Alien Marauder - Massive Bug Horde Slaughtering Base Defense

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're going to be checking out a title called alien marauder this game is kind of the marriage between they are billions stronghold and starcraft and by that i mean this is a game where you're going to be building a base on an alien planet covered in tens of thousands of bugs literally this game's engine one of the big selling points for this game's marketing is that they can have 15 000 bugs on map at a time without the engine lagging and so anyways you land on a planet you are supposed to make a colony to exploit that planet and you must last a certain amount of time for that colony to be viable and that's where we're at the game has kind of like a space southern cowboy flare to it and honestly i've had a lot of fun with it it is a very difficult game though so be ye warned if after watching this you want to get the game for yourself i'm pretty sure they're going to have a demo that's going out during the steam festival this week i'll also be streaming it live on twitch tv slash flatter cat gaming on the day that the video goes live so that we can all hang out together and discuss the game just like we did with age of darkness uh this is a tough one i'd recommend you play on a lower difficulty though first so anyways links down there for the game then on top of that you can find a link to my discord my twitter and my twitch stream all three of which you can ask me whatever you want on i'm on the discord pretty much all day i'm on twitter here and there i don't know twitter dude twitter but i'm on the discord a lot and i twitch stream pretty much every day of the week let's start it off survival mode let's go survival mode uh put the game on easy for your first run i highly recommend otherwise you're gonna have a bad time playing on normal you have about two days to get set up before they hit you with a fat wave like right in the beginning of the game and i haven't survived it yet then again i'm not very good at rts games either and so that may also be a piece of it this game does have a hero mechanic to it the heroes level up they have different abilities we have commander layton which is like a dude that rides a cyber tiger and has a giant old six gun he's kind of your long-range nuke option he's not quite as stiff as the other hero but he is very very good for damage dealing patrolling scouting that kind of stuff and then you've got balder balder is basically unkillable like i i've thrown balder into crazy situations and he always comes out the issue with balder is that he's terrible for scouting because he's melee and he has this tendency to run into packs and then pull more enemies than you wanted to pull while you're clearing and so i tend to go with commander layton although i do like balder it's just that leighton goes with my play style a little bit better let's load on in down to the planet we go will it be a good planet a fortuitous planet or will it be a planet full of us getting our faces eaten off there's no way to tell right now there's no way to tell let's go ahead and scout some of this fog of war first things first i want to get some residential set up with the meager resources that we started out with do i have any bonus buildings i do so there is a little bit of carried progression in this game which is kind of an interesting mechanic when you play the game and you lose some of your buildings are conserved based on how long you lasted which means that on concurrent playthroughs uh you can basically bomb out like five buildings right at the beginning to really give you a leg up let's kill some bugs over here i'm just going to find directions to clear in and that's what we're going to do as far as resources go we got to watch out for fuel in the context of the game fuel is basically your food resource everything that produces population or allows you to have more units requires fuel and then you trade it into population effectively by building these little houses right here which then generate money um we've got electricity which is being generated by this building for right now but later on we will have to figure that out there are 10 000 vexins on the planet the difference in amount of vexin's roughly i think there was 13 000 when i was playing on normal but i haven't been able to make it that far on normal they just the the vexins push you very very hard on normal difficulty and so unless you've got like a solid build order where you like know what you're doing and you know where to drop stuff and you've got like an idea and you're hitting the ground like very much kind of aggressively running normal difficulty is probably a good starting place for people that are really good at rts's i am not really good at rts's and so you know i'm gonna need a little bit of you know it took me like a month to beat the first couple levels and they are billions whereas like some streamers clear the first level like the first day they were playing i just don't have that skill set i never particularly like enjoyed playing starcraft or any of that stuff i played the campaigns and whatnot for the storyline i really enjoyed it but like i never got like competitively good at it so if i'm making foibles here you're just gonna have to like stick with me i think we've wiped out enough bugs on that side oh we got a gold bug down here gold bugs very very important for getting free resources in the beginning of the game so we'll take out a gold bug real fast that'll give us a little bit of minerals that'll give us a whole bunch of money which actually helps out a ton because both of our fuel harvesters just came in so i am