Cultist Simulator (2020) - Create a Criminal Cult to Summon an Eldritch God!

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what's up guys and gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we'll be checking out cultist simulator uh this is one of those games that like i honestly believe is one of the better games like ever made in the indie genre but it's a very very weird game that's not going to sit well with a lot of people but still the game has had a ton of updates since it came out and so we're going to be diving back on in today and i kind of wanted to like run you through the basics of the game because i do have a lot of time in this game now i've made it like really really far with a couple of the classes and like so i know what i'm doing i know like the structure of the game and i know where things are going but anyways cult is simulated the goal of the game is that you were just a normal guy who by happenstance ends up finding out about occult powers or eldritch magic and from there you start this deep dive into the dream world and creating your own cult and it will culminate with you assassinating public figures and detectives and things like that that are trying to catch you because obviously occult magic is illegal in this world and there's got to be some kind of challenge otherwise you would just roll through the game easily becoming the evil overlord uh but in this case this is one of those games that's very very esoteric and weird uh when you go to who is responsible right here the reason for that is alexis kennedy this guy right here is the writer for the first sunless c if you ever played that game and you really really liked the writing this game was made by the lead writer for sunless c and also fallen london and a bunch of that other stuff and so anyways if you like that writing style where it's sort of intentionally obfuscated and confusing then you will like this game too honestly this game is playable completely and totally without knowing what's going on you just kind of catch on to the mechanics and you'll start doing things but i'm gonna go ahead and purge my save oh it hurts right now i'm so far in that save but like i really really want to get you guys started with this game because this is one of those games that you can dump like 150 hours into like really really easily so let's start off alright so we're going with the aspirant the aspirant was the first character ever released for this game back when it first came out there are a number of other characters you can play as you can play as the ghoul you can play as the detective you can play as the dancer you can play there's a whole bunch of them they're all different they all have like a different core consideration that you have to factor in as you're playing the game but the aspirant is the basic one that you will be playing first as you attempt to learn the game and so really the entire game is divided up into two different types of cards so you've got tiles and you've got cards these tiles right here are verbs so this one is work any card that you put inside of here will attempt to work using that value so if you try to work using your passion you'll make art if you try to work using your health you'll do back breaking labor if you try to work using your brains or your reason you'll end up doing like accounting work or like lawyer's work or something else like that we've also got to name our aspirant we're going to name him crafticult and the really really cool thing about this is our character right here if we die the game starts over but all the other characters will reference this character like in their flavor text and stuff like that so for example uh let's go ahead and put that in right there another shift mopping the darkened hallways delivering post to hollow eyed invalids and trundling corpse laden gurneys to the basement off we go and so this entire game is time based what you're going to see is that we put that in there it's going to take 10 seconds for that to conclude and so we're taking a shift at the hospital right now in order to get started taking a shift at the hospital has given us two draw cards halfway through your shift the headquarter beckons you aside we won't require your services any longer he says here's your last payment we've paid you through to the end of the month i've lost my job but at least now i have a little time to rest and my health is improved so there you go we've now been given health as a card this is one of your fundamental statistics right here so the things that you want to pay attention to pretty much the entire game or else you die if you're playing as the aspirant if you run out of money you die if you're playing as the aspirin you run out of health you die uh really if any of these values right here aside from in this little beginning portion of the game hit zero you die just keep that in mind that if you run out of any of them like i think if you run out of passion you become like a dull-eyed husk basically if you run out of reason you just become a lunatic if you run out of health you obviously physically die and if you run out of money you end up homeless and you get sick that way and then it absorbs your health and kills you so anyways let's take our health and we're going to go to work we'll do some back-breaking unskilled labor for meager pay there we go 60 seconds that'll be done we've also been gifted with another tile the dream tile the dream tile is gonna basically be the way that you advance most of your cult goals as you're playing through the game the dream tile does have a bunch of uses and really the difficulty with this game is that like i don't want to spoil because like the exploration is a huge part of this game but at the same time i'm kind of racking my brain like how can i teach you how to play the game without actually spoilering and it's physically impossible because the two things are kind of intrinsically linked this is not one of those games where i can like tell you the mechanics and and not spoil the storyline sometimes in this game figuring out the mechanic that you want to use is a big part of the storyline and so anyways i'll get