Knock on the Coffin Lid (2020) - Stylized Medieval Roguelite Card RPG

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what's up guys gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be checking back in on knock on the coffin lid and this is not normally something that i do so like i do check back in on games but they're games that i think show a lot of promise with knock on the coffin lid if you watch my original video on this at the beginning of this year i thought that the art style was great i thought the sound design was really cool i thought the itemization was very fun but at the same time there was just kind of this little hanging bit of paper that like the entire first character they released was basically a copy pasta of the ironclad from slay the spire so really what we had at the time was a game where the only playable character was copied from a different game and then the entire game was kind of coated over with a layer of polish and veneer which i will admit is quite good the art in this game is absolutely fantastic however i found that very very hard to rectify i sat there with that upload for a long time wondering if i should upload it or not uh because like the cards were verbatim ironclad cards well i've decided to check back in on the game because they've released their second character and i was really really hoping that this game would find a way to diversify itself from slay the spire and it has through small things like the roguelite advancement uh the character trees and the things that exist in kind of the metagame the itemization so for example if you've played slay the spire you will know that relics are like the most important thing in the game like you build your deck small 20 to 25 cards and then you build it around your relics in this game you don't get relics in this game you get gear like armor and boots and gloves and shields and swords and those will add more cards to your deck and they also have relic-like effects meaning so this game is kind of like slay the spire if you could only have like five relics at a time which does actually change the game fairly mechanically a lot because that gear is always swappable it's almost like you can have as many relics as you want but you can only equip five of them well the second character has come out and i like him a lot i like him enough so and i think he's different enough from what we've seen in slay the spire from what we've seen in other card related games like monster slayers uh that i wanted to cover the game again and show it off because i think it shows i i think it shows the game is trying to develop away from slay the spire in its own way i just think they made the fundamental mistake of their first character really really really just being the ironclad with a fresh coat of paint if they had released the game with the character that they just released i would have been all on board and so anyways we're gonna dive on and we're gonna take a look at the new character because i think he's a lot of fun uh he suits my play style he's very much a character that i enjoy because he plays the way that i play card games super aggressively so anyways let's start off a new game uh we've gotta pick our characters over here the third character venatus has not been added yet percival is the guy that i was talking about where pretty much all of his cards are the same as the ironclad as you get further on into the game there are new cards that you will not find on the ironclad and slay the spire so he does as he levels up and gets further and further in like probably about an hour into the game his deck does get some cards that diversify him from the ironclad a little bit but by and large most of his cards are more or less taken from slay the spire today we're gonna be playing bjorn because this is a departure for this game in that he's a completely new idea that i haven't seen really in any other game then again i'm not like a massive card guy but i like him a lot like i honestly think that as i play this game a little bit more he's going to be my main character that i focus on really really heavily uh so anyways let's dive on in and we'll check out bjorn with bjorn we do get to pick some builds you get to do this with percival as well as of yet i haven't leveled up percival enough to get his different loadouts so it's possible that the perks that he gets from these other kind of builds would change him up from the iron clad a little bit but i haven't had time to verify it honestly i kind of left percival behind for the reason that he's kind of the same as the ironclad so anyways we've got turn skin that means at the beginning of the game we get three balm which effectively means that at the beginning of our turn we regenerate three health no matter what we have stray uh so our lycan form will give us eternal thirst instead of scourge of a lycan scourge of a lykan i actually have not played with this bomb build right here i've played this one a bunch effectively what this does is it turns a negative into a positive i don't know what scourge of the lycan is because i haven't played him without this perk right here but it turns scourge of a lycan into eternal thirst which means like the more damage you deal effectively you get a running buff the longer you maintain your werewolf form that makes you deal just more and more and more damage so long as you balance your cards well enough in your plays well enough that you don't drop your likin form and then this one over here if your hp is