Lovecraft Country - Cultist Simulator Tips & Tricks Episode 5: Have Cult, Will Travel

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[Music] hello everyone this is fantastic worlds welcome back to lovecraft country and tips and tricks for cultist simulator now this is a part 4 of our series and probably the end of the first cycle because the whole point of the series was to get your character or however you want to look at yourself and playing this game to the point of stability where you can't crash and burn at a moment's notice as you can see the last three episodes we have of course built our character up to more than human maximums in health passion and reason we have established our cult of course and we've got our patrons although poppy's currently got a per issue with poppy currently that i cannot fulfill her commission because i don't have a level 6 knock we'll get into that later we also of course have killed our boss which allows us to have a 90 second rather than 60 second refresh for our position at glover and glover now if you were to evolve that position further it would go back to 60 seconds which is not something a lot i think it's wise to do you're not going to be using this job primarily for income for much longer and if you've got 60 second things like trying to paint your relentlessness so it doesn't become the dread or cast spell using one of the rights it takes 60 seconds you want that extra 20 seconds to get synth and of course we've got the maxed out matchless physique which allows us to create a vitality in 40 seconds should we ever become sick i've taught you how to use a sunset right or the more traditional dream route in order to be able to get rid of dread and fascination you're cut you're set for the moment so now we have essentially hit the glass ceiling of civilization we have gotten every piece of lore out of the both the auction house and moreland's bookshop we've actually purchased borland's bookshop for re so we can use its library so right now the point is for our characters to go enter out into the world and look for seymour lore to status oh for crane that's a little weird okay there's been an update and there's some weird going on so it's hopefully this isn't gonna spoil the episode all right so in order to find those spots you require secret histories and as you can see i've been diving into the dream realm because i have three of five of the uh gates open at this point and as you can see even though i can only really get more than eight i have been so dedicated in um combining the lore that i managed to get one of each to show you okay the occult scrap this in order to um find a spot in anywhere that has a cult lore you can get you must put the secret lore sorry secret lord secret history here now if you put in a level two it's called scrap you get a secret place in the quote-unquote the city that's london okay just let's translate this out the shire it's if you get to put one at four now each one of course is a slightly more difficult spot before it but not too difficult we'll go into that as well that shire is the english countryside level six continent that's western europe that's always known as the continent level eight the land beyond the forest transylvania literally translated is land beyond the forest although in general it's just usually everything in eastern europe i think which includes indiana but i'm not sure anyways the rending mountains this is over in i believe caucasia and other forms of turkey where you have some really old runes vagabonds uh the vagabonds map now the vagabond is one of the hours the only one who is not allowed in the mansis but has traveled to every other spot and the map is basically getting a fragment and the yeah you can never enter the mansis but she goes everywhere else if you believe her boast she's the one who knows all the history sometimes you let something record or travel so it's essentially what you have here alone in langley of sands is subharan africa okay and the egyptians of course tombs and such last one the for the fort noon antidote now across the far bright sea port noon lies exiles monsters and visionaries along favor the waters around it perhaps we shouldn't get too close but it might be useful to get close enough that is the caribbean yeah essentially it also includes port noon where the um exile longs aka the immortals that do that that will not serve the hours i'll chill behind a spring around a spring that helps them maintain their anonymity you know if you're going to be immortal i really would do more than stick in a small island anyways so but let's start at the beginning let's see if we can find some hidden spot oh wait that's the wrong one silly me hang on let's see what we can find in a cult spot in london 60 second burn turn time we're going to avoid doing some other stuff you like the using the other cylinders as i call them for the moment we're currently stable and um want to concentrate on one thing at a time fast forward you obviously don't want to watch circles go around for over a minute here okay dreads dread trap is up and running lost the vitality so i have to replace it but after the job first if i want to keep it you got to keep track of all these small details okay so we should be done shortly pause all right this place merits investigation the congregation of saint felix of schroden the non-conformist enclave of a heterodox sector to the calvinist offshoot most just like really obscure protestant uh apparently tucked away in the odd corner of the city of crying out loud they built out hymns unsuitable gusto and a throat scraping languages not much like latin it's probably eastern orthodox yeah i'm gonna level with you we're gonna be suffering some of the lovecraftian-based racism here uh okay so the painting cool too glimmering and two funds as you can see i've been building up the funds to 48 so i do not have to worry about suddenly crashing and burning while i'm demonstrating this stuff to you go to work alright so the question is do we want to tackle the congregation as so how do we do so now in order to access a spot we haven't create an expedition you require a leader which is one of your people an assistant and two funds basically this will cost you cash it always costs you cash and the question is who do you want to send now i have a general rule of these expeditions first of all you don't after the first cycle it will tell you what challenges you have to be but the first time two people you send your sending in blind and i have a general rule when that comes to that if there are people in there then you want to use stealth because we will almost always have watchers different there are different classes of watchers and you can do three things to them so you can kill them in case you send your knife people rose victor and eldridge you can seduce them and then you send salvanta to do that and you can stealth them put this bit porter or sylvia in now here's the deal there are different types of watchers you can't seduce monks probably going to find them here so your grail people are useless you can't kill immortals yeah they do they do pop up every now and then but you can always stealth with one single exception the hell's going on with that every time it saves is making that noise this new update sucks anyways um hey and dragons serpents they'll smell you out but then you just send your knife people in to kill them or you're not people to uh control them using the power of serpents which falls under knock because apparently serpents created the gate systems of the world um but i'll just send the nutty bold knives knockers just i've demonstrated last uh episodes far too useful for summoning right so i'm not going to go out and risk them because yes you can actually if you can actually lose get people wounded and eventually lose them if you're not careful now this obviously has people in it so you want to toss in two of your moth people remember you can keep track of how much what you've got in here simply by uh simply by checking this out and this is the important part ten moth all of your tests are on a scale of one to ten and you can never get in ten you can never get better than ninety percent effectiveness for your kid for you or whatever a test you're going once you get up to ten and you can go in with 20 30 40 50. it doesn't matter it never goes up 90 so you never need to put more than 10 of any one particular value now assuming there's more tests than that you may have to put additional people in and of course we're going to send cash with them now notice when we're ready to go they give us this membership of the congregation is strictly controlled it may even be inherited the safest approach is to burgle the minister's residence while he's conducting a service but the sworn mothers of the congregation guard this