you like so i'll give you like 30 minutes of runway here so that you can learn how to play this absolutely fantastic game and hopefully from there you can take it yourself uh we can recall our dreams it began when i spoke to the old man in the hospital he knew my name but he's dead now the pneumonia why do i dream of him still what's the cobalt light in my dreams so we've been given a contentment card this is a temporary buff you can use it for a number of things effectively it means that we have an over overwashing of ourselves of contentment and it's also given us our next stat passion so now we have health and we have passion the only one remaining that we haven't picked up yet is reason this right here is your card tray your card tray can be moved around wherever you want it to go anything that gets dropped that is a buff or a temporary card will go in the card tray first the card tray is kind of small sometimes i wish you could make it like a lot bigger like basically cording off like an entire section of the table to be used as it because honestly once you get to a certain point in the game you're gonna be getting like eight to ten cards at a time and this thing just overflows all over the place and like i don't think there's actually like a way to take it off the table and get rid of it i don't know i haven't tried got like 40 hours in this game and i've never actually tried to get rid of the card tray but yeah there's the card tray it's gonna have all your buffs and all that kind of stuff in it you can arrange the table however you want this is pretty much the play space for the entire game it's what the entire game looks like aside from certain parts but anyways you can arrange it however you want i would suggest you make a little bit of room and do what you're going to do so what kind of moves these over here one big complaint i do have about this game i'm going to treat this a little bit like an impressions video is occasionally the cards that you put down or the cards or the tiles that come from various events they won't have like a place to go until they'll just smash in somewhere and get rid of all your organization drives me up a wall when that happens i wish that it wouldn't but it does so our work we're doing back breaking labor for money right now i'm actually gonna put this i don't know where i'm gonna put my funds we'll just keep them right there for right now uh we've got passion we can dream with our passion i know this dream a road crests a hilltop and the air is silver bright let's go for it uh we don't have a lore that we can throw inside of there unfortunately so i doubt that our dream is gonna culminate in anything these cards right here they're called lore cards what the lore cards do is anything in this game first and foremost you can click and it'll give you a description of like what should go in here and then also when you click on it it'll make any cards that can go in there glow and i'll show you an example of that in just a minute like it's pretty much the entire thing so now we have to pay for our existence so this guy right here is our rent timer every single time 60 seconds passes we lose one of our funds and then an event will happen the events haven't started yet but effectively this just shows like the passage of time like each one of these is like two weeks or like a month or whatever it's like the 17 1800 it's like the 1800s in uh london this is your rent uh we've completed our job the day is done and so am i but i've earned my pay there you go we've got a little bit of money and as you will notice our health is now fatigued that effectively means that it's just like tapped after the 60 seconds it'll come back and we can use it again on whatever activity that we want to in addition we also got access to vitality every side every single time you use one of your core stats with exceptions you will get an additive card that's kind of like an aspect of learning so like if i work with my health i'll get vitality out if i if i work with my mind i'll get erudition out and if i work with my passion i will get a glimmering out all three of those things are effectively xp towards making yourself stronger in this stat and getting another health card so if i have two vitalities i can get another health card so on and so forth and it starts getting more and more difficult in order to get these things they've also given us a new tile this is the study tile the study tile is super important pretty much every tile is super important but the study tile this is where the magic happens this is where you're going to be studying esoteric texts this is where you're going to be studying magic and increasing your spell schools this is where you're going to be figuring out how to do rituals and all kinds of gnarly stuff it's it's it's the place where the magic happens quite literally a lot of the time uh we're dreaming pointlessly right now which is kind of a bummer i'm gonna go ahead and fast forward until something happens it looks like we've got a bequest a letter from a solicitor the old man at the hospital and the one that i've been dreaming of has named me in his will i will hear more soon let's see i know this dream the road crest oh we still haven't slotted that in gotcha i'm not out of money right let's say i really hope i'm not out of money rumpled fields the wink of a river and a tingling chill the crowds of sleep okay so here we are he's given us a lot of funds he's also given us a package full of papers so if we click on any of these we can get more information about them and see this is the first time we can use the study thing right here so this is a bequest a package of peculiar papers for my correspondence executor i must study it using passion or reason we're not going to do that instead we're going to go to work one more time hopefully this has 60 seconds left on it and we're going to level up our health to level 2 so that we have two health cards if you're not going to level up your stats i highly highly recommend so like here's the thing if you're going to ignore your stats my minimum advice to you is don't ignore your health always make sure that you have maxed out health