Curry Blake Kingdom Agenda

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God's purposes are pretty clear God's whole focus is establishing his kingdom on this earth making it on earth as it is in heaven I mean that's really what he's pushing for and trying to get every person into his kingdom which means that they live by Kingdom principles and they start living these ways and they started living these principles out and if if people would do that it would be so amazing I mean it would just be it's a it's amazing what would be taken care of and how things would happen but so the key here that we're talking about is that he's trying to establish his kingdom first in the hearts of mankind once he gets the kingdom in their hearts it will play out in the rest of their life and if it doesn't play out in the rest of the life it's not in the heart yet so in Matthew chapter 6 we're gonna read here Matthew chapter 6 we'll start in verse 9 after this manner therefore pray our Father which art in heaven Hallowed or holy be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven now think about that that's his wiggle you want to know what his will is there it is just plain and simple whatever you see on earth it doesn't look like it would in heaven it's supposed to be fixed until it looks like heaven in that simple see theologians have so complicated the things of God to where people don't even know if they're walking in God's will it was how are you and God's will well I'd you know I think so I would like to think so and I remember when I first time I ever met dr. Summerall one of the first times I heard him saying he said at that time he was what 70 yeah send me something yeah he said I've walked with God for I think he said 56 years or something like that and he said I've never been out of the will of God I was shocked I've never heard anybody say something like that pretty much everything I'd heard is people mostly out of the will of God and every now and then it just their life crosses the will of God and something good happens and they're right back out of the will of God again that's what most people Act that's why they're where they think about it it's amazing he said all these years I've never been out of the will of God he said what everybody asked him how can you say that he said simple when I saw what he said to do I aim my life in that direction never never looked back in that simple he went around the world multiple times saw all kinds of things went around and always kept his life in the will of God because he was always loving God and loving people yeah and funny thing is if you listen to him you wouldn't - sure he was loving people I know if you've heard much about him or not but he took one little girl one time they were in a revival meeting in a schoolhouse and she was sitting there and all her friends were trying to they were getting saved and they said you know would you talk to our friend he walked back to her and he just said he was about 18 19 years old at that time I said don't you want to go to heaven and she said not really he said well then go to hell she passed out not something you usually hear from the preacher right and when she came to she got saved they said well what happened here why'd you pass out I never had a preacher tell me to go to hell before he said well there's only two places having her hell you didn't go to heaven guess what you're going to hell give it I'd never thought of it like that he said well I can I'm not responsible for that he said all I'm responsible to do is tell you the truth now that's not what we think of his loving people but sometimes you have to love people enough to shoot straight for them you have to tell them what they don't want to hear because they need to hear it so here he said thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven God's highest priority is to restore the kingdom of heaven on earth you get that his highest priority he really wants earth to be the Garden of Eden again that's really what he wants that's what we know that because that's what he set it up and we set it all up he it's good and they're right and then he told man keep it take care of it reestablish it make sure it's taken care of subdue it whatever comes up and yet we have this idea that what's going on is you know out there is somehow all messed up and all that and and it is messed up according to his will but his whole effort has been to get things back to that even Jesus is called the last Adam what because he came to restore the kingdom he came to come back and in the garden as I said today that you know there was no altar there was no temple there was no church service and wouldn't he need that consent it was just man walking with God and we've we've muddied the waters long time I say we I'm sorry we as preachers sometimes and we've made it so hard to know if we're walking with God it's not that hard really to get out into it if you look at it now you're in Matthew oh yeah Matthew yes right dude six that's what look at matthew 6:33 everybody knows the scripture again this is Jesus speaking he says Mystique he first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you seek ye first the kingdom and you're gonna see in just a minute everything Jesus ever taught was the kingdom that's all he taught over and over again Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom but he said seek ye first not last not when you get time first seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you well what things what to know that you have to go back up starting about roughly verse 24 he starts to tell you he says no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other now think about that no man can serve two masters that's where you realize that's where most of our problems come from most of our problems come from us trying to hold God's hand with one hand and the world with the other that's where all your struggle because when heaven and earth collide there's always going to be a battle and when you try to straddle the fence when you try to hold heaven with one hand and and the earth with the other you become the battleground that those two kingdoms hit and you you will serve one of the other and when those hit there's a struggle going there's turmoil there's turbulence there's all this stuff that goes on study and almost everything that that people go through all these things that happen with them in the and all the struggles they have it's because they're standing in the middle between the world in heaven say that's what the prophet Elijah said men choose make a choice even Joshua said choose you this day whom they serve as for me and my house we will serve the Lord make a choice the worst thing in the world is and that's the one thing I see probably more than anything else today people can't make choices well should we do it this way well I'm not sure what else do it that well what about this well I don't know you know cuz we do this and we do it and you know it's and it really is in I'm definitely not gonna get political in this aspect but honestly yeah the Bible says to pray for our leaders right now where do you agree with them or not whether you voted for him or not you pray for them right and because regardless they are in a position of power and the Bible's clear that when the righteous are in power and they rule then the people are in peace but whenever the wicked rule then the people moan they groan because of their burdens so we should be praying that they have godly influence and that they