Honey, I Joined a Cult - Part 1 - Praise Rexus Jupitus

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what is going on everyone nick here and welcome to honey i joined a cult a new uh cult builder i guess is the best way to put it by uh soul survivor games and i thought it looked really fun we're taking a break from patron so uh let's let's let's go build a cult shall we i have not played any of this game at all as you can see i have no continue i've just messed around some settings and uh let's jump in this looks really fun it gives me a the characters give me like a a scribblenauts you know go to prison architect and start a cult it's a nice it's a nice aesthetic the music's bumping let's jump into a new game this should be super fun it looks super fun and i love games like prison architects so this should be right up my alley cult of the space fish day 52 okay this is the uh intro tutorial are things really going that badly space commander charlie fishnut well yes assistant director hoskins oh they got busted oh i love how this looks we got what is that just like picketers out there protest leader but a special observation bureau raid the people here are brainwashed they practically they're practically delusional take this punk in for this punk for instance he's covered in blue house paint that's not house paint he's begun his transcension into a space fish fish hell yeah sort of out fish oh did you just punch him ugh oh boss i'm not sure this is paint of course not i told you he's he's part space fish amazing a miracle holy moly nonsense it's probably just that really stubborn paint get him out of here fish oh poor fish but i did nothing wrong although we cannot prove you actually lifted a finger around here everyone else is to be taken away for processing okay what's more most important is that i'm free i want you out of this dust bowl tonight punk i'll be moving on to the next lo i mean yeah of course officers will seal all this off shortly agents let's roll out of this dump reporter aaliyah creed oh and she there's press they're arresting all my poor fish you're fish now i love this this is cute charlie fishnut the space commander protest loot leader duvall detective cross even if there was evidence oh wait what which there is he has a bag full of cash oh i'm gonna exit the hole hmm uh you ain't seeing me right uh what why don't you come join our cult let's tase him what's happening i've been given a second chance time to change my ways excuse me bop time to change my ways time to oh who am i kidding time to rebuild establish contact with a new divine being hell yeah let's do it first i'll need some serious cosmetic surgery to change my appearance good thing i know a guy hell yeah now if i remember correctly we get to design our own cult which is awesome i'm into it the music's so good i love the music eggs are badly made balls what excuse me hell yeah getting funky oh here we go okay here's our leader the human corn cob let's see divine being grandfather flump cult symbol okay so we need let's fight okay we're definitely not going with that hat let's find us a hat a dinosaur oh we might be we might be the dinosaurs yep oh obviously okay i have it is that is that is that a is that supposed to be a dinosaur outfit it looks like it looks like there's a tail in the back okay hold on we have we potentially have something here let's see do we have a good oh i love that one we'll do this one can we make it oh we don't have this purple though that's a little annoying i guess i understand go with this one all right so we're definitely being so this is gonna be let's see what is our cult called it's dinosaur based let's see but let's see do we want oh oh my god we could do a meteor let's see is there a good oh there's just straight up cthulhu nice is there really no dinosaur no it's just meteors let's see we'll do a meteor so let's see let's see let's see first thing tucker bedspread all right so let's see we're going with dinosaurs it's just a great look i love that and they will be hmm let's see well let's see let me see oop not the outfit let me see the other hats real quick so i'll make sure trying to find one that speaks to me i think it's going to be the dinosaurs yeah we'll do dinosaurs it'll be purple this will be uh the oh what kind of cult can we do around dinosaurs this is so difficult the oh my god colt name being of the let's see it's gonna be okay i have it it's gonna be a cult oh we can change the bottom okay it's gonna be a cult where it's not that dinosaurs got killed by asteroids dinosaurs rode a asteroid s ship to another planet and so the colt name is going to be uh let's see [Music] the space dinos seems too easy or two on the nose the cult name is going to be jupiter jurassic because they [Music] uh will be the divine being is rexus jupiters and it's gonna be they believe that the dinosaurs flew on an asteroid to the what is it titan is the big uh the big moon on jupiter now i gotta look it up yeah it is okay so they believe arcol believes that the dinosaurs rode an asteroid redo their lives