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um yo what is ben doing yo what are you doing wake up wake up are you okay oh my god oh well that's one way to wake up i guess paris looks kind of tired you want to go back to bed no 20 bucks 30 bucks oh okay let's go let's go all right now that i'm awake i don't want to lay down i'm going to stand up so are you ready i'm ready i'm pretty tired all right three two one go [Music] oh my god yo i almost died what was the point of that what was the point of that andrew you look a little tired nah bro all right well now that we're all awake time to start the day again we almost died within the first 10 seconds of the video but let's go back for subscriber of the week we have five lovely people on the wall at my warehouse right here their names are lillian andrea fiona bika and radley i love you guys so so much if you want a chance to be subscriber of the week next week all you have to do is like this video subscribe to my channel comment down below when you are done and you might end up like these people also very big giveaway coming at the end of the video so make sure you watch to the end you could win some money all right so i'm about to ask my friends one thing that they have never told their parents and i'm probably gonna expose them and their parents will probably see this but anyways we're gonna do it all right lexi oh my god hello hi what is one thing that you have never told your parents um that we dated wait what i'm just kidding but seriously for the first few months i actually didn't tell my parents i would say things like oh like ben's annoying like ben just follows me around and won't leave me alone well that's news to me and now i'm just in my feels now so oh i'm sorry maybe i shouldn't have filmed this expose yourself all right actually i do have one so mom if you're watching this stop watching this right now so one time i stole my parents car before i had a car because i wanted to go see a girl and um i kind of like scraped the side of it a little bit when i was driving there you crashed it i didn't cry i just scraped it thank god i'm in a lot of trouble none of your parents will see this oh my god we have this huge um on my couch i've seen the stain don't tell me that was you that was me and my mom thought it was one of like the groups i said maybe it was ben you probably blamed it on me if she finds this out she is going to kill me don't tell her 300k likes and we'll go tell brenda no no no you're not telling her like this video you know what so come on expose yourself right now i actually have a really good one this was like a couple years ago but um my girlfriend at the time i was grounded so like i couldn't like see her so i once like snuck out at 12 o'clock at night and i walked like two miles over to her house two miles dude i was grounded at the time and i hadn't seen her in like two weeks you're a sim bro you wouldn't you want to do that for like lexi if you were like grounded at the time no no all right well uh jeremy's mom and dad i hope you see this and no and ground up maybe actually thinking about it actually don't put that in i'm definitely putting this in no bro don't put this in this is definitely going so there's really only two things to love in this world the first one is scaring my friends and the second one is also scaring my friends so today we're gonna scare my friends let's go so the first person we're pranking is lexi hansel we're doing an elevator prank and we're gonna be dressed like this in the elevator honestly it's terrifying and if i saw anyone dress like that in person i would freaking i would run as fast as i could okay but the plan is to hide in the elevator and then scare the living crap out of her let's go all right guys prepare to get scared in three two one ah let's go in going position can you press four hi um excuse me excuse me i'm really uncomfortable excuse me excuse me i'm really uncomfortable right now can you okay so i was trying to scare you i think i was successful oh my god she ran out i have never seen lexie run so fast in my life i've never been so happy to see you in a wig all right so i'm here at prince has to scare him and ask some of you guys might know it doesn't take a lot to scare brent so throughout the time that i'm here i'm just gonna jump scare brent as many times as i can and just mess with them all day long so let's oh my go why are you here yeah yes why did i get scared too get out right now all right i'm getting kicked out yeah you are getting kicked out i'm getting kicked out of my house all right well brent kicked me out but i'm gonna scare him one more time in this car stop stop it right now get out of my car i had to scare you one more time all right get out now okay i'm out i'm out of bounds okay so we're currently in the parking garage that dom and sophie normally park it i have another scary outfit i'm gonna be putting on and as they turn the corner behind me i'm gonna freak them out and then chase them through the parking garage let's go no oh my god sophie where'd they go i don't know where they went they literally ran away that was so funny oh my god okay well we have to call dom now let him know that that was a prank because he's