hear the voice of God that that they have an encounter with God so that they can actually know what God wants and that they'll follow that path and it's really easy to second-guess and go away you know you just make this do and you do that but when you're there and you find out well if we do this this will happen so we better not do that and and if we don't do that then this will happen it's not always as clear-cut as just making that choice now it is always clear-cut to make a righteous decision right it's always clear-cut to make a righteous decision but here he says no man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he'll hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon and Mammon usually refers to basically it's any any currency not just money but any currency of this world system and it has to do with anything to do with this world system and saying you can't love both you're either gonna love God are you gonna love the world and if you love the world the Apostle John told us that the love of the father's not in you so here he says in verse 25 therefore because you can't love two masters he said therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life what does that mean die you have to die go simple it's the only way you won't take top for your life what you shall eat or what you should drink nor yet for your body what you shall put on is not the life more than meat and the body more than raiment behold the fowls of the air for they sow not when we talked about discs in the DHA about sowing and reaping these birds these files are there they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feeds them they don't store up they don't prepare and yet your heavenly father takes care of them he feeds them or they are you not much better than they like man was a crowning glory of God so of course if he takes care of the birds he's going to take care of us but it's important we see the bad part isn't it you can only have one provider and if you're going to be that guess what you're going to have a rough life that's just the way it is but if you take God as your provider and you trust him as your heavenly Father he will take care of you and your life gets simpler and easier he says in verse 27 which of you by taking thought can add one cubit to his stature and why take ye thought for raiment clothing what you put on consider the lilies of the field how they grow they toil not neither do they spin and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow's cast into the oven shall he not much more clothe you O ye of little faith ya see he says if all you think about is taking care of your needs then you're gonna be a person little faith why because the affairs of this world are going to come in they're going tangle you they're gonna choke out the word that's in you that's what he said he says in verse 31 therefore take no thought second time he says this saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or wherewithal shall we wherewithal shall we be clothed and verse 32 for after all these things do the Gentiles seek it's these things that people that don't have a gun it's what they go after one because they don't have a God they have to take care of themselves he says for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things and they're right then he says and these things all if you seek first his kingdom and his righteousness all these things will be added to you so the things he's talking about he's - my clothing he's talking about food he's just talking about you've been taken care of as a good father takes care of his child say over and over again that's what you know I keep trying to bring across people who's you can trust God you can trust him he's trustworthy you know and many times we just don't take that chance and we try to do it ourselves but you can't serve two masters you're either have to serve God or yourself one of you are going to be the master of your life and you have to decide who it's going to be you can't serve both you can't serve you end and serve gods in so there has to be a point where you say you know what you are my lord I will serve you I will put your priorities first you say well I just you know I don't know how I could do that believe me he'll show you and it's funny because things will start falling away in there in your eyes of how important they are and all of a sudden you'll start seeing what counts is literally spending time with God but also just loving people taking care of people helping people that can't help themselves go to Matthew chapter 3 back up a little bit in those days Came John the Baptist starting in verse 1 there in those days Came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying repent ye turnaround change your mind for the kingdom of heaven is at him the kingdom of heaven is at hand for this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way the Lord make his paths straight and the same John had his raiment of camels hair so apparently he wouldn't think of too much about his raiment all right and a leather girdle about his loins and his meter his food was locusts and wild honey now if you go back and check and I've heard difference there wasn't asked but actually what they called locusts here was actually a type of plant it wasn't the cricket all right it wasn't the grasshopper okay yeah because there was pictures in would crazy hair and the you know camel and you know grasshopper legs sticking out of his mouth ain't I'm saying that wasn't what necessarily was even if it was it wouldn't matter because actually locusts the actual bug insect is actually very healthy a lot of protein you can actually survive off of it not you want to but you could okay then verse 5 then went out to him Jerusalem here that Jerusalem went out to him so he had a crowd out in the wilderness listen when you get a message from God you can hide anywhere you want and people will find you right you don't have to do big advertising campaigns and get you know was whether 5th Avenue Madison Avenue marketing you know firm to come in and tell you how to how to advertise and how to you know position yourself for whatever is you have to do that people ask them no time how'd I get start in the ministry I don't know you know as far as what if you're talking about all the stuff I don't know cuz I didn't do this I just got a hold of a message that I was looking for when I needed it and my first daughter died and I just kept searching till I got it and when I found it I knew it what I couldn't keep it to myself so I had to share it and I had to start using it to pray for people and minister to people and get some help and from there it just grew and I've never asked for a place to preach I've never you know done anything that kind of stuff and it just keeps it growing and so you can hide but if you get a message from God God will make your light shine he will cause it to shine so don't concern yourself with trying to position yourself so you can get in ministry just love God and love people and and when you love enough people around you you'll start loving people further away and pretty soon you'll be on a mission field somewhere because you'll go and you'll help and your pray and you start loving people that's the way that's the best way to work it so he says they went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan and were baptized of him in Jordan confessing their sins the earth confessing their sins that's plural there were morons talk about what may had done wrong there's always a lot of