lower than 50 percent you can reduce the cost of your cards by one we draw an extra card at the start of our turn if our hp is lower than 25 we reduce our cost by two and we get two extra cards at the start of the turn so this is very powerful right here this is super good uh this one is very very good this one is kind of like what you see is what you get you just have three regeneration every single turn so it's too basic for me i i very much like these two ideas for building the character off it we'll go with the one that i'm familiar with for right now at the beginning of every single run uh this is also a thing that's a little bit different you can take a whole bunch of negative perks in order to pay for positive perks almost like a roguelike character build so for example we could make it so our enemies steal a card at the start of battle and that four points would be enough to give us like reflex which gives us block every time we take damage or whenever we lose hp from attacks we regenerate so there are some cool things you can play around with right here i'm just going to go default for right now though all right so here we are on the world map as you can see it's going to populate these paths i would recommend this time you already knew what to expect so you could prepare a little all right so we can get three random potions we can get three strikes and three agility in our first three battles that means we deal three more damage and we get three more block from block cards it's wasted on bjorn because he doesn't have block cards when i said bjorn is like an aggressive play style he's super aggressive like he has no block whatsoever you heal yourself through damage by dealing damage and honestly i find it to be really really compelling and frankly it's one of the few reasons why i'm coming back to check the game out so anyways i'm gonna increase my maximum hp by 10. that sounds like a pretty good boon so we'll have 80 hp for right now i would recommend taking a look at the map and figuring out where you want to go there are going to be boss fights around like many boss fights they haven't been that difficult thus far i've breezed through the first map and the second map pretty quickly on my plays with you know i mean i've got a lot of experience in slay the spire and quite a bit of experience with monster train and monster slayers and other kind of like card games i've been playing magic the gathering since i was like 10 years old so like i understand deck building i understand like what i need to be doing at any given moment in order to make things work but anyways take a look around uh you want to be looking out for these treasure chests right here like i said treasure chests are are gear and gear in this game is relics and so you're kind of looking for those so that you can build up a nice stable of relics so that no matter what cards come down you've got like 15 20 pieces of gear in your backpack that you can kind of create a physical build that revolves around your deck it looks like out this way we've got campfires and lots of healing looks like there's an item shop right there i don't know what that is i actually haven't seen that symbol and i haven't investigated that symbol and i'm curious about what it is so i think i might go this way to find out i need to go from right here yeah i want to find out what that is let's go this way all right so our first battle we got a fight with a boar the boar it looks like he gets strength whenever you deal damage to him this is going to be a very hurtful fight uh the basic mechanics of how bjorn works his cards cost hp every single time you attack you're gonna lose health i know what you're saying you're like whoa that seems kind of broken like isn't that going to kill me no it's not because you have these special cards over here that give you fat bonuses when you're in your lycanthrope form so really what you're trying to do anytime you attack or take damage this little meter is going to fill up and when it feels up to the full you're gonna turn into a werewolf once you're a werewolf your cards now cost fury and they all pretty much cost like one fury as long as you don't go with a full five cards in one turn you will not drop your lycanthrope form you'll be all right but i think you also have to balance for enemy damage i don't know i've only done a couple of test plays on this guy so let's just go all in uh we're gonna deal some damage to ourself he's gonna deal some damage to us this is gonna be a hard fight because he's kind of like the counter to us and we got him on our first fight lucky to be us i guess so we're gonna get frontal attack right there and we did not get rage for that okay so it doesn't work the way that i think it's gonna work however we got regeneration from these two cards being drawn right here these will to live cards i fully expect you guys to like pause and you know if you're missing what the cards are doing feel free to pause and take a look at them uh so anyways we have bloodletting right now i'm going to do that one because it's going to bleeding on this guy we have an instinctive card i find this instinctive card to be like really really good and so anyways it deals nine damage and then we get to pick from like a list of things that's gonna happen off the instinctive list after we play it and it's probably one of my favorite cards because of this card right here uh you get 10 hp back after dealing six damage this card right here is the mvp and it's what keeps you alive don't ever