Curious George 🦷 Why do we brush our teeth? 🦷 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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ah the zucchini muffins are ready George your favorite [Music] are you all right [Music] ah her tooth huh yeah you might have a cavity there we better see the dentist [Music] oh I'll grab the muffins [Music] wow [Music] gnocchi didn't know what language George was speaking but it wasn't cat hi YouTube hi Dr Chu I'm glad you came in don't worry we'll get rid of your toothache oh this is a model of what your teeth look like your incisor teeth bite pieces from food your canine teeth hold and tear food apart and your molars grind food [Music] that's plaque it contains bacteria [Music] oh bacteria are germs that's right and these germs feed on the food bits that get stuck in your teeth especially sugar the bacteria make acid that can create holes in your teeth cavities don't worry I know you're a good brusher fluorite toothpaste usually keeps them away Dan can you get George ready sure this way George be a good little monkey patient go on you can climb into the chair oh I didn't mean okay hmm [Music] this is a saliva ejector it's like a little vacuum cleaner to keep your mouth dry and this squirts air and water [Music] oops [Music] Dr Chu wants me to take an x-ray to see if you have any cavities this protects you while I do it this is a digital sensor oh open [Music] now bite down and hold still oh you won't feel anything it's just like when someone takes your picture [Music] excellent open [Music] yep those are your teeth you sit back and relax Dr Chu will be right in oh George's toothache kept him up all night he sure hoped the dentist could find the problem [Music] George remembered that spaceship he and Yoki wrote it through his body to find germs like toots that made him sick maybe they could find out what was making his tooth hurt oh wow George wondered if all cats could drive as well as gnocchi this felt squishy it had to be his tongue [Music] hmm yummy these creatures look familiar to George they seemed a lot like toots that germ [Music] George loved visiting the firehouse there were so many things that made noise first [Music] but today George was being a very very quiet little monkey because the firehouse band was rehearsing for the annual pancake breakfast hold it hold it everybody this music's kind of I don't know lacking in something yeah like oomph and pizzazz exactly oh we'll get it let's just try it from the top and a one and a two [Music] George was doing a pretty good job of being quiet so far [Music] wow George you solved it that sounded great you sure did we needed some bang with our bounce nothing like the symbols to add Pizzazz to music hey how about playing the symbols with us at the pancake breakfast George huh yeah you're gonna love them the sound comes from the vibrations moving through the metal windows he's way ahead of you [Music] you ready to try playing along with us okay let's do it and one and a two [Music] hold on George George George The Music's played in beats of four listen one two three four and on the fourth beat you claim the symbols one two three clang one two three clay got it okay here we go and a one and a two one two three now rank two three now you've got it let's finish George sounds great that was beautiful practice as much as you can and you'll knock him out at the concert tomorrow [Music] [Music] George got so excited he forgot about the one two three part foreign [Music] hey there Hundley uh just wondering if everything's okay huh all that racket what the noise the noise oh I'm sorry I couldn't hear you George is practicing for the pancake breakfast at the firehouse say George is it possible to practice a little more quietly George wanted to cooperate but those soft little sounds weren't going to cut it he needed a big loud maybe you should find somewhere else to practice George [Music] monkeys love Scotland it's a country with interesting clothes [Music] fun musical instruments and a monkey's uncle step Lively ladies the Highland Games wait for no man Uncle Tam [Music] let's look Nest Georgie look he's Scottish for lake and a bunny look she is indeed Loch Ness as in Loch Ness Monster [Music] uh don't worry George it's just a story well no man can say for sure could just be a story but on the other hand for hundreds of years people have cited the prehistoric Beast that inhabits the deeps of the look [Music] well maybe we could take in a little monster watching after the Highland Games [Music] but George couldn't wait if there was a Loch Ness monster he was gonna see it even if it meant missing part of the Highland Games [Applause] [Music] wow I can't believe they can throw those giant logs like their sticks the Care Bear toss is an old Scottish tradition and a tradition for our family as well amazing I but there's one weird