place and shifts and they are not easily distracted okay that's just a speculation about funds okay so what we're going to do is we're going to send in usb and porter and essentially buy them some equipment in order to try to break into the congregation they're going to try to stealth the watchers that we just got mentioned there there you go 30 seconds for the first cycle 30 seconds of game time we are shooting past here a bit at the same time i'm maintaining my alibi of um being a perfectly normal office worker okay and he's looking for trouble which could be bad if we time this out badly you want to make sure you have no mystique going when you do this because at the end of every expedition you will have a notoriety and if this guy's active at the time yep you're gonna have evidence for you right then and there all right the exhibition continues our exhibition plans for the next challenge it'll consume funds that can add non-funds or send a follower guess what now we can see the challenge the monks contemplators blessed are condemned to service here they're bound by the curious vows we can murder or deceive them but you cannot be seduced therefore basically it's why i sent the deceivers guardian it is that you notice we have the two funds and our two characters and the place mentioned here as well you can always just by touching these look at what you've got established here now we have to either put in the funds or or a um follower now we have only one test we already have the uh 10 moth to go with it so this is what you have pawns for they're basically cheaper than sending money so yeah now we also know that you have the pawns one knife now of course that the computer is going to default to whatever you have a higher value it's not going to send in the one pawn with a single with a single edge and attempt to kill the monks when you have 10 moth going already now when you have both equal value it's kind of a 50 50 shot what really happens i've accidentally murdered uh characters i didn't know the guardians i didn't want to because the i had both 10 um edge and 10 um moth okay let's continue the expedition all right so the months a potent deception we have brought a certain sacred text whose meaning is only apparent in moonlight yeah essentially i always call think of them stealthing by but apparently they think that you con them for some reason now note it says i can add assistance if you were for example dealing with multiple challenges and you had to drop characters in for with additional values to get what you wanted to this would be the time to do it we don't have to do it now since we're doing the simple ones i will since i managed to uh grind and get them out you do some of the complicated ones to show you how they work okay meantime let's continue our acts of uh breaking entering let's do the usual all right so we've got that reset always keep the vitality going there we go detective is disappointed didn't catch us in the act all right so the monks delusion faith is a double-edged weapon these monks have great talent and a matter of believing so they believed their lies so we've just passed the test 90 chance like i said so we're stealthing past them with our three dudes here and we will be moving on to the next challenge or the reward this case the reward since we have no additional challenges each challenge has to be beaten i think there's a maximum of three challenges and um you'll get the hand of how to handle them pretty quickly each challenge has usually has at least two different ways to beat it seriously what the hell i am seriously going to reload this game all right take a nap go to work all right forgot to put the reason card which means i'm basically half assing at work all right so yeah treasures lie before us here is where my strategies are dealing with the totality start okay when we get to this point where treasures lie before us and it starts you have 60 seconds before the game will drop out your characters the reward and for your for your that and the notoriety now as i pointed out before your um your heart characters if you put them in under talk start them and put in charm will do attempt to remove bad notoriety bad reputation now the thing is you the reason i suggested not having a mystique when you start this is that the weary detective up there will continue to look or any hunter when you have notoriety when you have mystique running until it gets notoriety basically it'll randomly pick which one it wants so if you have four notoriety you have four mystique one notoriety twenty percent chance but he'll keep burning through the mystique until he gets the notoriety or the notoriety is disposed of either by timing out or removing another fashion problem is charm works exactly the same way if you have multiple ones like for mystique and one notoriety there's a four out of five chance to grab the mystique instead of the variety so if you want to do this you can have nothing on the board except the future notoriety when this thing drops out this one this that we ready because it's like a 60-second warm-up cycle to get to this point and remember with all five heart i only got a 70 chance of doing it so it's always risky so i never want more than one notoriety out at any time see there he is now i'm competing with him to get the damn evidence really bad timing all right next section secret devotions that always look at the last one because it's usually unique to each location about how you raid the place minister's bed chamber is grand in proportion but sparsely furnished beneath the window a feathered ornamental axle reservoir on an enameled chic chalice drum on the altar of you would which means that they're worshiping the sister in which if you know what you it is or is that the moth i don't know we'll find out from the books suffice it to say he's not an orthodox christian and in fact there's a suggestion about orthodox christianity is under control of one of the hours yeah boom you saw that right both of them popped at the same moment at the same time that the hunter had already passed through the evidence that both of them had been active looking for evidence i think that the uh cop would have uh overridden ours but as you can see immediately that shifts it that's what i call the from the heart strategy if you get your heart character out the same exact time as treasures lie before a cycle you gotta it will snap up that reputation now that's not 100 safe if he was looking he could grab the mit out from you and he could grab out the notoriety while it's visible why am i pointing in the screen but it's visible at the here as you can see that little dot right there he can grab it because it's visible but once the 30 second cycle is complete our character leo will take it into himself and then he brings a chance of eliminating it in the meantime beneath the altar in a box secured with a complicated triple knot i think he's probably a witch worshiper we find a trove of books and more besides a knife rack with old blood yep blood sacrifice which sir a twist of cloth and a livery remnant of something the minister must have surrendered and martial at his ordination yeah that's his ball sack he's castrated himself you get a bronze spintra which is another form which is a lesser form the spintro that we saw before which is uh now i always keep all my brawn sprintra for future use seriously i will usually keep one iron one silver but i'll keep all the bronze ones for a specific purpose the rose and muriel as you can see it's uh one of the it's a occult book in greek you'll find that by the way all of them are in greek and you have a greek translator which is you know highly convenient which means that this guy was probably if they are greek doesn't know his own language that well and greek means by the way he's greek orthodox so yeah this is where the racism comes in because the greek orthodox faith which is the one came out of byzantine is primarily by the way um lodged in both greece and russia because russia orthodox is nothing but rip-off of greek or orthodox and yes i will say that um so the people from london looked at it who were you know good protestants because um king henry needed to murder his wives um of course look down upon it and yeah all of these will eventu this one by the way is a translation from a uh greek text all right so you'll know all of our people have gone back down here i have a bunch of books now i already know greek scholar greek's right there so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna sell this thing god damn it where's that random noise coming from yeah every time it saves it does that it's annoying whoever did this update you suck anyways so since we've got the learning one open let's tackle this book the entity called cologne arrives in a blizzard and demands the city gates are bought and the