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okay so if pearson and i learned one thing today it is that boys are gross oh they're just not it no they're just what hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so today i am here with pierson what's up guys and today we are going to be making our guy friends super uncomfortable so pearson and i have a lot of questions for the boys that i'm sure the girls watching this are also curious to know so we are going to be surprise visiting ben andrew and dom and basically making them super uncomfortable be sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you are excited let's get this video started okay we are at ben's apartment right now let's do this to ask you but this shouldn't take long come right in i guess what are you doing all right you guys so dom is almost here and basically we're all kind of sitting here and we're going to be like dead silent and pretend like we're holding an intervention for dogs so let's wait for don hey job hey uh we need to talk yeah about what this is it's just an intervention dude what's going on all right all right you guys so now we are outside of andrew's house and we are going to go in and try to scare him and then make him super uncomfortable with these questions let's do it okay where is andrew's room thank you [Music] [Laughter] i'm nervous so um piers and i have a few questions to ask you to be completely honest i'm getting interrogated we'll know if you're lying why am i zealous okay first question does it matter how many guys a girl has gotten wet um if i'm trying to be with them okay then yes it kind of matters but say it's in the past i'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and you know people can change she's moved on yeah all my side boys watching this um oh my god um like no like no like no not convinced it doesn't unless it's like like too many you know like it was too how many is too many 219. that's too many see that's a good example of too many okay um i mean if it's like a crazy amount you know obviously maybe a little it matters but other than that then no not really okay dang good answer good to know okay dom do you guys like it when girls make the first move oh my gosh yes yeah okay yes literally it's like just because like we like like the confidence that you came up to us yeah so it's like duh absolutely what i've heard both me too i love when a girl makes the first move it just makes me feel like okay like the pressure's on all right my job here is done like um of course why not you know that's three for three three four three like you know the same for both uh genders we're living in 2020 now like two the girls can make the first move the girls can kiss the guy first i'm gonna be that girl yeah i won't be that girl okay moving on to the next question i think that this is one that i personally like really want to know and i know pearson wants to know as well um it's one that kind of keeps me up at night so do you prefer big nipples or small nipples oh my god now we know it is right here yo what kind of question is that a very very good question that we need to know the answer about we need to know this um it doesn't matter okay right oh my gosh bro are we almost done with this no oh my god i'm not even halfway there oh my god stop you guys think about i'm trying to speak but i have legit no words um i like small nipples sure oh that's so awkward do you guys care if their girlfriend has a boy best friend oh he's just i i can't lie i have to be completely honest with this i'm not gonna make up something me personally it's gonna concern me a little bit i'm not jealous ben's insecure i feel like ah like most of the time no right like it doesn't really matter but you have to be like careful with that okay right because like sometimes you know the boy best friend you know why is why are they hanging out so much why am i not invited you know no i mean at all i mean yeah i wouldn't mind unless it's getting like too out of hand to where like they hang out every every day you know okay all right next question andrew what is this tampon right he was so [Applause] underwear um it looks like a sticker um is it is it like for like for like periods yeah nice because then yeah let's let's show what ben thought this one that's a it's for when you break your nose it's like when you have a broken nose right oh my goodness when you like cut your elbow like a band-aid you think it's a band-aid okay dom how do you know when you like a girl if i'm thinking about them at like two o'clock in the afternoon for like no reason you're thinking about me what no there's a few steps okay for me personally it starts with talking to the girl for about a year oh uh you don't make any moves and then after a year of talking to them she starts making videos with another guy oh and then you realize about what you missed out on and then you friendly go crawling back to her and then you realize that you finally like the girl after a year of nothing well that sounds familiar to me that one kind of hits home so um i mean you start feeling like you know butterflies in your stomach oh my god just thinking about them like non-stop boys like this exists protecting at all i can't protect him at all all right we have another question for you okay okay who is the most attractive girl in our group i think we all know the answer to this question bro not you not you okay who's the cutest girl i mean i think you are oh it's really beautiful you know oh he's a liar so cute oh my god no i hate you guys i hate you guys um probably is jeremy in a wig honestly like he really rocks the wig like i don't know if you guys have seen him but oh my god like when he puts that on it's just stop irresistible i can't it's just something else okay so this is a very deep question that we need as females to know the answer okay i'm ready do boys wipe after they pee oh my god i was expecting a better question than this this is not a good question the girls watching this are dying to know that i can't go to bed at night not knowing the answer to this um all i'm gonna say is it depends what it depends like what like if you're like at like a urinal like no obviously not because you literally can't well there's excess stuff on there yeah like like what like pee what no why would i wipe when i pee what so it just like gets on your underwear oh my god actually funny story that is probably the worst thing guys have to go through is the excess key that goes under your underwear because they don't wipe why not just white like boilers so be sure why not just watch all guys watching this can relate no matter how much you try to get it all out always going to be a little bit left okay so me personally like i do like he's lying wait really you wipe after you pee yeah no you don't wait where i do um do you prefer boobs or butt butt for sure oh okay we're both both of our feelings got hurt today a little bit but that's okay fine okay you know oh my god i hate to just like ruin the question but i'm more of like a personality just kidding i like big butts oh my god i knew this was coming and i like did not want it to happen um the fans want to know dom the fans want to know yo this is these questions are getting worse and worse um i don't know it doesn't matter right like as long as you're i'm out i can't do that all right then so that is all the questions that we have for you today thank god okay don thank you so much for answering our questions yeah made it through the video good job the worst video i've ever filmed like this is so hard to get through all right you guys that is it for this week's video i really hope that you guys enjoyed it and if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i will be linking everybody's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well so yeah thank you guys so much for watching and i will see you guys next [Music] week
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 9,501,315
Rating: 4.9327235 out of 5
Id: cZuWgPcig5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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