on titan because they knew that one day the humans would rise and now our goal is we these guys want to go and join our dino brethren on titan and uh it's beautiful so our cultists our cultist noun will be the jews because it's jupiter jurassic and they're going to be plural the juju's oh that's perfect all right their holy room is gonna be titania and then their relic is gonna be the great asteroid there we go um let's see oh actually i have a better one but i need to know how to spell ascending yeah there we go all right so that's our cult it's our cult believes that there's dinosaurs on the the the moon of jupiter and they are the juju's all right our uh let's see he's gonna be he's gonna be rex prime as his title his name is going to be [Music] i like tucker i don't know why maybe tucker carlson now uh he's give me tucker tucker [Music] ooh fossil there we go he he believes all fossils are fake hell yeah tucker fossil let's let's let's give him some oh that feels very yeah he's gonna there's also something about blonde that just feels right there we go he's gonna be like that oh he's gonna have a noggin on him there you go makes the facial hair make no oh that's good oh that might be it let's see oh no we go the bowl cut obviously oh we could make him grin there you go we'll make him grin he's been trying to get to space his entire life obviously he has to have a hat but he gets a white one he gets a white one there we go that feels appropriate he gets the white dino outfit beautiful beautiful okay he is our rex prime beautiful all right we got it we're the juju's let's do this i'm so excited for this this is gonna be fun all right hello world hello i'm tucker fossil but you can call me rex prime welcome to jupiter jurassic rex's jupiter told me you were coming rex's jupiter tells me loads of stuff just me though nobody else can hear it rexus jupiter's also told me you're going to help me help get the juju's up and running it's pretty much your destiny i'm more of an ideas person though so you're going to have to do the groundwork okay let's do it you can't run a cult if you can't see the cult move the camera on wasd you can also hold and drag the middle mouse oh that's ugly see i think i saw a bee in the grass zoom in so i can see it okay let's see nope just some b-shaped grass okay zoom out in case there are any real bees wow we have a lot of area or compound let's see good not a b in sight hell yeah juju's are the engine of our organization they perform all our daily duties uh and keep everything running smooth-ish save for the missions are sent on juju spend their entire lives in this beautiful compound they are truly blessed actually sometimes they're arrested that can take them off compound for a while that hasn't happened in a week so most importantly juju's are juju's extract money from our visiting followers we need this money to realize the mysterious grand plan of rex's jupiter's all right i purchased compound some money i had from a preview adventure involving rex's jupiter's i can't go into details we're going to develop it in to a state-of-the-art facility that'll provide for the needs of the juju's and make money from our followers you talk a lot time to do some work let's get started hell yeah all right we'll see you can treat juju's badly we still need to provide them for their basic needs damn neglected juju's will have a mood break or leave we'll that can be funny to watch it's not great for business let's see how our juju's are doing pick the most attractive one all right let's go uh lucy i love your hair let's go so her mood's down she's uh her bed's unassigned she has no assignment she stats relaxing and she can get whatever she wants okay view their stats here we go lucy callahan staff member so oh so they have their needs new juju so she gets a plus 20. trades quality very poor okay chronic injuries hates rubble cave rumble couple puzzle strange doomsday believer okay uh really not who i would have chosen the mood bar shows the overall mood of each juju everything affecting the mood of a juju is listed in the mood section looks like they're happy on the inside but we'll need to build some rooms to keep them that way okay oh everything needs solid foundations even buildings let's construct some now with foundation select and drag the area of the foundation okay so does it matter no matter which one we do let's do uh how do what what what style do we want this to look we want to be brick do we want to be concrete gray metal they're all about space so we're gonna make this metal it's gonna have a very like fake futuristic vibe to it and our door obviously we're gonna go with this one okay we need a door right there beautiful all right [Music] let's now partition the area so we have enough space for multiple rooms these rooms will be pretty cramped but they'll do for now you'll want to expand them later okay so gotta build walls here we go metal walls there we go wait why did this knock there we go i would love for this to get the hell out of the way oh we gotta go all the way across whoops there