going to drop a little suburb on each side of the base yup that sounds about right to me let's do it and that should really really improve our tax revenue there we go perfect that's the good stuff your heroes do level up they do have abilities you can click on this little uh hero skills option right here you can increase his damage by 20 you can make him get an aoe buff that makes everybody run faster and shoot faster all around you or you can get a grenade i found the best success by buffing the hell out of his damage so that i can use him as kind of like a single target nuker for like the heavier nastier bugs that tends to be what kind of works out for me as a strategy they are going to start pushing into our territory pretty soon i don't know if our society just like makes a lot of rumblings but the aliens are really being kind of like high quality dildometers about us being in their territory they just flat out don't like it they're trying to live their best little buggy life down here and like in an ideal world i would prefer to tame the bugs because i personally love animals like i think animals are really cool um but they're just not they're just not open to it man like you try your best but you just can't help you know some critters they're just little nasty meanie faces i don't have enough resources but i would like to put in another miner around here this crystal right here is for mining obviously all these resources around here are from mining i'm just trying to get myself like a little path cut i want to have like a lot of room to stop things from pushing into my territory i want to have like a lot of early warning if they're on their way in because there are like a lot of bug types there is actually pretty decent enemy variety even in this early version of the game uh there's different enemies that do different stuff and like i'd like for all the little you know all the little non-threatening enemies to be taken care of nice and early okay so i'll probably make a square wall right here that runs from there over to here if we have the infrastructure to get it done i'm all out of fuel let's think about maybe military if i can get 420 gold and i can get another little bit of ore we can start producing military units and i feel like that's a strong play because we're going to want to have a patrol of like 10 guys on each side of the base just walking back and forth until we can get the walls up and ready to rock uh in the best case scenario to kill anything that comes trickling through and in the worst case scenario uh to create a human wall for alien consumption until i can get more units ready to rock uh we'll go ahead and air 420 gold i do like that the buildings animate uh when they spit out their resources there's like little animations and stuff that they do everything is very well animated you could tell this game was put together by people that like know how to make an rts i haven't noticed any major issues like a delay when i right click for my units to move which was fundamentally always a problem with they are billions that i don't know if they ever quite got fixed but i distinctly remember there being like this just barely perceptible delay when you would give commands as it was calculating on the nav mesh for they are billions and so that does not exist here i'm gonna go ahead and get a barracks out right there this game does um have conquerable buildings so if you've ever played they are billions when enemies hit your buildings it spawns more aliens so apparently they actually lay eggs in us or something like that because when they take your buildings out um you end up with a much bigger problem so whereas in age of darkness you don't have to worry too much about enemies chewing on your buildings this game you absolutely do have to worry about people chewing on your buildings i'm gonna set up a patrol over here oh that was not what i wanted at all that guy's trying to push up inside of there hold on come over to here you just come to there there we go and your job is gonna be to patrol perfect and then you guys over here are going to do something very very similar you guys are going to go from here yeah you know what just aggro that giant pack right there that's not a problem just aggro the night away dude aggro aggro everybody's feeling great aggro aggro aggro the night away okay so our barracks is up and ready to go i'm going to spend our first little bit of cash on getting some more soldiers all right so for you guys i would like for you all to sort of just patrol down that way we don't have a lot of resources right now so we are gonna have to work on that i don't think that we're passively generating about as much as i would like to uh i would like to get another drill in over here when that becomes feasible that would actually help out we need 360 gold though so we'll just leave them on patrol for right now i'll probably try to have 10 guys aside we've got our first wave coming in 13 days i'm playing the game on a lower difficulty because frankly i tried to record on normal difficulty like two or three times and just got wiped like 20 minutes in just from mistakes dude like this is a game that kind of expects perfection from you on like the moderate to higher difficulties like it expects you to to really do a good job and to kind of have your build order all sorted out and be ready to rock a little bit more golden we can put in another mine luckily what i really like about this game is that the starting resource caps are actually pretty generous okay so now 16 right there okay that's gonna be a big help that's gonna be like a massive help i'm actually down for that other things that we can get if i can