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the clay I'm looking for has an M in their name Claire Moniz run we need to cancel cancer in the realm of the Spirit I saw this person's life that I mentioned and because of that is that the truth I don't know why in the realm of the Spirit will show standing back there I heard a name like Marik in fact the name is connected to like a similar name that you are loving - why do I see two men standing by you were you married before once twice three times Bravo Purcell in the realm of the Spirit I saw the spiritual son of Samuel not so good it's time you know I don't know why when I looked at you I saw Mary's cousin name is Mary Mary Elizabeth yep who is Christian I saw somebody else in French Alsatian Nina what is like a an M I'm seeing like it's like a traditional name [Music] get the messed up I saw a woman with a name that starts with that team but this is like it is in bad way not somebody from me I know it turn around one who is that she's my ex one day I saw a link jump from and what was your film [Music] I don't know why I saw Drake the musician and then I saw a person like I don't know if it's Warren Oh what's your dad's name in the spirit I saw David in heaven playing her and I saw you sitting there with angels there's a great ocean of washing up on you she's not what I don't know why I saw unless spinning in the realm of the Spirit as I'm listening to God I'm trying to understand my name what is it save us i dial this number five to to another to another to us what is MA Artie like much awesome in the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus well what's your full name just over oh no Tasha mama who was the name that starts with an O because in the spirit when I looked at you I saw a name written on your forehead II began with or how do you say what's the Nicole darkness hola eyes do you know anybody called Michael I will be her ex-husband come to us two steps how many children dear I have two boys walk back two steps where's your mum mum come how many children dear how many steps they make you work [Music] faith and fear are exactly the same thing fear and faith are all fed by knowledge that you possess you empower your faith by the truths that you know to the point that your faith overflows that it cannot be contained anymore that it becomes your reflex fear is a spirit also that is fed by false information that you believe in it so much that it empowers that spirit so if you keep thinking I'm gonna die things are gonna happen things are bad what you're doing is you're giving power it's still faith because it takes you to totally believe in that information so you function according to what you are knowledge and you feed let me tell you something there was an idea of business that you had but the issue is it is not moving because you are bumping it what did you tell her the record was yes because it's like let me tell you it was November 17 I saw an x-ray and I saw it even turning into a neurological issue he had a stroke at how was he 17 [Applause] scoff what I said was true what he said is it true tell us she did did she hear what I said about neurological problem in the realm of the Spirit I saw something profit look at this God showed me what this year shall look for you your prophesy still small you are quenching my spirit maybe I should prophesy other people I saw into your next year a man and I saw how God was going to bless you amen and I saw and I was in your wedding in fact I was the one marrying you and as I saw this vision I saw how you addressed I saw the white gown that you are dressed in Brody and I saw you walking and I saw how the wedding will go amazing Goldie but the Lord showed me something and took me into your blood and God took me into your blood and pushed me into the past Rodi Rodi I went into the past and I saw a man called Williams no this is not even your father wait I went into the past I am going to the one that gave birth to your father and I saw a man that his name was Williams yes but I saw him producing some children and when I looked at him I saw somebody like Winston oh my god my uncle but then I saw somebody else that he produced like Jason but then when I saw him producing these children I saw your father going to Atlanta yeah and when your father went through I don't know you're you're not ready for this somebody shot Jesus the Lord Jesus took me to Atlanta and I saw your father and your mother yes and I saw the month of May in 1986 you're not ready the Lord took me to 1986 in the month of May what is me [Music] in the spirit I saw David in heaven playing her and I saw you sitting there with angels there's a great ocean of worship upon you she's not what I don't know why I saw unless spinning in the realm of the Spirit as I'm listening to God I'm trying to understand my name what is it to save progress I dialed this number five - to another to another to ask what is ma RT like much awesome [Applause] in the realm of the Spirit I saw the hand of the Lord upon you and when I saw the hand of the Lord upon you I saw you standing among the Twelve Apostles of Jesus well what's your full name just Oh Latasha my mom who has the name that starts with an O because in the spirit when I looked at you I saw a name written on your forehead II began with or how do you say what's the Nicole Ernest Holloway's do you know anybody called Michael I will be her ex-husband come to us two steps how many children dear I have two boys walk back two steps where's your mum mum come how many children dear how many steps they make you work [Music] [Music] you Oh Cap'n away from your embrace I may fall but your Stacey [Music] you're the only one for me you are Mikey he I can never turn from you my everything my my [Music] my my what kind of love is this my heart is overseeing what kind of [Music] breath light the light that never fails lead me on you are the only way Hey when I am weak you are strong your [Music] is my home you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything [Music] [Music] my by kind of is my heart and soul we'll see what kind of love [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're somebody but your father compassion you're the giver of her life and for Laster you're the Savior through Messiah all I need a funny profile worthy wonderful or some power glory glory to you my heart sings perfect suffering game god of everything glory glory to you my to were sure and if my eyes to seek your holy face I lift my voice to honor [Music] there's no I just thank you know I live - I don't understand you and love you so pretty sure you surround me with your grace somewhere forgiving the way that I've been in you changing the whole I didn't know who I could be - you show me worthy you wonderful or some powerful glory glory to you my heart sings bird feed stop drinking God of everything glory glory [Music] god bless every single person that is watching around the world this is prophet Ilyas and I think the Lord Jesus so much for having you here with me and I believe you're going to be blessed I am I am trying to control my joy and I'm trying to control my heart and and the amazing blessing that the Lord has given me to have a message for you this day and I need you to share this because this is going to bless your heart and the Lord Jesus was speaking to me and I was going to preach a completely different message some of you who are coming back on life you know that we were about to get life in the whole thing was stopped the Lord literally told me stop speak on this and he gave me a word in 10 minutes as the beginning was beginning I was putting everything together and I want you to know that God has favoured us tremendously the Lord Jesus has favored us tremendously the Spirit of God has favored us exceptionally in a way that in a way that I have no way of truly expressing it and I really believe that something is going to change in your life by reason of what you're going to hear today and and we are going to pray at the end of this but I want to tell you there's something explosive that the Lord just delivered in my spirit there is something so powerful that the Lord Jesus has deposited in my spirit as I'm telling you right now I am I am I am feeling the presence of the Lord Jesus and I know when God is speaking in order to bring somebody to another dimension into another level and to another place in the spirit you can feel it no and God is speaking and he's speaking in order to transfer things or to transform things or to push things to another place and I want you to be ready because I was ready to teach something completely different and the Lord Jesus told me no this is what you're going to talk about so I want you to be prepared listen every time you listen to prophet Aliyah you need to have your paper your pen your notebook whatever you use to take notes you must have it I wish somebody could hear me my little sister double grace god bless you and my son proud refuge god bless you my daughter Kimberly and Karina and and many others may the Lord Jesus multiply you and bless you listen you do not want to miss this word every time I speak I speak from God but I today I don't know what God did to me because I love when a message is urgent in God's heart and God is able to communicate that to his servant in order his people to benefit hallelujah I don't know I don't know if somebody if somebody is there hallelujah were here this is going to be a time like no other and I want you to be prepared because this is the seventh day revelation the Lord was revealing something to me and he had spoken to me about it a little bit but as I was sitting down getting ready to preach something else the Lord Jesus said no this is what you're going to speak about so this is the seventh day revelation why God rested on the seventh day what was the purpose of it what does it mean to you why you should keep the Sabbath and why did Jesus speak about the Sabbath in the way that he did and not in the way that the Pharisees went about it why was his understanding of the Sabbath different and does that mean to you I want you to go to Genesis chapter number 2 as quickly as you can Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 it's it's about to be a dangerous dangerous time in the presence of God a father I pray for everybody that is watching give us the spirit of Revelation give us a hearing heart give us the mind of the Spirit open our minds let our minds be enlightened today may your word enter and give light according to your word that is established and written I bless you Father in the name of Jesus amen amen are you there son go ahead uh-huh Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 yes thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them mm-hmm verse 2 and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made uh-huh verse three and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made now I want you to understand something here the Bible is telling you in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to 2 it's explaining to you thus the heavens and the earth were finished and God rested on the seventh day because in it he had finished all his work but in order for you to understand this we have to go to ecclesiastics chapter number three but I want you to keep that in mind that God rested on the seventh day because in it he had finished all his work in it he had finished all his work I pray that you will stay with me and I want you to share this as many times as you can because this is gonna bless you and is gonna do something to you ecclesiastics chapter 3 verse 1 amen mm-hmm to everything there is to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose and that time to every purpose read that again and to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose now notice the every purpose under heaven I read the whole thing yes to everything there is a season yes and a time to every purpose under the heaven one more time to everything to every purpose now you have to understand this I'm gonna explain something to you profoundly and spiritually and I want you to stay with me the Bible is saying to everything there is a season now you have to understand there are no seasons in heaven that is why it says under the heaven in heaven there are no season Wow there is no winter there is no summer there is nothing like that in heaven these things are only on the earth that doesn't mean that the weather might be different in heaven sometimes even though that's not truly how it is but let's just entertain the fact but you'll understand why it's saying and that the Sun under the heaven and remember the Bible also says there's nothing new Under the Sun yes but I want you to remember this to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens now you have to understand the word season there is not seasons in the way you think the word season is the word Shamim Shama means set time so it's not talking about a pattern that is changing on its own if I set an alarm I am determining when the alamou go off true the alarm is not telling me when to go off yeah now it is God who is setting that time that's good or they appointed time which the English Bible is translating as a season why because a season is appointed you know January it may be you December to January scanners the winter ish then we start getting to spring then we go into some other kind of thing notice man is not setting that but it is been set by God I don't know if somebody's capturing this I want you to be in the realm of the spirit with me here hallelujah are you are you paying attention I want people to share this so remember the word season there is not season I want you to change it to set time if you have a Bible or you're taking notes I want you to write set time okay I want you to write set time so for the word season I want you to write set time I want I want ten people to share and to say profit we have shared we have shared we have shared we have shared I want you to shade as many times as you can the word season is set time now remember it is God that is setting this set time hallelujah then it goes and there to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose notice the set time means an appointed time it doesn't mean a clock that is running but it's a landmark that has been set at a certain point Wow okay but purpose has a time the what time there is the word it ETH which means which means an event so change the word a purpose and set event for every purpose at what time change it to event the word time change it to event ETH it a means event so to to to everything there is a set appointed time and an event to every purpose now the problem is somebody that is Colonel things in the spirit their days remember God is not operating with days like you and me yeah God is working with set time appointed times and an event that calculates that establishes the time that you are speaking about you see me and you have to set a clock say 9:00 p.m. we are going life but 9:00 p.m. can come and go because we are not control of the hours so we have to work in the confined of the what hours and the minutes and the seconds but God Almighty I don't know if you can hear me the Lord God Almighty the Lord God Almighty does not work like that because he is the master of time I wish somebody could hear me so if God is setting Allah an alarm because an hour will pass him then he is not a lot God he is not God right so in order for him to be God he has to be the one that is setting the appointed time and an event to every purpose because to God he counts days according to purpose that he once done in a particular season and he does it then he calls it this day go to Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 quickly I feel the Lord I feel the Lord Jesus Oh Lord Jesus glory be to your holy name you know there's such a tremendous thing when God can speak to you it changes everything it changes everything in your life it transforms everything in life it moves everything from one place to another place man read Genesis chapter 1 now now you have to understand this the Bible is saying in the beginning but if you read it in Hebrew it doesn't say in the beginning it says God then at the beginning because he appoints the beginning the Bible says God and then at the beginning because it's the one who is appointing what at the beginning is so you have to understand