we go get us some rooms thing move there we go okay can we move this yes we can all right we built the walls uh see very pleased let's destinate some rooms now okay a tired juju won't perform their duties uh well their chat is also super dry they need to sleep in a bed to replenish their energy let's assign a bedroom so they have somewhere to sleep once completed exit the room assigned mode by click by right-clicking okay wait let's assign okay rooms oh interesting okay so we gotta do bedroom do it like that okay so we got this bedroom see room specific objects okay good work the room menu automatically opens if you sign when you assign a new room it shows what objects the room requires this one needs a bed and some storage let's build a bed and some storage let's get the room specific dirty mattress hell yeah there you go and let's get one these a little box for storage can be right at the end of your bed beautiful all right so we did that so we need to just make a bunch of rooms let's do that real quick yeah wait let's see let's build a bed yeah yeah it's wait what do we need to put five beds in here wait a minute i think it is asking us to do that really so we had to do there's no way i guess we could fit it yeah that's what they want me to do okay can we how do we rotate it's just r like it should be how are we gonna fit wait a minute hygiene why is this there's no way this is right hold on we had to be able to do multiple rooms it won't let me wait let's build a bed some storage for each juju and of course me the highlighted button will display the relevant objects no i understand that but how are we supposed to i mean all right whatever okay so we did that but how are we supposed to get i mean i guess we could like that okay that's very cramped they're not ghosts yet build a build a door okay interesting let's do uh let's do cell doors because that's funny beautiful okay good work judges will sleep in the beds during their science sleep time on their schedules okay oh so we're doing like one of each room interesting okay so they're just crammed in there okay interesting let's see it's better for everyone to juju's have access to toilet showers assign a bathroom okay let's do this i guess this is a cult they don't need great living quarters let's go ahead and build a door let's see to the uh let's see so you're not doing any shenanigans in the bathroom big window all right let's see let's place the objects okay let's see oh there's a search box oh yeah there is okay so let's do a shower a bucket and string that's not ideal put that okay wait next a few bathroom rooms yep okay build two toilets two showers two sinks okay so we'll do the showers what the showers across the way and we'll eventually probably fill that i'm assuming we'll do a sink here a sink here and then here's your your poop buckets beautiful okay couldn't have done it better myself gingers will be raised will raise their bladder and hygiene stats in the bathroom okay starting you just tend to die i know this for a fact build a canteen okay let's get a door our door to the canteen could just be a simple door you know the canteen's fine assign your space for the canteen so it requires a six by six interesting okay and then let's see room specific guys we need a vending machine a water cooler a canteen serving table and a canteen table interesting okay let's let the vetting machine right by the the door yeah we'll do a water cooler over here sir can you get away right there oh a canteen table which we're gonna rotate and have here oh let me can we move this is there a way to move this i just want to move it please is there like a demolish hmm it doesn't look like it oh wait move object there we go bam and then this can be right there there we go beautiful all right let's go next very nice juices will eat in the canteen in their free time when they're hungry and raise their hunger stat sometimes it's believed that the vending machine food is not particularly nutritious it can also be expensive a kitchen will provide better quality cheaper food like gruel you might want to build one in the future okay awesome these rooms are built they're hideous placing decorative items will increase the room prestige which in turn will affect the mood of your juju's note that overcrowding a room with objects results in a prestige penalty keep an eye on a rune's prestige bar while decorating and expanding cramped rooms when necessary play some decorative items now okay let's go decor let's go let's see what do we want i mean let's go let's put some flowers in here right and we can put them here i don't know if we need flowers in there though i'll put some flowers in here there you go look how beautiful let's go light fitting what is that i don't know what that does a lava lamp we should do a comfy chair the comfy chair in the shower beautiful we'll put a comfy chair in here in case you want anything and then let's do we'll do a tall mirror oh we can do two of these oh i can't well let me place it okay that's fine i like what you're doing with the place placing decor