you can ignore the other ones you can get by with like three passion you can get by with like four or three of your of your of your intelligence you cannot get by with three health things are gonna happen along the course of the game that are gonna absorb those health cards and if you don't have extra ones to replace them while you resolve whatever trauma or whatever contrition is causing that card to be held in limbo then you're gonna die because you're gonna run out of health so anyways i dreamt of rain whispering in the eaves and tapping on the windows like an old friend hissing prankishly in the chimney it's difficult to be unhappy in the right kind of rain there you go we got another contentment card a contentment can be used a couple of different ways but i'm not going to spoil a contentment effectively allows you to run off bad feelings and it can also help you in other ways at work i'll point you in the right direction but i'll try not to spoil because figuring out the use for all these cards tends to be a big part of the game and it's part of why the game is so fun is you kind of like wrestling through all these different cards trying to figure out what they do and where they go and how they can modify and affect other cards like it really is a big part of the game and so even me telling you like simple stuff is going to kind of spoil the game all right with these two vitalities we can now level up our health which is a fantastically good idea uh looks like right here so what's going to happen is we have the events now so as time passes every single time this meter concludes it's going to eat a fund and then if you look at this little window right here it's going to tell you the season that it is right now it's the season of despair that means if we have any dread on us bad things are going to happen and so it would behoove you in this situation to not have any dread cards on the table when that goes through uh there you go so the words contained knowledge and now i contain it it's a little like theft and a little like feasting and a little like the progress of an infectious disease so there's erudition right there which is to reason what vitality is to health so we'll put that right there and then we'll keep that right there we have two vitalities so we're gonna go ahead and study these and this is gonna be us exercising i'm a brim with vitality if i devote some time to exercise i will benefit there you go so in 60 seconds we'll have two health cards the other thing we can do is we can paint yeah let's paint i used to paint and i could paint the sites that i have remember from my dreams i might sell something but i probably won't there you go if we have a yearning it'll actually straight tell you right here what you need to put in that slot it's a restlessness card but we don't have restlessness yet restlessness comes around later i'll let you know when i see it in addition i think i'll probably try to get my reason up to level two at the beginning of the game it tends to be a really good idea i i would say you should level everything up to level three or so that tends to make things a lot simpler and you'll move a little bit faster if you have three reason three health and three passion before you kind of advanced in the next part of the game now we are painting right now so we should get a glimmering from that because we're using our passion in order to do something creative our health is almost unfatigued right now i'm gonna dream with my reason actually there was once a man who said that the sleep of reason produces monsters often it is healthy to let the mind wander and sleep but if i keep dreaming sooner or later some sort of monster will rise from my own fears there we go we got a health card and then we also got the health cards associated skill card not only are we healthy now we also are so healthy that we're skillful so we have a stronger physique than an average person so we've benefited from exercise now what this card does is you can use any skill card inside your work tile to make the work go faster or add special modifiers to the work that make it more profitable uh looks like here i found a customer she'll probably hang it in her spare bedroom and never look at it again but her money's good nice sometimes paintings will get us we got two glimmerings that's a free level up for our passion oh wrong all right so i'm gonna throw that in there the tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction if i spend time studying what i've learned i can increase my passion and gain a skill that's what we're doing right now that's the plan uh with our health i would suggest that we go to wow dude i should have slotted that in to show you how that works never mind i've made a mistake i've done a bad thing uh this tile right here is temporary this is the season of despair thing so dark days i need to be careful not to let doubts creep in this little magnet right here means that if a card that fits inside of there is on the table it will automatically get sucked in and there's no way for you to stop it from happening i mean there are select very limited ways to stop it from happening but by and large by the time this tile is on the table you're toast if you have like too many of those things right now we have no dread on the table so it doesn't matter this thing's just going to tick down and because we passed the challenge without putting any any dread inside of there uh we'll end up getting a bonus even if we have dread inside of there's ways we can neutralize it and get this back to net zero and once we get it back to net zero we still get the rewards so don't worry about it too much it's pretty simple let's see here's one some oh never mind it didn't give us any new flavor text so we've got a fleeting reminiscence a fleeting reminiscence useful for a lot of stuff uh it's a counter to some bad things that can happen to you and then it's also a benefit to some good things that you may be working on there's another card right there this is the obsessions card so it's the season of obsession right now the obsession comes into play later it's obsessions temptations and dedications i think are