get another fuel refiner over here i would love that i would even go so far as to say i would learn that looks like i can get one in right there too so we might as well fully exploit this entire area we've got a few more soldiers right here that's great super happy about that how much do walls cost let's start getting some walls rocking out here stone barricades actually not that expensive uh we're gonna need a pylon over like right here in order to expand this territory you can find that inside your infrastructure menu the structure for infras and we'll put that in like i actually think that that will be optimal right there for what i'm trying to do [Music] yeah that's optimal i'll take that we got three guys over here okay you guys kind of refocus over to here to help him out with his patrol and we'll just kind of put you on the same patrol path this patrol got broken up i think it's because they actually have collision and can like bump into each other and stuff they can actually do the full-on bump in the night thing i'm gonna let my resources tick up a little bit i don't know what my building is looking like on this side it actually looks like i can make a fairly solid wall over here but let's focus on one project at a time let's not get too wild and crazy fiddling with stuff i would like to put in a few more houses i think that's a good idea just for generating resources so i will do that a few more bugs down on that side you love to see it we've got a trickle bug right there a little bit of the trickily wigglies right there and when these are up i think we should be bringing in like 300 to 400 gold per tick so that'll be really really nice i would like it if they gave you a unified meter next to each one of these resources that you could enable and disable or at least like a meter that tells you when the next kick of resources is maybe underneath this right here since they have a little bit of free space right there yeah here comes the trickle they're actually starting to hit at us right now so we'll want to keep an eye on that let's get some more defenses up i think that looks satisfactory we're a little bit out of resources for right now i may have to adjust their patrol in just a minute but i am happy with where we're at for right now uh why was it not letting me build more of them was it just because there was bugs nearby it's got to be because we were doing like the bug's life thing over here okay yeah if we can tab that into play i don't know if i need one right there we'll just kind of do that for right now just so that side of the base is isolated from anything that might be coming and then later on we'll be able to push out and like solve things over here now we need to push our focus over to this side i am going to get a little bit aggressive with my acquisition on this side i think so i'll probably do something like that right there and i'll try to wall this all at the same time that's fine bass can be under attack we may need a few more soldiers though let's go ahead and get a few more to add to this patrol over here like i like i said i want like 10 to a side but if i can wall this right here using this one's radius and then come all the way around that'll get us a lot of equitable space to mess around with especially if i can kind of pinch that off right there we can use this for just like maximum resource farm of both fuel and ore i should probably get some steel up and running pretty soon but like i'm focused on the task at hand right now trying to keep us all nice and protected we're all out of fuel we got a little bit of electricity left what is electricity going to cost me in the greater scheme of things tech and commerce so we've got a research institute right there a power plant so it takes 15 ore and it costs us gold to have a power plant okay good to know so that's actually going to lower the amount of money we have to play around with understood completely and totally understood all right so with the resources that i have on hand here let me drag and drop some walls real quick okay so we're off to a good start but like we really got to get these walls up and running they take over some of these buildings we're going to have some considerable issues so oh yeah it do be it do be you're not wrong all right let's see if we can clear this area out i don't know with some of these oh we got a big guy coming in hold on he's looking real motivated he's looking unfortunately motivated i think we should go from the top to the bottom that feels like the better plan to me if i don't go top to bottom i feel like it's gonna backfire on me we got one little dude chewing on stuff down there i can peel off one soldier to go deal with him that's no biggie now the other thing that i'm gonna need is walls please yeah just kind of like nope that's not what i wanted let's cancel that maybe uh repair everything while we're here i don't hit a wrong no i don't hit a wrong button everything's falling apart it's chaos this is why you don't let me manage anything dude they wouldn't let me manage a sizzler let alone like an extraterrestrial colonial operation i'm just saying dude no don't don't do what you're doing right now that's a horrible mistake don't even don't even think about what you're doing right now uh what's under attack we should be i think it's just the normal culprits is what it looks like to me yeah i think it's just the normal culprits they're under attack over here okay the the official trickle is definitely starting to happen if i have the materials i think we've got an opportunity for just a bang-up mining operation over here that's a 16 there's a 17 right there 18 is the highest i've ever seen so yeah we