doubt that uh so we're gonna play this right here because now that we're in werewolf form it gives us regeneration so we are now regenerating 4 hp per turn which is really gonna have a great mitigative effect on whatever damage this guy can deal to us he's also got a bleed on him he's going to be dealing a little bit more damage our fury is restored i'm going to give myself a little bit more balm here so there you go we should be sitting on like eight regeneration now i'm gonna hit him twice just to get some damage off and then he's gonna like hit us really really hard but it's okay we're gonna regenerate like half that back so it's not that big of a deal this guy is bleeding i'm gonna put another bleed on him so there we go and i'm gonna finish him off right here with an hp restore i don't know if it gave us the effect i don't think it gave us the effect so i guess we're still minus nine uh this is one of the better cards on the lycanthrope in my opinion regeneration if you upgrade this you can restore 20 hp whenever you want you can only do it once per battle but i'm gonna tell you what that once per battle matters in the long term i probably on my last run i probably healed like 400 500 hp with this card and it just kept me in the game for a long long time so i'm gonna take it and then when we get to a campfire i'm gonna try to upgrade it i came across an elven camp and decided to take a break and came to the fire i was taken in and fed but i had to spend the whole evening chatting nicely with stupid elven warriors inside i was simmering with annoyance i decided to have a proper sleep and take everybody out early in the morning all right we'll have a rest i'm going to train like i said this card is the mvp and you want to re you want to upgrade it as soon as possible that card is oh yeah so our guy he's an elven outcast so he hates elves if you're playing any other character that event right there you just like rest and go on your way but because he hates elves we rest and then we murder them in the morning it's one of those little details that i kind of like i'm gonna hit him with that i'm gonna get him with the instinctive attack right there oh he dodged it i forgot elves have evasion they dodge the first attack you throw their way on every turn i totally forgot about that so that was on me making a miss play right there we've got four rage so the next time we hit the enemy we're gonna turn into a lycanthrope so that's cool i don't know if we still get the rage even if we miss it looks like we do so we still get our rage even if we miss the downside here is that we don't really have a whole lot to play with on this turn so i'm gonna stack up my regeneration real fast i'm gonna hit this guy for six i'm gonna save this until we access i'm gonna save it until we actually need it our deck is small enough that it's absolutely gonna come up again uh during the course of this play by the time we finish this off so why worry about it we'll go with bloodletting right there he's gonna evade i totally forgot about it again i am just bad at video games all right and then we'll stop off right there uh we're holding oh never mind i thought it dealt the two damage to the enemy so that's actually a lot less interesting uh this right here is dealing damage to me the longer i hold my form gotcha all right so we're gonna take the 20 hp right there we're gonna go with the bomb right there uh we're gonna go with the balm they've got two evasions so there's not really a whole lot that i can do here i'm gonna shear off one of his evasion i need a big attack turn otherwise we're not gonna be able to get through his invasion so there's one evade there's two of aid and there's the kill so that's gonna eliminate a lot of the damage that we're going to be taking on any given turn i'm going to start getting rid of his evade 2 just a little bit early we are starting to take a lot of damage from our lycanthrope form so i think i'm going to drop it pretty soon at value of 5 get mind breakdown i'm kind of curious what that's gonna do but i'm gonna drop it right here because we've got a good turn in front of us so there we go we got rid of all of his evade we put a bleed on him we got some regeneration and some health back what's he gonna do what is that right there oh he's jeering at me it's probably not the best it's probably not the best use of his term we gotta play that he put that miss card in there uh if we don't play it it will stay in our deck and it'll make it so that we get a debuff that makes our next attack miss so anyways just something to think about along the way let's go ahead and put some more bleeds on him we got instinctive right there again so i'm going to take survival instinct one more time and i think we should be able to finish the job right here no problem before we take any more damage from our like and throw form 30 gold off that fight sounds good to me we've got merciless ferocity deal five damage two times oh no i don't know ferocious return all ferocious cards from the discard pile to the draw pile i don't know if i have any ferocious cards so i don't think that's gonna help out that much that would be the first one right there now would be the time to make the call if we were planning on going like full ferocious with our deck that way we could pull like a ton of cards i assume it's gonna be kind of similar to uh it's gonna be kind of similar to like a shiv deck if you're playing as the hidden or whatever and slay the spire or as a god what was that ability called