the things that that plays off of but we don't have any of those things yet so that's kind of a later game mechanic so it's pretty much a freebie that we don't have to worry about i dreamt of nothing at all i woke and stretched and rose without haste those quiet hours have left me energized oh nice cool we got another vitality and we'll get one out of work right there too you can push pause this game whenever you want with the space bar i highly recommend that you do the game can throw a lot at you so i've got an endgame play through on my computer in the living room right now where literally my entire table is covered with cards and i know what each and every single one of them does i know what each and every single one of them is working towards like this is one of those games that like you will start out low functioning and it actually does a really good job of unrolling mechanics on you until like actually it's sort of impressive like when i first started this game it was really overwhelming and now after like 40 hours of playing it i can successfully manage like an entire table full of cards pretty easily and like know what's going on just through the usage of paws and active play there are more windows in my soul the sunlight is not the only thing that passes through the window i've gained passion but it'll be more difficult next time and we've been given a skill the associated skill for passion which is a vivid imagination oh yes let's go ahead and study health over here long walks will kill the cobwebs we're going to try i've got an extra vitality just lying around oh dude there's our restlessness right there that's what we needed for our passions so i'll go ahead and try to put that into play one of the fundamental ways to get rid of restlessness is by painting or doing something creative if you don't do something with restlessness it will turn into dread when that finish is ticking down and dread is a bad thing you don't want dread dread makes your life difficult dread makes your life unhappy so if we put our skill inside of our work tile right here you now see that there's two things that we can add to our paintings called art or bread what you can do with these is you can either put passion inside of here or you can put other life experiences inside of here to influence your painting in different directions these little things down here at the bottom i can explain to you what they do but they don't really make sense until way later in the game like you really got to have like 10 15 hours under your belt before all this stuff down here is relevant really this is how much aspect goes into what you're doing right now in general higher is better uh so this has like the aspect of moth which is one of the magical disciplines in this game uh anything over 10 moth is going to give you like a a crazy awesome painting that's worth a bunch of money uh aspect ability that's just kind of letting you know that we're using our skill right here in order to do that thing this right here imagination is letting you know that we're using that skill and then this right here means that we've added ingredients to it namely these passion cards you can see that the values down here at the bottom are going to be added from whatever you've put in but like i said it's not going to matter now it'll matter way later on into the game and then now we have restlessness so we can go ahead and throw that on in there to make our painting even better our painting even more awesomer all right we don't really have a whole lot going on right now we're studying our health these vitalities are going to go in there so that we can make some kind of passive strides to level up our strength and get stronger and then we also need to process that request right there otherwise we're gonna have problems however like the game basically starts once you study this and so what i like to do just as a tip to new players is i like to level up all my stats to three or four before i process this bequest right here and i actually start making my own cult the reason why is this tile right here this is the hunter's tile the hunter's tile are the people in law enforcement who are hunting you they are aware that there are evil sorcerers magicians and cultists in the city and they are trying to find you the second we start down this path of the shadows these guys will start having evidence that they can find that we'll be leaving like a little breadcrumb trail and we don't want that right now while we're weak and stupid and passionless so like we kind of want to work on it i'm safe for now their attention must be elsewhere it won't be not for long [Music] all right so there we go we've got a health and a vitality i would suggest we throw both of those into there this time it's not going to give us a new health but it is going to combine these into like a super vitality and then with two super vitalities we can get our third health which we need one more vitality in order to complete that our painting is done my recent work has drawn some attention something should sell there you go so we've got funds in there so we've got our passion right there we've got our funds we've got mystique that's not great mystique is basically when you create mystique mystique is not damning evidence about your character mystique is just like obfuscation suspicion like it means this is basically your shadiness level but it's not shadiness that anybody can prove it's just people get a weird vibe from you like they feel like you're up to something and when hunters when it's the season of the hunter they'll they'll take this and they'll keep investigating it for long amounts of time instead of like leaving quickly if there was none of it we've got two glimmerings over here which is pretty cool pretty excited about that our vivid imagination is back along with our passion so we'll go ahead and throw that over there i'm gonna throw the funds inside of that pile just to stack it all up there's also a useful button right here you can click that stacks all cards of a similar type if they've got a timer on them they can't be stacked and so it's gonna get cluttered you just got to accept that