God did not start in the beginning but God is the one who appointed a season called the beginning he's somebody getting this he set us a season that will pronounce a purpose called the beginning so the beginning did not start god but God start at the beginning so I want you to read keep reading keep reading keep reading and the earth yes without form uh-huh and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep uh-huh and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water uh-huh and God said let there be light now notice this God made the earth God there was water the earth and the water already existed yes because God had made those things now what you don't know is between Genesis verse 1 and verse 2 is what we call the gap period it is between the time that the devil was cast down on earth Ezekiel Isaiah speak about this are you getting what I'm saying so now God is is made now remember this is the beginning God creates the heavens and the earth so God begins a season in the spiritual realm and in it he makes something called heaven yes that already has a purpose which is a set event to be carried out in the heavens and then now God is coming to set another event in what is called Earth right right because the earth is already there the water is already there but they have form and void meaning they have no purpose so they could not say that today is the first day because there was no purpose accomplished in anything I wish somebody could get this Oh Lord Jesus so they could not say that this is the first day God could not pronounce it as a day because it had not fulfilled any purpose it was a blank canvas right is somebody catching this is somebody catching this is somebody getting this so heaven notice this ok keep reading let me finish let me let you finish then I'll add this uh-huh and God said let there be light mm-hmm and there was light yes and God saw the light that it was good uh-huh and God divided the light from the darkness mm-hmm and God calling it a light day and the darkness he called night now notice this capture this capture this and finished finished finished and the evening and the morning were the first day so the day was not counted because it started at a certain hour the day was counted by God he established it as a day because he fulfilled a purpose yes and he marked it yes as a day so if there was no purpose it would still be the first day Wow so God is saying now it is a day because in it he did something Wow is somebody catching this is somebody catching this way now let me shock you with something go to revelations chapter 12 revelations chapter 12 I'm flowing by the spirit if you see me throwing scriptures like this you know that I'm listening to the Holy Spirit revelations chapter 12 and I want you to go to verse verse 7 amen uh-huh and there was war in heaven uh-huh Michael and his angels fought against the dragon yes and the dragon fought and his angels stop right there why is it saying now remember when John gets in the book of Revelation says on the Lord's Day yes meaning it was on a Sunday because Jesus resurrected on Sunday Wow on the third day and I will go deep on this and you will understand it even clearer this is why there are posters met every Sunday to pray they still went to the temple on the Sabbath but they M gathered together by themselves to pray on the Lord's Day because that was the day that the Lord Jesus resurrected Wow Wow Wow so if everybody anybody ever asked you why do you go to church on Sunday tell them it is because it's on that day that the Lord resurrected and as tradition not because it is mandatory but as tradition the Apostles decided that it's a good day to meet because they were commemorating something they were remembering something I want you to read revelations chapter 12 verse 7 amen mm-hmm and there was war in heaven yes Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his notice this it does not tell you if it was the first day the second day the third day the fourth day it just tells you and there was war in heaven meaning heaven is still on the first day Wow Wow Wow Wow somebody did not catch me Wow somebody is not understanding this keep that thought evan is still operating on the first day I can't see the comments on Facebook I want you to keep sharing this because there is a deep revelation that the Lord Jesus gave me in order for you to be able to manipulate and determine the season and the time or the event in the purpose I wish somebody could catch me we're catching so as far as heaven is concerned it's on the first day still because remember there has not been any change in heaven except somebody being thrown out yeah Wow so when there would be in the book of Revelation and there was a new heaven and a new earth it means it has entered its what 2nd day yeah but the earth would be on its eighth day I'm sorry I'm coming I'm coming to that point I wish somebody could catch this we're catching I wish somebody could catch this we're catching so now let me just help somebody to understand this I want somebody to understand this jamilka here is because the Sabbath is on a Saturday he actually begins on a Friday but it's actually then Sunday is not the Sabbath it's just the Lord's Day I will explain it to you don't worry I will explain it to you be patient be patient be patient now notice this YouTube YouTube I you there I want people to keep sharing because I want to show you something that the Lord Jesus just showed me are you catching what I'm saying we're catching energy so capture this and capture this with all your heart with all your spirit with everything that is in you amen ok so God is making the light separating it from light and darkness and he says now it is the first day so the first day is not determining by the hours is being determined by a purpose within a season or a an appointed time that time is appointed after God did everything he said okay now this is what is happening so the one who is in charge of the event and the purpose of the event and the one who is going to fulfill it is God that's what the Bible says is the author and the finisher of our faith Wow remember faith is action and I will explain it deeply as we keep going yes I wish somebody will remain and pay attention and pay deep attention to what I'm saying to you amen amen glory be to the living Jesus Gorobei lead Jesus so now you're noticing something here God is resting on the seventh day God is resting on the seventh day meaning there is a set event and a purpose to the seventh day that was not yet accomplished but it was said to be accomplished that he was going to fulfill it himself Wow so God did not rest on the Sabbath yeah yeah which he decided to call it the Sabbath he's the one who decided it is the Sabbath it is the Lord's Day before I explain this go back to if he ecclesiastics chapter three I want you to read verse one and go to verse two and keep going to 15 mm-hmm-hmm Ecclesiastes chapter 3 yes to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the Sun a time to be born and a time to die yes a time to plant and a time to pluck up yes which is planted uh-huh a time to kill yes and a time to heal now remember that what the time there is purpose a time ok let's go back to the begin of ecclesiastic chapter 1 heir of chapter 3 verse 1 I want people to remember I will help people again so when you're reading the time you have to remember what time is an event an event that has been determined by somebody are you getting what I'm saying yes so God has only appointed a time and a purpose are you getting what I'm saying yes so when you see the word when you see the word when you see the word season its SH AMA why I am meaning a set type at time that something is going to happen God has already determined it but you have to remember that God has determined it because it's already happened remember every time is marking a day is determining it because he's already done what he needs to do yeah so a hundred percent so time then what time is if I just told you that which is an event so there is a set time for a certain event to carry out a certain purpose are you getting what I'm saying yes I want you to read now now remember every time you read you read you read time replace it with what even an event go ahead do everything there is a and an event to every purpose under the Sun yes an event to be born uh-huh and an event to die now remember this events in the realm of men who decides that you're going to be born your father and mother yeah God already just has your spirit when they decide to come together and join their flesh then somebody becomes pregnant and somebody is born yeah so who is determining who is getting born your parents yeah yeah notice you are not setting the season or the appointed time we are functioning simply in purpose yeah yeah but that purpose now if you're not in God you are carrying out your own purpose which you can't because you are indeed within the frame of the day there events that God Himself is carrying out has nothing to do with man and then the events that man can do what he wants to do that's where free will comes in but the event of God will happen where the man is on it or not that is what God does not change it doesn't matter whether you get saved whether you don't get saved whether you believe him or not it doesn't change anything I wish somebody could keep sharing I wish somebody could keep sharing are you getting this hold hold on keep going hold on an event to be born uh-huh and an event today I notice not an event to give you a baby an event to be born it is your father mother that determined that if they come together in January yeah Wow like now with this quarantine we'll have a lot of December November children too many October November December I keep going in event to play it yes an event who is planting you keep going because remember if you don't plan then you're not setting the time for harvest so if you don't plan there is no time that is being now you have not set an appointed time for harvest until you plant so if somebody does not plant there is no I'm waiting for harvest yeah yeah that's true that will not apply you have not set the clock because the tree is not going by what is happening outside it's going by you determining it you can water it you can set it in an environment that would determine how it will grow yeah yeah yeah Wow keep going an event to kill uh-huh an event to heal not is not an event to take life only God can take life to kill his man God doesn't kill anybody because He is God even if he is angry and decides to write about people he cannot kill because He is God he's taking life Wow killing isn't justly stopping somebody's life keep going and an event heal an event to heal so is determing healing you keep going an event to break down uh-huh an event to build up uh-huh an event to weep uh-huh and an event to laugh uh-huh an event to Moore uh-huh and an event to dance uh-huh if there's no party there's no what dance keep going an event to cast away stones uh-huh and an event to gather stones together uh-huh an event to embrace yes and an event to refrain from embracing yes an event to get yes and an event to lose yes an event to keep now remember an event to get in an event to lose who is determining this you job said God can take and give he doesn't lose anything God gives you can get but God gives right and God can take but you don't lose that's why I job never said I have lost my children I have lost my property said God took because he knew to ask God who took in order to give something big to lose is because you misplaced your event yeah so you entered into the wrong purpose I want you to keep going an event to keep yes and an event to cast away uh-huh an event to rent yes and an event to sow uh-huh notice an event to sow and they should have been talking about sowing and planting in the same place but they're not keep going an event to keep silence uh-huh and an event to speak yes an event to love and an event to Tate an event of peace yes what prophet hath he that worketh in that wherein he labor it notice this the Bible now is asking a question what is the purpose of working and you're not ripping anything in your labor what is the purpose of working and you're not reaping anything in your labor I will tell you why you don't reap from your labor Facebook are you there Facebook I want you to keep sharing and and I think God for YouTube who are sharing Facebook share as many times as you can I want you to share as many times as you can I want you to share as many times as you can keep going mm-hmm I have seen the travail which God has given to the sons of men to be exercised in it notice what he says read that again here what verse are you on verse 10 hmm I have seen the travail God had given to the sons of men to be exercised in it he read it again I have seen the travail which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it now notice the what travail right the what travel is the word Eon which is I n why am I and why am which means an affaire or a business that's good a business hallelujah a business so I want you to read and put business where it says travel mm-hmm read it again verse 10 verse 10 mm-hmm I have seen the business with which God had given to the sons of men to be exercised in it so there is an affair that God has set up for the sons of men or a business when Jesus was saying I must be about my father's business this is what he was talking about he knew the affair that had to do with this purpose and notice what he said we must work while it is still day what day because remember night and day was coming night and day was coming night and day but the Lord Jesus is saying I must we must work while it's still day for night is coming where nobody can work so what day is he still talking about what days is speaking of we're going to know so read it again and put business huh Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 10 I have seen the business which God had given to the sons of men he be exercised in what is exercised to do within that time read read read continue verse 11 verse 11 he hath made everything beautiful in his time stop right there he has made everything beautiful in its purpose remember that what time is what purpose I wish somebody could get it I wish somebody would get it oh sorry the word purpose there is a time his event read read verse 11 again and and and and and I want you to read it the way it is the way you change that time to event read huh yes sir verse 11 yes he hath made everything beautiful in his bed mm-hmm also he had set the world in their heart so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end now let me show you you see the word world there is not world is owm which means all all means the longevity or duration or quantity of Futurity or what is happening within a certain time so when the Bible saying God will give you the nation's it's a duration of a period [Music] that is why some of you want to be great somebody asked what version are you reading from I'm just reading King James regular version hallelujah the most inspired version read it again he verse 11 he hath made everything beautiful in his event also he has set the world in their heart the longevity of time in their inner man that what heart there is not your heart the word hot there is is leb lab meaning in a man meaning he has set the duration of time or the longevity of the world in the inner man not your physical heart so an when first Corinthians chaplet we say he has not heard no as it entered into the hearts of men he's not talking about the inner man he's talking about the soul by here the word the word the word heart is lab meaning in a man's spirit man so read change lab their heart to spirit change change world to the duration and time to event long duration go for it verse 11 mm-hmm he hath made everything beautiful in his event also he had set the long duration in their spirit yes so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end so God has put something in your spirit he's put it all in your spirit so you have no way of really discerning what is going on unless you talk to the big man then he pulls an event out to you so when people say that I don't know what my purpose is it was already put inside you can you pull it out of your inner man is the question that's good you see Adam wanted Eve but he thought God will send a