Let's Play Cultist Simulator: Aspirant - Episode 1

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my name is rhapsody welcome to cultists emulator a game that I have struggled to describe in genre for maybe 15 minutes now just starting and stopping recording if I had to nail it down I would say resource management roguelike card base simulator narrative game that's a lot of buzzwords but look in play it will be much more clear what the game is the game is written by Alexis Kennedy who is alumnus alumnus singular alumni from alumni no it is a lot missing senior Daggett from fail better games who did fall in London as well as sunless sea so you can kind of get a general idea of the vibe of the world from that we play as a character in each of our runs who has started to happen across some scrap of truth about the universe and exploring pulling at that thread has them founding a cult gaining members fighting against forces that might stop them from continuing their investigations into the occult secrets of the universe and trying to keep yourself sane over the course of that trying to keep yourself fed and clothed over the course of that that's the resource management that I was talking about before in fact let's explore at the very bottom we have four different resources here we have health we have passion we have reason and we have funds the main way with which you interact with the game is applying your cards to verbs so this is a verb it is work earn a living or practice the invisible arts if we click on work we can see the kinds of things that will be accepted a work slot will accept the aspect ability the aspect job the aspect right and the aspect desire and then if we look at a card we can see all of the aspects that that card has so this card is a precarious position as a hospital porter miserable but it's all we can find for now that it has aspect jobs so we can drop that into the work slot and it will have us go for another shift at the hospital another shift mopping the darkened hallways delivering posts to hollow-eyed invalids trundling corpse laden Gurney's to the basement so we'll just have the character dude yeah and see what we get halfway through your shift the head porter beckons you aside we won't require your services here any longer he says here your last payment I've lost my job and now at least I have a little time to rest as my health improves dream has been unlocked so we can see that we've unlocked a new verb in dream as well as to cons we got funds and we got health awesome so this is kind of the play mat area so I try and keep things pretty clean while I play so I'm gonna move all of my verbs over to this side and all of my resources over close by now I can use health because it is a festive aspect ability rather to work so that will be back-breaking labor for me to play is this the best I can do I mean sure it's pretty much the best I can do right now right cuz I've got another timer running so I may as well not waste this time it began when I spoke to the old man in the hospital he knew my name but he's dead now the pneumonia why do I dream with him still why is the cobalt light in my dreams time is now passing now the fact that time is passing means that we have another verb this one we aren't going to directly interact with it is just going to gradually take our funds over time so this is effectively representing our expenditure on rent food money rent food money rent food and clothes time passes I need funds to live but perhaps this recent upset in my circumstances mean in secret blessing is there something in the air there's a change is there something in my dreams rather as a change in the air so I'm gonna move this one because I'm not gonna be directly interacting with it all the way over this side and this one is the course of the heart whenever the principle of heart is implicated I may gain vitality this one is also not a permanent verb it is just an event that is currently occurring so I'll put that over this side so that when it disappears it doesn't mess up my ordering let's take the contentment out of our dreams as well as passion beautiful so contentment is I'm happy I think it allows you to defend against dread that comes on as you start to understand more things about the nature of the universe but it doesn't last long so it's a card that wears out over time so if it is not used before 60 seconds it's just going to disappear we do now have passion though dull minds are never into are never either intuitive or mathematical Blaise Pascal with enough glimmering you can study to gain more passion we'll have a look at that in the future so at the moment what do I want to dream of I can dream passionately sure let's actually look at the dream slot and see what would be accepted you would expect you would accept ability Oh awesome this is a new update that they actually have if I hover over something it will show me what fits that interesting I can dream of money all no dreaming with money will allow me to purchase a tincture of opium in times of a special crisis I might visit a discreet pharmacist to purchase a tincture of opium and make my dream sweet but only in times of a special crisis it's an expensive and risky way to gain contentment it might provoke sickness or despair we are going to dream passionately I know this dream a road crests a hilltop and the air is silver bright we could also add an aspect in and to modify our dream we don't have any law yet so we can't put