Godhood (2020) - Building Our Own Eldritch Religion of Madness!

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what's up guys gals and welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're doing a final video on godhood haven't played this game since 2019. uh it's one of those games that like it comes from the developers of rius and renowned explorers so i definitely know that these developers are capable of making good games that have like a really cool color palette and a really nice design and aesthetic godhood was kind of a a game that took a little bit to get off the ground uh the game's been through a lot of iterations at this point where they've played around with different mechanics and different things working it's been walked back and walked forward uh i don't think that's a bad thing actually i think it's actually a good thing because some of the things that they put into the game you know like a year ago or before we're not really that great of ideas and i'm really really glad that they walked them back and just kind of omitted those ideas entirely it shows that actually it shows that they know what they're doing like a lot of developers will double down on bad ideas and just be like well it's the way that i want it so that's the way it's going to be and i'm well way she goes i guess but this one is finally hit 1.0 it hit 1.0 last month i didn't really have time to cover it because last month was crazy busy in between all the different like prologues and demos and jams and everything else that were coming out in lieu of the con season being shut down i was difficult to get my hands on really anything that was like a check back in type of video so godhood this is a game where you run your own religion and you have your own prophets and your prophets go out and they proselytize in your name and ultimately you're competing with all the other gods to become the dominant religion and wipe out all the other ones and effectively create an entire planet covered in people that just worship you because that's how you get more power the game's got aspects of like a city builder it's got aspects of an rpg it's got aspects of strategy it's got aspects of auto battlers there's a lot of moving parts in this game and so for that reason i think a lot of people get it wrong or like don't give it enough time on the burner to really see how much depth or how many interesting things there are here i haven't played the game in probably a few months and so honestly there's probably things that i'm going to be out of date on as well this game has had some pretty wide swings in the way that the content flows and the core mechanics of the game were arranged the players but it seems like in my test play last night i put about 30 40 minutes on into it just to kind of refresh my memory and get back to where you know i know what i'm doing and i'm not stumbling over my words once i got there i think they've settled on kind of a middle ground from where the game was a year ago that i think is very positive so anyways let's start a new game all right so we will leave this on medium difficulty although if you do like a challenge i would recommend you play on hard mode i've played on medium and i've played on hard medium is really really nice for when you're kind of like learning the game or explaining the game to people or just kind of like showing the game off hard is where you want to be at if you want the game to really clack and you really want to get like that core experience so we'll go with medium for right now just because i'm gonna have most of my time spent sort of explaining the game to all of you while kind of not paying attention to what i'm doing and i find that i'll make it a little bit better and now we've got to create our religion uh we're gonna call ourselves the bog monster that sounds good and then what is our religion called the swamp and then what are our worshippers called the mossy ones perfect all right and so we will be a i mean we should prob we'll be neither we're just gonna be like an eldritch force that comes in from the edges of the galaxy and seeks to corrupt he's already smoking a pipe so i dig that when are you awake you know what i want to be kind of a nightmarish creature and one thing i've noticed about like the way that i dream personally is my nightmares they always take place at dusk and so if i wanted to be a nightmarish creature of the ether a rising from the dark to grasp and groping prod and pull back down into the muck then i think we should be awake at dusk our color will be kind of like a yeah there we go that's it right there i like it we can also customize our god if we want to i don't think we need like wings i mean wings might be an okay idea i can't decide what that if that's just like fire coming out of my butt like this is like the post habanero poops right there that we'd be rocking i'm gonna go with the bat wings right there that sounds good i don't know if i can fiddle with the bat wings at all but we also get different arms i think we gotta go with tentacles i think we have to i don't think there's any way around it we also gotta decide on like a sweet-ass lid that we want i'm gonna have a bandana right there i've been watching cobra kai and one thing that i appreciate is that is that shows respect for the headband all right uh yeah angry eye right there that sounds good then as far as my body goes do i want to be a little bit plump do i want to be a little bit burly yeah let's go with the chimichanga body right there i like it i'm going to go with it i i dig it it's you know i enjoy a good chimichanga but they're not known for being like health positive you know like a chimichanga's probably got about 2 000 calories in it but i packed one down last night with al pastor in it bro it was so good al pastor you got to say it like that that's the best way to celebrate al pastor uh let's see here what want my face to look like