city gets a bars as abdios falls under her spell the dead return but do not speak okay this one's going to be winter definitely it's a death book necromancy for fun and profit all right yeah this is getting annoying i'm gonna try to figure that out and fix it because i do not want you guys have to suffer through this god what happened to the sound effects all right sickness running up we got a vitality to beat it we were detective found nothing because we covered up our traces but this was failed okay so we've got a couple options here notoriety is still here and we'll be active for over 300 seconds so i can either a take another 60 second break and create um the uh and cre and try to do it again now odds are i'll do it again but the 60 seconds of course means that he's gonna have one more shot to try to uh find the thing the alternative is the other main strategy that i'll use for uh that i will use for this game when you're dealing with notoriety i will create what i know as the where there's fire there's smoke remember the weary detective will randomly grab any form of reputation whether it be a notoriety mystique or a dead body if he gets a dead body and notoriety he'll make evidence and the steak however just means that he keeps looking so one of the ways to do so is to create a smoke screen of mystique now you can create mystique easily in three ways one is do a commission every commission that you do you not only get paid you get one mystique and only takes 10 seconds to launch and boom you also have another bronze spintra because that's how this rolls the bronze spin like i said i keep the other ones i'll sell okay so we've got that we'll keep this open and yet another vitality you go back to work because we don't want anybody who's suspicious about breaking and entering officer seriously i was at work all day i have no idea what happened at this congregation all right so and we will pop the count in with his commission and generate another one because there's the mystique that was generated right there now the peculiar rumor is something that allows me to find a person or a place but it also gives me notoriety and i have no use for it i just let it burn out seriously there's the iron spintra and i'm going to actually be using that in a moment i'll show you what i mean by that uh where'd it go oh right there okay so that's the lowest form of currency in the hidden world is iron spindra but it's useful for uh one of the purposes i will be showing you as soon as i am done with both reading the book and dr ala demean as you can see now i have two mystiques so when he goes looking for evidence he's going to have to burn he may have to burn up to up to two more mystique before he gets notoriety now the reason i'm doing this is because i'm hoping that notoriety burns out okay oh i sort of saw that text i apologize but yeah it will give you an explanation of what the text is and kind of did that automatically without thinking about it but you'll notice now i have two white ceremonies yes that was a level four uh white one now this will also allow me to build up to the point where i get eight winter which as i told you from second episode i think usually the highest winter you're gonna need to win the game um let's see uh yeah i'll start the process of building that up once i get through a couple other things now you notice that we've cleared this and i could right now translate a book if i wanted to doing these from greek because i have the ability but the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to wait for the doc good doctor to come out play oh my god what is going on i really hope this isn't bothering you i've turned down the sound effects for the recording purposes but um if you're having it bad let me know all right so you'll notice by the way i did that it also popped out a extra glimmering okay i could do some combining here but which is really what i'm going to do now winter remember i'll tell you exactly what you need requires knowledge okay that's fine and we get to six we get to level six will require knowledge and a grim lesson which i've already got with silent intensity so which is the reason i got silent intensity rather than the other type of reason but we'll start that process because i have more air addition i know to do with and even i didn't i had the library now three mystique is good but we probably want better uh sickness vitality burn that off that will be contentment down there i should have done this earlier but i wanted to reset the god damn you the hell is going on oh god i have to complain to somebody about this extra glimmering okay health's back now remember i have a 60 second timeout so in order to continue with the process of creating more smoke what you want to do is paint painting usually will produce one through three mystique and since you're usually drowning in influence to some level see any of these would work i'm just going to grab a aeroductions that's so many of them and do a really boring scholarly work of painting let's see what this generates all right okay challenge knowledge yep stuff keeps happening now colors of night uh sure i got the cash let's buy some better stuff better materials or there's the restlessness again which will become dread more vitality oh my god and now we have the artist reward as you can see we have eradusion we got back everything we used plus funds funds and did we get more funds yes we got paid all right this is the usual mess after you've uh managed to uh done some you know she used five i like to have at least five passions so i can have one passion left over if i was gonna wanted to do the painting but unfortunately i have to go back to work i don't have to just generate dread as a result now one of the ways i can deal with this is the fascination of course is a negative card it's when your brain starts overloading with the information so what i'm going to do is i'm going to hope this doesn't pop up the fascination trap and if it does i'm going to let this turn to dread so the two will cancel out but you notice now we have seven reputation cards and six of them are mystique and if you really want to get crazy about it you can just speak of esoteric matters and another 90 seconds have another mystique running therefore the detective will be running around in circles while you're uh while you're doing uh um while you're uh helping keep concealing that notoriety it's not perfect you can grab the notoriety by random or if he does it too soon he'll burn through all the mystique and get to notoriety but it's a good way to do this it's easy and it makes you money that's always a good thing right anyways let's spend that extra spinter i like to keep one silver kicking around just in case and that usually get me at least eight oh gods i really hope this update gets fixed blinking in the light i put together the two winter yep there's the standard eight for the thing so i now have 59 yeah i'm not going broke any time and i'm almost content to quit my job now i think i will uh there we go thread trap kicked in unfortunately all right now this is why i kept that um iron spintra remember the study the tutor card well you have to pay them in spintra and i don't know aramaic so i'm going to have the good doctor teach me that in exchange for doing um the count spitting kind of weird how that works sometimes but it works i ain't work i ain't concerned about it now remember when you're dealing with spintras spencers are actually a promise a promise they have a favor basically i've given my minor favor from the count to the doctor in exchange the doctor will teach me aramaic and in the future he can get a favor from the count that's just kind of how it works i mean that silver spencer is the major favor hoppy gave me for for allowing me her to sacrifice one of my followers now i have the problem in that i have the dread now i need contentment to get rid of it we know how to get the contentment get drunk and of course the fascination is no longer getting rid of fascination is no longer possible so we're gonna do the standard way of eliminating it by summoning an entity from beyond that because i know isis how i deal with my problem mental problems is by summoning no not mainly mental problems mental fascinations is by summoning extra dimensional forces it's surprisingly good therapy and there's another damned uh restlessness coming up okay so feel that in a moment the contentment goes here we have another sickness coming that goes generated from the price of joy brothing so labored my thoughts confused we oh deed okay so we're going to need that vitality pretty shortly which is why i keep burning the vitality i will i will there you go study aramaic tutor the language of the visions of aram the book of daniel and the account of kasich at the sp at the spider's door which the two first two