anything in there like contentment is not law lor would accept aspect law or way the would interesting so let's let that run discontentment probably gonna run out I imagine we're not gonna need it by the time it's gone thank you for the autosave okay we get my Earnhardt pumps more strongly today we get a vitality now fatality is effectively the result of exercise or as it says in the listing something rarer has invigorated me you can use it with study which is a verb that we do not yet currently have access to in order to gain more health right so we currently have one health card and it's in here doing unskilled labor for us but if we use two vitality with study we can actually gain a second health so now we have two vitality but we do not have study yet damn and I can't work with money and I can't work with fatigued health you can see this card is fatigued but it's also got a countdown until it comes back oh is this my study Abuk west arrives a letter from a solicitor the old man in the hospital why I dreamed of has named me in his will I'll see more soon there's a new thing in our dreams rumbled fields and the wink of a river a tingling chill you can see that the magnetic slot here has just taken another funds from us what's the next one tonight I will dream of I dreamt of nothing at all I woke and stretched and rose without haste those quiet hours have left me energized beautiful so we get another vitality dam we stack and vid' not that much that we can do right now with our other options though Abuk west arrives an old man or rather the old man has bequeathed me a sum of money a packet of peculiar papers poetry riddles metaphysical speculations and for the first time in month it's plural here is some fuel for my reason so we have unlocked we've got an uber quest a package of peculiar papers from my correspondence executor I must study it using either passion or reason so this has aspects I imagine aspects text yep books our memory does not die we get 9 funds which could not have come at a better time and we also get a reason no live organism continue full can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality Shirley Jackson let's just collect all of those and now let's study with vitality and put another vitality in there and we will actually be able to increase our health we'll do the request later health is still fatigued so I can't use it to work yet oh I can use my reason to work though ok let's use our reason to work to find some clerical work and I'll use my health to dream because there's no reason to just leave it sitting around not doing anything over here we have gotten a light in the skull whenever the principle of lantern sheds its light I may recall additional scraps of knowledge so this is also a passing one so I'll sort those out and pick up clerical work Glover and Glover has offered me a junior position I start at 8:00 tomorrow morning Sean let's make sure that we get the position to sit over here directly next to work because that's where it's going to be used constantly the scratching up ends the sourness of dust and the sighing of the younger Glover the greedy gurgling of the elder we can also use some diligence here so we'll put some reason in there to put in some extra effort at Donald and Glover Donald and Glover no I'm just thinking I was thinking the entire time don't say Donald don't say Donald don't say Donald men Donald and Glover you know what it's Donald and Donald be extra effort is applied perhaps they will appreciate it all right this is it's fast forward as we can possibly go right now our study completes and we get to know the light in the skull gives us erudition erudition is reason increase yeah I've learnt a great deal lately I may be close to advancement it lasts only three minutes if unused and it can be used to gain reasons so you can see that health has vitality reason has erudition and passion has glimmering it's kind of like their secondary and you use those to upgrade you also use them for a bunch of other things but that's not relevant at the moment we're using them for upgrades awesome exercise the body so we exercise the body and we have gotten back another health as well as skill a stronger physique I have benefited from exercise users with four vitality to gain more health so we would need for vitality before we can actually upgrade our skill here but that's okay what do I want to put in my study I'll put the request in my study approach it with passion or reason I want to go with reason so but I'm gonna be using my reason in Glover and Glover okay examine my request a bequest rather employing passion I'll read theorize paste sketch clutch it hair in wonder rise in elation and collapse in despair see our dreams doing rest reconsider your priorities or risk yourself in exploration of the kingdoms of sleep hmm we got health in a fleeting memory sometimes I have dreamt of a tall woman in a sand colored coat colored coat raba who stands at the foot of my bed smiling as she watches me sleep in that dream she turns her head with the swiftness of a bird and her fingers flex like talons I do not think I dreamt of her last night if I had I could not have slept so soundly so now we have two health as well as a fleeting memory which is gonna go by ridiculously quickly it has aspects secret histories as well as aspect moth and aspect influence a moment in time in another moment it'll be gone so I don't think there's anything I can use that for right now so I kind of just have