person from heaven Eve was inside of him [Music] so uncertain unless he said a purpose of having a helpmate notice he did not say I am looking for company yeah because he had company right he is the one who decided he is the one who decided I want somebody called a helper God did not say that he did not have a helper the Lord said he saw Adam what he was looking for and when Adam decided he wanted a helper God put him to sleep and remove the helper out of him they helped I was always in his spirit Genesis chapter 1 verse 21 says this he says and God said let us make man in our image in our likeness and and let him have this and that and that and then he said he may be him male and female may be them so God made two people but the other person was in the other man's spirit so the event of Eve was not way in the heavens it was not in God it was in Adam wow wow wow wow yeah Genesis chapter 5 read Genesis chapter 5 whoever's the mic you keep that one Genesis chapter 5 verse 1 amen Genesis chapter 5 verse 1 this is the book of the generations of Adam uh-huh in the day that God created man yes in the likeness of God made he here verse 2 male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam so God put Eve inside of Adam and he did not tell him he said your name is Adam but God was naming two people but he was waiting for an Adam to name an event called Eve to set a purpose a set time yeah for an event that would be called Eve so God was never going to tell him you know there is somebody with you you are lonely it's because you're not clever enough Adam who had everything in life he still could manage to sense his spirit - not that I'm not supposed to be alone I'm supposed to have a helper how can he need a helper when everything is going right the Bible is telling you he was not slacking with anything he was not missing anything he had everything that he wanted but he still noticed there was something inside of him yeah I'm here to talk to some people listen they may be this pandemic that is going but I'm here to tell you there is a purpose there is an event to be carried out by you and I will prosper you that will increase you that will take you to where God wants you to be that question is can you enter into the inner man to know this I wish somebody could hear me [Music] Jehovah Thank You Elohim god of Aliyah I bless you you are not some God you are not some God have you ever noticed this let me just let me just show you let me just mess you up a little bit mm-hmm do you realize after the seventh day the Bible stopped counting days after God made man he stopped counting days so now you understand that those day the first day the event could have been a kazillion years could have been one second could have been a microsecond could have been an twinkle of an eye we will never know because it was an event that was done by him I wish more people on Facebook who share we are over 200 and and and and 40 but I want you to keep sharing Facebook YouTube YouTube I you there youtube and periscope also keep sharing let me see YouTube and all those who are giving god bless you increase your multiply are you getting what I'm saying we're catching somebody ask the question is the man not supposed to discover her what happens where he he is not in his purpose to discover and and deep / well that's the whole point God wants you to be in tune with him God did not create robots God never told that I'm he had a wife god it even said this is your wife until Adam set an event notice God said when he was making them be fruitful and multiply but he did not say to Adam consciously until Adam got Eve manifested physically then he said be fruitful and multiply so God was not saying something new he was repeating what he said in the spirit when he was making them Wow he just took something that was already there and moved it in the physical so God was not blessing them God already blessed them I'm here to tell you you are not going to be protected now you have been protected I'm here to tell you that you're not getting blessed now you have been blessed iris I'm not telling I'm here to tell you are not getting healed now you have been healed this is what Isaiah said something very special and profound Isaiah said it like this he said by His stripes we are healed and Isaiah is about five hundred and something years before the time of Jesus but he's talking about healing five hundred years before the time of Jesus in the present this is why we have passed truth present truth and future truth but they are all true which truth will you accept I wish somebody could catch this Lord Jesus so God is saying be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth and do this but God was creating was saying these things because remember Genesis chapter 1 all happened in the spiritual realm because Genesis chapter 2 you realize this he says and God formed man from the dust of the earth yeah so he rested yeah but you are still forming man so what was really the rest you know you think that God was resting from something physical and I will make you understand what the rest actually means you're about to discover it now because the saying on that day God accomplished all his work which he had created and made yeah so God is resting from something he created and made you have to understand creating and making are two different events creating is when you're determining what it will be making is when you're putting it together yeah when they are making a canoe car a designer creates it then it goes to the factory and they and they make it the designer creates it the factory makes it yeah but you are noticing on the day that God is resting it's explaining to you that that's the day that he formed man when did we create man in the spirit so Adam and Eve were already two together they were blessed but Eve was inside of Adam the first man to ever be pregnant and there will never be another man and he was sent on earth made from the dust of the earth so it's discovering that a I am pregnant you see some of you a pregnant you don't even know you're pregnant with businesses you are pregnant with ideas we are pregnant with the special things that will change people's lives but the problem is you have not dug into the inner man you have not consulted God to open the eyes of your understanding so that you may know [Music] the set time so that you can do the event that you are setting Wow Wow this is deep I wish somebody could hear me I wish somebody could share so God is naming Adam saying Adam and there is Eve inside of him but God never says anything let's see if you be in your purpose hello so some of you God said siobhan but you don't know in the spirit your other name is millionaire but you have not discovered it so you are just going by Chevron but you don't know there is millionaire somewhere inside some of you your name is Helen but your last name is 'more but you don't know that M or re but you don't know it means Helen M or ar e Helen who was more but you don't know where the moor is some of you that's what you find that job was able for God to take everything and he says God gave him everything more than he had where were all those things they were inside of him they were not coming from anyway because remember there is nothing new under the earth every vent has been set so God is not restoring you now there was already restoration waiting for you to just take it Wow and you can determine whether you are gonna take it now Wow if you're going to take it next week if you are going to take you ten years from now it's up to you I wish somebody could hear me we hear you cop risotto I feel it in my spirit is somebody catching me we can't you I want you to read verse ten again remember how we interpreted translated the words keep reading mm-hmm verse 10 mm-hmm I have seen the travail the business which God had given to the sons of men to be exercised in it mm-hmm he hath made everything beautiful in his event also he had said the long duration in their spirit how keep going so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end uh-huh and then read again verse 11 he hath made everything beautiful in his event yes also he hath set the long duration in their spirit mm-hmm so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end first of I know there is no good in them but for a man to rejoice and to do good in his life notice I know that there is no good in them so God is saying I know they have no there's no good in them but for a man to rejoice and to do good in his life notice the good comes from God every good and perfect gift comes from heaven so if you don't get from heaven there is no good that is coming out of you Wow read verse 13 this is where now the icing on the cake and also yes every man should eat and drink yes and enjoyed the good of all his labor what was the word labor again oh yeah you remember oh you want me to help please this is fire labor is the word toil what you put out the effort you put out are you getting what I'm saying I'm getting really read it again and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good oh yes it is the gift of God so if you're not ripping of every labor that you have done you have not entered into the gift of God because it is the gift of God so it is the gift of God for you to enjoy things read verse 14 and finish I know that whatsoever God do it yes it shall be for ever so everything temporary in your life is coming from you not him you have allowed the devil to rob you because nothing God has ever made is temporary read read 14 again I know that whatsoever do I know that whatsoever everything that he does it shall be forever aha nothing can be put to it nor anything taken from it okay now I want to show you what forever means forever and everlasting are two different things forever is the word own is just like the word duration remember the world same word long duration as long as the earth remains there shall be seat time and have it david said it like this I have never seen the righteous forsaken know their children beg for bread so as long as you are a child of God you should experience the goodness of God for the duration of the period that you are there this is why anybody that is telling God wants people to repent that's why Korona came is a lie it's not the truth God is not God is not interested in punishing people now it's not a set event we know when that event will happen the Bible has told you yeah are you getting what I'm saying yes ma'am okay so now let me reverse on the seventh day God is resting but you notice something days are stopped they stopped being counted because now it's up to Adam to determine the day remember we count days according to somebody's calendar we have the Jewish calendar we have the regular calendar that we use we have the European calendar Indians have their calendar yeah Mayans have their calendar they are determining events according to them what is your calendar Wow that's good you're waiting for your new year to be when December 31st comes in midnight then you say everything is going to be new yet you can determine everything to be new today what is today March thirteenth what is it what April April 13 14 you can determine that New Year will be today April 13th and you start your calendar so let me explain to you now something so God is resting on the seventh day and listen what to what he says let me take you to the scriptures this is gonna bless somebody a man this is gonna bless somebody this is what I believe this is gonna bless somebody amen are you ready ready I want you to go to Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 amen mm-hmm Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 uh-huh remember the Sabbath day uh-huh to keep it holy uh-huh verse 9 six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work huh but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God uh-huh in it thou shalt not do any work thou nor thy son nor thy daughter thy manservant nor thy maidservant nor thy cattle nor thy stranger that is in with it and that is within thy gates mm-hmm he for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that is in them and rested the seventh day huh wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it now stop right there for it is the Lord's Day mm-hmm remember that this today is the Lord's Day because he meet he received what is called rest he gave himself rest from everything that he did remember when you rest is because you have concluded something yeah yeah you have accomplished the purpose of something yeah now if you notice when God created Adam Adam was supposed to replenish and subdue the earth the purpose of God was not done because nothing was accomplished the accomplishment was God was not in creating the day if God had not foreseen humanity if he had not setup humanity in the way he wanted it to be if he was waiting for humanity you see there are two schools of thinking there are two schools of thinking there are people who think that God is creating solutions on the go but if God has to create solutions on the on the go then he is not God it means he has no understanding of the future it means that he is waiting for the future just like every other being but he's not setting the future you see you have the Book of Revelations revealing what will happen in the last days by somebody was not in the last days it means that God already determined is even telling you how many Jews would go to heaven he is telling you our new heaven and a new earth who come he's telling you even how long the reign of Jesus will be on the earth when it comes down for a thousand years it means that this events that I already set and there is a purpose in place to fulfill them so it tells you that in Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 the rest is not because of what you are seeing because there is a hidden purpose yeah that somebody had not seen but God had seen and he's revealed it to his people yeah let me show you something let me show you something I I feel it so much in my spirit I don't know if I should shout I don't know I don't know I don't know how or what to say I'm gonna show you a verse that's gonna blow your mind amen ah the Lord just brought this okay I want you to go somes nope first Peter chapter 1 verse 19 to 20 amen and you get revelations revelations thirteen verse 8 you have revelations thirteen verse 8 you get first Peter chapter 1 verse 19 amen are you ready listen to this okay read but with the precious blood of Christ yes as of a lamb without blemish and without spot yes who was who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world so what is the purpose of of the of the founding of the earth read it again you discover if you are paying attention you capture the purpose of what was giving God rest read but with the precious blood of Christ uh-huh as of a lamb without blemish and without spot uh-huh whoo verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world uh-huh okay predict but was manifest in these last times for you notice this so and it's saying it is the Lord's Day who is he talking about I don't know what to say I don't know what to say Wow some people didn't catch it I've spilled water all over the place so and it's telling it's the Lord's Day he's telling you what was going to establish the seventh day Wow why God rested because it did something that was going to remember the event is Christ Christ is the center of it all don't clean let's finish let let God speak let the let the Lord Jesus speak I threw my phone away because I'm confused I don't know what to say read read read read revelation 13 revelation 13:8 we listen to revelation 13:8 and all that dwell upon the earth yes shall worship Him yes whose names are not written in the book of life yes of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so if there is a book of life over land yet that lamb has not come then the seventh day is not accomplished because remember read read first Peter again mm-hmm first Peter chapter 1 verse 19 but with the precious blood of Christ yes as a lamb yes how blemish and without spot yes who verily was foreordained before the foundation means that the earth was made because of him that's why first John that's why John chapter 1 tells you in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God without the word nothing was made so God set an event to show himself and to man he positioned himself