are real books by the way this third one is of course game only children of error the language of erin and all her many children is three thousand years is that supposed to be the version i have to look up that actual language all of these languages by the way even the fake ones are based on real ones stop that it's annoying okay so in the meantime i'm prop you'll notice i can grab this do the grim lessons get the uh get the uh i'm gonna yeah what i'm gonna do right now is i'm gonna put the winter back up i'll start translating the books we'll start moving in that direction but you got an idea right now for the first basic expeditions but what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you more advanced for the uh prop uh solutions for uh for expeditions let me skip ahead okay so a quick interlude before the next um expedition remember when i said before you that knock was in fact one of the easiest and hardest ones to get it's hard because knock books are relatively rare compared to others knife is kind of like that too but one of the things that you can do that's very interesting about knock is that you can literally combine it with any other form of lore of the same type it doesn't matter it said their incantation there we go incantations of unseeming where the space between worlds is as potent as the actual syllables when a thing is opened we will know its nature any lore study with knock becomes knock remember this entire game is about reading the small print because that's where all of it is now i need to get knock up to level six with poppy here and i'm throwing in a knife secret like i said knife is rare but i already have it at level six now because of the two books we got from the um now abandoned church we which apparently fled after we stole all their stuff um we kind of uh don't need much more than that like i said before you could win this game with nothing more than um six lore eight went to except for winter eight and whatever you're using for advancement which you must get up to well you can get up to ten but it's really can it's really easier if you do twelve or fourteen the rest where i've got them set right now is probably fine but in any case let's uh get this started now it'll be a single of course because we use this challenge knowledge which we have the library for so it's going to be fine by the time you get back to this you know because i'll just skip ahead you don't need to see me see the circles rotate to learn this stuff by the time you get back to it i will have fulfilled poppy's commission because i will raise this to level four and then raise it again to level six not just a little trick you might wanna you might not know okay so as you can see it's been a few changes as you can uh this is of course the level six knock lore knows consent of wounds for open certain ways one must first open oneself this practice outlines that opening the name and mother of ants uh that this sounds gross anyways so yeah we have the consent of wounds we now have level six or eight in every single one of the lores which means that we can always go down here and create these commissions now we're not we notice i have poppy's commission completed now you notice i'm down to 36 when it comes to the uh wealth i've been you know doing time and burning off the excess then every time you go to an expedition i'll be using um i'll be using the uh where there's fire there's smoke strategy to launch mystique by burning these off which will come with a small amount of cash and occasionally as you can see i'm using the unskilled labor to produce both the vitality in a cache so i'm not like sinking into the abyss but you do have to keep track of it sometimes it can catch up on you you don't want to drop below too low or it can become an issue and as you can see i needed a vitality because you've got another freaking sickness this just goes over and over again anyways i have actually gone through down here and i'll show you and i've gotten the remaining city locations using the lower the um occult scrap uh level two secret histories lore this includes say agnes hospital they did good at work here certainly there were a few too many amputations but then then there are individuals one would prefer not to walk the city streets i gotta say by the way in the capital london that sounds a bit like euthanasia or other types of uh shall we say dealing with the deplorables forgotten ethereum curiosity seekers have picked over this ancient temple where there might be hidden dory here somewhere hidden doris is of course capitalized to make draw your attention to it as that is a particular type of challenge sometimes the descriptions will let you know ahead of time of what you want to get now this is actually based over relocation there are numerous roman ruins underneath london as londinium was originally a roman city we just keep building on top of it there's actually the famous baths the bath which is kind of interesting which is a temple to minerva that's basically intact that was converted into well bath house um romans were kind of utilitarian like that you could have your temple and have a good soak at the same time catering hero unlimited it's been abandoned since the explosion when both the owners died the machine stands silent the building is a collapsing shell mr carter was known to displace some peculiar trinkets in his office perhaps some remain okay and this is and one you should pay attention to the can reach among the grave banks of the rotting ritter tames because at this point the thames is dead and been dead for over a century which has no life capability being possible to live in it on the life you'd like to know about because it's how polluted it is but the important part is to notice at the end here you found all the expeditions in the capital that you can find at risk visit the reach several times there's approximately five to seven locations including the final one for each level of secret lore once you get this one you are then only ever going to get this one now there's a couple things you can do with this because the forsaken reach and anyone like it at the end has a random draw in other words it will give you ingredients or sometimes books if you haven't found them already so it can be worth it to redo these because you will always know what challenges there are because obviously it's the same location same challenges you can go in and get what you want but on the other hand you may end up just like stocking up things like pigments um ending up or random ingredients that you don't need you can always sell those if you really don't need them um and there's certain uses for them like you've noticed there's one i need to get it right by the way that uses ingredients if i want to get the animate dead spell going um because it's considered an ingredient and i can't load it in any other way it's not like it's assisting me all right so in this case however what i want to do is i want to um use the other strategy ah lose this one the um remember i told you if you're going to a place that has people in it like strack homes residents which i skipped somehow the house of mr strachon the collector of rare objects darcone will not sell his treasure but a sufficient cunning accomplice might gain entry yeah do you have if you have people guarding it go with the moth because that will deceive the watchers if it's empty go with lantern because that will find things that are hidden hidden doors specifically here so let's put that to the test shall we okay we'll pick our lantern people uh pope has five lantern sle has another five lantern and you've reached a ten that you need for that particular challenge so we'll roll in catch the description ah yeah that's what's happened every time it saves it does that little click thing and some reason it double clicks when i pause it's annoying as hell and i hope that my complaint among the millions of others makes them stop that all right convince them ethereum still holds secrets as discover is never found it's unlikely to be dangerous but the search will require funds okay we're going to send these two in using our lantern ability which of course uncovers hidden things as well as drives away evil and other curses as well is there's always you've always got to pay attention the number of challenges i think at least like i said each challenge has at least two ways you can solve it all right we'll send them in we'll accelerate it of course um i've got um unskilled labor going at the same time to deal with this or replace this actually okay so we rolled this in all right first time in you pause exhibition continues it will tell you what the obstacle is a hidden door can be found at lantern or noc now anything that can be done with knock use the other option because you're not people you have two of them if something