there's got to be something like horrifying and from the depth oh that one's got like oh that one right there had the had the hair though the fancy hair i'm gonna be honest i kind of like whatever that is he's got that facial expression that i have 90 of the time and honestly i can feel myself sort of empathizing with it uh what color is our clothing going gonna be we'll go with like some some gold clothing yeah that sounds pretty good oh secondary clothing's right there too all right we'll make that like i don't know dude we're kind of like a weird critter aren't we we're kind of an odd creature probably go with something like that right there let it be known the bog monster arises [Music] for as long as there have been people to believe there have been gods that vie for their attention the bog monster is one such god destined to claim a place in humanity's hearts and minds a single soul would be chosen by the bog monster and destined to become the first prophet of the swamp from nothing the bog monster appeared before papan papan renounced their faith in the old god quetzalcoatl and placed it in the bog monster instead first the bog monster taught papan about what is right all right like obviously we need to go with yeah madness are you sure you want madness to be a very oh i thought it was just checking okay i didn't know if like madness was kind of like a crazy playthrough and it was like the only one that had a warning prompt but no dude we gotta go with madness yeah the elders who worshipped the ancestors thought this idea to be dangerous this is madness they could not see how they were wrong in opposing the bog monster a sacrament was called to determine who was right so a sacrament is what they call the battles in this game it's effectively you and your faction attempting to convince other factions to convert to your side you can do that through violence you can do that through rhetoric you can do it through you know eldritch magic you can do it however you want oh my god we caught him up with the eldritch tentacle right there oh dude they instantly one shot me i didn't even have time to explain the battle it's okay i'll explain how this all works on the next one dude she's got an awesome little she's got she got an awesome little chibi hat right there that's like it's like an adorable version of like an octopus hat that she's wearing i fully support this i think that we can fully invoke the core tenants of madness while at the same time being dressed well and freaking adorable those things are not mutually exclusive to one another the elders were resolute in their judgment but pawn and a few followers were banished from the old city and before leaving but pond prophesied that one day the bog monster would bring the liberation of madness to the old city it's true we will uh papan continued to travel for days with the rest of the exiled the people were growing tired and hopeless finally on a fertile and lush terrace the bog monster spoke once again this will be the bog monsters holy site welcome to the realm of godhood young deity your goal is to ascend to your rightful throne and leave a religion behind that will stand the test of time good uh i would like to skip all these like i really don't think that we need a tutorial right now well that's unfortunate there doesn't seem to be any way to disable the tutorial as of right now and so that's one thing i would like to get rid of i've played through this kind of chunk already and i already know what i'm doing so anyways what it's going to want us to do is every single day the game is going to be divided up into different portions we'll kind of go through the ui here and we'll figure out how the whole thing works so we've got ourselves offerings up here we use those for god powers which are down here at the bottom they're basically like magics that we can cast on our society we have dream points when you accumulate dream points you get to use these on the night before a battle in order to inspire your followers through dreams and give them extra shields or extra offense and stuff like that that only lasts for the battle at hand uh this right here is our tribute chests tribute chests are gonna have materials and offerings materials are used for building buildings and offerings are used for magic like i said at the beginning of every single day or every single cycle we've got these empty little meters down here every action that we take uses up one of these so effectively every three actions we take as a god to inspire our people is going to advance this and when it gets to the end we have no choice but to pick a battle with one of our enemies and so the game is like vaguely punctuated so it's in between like you fiddling around with your followers and giving them orders and aspiring through dreams and then when you run out of time you got to go in and get into a fight and so anyways right now what we've got to do is we got to decide what this guy is working on and we're going to do that through rituals uh these rituals they are going to allow you to develop various aspects and attributes of your character's stats and so all these stats do different things they're pretty self-explanatory midas for people that fight physically health is for people that have armor and can intercept attacks and can tank cunning is over here and it's good for crit chance and evade chance uh charisma is over here and i believe that charisma gives you initiative if i remember correctly and it gives you accuracy and then devotion is going to give you armor and intercept moral abilities so things are kind of divided up into physical and like moral abilities this one affects whether or not you intercept a physical ability and block it this one right here determines whether or not you can rationalize someone else's charisma argument and basically negate it on the fly they're effectively resists for physical and magic that's all you really need to know