will increase the prestige rating in a room which will improve people's moods you can view the prestige room by clicking on that room we have very little prestige in our bathroom okay okay why is nobody praying rex's stupidest will go crazy i want to hold a sermon build me a holy room right now please all right let's do it let's get our metal room going beautiful let's build a door let's see nobody should be able to see the sermon being done so we do this one science space for a holy room to tanya there we go beautiful all right so build one lectern build two pews build one idol uh let's go room specific shall we so we got idols we have lecterns we're going to do the white lectern so we'll do like this we need an idol we also need pews bop and then we need an idol we'll do the idol like this beautiful okay there's our holy asteroid and place a decor item okay oops let's see we'll do we'll have a small bookcase in the corner this this contains the text of uh of jupiter's rexes there we go all right holding sermons in the holy room creates faith faith is drained by each juju if it gets too low everyone's mood will suffer let's hold our first sermon before everyone stops believing in rex's jupiter's all right serpents will occur automatically each day providing your holy room is fully functioning functional and accessible and you have enough influence looks like our first sermon is about to start let's see our sermon goes okay let's do it it'd be rex's jupiter's time this hillary i love the little tales it's so good praise rex's jupiters appraise the great dino oh i love this he's obviously doing throat calling all hail jupiter jurassic he's laughing he's like these idiots i can oh sermon completed sermon quality two star capacity six jews taking part four we got 161 faith minus six influence zero pr zero heat zero money we had some juju's the juju happiness is overall good okay so we waited for the servant they loved it the sermons are more effective if i'm in a good mood before they start they take a lot of rex prime's energy though so let's space them out okay select titania select the sermon tab ah you can change the time a sermon occurs in the holy room on the sidebar manual servants can also be triggered there if a schedule fails to start for any reason oh interesting alter required okay purge negativity oh and interesting okay let's see skill boost 48 hours trait gain okay faith boost interesting okay all right what we do now followers are the cash cows that we need to milk they'll happily pay for all sorts of strange treatments in our therapy room let's build a therapy room start generating income uh start with a meditation studio okay let's do it beautiful the meditation room you can see in the meditation room there you go sign space let's get this going build a meditation stage so meditation stage okay so this is like the main lead person right there build meditation music pop it right there what is this person's problem don't know so let's go let's see we'll do it from back here how many do we need five there we go then we can eventually expand that place decor item what kind of decor do y'all want let's see let's do obviously some lava lamps pop a lava lamp at the corner beautiful [Laughter] all right let's see people love meditation sometimes i say i'm meditating but i'm actually asleep these therapy groups will make us fortune judges will work the therapy rooms during their work routine okay so amy leaf is our meditation guru followers will spend their time praying in the holy room and receive treatments in the therapy rooms different therapy rooms produce different amounts of resources such as money faith and influence followers believe that there are no therapy rooms available or they are bored in the current ones those main different therapy rooms as you can to keep the money flowing remember it's all for rex's jupiters okay we first need to convince people to become our followers before we can make money from them let's build a lobby okay let's do it build in the lobby let's see interested people will go there to talk to the receptionist build one here so we need build three doors okay so i see so let's go let's have some very inviting rooms or very inviting doors we'll do these two and then when you leave it's the cell let's see a science space for the lobby bam build one lobby desk yes welcome let's get some decor going where is where's our money okay we have plenty of money so let's do no that's a here we can have oh we can only do one okay we have a single stool actually i kind of want to move this back we'll have it right there okay let's see good a decent reception is very important so try and make it someone who can string the sentence together if the recession does a good job the person will join us as a follower and start the visit to visit us our therapy rooms regularly okay interesting you know what people really love paving tiles you're such a dummy people follow paid paths if there's a route available that's not ridiculously long otherwise they walk on the grass then they might step on a b