on the iron clad where it costs zero and it deals like five damage it's not pummel but i forget the name of it but anyways there's a there's a build for the iron clad that's kind of similar too i'm gonna skip these because i feel kind of okay i'm gonna try to keep my deck nice and thin so elves still attack you not every elf can recognize an outcast but my appearance arouses suspicions in many of them and once they realize you're an outcast they attack an exiled lichen has no right to return to the elven lands under any pretext the relationship between the elves is much more interesting than i thought this two-faced society hides many dirty secrets from prying eyes all right we're making good progress a man is lying on the ground in the forest blood is gushing out of his chest wound as a red pool spreads beneath him and he was still alive it catches my interest all right let's search him uh we got cursed boots so increase your maximum hp by five when you get a curse we get to draw an extra card it also has set bonuses so that's kind of interesting however it puts a corruption card into our deck okay all right i probably won't use those i don't know like the 5 hp it's a cool trade-off but i'm not really picking up a whole lot of curses right now i still want to see what that ico when we're fighting a dwarf right now all right so what dwarves do dwarves will gain strength they get stronger and deal more damage if you play two cards at the same time in a row so you've got to kind of like play things out of the order that you would normally play them otherwise you're going to get yourself into trouble so for example we can do that right there we can play that right there we can play that right there and we've kind of done the best we can with this turn like it's gonna kind of force us to play a little bit slower otherwise we're gonna buff this guy to kingdom come and just like bad things are gonna happen oh i get the curse either way oh well i might as well put the boots on then all right i'll put the boots on after this fight i thought that the card came with the boots when you put them on but apparently it just got added to my deck all willy nilly so welcome to my life i guess you can have a strength right there because i need to turn into a like and we have too many we have too many good cards in our hand right now and i need to get some regen so like get as mad as you want hit me for double damage if you want that's fine i i understand i'm an outcast i know the feeling uh my healing card's gonna come up anyways so like who cares i'm gonna smack you right there dude this guy's gonna get so much fury this is gonna be a big i should probably stop right there before i make this a lot worse i'm gonna stop right there before i make this worse he's gonna hit me for like 24. i you know we're getting a lot of enemies right now that sort of like are a problem for us i would like to restore ten of my hp very much thank you i'm gonna play the bomb play that right there play regeneration and then we're back to human form because i over did it but we can finish him off right here with the bleed so it's fine we came out of this actually in better shape than we went in we're gonna need to find a shop pretty soon too what does exposed do expose they take 50 percent more damage okay so it's the same as vulnerable gotcha all right seven damage and flick three bleeding bleeds are nice i do like bleeds a lot exposed feels like it goes in here better though so i'll go with that we got an elixir of armor gives us five armor all right throw that on and you never know when you're gonna need it man you never know when you're gonna need it uh we need to take this upward path so i can see what that icon is right there i'm doing i'm doing some hardcore science here on the internet for right now all right so this is going to be a tough fight we are going to struggle i hate to tell you but we're gonna have a hard time here today both these guys get double damage if we played two of cards of the same type in a row so oh they're getting strength too i should probably get the guy in the back then all right let me get the guy in the back so put that on him we will deal that right there that's not playable i gotta get into like and throw form so i'm gonna let them double their damage like i gotta get into like-and-throw form like right now we need to get like some serious damage going to the guy in the back before he over buffs this dude's strength to just yeah i was gonna say that's gonna happen every turn isn't it it's gonna happen every turn so put that over there for the nine we'll play that right there for the extra regen and we're just gonna kind of have to play this slow very very slow and these dwarves out here these dwarves out here all right so this guy is bleeding so we're going to go with that right there we're going to go survival instincts so that we get the 10 hp back with this dude i would like to put exposed on him yeah absolutely i need to shred off some of that armor he's not attacking on this turn so i don't care about his double damage i don't care about it okay now i care about his double damage i overdid it and i dropped my form it's not great i would rather not drop my form fun fact about their double damage it expires at the end of the turn so don't panic too much about it this is a turn where i could really really hurt myself more than i want to if i keep going unless i can seal the deal and kill the guy i just don't think it's worth it i'm gonna go with that right there