controversy over whether we should confess sins and that kind of stuff whether we should repent but that was the beginning of the gospel verse 7 but when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism he said unto them o generation of vipers who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come now watch where he tells them bring forth therefore fruits meet or showing repentance right so your fruit should show that you have repented right not just continue living and say well God's Grace's is amazing okay and think not to say within yourselves we have Abraham for our Father for us and you that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham and now also the axe is laid under the root of the trees therefore every tree which brings forth not good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that comes after me is mightier than I whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire yeah it's kind of funny because we talked about the Holy Ghost and fire being baptized the Holy Ghost and fire and you could have read this next passage here I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that comes after me madder than I whose shoes I'm not worthy to bear he shall baptize you the Holy Ghost and fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into the garner but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire hear that he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire and he's going to burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire and we take that fire as zeal and there is a zeal that comes with the Holy Ghost there's no doubt about it but part of that fire if we call it a baptism by fire well when you go to a baptism by fire that's not always a good thing that means you're in the heat of the battle right then and even in paul later on in corinthians even talks about that and he says it that you will pass through the fire and whatever makes it through the fire is what you actually get credit for and he said no there's this wheat and those other things on this straw and the wheat and chaff and all that oh that's going to burn up and we need to realize that part of the baptism of the Holy Ghost there's a purity there's a fire that comes and it's not always pleasant there is a zeal there is an aspect of the fire that is a zeal but there's also an aspect of purging and purity in and of getting all the dross as they would say all the chaff in your life burned out so that you can run faster since so many times even Paul himself said let us lay aside the sin and the weight well that weight is straw right and it needs to get burned up by the Holy Ghost it needs to get burned out of your life so that you can run without these you know bales of hay on your back and get these things out of the way so you can run the race a person you ever watch these runners man I mean they stripped down to the bare minimum any right they don't any extra weight these are these bicyclists they wear this clothing that is so aerodynamic and it's meant to have this effect where where there's no wind resistance on them and it's amazing and so if we would think the same way about our race then let's get rid of everything we don't need everything that doesn't help us win it is a hindrance you know we're not here together we're not here to to store up we're here to run a race we're here to advance the gospel of the kingdom of God every person now not just me as a preacher and that's not just my purpose in life it is every Christians purpose in life to advance the kingdom that's the whole point no let's go on here he says in verse yeah verse 13 then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John to be baptized of him but John forbid him saying I have need to be baptized for you and you come to me and Jesus answering said unto Him suffered or allowed to be so for now for thus it becomes us to fulfill all righteousness and then he allowed him or he suffer to miss him and Jesus when he was baptized went up straightway out of the water and though the heavens were opened on him and he saw the Spirit of God just sending like a dove and lighting upon him now look at Matthew chapter 4 I know we're working backwards but I want to show you and that you know the main point there one of the main points I want to hit on was what John said in verse 2 saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand John preached the kingdom can you look at Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 and it says from that time Jesus began to preach and to say repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand do you realize he's saying the same thing John said same thing he was preaching the kingdom to watch and Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee saw two brethren Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishers and he said unto them follow me and I'll make you fishers of men and they straightway left their nets and followed him now that's amazing in itself he's my visual businessmen they actually had it said at one point or whatever they met that there were other partners and other boats so they had a fishing company it wasn't just them it wasn't just him out there in a boat they had a company of other partners that were also fishing and whenever Jesus you know they told me one said you know you he said drop your net from the other side the boat and they said we've done this the whole time you know and we've got nothing he said we're dropping the outside here so okay nevertheless it's your word we'll do it you know you're a preacher I'm a fisherman I know the fish ain't biting you're a pretreat don't know nothing about fishing but we'll do it and then when are they dumped it they said they got so many fish that it was causing the boats plural to sink right one because Jesus saw it first the kingdom and his righteousness amen and all these things ratted well fish was currency you got enough fish you had whatever else you needed one because you could sell it he says he comps it I'll make you fishers of men they left her nets followed him and going on from thence he saw two other brethren James the son of Zebedee and John his brother in a ship with Zebedee their father mending their nets and he called them and they immediately left the ship and their father and followed him now you notice it doesn't give you a lot of details here but you got to notice Jesus called and they left everything I mean there was a clean break here even Matthew the tax collector it said that Jesus said come follow me and he closed down shop and left and we think about that that's a drastic move in many ways for fishermen to quit fishing I mean come on that's that's dying right there I'm saying death is preferable to some fisherman rather than stop fishing and he said now watch this in verse 22 they immediately left the ship and their father and followed him and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom what was he preaching the gospel of the kingdom what is the gospel of the kingdom gospel means good news it means it is the good news of God's reign and supremacy the word a Greek word there for Kingdom is best left and it just means literally a place where a king has dominion that's why it's called kingdom Kings Dominion and so he was preaching the good news that God has Dominion that God is stronger than anything you'll face and whatever's got you in bondage God is strong enough to set you free that there is nothing that can have you in bondage that God cannot set you free there is nothing that has stronger