was sick he didn't say would you come here he doesn't say anything like that but Jesus interrupted him and said I will come and heal him and then we know the story because it's amazing the Centurion answered and said Lord what do you do he stops him Jesus is getting ready to go to his house and this man stops him a roman stops Jesus from coming and all the Jews all they could do is say would you come lay your hands on my daughter would you come here why aren't you at Lazarus aside he's sick where were you why didn't you come the Jews don't work honestly saying please come and this man says you don't have to come this mare was a Gentile a Roman an enemy an oppressor of Israel and Jesus said out come here seven he said whoa no no Lord I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof but Speak the word only and my servant shall be healed and then he tells them what he says for I am a man under Authority having soldiers under me and I say this man go and he goes into another come and he comes into my servant do this and he does it what's he saying he's saying Lord you don't have to go I'm not working you come to my roof but I recognize authority I understand Authority and I understand that you have it and if you do like I do all I have to do is give a command and if you give a command it'll be you in that amazing then he says first in when Jesus heard it he marvelled and said to them that followed verily I say unto you may you see here he is sitting there talking with his disciples talking with a group this Roman centurion comes up tells him about his servant Jesus starts to get up says I'll come in here and he says no you don't have to I'm a man under Authority I'm not worthy cannot roof but I'm a man under you you realize that statement there I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof but I'm a man under authority he just put Jesus above his Roman superiors I'm not worthy for you to come under my roof but I have authority and they gave it to me and so I understand Authority but I'm not worthy that you should come under my roof he put Jesus above his own superiors there and now Jesus going forth and he starts to get up and as he hears this Jesus is amazed astounded astonished you might say and he turns around to his own disciples and says do you hear this guy you hear what he said he said I haven't found that kind of faith in Israel you guys the Covenant people of God and hear this Gentile this non covenant person has this kind of faith he was how would you like for somebody to use somebody else as an example of how you ought to be that's not fun I mean you can imagine all of them started looking around trying to find something else to do you know I don't know when I hide your face well what does he do he tells them to watch what he tells us ma'am barely I'm not found I said to you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel and I say unto you that many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth do you realize as far as the his disciples are concerned he's talking about them and Jesus said unto the Centurion go your way and as you have believed so be done unto you as you have believed be it done unto you he still do you realize what he's telling them here you've got the faith this is great faith you won't know how to understand great faith is simple understandeth hora t if you're gonna walk in great faith you're gonna walk in authority if you don't walk in authority you will never walk in great faith Jesus came to give man dignity back to him not to have you hang your head low but to have you stand up straight to give you dignity so that you can walk not with pride and arrogance but with confidence in your God that you are connected to God that you are worth something because God considered you worth Jesus because he paid Jesus to save you that makes you worth something and he tells us man you owe your way what you believe he had done unto you he didn't even speak didn't give a command per se he just said as you believed so now we've got what the leper now we got the Centurions servant right because it says here and his servant was healed in the selfsame hour and when Jesus was come into Peter's house he saw his wife's mother laid in sick of a fever and he touched her hand and the fever left her here's the third one you notice it's back to back there's not big gaps it's not every once in a while it's back to back he went from one healing to another and this was normal life this is the way it's supposed to be not one a month not one out of a hundred you know I've gone into churches and they were so proud they've actually done their statistics and they said we get 12% healed well that's 88 percent not healed and think about that and they were proud of it proud that they got through 12 percent and one time I told him I said you know if you if you have a fighter that only wins two out of ten fights he's not a champion he's a loser they met him and yet they were proud of that statistic and now the amazing thing is we're supposed to be representing Jesus and he had a hundred percent and it's not us it's him that's doing it so oh see when you don't get a hundred percent it's because you're not out of the way that's the reason it's not it's not the sick person's fault it's because the person ministering can't get out of the way enough to let God work because it's God that does the healing you don't do it and if you can just get out of the way enough God will set them all free because he wants to do the same thing through you that he did through Jesus so that Jesus can be exalted and glorified that's what this whole thing is about healing is to exalt Jesus is to give glory to God it's not you know to prove that we're right doctrinally it's to bring life and love the love of God to people so here we've already got three healings forget the leper Centurions servant and now Peters mother-in-law then he says look at this next one well I guess I should read verse fifteen and he touched her hand and the fever left her and she arose and ministered unto them then verse 16 when the evening was come they brought unto Him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word not words word he used one word to cast out devils go that was it he didn't use many words he says and he cast out the spirits with his word and then notice this next part and healed all that were sick he didn't leave some He healed all one verse 17 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses and F out of Isaiah 53 and there it's