it's going to get cluttered out here i'm going to use my physical skill right here we'll go like so it's the season of fascination so we should be okay if it was the season of illness this health would get absorbed and we'd have kind of problems right now our fleeting reminiscence is about to go i'm gonna go ahead and speed the game up for just a second since we don't have a whole lot going on i could be dreaming right now but like dreams sometimes have consequences and i don't feel like dealing with consequences while i'm trying to get all of my studies and whatnot put together so there's our first super vitality and then our physique is back let's go ahead and make another super vitality and then once we have two super vitalities we can combine it with our stronger physique skill and we will become even mightier and even more buff bruh uh we will also go with a viv actually we'll swap one of these out for mystique there we go uh we don't have an inspiration right now i'm pretty much only doing that so that i can get free free glimmerings so that maybe i can take my passion up to level three i find that health and passion are very easy to level up it's the stuff that gets you into trouble uh reason is the one that's really hard to level up reason's not that bad until like level four but going from level four to level five you gotta kind of have meta game knowledge otherwise it's not gonna work like you got there's not a lot of ways to get air edition efficiently i mean you can get a character who will lock in your air edition and make it so that it doesn't decay like these glimmerings are but that's kind of a conversation for a different time i think we're gonna get this within two seconds of these glimmerings going out we got another fleeting reminiscence right there i don't know if our painting is gonna go good i didn't put an inspiration in there either i should have put the vitality in there as an inspiration give us a few more points oh it's the season of illness that's not good okay uh we got an extra vitality so it'll be fine we'll be okay uh what this does is we're just sick right now we've become unwell so this health card is gonna get converted into an illness card and then i'll show you how you resolve that pretty soon uh we've got a lesson learnt right here so now what we want to do is we want to put that right there and then with both of our super vitalities and we will grow even stronger okay so our painting is done uh we're bodybuilding while painting right now because like ben franklin we're a renaissance man a lot of this game so like i know a lot of people are not gonna be into this game just because of the way that it's presented but i promise you this is a really good game like it's so rare that unique things come out in the world and this game is truly unique it does have its flaws which i'll talk about near the end of the video just in case any of those flaws are the kind of thing that tilt you as a player because they are very specific flaws we have more mystique goody all right i'll take my passion back and my skill i guess that's left us in a decent spot actually i think we'll be okay now we've got contentment just in case we've got to deal with uh any type of any any type of restlessness or whatever we're leveling up we're getting stronger to show you the cult portions of the game i'll probably process the bequest next just so we can move forward and you can see some of the cult gameplay for a little bit maybe i'll cut the video a tiny bit longer so that you can fully like absorb that and appreciate it i mean it's not i don't know if five or ten minutes is gonna make a distant difference this is a very long-winded game like right now i have a game that's like 20 hours long like the game that i was telling you about where my entire board is just like cards all over the place uh that's a i've been playing for 20 hours on that one so this is a very very long-winded game so you see how that tile lights up when i pick this up the game will give you hints on how to resolve certain things it didn't used to do that but now that it does i think it makes the game a lot better the game was too confusing back when it first came out now it gives you like these hints that are just the right amount of help we'll go ahead you put a vitality with an affliction and it'll get rid of it and it'll convert it back to health we're good on money right now which is surprising normally in the beginning of the game i have like no money whatsoever and i'm always broken struggling i should probably get back to work though let's wait a second let's wait till our strength comes back out i could wait for this passion to not be exhausted tune we could do another painting but we don't really have anything to paint with right now unfortunately yeah we do actually i gotta save these glimmerings i'm gonna save these glimmerings down here they're about to they are about to disappear yep let me get those back right there we've got that so we've got a hardened physique now and if we click on it we're as strong as a blacksmith or a soldier that's actually pretty strong like blacksmiths back in the day we're pretty yoked out with these glimmerings we need to throw those in there to make them into a super glimmering so that we can start leveling up our art skill our inspiration will be a fleeting reminiscence right there it says that it's a mood piece and it should have an impact and so by the combination of the stuff we have down here we have over five moth aspect anything over five usually means you got a decent chance of making some money anything over 10 means that it's going to be a pretty mind-blowing piece of art and if you can get up to 15 or 20 that's when you really start to get the cool stuff that'll allow you to sell at art galleries and auction and things of that nature we can buy paints right here buying paints doesn't do anything as far as i can tell aside from give you more glimmerings my best guess as to what the paints do they don't make you earn more money but they do seem to increase the amount of xp you get from painting so just my thoughts on that mechanic we've got another fleeting reminiscence right there