definitely need to get something over and into this nook right here oh but that one's messing it up not in love with that oh the entire point of that thing was getting all that over there uh i think we're stuck with the materials we have for right now i don't think we're going to be able to go too much harder in the material paint unfortunately it's because they've got overlap right there yeah they've got a little bit of overlap unfortunately and the rings can't overlap i can get a seven in right there a 10 in right there i'm gonna do the 10. it's kind of messy but i think i can live with it for right now and then if we can pull in another fuel pump i'll be a pretty happy camper it looks like they're actually all on a different rotation because when i was watching the resources come on in it uh it went tick and then it went tick again so i think each one of these is actually on their own timer so i guess my i guess my meter idea would not work i think my meter idea would be somewhat sub-par that's okay it can be under attack we'll fix everything up if you guys want to push out and kill something so that i can keep greedily gathering land into my territory i'd be okay with it like honestly i'd be fine with bulldozing these walls right here and just having it be a straight shot all the way over because we already we already verified need more materials so there we go get you where's that other one at uh let's go ahead and let's get kind of deal with all this real fast we can't attack move i'm just bad and also with the attack move i think i uh re-key bound it let's continue giving him a little bit more damage it's holding i don't know if we could make the assertion that it's holding well but it is holding [Music] there's a 17 right there but we can get a 23 out of that right there but i have to build another pylon maybe later like is the 26 worth building a pylon i guess is the question for this little tiny area right here it's a 26 versus a 15. it does kind of double our output in like a weird micro managing way i feel like it's worth it so i'm gonna do it meanwhile i'm the best there i don't know if you guys want to push in this direction and just kill everything you possibly can to buy us a little bit of headway against the enemy but i'm okay with it if you do we've wiped out about 500 bugs at this point which is actually kind of actually no we've done like 200. that's still a lot of giant space bugs though don't feel too down about it 200 space bugs that's a lot of space bugs man there we go all right you guys just hold the wire right there that's all you got to do that's all you got to do is take that wire hold it independent of whatever else might be going on i believe in all of you you are all my friends it's going to take him a while to get there and they're chewing their way through the barricade over here just kind of plant you guys right there i shouldn't have brought you all the way over you kind of hang out midsection right here defend that yeah the trickle is becoming very real right now all right let's reset up their patrol so that it's a little bit more precise pylons are almost in we'll take that down repair everything we possibly can i don't think i have access to turrets or anything right now so i think that's going to be the next thing that we really want to get a hold of too we do have a scientific building over here but we don't have the electricity to deploy it so we're gonna have to make a power plant that's not open for debate um we can plop one right there let's do the power plant now rather than later just feels safer to me okay you guys are patrolling i would like to get some more soldiers up and running i just do not feel good about our manpower right now our tiger power is through the roof but our manpower is kind of lackluster there we go hey he can one shot the big guys now nice okay let's get our build menu up i don't know if that crystal right there has collision but i think it may be worth investigation like if we can just use that as like an improvised section of our wall i'm like totally okay with it i don't mind at all that actually doesn't upset me in the slightest let's clear these little turds out over here i have to shoot i don't talk there you go get into the thick of it get into the thick of it and there's enemies nearby right there but i can get a gate in right your there is under attack is it oh there he is i was gonna say are they in the base it kind of feels like you guys are there it kind of feels like you guys are saying that they are in the base right now and frankly that kind of worries me i'm gonna send the hero over here to handle this patrol fall back behind the wall all right sounds like a plan as you wish [Music] i appear to have created somewhat of an issue for myself they're coming in dude yeah focus on that section you come back down here oh my goodness oh my god they got little rollers and stuff man yeah get everybody over here that we possibly can i believe they may be somewhat upset about my land acquisition strategy here kind of feels like this would have been the time okay we got a man down right there they are getting through the walls oh dude they're coming at us hard i'm the best yeah just keep whittling on the edges over here whittling on the edges uh this may be the time to give ourselves a backup wall i don't know if it'll let me build it but they are coming in full steam and since we have kind of a lack of available what do i want to do here we gotta do something yeah give me a give me a secondary layer of walls i guess that they're gonna have to chew through that's okay we just need like a little bit more kill force over here and then we'll be all right oh they're