all he for our he for our over and over and then if you look at Psalm 103 it says who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your diseases he didn't say some of them you know if you're gonna believe that he only heals some and you also got to believe that he only forgives some because they were right there together you know Isaiah 55 11 it says social my word be that comes out of my mouth and it will not return to me board but it will accomplish the thing we're into our Senate and prosper in that right so think about that God speaks a word it goes it cannot return to him until it has accomplished what it was sent to do do you believe that in that Isaiah 55 he never talked about think about that so any word God speaks cannot return to him without accomplishing what it was sent to do do you agree well if you read John chapter 1 it says that the Word was God the Word was with God and it said that God the Word was made flesh and it says in Psalm 107 verse 20 it says and he sent His Word and healed them so if God sends his word he sends it to heal them and according to Psalm 103 he healed them all because he heals all of our diseases so if Jesus is the word the Word was made flesh and was sent by the father so the word was sent by the father and the word sent by the father cannot return for but has to accomplish what it was sent to do so Jesus was sent to heal them all and Jesus could not return to the Father until he had accomplished healing for them all let me ask you one question did Jesus return to the Father then it's done it's done if he returned to the Father if the word returned to the father it accomplished what it was sent to do and it was sent to heal them so he accomplished that there's no question about it he bore the stripes and by his stripes you were healed you get that it's his stripes that allow for you to be healed that purchased your healing and people make a big deal out about faith but honestly faith is just the means by which he gets it to you faith is not the important part there now without faith you can't please God we want to please God but the thing is faith is just simply believing that God keeps his word if you look in Hebrews 11 there's only two women there Sarah Abraham's wife and Rob a harlot I'm amazing to people couldn't be more different and yet if you look about Sarah it says this Sarah considered him faithful who had promised you give that think about this why was Sarah considered a person of faith why was she put in Hebrews 11 the the faith Hall of Fame why would she put there because she believed him to be faithful isn't it amazing she looked at God and said you know what you're faithful and God said that's faith how hard is that and if you try to have faith in your own faith that can be hard because you can you can go with every reason why your faith shouldn't work why you shouldn't have faith and why God should not answer your faith but if you make sure that your faith is in him and you say you know what yeah you're absolutely right in and of me because of my works or anything else you absolutely you're right I don't deserve healing but I'm not coming to you on that basis I'm coming to you because he bore those stripes and because you said by his stripes I'm healed and I'm taking part of that so I thank you you are faithful and keep your word and God says that's faith not a feeling not deus bumps not pumped up you'll notice if you've never been in one of my services you know we don't pump people up in the sense of getting them all excited if anything we purposely try to keep it calm because we want to make sure it's spirit not emotional well I'm because the Spirit of God heals not your emotions if emotions healed every child of every parent would be healed because every parent has emotions to where their child and want them healed but that's not what does it so tonight really this is just the essence of what we're trying to get to do 1 make it long and drawn out all these different things but I want you to realize Jesus is so willing to heal why because he's already paid for it it's already a done deal it's not a question it is not a question it's a done deal that's why we have no problem telling people every person is healed one because every person's price was paid and we tell you all we're here to do is enforce that victory that's all we're here to do is enforce the victory of Jesus and enforce that victory over his enemy now we could go on I mean there's so much we can see I mean I could take you to Matthew none it's amazing at the end of Matthew 8 it said in verse 33 and they kept they that kept him fled and went their ways in the city told everything and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils and behold the whole city came out to meet Jesus and when they saw him they besought him that he would depart out of their cooks imaginet this man has been a demon-possessed person for years nobody can even go that way did all these things totally demon-possessed Jesus comes along gets this man totally free and they they go back and say well Jesus said remember the demon possessed man he's free Jesus said him free come let me introduce you to Jesus ago yeah we're going out there right there go out there and all these had all these pigs other demons went into the pigs and all the people show up and said your Jesus yeah you're the one just cast the Devils out yep get out of here leave we don't want you here what they just lost their livelihood they lost their herd of pigs they lost their money and said we don't want you here leave so Jesus left he entered into a ship passed over and came into the his own city then notice what happened in his own City and behold they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying on a bed and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy son be of good cheer your sins are forgiven here's another healing healing healing and you notice this he just healed this man of demons that's a healing right deliverance it's a healing and yet he got beat up on verbally because he set a man free and it didn't slow him down a bit he didn't walk off like well nobody appreciates me you know I just can't all these devils out people scream at me and yell at me and I'm just trying to do what's good and just trying to help nobody appreciates me he didn't walk around like that he said you want me to leave okay I'll leave he gets in the boat goes over and the first thing he does he has a man left a man and palsy and says son gonna he goes right on he