and then knowledge over here will give us a higher crit chance on our morale attacks so anyways top stats are all physical bottom stats are all morale so we've got to decide what we want to work on here our character is really good at might our character is really really good at knowledge and our character is decent at charisma what this means is that they have a multiplier internally that if we want them to focus on like any of this stuff right here the multiplier determines how many stats they gain towards that particular stat so you'll notice that our character is not very good at cunning we don't have a bonus there so she only gets three but if we develop her might which we have a major multiplier on she'll get five and so really we want to focus on either developing our knowledge or developing our might or both but we're going to want to have like a well-rounded fight team and the rest of the ui that you need to know about is these little pips right here how many battles in a row you can fight in before you lose faith and you break they just get tired and exhausted so you need to give them a day off every now and again from fist fighting other religions this is a general check on their faith which is effectively morale and like they already used morale for like the magical attacks in this game so they couldn't call this morale that's basically what it is it's like how in tune with your religion there and when it gets too low they leave and that's really really bad uh you don't want them to leave however as they get more powerful they become kind of like lucifer in the old judeo-christian tenet like as they become more powerful they become more favored by you their god they are more likely to try to overthrow you and become the new god of madness sort of in a sith style deal and so anyways you've always got to account for the fact that they're becoming corrupt as they're believing in you more and more and getting stronger and stronger uh we will punish first time around and so time will pass by our hand the last thing that you need to do is every single day you can decide to either cultivate a dream point or you can bless the ritual that they're currently working on to make it pass faster there's really no reason to use dream points right now so i'm gonna bless the ritual to make it go faster and so there you can see we've gone through one cycle right there we've got to choose a mission right now and so our first mission will be against what looks like a bunch of pagans that live in the jungle right here we can show their advanced info if we want so we can see all their abilities and we can kind of like get ready to fight them and take care of them looks like they have one guy who's charisma based one guy who's might based a little bit and another one who's might base but they're all really really weak this square number right here is a synopsis of how powerful they are and how high their stats are so as you can see our guys are just flat out stronger if you go by the numbers so we're basically gonna like [ __ ] on these kids so anyways we'll put that right there uh we've gotta choose what everybody else is working on emilia what are you good at i don't know exactly what amelia's up to it looks like she's got might and charisma she's got a multiplier to knowledge so we can work on her knowledge she gets a little bit to might but it seems like she's more of a it seems like she's more of a knowledge seeker so we'll go with that right there one thing i very much like about this game is actually how it flat out tells you what you've got a multiplier in the ui of this game is very very good the information you need is always there and it's always within your eye line like you never have to open up a menu to look you never have to like close anything out or get a window open like it's always right there what do i have a multiplier in might done and like you can instantly see it so we'll punish this person right there i'm gonna bless my main prophet to kind of get their ritual done faster pagan didn't come our popan didn't come home empty-handed to the holy land she brought wither a magnificent relic that holds the true power of the bog monster what would the relic be so we can choose we've got the secret pyramid that's going to make our knowledge abilities that we deploy on this character make our enemies go mad for two rounds uh which basically increases their chance to intercept badly and just get smacked so they'll dive in to intercept and they'll take the damage instead of negating it effectively and it gives them clouded thought which i don't really know what that does it looks like we get the weaver class for free and we get the druid class for free right now none of our characters have classes by the way except for our main guy and as they level up they're going to develop a class and classes will kind of dictate what two stats you care about in the development of that character and what elements they will use to attack the enemy because this game does have an elemental wheel so like knowledge beats frivolity and frivolity beats seriousness that kind of stuff we've got also adds a 50 might to disciples crit chance yeah we got to go for that she's a crit character i'm sorry she's a mike character so that's going to be the most helpful so there it is we've got ourselves the sacred infant i'm going to keep developing her and we've got our fight coming up right now so i'm gonna bless the ritual and there it is we'll prepare this mission and so as you can see we've got this elemental wheel right here that's what i'm talking about and so you've got darkness nature divine ancestral and life damage everybody has an element on what they do so as you can see right here this character is marked she does darkness damage which destroys nature but gets like annihilated by life and then the rest of them are just neutral you kind of need to keep that in mind i don't really worry about