goes wrong you're not gonna have and they die you are screwed because they are so necessary for summoning so these guys stay at home and they summon things plus there's also the fact they can just stare off into space so you know you best keep them home anyways but yeah in order to keep it going we'll drop another pawn in okay just to i guess hold things what they're good for now deal with this oh wait there we go did the double click stop nope still gone i can hear it i've turned down the sounds because it's just getting too freaking annoying not sure how you're hearing it since there's a chi usually tone down the uh additionally with recording any background so it doesn't overcome my voice all right so we pull up on the watchman who eliminates we almost certainly find the store there's no point in throwing anybody in i do not required to remember only time you have to throw a pawn in is when it says you require funds or a follower now of course if you have more than one challenge which we'll demonstrate next you'll need to throw in additional followers for those additional challenges i have specifically gotten an extra class 10 expedition for that purpose see the thing is there we go paint away through the hidden door a faint lines in stone a surface that yields to pressure we found it the hidden door moves with a grating shutter and a shower of dust okay we've gotten that challenge over with there's only one challenge the next one after this will be deal with these we'll show you treasures live before us remember this point you decide which option you're going to be using to get the flaw off your back for the notoriety you can try to use the um shot from the heart which is a one heart person starts here 60 seconds later picks up your notoriety and tries to put it away that's the weakest way of doing it unless you are specifically playing a heart-based cult in which the ten heart um exalted uh people will have a 90 chance of getting rid of it to go with that but if you don't have a heart based cult your best bet is of course smoking fire uh smoke where there's fire there's smoke it's a long title but it gets the point across and the way to do that by the way perfectly is at the same point in time start painting i remember i did it late last time simply because i had another job going i forgot to leave this slot open because it's just a habit to keep the prince under inspiration just pick some random influence make sure it's an influence or a person because you can always do a portrait because that will not generate notoriety if you use any mystical ones like this or a portrait of a mystical creature the you'll generate more notoriety which is kind of counterproductive to the strategy anyways yes so that's going do not however launch these until they come because you want the mystique to last longer than the notoriety so the notoriety must be the first one it's approximately 70 seconds to do this so the 60 second counter here i'm only interested in mystique so i'm not gonna make that bigger i don't really care how many funds the painting generates a deeper sanctuary the lonely space must do the memory of blood there's a blood sacrifice again blood is the source of all power all power sorry won't sit there for a moment we have found the hidden door upon the highest grades initiates used all right as you can see this is still going under focus boom boom dread okay now if the fascination trap had gone it might have pulled the fascination from this card because yeah usually you will get fascination three contentment hey that's not bad two glimmering and only one mystique so you can't get three mystique every time but this case will deal what we got now this one's launched so madam you uh get that out of the way sorry the pop-up came up all right so boom use her okay at the same time the vitality is running low so i'll no actually stop don't do that sunset right want to get rid of this fascination as quickly as possible throw come on you can do this throw the fascination enid and six grail in and you've got the summoning spell that will get rid of the fascination we'll go over this that what we got in a moment here but i just all right go why that's launching we get all of our people back plus refuelin a white soap cure that remains visible even in utter darkness now the thing i hate that uh thing about that is that first of all is aspect lantern four which is thought it's a pigment which means that remember when the requested with the colors of knight requested we can throw this in now we want to do it only for specific reasons because again it will generate notoriety so you want to use it for producing a one specific type of painting you can sell it and it's an ingredient if you want to use it for spells and such okay second the algabine manacle does not relinquish its grip it is a tool that you can use for some of these rights as well as other purposes the sword does not kill the instrument in the hand of the killer seneca the younger and it's eight winter this is really powerful to begin with if you didn't get eight lore you could use this with another right probably i think map's edge in order to make enter to summon the sun and rags servant the ma the uh made in the mirror if that's another option you can take if you didn't want to spend the time to get this which i prefer to do crack moonstone noon as it says is not what it is but this is not what it was but this this means refers to the sun dying this is in the stone silverman's embry glow it has been cracked a forged aspect follower can restore it with sufficient resources so i could use what power remains it only has one lantern left to it but we can get it up to four if you repair it i'll go over that in a moment and we have an empty mistream this is a place of worship bumper you can make it so you could choose to have bring to use the secret room in the temple as we do headquarters we've already chosen the bookstore because the library is much more important than the sanctuary or the secrecy one you'll notice it has doesn't show here if you picked it you have both secrecy and sanctuary as well as being able to generate a two-point lantern influence by spending by spending a fund which really can be problematic because then what you're dealing with is the fact that you've got um that will turn into a fascination which is really kind of counterproductive but let's get the uh smoke going okay put her in get another mystique there another glimmering you'll notice that sometimes you get you'll get glimmering or um there's the iron spintra you'll get glimmering or erraduce when you do this so if you time it right you can actually use it to combine lore i'm not super fascinated on that right now but yeah because you can generate it pretty easily yourself with 60 seconds of effort but if you're the sort of person who used to be horrifically efficient that is the way to do it as you can see more glimmering i mean if i really was being amusing myself i could probably i could probably end up producing some glimmering lesson learned so it lasts longer but again it's not exactly a rare resource okay put him out yes the third mystique okay and boom we got that done again another iron spintra we can sell if we need the money because i usually like to keep one in reserve just in case i almost never use it but you always every time you don't you give away the last of anything you immediately need it and that long awaited one from poppy okay oh and she gave us an additional glimmering because that's exactly what we need right now um yeah we have five mystique put the tool over here in case i need it and the cracked moonstone's on the to-do list eradusion for what we got from her let's see boom and like i said we could use it right now and probably let it burn and we have the pigment now the pigment i'll go on how to create a bit but that creates an additional notoriety so until this one's gone i'm not dealing with it okay so in that case if you really want more like i said you just grab another one of these and talk about stoic matters because even though you've already got all your people it will generate a s it will generate a um additional mystique that'll take about 90 seconds however okay the cops aren't looking at remember essentially ah there's the raw profit which if you ever do get evidence is kind of useful for i'll show it to you sometime and we need and keep a vitality running run that in here boom oh and you you're getting back in formation dude after glimmering oh my god this is so much here just why we're here just to get it out of my way okay so yeah so that's how you do it now of course logically you should be doing this one at a time right gary two location down then every um three four location then every six and move your way out except you don't really have to there isn't like experience levels here