doesn't it never skips a beat it doesn't slow him down a bit why because he didn't get his praise from men he got his sense of worth from his father so that's a good thing once you die it doesn't matter if people bless you or curse you because dead people don't care you need to realize that the greatest deliverance you'll ever get will be delivered from yourself yeah we tell people all the time man just get over yourself man just die well you don't understand what they did I understand this you're not dead no but you don't understand well I understand that you're not dead well how do you know cuz you're here complaining to me you're here whining to me about it what but I have a right to right no you don't not if you're Christian you don't have a right to complain you tell them do all things without murmuring we need to get over this thing that we have the right to murmur and complain and do that we don't have that right you have a right to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ to endure hardness to do your job to be instant in season out that's what you've got a right to not to whine about it that's nothing compared to what other Christians are going through you think is well you don't know what they said about me well you don't know what people are doing the people in Iraq you know what people are having to go through and being martyred for their faith and you want to complain because somebody said some bad thing about you man shut up and die but he goes through all these things that we can see them and this man and notice here then they got upset verse three the whole certain of the scribes said within themselves this man blasphemes Jesus knowing their thoughts said wherefore think evil in your hearts whether it's easier to say your sins be forgiven or rise and walk and I doesn't matter how say it and then he says but that you may know that the Son of man has power on earth to forgive sins then santhi to the sick of the palsy arise take up your bed and go your way to your house and look at this he arose and departed to his house here's another healing but when the multitude saw it they marvelled and glorified God which had given such power unto men unto men God gives this power unto men so that we can walk in this power to set people free to glorify Jesus has nothing to do with how good you are how holy you've been you can see that in acts 3 Peter said why do you look at us and so we've done some great things by our own power or holiness he said it was the name of Jesus and faith in that name that made this man whole we need to realize the name and the faith that's in that name and the power behind that name there is nothing that can stand against that name nothing he is the risen Lord there is nothing that can stand he overcame death he overcame the grave he has overcome all of it and a little bit of sickness or some devil ain't gonna slow him down or stop him we need to recognize that have faith in that name now go with me quickly to Roman's because we're doing two things here tonight every ministering healing but we also want to take every opportunity we ever have to help show you God's plan for you and where you're supposed to be and where he wants to take you and what he's already made you because if you're born again listen you you are what you're waiting to become you already are it you've already become in what many people are waiting for something to happen it's already happened you are right now if you're born again Christ has been formed in you and you have been recreated a new creation and this new creation was recreated in the likeness and image of Jesus Christ it was recreated in righteousness and true holiness he made you right on the inside the real you you in the spirit is you are right with God you are with him he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with the Lord you are joined to him you're not you and him you understand it's not you and him it's us you get it are technically in texting to be y'all okay but that that's who you are your is no longer you and him why because you're one we always use this verse concerning marriage what the Lord is drawn together let no man break asunder we always said that who do you realize that holds true with Christ in you what God has joined together don't use separated by saying oh I can't do that really I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me through Christ who strengthens me he's in you he's with you he is connected to you so you can do all things well you know I just don't think I have enough faith well it's no no longer you they live but Christ who lives in you how much faith do you think he has I bet he could get it done the Bible says it Christ ever liveth to make intercession for you he's praying for you do you think he prays prayers that don't come to pass of course his prayers come to pass see you have to realize you are connected to him you just need to recognize his presence with you all the time Romans chapter eight sorry get sidetracked there well Romans eight let's start with a verse everybody knows even though it's usually taught wrong verse 28 and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose notice all things don't work together for the good not for everybody but to those who love God and are called according to his purpose for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son you get that you want to know what your destiny is it's easy you were predestined to be conformed to the image of God's Son Jesus Christ and that image is an image of authority it's an image of power it's an image of purity it's an image of holiness it's an image of character it's an image of modesty it's an image of humility why because Jesus even though he was equal with God he took on the form of a servant and he said let this mind be in you which was also in him so there is that aspect so we're to be conformed to ever in every aspect of his image he was the prototype and we are the actual product of God he was a prototype he was one that showed us and now we are and as I even told this one this was the first see we think we come over the idea of cloning God came up with it we are to be clones of Jesus Christ he says there notices for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son one that he might be the firstborn among many brethren you see that we are to be conformed to the image of his son Jesus Christ one so that Jesus can be the firstborn among many brethren that means that he wants all of us looking just like him