it that much it's not highly relevant until later on in the game once your enemies start like really having elements and then you kind of want to match them up with who's strongest against who but for right now not that big of a deal we'll go into our first battle and we'll see how it plays out the goal in the battle right here is to convert 30 followers every time you deal damage and every time you heal damage you gain followers that's all you need to know so papan will come out here hit that person for five and we converted 11 people to our side and so anyways basically it's a race to see who the first person to get 30 is morale abilities tend to convert more people but physical abilities actually take these guys off the battlefield entirely and kill them off and negate their ability to generate more points so see like we broke that person right there she's just like done and she's out from now on uh because we just hit too hard she's a newbie character so she just passed her turn being nervous which is kind of a bummer but it happens with newbie characters that's you know when you've got baby characters they can i like how all of our guys are flinching and terrified right now and there it is uh we've converted everybody in the crowd over to our side they're all cringing and wincing and hiding from the great bog tentacle that will ascend from beneath the soil to grasp and to pull and to strangle in madness emilia's unlocked to class so that's pretty cool uh so basically we want to go through and pick a class now we got a couple of uh classes that are available to us right now so we've got the beast walker and we've got the chieftain the beast walker focuses on cunning and might and the chieftain focuses on charisma and might what we really want is somebody that focuses on might and knowledge but it doesn't look like we really have access to that so we can also get the rage profit over here we can unlock one class for free at the beginning of the game there is a druid over there we could be a druid of the bog monster i guess if we wanted to or a harbinger yeah we've already got a mic class i mean it's a good idea for us to pick up the rage profit yeah let me get the rage profit we'll get the rage profit first and then next we'll get the harbinger once we have enough supplies to do so uh so this character actually doesn't really want to be the rage profit like at all but then again she's not that good at stuff it's okay we'll use the rage profit on the other person so we can deal with nature damage or we can just flat out be a cultist oh never mind we already have the cultists available so that's knowledge and power we don't want to like spread ourselves too thin though let's go with oh i don't have anybody that knows knowledge i made a mistake okay well i guess we'll have two cultists then that's kind of a bummer because you don't really want like too many eggs in one elemental basket but that's life i should have taken the harbinger first and then come around to it later and it's all right everybody stumbles and makes mistakes all right so the mission was a success we gained 58 people that now live inside of our village we got 75 bucks and we got 75 magic points that we can spend on all kinds of stuff all right so we have 75 bucks right here we got to decide what we want to do with it i would suggest building buildings that give you like buildings give you every single turn they give you stuff and so it's usually a good idea to build buildings because they just kind of operate on their own without anybody having to do anything back in the old days you had to make them like worship at various buildings and stuff which kind of like made the building more important now character development and like building the rpg aspects of your profits is more important than like the city building aspect of the game and i actually i think that was a smart choice like this game was really confusing back in the day because like you had to figure out what all the buildings do and like where do the little guys go i'm actually like really glad they backed off of that and now the rituals are just inherent to the characters and whatnot um at least that's the way i remember it being i played in a really really long time we've got a side boss over here that's apparently a darkness be darkness battle so just really a battle of throwing shades but we get a bunch of money for it so it looks like we get about 125 bucks for it which would be enough for one major building this one right here gives us 50 and it's a little bit easier i'm gonna use this opportunity to kind of oh they've got a light guy though that's a little terrifying that might not work out so great for us we need somebody who's not like light infused we've got harry and we've got coco they both want to join us coco is good with cunning which means we could effectively make her into a beast master and then we also have a charisma character over here who has the gust and so anyways we can go with cunning or we can go with charisma we have a blessing for cunning so i think i'll probably go with cunning there we go coco has now joined us and so we will have you learn to stalk i guess i'm gonna continue developing oh somebody can do a miracle all right so when you win a battle you fill up a little meter called your miracle meter over here on this left-hand side when it fills up all the way you can perform a miracle what the miracle does is it makes it so that you can't fight in the next battle that you've chosen you're basically out of action until that time but what it does do is it permanently increases your stat multiplier on one stat of your choice and so it can be kind of a good thing it's effectively the equivalent of leveling up is really all you got to think about so with emilia what was she good at she's gonna be like a knowledge character i think she's got a mite bonus on everything she's doing right now we need to give her something