power than God himself now the church has to learn that and we have to be able to display that to the world because for the most part most people think of the church as you know a crutch for weak people somebody that needs a crutch to lean on they need to believe in a higher power or something else and let me tell you in one aspect that is exactly true and that we have to find that we do need God that you cannot live on your own you cannot do your own thing but he said here he went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all men are disease among the people notice he preached the gospel of the kingdom and then said now let me demonstrate it to you let me show you what I'm talking about why because there's no sickness no disease no pain no tears in the kingdom if there are tears are tears of joy not a pain Amen that's what kind of kingdom this is and his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with various diseases and torments and those which were possessed with devils and those which were lunatic and nervous lunatic and possessed with devils is listed under two different categories there so there can be mental issues that is not necessarily a devil and those that had the palsy and He healed them 1 demonstrating the kingdom he said I'm the king of this kingdom and I'll show you what it's like to live under my roof you live under my rule you'll have peace you live under my rule you'll have health I mean one way here we we talked about this I think last week - maybe even Wednesday I came in when we talked about it that I was saying you know if we do if we lived really in Kingdom principles you wouldn't need any other health care system I mean think about that you know wouldn't be Obamacare the kingdom care amen and it'd be better because it'd be instant but there's an aspect of this that we need to realize because where we are it's always hard ok you you don't need to bail water out of a sinking ship until you plug the hole right yeah and still and said and you just keep bailing water out and the water keeps pouring back in you're really not doing thing now you may be able to keep it afloat but you're still taking on water so that's the way it is in the world even right now when there is a an aspect of the kingdom that we can demonstrate to the people in healing and while we do that it has to be literally a two pronged effort it cannot just be when you get sick come get healed I mean it's funny because even that is an advancement for most people or for a lot of people even in the church that if they get sick they can actually come and get healed you know I don't even say come and get prayed for cuz no born we don't pray for you actually we actually command this thing to leave you what because the kingdom has Authority or it's not a kingdom and what we operate in is under Kingdom Authority and so we command we don't beg we don't ask we'll even talk to God about it we're his representatives we already know an ambassador knows the policies of the nation or the kingdom they represent that's part of their training they have to know and when they go in to meet with somebody they have to know what are the parameters in other words how much can we negotiate what can we give up what can we not give up what's what's the limits they have to know that before they get there otherwise it does no good for them to go because every time they say well we'll give you this for that well hang on let me check you know with Washington it doesn't do any good they have to be able to make the decisions and say yeah we can do that well because that's within my parameters that's when then that wouldn't be the realm of my authority to to agree to that and you have to realize it is within the realm of your authority as a kingdom representative to set people free to declare the enemy to leave them and to set them free and to heal their bodies that is within your realm of authority you not just me not just somebody somewhere that's you as a believer you are the soldier with the boots on the ground you're the one that gets to knock on the door and say excuse me are you being held hostage are you are you being held as a prisoner of war if that's true I can set you free right now I'm here to help that is your Kingdom Authority but now it's not enough to know we can do this the rest of our life we can minister healing and have people come in and get healed and they go out and get sick again and come back in the later time we can do that you know you can do that the rest of your life and and the bad part is if you do that and and honestly that's where a lot of people want to be because and a lot of Ministers want to be that way because it it ensures they'll always have a job as job security make sure that your always make sure that you keep the people dependent on you and really that just shows selfishness because someday you're not going to be there and then that but that doesn't matter see because you're trying to make sure you're you're valuable you're in expendable but the idea is that we can not only just get people healed but we have to actually plug the hole so we have to start teaching now the kingdom principle of living in divine health living free of sickness or disease and if we're going to lay hands on the sick you've got to believe that you can be protected from sickness or disease because otherwise you're going to be a little hesitant to lay hands on people like we said before you have to know that you have the right for this thing so we have to start let's start teaching it in our in our Sunday school for the kids and in our children's ministry we got to start teaching them you can live free of sickness or disease you can walk strong and healthy all the days of your life why because God walks with you and if we start that now see that's called plugging the hole we started teaching them that and then they start getting a hold of this and then as they grow up and start coming in this meeting then whenever you just sit there and you say well yeah I need to go down front because I need to get pray you know get prayed for because I got this problem going on and get here the real good you go well why are you sick here and they'll be able to lay hands on you yeah I mean I was in a meeting one time and I I trained people and we gone through it and we had our heating service and all these people were coming up and this little girl came to me and she was standing and Lily crying she was a standard crying and I called over to me she'd kill him and I said what's the matter what's the matter and she said well nobody wants me to pray for him a little girl she was like 12 14 somewhere to there now she went even 14 she was like 10 or 12 when you're very young she said nobody wants me to pray for him no me personally I would prefer to have her pray for me okay and so I took Tony Bassett all right who needs prayer yet you know if you need prayer come on up you know I know cuz I hope we're gonna get by the Cree to pray for us so they are all on it and as soon as they all lined up I said come here pray yeah just step back just stood there and watched and they're looking like really her and they it was I think the funnest funnest part the most fun part I'm trying it day right it makes it easier on the editors when they try to transcribe these things if I say it right the first time I think they have their job cut out for her okay but I remember when the people came up there and there's a little girl standing there and she said what do you need and they said well and and it's like