to be revealed at an appointed time there was an event on the seventh day that's why I keep telling you read first Peter again I just don't know how to say it it's too much it's too much I read but with the precious blood of Christ yes as of a lamb without blemish yes out spot yes whoo verily was foreordained yes before the foundation of the world uh-huh but was manifest he was manifested meaning we were waiting for him to manifest but he was the cause of it all keep reading in these last times for you so the Lord's Day was because he was coming for you [Music] Wow so Adam was just to set a wave of people that God had already saved but it was just an event to be marked it's called the last days not the last day how many days he's talking about the seventh day remember we are still in the seventh day Wow as far as God is concerned we are still on the seventh day because he's entering into his rest because the Lord it's the Lord's Day yet the Lord has never he doesn't even know what what a day is he who does not sleep he who watches over Israel Naida slips or slumbers he doesn't sleep he doesn't slumber so how can he have a day because for him to have a day means he has to enter into it's time he has to enter into an event let me tell you what established it remember when God created everything he said it is good it is good it is good it is good it is good but when Jesus was manifest on the cross he said it is finished you cannot finish something that you say it is good it doesn't mean it's finished so his purpose was fulfilled when Jesus was on the cross he said it is finished he was not saying it is finished because of sin it was an eternal purpose that was being fulfilled by him Wow oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I don't know what to say I don't know what to say Facebook are you there hi hi let me show you something that the Lord Jesus said let me show you something that the Lord Jesus said and I will explain to you something now watch this do you know what date the Lord Jesus died do you know what date they know Jesus died the Lord Jesus was crucified he gave up his life the day before we enter into the Sabbath and then he rose on Sunday on the third day he did not rise after three days it is on the third day that the Lord Jesus resurrected so we call it Good Friday because it is it is this second day in the tomb no it is a yeah it is the second day Friday Saturday Sunday yeah it's his first day in the tomb so Thursday night you notice that the Feast of the Passover was being celebrated from that time because the Bible tells you this they rushed to bury him because the Sabbath was coming in and on the Sabbath nobody could work so who was working in that time the Lord Jesus descended remember what I told you yesterday when everybody was observing the seventh day the Passover remember in Exodus the Lord told Moses it is the Lord's Passover he did not say it is your Passover it says it is the Lord's Passover I will pass among you and you're going to put blood on your doorstep so that when I come I will not see your sin I will see myself and pass over you it is the Lord's Passover so this time he came again he passed over again to redeem his people unto himself so the Lord Jesus is buried on Thursday evening the Sabbath is coming in Friday Saturday Sunday he resurrects so he accomplishes something in the underworld the Bible says in I read the scriptures the other day I'll not go into it how he how he preached to the Souls how he preached to the souls in who are disobedient from the time of Noah and how he let the captives out of prison and our other men also resurrected the righteous that were there he went and accomplished this thing he was the one working on the Lord's Day because it is only the Lord that can work on that day but he worked for men let me show you a scripture I Lord Jesus I and I could give you scriptures if you want for the times and whatever but Mark chapter 2 verse 27 I'm about to finish much chapter to 27 amen and he said unto them the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath so a lot of people treat the seventh day like they are serving the seventh day at the seventh seventh day was created for man Wow not for men man singular Wow but notice this the Bible saying it's the Lord's Day but Jesus saying it was created for man because in it the purpose of God was going to be fulfilled through the Son of man who is the second Adam Wow he has now become the father of all men that's why we are called children of God wow this is what I want you to know go to sums I'm gonna give you a scripture and we are going to pray and finish glory be to the name of the Living God be to the name of the Living Psalms 41 sums 45 verse 1 sums 45 verse 1 Psalms 45 verse 1 to the chief musician upon show shanem for the sons of korah mashed michele a song of love my heart is indicted a good man my heart is inviting a good matter I speak of the things which I have made touching the cave I have speak of things which I have made touching the king my tongue the pen of a ready writer so if your mouth is the pen of a ready writer it means that he's listened to other thing I mean lighting a good thing in my heart now remember according to Ecclesiastes chapter one I believe verse twelve was saying there's nothing good in man except what God has given ya so a saying I have been I mean lighting a good matter by touching the king meaning by touching the King he was given the ability to indict a good matter he started understanding the good things that God has provided because every good and perfect thing comes from above but my mouth is the pen of a ready writer you have to understand in those days everything that is written is established the issue is this you are praying but you're never establishing every anything you work very hard you are hoping for harvest but you're not establishing the harvest the Lord said now the evening and the day the first day who is saying it is the first day the Lord is establishing it because his mouth is a pen that writes the universe establishes the universe that is why everything that exists is because God spoke yeah but you think things will be established because you prayed and not because you spoke I wish somebody could hear me you teaching is somebody capturing this maybe YouTube is capturing this bad energy Facebook keep sharing although Jesus noticed it was not just enough for Jesus to die on the cross he had to declare it is finished he didn't tell you what was finished he was speaking to himself we discovered later what he is saying it is finished we who have the scriptures who came into Christ we began to understand oh he was taking away sins when he was telling his disciples I'm dying for you they didn't know they did not know what he was trying to deliver the prophets of all who prophesied about him they knew I don't know if somebody's catching this so when he's saying it is finished the Roman soldiers are looking at each other what is he talking about the high priests who are mocking him while looking at each other what is he talking about they are waiting to see if Elijah or God will show up but he is writing something saying it is finished you see your problem is you want the thieves to know that you are finishing something you want the priest to know that you are finishing something you want your enemies to know that you are finishing something you want people to agree with you Jesus we did not need anybody to agree with him he knew what his purpose was and we put a full-stop on it he said it is finished then he gave up his spirit the Bible says I lay my own life nobody killed him he just established an event wake and give up his spirit somebody is not hearing me that's good somebody is not hearing me Jesus was not murdered he chose that and he himself gave up his spirit meaning he could live without giving up his spirit yeah remember he rose with the same body he rose up with the same body with the same wounds with the same scars with the same piercing on the side he was still working alive after all the water had come out after all his blood has shed remember the psi-man water and blood came out remember they already poked him he lost tremendous blood it was impossible for him to raise and be alive yeah meaning Jesus was working with no blood if indeed he is flesh and his peers why was this still not bleeding yeah that is why you have to understand why Thomas was doubting you know some of you say no I would believe in Jesus he did not believe it was Jesus because he knew exactly what happened to him we saw you beaten up with a cut with the with the nail the the whip that was called the cut of ninetails he had he had he had cutting things at the back of it meaning Jesus looked like strip chicken he was Tony who was like to take a razor and you cut somebody up his back his front you could not recognize him just by that whip he should have died then they put the crown of thorns on his head if you have ever done any kind of sports or ever cut yourself up on your head by accident your head bleeds more than any way in your body even a small cut will poor by that he should have lost a lot of blood combine that and that he should have lost a lot of blood then they did not bandage him up here to carry a cross that even somebody called Simon had to come and help him why was he weak because he all the blood was gone he gets on the on the on the cross they nail him now you have to understand Jesus was not nailed here he was nailed here do you know why they nailed him here because there is a nerve and there are veins here that when you cut that's why people commit suicide they cut himself here because you cut that navvy or dead you bleed out and die but they took a big old Roman cross a nail they took a big nail and they put it here and they nailed him the Bible says that he died with a death grip because when that nerve is broken your hand does this o'clock listen to me when he's saying that those who my fathers placed in my hand nobody can snatch them when this nerve is cut in the way that they did it you have something called a death grip you could not straighten their fingers if you wanted you have to break them so when Jesus is saying dosoo my father's placed in my hands nobody can snatch them it was the death grip on the cross I wish somebody could capture this so they merely mere on both hands people who even kill themselves they just do one side he did this they did this side this and they put nails big nails bleeding already then they also did the same you know the Bible says and the snake will strike your heel do you know how they crucified Him they put both of the feet together and when you hit the nail on the spot that you're gonna hit it on it goes through the hill and they heal into the other foot and to the other foot into the other heel so when you were saying and the snake would strike your heel that's what he was talking about the brute of vipers when Jesus was saying you brood of vipers when John the Baptist was saying you brood of vipers he was talking about the snakes that were gonna put something in his leg I I wish somebody would understand how prophetic this is are you getting what I'm saying and then that's not enough they lift him up on the cross gravity is pulling all the blood he was already bleeding out today notice by the time their heavens started getting dark because darkness began to cover the earth they hit the Roman soldiers legs to break them to ensure that they have died but when they got to Jesus they could not do that the earth shook that they could not hit him so the only way they could make sure that he really dies they pierced him and blood and water came out so they pierced him where is where his vital organs are and the Bible says water and blood came out so by the time they were taking him to bury him Jesus had no blood left inside of him but notice this he did not die because they pierced him the Bible says he gave up his ghost because it was his life he could pick it up he could pick it up he could pick it up he could pick it up he could pick it up and he could lay down but he did that go back to ecclesiastics chapter 3 I wish somebody could catch what I'm saying here Oh Lord Jesus amen verse 14 Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 14 yes I know that whatsoever uh-huh God do it uh-huh it shall be forever mm-hmm nothing can be put to it nor anything taken from it uh-huh and God do with it that men should fear before him read verse 15 now to show you the icing of the cake that I was hiding from you read verse 15 that which hath been is now and that which is to be have been already ah and God required that which is passed so God brought an event which was before the foundation of the earth to establish something that already is read verse 15 again read verse 15 again that which hath been is now that which has been is now meaning that we are living what has been where was it it was already established it means on the day that God made everything you was resting because this has been it is just an event now that is manifesting in purpose Wow in an event that you already said read it again that which had been is now is now uh-huh and that which is to be have been already that which is to be as been already so you are not going to the future you're going to the past you know many of you think we are going to the future no we are going to the past we are going back to what that which has been but we have no recollection we have no knowledge of that which has been so we are going back to the past but to us it is the future to God it's the past that's too much that is what I told you Alpha and Omega there's no mean beginning and end it means where the beginning is meeting the end Jesus was saying I am Alpha and Omega C I make I am the full circle of it all all oh Jesus Jamie Redmond exactly that's how prophet prophecy works it's already has been so a nun prophesy in your name and prophesying things these things that have already have been you just don't know it so I'm bringing it to your attention so you can enter into it now if you want Facebook are you there Wow Facebook identity Facebook are you there remember don't think about it has been established in the spirit remember the spirit the spirit governs all thing you don't die in the physical you already died in the spirit you don't prosper in the physical you prosper first in the spirit an event that has not happened in the spirit will never be established in the natural because that which has been is now so you don't pray God use me more you enter into God using more because it already has been Wow prophet Elia did not begin now prophet Elia has been he's just been put in this time somebody didn't catch that glory be to God so the problem is can you enter into your each season can you enter into your Eden season can you enter into your healing season are you going to create that event it is not up to God it is up to you it is not up to God it is up to you I'll say it again it is not up to God it is up to you your mouth is a pen of a ready writer I wish more people share this your mouth is a pen of a ready writer Velma Smith on Facebook there is a situation with a living condition or a house that God is establishing today for you I wish somebody would shout amen amen Velma Smith glory be to Jesus thank you Lord Jesus there is a situation with a house or a living condition that is being established today for you says the Spirit of God I wish somebody I feel like I don't know if people understanding that the depth of what you have just heard today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus Korona doesn't determine what your life will look like Mark Zuckerberg created an event called Facebook and it's fulfilling his purpose he doesn't need to be outside you being on Facebook he's enjoying money he's relaxing because there is an event and a set time called protocol Facebook that makes you go on it every day he created an event that even we are using it for the work of God whoever made YouTube they are sitting at home they have people working they are not working although Jesus my father my God my father my god amen so Jesus was saying evening is coming where no man can work so we are in the last days we are not in the end of days and when he's saying the end of days is saying the end of the seventh day where the purpose of the seventh day is being fulfilled yeah because