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hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel okay you guys so for this week's video I am going to be hiding in my friend's car so that I can spy on them and hopefully maybe even freak them out a little bit if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started all right you guys so we just got to Pearson's and I'm having her friend Maddie give me Pierce some spare keys so let's text her that we're here all right before I get into the trunk I'm going to be placing this speaker inside Pearson's glove box basically I'm going to be playing animal sounds and things like that so she thinks that like something's in her car close the truck okay he just texted me that Pearson is coming out oh [Music] he's going so slow okay but we can meet wait did you hear that hear what my car is like making a weird noise hello hello hi can you hear this yeah there's like a weird noise or something okay stop all right thanks guys [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we use this part I thought that there was something dead living in my car that was the fart spray but I do I do have a question for you Pearson I kind of wanted to know why this was in your truck why was this in your truck that was not it's like true yeah there was not a mouse in your car by the way that would just be um a little Bluetooth speaker did you see what I did this one did you see that no I'm just kidding all right so I asked Ben's mom for his spare key and she said that he was going to be heading out to run some errands so let's get in the truck all right you guys trunk [Music] every drive through these big areas yes hi can I get um an order of chili cheese fries then two beef tacos foreign [Music] [Music] all right ew I don't even like jelly cheese fries have eaten Taco we're gonna wrap this bag up I just put the half eaten chili cheese fries and I have eaten tacos back in the bag and now it's time to get back in the trunk even if he's going to think someone like robbed his car and ate his food or he's gonna think that Del Taco like gave him half eaten stuff either way I think it's gonna be pretty funny foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] are breaking up and that is because Hearts like I don't know [Music] you guys exactly [Music] all right so Ben just pulled back into his driveway I'm going to make noise back here so that he opens up the Trunks and then I'm going to confront him about this bra that I found in his car hear me what are you doing in my truck oh no you did it okay why are you in my car I think the real question is why would this in your car that's not mine that's not what you are disgusting like actually before you start accusing me of stuff explain why you're in the back of my car that's so weird because then the only thing that matters is that you had a bra in your car all right you know what like whose is that it's actually mine I'm kidding but what are you doing in the back of my car I get so bad I I planted that bra in your car and not only that but I was the one playing our breakup video on your Bluetooth and I also heard you fart maybe four or five times total don't put that in no I'm gonna put it no people have to know like how you are you know eat my food too oh yeah I did that too all right Ben I'll be in here for the rest of your day leave and take your freaking stupid bra and I hope you like my part okay it is time to go hide in Brent's car I have his stair keys right here and he's supposed to be filming at a different location today so he should be leaving any minute all right we're gonna start this one out with a little prank so I have a fake parking ticket I'm gonna put him on his windshield get in the trunk and get his reactions I hope he comes out soon because it's like it's the hottest day of the week and I'm gonna be sitting in his trunk for light until he's ready to leave all right I'm waiting for a signal from Bryce to let me know that Brent is walking out once I get that signal I'll be closing the track she's texting me he's coming [Music] here we go foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay so branches went into the gas station so I'm going to attempt to change the location in his GPS to a different location where he's gonna find out that I've been in the trunk this whole time so get back into position [Music] GPS huh why did it bring me here open your camera how are you here what is this where are you my trunk I've been in your truck this whole time are you kidding me do you have nothing better to do it are you wondering how you got here when you were in the gas station I changed your GPS you guys look at what Brent saw when he pulled up so Brent thought he was filming at some location today and this is what he pulled up to and by the way you can just venmo me the money for that parking ticket that you got earlier because it was fake and I do want to know who broke your heart like why are you listening to sad music and singing louder than that I Love Adele what do you mean you're annoying now you can go film but you might be a little bit late maybe like 20 minutes late we're like so far away get back okay I'll be here all right you guys it is going to be it for this week's video I really hope that you guys enjoyed it I kind of feel like I just invaded everyone's personal space today but if you guys enjoyed be sure to give this video a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already I will link everybody's channels down below so you can subscribe to them as well yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys next week bye [Music]
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 15,843,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 98NoaMqq8zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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