our super glimmering is almost out trysts and interludes we don't have a lover so that's not going to come into play just yet but like the game is not showing you its full potential right now so let me tell you about some of the stuff that i did in my 20-hour play through i made a cult that was dedicated to assassination and murder while doing that we also had all kinds of crazy man orgies one of my lovers decided to betray me because they found out about my other lovers he started a rival cult but he was associated with my cult he started assassinating police officers and doing all kinds of crazy stuff but because he was still associated with me that drew all the heat down on my cult instead of his unknown cult i chased him all over the world until i successfully blew him up with a bomb however the explosion of killing him coincided with an investigation that was going on into my cult and so like it became like this giant situation of me defending myself like from evidence in court and everything else like it was wild i had to petition high society to counter mine the police like it got wild it just this game's a slow roller that's all that it's a slow roller it starts off slow but trust me it gets really really interesting if you've got some imagination we'll go ahead and put that over there we've got two more glimmerings right here so i'll make the super glimmerings and then we'll level up our passion to level three okay we are ready for skill level three and so what this will do is it will actually make our a wild imagination and then from there we'll be able to put in three cards when we make our paintings to increase the aspects even more and make our paintings even more interesting and valuable to the public eye in addition we can dream on passion right now we don't have a lore to play around with oh look anytime that happens it means that you're moving towards a goal it may not be a positive goal just a fair warning it may not be a good goal it may not be a goal that works out for you but towards one of the game's end states whenever that happens to the table it means that you've made a step in the right direction to advance the story in some way positive or negative all right so we got a little bit of vitality sitting around right there i'm gonna wait for this stuff to get done oh no they found our mystique that's what i was worried about all right well if they're gonna find my mystique anyways look at that we got a wild imagination now they're gonna find my mystique anyways let's just go ahead and start making a cult i'm gonna process this with passion i guess i read theorize pay sketch clutch at my hair and wonder and rise in elation before i collapse in despair i love the pros in this game the writer is such a talented writer like i've never seen anybody oh look there's our adversary so because he found mystique they've actually assigned someone to our case so there's somebody monitoring us this gentleman would much rather be left alone with his pipe and illustrated london news but no apparently some conjurer of abominations has to be hunted down like a mad dog and apparently nobody else can find the time he's also passive-aggressive okay so all of our states are done in dreaming we got a fascination that's actually not super great i don't have a actually i do have a way to deal with fascination right now never mind fascination is kind of a late game mechanic so fascination means that you're like full-on tripping balls like out in the woods like looking into the situation right now like you're no longer you're in your right mind but you are transfixed with the occult effectively and you will be transfixed for another three minutes a bad stuff happens if you have too much fascination however fascination can be used in a positive way so for example i could use fascination to inspire a painting i could use fascination in order to study magic more aggressively lots of stuff you can do my correspondent has described my dreams exactly they use names that instantly are familiar the house the wood the hours the glory i sense hear a power that generals and kings would envy a new desire burns inside of me there is a note here directions to a book shop that does not advertise its wares i'm not going to flip these cards because we're on the season of obsession right now now it pulled it out anyways i thought that if i didn't flip the card it wouldn't take it anyways we got our passion back so that's coo we got directions to morelands notes on a possible collaborator and the smith's secret so this is our first magical school right here these cards are very very important and actually they are the crux of the only thing that i think is wrong with this game uh so these right here you see how there's a circle right there that circle fills up as you level this up and you become more powerful in that particular school so this right here is the magic of the smith the magic the magic of the smith is the magic of making and unmaking it's the magic of the forge effectively and it will level up and this little track will go up on the inside as it levels up the problem is leveling these things up is a massive grindy headache and pretty much the only part of the game that i don't like doing it is completely based on randomness and whether or not you have the resource available even knowing metagame what four or five resources may come up you can prep like half of them but they'll be getting sucked into the cards that come from like the season of desires or the season of fascination or the season of whatever ruining your plans it's just a frustrating mechanic and it's really grinding and it can be really frustrating from time to time they have made it easier but even after making it easier honestly it's still just a hugely grindy system that i think the game could do without uh this is the one flaw in the game is leveling up your magic in my opinion i think leveling up your magic should just be as easy as having two of the same type or two of the corresponding opposites and putting them in here and then they automatically level up and make the game flow a lot smoother and honestly like the game has a lot of padding in my 