number eight is the number of new beginnings number eight is the number of new beginning it's a prophetic number of new beginning so 7 is accomplishment 8 is new beginning so the seventh day hasn't ended we are about to close the seventh day because the purpose of the seventh day was the redemption of mankind read our first Peter again as Peter was in nineteen first that first Peter again Jesus and read revelation 13 the revelation 13 verse 8 Oh verse 9 first Peter yes sir one verse 19 uh-huh but with the precious blood of Christ yes as of a lamb without blemish and without spot yes who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world yes but was manifest in these last times for you so he was manifest not for himself for you because that's the fulfillment of the purpose Wow I want you to read the revelations that in 39 ah huh everybody will worship Him why it's the center of it all his purpose is darkness ready to make a new heaven hallelujah so what you need while it's still day while it's still day what are you believing God for to fulfill and accomplish that purpose and we go check it out go go tell the puppies to keep it up yeah are you getting what I'm saying we're catching what are you exploiting awaiting for the Lord to accomplish in your life what are you expecting from God that's good what are you desiring from God did Velma confirm or no I wanted to bless her more but I don't know if she confirmed hallelujah are you listening to me glory be to Jesus glory be to Jesus Velma are you there do you did you hear what I said glory be to God glory be to God Velma what I said to you what does it mean to you I don't want you to just say I receive I want you to confirm what does it mean to you is somebody catching what I'm saying here what what what is going on with with a house or a place that you're staying what are you waiting on God for how is that looking like so I'm here to tell you this you are determining what kind of harvest you are going to have the Lord Jesus is not determining that because as long as you have good things it's all good in his book he did not put a measure that you should enjoy good things that's good he did not put a limit on what you can enjoy he said what you poor even your room will not be enough so it doesn't matter how big you make room to receive he can always outdo it because you will always be more it's okay it's okay I don't know if somebody's catching me to catch it hallelujah so that measure of blessing that you will enjoy that measure of blessing that you will see that measure of blessing that measure measure of look now she's confirming grid what she said can you read it read what well she just say what thou must meet just said and what was God's sake the house thing is being established I am turning back the clock for you I wish somebody could hear me I I feel like people are not in the spirit you know I want to prophesy to people I want to give people what God is showing me amen I want to give people what he's showing me I want to give people what God is showing me prophesy prophesy you see if you don't respond you don't establish what is being written in the spirit why would I pick somebody random and say there is a situation like with the living condition or a house God is saying this thing is being established that's good I can't there's no picture of the profile I have never spoken to you are you getting what I'm saying we're catching when a prophet speaks to you he's speaking to the mind of God why is he speaking the mind of God is bringing what God put inside you outside why is it bringing it outside so that you can know it and when you say amen it is true this is what happened and this is it you have already entered into it because it was now given to the Prophet to establish it you seek God does nothing unless he reveals it to his servant the Prophet so when the Prophet comes I'm not talking about people who have prophetic words yeah I wish somebody could hear me we hear you I'm not talking about people with prophetic words I'm not talking about people who have random words I can even tell you the house that I saw I can describe it go deeper I saw what you lost and I saw what God is gonna give you everybody that is here the Lord is shifting your living condition the Lord is transforming your living condition the zone is transforming your spiritual life the Lord is transforming everything in your life the loss is about to lift you to a dimension and a situation that no man can take from you the Lord is about to do something that will last forever I wish somebody could type fire fire fire fire fire fire oh Jesus Lough Corrib Ashanti prophesy Papa tell Velma Smith to call tell her to call right now I want to bless her amen I want you to message her give her the number to call only Wilma Smith I want to bless her your pain is coming to an end amen I said your pain is coming to an end amen hallelujah Lough Corrib Ashanti Lee grow and to Lakeisha they predict Agusta and La Bajada so make sure that you can do it from your phone can you find and and and make sure that you give her to call now now now now Sakuraba Chantal Agora Basia until Augusta I can't see people's comments I wish people would write I am ready to enter into that good thing that will last forever I want somebody to type I'm entering into that thing that will last forever I'm entering into that thing that would last forever glory be to the living Jesus go beat Jesus fire fire fire Zechariah Shante Lee grow Costa Antelope Ragusa and le gusta zap ricotta kata-kata Liga Robuchon T Z prageeta and le gusta abroad Augusta and elegir liqueur a Bakura Bakura cap risotto LIGO ontology ax the Prado Bautista illicitly auntie protect a take a ticket a protec attack attack attack a zebra canto Lobo she Angela Angela Angela rebel Chantal a prodigy stay until a producer I want everybody to type fire fire fire fire fire I want people on three on YouTube YouTube I you dare let me see the people on YouTube let me see the people on YouTube and then after YouTube show me periscope are you there are you there are you there are you there fire are you there I want everybody to type fire fire fire fire fire we are about to declare to bring things to manifestation amen so you see faith cause those things that are not why is he saying core things that are not you cannot call what has not been so faith does not create faith taps into what has been from the beginning waiting to be manifested amen amen I wish somebody could hear this this is why faith is easy faith is not difficult faith is not difficult periscope periscope I see periscope I see periscope glory be to Jesus glory to Jesus glory to the Eternal Father who lives forever the father of all spirits amen elohim el shaddai I am entering into that which is forever I'm gonna give you prayer points in one second after I pray for for for this lady I'm waiting for her to call Velma Smith you need to call now you need to call now you need to call now I want I want to take too much time did she respond to the message hey the time don't miss your visitation go go back on Facebook let me see my people on Facebook let me see Facebook let me see Facebook glory be to Jesus you see their declarations that people speak from emotions and their declarations because you have the mind of God could you hype this for me please thank you Lord Jesus zechariah zechariah zechariah mandala gist o li Cora Besant a lake or abbas ante ellegua ellegua ellegua ellegua fifi mimi the one that has the name Fifi Mimi on on on on on Facebook on Facebook Fifi Mimi I am seeing I'm singing in the realms of the Spirit a certain woman that has a name that starts with an S in the realm of the Spirit I don't know how she's related to you maybe assists or something but the Lord said if you would lift up your voice if you would lift up your voice that woman shall receive healing in the name of Jesus la koruba Shanthi I feel it in my spirit as fast as you can because I'm waiting for this lady so that we can prophesy to her establish what God's mind is and we go into prayer we go into prayer we're going to prayer thank you Lord Jesus Halle Basanti so in the Bible is saying the Lord does nothing unless he reveals it notice is not saying the Lord does nothing unless he reveals wisely revealing it means that it's already there so the one who is establishing events of God on earth is that one which can declare it and seal it by reason of the anointing and the office hallelujah I want people I want I want to see more more of these comments here thank you Lord Jesus liqueur Alec or Alec Ora Lord Jesus Lord Jesus mama gana power I love you too much thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus I want people to move fast I don't know if there is a delay in this in the in the broadcast or what is going on glory be to Jesus sacré aunt Ellie Pradesh Ellie koruba Santilli Prada Prada Prada gosh Lake Ora Basanti Fifi do you know who I'm talking about fee fie fie fie Mimi I don't know if she already confirmed from the top let me see okay give it quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly are you listening to me woman of God you're listening to me the Lord has remembered you on this day the Lord has remembered you on this day Fifi is saying I have I have a friend named Sonia where is Sonia where's Sonia what's going on with Sonja I want you to confirm what's going on with Sonja fie fie fie fie confirm what is what I'm asking you what is going on with Sonja because I saw the Lord bringing restoration because I saw her needing to be healed there is a healing that is coming to her in the realm of the Spirit I saw the Lord touching this this s Sonya whoever she is I saw the Lord Jesus touching her mind and restoring a heart because of the disappointments that had happened in a life especially in the area of relationships I don't know I don't know if somebody can hear me Velma are you there Velma are you there the Lord has remembered you the Lord Jesus has remembered you amen as I am speaking to you right now I see the Lord Jesus restoring what you had lost I see the Lord Jesus restoring what you have lost in the realm of the Spirit when I looked at your name I saw the Lord Jesus and he showed me a house they had was that looked I saw the walls were kind of like a whitish creamish and I thought the roof was kind of ready she was like I don't know if this was ready show what it was but the Lord Jesus told me that what you are lost as property the Lord says that is about to restore it in your hands listen to me woman of God it is done in the mighty name of Jesus are you listening to me it is done in the mighty name of Jesus and I show immediately the hand of the Lord touching your lower back I saw the hand of the Lord as I'm speaking to you I saw him touching your lower back the Lord is healing you right now the Lord is healing you right now and the Lord will cause you to smile again okay now now read what fefe just said read what to fifi just listen to me it's already done the Lord is already under Intan you to go remember just what I said disappointment especially in relationship it is finished in Jesus name how do you pick somebody with the name you describe the situation how am I talking to Velma's me telling her about a home listen to me woman of God I decree and declare as a prophet of God as a servant of Elohim whatsoever you have been waiting for it is fulfilled and established in the name of Jesus it is fulfilled in the name of Jesus it is established in the name of Jesus I don't know who this is I don't know who this is but I saw the hand of the Lord touching them through you I don't know if it is now or if you know them now or you're going to meet them I saw a woman called Daniel I saw a woman called Daniel and in the realm of the Spirit I saw that the Lord Jesus is gonna use you to touch a woman called Daniel I want you to write this name down if you have not met her I want you to write this name down I saw a woman in the realm of the Spirit called Daniel are you listening to me woman of God that the Lord is gonna use you to touch Daniels life Daniels life shall be touched through you get ready for the harvest that has already been released unto you in the mighty name of Jesus it is established and done in Jesus name listen to me right now everybody that is listening to me I want to give you prayer points we are about to do some prayer points right now are you listening to me we are about to do some prayer points I'm about to give you some prayer points that we are going to pray we're gonna do some prayer points and we are going to pray I wish somebody could hear me we're gonna do some prayer points right now and pray we are gonna do some prayer points right now and pray I want you to type and I want you to just write I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I want buddy that is prepared I want you to type I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready every single person to type I am ready I am ready I am ready I am ready every single person wherever you are in the world I want you to type right now I am ready I'm gonna give you prayer points to pray right now your prayer will be every plan of the wicked one to keep me from my destiny to keep me from the purpose of God that has been established from beginning that was manifest in this time in the form of me and my family whatever it may be I destroyed and dismantle it in the mighty name of Jesus I want everybody to begin to pray in the spirit in the name of Jesus open your mouth wherever you are open your mouth and begin to pray I want everybody to keep praying I want everybody to pray I want everybody to pray I want everybody to pray I want everybody to pray Rocko's angle Augusta and Rokita libera bachata league Rollie Rollie grow Perugia aunt Ella ba-zap riccati ante liberal approach idea Angela BC intra zacchara Basanti rebel rebel Rico sulabha cheetah 0-0 Talega lemon de la ba ba ba ba Zecora Bhatia ante rev Paul Robeson tele bra goethe z predict adieu - Rita Costa and a ribbity ribbity ribbity a-z collab hacia Angela brand a kiss Anto rim party in catania socotra socotra socotra media Angela brand Agusta a cutie hunter Zacuto secretary para para para para para lift up of your voice where ever you are open your mouth and pray Saku Saku Saku Melia ant le gusta Angela vishanti rattle ah ba ba ba ba ba ba z catalyst the catalyst the catalyst the catalyst Mara Mara Mara mallacoota separa Tata Tata Rika toast Anika zebra dia intolerably on deck is the AL Korea anthem open your mouth lift up your Mountain brain lift up your voice wherever you are declare it and establish it by fire whatever was said to destroy my destiny see my future that which was set before the beginning with this in the name of Jesus americana bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah intellibid shooter God protein until Augusta Cut Pro so to know bashed-in Cara Basanti open your mouth and pray zacchara bartylla Angela Braddock actually Basanti in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus you to buy you there you to buy you they you to buy you there open your mouth and press share these two people share these two people fire in the name of Jesus listen to me listen to me and listen to me well listen to me and listen to me well listen to me and listen to me well listen to me listen to me well I want each and every one of you to make this prayer with me say father in the name of Jesus I am using my pen which is my tongue life and death is in the tongue that the pen of Destiny is my tongue the pen of Destiny is my tongue today I align my tongue with what that which is from the beginning today I in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus I set the season the season I set the purpose I set the purpose and the Destiny and the accomplishment of it and the accomplishment of it right now by my tongue right my family my career my health my health my children my property my property my career my business I base my ministry finish everything to do with me I am establishing it I am I am determining the harvest today I am starting my calendar today in the mighty name of Jesus by faith I begin to rip now I begin to establish you want by fire begin to open your mouth Oliver she sorta sorta sorta mockery of Agatha's sake Arabic Utah lava shanties Alabama bomb Abbas pray the spirit those on Facebook open your mouth and pray or when your Martin crane