I don't want to I don't have to tell you I mean you could see it on her face like I'm an adult you know and it was so funny to watch them because she said okay well I'll pray for you and at that time I was still you know laying hands on the head no one hadn't learned you could take him by the hands yet and hadn't taught that and so I'm still laying my hands on people's heads and so everybody else did too it was so funny watch this little girl reach up and she just and these people standing there had to go and I thought that's what I like right there him and this little girl started laying hands on people and I mean she come alive I mean she's be healed in Jesus name you're free in Jesus name and somebody'd say well the pain still there shut up shut up Jesus Edna liar you're a yield I mean I'm like whoa yeah you know and then she doesn't move around a bit and she said no do what you couldn't do and you you know right brother Gary yes that's right that's right I mean it was amazing people getting healed right left it was awesome so Matthew chapter 5 moving on here Matthew 5 verse 1 and seeing the multitudes he went up in it into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed spiritually prosperous is the way one of them says are the poor in spirit for theirs is a kingdom of heaven notice that's the first thing he said the kingdom of heaven first thing you starts preaching the kingdom of heaven blessed are the poor in spirit blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers yeah you notice here it says peacemakers not peacekeepers you see that he didn't say blessed are the peace keepers right let me just say it this way Ronald Reagan was a peacemaker Bill Clinton was a peacekeeper all right now I'm not going you know when I talk about parties I'm talking my personality you understand Ronald Reagan said we're building this defense and if you mess with us he says peace do superior firepower you want to make where people do not want to take the chance to attack you now that's from a natural viewpoint and he also said you know trust but verify all right now when you talk about these things automatically oh he's getting her into politics no no well yes we're talking Kingdom that's politics you get it we're talking the kingdom of God there are there is a politics there are politics that go along with the kingdom of God I'm not talking about parties and that kind of stuff right and but here see politics your view of the world dictates your politics your view of the kingdom dictates your earthly politics see we cannot stand by and watch people die it is the responsibility we are our brother's keeper and if we see people being killed and a matter of fact last night we got together like when I finally was ready about ready to go to bed was around 1:00 someone tell and I've been wanting to watch a movie that somebody gave me a while back and it was called beyond the gates or if you ever heard not but it was a it's it's a Christian movie basically but it's about the Rwanda genocide in 1994 and how these UN peacekeepers stood by and watched while people were murdered okay that's a peacekeeper a peacemaker when these people had guns they had ways they had areas that they could have brought these people into and they didn't do it because that was beyond what they were sent to do that's what the church is done well we're just spiritual people that are hungry well you know we'll we'll bless them but it's beyond you know that that becomes more physical and you can go to the point where you're totally you know social minded to the point where you just feed and don't get people saved well you just close them and don't don't heal their bodies you can get that that physically minded but the kingdom of God we just register min ago the kingdom of God is concerned about what you where God will take care of what you wear he'll take care of he'll make sure your bellies are full he'll make sure you've got clothes to wear that's part of the kingdom of God but also because we seek first his kingdom his rule his supremacy and his righteousness see he can't just we can't just sit around and be spiritually minded people in the terms of thinking on spiritual things we can't do that we've got to touch every aspect the natural mind the carnal mind that the carnal man I would say he doesn't think he doesn't get it spiritually so to reach him you've got to reach him in many ways the first time physically you got to fill his belly we've got to put clothes on his back we got to show them you were valuable to God you're valuable to me because you were valuable to God we got to show them their worth they are worth Jesus because God sent Jesus to die for them whatever you pay for something that's what that thing is worth now other people might look at and go that ain't worked that but whatever you pay for it that's what it's worth and God paid Jesus for every person on this earth so every person on this earth is valuable to God as valuable to them I would even say please understand when I say this even more valuable to them than jeez to God than Jesus you say how can you say that well because if the $20 bill in my hand is more valuable to me than the thing I'm trying to buy I will hang on to the $20 but if the thing I'm trying to buy is worth more to me than the $20 I'll give the $20 start so whatever I give for something the thing I'm getting is more valuable to me than the thing I'm giving right that's what we have to realize that's when you look at these people you can't just say well man thank God you know God takes care of me and I'm not like that because that's not what God thinks when he looks at him amen now and again we don't want this to be just strictly a you know we don't it to be just physical and food and clothing that either but that's a big part man is made up of three parts spirit soul and body and whenever you're on the street or in any city and I'm just using as an example there are people you know they're the down and outers and then there's the up and outers you know there are people behind fences and brick home walls that are every bit as down and out spiritually as somebody that lives on the street so we have to be able to touch their lives spirit soul and body and when a person lives under those conditions for so long even if it's physical then they end up in their soul they start to think less of themselves and we've got to get to the place where we lift him a that's what I loved about t allows me still have about the way he ministers he always said God lifts people he loves people and he he was always talking and dr. Sarabi should say the devil always tries to make men lose their dignity always and God always brings man's dignity back I started thinking about that I'm looking to you things so I know I don't want to belabor this but he says blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against against you falsely for my sake rejoice be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted they the prophets which were for you and these are the Beatitudes we know this has to be attitudes all right and what that means is these are the attitudes to be having right the Beatitudes are the attitude to be having so these are attitudes you need to embrace this is what it's like to live in the kingdom of God which is what Jesus preached now Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 gonna move on this quickly here we'll be down here in just few minutes you ain't gotta worry the game doesn't start till 5:00 or 6:00 or something like that I'm not sure