problem I got myself all practiced and ready but woke up this morning and my back's a wee bit sore Oh I thought the family tradition was to end here and now but then I remembered who was coming up who you me the family tradition shall remain unbroken you you want me to you mean I'm gonna throw that tree oh thank you lot I'm touched [Music] a dark shape no it's just a bunch of birds but keep looking Georgie [Music] foreign sure you can go look [Music] George wanted to be the first monkey ever to see the Loch Ness Monster [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh woof that's it nephew oh you've got the family touch I can see it sure is day um [Music] oh boy monster you found the Loch Ness Monster [Music] where where George [Music] I cannot see it oh look at that Georgia oh my goodness it's it's [Music] a scuba diver oh that's just here at McDonald he's always diving in the look [Music] well we better be getting back keep a looking Georgie [Music] George loved the way the rankins had a special home for each of their animals her pigs lived in the pig pen the chickens lived in the chicken coop and the horses lived in the stable [Music] George had never seen that pen before what kind of animal lived in there hiya George sorry didn't mean to scare you hey you know what all these are here for people are going to sit on them for the harmony George are you telling me you've never been to a hoot Nanny before uh-huh oh yeah well neither have I but this year it's at our farm so I can stay up late and go grandma says there's gonna be music and dancing even oh [Music] that night George couldn't stop thinking about the hootenanny when he heard [Music] a hoot huh [Music] maybe The Hoots were here for the hood nanny either way it sounded like an owl and George had to see it [Applause] where was The Hoot coming from [Music] could it be from inside the jug [Music] it was too dark to see anything but George sure could hear it maybe this jug was an owl's special home foreign [Music] George wondered if anyone was taking care of it decided he would he'd keep it warm he fed it and snuggled it to bed The Jug owl was quiet it must have fallen asleep George couldn't wait to tell Ali about it oh oh an owl huh I can't see it there is an owl in there you know and I was small enough to fit in that jug has got to be a baby yeah so there's probably a mommy chug owl nearby [Music] [Applause] good idea maybe she's in the barn in one of Grandma's old jokes [Music] yep it's our list the mommy Dugout must be in a different jug [Music] not in here either [Music] George and Ally were ready to show The Jug owl family a good time [Music] The Jug owls have had a long day George maybe it's time for the baby to take a nap [Music] George have you seen my valve oil [Music] oh sorry I I didn't know you're jug was sleeping [Music] after the nap George and Ally were ready for more play [Music] away to never ever tell her super top secret ingredient in great great grandpa Bernie's banana bread good handshake okay [Music] the super secret ingredient in great great grandpa Bernie's banana bread is almond butter it keeps it moist and nutty I think the rankings will love it [Music] first we mix the dry ingredients 1 teaspoon baking powder and one of salt [Music] now sift okay when you're done we'll combine that with this bowl of butter and eggs and mix [Music] where is it well to make Grandpa Bernie's banana bread you need a very special tool [Music] ah I know found it this was handed down from great grandfather Bernie to my grandfather who gave it to my dad his mixer [Music] do you want to do the mix okay you're on give it a crank [Music] hang on oh well it looks like Grandpa's hand mixer has mixed its last banana bread well Luke and Ada probably sell one just like it in their store George do you mind squeaking that mixer a little less it's a bit uh oh just like little monkeys sometimes visited the doctor cars sometimes visited the repair shop sounds like you could use a checkup he seem to have a problem with lubrication like [Music] like you hear that squeaks you see the two metal Parts in that hinge are rubbing against each other that's what gives you a squeak now your car has lots of moving parts to keep them running smoothly you need one magic ingredient oil [Music] your car has a way of keeping itself oiled but if it runs out of oil exactly [Music] why sure you can oil it and just put a drop on the hinge yep no more squeaks [Music] ah the mixer I see your problem [Music] good idea George but we'll need to use cooking oil for this we just need a teeny tiny bit [Music] okay only put a drop on the gears [Music] um I think some got on the gears hey we fixed it [Music] okay let's do some mixing
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 6,040,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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