open your mouth and pray offering your mother brain open your mother brain open your mother pray pray zakharov a city only Kaurava shanti Goro for see Katella barakatuh maker Avatara Bashir mockery Ibaka toccatas gusta Nakamura basically basically Barossa katana vishanti or opposite elicitation rocket alavés open your mountains brain wherever you are wherever you are wherever you are wherever you wherever you are declare suffering is coming to an end labor without truth is coming to an end cannabis on appeal appeal appeal repeat Aluva tell ago Shizuku rasulullah Sakura Zack elevate illa anta lebryk a fruitful labor and futile labor is ending today and fruitful labor in my life is ending today declaring somebody somebody declare it declare it somebody and fruitful labor is coming to an end Eli's coming to a ranger wherever you are in the world open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth everything potala bia Angela para d'arte souca souca souca souca souca souca prasada baku mmm mmm mmm a little Amish antelope Rakuten Abbasi fruitfulness sakuya Angela bracket alibi Akashic record caliber sutala brand akiza ante rock hora kiraku ricotta lava chicas áliveá rokka rokka rokka rokka balladeer Rockhopper idea Szeto Szeto Szeto Szeto mercurial kapalabhati and ali baba baba you open your mouth everybody open your mouth in my life Lukasz Micucci level sentence Rindy diggity be you're part of Akita lava shorty yeah roberta lava Chikara bossy their ever cuddly recently wrote a pocket EDA Angela Brigitta and a joke opera distance Jesus Jesus Jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus Kurama she can be poor and a pocket rocket Sarah basu khatallah Baraka liqueur a--basically be de basanti oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus listen to the appointment with death appointment with every appointment with destiny of this in the name of Jesus Carrabassett a league regatta unpredictable shoot angry Agathe Lybrand against ultra Gita's liqueur Abba Santa libro de gustibus sir - sir - sir - sir - sir - I shall see the goodness of goodness of goodness of the goodness of God the goodness of the goodness of in the land of the goodness of the goodness of the goodness of Jesus in the Angelica telle project Radhika so predict at Allah Braddock is the Antelope rocket rocket rocket rocket Arabic Allah bracketology oberfuhrer para para para para para para para z-kiri baqia Angela Brock idea Rika Talib racketeer anti-rocket Allah frogadier Santos open your mouth open your mouth and pray somebody open your mouth and open your mouth open your caliber shot in the Magnum of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus listen to me I'm about to declare a prophetic word over you I want each and every one that is watching wherever you are watching from around the world I want you to grab a seat I want you to attach a seat to this declaration that is about to come to you the sacrifice of a righteous person establishes the prophetic word every prophetic word every prophetic act is encompass is followed by a seat I want each and every one of you to take something with the number eight I want you to go to prophet lava dome right now everything that you're going to give I want you to put with number eight I want you to put a solemn instrumental on everything that you're going to give I want you to have number eight I want you to have a seat of 80 I want you to have a seat of 180 I want you to have a seat of eight hundred of eight thousand eight million whatever it is with 80 I want you to attach your faith to it listen to me this is very important this is the number of new beginning God has just transcended you into the revelation of the seventh day you are about to enter into your new beginning now not next week not next year but right now says the Spirit of the Living God amen I want you to grab something that will have eight and zero it can be two eighty three eighty or 1,800 it can be eight thousand income whatever we'll have eight and zeros I want you to do it now in the name of Jesus with whatever currency you have in the world I want you to do it right now I want you to do it right now I want you to do it right now I want you to do it prayerfully and I want you to do right now I'm about to release something and pray for somebody right now I'm about to pray for you and declare something prophetic that would change and shift your life in the mighty name of Jesus amen somebody I want you to do it now I want you to do it now as fast as you can right now right now as soon as you have done it just that prophet I have done it I have done it I am ready I have done it I am ready I have done it I am ready do not miss this our sakuraba Shia rocket Allah barakatuh repeat le bazooka macoraba kata-kata ready baby baby Shankara bhatia rocket LME santo rocket ala bazooka Talib Ayaka teeny rip erica sutala Brandi I want you to do it now with speed I want you to do it with speed I want you to do it with speed I want you to do it with speed I want you to do it with speeds right now rush and do it with sweet as fast as you can do it with spread rocket Alibi okati ricotta lava shewket alibi akut alibi a red pocket alibi and I remember this the Bible says that God gives it to the soul somebody who already has the spirit - so is the one that God gives it to some of you are waiting Lord I am waiting to have to give act like if you have nothing act like you're giving something say Lord in the eight million your me I am already depositing this because this will surely manifest physically and I will be able to do it I want you to do it with speed right now I want you to do it with speed right now I want you to do it with speed right now I want you to do it with speed right now as fast as you can Facebook Facebook as fast as you can YouTube as fast as you can as fast as you can as fast as you can as fast as you can as quickly as you can as quickly as you can as quickly as you can it's not often that I tell people to do this I want you to do it as quickly as you can La Rocca pocket alladia Angela Brocato sent a ricotta lava rocket le bazooka rocket a la Basanti Sakuraba Santi rocket al-abbas Santilli rocket Usha aunty I want you to call I want you to call Richard Jones right now and we'll we'll reach her Jones we'll reach her Jones as quickly as you can my son Richard a will and the and and a Lee and even a uh uh uh what was his uh Todd I want all those sons quickly quickly as fast as you can God is speaking to me I am moving as fast as I can I don't to delay God I want you to get them on the phone quickly can you add them on the same car as fast as you can as fast as you can quickly as fast as you can this is God speaking lockup erotica taka talla basanta Libra Katya aunt Ella Gosha liqueur Abbas antelope ricotta Katella gosh as quickly as you can as quickly as you can as quickly as you can as quickly as you can even those who will watch this after even those who watch this after this has been done after this is finished some of you watch it tomorrow some of you watching connect with it now because they anointed is tangible Kahala by Shaka Taliban as fast as you can as quickly as you can rush quickly if you have anointing oil grab it quickly sons sons and daughters on the phone quickly quickly quickly if there's a know anything will run and get it now you who are on the phone you you you guys who are on the phone right now Richard will grab anointing oil right now each one of you grab oil as fast as you can thank you Lord Jesus roppa Katia Tallis are all oh Jesus there is a fulfillment of destiny you are entering into everybody that is hearing my voice everybody that is connecting to this grace right now I wish somebody could hear me everybody have the yarra oil they are a oil or whatever oil that you are I want you to grab it as quickly as you can in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus there is a son and daughter that I'm I'm trying to remember that God is putting in my heart they just came in my heart but my spirit is so gone I'm trying to to bring them in my spirit oh Jesus what is my daughter in New York do you know who I'm talking about she's in issues in yeah yeah quickly message and Oscar she's life right now there's a special grace that God wants to release those who haven't done it I'm about to pray but there's something specific that God wants me to deliver to this sons and daughters if you are not even on my own if you're not even on my prophetic group the Elias generation I want you this is how you connect yourself and and the team will let me know who who entered into this covenant and God is going to bring you into this into this special group because you see the Bible says do not cast your pearls to swine there are certain people that cannot appreciate somebody needs to mute their phones quickly somebody's phone is not on mute and then the sons sounds on the phone you need to mute your microphone your microphone are you listening to me there are certain people that can never where there is no honor there is no release [Music] somebody that is on there's somebody here that needs to mute their phone or turn off their TV or something or their computer sands on the phone those who are on the phone those who are in the alia Alia generation group if you want to enter into it this is how you enter into it because all of them that are in the group they fasted they fasted seriously sons how many days did I make you fast huh I want them to hear you unmute your microphone before the year began how many days did you fast everybody entered into fasting I think it was longer Bishop Richard how many days did you do he was ten days are you listening to me they're all fasted and they joined themselves by covenant it's not it's not a plaything this is a serious thing could you could you did you did you message her she's asleep okay can you can you ask her I wanted to go and watch right now if she can there is something special that God wants to release to every son and daughter that that are that are listening those who God has brought close to me close to me I want Mike Mike Mike add Mike to this call quickly as I was looking for this ad my quickly thank you Lord Jesus laka raba Chikara Bhatia you see there's a certain time that the Lord releases a certain grace for a different kind of prayer for different kind of groaning in the spirit for a different kind of push I don't know if somebody's hearing me I don't know if somebody's hearing me I want you to add a no-no mama mama Peggy quickly as fast as you can thank you Lord Jesus ricotta lob Ashanti mercury Ibaka Takata zaraba Cuccia until a bracket on telly Cuccia Laker Abba Santelli praça da auntie Rae kettle a bazooka Rama cat le gusta Anto Sakuraba Katya until a producer rocky cartola Basanti Facebook I used a Facebook ad Lochaber Attia auntie kita laQuita laQuita laQuita laQuita zebra kutol antal apricot allah caste Attalla Bayaka and lowly in lolo to the core Hina husband quickly Sakuraba she Catala barakatuh McCurry Ibaka Takata zacchara dia intelligence acaba sandy Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus every one of you that is online I want you to have I want you to have your oil ready every single person on the phone have your oil ready and they're here I can see them on the car are they on the call van and his wife are they okay la pocket alibi Shanthi there's somebody else that my spirit is if you know that you're supposed to be among these people I want you to connect I want ah yes JT in LA and there we go quickly quickly quickly is she watching okay glory be to Jesus hallelujah hallelujah [Music] listen to me all those who are watching at home you can connect also if you want to be yes there we go add a chance in the family just in the mother you can call one of them and let them all get into the co quickly as fast as you can thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus as quickly as everybody can zacchara Beata liqueur Abbasi Catala brandy Kista ankara go to bucket o bucket o li ke raba shanti likely until against the apricot o koto de Carabas shanti there is a special grace that is about to come to people now i am about to make a special declaration but whoever will enter into this thing that god is telling me to do right now my son's know i don't call them and tell them something unless god is telling me my daughters know this I don't do it unless God is telling me I don't do you know I'm not I'm not somebody that comes and tells your God is saying God is if I tell you God is saying is because God is saying if you see me like this I don't pray usually like this if I'm like this it's something else that God is doing I [Music] want everybody to pay attention right now I want you to pay attention right now did you get a chance and everybody they are they their chance are you there make sure you get your mom is your mom there is your dad there make sure everybody is there zacchara Beshear until April - Ann - Ann - Ann - Ann - and carving quickly carving thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus as quickly as everybody can I want you to be prepared I want you to be prepared and I want you to join into this this thing that God is telling me to do and everybody that will do it everyone that I will do it I will personally call you after this live stream right now I will call you my sons and daughters I'm praying for them now and those who are going to do it also I want you to when you do it I want you to write I don't see who does whatever who gives whatever I don't look at those things but I want you to do this when you do it I want you to write profit I entered into the Covenant to do what you had said I am going to call you immediately and pray for you right now I'm going to I am going to call you right now not tomorrow not next week right now as soon as this is finished I'm calling to pray for you my voice is almost gone because of of of of the anointing that is driving me right now Jesus rocket Alaba shunting raka Carrabba she Katella branding is the anchor kotoba Shanthi maluca quickly thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I can hear not not necessary did this enough they are contact point as fast as everybody can now listen to me this is the voice of God this is the voice of God everybody that is listening to my voice I'm gonna pray for those who did the seed for it I'm gonna do a declaration right now but those who are entering into this grace there is a spiritual shift that God is giving and God told me this this is for your family your sons and daughters this is for your family your sons and daughters some of you think that you have already done your purpose I'm here to tell you you have not even begun if you knew what God has shown me and what God has revealed to me you will know that you have not even entered it you have not you have barely scratched this is what those who are entering into this covenant this is what the Lord is telling me the Lord said you're going too fast for three days for three days if you on any kind of medication don't fast if your vitamins whatever you can fast my sons and daughters on this group dry no food no water if you are nursing a baby you don't need to do it dry I want you to pay attention you're going to do this dry if you have any medication or anything like that you're breastfeeding on anything like that don't do it but you're going to fast dry no food no water for three days if you're pregnant don't do it no food no water you're going to grab a seat this is what God is telling me I want you to pay attention each and every one of you that are entering into this you're going to find a seat of 800 800 what God said that I don't know I'm believing the 80s for a new beginning your prayer point is gonna be this your prayer point is going to be this Lord I enter into my destiny and purpose that was ordained from the beginning [Music] I am entering into it that event that I'm supposed to fulfill you know you can live make a career and but you have not entered in the purpose of God you did everything but it's vanity you succeeded but it's vanity it has not fulfilled why you on earth [Music] [Music] listen to what somebody's saying felicitous Chancellor said Amen you just saved my husband I'm listening to you but my husband was sleeping and he woke up and said he was having a terrible dream then he heard you up he heard you praying for him in the dream and there and that's