20-hour play through there's no real reason for it to have taken 20 hours the reason it's taken that long is leveling up all my magic schools i'd probably be done with the game in about 10 hours if i didn't have to do it that way so anyways let's see here so it sucked in my temptation right there something bad is gonna happen when that comes out but i don't remember what i think restlessness maybe yeah restlessness okay i can deal with that that's fine uh we'll take our we'll take our brand new art skill for a spin let's throw an inspiration on in there what's this right here we've got a season of rest okay so nothing's gonna happen when this one gets done hopefully we'll make a little money off this though that'll be cool i'm not gonna buy any paints oh yeah let's go ahead and get the directions to morelands right here the directions to moreland's shop are cryptic when one deals with the kind of books my correspondents studied one must be circumspect yeah let's go ahead and throw that on in there real fast i'll slow the game down a little bit too uh we do have an essence of magic right now were we to dream with our passion on that essence of magic i believe we could begin the path to starting our cult i think that's the first step but it really depends what do you want to dedicate your cult to there's about seven of these as far as i remember there's the smith there's the moth there's the edge there's the lantern there's the heart there's the chalice and there's the winter and the occult i think are all the different magical schools and they all worship different things so these guys will be craftsmen like they want to make evil magical objects that subvert and kind of corrupt goodness or in order in order to bring on the eldritch gods uh chalice is like the pursuit of sensation and debauchery uh heart is the pursuit of like charisma and like brainwashing and sort of convincing people to join in on you and sort of corrupting them i guess if you have edge that's basically murder like you're a cult based around murder if it's winter it's a cult around silence and a cult around something else but anyways it does matter so whichever one of these lores that we select it will become the core tenet that our cult worships and is working towards in their goals and it does matter so like the smiths will do different stuff than the assassins will and the assassins will do different stuff than the chalice guys will we only made a buck right there i was hoping we'd make a little bit more money but we had to get rid of the restlessness anyways it's not really that big of a deal like we kind of had to do it either way uh leveling up reasons gonna be kind of hey we got the explorer tile all right so this explore tile right here does exactly what it sounds like uh it's for locations you put a location in there and you'll explore it there's also other interesting things you can do with it so for example we could put oh we can't do that yet never mind we could put a health in there and that means that we go walking around the city just hoping to stumble across something interesting an illet street is an ill-favored bend in a lesser river a soft yellow light through a grimy window miss moreland nods as i enter but doesn't rise i never ask the names of my clients she informs me before i have time to introduce myself so there you go we now have our first location so i'll go ahead and put that like right there with our explorer verb now that i've found a location i can explore it there we go there's another one of our magical disciplines an occult scrap so this is a little bit different from these like this right here is like general purpose occult knowledge that is unaspected so like this doesn't work you towards any particular god any particular eldritch power it's just kind of esoteric knowledge it just means that you know some random occult fact or tidbit that you can apply in some way when working on one of your other things so this guy right here is more of a resource than anything else but we can take this occult scrap and we can put it in right here we can study it there's a couple of different things you can do with it i think if we study it it's so that we can combine it with other stuff to make it stronger if we explore it it will give us access to either a person or a location but we may also kind of get ourselves into trouble in that process so keep that in mind uh it's the season of notoriety up next so our fascination shouldn't really matter that should be gone pretty soon i think [Music] let's go ahead and i'm going to study reason so that we can get smarter i'm going to go to moreland's shop and we are going to buy a book i'm going to work with my physique to earn some money [Music] and i think that should be about it for now so anyways i keep referring to my my 20 plus hour game that i've been working on for the last three or four days and i figured i'd give you a show of it to show you that like i'm not lying this is what the end of the game looks like right here like i'm probably 80 of the way through the campaign right now and i'm on my way to a win if i can avoid it so let me just take a couple minutes and i'll walk you through what all this is these are those magics that i was talking about you see that track they level up so right now i'm level 10 in heart lantern edge moth key and then it looks like i'm level eight in chalice and it looks like i'm slightly lower level in the other few magics that exist i've got my relics over here these are all the evil objects that i've pulled from the world so i've got a bone flute the germini ad which is a book a cinnabar amulet bled's blade wildering mirrors this thing was crazy useful i actually had to have this otherwise like i couldn't beat a challenge i happened to have it when it asked for it and it helped me like massively increase my occult knowledge i've got the icon of saint agnes and wing dolls as of right now these are all the locations that i can explore so at a certain point you can send out all your cult members which are all these guys right here so these are all the members of my cult that i've picked up you can send them on parties d and d style to go on