but Luke chapter 4 verse 16 talking about Jesus it says and he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read and there was delivered unto him - book of the prophet Isaiah and when it opened the book he found a place where it was written and he started to preach and he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to a preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to be heal the brokenhearted see to preach proclaim deliverance to the captives and D recovering of sight to the blind II to set at liberty them that are bruised and F to preach the acceptable year of the Lord now the reason I brought up the political parties Williger just because political parties have what's called platforms that that platform is basically their basis or the reason of being or we would say it's their agenda it is what they are shooting for it's what they stand for it's what they it encapsulates how they think and what they're working toward this what I just read to you what Jesus said that was his agenda this was his platform he said you want to know he said I'm here to proclaim the kingdom and the reason I'm here is because God has anointed me to do these things this is what I'm here to do and he gave a list now this agenda this is the agenda the kingdom of God right because Jesus's will was the father's will Jesus one was the one that taught his disciples pray this way that kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so this agenda is also the agenda of any church that is in God's program in line with programming you understand if you're going to be in line with God's will you're gonna be in line with his plan this platform here this agenda is going to be your agenda that's why he said you cannot be my disciple except you lay your life down and you take up my cross now think about that Seaway it'd be great to come here and say you know it's all wonderful it's all good it's you know just you know that God is you know the he said the ultimate you know social welfare program and here's your program and you can have this know it's all good just taking run and and there is some truth to that that God does help and he's interested in every aspect of your life but Jesus had some requirements in the requirements he wasn't trying to make it hard just to make it hard he was saying these things because he said look this is what you do it now I could tell you you know who in here wants to take part in in the Olympics you know who wants to be in the Olympics and who wants to run you know the 880 or something like that in the Olympics and there we go it'd be good right okay and now and they said well what I got to do I'll just sign up okay what kind of training program a train program just show up and run you know on the day of the Olympics I know how many of you know if I could get you in the Olympics you can you could maybe show up and run some of you know you ain't gonna win all right winning requires training right so and in people say well why I got a train you killed joy that just then ain't fair you know I shouldn't have to train you see no it's not a matter of a weekend we can tell you and pretty much that's what you hear often you know oh it's all done to worry about it everything's good know what am I saying that's been taking care of it so don't you know just it's all good and then they don't tell you the things that Jesus himself the king over this kingdom said he said not everybody that says to me Lord Lord is going to enter into the kingdom but he that does the will of my father which is in heaven he said not everybody is gonna is gonna make it he said many seek to find the way in but few find it he said because the way in is narrow he said but the way that that leads to destruction is broad it's out there living any way doing anything to it but the way to life is narrow well it's not that God said okay I'm gonna make it narrow cuz I only want a few he said look this is how you live outside that you die it wasn't that he was trying to make it hard it's just there's a difference between life and death all God did was tell us the truth all he did was tell us the truth about what it takes to live it wasn't that he set the parameters and said do this way oh no you're one speck over so there you go you're gone it wasn't he was trying to he said look the wages of sin is death don't sin stay out of sin what cuz it'll kill you he wasn't trying to say no what do you like to do or I'd like to do this oh no no not anymore can't do that what would cause I don't like you having fun so I'm just gonna make that a in that wasn't what he said these things these things will kill you right I mean come on the best place to to play stickball is in the street but what a parents say don't play in the street what don't you want to have fun yeah I don't want you to live a long life so stay out of the street because if you play in the street sooner or later you'll get hit are they just trying to be mean are they trying to keep you alive so that's what Jesus is trying to tell us he said this is the way of life I'm hit you you know me you know the father you see how I live you take on my ambitions you change your life I'm amazed at people that that would claim to be literally saved and yet they're a whole life they're going through their life they got their plans God saves them and their life stays the same you know their plans stay the same everything stay the same I don't know how that could happen that didn't happen with anybody Jesus called they had plans they had their goals they had a business they all had businesses and they walked away from her life your life has to change when you lay down your life and you take up his life and you make the kingdom of God your priority that's what you've got to do you got to make it your priority to live and your priority to proclaim I don't care if you say you're a preacher or not a preacher I don't care if you say you're in ministry not in ministry I know that matters if you're a citizen of the kingdom of heaven you have a responsibility to expand that Kingdom you need to know how to be trained or you need to be trained to know how to expand it you need to be targeted be discipled to heal the sick raise the dead cast out Devils just as he said your agenda should be the same thing God the spirit Lord is upon you because he's anointed you to preach the gospel to the poor we're gonna do that today you want to go with us you're welcome to go he's sent you to heal the brokenhearted he sent you to preach to proclaim deliverance to the captives proclaiming deliverance to the captives is not saying well if you're straightening up you know God God wants to hear you but until you get down to your life he's not but now proclaiming liberty of the captives deliverance to the captives is easy captives your free walk out now stay free here's how you stay free you don't keep doing what you did before but Jesus has set you free and whom the Sun sets free is free indeed that thing does not have power over you anymore what has power over you now is your desires and you have to decide that you're going after the kingdom of God so there's a there's an agenda that the church has to have and we're getting in line with that where we're putting these things in place now Matthew chapter 9 we're gonna finish this up right now Matthew chapter 9 verse 35 Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom the good news of God's supremacy and healing demonstrating god's supremacy by healing every sickness and every disease among the people notice a kingdom