oh i should have put exposed on him first it's okay we gotta alternate these anyways it was a slight misplay but it's not a misplay that's gonna kill us uh so we put that on him we're gonna play that over there put more some regen on us and then we'll get that oh i forgot to put on the boots too okay i'll put on the boots after this i luckily i remembered at the end of the fight all right so we've got cruelty rains we can draw three random attacks we have deal six damage instinctive if the target is bleeding that's such a good card that i can't resist the urge to add another one on my deck so dwarves fell for ingvar's death and started an invasion without delay sigismund was right he countered on that apparently a pointless war over a patch of land that'll weaken both those fools don't even know what they should actually fear it's nice to talk to you bjorn there's no need to explain anything to you all right so we've got another campfire up here we've got good hp which means hallelujah uh we get to put more exposed on here what's this gonna do inflict two exposed on the enemy i'm gonna start upgrading my regen cards i think this one makes me put exposed on everybody but i feel like the region cards are really kind of like the foundation of our survival strategy and they can be upgraded twice which makes me think it's a good call we've also got a store over here which i'm really excited about i forgot to put on the boots again splatter cat put on the boots put on the boots splatty you're ruining the video right now put on the boots you gotta put all the boots out there man all right i'm gonna put exposed on this guy bang bong enjoy being exposed uh i'm gonna go with you're not bleeding so that doesn't really help me all together that much werewolf farm doing werewolf stuff oh i got my upgraded car too very nice uh we'll go ahead and do the nine oh 14 damage right there yeah oh no dude he's thieving from my prison pocket please stop i don't want you to steal from my prison pocket i need hp back and i need hp back like today oh he's not bleeding i thought he was bleeding for whatever reason i'm usually pretty good at making sure that everybody is bled up and this time around i have completely not done a good job uh we're gonna be okay i just need my regen i need my regeneration card to come back up there we go so there's 20 hp looking pretty good put some exposed on this guy get some more balm so that we're negating his damage just with like regeneration i can play this whole turn and not drop my form so i'm not gonna i should probably drop it soon though i should probably drop it pretty soon uh it's getting up there once that gets up to like four or five it can get kind of risky here have some more exposed enjoy i would like to add more balm yes nine regeneration is good this guy is not bleeding so a lot of these cards are gonna be wasted i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna i'm gonna drop my form right there just to finish the fight and we've got a lot of money so we should be able to buy something good when we get to the store we've got lick your wounds we can either get five scarring which i don't know what that does discard and restore one hp when you take damage so basically it reduces damage by one five times okay or we can use it to shape shift whenever we want i feel like having the ability to pull the trigger on my shape shift whenever i want is a good thing to have so i'm going to do that let's go ahead and we're going to trade over here i'm not going to sell the booties although i guess we got new booties over here what do those do every time a card is burned draw one we do have cards that burn in in our deck quite a few so that would be nice to have unfortunately the prices are a little bit high i can't afford anything i'd like to be able to pick up a new weapon or like a helmet or like something but i'm gonna make a baller play right here and we're just gonna keep the curse and i'm gonna put the helmet on uh getting items as early as you can in the game is usually a pretty good idea look at my little helmet right there look at my little helmet it's just like pretty looks so frail and thin uh anyways i need to play this like right now and i'm going to shape shift there we are i'm going to attack i'm going to bomb i don't know if i should bomb he's gonna go up to 12 damage if i bomb again i don't think it's worth it so with the five bomb he'll do 12 i'll take six this way we'll play it at another time when we've got a better opening uh we also have two armor which is nice from the helmet so every single turn we're getting two armor back uh same as having i forget what it was called in slay the spire like i said this game does borrow pretty pretty liberally from slay the spire like i can 100 understand when people raise an eyebrow i too raised an eyebrow but now with the release of the second character i feel like the game has done a good enough job differentiating itself like yes the main character percival is the ironclad from slay the spire and that to me is definitely eyebrow raising however now that the second character is is so much different from anything that i've seen in any other game i guess maybe i just haven't played enough card games you guys will have to tell me down in the description i suppose if i've missed something here what is that what does that do oh only taunted enemies can be targeted gotcha i don't have any bleeds or anything else to play around with so we're gonna deal some damage right there we're gonna get two