he said that he came so that he might leave many sons unto glory many sons that's our destiny not to just get through see if I can if I can get this to you if I had and thank God I'm going to have more time here to be able to get this totally through DC get a hold of it once you start to realize your union with Christ then you start to look into this mirror of Liberty as James says and when you look in this mirror and you start to do the things that you see in this mirror then you don't forget what you look like you know what man or a person you are because you're looking into this mirror well this mirror is called the Bible and this mirror this Bible is the Jesus was the Word made flesh he was this Bible made flesh so when you're looking at this Bible you're looking at a portrait of Jesus amen but then when you're looking at this Bible according to James you're not just looking at a portrait you're looking at a mirror why because you're to be conformed to his image when you look in this word you're looking in a mirror and you're not just seeing him you're seeing you this is who you are this is who you're destined to be this is who you're destined to walk like you're the despi predestinate to be to look like him to act like him to talk like him his the each one of these scriptures is one of his DNA Peter says by these precious promises we become partakers of his divine nature every one of these promises that we take and you say which ones can I claim all of them one because all the promises are in him yes and in him so be it every promise every promise is yours and as you take each promise and you say that's mine and then you start to do it and start to live in your life then that part of his DNA becomes part of you and you start to to change to be conformed to his image and you look more and more like him this is God's design quit thinking of yourself after the flesh we here henceforth we know no man after the flesh but after the spirit you shouldn't even know yourself after the flesh go with me the first job will go to first John chapter 3 first John chapter 3 sin my greatest desire is not to get you healed when I touch you my greatest desire is to get you to understand your union with Christ to the point where his spirit that dwells in you is able to be released out into your flesh and you get healed sitting there that's my desire because if you do that then you'll know that you're connected to God and you won't look to a man and you will have experienced the true essence of Christianity the essence of Christianity is God joined himself to us and that we don't have to go to a middleman to get something from God that we have direct contact with God himself I would rather you get that direct contact and be healed right where you are without me ever touching you because if you do that you go out of here a changed person because you'll know God is with you and you will know when you pray God hears your prayers and you'll know that you are connected to him that is for me that is so much greater than if we had a healing service and I went down the line and touched every person every person get healed see me laying hands on you that's not the essence of Christianity the essence of Christianity is your contact directly to God that's what Christianity is not having a middleman I'm not saying we don't need fivefold ministry the thoughtful ministries put in the body for the purpose teaching correcting all these things but if you don't have direct connection with God you're not in the body you have to have that contact with it so in first John chapter 3 verse 1 says behold what manner of love the father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God therefore the world knows us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of God now and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he appears we shall look and be like him amen do you get that what kind of love that God would put on us and he would allow us to have direct contact with him to let his spirit dwell in us do you realize how impossible that is that he could take the filth that each of us were before Jesus and change us can the leopard change his spots no but God can change people that's the greatest miracle and once you get that you're connected to him and you're called a son listen we got people all over this country all over the world now around I'm an apostle I'm a prophet I'm this I'm that I even got a new name now commander hadn't found that one in the Bible yet but we've got all these names in these titles that everybody wants to be a title do you realize that all of this the Apostle the prophet of that you know the only reason we had them is until we all come to the unity of the faith they're just trainers not put them down god bless you you give your life I know that but you're our trainers and who are you training sons and daughters the highest position in the body of Christ is not an apostle it's a son amen that's the highest position all the other things are simply functions to train sons and daughters to look like sons and daughters I mean try to tell me that the person sitting at the right hand of the Father is not the highest person in the body of Christ and he's a son so we are made sons that's the highest position people you know it's funny because I've been I've been called Reverend more on this trip than I have in years and it sounded strange to me because I'm not used to that people always ask me what do you want to be called would you want to be called Reverend Blake or brother is good you know brother that's fine just call me brother right because I'm in the family and I'm a son if you if you want to call me something other than brother call me you know God's Son that's okay that'll work right why because I am I'm God's Son a manservant and I'm the devil's master amen that's who I am and if you're born again that's who you are so you couldn't be a servant of men if you're not God's Son and if you're a servant of men you can't be a true serving them in until you can be the master of the devil and make him do what you tell him to do that the only way you could be the master of the devil and a servant of men is to be God's Son so that's the highest thing so we're all just becoming and we're being conformed the image of his son or just sons so when are we sons now what is the world waiting on Romans chapter 8 we were just there what to say and the whole earth groans waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God the whole earth is