how he woke up listen to me there is a dangerous shift that is going on somebody is dreaming and he sing me delivering him in a dream and he comes out of the dream this can only be God you're going to get a seed of 800 each one of you I don't know how you're going to do it this is what God is telling me to tell you you're going to fast for three days no food this is for my earlier family Lord to prayer points Lord allow me let my eyes be open like Adams eyes were open to know where Eve is that if is that next thing that will make you establish what God had called you on earth to do [Music] the second prayer point is God open my flesh so that my inner man can come forward so I will continually move by your instruction you see everybody has the Holy Ghost those who have given their life to Jesus but not everybody's in a man is unlocked there is an unlocking of the inner man that God is about to give people so those things that God has ordained for you you will not be like those who say I has not seen ear heard what God is gonna do for them but you'll be like Paul who says that these things have been revealed to us by the Spirit of God the writer of ecclesiastics knew I wish somebody could hear me lock up our idea ante he knew some of you read verses you don't even know what God is promising you say God may your will be done know the will of God is in revealing to you what the will is if you don't know that you are millionaire you can never enter into Millions if you say God your will be done is really is already done have you entered into it is a different story if God says you will flow prophetically the prophetic angel the prophetic anointing the prophetic grace is there but have you opened yourself to it because God is not making anything new he has rested this is for those who are listening that are saying I am part of the Aliyah generation I am one of those that I'm the Prophet son I'm the prophets daughter I am entering into this there is no way I can see the reason why I have deep revelation that even me myself shox means because my inner man is not that every time I CT I give you something new we've been doing this since the time we've been coming on nothing sounds like oh I know that one there is something about the inner man there is something about the spirit man that when the spirit man is unlocked you become everything that God has destined you to be I don't know if somebody is listening to me there are some of you that are in ministry you are pastors you are in ministry the ministry has not been flowing you are listening to me right now you've been pushing trying to do but nothing is growing this is for you their grace upon my life God is about to transfer it to you connect and enter into this covenant right now you may be in in the UK you may be you may be in Africa and South Africa get that 800 whatever whatever country you are in you want to enter into this you want that which God gave you to be unlocked you want it to be released unto you [Music] enter into it listen to me if you're going to give a not fast don't do it please this is not because anybody needs anything from him if you're not going to fulfill what God wants you to do don't do it please don't do it halfway this is a big time decision you have to understand something children of God when the Lord God comes to you he does not wait for the right time the Lord Jesus came to a man that his father died and told him follow me I don't know if you guys can hear me the Lord is going to somebody that his father just died is going to him telling him follow me it will never be a convenient time I did not prepare too fast I was not ready too fast that means you're not also ready to enter into what God has destined for you [Music] when this oil comes on you the Lord shall give you the grace remember right now you can't say oh I have work everybody is at home what better time it is then to fast and to pray now when the June first comes when everything is now opened back and begins to run again and I'm saying it again prophetically listen I told you guys that they're gonna extend this lockdowns I don't know if they're not extended it they have I'm telling you listen to me I'm speaking by the Spirit of God things will start going back to normal June 1st there are small regions they will attempt to open some will even be closed again some nations will go up to six months there's some already in in other parts of the world there are some already that have done that there's a few countries literally went to six months literally just like the Lord spoke three four weeks ago I don't know if you can hear me if you are not going to fast and pray called a Mike Michael Michael and his wife would mike mike thompson and his wife Mike and his wife quickly are you listening to me if you are not if you are not going to do the whole thing please don't give because now you're going to have a problem with God I'm just a mouthpiece of God I came to tell you something call him on what's up call him on what's up because it doesn't have an iPhone call him on wops or what's up this is again for those who are saying I am part of profit Lobby is my father I am entering into that covenant or you are saying profit love is my is my mentor and I'm entering into that covenant this is not for people listen to me again this is not for people this is not this is not a game this is not something that people are playing with this is not something we are playing with this is very serious and if it's something that you are not sure if you're not sure that you can do or whatever don't give keep it a moot turn turn down tell him to mute is his thing glory be to Jesus so if you know in your heart can you polar also doesn't have an iPhone did you call what's up okay fine Paula Paula Campbell quickly if you think in your heart oh you know what I can't do it I'm it's fine don't do it my children what time is it now what time is it 12 22 12 22 I will give you grace till 6 a.m. because we know that that's the beginning that the morning watch is entering in the fourth watch Amen so I'm gonna give you grace period till then those who absolutely feel weak do water but my goal is for you to do dry I want you to move move your bhai [Music] so some some some some some of my children in New York some of my children in other parts of the world and and you can start your 6 a.m. there in 6 hours so ok everyone whatever time zone you're in extend it to 6 a.m. but 3 days so tomorrow first day Tuesday Wednesday 2nd day Thursday 4th day is that is that Thursdays the third a third day Thursday is the third day I want you to be ready I want you to be prepared this is for those who say I am entering into this because I am convicted by what I know was taught in the beginning this is what the Lord says something interesting [Music] listen to what God said seek me and you'll find me and I will show you things that you do not know of what is he showing you that you do not know of things that are hidden in the beginning for you some people some people may have done it before you may have done it before and I was saying give 8 and 0 and you might have done it if you want to do it again you can but if you did the 800 I want you to write and say I did the 800 and they will look and they will let me know this person and this person I am NOT going to bed I am telling you right now I am coming off here I'm going to change I'm going into my my my home theater room I'm closing that room I'm praying for each and every one of you I'm going to be in prayer until the Sun rises this is my duty as a father for you I don't know if somebody is listening to me while you be snoring getting ready to enter into fast I will be praying for you to make sure that you carry the grace to carry out what God has given you to carry I'm checking in my spirit to see who who am I have left behind Lord Jesus mashanda Oba Chandler doesn't have iPhone ADA Jesus Christ Jai quilty Lord Jesus as fast as you can again if you are not going too fast please don't do it just be among those people who receive the benediction that I'm about to release will you be blessed you'll be extra blessed this is for my children and my children let me tell you they already did what I said everybody give this they already did it but this is something God is telling them to do that is not even to do with that one this is a different thing glory be to Jesus hi even my mama gana power has entered into the Covenant this is dangerous this is dangerous this is too dangerous there are some of you that are watching praise God for my sons and daughters because they are secure in their relationships and their marriages those who God was brought close to be eyes in that area we thank God and we praise the Lord Jesus it praise the Lord Jesus but there are some of you that are watching at home they are family destinies that will be unlocked the Bible says when when when Abraham gave he tithe and he gave his seed jacob also gave through him some of you by doing this you are unlocking your family destiny there are those people that i knew that have not even come into the world they are being they are entering into a covenant they have nothing to do it I don't know if somebody's listening to me I don't know if somebody's listening to me I don't know if you're listening to me some people are saying I want to enter into it but this is what I have as long as you whatever you pledge remember this is not between you and prophet la vie I will not come and say you did not do it you said you're going to do it now I will never do that because this is something you're entering with Jesus not with me so if you are saying that I am committing because I'm going to do it and I'm going to do it by this time you are the one who sets the season when I get is not the season you know people don't understand that you can never release a decree or establish something until you say when the thing will be accomplished God knew exactly when Jesus will come so there is something some of you your own seed your children that have been lost they are going to be drawn to God they are going to be drawn in to their purpose they are going to be delivered they're going to be saved because you are now doing this you are entering into them you're entering into the depth of the realm of the Spirit this is not just you it is everything that is because they are family destinies you see their destinies that I ordained by an individual the individual mission if it's going to impact your family God gave for his family that were going to be saved jesus said those who my father has placed in my hand so Jesus was dying for people that were already in his hand no people that were going to enter in his and Jesus knew was coming to him our posture Paul said something very interesting he said this he said those who came out of us were never part of us you can't pretend this thing either you're in it or you're not those who are entering into the Covenant I want you to grab an anointing oil right now even if you are watching me on TV if you don't have an anointing oil I want you to take water if you don't have an anointing oil I want you to get water if you don't have an anointing oil I want you to get water as quickly as you can I know some people some people what is it called some people are will message you and say I am prophet love he said so I said I never message people no do I ask people to do anything if I'm gonna tell you I'm the one who's gonna tell you like this and I will send you where to do it so anybody that inbox as you says a I am prophet Lavi I have an orphanage I have this no it's a lie we take care of a church community big time [Music] this is why this is called a sacrificial seed sacrifice means that it's gonna cost you a sacrifice that doesn't cost you is not a sacrifice that's Thanksgiving they said I shall not give God what has not cost me some of you eight hundred may not cost you because you have millions so what is the measure that is gonna cost you be prophetic are you listening to me do you have your oils ready all those who are entering into the covenant I want you to get your oil ready and then I'm gonna pray for those who who gave the eight to enter into a new season are you ready are you ready sons and daughters I want you to get on your knees wherever you are wherever you are in the world those who have entered into that covenant get on your knees as quickly as you can I wish you could see my camera even my son who is ten year old he has his more money that he gets from doing his chores and stuff he's putting a hundred dollars that he has as a seed that he's been saving I don't know for how long and every time there's a prophetic declaration is one of the first people to do it if you could see him is on his knees here he's on his knees lifting his hands my own son was come from me because he knows and he's ten years old by the way he is because he understand this is not my father speaking this is alia speaking this is the Prophet speaking this is the voice of God speaking wherever you are I want you to get on your knees I want you to lift that oil with your right hand to heaven listen obey the instruction of God don't sit down don't lay on your bed if you're not going to follow the instructions please don't do it you will be offending God not me I am NOT Jesus hallelujah I am NOT the Lord Jesus so you can't offend me I'm not the one who is making you to do it hallelujah glory be to Jesus glory be to the Lord Jesus I want you to pray now you're going to open your mouth and you're going to pray father give me the grace to fast and to achieve what I want to achieve in this fast you see many times people pray but you end up fasting and not achieving what you need to achieve open your mouth and begin to pray even those who are watching from home wherever you are open your mouth and begin to pray whether you're on YouTube Facebook or periscope I want you to open your mouth and begin to pray and say Lord Jesus give me the grace to fulfill what I must fulfill during this fast I don't want to go into it and it ends up being like any other fast I don't to enter into it and it ends up that I entered into the flesh instead of the spirit I want to fulfill it give me the grace of father give me the grace of father give me the grace of father open your mouth and pray YouTube open your mouth and pray YouTube YouTube YouTube open your mouth and pray YouTube open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray YouTube open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray YouTube open your mouth and prayer open your mouth and pray they can ever get every care every carry means YouTube open your mouth and pray periscope periscope periscope up when you must and pray I don't want this to be a regular fast let it be as the resurrection on the opakapaka sukira pocket hasta on credit Angela Birkett ear rape acutally guilty on credit Angela ba the proko tokoto zakariya aunt Ella Baraka Sakuraba Katya Angela vishanti Roper Roper Roper Roper Roper Roper Roper Roper Uberaba [Music] [Music] is somebody listening to me in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus you're going to pray this prayer Lord from this day let my fasting life shift let that be your prayer that from this date that your fasting will be in another dimension open your mouth and pray open your mouth and open your mouth and pray open your heart and pray in the mighty name of Jesus Akasaka para cattle Abba cattle ikata ready baby baby coos Tangra Gaeta aunt Ella barakatuh Oprah's Oprah's Oprah kata-kata diría Zika Rakuten Abba Shanti ripp Acosta Angra Gita uncredited make ricotta la vaca telecast a repo Coteau la voz Chaka Rekha - man grow coca coca Toco Toco - maracuja and rocket rocket rocket ah z-bar acutal Abu khattala via rep acutal a brand a gas tank rocket oboe shake a Jacques Jacques a Kara pocket illa anta [Music] Zehra Zehra Zehra Zehra Zehra Zehra or Jesus or Jesus let my spiritual prayer life shifts by reason of this legend uncover mysteries when I pray when I first let my voice move the foundations of the spirit of their demonic realm let those things that are we can be shattered in the mighty name of Jesus YouTube open your mouth listen pray pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth open your mouth and pray somebody shift of spiritual dimension shift of Prayer Monto in the mighty name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name