has to have authority to back up its policies or it's not a kingdom but our kingdom the kingdom of our God has the authority to back up its policies and its policies are that oppression has been judged by God as not conducive to Kingdom life so you should be free you shouldn't be oppressed you shouldn't be held captive you should be free you shouldn't be sick verse 36 Matthew 9:36 but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no Shepherd then saith he unto his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth that word send forth cast out a bottle same word used for casting out Devils same word and he will send forth cast out laborers into his harvest and when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and they heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease notice he wouldn't what names of people he said go find this person because you know their lottery number came up so go find them and heal them they said no you have power you're like a policeman you have power to arrest any spirit any sickness any disease you see oppressing the people and when we're talking about Kingdom Authority here right not individual delegated authority in the sense of okay I can do it when God tells me I can but not until then that's not what he's talking about he said you go and if you find somebody sick set him free freida you've received freely give well you'll see that here in a second he said he'd called him together gave him power authority against unclean spirits to cast them out to heal all manner of sickness all manner of disease and then in verse seven you go down to verse 7 when verse 1 there he says as you go preach as you go preach and here's what you say the kingdom of heaven is at hand and words is right here then he says heal the sick now notice every time you see the kingdom of heaven mentioned you see healing using the next sentence every time one because it does no good to preach a kingdom if you cannot demonstrate the kingdom's authority with the power to set people free the kingdom of God is not in word only but in demonstration of the Spirit and in power it has to be together what because if we preach a kingdom the people have to know that this kingdom has authority to be able to set them free and that's why people should want to push into this kingdom cuz I say I want in on this I want in this kingdom why because this king is better than the king I've been serving he says heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils yeah you see just across the board anything that bothers people deal with it cast it out fix it change it set people free we get so religious sometimes and how we see these things he would just saying go and help people set them free whatever they whatever problem you found they have meet that need he said freely you have received freely give what talking about money he wouldn't taken up an offering but that's usually where we hear that he was about power he said I'm giving you power to give away freely don't pick and choose you deserve it you don't any sin in your life oh well you dirty dog guys not gonna do anything for you you know we we go out in the streets we get people saved by some miracle of God and we tell them you know you talked to me said well just you need to get saved well you know I just I'd like to but I got to get my life cleaned up first you know and and and I know and it hurts us when we hear that we say no you can't get your life clean to coming to god is getting your life cleaned up you can't get cleaned up to come to God you can't get clean enough for God you come to God he cleans you he takes care of you just come to him and by some miracle they go okay and they get saved and we rejoice and then we bring them into the church and then somebody comes in and says all right who here needs healing and then that person comes every yeah I got a I got an issue I'm dealing with here you know some problems and pains and sickness okay come in and the first thing you hear me say okay is there any sin in your life I just been saved two days yeah got saved Friday night so yeah I'm sure there's some stuff in there that you know it's working out or whatever you know yeah yeah well you dirty dog go back and sit down and God he could do nothing for you and take get your life clean in and amazing on the street we tell them it's all by grace we get them in the church and it's all about works it's just the opposite of what we tell them and so instead of showing them the goodness of God and setting them free and saying this is a kind of God that we're talking about this is the kind of Kingdom you're in now and we set them free and then get them discipled and get that stuff out and find out what the problems are and why they tend to go toward that and fix that thing and tell them look the reason you're doing this is because you're trying to fill this need with that thing and be able to say here's what you need you need to understand what is in the kingdom for you you're not fulfilling your purpose your purpose is not to be on the street that's not God's purpose for you purposes you know not to live in fornication or to live and you know stealing and living drugs and living that's not your purpose you're better than that Jesus died for you if you work better than that Jesus wouldn't died for you the understand Jesus has a better plan than that and he came to die for you and that means he has potential in you that he sees in you that probably nobody else sees I said you know what you can be something in the kingdom of God down this earth in a search of the kingdom people look at you and think you are nothing they write you off but God looks at you and says I got a plan for you and God loves to take the worst and fix them why because it shows how good he is at fixing anybody can fix somebody that's a natural athlete anybody can train somebody to be a world champion that's a natural athlete but you take somebody that can train the person has no motor skills and just clumsy and you know trips over their own feet you train them into a world-class athlete what are they going to say well that person something but that trainer that's does something and they write there was a trainer that took this person and made them into something what our trainer is God our trainer is the Holy Spirit and and it doesn't matter where you come from it doesn't matter what you've done what you've been it doesn't matter any of that God can turn you around and turn you into Jesus that's his goal Ephesians 4 tells us that his goal is that you grow up into him in all things so that's how far he can take I don't care where you are today don't care where you been he can take you all the way to Jesus amen because he is that good of a trainer it has nothing to do with your potential or your your qualities he can give you whatever qualities you need that's the key it has nothing to do with you all you have to do is say Here I am and I yeah yeah I mean I'm just a stack of clay here mould me fix me turn me into what you want me to be and he will turn you into something because he knows the potential you have in you because he put it there and he can take the worst and turn it in to Jesus so he says as you go preach do these things kasi sings out heals a sick free to receive free to give providing a gold or silver brass in your purses why he says I want to show y'all take care of you you have to write that stuff I'll take care of you Matthew 6:33 you're seeking first the kingdom don't worry I'll take care of you verse 10 nor a script