to watch it disappear right mr. Alden the supervisor of records has called me into his office to recognize my diligence I watched this mole on his neck as he talks and talks and talks but at the end of it I'm a promotion my new position is better paid and the desk stands right by the street window I will work directly for mr. Alden now mr. Alden is known to be exacting so I can't use my reason to gain more erudition right now because it's dimmed fine I'll work at Glover and Glover I am better paid than I was but mr. Alden has taken an interest in me mr. Alden is very particular mr. Alden likes doing things done just so and mr. Alden has never believed that I am quality qualified for this position oK we've got a new one up here exotic cravings what hunger drives me this will accept marks of light marks of delight and marks of shaping I believe I have none of those currently my correspondent describes my dreams exactly they use names that are instantly familiar the house the wood the hours and the glory I sense here a power that generals and Kings would envy a new desire burns within me there is a note here directions to a bookshop that does not advertise its wares we can take back our passion we get notes on a possible collaborator we'll check that out in a bit we also get a Smith's secret that's a problem that's probably gonna be drawn in directions to Moreland's which is the bookstore as well as a temptation for power or no this is definitely gonna take our obsession right yep this is a mark of shaping and it's a desire it's definitely gonna be taken dammit dammit dammit no you're not gonna take I could have sworn alright I kind of want a dream with reason to see if I can get another erudition what if I study with no again I can't study with reason I'm gonna study the notes on the possible collaborator I have a name a description in a few tantalizing details but there are thousands upon thousands of faces in the city ah yeah it did take the temptation damn it hunger burns in my heart hunger for the power of the invisible arts might bring the Ford close so I guess we're going for a forge build the forge of days waits in my dreams if I learn the forges law I can dream of this temptation and I dream of this temptation I can advance my purpose the need nause so he pick up restlessness a restless longing has me I feel that I want to do something but what exactly sure let's dream of our temptation of power or do we want to dream of The Smiths nope that's not gonna work dream of our temptation to power meditate on my goal of unearthly power we also have a calculation we can use our health or our reason or we can use an aspects of law I'm going to use a Smith's secret I will dedicate myself to the pursuit perfect one reason to come back up find a potential collaborator and I now have an address I'll dispatch a letter and propose a meeting however I also have a reputation we'll talk about that in just a second we've unlocked a new verb Talk I await the answer to a letter so mystique is a aspect of reputation they remember who I am mystique may attract the attention of hunters they can't use it to build a case against you but it will encourage them to look harder so this is for the unsightly elements of the world that might want to stop me in my studies I can't imagine who let's study the directions to Morton's the directions to Moreland's shop are cryptic when one deals in the kinds of books my correspondent studied one must be circumspect right nothing has yet changed okay damn I do not believe that you have probably understood the importance of our work here this task will require your full attention all right we'll put our full attention in there the work is completed when I have assessed the work is complete and not before I trust we understand one another bleak thoughts dark days I must be careful not to let my dad scream it creep in dread may provoke full-fledged despair so if I had any dread on the board right now aspect induces despair it would be taken by bleak thoughts and then that would start to increment encounter until our demise three dread or three injury and we're going to die so I'm glad that that's turned up while I actually don't have any dread on the board okay the reply to your letters courteous if cautious they're intrigued by how you found their name intrigued enough to meet you easy bet and acquaintance I actually haven't even names myself let's do the most obvious name of all time we've also found another key verb in explore I'd explored a location here's an occult scrap and moorlands shop has been unlocked an ill lit Street and an ill-favored bend in a less of River the soft yellow light through a grimy window miss Morland nods as I enter but doesn't rise I never asked the names of my clients she informs me before I have time to introduce myself well let's explore Moreland's [Music] costs okay I imagine that's ads well library it takes time to sort out the gold from the dross the wheat from the chaff the blood from the water if I buy enough books I'll find something interesting that's exactly what I'm looking towards damn it no we have dread Oh No bleak thoughts dark days uh-oh we're gonna need to get some contentment to counteract that dread our reasons being dimmed damid this our editions gonna run out of time dammit dammit dammit a smith secret we've gotten back I have advanced a step towards a terrible ascension that sounds right - go for it I've whispered the words from that Smith speaks to the