listen to me you are going to pray now from this day let my spiritual man let my inner man be unlocked let my inner man be sensitive let my inner man touch the king let my inner man be in the know with the king let my inner man be activated like never before let my inner man be energized let my inner man overtake my flesh let my inner man overtake my soul let my inner man overtake let my inner man be a lock to open your mouth and pray open your heart and pray [Music] rub pocket eatit abba handy open your mouth everybody in this room open your mouth and brain open your mouth and pray open your mother brain Zakhar a pocket illa until a bracket utter oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus in the mighty name of Jesus listen to me I'm going to say it again if you are in another country and you want to enter into it enter with the currency of your nation all God said was eight hundred so if you ain't new if you are in whatever country just make sure it is something that means something to you this is between you and God not me are you listening to me are you listening to me I'm seeing some other people still asking questions please follow instruction if it is not for you it is not for you please please follow instruction this is your next prayer point I put my soul and the subjection of my spirit and the Spirit of God you see some of you are you listening to some of you some of you some of you your soul has not been released you still have tendencies that the enemy can pull on why does God require sacrifice you know some people here freely you have received freely you have given you have been given freely they don't know it's talking about salvation you don't pay for salvation Abraham paid to get into the Covenant with God God told him he gave God everything God said no I want your son that's what you love the most God only requires what you want the most why why does he do that he does that because if you can give him what you love the most then you are ready to receive all of his best abram is about to sacrifice his only because the man has been praying waiting for a son God gives him that son and God tells him give him to me Abram was hurt so everything that I taught the future will be is not going to be and he was old he cannot have another child his wife cannot give birth again and when he gets to sacrifices and listen to what God says he said now I know that you love me you see some of you you don't understand that you must the Bible says love God with all your heart how do you love God with all your heart with what you love the most if your affection is in something that you cannot give God then you don't love God I am telling you the truth many of you that you are here you don't unders you knew they would testify to you my level of giving some of you get heart attack if you know what I give to my own father you get a heart attack you get a heart attack I don't know if somebody's listening to me I I don't know if somebody's listening to me so anybody that tells you oh you know Jesus loves you just need to give our deliverance is free Jesus died for that to work with God they anointed spiritual level it costs their posters everything it costs them everything it was not free it was not free Ananias and Sapphira died I thought God loves me too it doesn't require anything it costs Moses everything it cost Abram everything you see love is not our word love is action it's a verb baby Christians don't understand this because they don't understand do you notice God never said I love the world until he gave Jesus for God so loved the world God loved Jacob because Jacob sacrificed God loves everybody but look at this when Cain and Abel went before him to offer something go to Genesis chapter 3 quickly I want to show you something we are about to pray for the soul I'm just trying to deliver somebody from ignorance listen to me I am NOT I am NOT poor and neither does my finances come from this [Music] you know some of people think that this is known and this is not how I survive far from it you are doing this for yourself Genesis chapter 3 are you there I know Genesis chapter 4 chapter 4 Genesis chapter number 4 from verse 1 [Music] yes yes yes yes Abel was a keeper of sheep keep going and Cain was a farmer notice in the process of time what is the prod notice they did not say after one week after one e in the process of time why something shifted in their thinking they understood a principle that nobody ever preached to them Adam never gave any offering you don't see anywhere Adam giving any offering so in the process of time they came to discover something read keep reading [Music] uh-huh notice God is respecting Abel and what is giving why because of what is giving and how he's giving it God is literally respecting him and his offering keep reading God did not respect Cain no he's giving keep reading and Cain was very sad and his countenance fell notice this men knew they were there the first people you are seeing in the Bible giving something to God know who told them to give why are they trying to prove their love to God by giving is it not just enough to lift your hand and say Jesus I love you before tight and offering exists that they already knew the system of tithing they entered into something spiritual it was not a law God did not require but they understood immediately you seek God's interaction with them before they are giving you don't see any interaction the process of time produced this result some of you you are stagnant because you have not entered in mature to this place so you are still want to eat God just loves me I am just receiving God is this thing that's why you are trapped that's why you are stuck keep reading yes not as God is correcting him why are you upset why are you where you sad if you do it well what is doing it well will you not be accepted so there is a way to give well you don't give God words are you listening to me you don't give God words that's why I told you if you're not going to do it and accomplish what God wants don't do it keep reading what does it say next notice this when you don't do it the right way you put yourself in sin so if you are going to enter into it do it the right way it's between you and Jesus not you and prophet love you now you too by you there you too by you there so people who don't have revelation people who would steal from people are the ones that come under here it's time to give they think oh somebody is trying to take something for you Jesus just loves you the way you that's why you are where you are I have raised successful people deep they are on the phone here one of my son's has a major testimony we prayed and by following the instruction of his father him and his wife in the time of crisis they have entered into the biggest testimony of their life so far and bigger to come and I was just not a father that prayed for them I am somebody that entered into covenant with them I am one of the people that said the first brick before it was even together for them to do it my son is he I go tell you at the appointed time they would tell you it's not even close to Adam God is telling you to give my son just say Amen so that they know who they may think that I'm just talking God has tremendous things that he wants to do for people so we are not telling you something that we are thinking we are imagining this is the voice of God some of you God has no respect for you I can love you but I don't respect you that is why Jesus said the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak you are going to pray now you're going to pray not my god I put my soul under subjection to my spirit and my spirit under your spirit from today the weakness in the soul eyes and shift my will into your will may my soul never resist your will again my spirit have full control of my soul may they be merged that they are willing to do your will let me not be like their postures where my flesh is is weak and my spirit is willing open your mouth and begin to pray open your mouth and pray caravan Tala baba Baba Baba Baba periscope open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray rap ocotilla antelope ricotta lebryk a toccata zaraba Korea uncle Agusta reco reco reco reco reco pocket rocket aha zurafa Kalia Antle acosta Accra pocket a rebel robot italic Lanka cranky cranky zip rocket Oppo Zarya and rocket and ricketa-racketa Zahra packer Adia aunty Zohra Zola's or Azura's Ora ma Korea pocket ricotta de parícutin LeBron day Kista angry Geetha angry get angry guida Zehra Zehra Zehra Zehra Zehra Cuccia maria kata-kata kata-kata zora pocket Akata locket a leprechaun Zehra kuta LeBron deceased and critique aggregator Zakaria particular Basanti we put our souls and a subjection to our spirit may we rule of our soul may our soul never resistance again from this day may my spirit control my soul may the desires of the Spirit be manifested in the soul in the mighty name of Jesus may I become a spiritual man may I become a spiritual woman open your mother brain open your mouth and pray [Music] in the name of Jesus in Jesus name Facebook are you they open your mouth and pray wherever you are open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray Sakuraba Anthony you have already entered into it joining joining you have already entered into it rap ocotilla Cara Basanti McCrory Ibaka taka-taka-taka-taka de parícutin LeBron Agusta ANCA Zahra do the reduce reduce reduce Laredo rap pocket allegation [Music] in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty some of you will we'll watch this later and tie into the Covenant in Jesus mighty name check the oil lift it up with your right hand take the oil lift it up with your right hand you to buy you there take the oil lift it up with your right hand lift it up lift it up lift it up in the name of Jesus lift it up lift it up in the name of Jesus lift it up in the name of Jesus open your mouth and you're going to say my father in the name of Jesus let the anointing of the Holy Ghost come upon me now listen to me some of you who you are at home please kneel down in a safe place don't kneel down in the kitchen next to fire some of you the power of God is gonna hit you so much some of you you'll literally see oil poured on your head some of you you will see oil appear on you some of you you'll feel like electricity hit you listen something is about to shift on you when you make this prayer and you pour this oil on you something is going to happen to you there is something that is going to happen to you what separated the Lord Jesus and everybody who was the fact that he was anointed by the Holy Ghost say my father my god in the mighty name of Jesus I open my mouth and I cry unto you O Lord by what your prophet has declared as he has spoken your mind let this oil carry the grace carried the anointing of the Holy Ghost that is upon him as I brought this on myself let it be your anointing according to Luke chapter number 4 may I be able to move in a different dimension in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus may my spiritual eyes be open may my spiritual understanding be unlocked may from this day may from this day may from this day the spirit of Revelation come upon me may the spirit of Revelation come upon me may I see that which is hidden may I see that which was from the beginning in the mighty name of Jesus anoint yourself anoint yourself anoint yourself quickly quickly prayerfully prayerfully anoint yourself thank you Jesus come quickly quickly quickly sons were here quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly rocket apakah tikka Talib rocket eh quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly say Karabakh a Attalla brand a Kazakh Tobiah in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus open your mouth open your mouth new tongues who begin to flow from you there's a new dimension you are entering into open your mouth open your mouth there is in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus cyka cyka cyka para kataka Soria and Allah Arabic Arabic Arabic ah they crack attack attack attack attack attack aha Zera pocket Allah click etiquette etiquette a Surya Kapadia ante they rock a psychedelic rock a clunky crunking rukia and Rokita la cara Basanti in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus in the mighty name of Jesus look at what is happening something is happening Facebook are you there something is shifting in the mighty name of Jesus listen to me listen to me listen to me right you wrestle with demons because you are still playing in a dimension that is at their level when your level increases you have the ability to bind the strongman you see that the spirits are called strongmen for a reason it means they are strong so unless you are strong that you cannot bind them you are becoming strong in the name of Jesus [Music] in Jesus mighty name listen to me all those who are online apart from the sons and daughters who have oh I on my phone here those those who have entered into the Aliyah family I want you to do this right now I want you to write an email right now what's the email son was the email tool info at profit low V comma I want you to to write and tell them I gave this the 800 I want you to write right now I want you to write right now and they're going to send you within within 30 minutes within 30 minutes I'm going to connect you all on zoom I'm gonna pray for you on zoom it will not take a long time but there is something I'm gonna release on you on zoom and something is gonna shift something is gonna shift all those who have entered into the Covenant father I lift all those who gave the number 8 that we are watching I pray O Lord let them fulfill their purpose within this day this seventh day the day of rest may they enter into their rest right now I decree and declare where healing is needed healing to be released where things were difficult let things be easy laugh where they laboured and they could not rip the fruit thereof I release the season that time that the locusts they can calm eight I restored the time in the name of Jesus from today they are secured together with their families they will not die not that will come close to them nothing of destruction will come close to them from this day they have entered into a dimension in a place that no evil one can test them let them flow in the rest of God no wonder Jesus you said let those who are heavy labor come unto me and I will give you rest let them enter into the rest now in Jesus mighty name I establish them in the name of Jesus listen to me some of you will watch this video later you are not live now you may watch it a day from now a week from now years from now enter into this covenant you will see the hand of God like you have never seen before you see the hand of God like you have never seen before remember again the email is what info at prophet lova calm attach whatever screenshot of whatever you gave quickly as soon as possible within 30 minutes I want you to stay close to that email because within 30 minutes within 30 minutes within 30 minutes we are going to be on zoom and I'm gonna pray for you in my prayer room [Music] even if you do it a day from now you are watching this the next day do it an email I will still be will we are all fasting you still enter into the thing because I am gonna call you myself [Music] in the mighty name of Jesus do it right now do it right now Shalom Shalom god bless you and increase you this is prophet Ellie remember again those who are entering into it email right now info at prophet Lavi right now they are going to send you a zoom info zoom we're going to pray together do it right now info at profit low vidcom info at profit lava dome info at profit lava dome very simple info at profit lava dome do it right now in Jesus name Shalom Shalom [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 8,197
Rating: 4.9251337 out of 5
Keywords: Joel Osteen, Osteen, Miracle, Sermon 2020, Inspiration, God, Jesus, Prayer, hope, Healing, Restoration, Peace, pastor steven furtick, church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, TB Joshua, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, africa, elevation church, oneplus, 5g technology pros and cons, 5g dangers tamil
Id: 3kMrGE0JT_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 2sec (13022 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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