the only possible upgrade i have is to bring out my forged people to 10. but that requires me getting i'll show you a huge amount of i can't do a huge amount of that i would have to have a total 21 forged influence between one the lore and the object which can be either an influence or a um tool that's a lot most i could produce right now is a 16 if i had a winter call that's still not enough but you also don't forget you get to count the five that they have so technically it's not 21 it's 16. so technically if i had a winter cult i could have right now be pulling both my winter people to level 10 which is gets makes them extremely creepy i mean there's one thing about death cult that just makes people you know not the friendliest people to be around oh don't do that all right so we'll heal that up leave this blank for now these will start disintegrating and now here's the deal we've got we've got six here so he's one in six chance every time he looks for something he grabs the notoriety and then of course we'll generate one more here now the thing is i've got my passion back i think where exactly is the fifth one because i know i have five passion uh sometimes these cards just bounce around i'll have to look for it all right all right what do we got oh is that sit over there nope okay so not sure where it went it's not in here obviously did i put it in here yep no i'm not in there either oh it's over here never mind i'm using that as well but right now what i can do is i can paint again there's nothing that stops you from doing this repeatedly if you really need that much more mystique and while he's looking we can generate more boom don't use the pigment by the way no matter what the temptation is because remember we're looking for mystique not notoriety all right one in six so yeah by the way she just recharged which means you can get another commission for you if you really want to push this and throw one of these in why not there you go just to clean things up there goes the count the doctor will go next and then poppy and then each every 10 seconds there we go we need to generate more all right so that's one more mystique we generated i put these in order so i know where it is this by the way is just an indicator that you've got somebody you've already got everybody this person's mistaken identity you don't really need him but right now what we need to do is we might be able to get another commission we need to reload the commissions you notice we're about to 33 when it comes to that so if it gets below 30 i'll throw one of the silver and silver iron in all right so we should have more here yep two more mystique oh no fascination which is lovely yeah if we can keep pouring the mystique out then we can keep obviously preventing ourselves from getting from the actual crime we committed which was breaking into a historical um site hidden so yeah that's a thing all right so yeah we need another one of these so let's throw this in for vitality just have it on the side things don't seem to be getting worse for the moment which is usually an improvement okay now we've got hers here i could go gone in and did the 60 second thing because i will have to do that but for one mystique it's kind of not worth it i'd rather have the vitality in case i get sick again because i get sick a lot in this game swear it's like it's like every little crafting protagonist has to have poor health it's a requirement get their poor health bad nerves and sleep on the bus you have to be just like hp lovecraft okay yes you slept on the bus usually considered an easy way to get a nap while he was traveling he did travel up and down the east coast he wasn't quite the shut in most people think he is granny only went to see friends and look at architecture which inspired him to do his you know workings but you know he was throwing me all the way down to florida to the wilds of vermont because it was a lot wilder back then it's pretty wild now still okay so yeah the thing is is that once we get that done we'll bop grab the fund there do the vitality put the moth one in reason done and begin regenerating for the next expedition while hopefully this thing will burn out won't get caught there we go see the thing is we just play the odds here there's always a chance that he will find that and even if he does he doesn't automatically put in evidence so we're just playing the odds here this is the easy way to do it there goes our beast it's been degenerated down into a single influence an awareness of appetite which is a two-point braille one which will dissolve into nothing which is why i usually think it's okay to do so you want to be careful with the maid in the mirror because she becomes a cold uh two-point winter which becomes a dread and you want to be careful with um the edge because that will turn into a two-point uh lantern like i said which will be a fascination keep you never want to have too many of those on the board there we go since we've got you now let's do the count and i believe yeah we're cool 18 seconds left 48 here that will dissolve and he'll just clean up the rest of the mystique so it takes a little while but hey you've got to regenerate these things anyways so the boom doesn't matter what he does now he can't find any evidence because we've hidden it among all of our other actions and that is how the smoke um where there's fire there's smoke strategy works um okay so we'll ditch this the usual way there's another way to get rid of it with the uh sunset right but i can't do that because i don't have because the beast went away it's kind of an interesting way to do it and it does provide additional benefit when we get there we'll get there okay so here we are a little bit later and right now i'm going to well first of all i've reloaded accelerator twice here all of the um commissions for the uh where there's fire there's smoke strategy and i'm currently undoing a sickness but i wanted to show you how to do a more advanced expedition find front for treasures in the rending mountains the rending mountains it has been said tear the flesh of history it's generally only been said by people like christopher elophili which christopher illipoli who's by the way produces the quote in the beginning of the game you'd probably just skip past that but yeah he's the one who does that he's an in game character and a couple of his books early which have early amounts of lore i think you find them in the bookstore do provide um some idea who he is he also features in a arg game produced by fans oh i forgot what it's called anyways yeah where essentially it covers what happens after the game it turns out if you recall he's a lover of one of the people who evolved into the um pavlon of the sage knight but they're separated because he wants to remain mortal and she of course became immortal anyways they are a good place to find the places that daylight history does not recognize okay let's see what we can spot here okay pretty much got the board clear oh and what i should also do i should also grab one of my um forge people and have them repair the noon stone because that will bring it up to a four point tool which could be useful in the future or you know i could use as a gift there's a reason to do gifting by the way to get people from five to six especially if you're really into summoning stuff and speaking of which i think i might just take a sunset right and use this one to create a uh let's see profit random where they called raw profit random profit why do you think his name is random profit i don't know sometimes i play this game for too long anyway so let's see what we found the mausoleum of wolves this chili monument was built long before rome fell stone wolves watched the door chamber with them was carved from rock to await fragments of the sun its prophecy funeral procession possession ever came but the dead are still drawn here this deals of course with the myth of the forge of days tearing apart the sun and creating this broken timeline structure we're in right now but there's a myth of course that the sun will die and be reborn it's the standard pagan myth of death rebirth but in any case let's take a walk over to turkey shall we all right so it is an abandoned place so we should probably [Music] now the thing is when situations like this in the rending mountains are less predictable normally i'd say okay take lantern but it could be wrong and one of the things i'm going to do is i'm going to try to summon that grail creature because yielding spirits can be sent on expeditions let's see fast forward it a bit much okay repair the roon stone boom all right let's see what else we got who hurried up hurried up hopefully this will not be rebellious servant because that would suck right we've repaired it the moonstone is now a four-point tool and can be auctionable for more now if