for your journey neither two coats neither shoes nor yet stays for the workman is worthy of his meat get busy he'll take care of you Matthew 11 this one everybody knows Matthew 11 verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force people always look at think what does that mean violent you know I didn't think Jesus was violent he got very violent he got me he turned over tables and you know ran people out of the temper made a whip yeah everybody ran out of the temple because he made a whip and people don't run just because you make a whip people run because they think you're gonna use the whip on them right so he obviously had them convinced it you know you hang around here long enough you hang on I'm almost done with this whip just stay here stay close you know so apparently had them convinced okay and if you look at the word violent there and strong just numbers now it's the number nine seventy three and Strong's it's a the word be a Stace and it means a forester right now get this it means literally energetic aggressive right so we think violence is hurting something but it's then no it just means energetic it means aggressive I mean you go after it I mean it means not to be passive the passive don't inherit the kingdom of God the meek do but meek ain't passive right Moses was the meekest of all men he wasn't passive he went into a kingdom and brought a nation out of it right he led an insurrection stood up against the mightiest army of the day and one why because he had God covering his back and their right he was energetic he was violent he was aggressive and it says that heaven the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force and the word force there they get this I when I saw that that's pretty the word for stairs number seven 26 and strong so you can look it up and it is literally the word her pods Oh didn't anybody ever heard that word before our putzy okay in first thessalonians it says then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air you heard that verse okay the word caught up our puds Oh same word alright it means literally to get this and it says it the violent take it by force it means to be snatched violently out of something right so and that's what it says there we which are alive and remain will shall be caught up we will be snatched out by force violently right to be together with them that's what it says and so it's saying here from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and they violently energetic the aggressive take it suddenly snatching it and grabbing it to themselves now think about that not only do we press in violently and energetically and aggressively but we grab ahold of the kingdom and we say we're hanging on and ain't nothing taking it from us you start thinking what does that mean how does that apply what's in the kingdom they just told preach the kingdom say the kingdom is at hand what do you do you heal the sick so we have to realize that health there's something we have to grab ahold of out of the kingdom of God and say no health is mine devil you can't touch this body you get that that's the violent taking the kingdom of heaven by force because sickness didn't in heaven health is in heaven so if we're gonna take heaven by force now listen that's not against God God says that's what's gonna happen and that's what he wants to happen he says I want you to be energetic I want you to be aggressive I want you to grab hold of the kingdom of heaven take it to yourself hold on to it take it by force be energetic be aggressive don't be afraid be bold that's what he's saying and he said and there's health in the kingdom of heaven grab health and bring it to you grab hold it snatch it suddenly aggressively in same thing he says cleanse the lepers same thing what do you do you're taking the kingdom of heaven to these people and your doing it by the way right now you're not grabbing him and shaking them or punching them or hurting them right but you take this leprosy you look at him say leprosy you're leaving him now you get out of this person don't you ever come back I set them free now get and you'd be forceful with it it doesn't say beg doesn't say cry didn't say weep it didn't say intercede didn't say any of that stuff it says to take the kingdom of heaven by violence aggressively we have to take it we have to bring it here and say this is the king of heaven you want to see the kingdom of heaven it's at hand you want to see it what's this and then set the captives free amen that's what it means from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force the energetic take it suddenly listen don't think you're gonna ease into this thing you give that you're not gonna ease into you're not gonna be like Nicodemus and come by the night and talk to Jesus you have to stand up boldly there comes a point where you have to stand and you'll see it in any time there's a revolution anytime there's a change in governments or anything else there's this real quick there's all this kind of chaotic type situation but in it there are the people and right then you have to tell you you'll be going door-to-door and tell anyone you're either in or out or you with us see you against us you know what Jesus said if you're not with me you're against me right he said look you got to realize this you got to make a stand you're gonna have to take a stand somewhere that kingdom of heaven requires you to take a stand and say this is where we stand I will stand for health I will stand for life I will stand for peace I will stand for prosperity in the life of the people so that we can bless and we can help that's part of the kingdom of God that is saying that kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven you look at that sick body you look at that person in the gutter passed out because of drugs or alcohol or anything else and you say no no no the kingdom of heaven is done now the kingdom of heaven comes now to this person and right now in the name of Jesus this stuff stops it not going to be like this in the kingdom of heaven right and the kingdom of heaven is wherever you are why because the kingdom is within you it lives within you and we have to start to take the kingdom by force and decide this is the way we'll be you've got to get violent you got to get aggressive you have to decide to make a stand you cannot be that's why I said I'd rather you'd be cold or hot but not lukewarm don't straddle the fence get on one side of the other be a friend of God or an enemy of God but don't try to think you're in the middle there is no middle ground there is no lukewarm is if you lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth you say well well how many want us cold because cold people know they're cold it's the Luke people that the lukewarm people that fool themselves and they think they're okay all right lukewarm people hang around lukewarm people and tell each other they're all hot and on fire you should always been looking for even more hot and on fire than you and then let them pull you up or better yet be on fire and pull others up amen
Channel: James Taylor
Views: 6,460
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Keywords: Curry Blake, Teaching, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Bible, Truth, Command, Go, Healing, Health, Power, Promise, Kingdom, Heaven, Faith, Wisdom, Concernment
Id: oj_lLhbV0Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 22sec (4042 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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