that has like a knowledge bonus that'll deal 11 14 damage that'll deal like 16 damage or no that'll do that's actually got a five right that'll do 18 damage okay so we'll put that in right there because that capitalizes on both of her abilities and frankly she doesn't really have anything else that stacks super well uh with with knowledge so like i don't think it's that big of a deal we probably get to do the same thing on somebody else right now oh we don't actually okay so that was the only ability we got to reallocate but you do want to do those abilities because they're going to change the way that your individual followers are going to fight and like interact with the world uh yeah i'll call down the miracle and she was a knowledge character am i correct i could actually give her she develops knowledge pretty quickly already and she develops knowledge fairly quickly already i think we could probably get away with putting might on her it would stack with her build better so if we do like a might miracle she could alternate back and forth between doing a knowledge ritual and a might mitch uh might ritual over time yeah let's try that i'm gonna try to even her out this is a game about experimentation you're always not you're not always gonna know what's gonna work best in this game so my advice to you is just to play around with ideas and if it ends up killing your religion then who cares you know like you're meant to play this game multiple times just fiddling with the options and stuff like that so no problem there does she have anything that stacks with knowledge on here so pretty much all of her abilities stack with might it'd probably be smart for us to give her a little bit of knowledge but i'm gonna develop her might one more time before i do that and get her up to i think sea level might that'll make her pretty strong in combat um i can't help her develop any further so i'm gonna help you i guess okay our mission is up i mean we gotta take care of this we don't really have much of a choice uh what we don't want is we don't want anybody lined up with this person that has the darkness element we belong if we line up anybody down here we can believe in a thing called love but it's not what we're going to feel okay we should still have this fight by the ass just because i think as long as papon doesn't attack their light warrior and focuses on these guys in the corners i think we should be solid like i think she'll carry so like she should be really really strong there you go smack them up it looks like we're just stick fighting in the street right now like we're not even like trying to convince each other of our religions we're just running around hitting each other with cudgels yeah dude babble incomprehensively incomprehensibly that's that's always a really really good strategy i'm pretty sure the way that it used to work is they could attack like anywhere yeah it looks like they still attack anywhere so we've got one person who's broken and that pushed us over the line by breaking one of their followers we've won the combat now so that's really really good i actually kind of like the hands-off star ocean combat in this game where you set up all the abilities but like you don't really have a say in what they do i actually kind of confirm i i kind of like prefer that so she has a talent for might that means that she can become a rage prophet i think that's a good idea i think we should do it we should diversify a little bit and have like some some different elements out here and a rage profit still goes along with kind of that madness that we're playing around with like you know we zinch out here but we also a little corn you know what i mean like we we're zinch out here but we'll break out some corn when the strategy is necessary you know amelia prayed to the bog monster and they finally answered the bog monster has acknowledged amelia's devotion and blessed her and her family there you go and so now look at that her mite multiplier went up so now her mite multiplier is not that much lower than her knowledge multiplier so that's good that's real real good oh never mind it increased all of her stats never mind she's got a new ability too called corruption so that's pretty sexy definitely excited about that blessed be emilia she who finds the great tentacle uh yeah we'll set that as a mission we'll still try to like level up a little bit uh we could take her out of the combat in order to level up because she has definitely leveled up i think it's a good idea interesting she can't do the health miracle because she doesn't have enough health all right uh let's go for the might miracle then i mean her other main stat is might so we might as well i didn't mean for that to be punny it just kind of ended up that way uh build oh we gotta take a tenant too so tenets are kind of like the rules the foundational things of our religion that matter to us so for some religions it's gonna be stuff like abstinence uh for other religions it's gonna be hedonism for some religions the adherence to peace and non-violent conflict resolution uh for others it'll be smashing the other guy in the face until he's marinara paced it really comes down to what your religion is highly customizable in this game so anyways we have choices here we have adoration uh we have mutilate the heretics we have blood offerings apparently we can create secret societies if we wanted to or we can go with philosophy in philosophy we'll gain materials and offerings permissions so that's kind of nice i think that'll help us build up a little bit faster this will keep our guys from betraying us so it really comes down to what you want to do you want to keep people happy you want to keep them loyal or do you want to keep them rich and able to like buy more stuff i'll probably go with this and then we can go with evil deity adopt evil deity or c deity i'm going to go with evil deity man we got to do it good is for wussies