i need to use it for a ritual i know where to find it it's over here anyways the um spirit did not rebel good now when we do this i can put spirits in as well now the thing is i've got eight grail and eight moth now we want to get either one of these up to five so we need up to ten so if we add another five becomes thirteen which is irrelevant but the thing is we also have the eight grail should we need it which would spare us at least one of our companions if i lose a spirit i don't really care they just turn into gunk and come back the sun ever come here when its death was pronounced perhaps that pronouncement was premature in any case if you absurd its progress you'll have to face avalanches fierce ghosts and a door sealed by adam architects okay now that tells me a couple of things that i probably want instead of these guys the dead now the thing is i should have picked up a maid in the mirror but stop doing that oh god that update hasn't been fixed but the dead can either be fought with knife or they can be controlled with winter now if i hadn't made in the mirror who has 10 naturally by herself i could save it but i don't have the uh right influences up if i'd known that i would have ground for some winter influences in the dream realm but we'll go here and then we'll add what else needs to be done now we've got the winter to get past the dead possibly and we'll see what other requirements they have when we get past the first 30 second cycle which is about now all right so exhibition continues but it's going to tell us what we need now there's the dead one the edge or winter can defeat them uh the door forge or knock now remember we thought about putting lantern in this is that's for a hidden door this is a warted door which means it's constructed and the blue and grace groups lift the eye of distant snow snow edge dry scanning it'll be a devil of job to find anything there forage will sustain its winter will shield us we've got winter of 10 so we're passing both the dead and the high passes which means we concentrate on forge or knock and if you know remember what i say you never risk your knock people for things like this now we have five boards right there which will allow us to a 70 chance of passing but we will have an opportunity to put at least one more person in so we'll do put a second one and get a 10 for forge which basically means that 10 forged 10 um winter will get us through this one entirely okay all right call upon macedonia balance the hour upon them called the mod drug the mad rugged the magarid is home in the cold she will almost keep us from she will almost certainly keep us from falling 90 accessory and we want to increase the forge to 10 there we go so both of those should be better so we'll wait for this to pass through as you can see you can get these advanced ones done with just the resources you have right now having you advanced my forge people up to ten through the high passes frost garden shivering we've made it through the mountains excellent the opposite of course there is a desert a challenge too which requires forge or um grail which makes forge actually really good for missions like this because it's got oh i didn't even notice that was there yeah i'll have to pay for that later anyways let's get drunk all right exhibition continues now i think i've got everything i need so what we're going to do is poppy and pond so something does go wrong it's a chance a red shirt bites it instead of somebody i care about should put the raw profit in darn maybe i'll have a chance no i won't it's gonna burn out by that point okay so oh i do we call upon the ivory dove who knows all the names the dead the dead circle the edge of our vision like the frey dreams the very air around us has chills winter's shadows they must recognize this our necromancers are trying to keep the dead at bay i'm throwing in the prophet just because you notice it freezes the timer which means that i don't have to worry about decaying during that period there goes the contentment that will take care of that and this will create something for that if that becomes an issue all right so now that we've popped in here see how we went the dead draw back they're almost faces flat and watchful they will not trouble us excellent also we didn't have to kill them or kill them again i'm not sure how that works with edge i guess you just chop up their bodies and they can't function anymore which just seems rude but this is just hey chill bro we're on your side we're death okay logistical subjects this is means you have to send funds you can't send a companion to do so all right still going still gone it cost us three funds so far and one spirit and one pawn and three four people actually care about all right yeah it's just adding up over there all right almost certainly shatter the water door because we have the tent forge and again the pawn just in case something goes wrong always there's no problem an evil genius cannot solve by sacrificing minions okay so the death of the door all doors must open as all lives must end this door has found its end here today so we're blown open the place remember this is about the time the next cycle i think is when you do the last challenge is that you have to begin your process of painting boom treasures live a forest so pop this open no that's not what i want to hear sometimes the cards go weird places if you double click them all right so and then yeah we got plenty of these so just use that to get some more i'm not really interested i'm just doing it for the uh extra mystique coming in the wolf the whispering of the uh hold on there we go whispering of dead is quiet but another sound echoes in the mausoleum i always love the flavor text in these the faint descending howl like metal tearing in the hull of a ship dropping in pitch churns or bones it could almost be the wind but it is not we should not stay long here oh benriss is awake the wolf that is destined to devour the sun did you not catch that reference yes it is basically the tomb of fenris from north mythology although it's not the right in the right place all right so we've got let's see two of these plus a fascination so you got you know how to get rid of fascination ooh i've got a there you go um don't do that damn it i hate this new update all right um let's see enid this and grail boom oops grab the wrong one oh well this too shall pass all right the chill in the go back there get back there anyways a chill is this with my mouth too the chill in the air deepens until our skin crisps the ice the core of the mausoleum is a white marble ball upon a granite pillar blimp tilineth it is filled with snow whose touches burns the skin and then buried in it items of note were they concealed here or the offerings nothing besides remains offerings to are the wolf snow which is a far too cold ever melted anything with the hottest noonday sun it will very gradually consume human flesh it is a winter eight point ass ingredient as well sellable if you want the cashed for so you can use either a spell or money i'm probably second glory work by rinse the priest and hermit scholar but notice it is written in deep mandrake which we cannot translate at this time wolf snow as the sun is coarse which is in aramaic which can do joel of the bridge retired soldier and sometimes toll keeper wrote this epic poem about alexander's favorites inexplicable decision issues to withdraw from the war of accommodations and subsequent return to macedonia alexander the not so great who once tried to conquer the world and ended up um turning back at about two-thirds mark because his men really didn't want to keep going they were like 1500 hours from home he needed to walk all the way back and so when he does turn back he gets killed either poisoned or killed by malaria nobody really knows but everything he ever did banished the nature of a conflict no matter what you grab you will eventually slide through your fingers the velcro and inscriptions hundreds of matching lines and fire again poetry copy from a wall similar identical to the inscriptions calculus covered in heart failures if you speak greek you can use this as a key differ the fragon well which we will be doing since we don't know for again either all right we got a bunch of books and stuff and we've got i got three wolf snow i mean if i really needed to i could summon um maids in the mirror this way but i don't really need to at this point in the meantime let's just get rid of this a conventional way before it gets us into trouble got the notoriety up and running so we'll get madame going with the smoke strategy uh the restlessness is going to turn to dread but i can get rid of that conventional way all right should give us this plus the girl marine okay get these over here i just kind of like to make these more organized okay the count you do that