quests and locations to bring back relics and books and things of that nature sometimes other more interesting stuff and we've got other places that i can explore like this right here is like a whorehouse basically or a brothel uh we i'm a scholar of sanskrit aramaic feusign latin greek um i've dreamed about the wood the white door the peacocks door the spider door these are all things that you need to be successful at otherwise you will never advance your knowledge like this is basically you working your way through the realm of the gods and each one of these is basically a badge that's like yeah you made it i'm a profound scholar with a flawless physique i'm basically a super brilliant artist at this point i've got an auction house i've got a permanent scar right here that i picked up during a battle with a particular curse that i got inside one of these locations that's the book shop that we unlocked which i've bought all the books so it's closed now over here you've got all my mystique and my glimmerings and whatnot i'm notorious right now so i committed a crime if the police find this they'll process it into evidence over here are all the various badass rights that i have for summoning eldritch monsters so i can summon everything from like for example i summoned an assassin that lives inside of mirrors and dies instantly if looked at but can spawn out of any mirror and stab you in the back basically and kill you and i used it to assassinate a member of the police force these are all of the various pigments that i can use for paintings and things of that nature to make really really cool stuff so anyways as you can see there's a lot more to the game than than one might think like it honestly it gets kind of overwhelming unless you're paying attention the whole time if you're paying attention the whole time like i know precisely what each and every one of these cards does and i'm working towards using it but you know when you've got trust me like five hours ago ten hours ago in my playthrough my board looked exactly the same and i had no idea what any of the stuff did and so it's just been me slowly like fiddling with things and figuring it out and making like these big sprints of advancement while being stuck for an hour so uh but now i know exactly what i'm working towards and i think i'm on the home stretch to winning but this is what the game starts to look like you know what i mean this is what it gets to once you're about 80 75 of the way through the campaign uh um anyways we're getting closer towards creating our own cult i hope you guys enjoyed this little primer into cult simulator and like what it is this game is very much a game based on like reading the excerpts and using your imagination to sort of visualize what's happening in your head it's also a game about exploration it's a game about discovery it's a game about like solving mysteries even though you're not quite sure what's going on it's incredible how frequently you can solve a puzzle in this game even though you have no idea what the puzzle is or how the pieces work the game just kind of naturally works tactilely if you're experimenting and playing around with things and then in retrospect it'll make a lot of sense later on when you get some more information and this is a game that you're meant to play and lose and die and each time you learn a few more meta game things that help you the next time you play the game with the interactions and how to do this and how to do that uh the game is actually doesn't have that many gotchas for new players like you will occasionally stub your toe on something or get lost that's okay you're supposed to be feeling lost is like a big part of this game it's a part of what makes the whole thing so interesting like it's what makes you it's what makes you empathize with your character your character is a normal guy who's diving into this occult world of ancient gods and you know speaking phrygian and aramaic and stuff like that and he's just a normal guy that used to push gurneys at a hospital like you're not particularly educated you're not particularly talented like it would be confusing if you were just a normal like 5 out of 10 laymen getting into this entire occult world and you developing your skills and getting smarter and getting stronger and getting more passionate as a part of the journey and you will understand more as your stats increase you know and as you play the game more you'll start to see the interactions and why it matters so anyways i can't recommend this game highly enough i really like it i like it to the extent that i'm able to ignore the grindier aspects of the game simply on my enjoyment and the game still continues to get content to this day they just got a new dlc with a brand new character that's like another 20 hour campaign that you can play as of right now there's like five or six characters you get the main one you get the detective and i think you get like a socialite or something like that in the base game and then after that you buy the other ones there's like the ghoul there's there's there's the dancer there's a couple of different ones but anyways i really really like this game and i can't recommend it highly enough i've poured loads of hours into this game the last couple weeks after mostly ignoring it since it came out and honestly it's had me utterly transfixed if you enjoyed this video make sure you go to the discord and loop up with the community make sure you check out the twitch stream where i'll be live most days of the week i will see you all later thank you for stopping on in leave a like on the video if you
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 183,286
Rating: 4.9355969 out of 5
Keywords: cultist simulator gameplay, cultist simulator walkthrough, cultist simulator playthrough, lets play cultist simulator, cultist simulator review, cultist simulator preview, cultist simulator impressions, cultist simulator guide, cultist simulator tutorial, cultist simulator download, cultist simulator soundtrack, cultist simulator ascension
Id: 6unxOaH5K00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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