probably grabbing himself right now dude he literally grabbed sophie and took her away that's not goals i don't know what is but okay we gotta call him and let him know it's a prank before anything happened i feel kind of bad but that was so funny that was me okay come back it was a prank i promise what okay just come back to the door oh my god okay he still thinks that he was real oh my god damn look at this guy are you kidding me bro oh my god why do you still have sophie on your back bro i don't know i just freaked out i just ran well um that's the last time we're ever hanging out so all right so yeah what's up with you and this okay this guy loves to carry sophie all right so it wouldn't be a prank video without pranking lexie so we have lexi's car right behind us she's at our friend's apartment right now we also have this picture of pennywise literally so scary and we have tape the plan is to tape this photo lexi's reverse camera on her car so that when she puts it in reverse this is the only thing that she'll see and it'll probably scare her so let's go we have to set the photo perfectly right behind here um i hope i don't make her crash but lexi you deserve this turn around all right so we'll go back to your house first then right yeah oh my god stop oh my god stop wait no but i literally thought i ran someone over oh my god wait what surprise wow yeah that's so mean guys look how scary that looks if you were reversing really terrifying all right now you have to uber i'm not driving you youtube everyone get out of my car this prank kind of backfired we have to uber now all right so i'm outside of the stoke swin's house right now they don't know i'm here but i told them that derek behind the camera was coming over to ask them a question so i have to find somewhere to hide i'm thinking this trash can it looks like you know the easiest place to hide so oh my god that was so sketchy ask them something that you know kind of exposes them okay all right you got me all right ben here we go ow uh you guys come right over here right here yeah right here is good uh a little bit a little bit to the left all right right there it's good so ben sent me here to ask you guys one question what is your least favorite thing about ben oh yeah there's a lot for himself um i would start off by saying uh i don't like his hair his hairline he looks like he's wearing a wig all the time yeah i don't like how he skates because i know he skates because he thinks that girls like it [Applause] oh my god oh my god i didn't think they were going to knock me over now i didn't think you were here you said you weren't here okay but what about the things you said about me we didn't say anything you don't like my hair you're gonna say that i mean i don't really like it either but like i said that but this this video is backfiring on hey this is not going up on youtube this is definitely going up on youtube oh my god guys oh my god we're about to hit six million subscribers on youtube holy crap let's go [Music] [Music] thank you guys so much oh my god because we just hit 6 million subscribers i want to give away 100 away to every 6 million of my subscribers we're gonna go broke uh kind of a bad idea okay okay okay no i'm kidding i wish i could give back to all six million of you guys but what we're gonna do is we're gonna go around my town get back to six deserving people have some fun let's go alright guys so a little bit ago we saw a guy in the middle of the street with the sign asking for help we turned back around we're about to chase him down give him this piggy bank and this hammer is going to break open the piggy bank and he gets to keep whatever is inside let's go it's right up here whatever here we go thank you very much god bless y'all let's go how're we going we got a blanket pillows of water of course have a good one another one down let's go can we pay for your groceries yes yeah thanks guys i'm sorry all right nice so we are currently in a drive-through i'm gonna get a water cup and then tip the person 100 hello can i give you a hundred bucks yes yeah saturday night of course subscribe too yeah yeah have a good one this is the most expensive water i've ever bought but hey it was worth it and the last people we want to pick two subscribers so if you subscribe down below like this video you'll have the chance to win 1 000 that's literally all you have to do i want to get back to you guys and thank you so much for all the love so yeah thank you guys so much for all the love and support thank you for 6 million subscribers oh my god i'll see you guys next week i love you guys stay wild baby
Channel: Ben Azelart
Views: 19,927,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben azelart, brent rivera, Lexi rivera, stokes twins, ben Azelart girlfriend, Lexi rivera boyfriend, mylifeaseva, lexi hensler, Andrew davila, pierson, Pierson wodzynski, Jeremy hutchins, dom brack, Brent and pierson, elevator prank, scary prank, scaring my friends for a week, Ben Azelart pranks, pranking my friends, for 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, challenge, 24 hours, scaring, pranks
Id: Z-WKc9M0fBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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