all right where are we in this all right cool another couple of mystique plus an aeroduction a good immortal doctor see i don't know maybe he is the doctor who knows the lonely immortal they call him oh god that was that was the early stage so god remember those and just going on about how gushing how awesome he was the doctor was in reality he got sick after a while but john nathan no that wasn't john anything too that's the old track i don't know trick oh god my brain old doctor who who was the first guy it's like on the tip of my tongue and i cannot remember who he was um the one before moffat but anyways yeah he kept going on about how how so much it sucked to be the doctor because he was always left behind by his companions and i'm like dude he's immortal and he has adventures he gets depressed everyone style then he gets over it i mean let's face it i'm glad jody has the job she's much more cheerful she's like a breath of fresh air to the to the role which is desperately what i needed and i am going on way too long about this all right so we're gonna have like dread forever at this point in the meantime let's aramaic let's translate this from aramaic curious what it might say okay so yeah so that's how you do an advanced one and i gotta get poppy in so i can get her mystique right up and running yep just keeps going doesn't it either is this this is the type of game that drives you mad or just relaxes the hell out of you depends on how comfortable you are with ocd okay um so yeah we're still translating that i'm gonna need to get rid of dread as soon as this pops clean hopefully i'll be able to do so boom and we got another glimmering out of it put the dread here put the containment there ditch that all right so yeah i'm just going to translate this one book and probably call it an episode at that point because i think i've gotten most of the most of the basics out of the way i've taught you how to deal with the problems that come up such as you know lack of money and um uh lack of money and the mental disorders adding up like dread and there we go let's get rid of the dread by summoning oh okay if you're going to summon something with an edge to edge here in the dread to get rid of it make sure it's the thunder skin because this one will decay into a vitality the rest can decay into issues what the hell uh whoever updated this i hate you all right joel the british dude okay so we're going to read the book alexander meets at isis of darius king of kings that would be the three days is that the persian empire i think so and three nights on the first day the two men trade threats and the second promises and third secrets darius tells alexander something so shattering he retires to his tent to consider matters of strength in matters of mastery basically he told him that doesn't matter if he could conquer the world he'd be about mortal and there was a possibility to gain immortality if he turned back and probably you know gave bribed him with a book or two about how he could do so so let's see if there's anything interesting here these are resetting i'm at 27 so i'll just pop in one of these for a couple bucks the iron ones keep the bronze ones remember always keep the bronze ones those will come in handy all right pop this out i don't have a vitality up and running and i can't afford to go without the work at the moment so boom we'll burn money on this time but at least i got rid of the dread before the dread trap got it all right all right uh raw profit i'm not really using yeah after action report even when you do the expeditions there's always so much cleanup it's ridiculous yep you got a thunderskin an eight eight edge eight heart one which has its purposes but right now it's only purpose is it's not dread they fix the text they will not uh the paris percussion it's like percussion it likes the system's shiver it loves the thrill of timpano's type of drums it recalls a fondness of flaying of marias basically fleeing a guy alive as it will not will not will not stop dancing just can't stop dancing dancing damn god this thing would be this would be horrible to disco all right so let's see yeah all right boom get us the book the sun is coarse at the dawn of the fourth day alexander announces the sun has his course upon which he returns and so do i he returns to macedonia executing two of his captains before and they dispute his decision he brings with him the names of a blind god in the right of sacred betrayal for joel pines without betrayal there'd be no would there would be without betrayal there would be an end to war okay this timeline isn't ours because alexander was killed by those two captains in our time this time around darius informs him about the nature of betrayal but otherwise he's going to be betrayed he betrays them first and lives to come back to uh greece i don't know how that changes the past but it's interesting right the rebel shredding this right enacts a tearing of the forge of days the artisan may achieve their highest goal only by destroying the most precious tool the lion smith knew this when he shattered his sword before the colonel so my assistant must destroy an equip this instrument basically you sacrifice an instrument for this right which i think is kind of stupid colonel's name yep a level eight knife you'll notice if you go for the big ones and you kind of skip the middle ones a couple things that happen as a result let's put this over 10 which is now my highest lower except for secret war histories yeah you get the ones but you're going to notice that you're going to get ones that have language issues deep deep mandrake which is based on a real language by the way they all are based on real languages fijian for example is an actual place um in the real world i just discovered that and i did lorena mckenna did a song about based about the area which is kind of cool um the thing is is that you'll get these translator ones just desperately or you can summon spirits to do so but i can't sorry hit the microphone i can't summon the spirit they're gonna get 10-4 just means you get 10 lore or get one of these guys up to uh 10 which is gonna take some time i'll eventually get these guys to uh three two ten these three guys up to ten four simply because it'll be a lot easier and for me just be able to put one instead of two people in but it's not a huge issue right now right now even though i only have three of the five gates open to the dream realm even though i don't have any of my uh ads exalted even though i haven't got a lure higher than 10 except for secret histories i could beat this game with what i have right here it's not necessary to go anymore but you know most people do want to so that's where i'm probably going to end the series for now and i'll glass hello this is fantastic worlds from the future future future future it's the first week of october and recording it's about a week or so after i did the original episode so i'm doing a quick update that's important in that whereas this is supposed to be a replacement series simply to fill in until less from beyond the next series that the patrons had the unlocks unlock bonus for a dropped unfortunately or fortunately from your point of view that did not drop apparently they're having issues with getting steam to host the game probably due to its adult content but in the meantime this series will continue until a the scarlet the next prologue drops and that will take up the saturday slot or b i run into things to say about this game which considering the dlc probably won't be for a while in any case i've been recording other things as well uh probably the next episode will be advanced tricks f the police will be after that one so because i need to be set up properly for it to do it right and of course there's the dlc such as the dancer and such and i'm considering lore ones basically i was going back and forth in this because everyone did a spoiler but i've decided i will do is i'll try to go over the look books and locations of this game without giving away where the books are for example and of course what uh what trials you need for the locations this would be primarily to explain where the fit in the greater lore of the game and the broken universe that is cultist simulator let me know in the comments below if that's something you're interested in or if you're just still looking for a gameplay advice in any case i'll uh see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fantastic Worlds
Views: 7,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lovecraft Country, Lets Play, Lets Try, Cultist SImulator, Guide, Walkthrough, Tips, Cosmic Horror, Card Game, Tutorial, Video Game
Id: HSIRkFu2Z84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 0sec (4080 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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