more balm we're gonna deal a bit more right there and then i dropped my form on accident that's okay that's fine not that big of a deal we're gonna get that hp back that we just lost anyways oh no dude we've been shattered which doesn't matter because we don't have block cards fair enough uh here have fun bleeding and then i'm gonna put exposed on you just to diversify it a little bit kill you off so that i'm not taking any damage right there i am going to regenerate real fast because i can't guarantee it's going to come up by the end of the turn uh by the end of the combat so i'd rather get the hp now than later that puts us in a very very sweet spot for like continuing to survive this guy is not bleeding so unfortunately not much that i can do with the oh now i can nice a little bit more oh 17 damage good lord okay actually i should have let him double his damage he's not attacking this turn i'm making miss plays right now but just be assured that i'm kind of new to the character i've only played one or two runs with him so far and so there's gonna be misplays this is not for educational purposes this is just for well i guess it kind of is in its own way i've got a dichotomous card right there well let's play this first we'll play the dichotomous card i'll take the five scarring i will deal 11 more damage no i dropped it again i got to pay attention to my meter a little bit better in my costs it's okay scarring will fix us i'm going gonna put exposed on you and then we're gonna deal some damage right here i'm just gonna finish you off because i don't really care about your buff all right uh let's see here we've got splash out burn the top of the car burn draw the top card from the draw pile it costs zero for this turn okay i do think that i need more bleed cards so i'm gonna go a deep cut right here uh it seems like our strategy very much relies upon me getting bleeds out on the enemy please no helmet 98 gold and some boots so they do not provide any additional protection but they do hide a dagger so we've got a hidden dagger inside of our boots yeah you can go ahead and equip them we've been shoeless this entire time i want to know what this is but we need to kill a mini boss so we can get better gear what is it oh [Music] i can ask to be purged oh that's pretty sexy oh but i can't get rid of the curse that's what i wanted to get rid of okay now i'm just disappointed with my life all right well disappointments are a part of any uh part of any experience here now we got will to live over here dude i'm gonna turn that into four balm yes just focus on these right here if i can get all these will delivers up to plus four regeneration we'll be regenerating upwards of like 16 hp per turn which is gonna make us really hard to kill until like much later in the game so there's our jab card we can deal seven damage what does this guy do gains fury gains one fury for every fury gained oh so he gets like okay what does this guy do block does not disappear at the end of the turn that could really become a problem over time go ahead and stab him i guess i don't have anything else to play i don't want to take 16 damage either gross bad draw i'm gonna let him uh continue kind of like accumulating his block and he can just sort of like we'll sort him out later i need to shape-shift like right now that sounds fantastic yes please all right so we have shape shifted i put a bleed on you i put a bleed on you uh he's gonna get strength though as he gets more and more wounded so like we're gonna get scuffed a little bit in this fight okay we're gonna get scuffed a little bit i haven't played my regeneration yet though so we still have options i have jab right there we'll go ahead and throw that out get some more bomb running this guy's bleeding so i'm gonna get my 10 hp back this guy does not have a bleed on him but he's not attacking on this turn so we can pretty much mag dump him wait how did oh it cost two damn okay i'm gonna figure this out we're gonna get the rotation it's gonna be okay let's see here too exposed on the enemy sure why not go ahead and do a jab right there to get him done i can restore my hp but i don't really see the point he's not bleeding so i can wait this out i feel like time is on my side like he's got these intermittent turns where he doesn't do anything so i can full on like unload on him if i want to oh never mind we killed him on that turn nice okay i wasn't expecting to kill him that fast uh we can get another confusion gain all the effects of the next dichotomous car oh but we got to get that to come up in our hand at the same time as that other card so we can shape shift and get five scarring oh but it's gonna have to come up in sequence which is tough our deck is small enough right now that i feel like it will but that won't always be the case all right so from where i'm sitting we got eight damage going out i don't really [Music] it cost six hp to play that huh all right well we're gonna take this guy out first and then we're gonna try to get all the effects of our next dichotomous card hopefully it doesn't fall off oh it doesn't so you can play it whenever that actually makes that a lot better so there's our dichotomous card right there there's our five scarring i'm gonna go with a jab right there i can kill him so i'll take 12 i'll take 16. all right we're gonna wait it out i'll play regeneration when it comes up to regeneration's got to be in this little stack over here there it is okay so we're gonna jab to kill you regenerate all our hb can't