our deity deities cool and evil and he listens to my chemical romance uh ocelot professes the merits of evil deities to the mossy ones that's a that's a good thing to do i'm glad that my prophets are on board with this whole thing all right so we got 125 bucks over here and every time we do a mission we're going to get another one buildings that we can build right now and we can do a blessing of recovery with the gardens we can get a study so it looks like we can give people xp instead of helping influence their training and their rituals we have an offerings stockpile what that will do is it'll increase the amount of offerings that we get every time we win a battle there's also a night shrine over here it gives us dream points permission so that we don't have to waste time on them that's actually not a bad idea either the one that i really really want is there's a temple of the material gatherer that's what i want because this is going to make us get material gains like a lot more quickly and it's also going to make our chests worth 30 instead of 25 after we get them from other religions doesn't seem like much but it absolutely adds up and so i do think the material gather is a really strong choice in the early game just to over the long term make you more likely to get like what you want out of things yeah let's go with i'm gonna have to leave her out she's getting kind of low on her fervor right now yeah i'll inspire her that sounds good all right it's time for our next mission here so i'm gonna put you in she's doing a miracle so she can't go anyways amelia you're in and then you're in as well but i'm gonna have to have her step out because her fervor is getting too low and i don't want her to like betray me we can also use our martyrdom out here so martyrdom is a stat that you gain it's a currency uh what martyrdom will do is it allows you to make the battle harder for yourself in making the battle harder you get like way more resources and stuff but you know we we start with less hp in the fight we start a little bit mangled like we start a little bit beat up just like fair warning i think that i think that papon can carry here and so i think we should do it yeah not too bad i mean we already got 15 followers just from that first hit this middle row is going to be kind of like worthless this middle row is not really going to matter because we can't deal damage out there i need to modify coco's abilities too hmm they got like a big combo attack right there i think like we're still gonna net gain wins here like i think we'll be okay oh never mind they're not attacking the things that i wanted them to attack oh we defied one of their attacks though that's good that's like really really good oh we missed it we'll see what happens here oh it's so close if we get the first move i think we win we got the first move yeah we cut that one a little bit close but that's the point of martyrdom is to make the battles harder but you get more stuff for them so you know what what really is going to struggle here is we got to decide whether or not nice apparently we got a spell oh we got another relic too nice so we can actually put a relic on our secondary prophet as well and then everybody got bonus hp all right so we can choose a relic here we can get 10 physical armor we can get evasion or we can get direct opponent cannot crit on you oh that's kind of filthy like that basically negates an entire character's build like if they've got a crit built character like that basically ends him like he's done like he can't do anything to you okay yeah i think i'll take that so there it is and we will add that on in i don't know who's gonna pick that up it looks like it's coco i guess coco opened it while ocelot was meditating on the bog monster's will they realized the terrible wrongness of the world while the mossy ones were impressed by ocelot's new insight some wish he hadn't shared such a depressing revelation oh no dude we lost people i mean on the plus side the miracle made her a lot stronger though so i can live with that yup blessed be offline you gotta level up you gotta do what you gotta do out here i may have to leave my main guy behind pretty soon too i think after the next battle we get another prophet so that'll allow us to kind of like cycle through a little bit better the other thing i want to do is we'll get like a material gatherer out here and we'll go ahead and we'll build that like right there so there's material gatherers these guys are going to provide us with more materials so now we get 35 materials after every chest we bring back which is really nice that's actually going to help us build a lot more fun stuff and that's it my name is flatter cat this is godhood that's the general idea of the game it does get harder there's bosses there's specialized teams you have to fight along the way it's kind of like a narrative device that are much stronger than the others but that's for you to find out uh this is godhood 1.0 i think the game has gone from being a game that was really could go either way it could be good or it could be bad and i think they've pulled it around like i've been enjoying playing it so anyways i will see you all next time thank you for being here leave a like on the video if you enjoyed it aside from that i'll be back tomorrow with something hot and fresh off the indie skillet because you know what we do around here sit through that pile to find what's worthwhile bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 321,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godhood Gameplay, Godhood Walkthrough, Godhood Playthrough, Lets Play Godhood, Godhood Review, Godhood Preview, Godhood Impressions, Godhood Download, Godhood Guide, Godhood Tutorial, Godhood Steam, Godhood 1.0, Godhood Trailer, Godhood Soundtrack, Godhood 2020
Id: 4hnG0XMkLO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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