iron that the murderer speaks to their victims that the fire speaks to its fuel only I know what I have done but it has shaped my path now we get dedication power as well as it's been secretly you I dream on my dedication hint in the next step I've gone as far as I can dream I must perform the work work with no and power so no is not gonna accept anything that I have I would need to have passed the stag door in my dreams in order to have no however power I've got a Smith's secrets I can put that there right none of these other things ago what none of these other things are gonna work okay so I need to advance my dreams I guess at the moment so how do I dream correctly well I dream with I dream with passion right and then I can add some law in if I add in the Smith's secret maybe that'll go somewhere I do need to go back to work I'm not currently studying anything should I be studying something right now I could study the occult scrap but I don't know if that's actually a thing that I want to study exploring with his scrap of knowledge may uncover secret locations in the capital but this is four aspects secret histories I study it study it with what all I would need to study it with more occult scraps in order to amplify it okay I don't even have done enough let's just go get some axes we explore and gain a book of Latin grammar that's actually really important the book of Latin grammar is going to allow us to learn Latin so that we can read Latin books yeah I know well done let's talk to ISA bed as well here is someone I might work with a companion or a follower but at first I must give them something to follow a society of solidarity sodality of never seen that word in my life an order oh this is mewhen choose our founding principles our founding principles are in use it's the smiths secret over there a pleasant day this morning there is a spring in my step I'm not sure why this is gonna give us contentment after 30 seconds which will then be taken by this in order to knock out the one dread that I've already stacked and we've got an easy bet back I have begun my true work the authorities will take an interest in it I must be ready for them we've begun to establish our cult we'll need a little more before we can recruit followers unfortunately we now have notoriety so if anyone starts looking into us they're gonna start finding things there any more talking I want to do not right now let some time pass perfect add to my library I got locksmiths dream a light through the keyhole I don't think that good for us I don't think that's a thing I want in particular I don't know if I'm gonna buy another book right now our funds can start to dwindle woof Rumble fields and wink rivets England Chilkoot I've seen that one before here this gave us contentment but it was pulled directly out by the despair event and now it's being used to quell our dread position at Donald Glover and Glover mr. Alden has found nothing to criticize in my work today he does not look off as I leave let's go to work again okay I'll study has given this health and fatality uh right I didn't need to do that I don't need more vitality right now unless I can get full vitality I have nothing currently that I'm using fatality for I also know it's pronounced vitality but I like saying things wrong cuz it annoys some of you it's not said Glacia it said glacier or glacier number one no it's not said glacier everywhere and number two whatever you knew what i meant didn't you improve my latin i recall a certain amount from school days but i need to brush up let's go ooh smith secret has come back which we can now use perfect to establish the unflinching order we also got fascination nightmare the cleansing dawn I can now sloth off my flesh patch by patch tugging at the tendons free like fibers picked from teeth my skin lies like a shredded blanket the Sun heaves itself above the horizon with a triumphant battle yell the light falls like acid on my naked bones pain waits me my bones will throb for days delightful we've got some fascination if we have too much fascination that's another loose condition because we go stark raving mad they're anything I want to dream on right now not really okay so memories of better times keep it wolf at the door each contentment has destroyed one dread so the despair disappears and now we have a fleeting memory that we can't really use for anything at the moment the wrong kind of attention I'm safe for now the medalist attention must be elsewhere a relief beautiful because if they were really looking for me they would have found that notoriety and started harming us the hour that we will serve requires pain I must give of myself sure there's some health we also have improved my Latin no no no nothing else I really want to do right now no no no cool well I can dream with fascination but I need a reminder a great reality oh okay if I put a fascination in a dread in here at the same time I think that they will eliminate what another extremely intriguing let's buy another book nope I didn't commit myself to doing that that's my bad remember yes please mr. Alden do not mmm dammit alright I need to put my reason in there because mr. Alden asked for it okay we now have scholar of Latin beautiful so if we have any Latin books we can now read them this is not a Latin book it is instead a volume of the locksmiths dream the parallels in mystic dreams experienced by carpenters masons and other artisans and what they purport to reveal about the architecture