groaning waiting for you and I to grow up and show up to grow up to look like him we were talking about this earlier everywhere I go I hear these people talk about all the devil's all my nonsense a place for Devils manifesting Devils will manifest in everywhere all this horrible devils manifesting and it's all over you're Christians talk about is how Devils manifest and I thought you know what we ought to be sons who manifest what if we win what if what if you had a friend that hidden into all this doesn't believe this stuff they're walking on with it you see somebody sick you know what you are to be doing every sin excuse me I know you don't like this I know you don't like this kind of stuff so I'm going to tell you now if you're embarrassed by this stuff you need to walk away because I feel a manifestation coming on I feel it coming on and I'm fixing to manifest as a son so if you don't like it you might want to step aside I don't want to embarrass you but I'm I'm fixing the manifest and it's gonna be something right because the Bible the Bible doesn't talk about us watching for men the devil to manifest it says that the world is waiting for us to manifest it's time we start to manifest amen sons of God serving our fellow man serving them by getting sickness and disease off of serving our filament about getting demons out of them by setting them free from addictions and habits serving our fellow man by training and equipping that's that's what we do that's what Christians are supposed to do so one last place Galatians one last place Galatians let's start in verse 23 oh I'm sorry three Galatians three and let's start in twenty two thousand three twenty two but the scripture has concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us into or unto Christ that we might be justified by faith but after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster for you or all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus you hear that everybody's not a child of God you're a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ you notice Christ in you but you've also put him on so he's in it's like a three layer cake right he's in you then there's you that that he's trying to kill so it's no longer you that minute but Christ Lizzy and then you put him on so you got Jesus on the outside Jesus on the inside really kind of hard for the devil to find you amen because your life is hid in Christ in God in that right and if your life is hid and the devil shouldn't find you if the devil can't find you he can't put sickness on you right but how does he find you well he find you because you keep sticking your head out just stay hid in Christ how do I stick my head out how do I do it you stick your head out whenever you say my ministry my anointing my gift my my mama that's how you stick your head out instead you stay inside and say no no no it's no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and then you let Christ out and then that way the devil can't even find you could you just stay hid and you exalt Christ everything goes back to him then he says in verse twenty four twenty five so yeah but after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster for you all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you has been baptized into Christ have put on Christ and watch there is neither Jew nor Greek there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus and if you be Christ's in other words if you belong to him then are you Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise now I say now is that you are you there okay now I say that the heir as long as he is a child differs nothing from a servant though he be Lord of all the air is Lord of all we say what I would note with that the see I'm the heir so that he can't know the heir you you are Lord of all because I don't believe that Jesus is Lord of all yeah quit separating what God has joined together and they're right and the Bible says that we are joint heirs with Christ were heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ that means everything he has we have he says as he is for Sean 4:17 as he is so are we in this world it's acquit separated that believe that and understand if Jesus is Lord of all your Lord of all what because it's his authority working through you it's his name you do this listen if it's your authority or your level of authority when you go out to pay for the sick you pray in your name if in their right if you if it's anything to do with you you pray in your name but if you go out in his name and pray in his name and it has to do with him and not with you it's his authority that does it not what you think you have how much authority does he have all authority in heaven and earth has been given unto me therefore in my name you go why he has all authority and when you want because he's Lord of all so when you go you go in his name you go in his all authority because you're that joint-heir amen when you speak he speaks you speak for him you're his representative it's as if he is there when you speak when wouldn't you get that guess what you're gonna do you're a star walking in authority which is what great faith you see that in it's a simplest thing in the world this is so easy he says now I'll say that the air as long as the child differs nothing from a servant though he'd be Lord of all that is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the Father even so we when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons and because you are sons God has sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts crying Abba Father wherefore you are no more a servant but a son and if a son then an heir of God through Christ you're no longer servants because a servant doesn't know what his master does you are sons and the son must be about his father's business what's his father's business setting people free bringing freedom to people commanding sickness and disease to go this is who you are now I think I've given you ample scripture here hopefully by now you know that if you're born again God's Spirit is in you we have been made kings and priests under our God this is who we are
Channel: James Taylor
Views: 3,582
Rating: 4.7600002 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Biblical Principal, Bible, Jesus, Holy Spirit, God, Hope, Healing, Curry Blake, JGLM, John G Lake, Paid, Receive, Love, Kindness, Wellness, Wholeness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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