nobody wants that this game loves bees let's build a path for people to get to the lobby okay so we go here and then floor oh let's do uh let's do sand there we go beautiful so we got a path to the lobby oh we had to do i had to pave it damn it that sucks let's see oh we could do we could do purple paths though that's pretty cool hell yeah all right beautiful i met someone in a bar yesterday and they said they'd drop by check us out they should be here any moment okay there we go wow they're totally they look totally different to how i remember i wonder if they're still interested let's see so we got unknown unknown something unknown male it looks like this is super cute i love this enter interception hello lucy you got this hell yeah let's go lucy we have faith hell yeah all glory to jupiter jurassic beautiful our first follower pretty sure it was my bar chat that made the difference hell yeah now they're gonna start praying i'm feeling a bit guilty about splashing so much money on those luxury toilet buckets let you just earn fifty dollars for our follower to show their gratitude hell yeah milken for all he's got oh i love this i absolutely this is this is super cute i love the idea of this oh they're praying it looks like preacher content one staff member and then our rex prime i love this archie hogg he's a hog oh that's funny that's very funny okay i love it absolutely love it lucy's just chilling she's having a good time is there a way to speed up time there is okay let's speed up time a little bit let's get this fifty dollars from them hell yeah there we go beautiful all right excellent they clearly love rex's stupidest very much we want to send more complete more competent juju's in to town to carry out tasks others should probably never leave the compound ever it'd be great to have someone shouting about how great people are in town people love that send someone on a mission okay so we got shouting outing that's hilarious let's uh yeah let's go let's assign a juju let us assign daniel let's see so amy has some skills but let's send daniel because he's not assigned to anything begin mission beautiful we launched the mission daniel's gone all right off they go the success of a mission will depend on manufacturers like who you send and how hard it is let's see how they do review the mission results once the mission is completed okay oh we gotta have let's speed it up then he's traveling traveling traveling let's see there we go he's made it how good we doing thomas let's get this let's get some followers mission turn in hey he did it nice all right oh let's see so we got it it was it was completed let's see looks like they're good at shouting missions provide all sorts of rewards benefits such as unlocking new objects and providing more resources personnel will not return from missions until you view the results okay cool trying to make some serious money from followers we'll need to research funky new technologies for our base let's get a research room going okay let me oh we can okay so i am going to leave this one here yes we are still in a tutorial but i feel like this has very high potential for just being super fun super silly and just a good time in general so we will go ahead and uh and leave this one here we'll get our research room going next and uh just you know have people have people come in and learn the uh the greatness of rex's and just you know just milk them for all their dignity money and and so on this is a great i love this i absolutely love this if you couldn't tell um this for uh just you know scheduling wise this is going to be in every other day um a series it'll take the place of the old patron if you are a um you know if you have been a subscriber on the channel or if you're not it's going to come out every was it tuesday now what day what day is today today's tuesday yeah tuesday tuesday thursday saturday um i'll have a new episode of uh honey i joined the cult this was this is super fun this is super cute i love this uh yeah and with the first you know part one of every any series you know hit the like button comment what you'd maybe like to see you know or just praise rex's jupiter's in the uh the comment section all that will help the uh discoverability of this uh series and hopefully grow the channel a little bit but uh regardless thank you so much for watching and hopefully i see you next time praise rexus [Music] you
Channel: NicholasNack
Views: 821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Honey, i joined a cult, cult, game, gaming, games, gameplay, simulation, sim, builder, city builder, compound, brainwash, manipulate, playthrough, walkthrough, guide, let’s play, lets play, strategy, funny, build, leader, cult leader, tips, tricks, beginning, new, early access, beta, alpha, release, team17, sole survivor games, steam, pc, campaign, role playing, rpg, parody, silly, funky, groovy, music, 70s, humor, dark humor, part one, part 1, episode 1, episode one
Id: 9UzBBu4ai08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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