of the world sometimes mordents sometimes funny no one has ever explained why gal Mia devoted herself to this quixotic exploration of artisans dreams okay it doesn't really tell me what is related to so we'll just study it exploration has rewarded us with the queen of Rivers a surreal contemporary play by the enigmatic Monica Medina in which the queen of the rivers are murdered Queens rather of the winners rivers are murdered one by one I trip over my words a lot which is a problem reading things aloud I either read it completely perfectly or I stumble once and then that shakes my confidence and I stumble again and to gain and to gain it again and the game in beginning again indeed Oh sickness I become unwell if health cannot be consumed it will cause death thankfully we had a health sitting around there it's fine my first recruit that's got to be ease of it perfect let's go back to our position there as we wait for things to continue alright I founded my cults this is a step to greater power use your cult to recruit and promote your followers talk to the followers about your cult to send them on build business so we have established an unflinching order an occult society dedicated to the fire that changes or remakes we can use cults with the tork verb to recruit or promote followers and to send them out on errands to gather resources note tell me more a believer can be promoted to a disciple and a few gifted disciples can be exalted even higher to reshape ins we also get a temporary headquarters as well as I'll smear this secret back ok let's put all of our skills over here what I really want to do is increase the amount of passion and reason that I have if I dream with passion and don't modify it I don't know how to get glimmering right I'm gonna try that and dream without law well we got erudition from locksmiths dream cool time ins time and again we hear of the wood which rises from the world's foundation all trees reach for light what does the would reach for is there a difference between light and lights capital and lowercase I think the key to dreams of the wood might be one of these the one that isn't exactly real a watchman secret okay so this is probably a competing ideology yet aspect of lantern whereas we're going aspect of Forge so I don't know if that's exactly going to be helpful for us I can just straight up nor I would need to err addition of course can I work out my reason here I should be able to aspect ability right alright I've got an affliction that's not good go 177 dream on affliction to transform it back to health before the card decays okay so if it decays I'm probably losing something I'm not going to allow it to okay whatever is at hand will read I'm hoping this is gonna give me an error edition oh no I just lost damn it I can't apply any focus to my job right now uh-oh add reason to satisfy mr. Alden no damn it I would like to say that I am disappointed but my expectations of you were already low I have no choice but to withhold a portion of your pay you may go but please be punctual tomorrow well I only lost one fun rain is coming for the right climb of rain like kind of rain robber yeah we get passion back as well as contentment we don't need a contentment right now so a little saddened that I lost our passion for that long to get nothing reason in erudition beautiful okay let's put these two erudition in here exercise the mind I picked up odd facts here and there if I could spend time studying what I've learned I could increase my reason we also need to dream on this affliction as well as provide some money for medicines the medicine is dark and bitter as tar it won't be easy to suspect I am poisoned it would be easy to suspect I am being poisoned okay that's what they call me all one take Rhapsody let's see if we can explore no we can talk to our headquarters place a follower in here to convert them permanently into a Brisbane News thank you I only have one follower right now I would like to keep them that way okay dreaming with an injury before the Khan faces lady oh I'm gonna lose a health because of the injury as well damn it decrepitude unrelated injuries untreated injuries and hunger become - crepes attitude which does not return to health decrepitude remains until you die it is an aspects ability strong with a consciousness of radiance as well as a fleeting memory for well from the Marmon my name has been Rhapsody that has been the foundation of my cult here in culture simulator there is a playlist in the trypsin down below with all contents on this game present and future I always have to remind myself not to say past present and future on the first episode of a series there is also a link to the steam store page so you can pick up the game yourself hopefully you've been enjoying yourselves and hopefully we'll see you next time
Channel: Rhapsody
Views: 89,704
Rating: 4.9210191 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, rhapsody, lp, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, gaming, let's play, funny, cultist simulator, cultist, simulator, cultist sim, sim, let's play cultist simulator, lets play cultist simulator, cultist simulator lp, cultist simulator gameplay, cultist simulator walkthrough, cultist simulator playthrough, cultist simulator game, pc, steam, indie, indie game, roguelike, roguelite, card game, fallen london, sunless sea
Id: 0sz0yfTqXa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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