play a skill just yet put that right there go with that and then that we have next turn to deal even more damage we'll be okay uh we're not gonna get the full use of our bombs though so like this is gonna be a net loss for us as far as hp goes not due to misplays or anything else just due to like draws and whatnot we got a little bit of hp back from that over there we'll go ahead and hit him with that win that and then we will finish the fight it's a bummer that if you kill him you don't get the plus 10 hp i've noticed that inflict two weakness i don't think that's actually a bad actually more regeneration i gotta go with more regeneration dude it's just too good like are we gonna end up in a situation with these cards where you know maybe i have too many regeneration cards sure but the nice thing about having too many regeneration cards is uh if they come up and you're already low on hp you can just play them anyways some costume clown riding a pig challenged me to a fight i like pork and i don't mind dwarf meat either so this halfway came at just the right time i needed a good meal before the long journey to the crimson steps all right we'll see what this guy does i haven't fought this guy before what does he do change of plans upon the boar's death he gains a turn when losing hp gains strength yeah this is gonna get a little messy this is gonna get a little messy and we got a bad draw on our first turn feels bad feels battery but he doesn't have the dwarf buff so that's nice oh he gets a bunch of strength okay this is gonna be a very stingy fight we're just gonna have to accept that at face value luckily he morphed us so not a whole lot to go off of right there we'll get our bomb we'll get our bomb this is free so we'll smack him with that i should have put exposed on him first dude we're going through his hp pretty good right now i think we should be able to outrun him hopefully we get our regenerates on our next turn though 22 damage right there all right so he's bleeding we'll go with instinctive if left in hand gain shattered what does that do can't game block okay that's fine i just don't want to get weakness put a little bit more bleed on him and then i'll drop the form because we should have our shape shift coming up pretty soon our shape shift hasn't come up yet and so like it should come up i will take the 20 hp please i'm just gonna go all in on him okay so he's like officially off of the pig now but he's dealing a lot more damage 48 damage foof okay let's get the regen i'm gonna play that just to take the edge off play that to get the five scarring three scarring it looks like he's got oh my god okay looks like he's got these interim turns where he's not quite doing as much put a little bit of bleed on him put a little bit more bleed on him oh dude i think we're toast damn that's a rough ability oh he does have it now oh that was a misplay then he got the dwarvish ability when he jumped off of his pig all right well i killed myself never mind that was my fault this is a knock on the coffin lid uh i don't normally do kind of recoveries on games that i was kind of like on the fence about the last time because there is a lot of stuff in this game that's taken from slay the spire but seeing as their next character is not like anything i've seen before i decided to give another shot and i have been enjoying it so take that what you will i've never inherently really liked the art style of slay the spire i've always kind of find it i've always kind of found it sort of hideous to look at um so anyways you know i like the fact that this game has has nicer graphics so anyways we got a couple of unlocks right there we got some new cards i'm playing on the beta branch so when you're seeing this stuff missing right here it's no fault of the games this is not a released patch uh this is the the open beta branch that anybody that owns the game can play on you just have to understand there's going to be assets missing so don't worry about that my name is splatter cat i'll see y'all later thank you for being here this is knock on the coffin lid i sift through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to by all means let me know what you think about this one in the comments i'm open to hearing your thoughts like i am really curious if i'm way off base about critiquing this game so much off of percival being kind of like a copy pasta of the ironclad uh not in totality but like i'd say like 80 of everything on personable is identical to the ironclad so anyways like i do think that that's worthy of critique i really do think that is i think they should go back and kind of diversify him a little bit make him a little bit more different in the early game than the ironclad but i do like bjorn a lot and bjorn plays to a style that i enjoy personally very very much and so anyways don't normally do this kind of thing but i did it this time i'll see y'all next time take care
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 85,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knock on the coffin lid gameplay, knock on the coffin lid playthrough, knock on the coffin lid walkthrough, knock on the coffin lid review, knock on the coffin lid preview, knock on the coffin lid impressions, lets play knock on the coffin lid, knock on the coffin lid download, knock on the coffin lid trailer, knock on the coffin lid soundtrack, knock on the coffin lid guide
Id: SqBhUV3p6wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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