coming in from that way too okay boss man come down here deal with them okay we will [Music] construct like another layer right here just to sort of keep them up and off my boobies give me a few more soldiers okay now you guys get in behind here and you guys start shooting actually go get them off that corner first i think that corner is the first major issue okay just kind of work on them from the flanks here if i gotta build like a big disgusting maze in order to make this all work then i'm willing to do that okay all right they're coming they're coming they're coming uh we're gonna need to figure out can i get the research institute down i can get the research institute down mum's the word on how much that's going to help but i need some kind of turret some kind of turret that can put out some dps i think that's kind of where we're at the other thing i need to do is if i can replace the wall right here that'd be great okay that's done over here so let's plant you over here i guess they just don't like those walls he's still holding over there just on his lonely little patrol on that side i cannot let them get to that drill right there and they definitely are getting to that drill okay all right all right all right all right it's gonna be okay everything's gonna be all right everything is all right everything is all right oh please tell me that it's all right is alright get them off my walls and shoot them in their face i am kind of scared i think we might die keep on shooting bugs until the gun goes click [Music] he can hold this right here that's fine is anybody in here yet oh we got one of the big dogs over here now they are starting to kind of fill out and hit us in other spots too okay well that was just an organizational nightmare wasn't it okay that was not the way that i saw my day going not in the slightest but on the plus side we killed several hundred bugs so whereas we may not be in like an optimal situation here um we did okay we did all right now on normal difficulty that wave is even worse to put this into perspective all right to put this into perspective on normal difficulty that wave right there uh it's like three times as big i'm just letting you know this game it accelerates its difficulty at a horrifying rate okay boys well done well done well done uh i'm gonna need you guys to just kind of patrol that's pretty much it i'm gonna start assembling an expeditionary force right here one guy seems to be holding that wall down there okay but let's add a few more soldiers to that stack that's okay the base can be under attack for right now i'm not as scared i wasn't scared like a minute ago i was definitely as scared but now not as scared there's a 26 right there that should allow us to expand our tax revenue a little bit with the research institute we've got supply stations we have fuel stations okay you can build fuel stations to collect fuel we got a metal detector we've got a silent tower [Music] okay um yeah let's go with the uh the defensive towers first that way i can kind of sprinkle them around these walls and then i can reclaim all this manpower for going out and clearing foes basically we also have 20 hours until the first wave so that'll be fun god only knows where that's gonna come from yeah that's definitely a tower it is also quite pricey hopefully the unit hopefully the enemy attacks the north man we only got six hours till this next wave comes in i'm beginning to fear for my safety i'm beginning to feel like this is not gonna go that good like i'm not trying to look like an idiot in my first play of a game even though that's basically what i do for a living but like a little nervous but yeah the game feels remarkably well put together it's got an art style that's definitely reminiscent of starcraft with sort of a western vibe that's a little firefly they've got the building is great i love how everything is animated everything moves everything has sparkles everything's got lightning shooting off of it they've had some really great decisions on in here i've had no lag i've had no issues with frame rate i've had no bugs everything feels very very well put together so hopefully you guys can check the game out in the in the festival but up until then my name is splattercat i sit through the pile to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie games every a single a day so you don't have to i'll see you all next time thank you for being here and that's pretty much all i've got for you maybe i'll fast forward you to the death wave i'm kind of wondering if what we got hit by was the wave it just arrived a little earlier because we were next to the spawn i don't know i've been sitting here for a minute no wave has come in so i have no clue actually we're about five hours past when it said it was deploying so i don't know i guess there's a bug queen over there and there's like some tactical objectives or whatever but like that's about all that i see for the moment um i don't know i'll see y'all later thanks for being here bye everybody
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 158,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alien marauder gameplay, alien marauder walkthrough, alien marauder playthrough, lets play alien marauder, alien marauder review, alien marauder preview, alien marauder impressions, alien marauder download, alien marauder guide, alien marauder tutorial, alien marauder trailer, alien marauder soundtrack, alien marauder boss, alien marauder music, alien marauder indie game
Id: mDLJRawRaqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 41sec (1961 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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