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shocker you're in your bathing suit again i don't get it you put it down with clothes on oh my god what the heck did i just watch andrew if you're watching this run hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel okay you guys so for this week's video my overprotective brothers are going to be reacting to some of my cringy tick tocks as well as some of my tick tock giraffes oh my gosh they are going to be so mad you guys i might get yelled at so stay tuned for that but if you guys are excited be sure to give this video a big thumbs up right now and let's get this video started so most of you guys know that i have one overprotective brother but i actually have three and to show you guys just how overprotective they are i'm going to be doing a hickey prank on them wish me luck you guys there's like no right way to say this it's [Music] okay fake hickey is on okay so i just took this selfie on snapchat you can clearly see the fake hickey and i made a private snapchat with just my three brothers on it so i'm about to post this picture to that story all my brothers are on their way here right now i'm so scared friends what you come here what i wanted to plan a trip mom and dad because their anniversary is coming up and then we all pitch in [Music] i know there's four people here move your hair real quick huh was that now move your hair real quick why let's move your hair what is that what's what why is it on your neck dude you're weird where are you going yeah just 12 years old i'm not 12. you're a child where are you going okay wait come back everyone come back i have a magic trick okay look we know now you see it oh you're so funny wow does that actually happen you'd end up in the pool right now okay i'm sorry for pulling that prank on you but the only reason i did it was to show the viewers how overprotective you guys are of me okay i was wondering if you guys would want to react to some of my cringy tick tock but all your tick tocks are cringy so if it means that we get to roast you for an hour straight then i'm down all right let's do it um it is time i'm very nervous i have a feeling i might get yelled at guys she makes the weirdest tick tock sometimes by herself so true and um i'm letting them look through my tick tock giraffe and these videos are so bad to the point where they didn't even make it onto my tick tock account oh god let's take a look at them they're that bad let's take a look and see which one we want to watch first okay should we wash that one no no no no no no here we go [Music] what are you wearing [Music] oh my god what the heck did i just watch it's a draft for a reason and i wanted to hop on the trend and then i did it and i was like you know what no that is disgusting all right so our next one i don't want to watch it anymore i feel like i know i totally regret doing this video all right here we go all right not too bad [Music] why why that angle though all right what the heck am i watching yourself she literally thinks the stupidest things are so funny in my defense once again these are draft for a reason that one's not as bad as the last one can you go home when you make these here we they're go their teeth [Music] what that that's disgusting i remember this one i watched this before oh my here oh god [Music] what's in your butt yeah she put a pillow in there oh my god i am getting flamed i wanted a youtube video and it was wearing butt pass to see how my friends would react and i was like this would make a great tick tock but you know it didn't make me happy that's bad that's it okay we're done with the tick tock giraffe okay now you can look at my actual tick tock and what i've actually posted if they're trash why would i want to see them okay i'm just going to cook it first when i see them just honestly probably crazy [Music] what is that top it was a joke you really fell off yeah it was a joke what's that outfit is that mom's shirt you guys the only thing you peeked in high school the only thing i'm getting out of this video is a lack of confidence this is horrible all right what else what you're naked in this one yeah why is mom in the back i know all right ready here we go [Music] where are you what guaranteed that got taken down but hey there were clothes under my towel yeah all right here we go next one this one looks interesting let's take a look this looks embarrassing all right you're still not very good at is he looking did you poop on the floor oh my god oh my gosh you ripped your pants are you kidding me wow if you're watching this run all right moving on to the next one [Music] wow yeah i recognize that one was that being the ugliest boy in the family hey that's so not even true yes you would stop scrolling down we got another one with that here we go what's your favorite kind of food um what's your favorite kind of food that sounds fun that video just made it so much worse yeah i'm glad you and ben broke up because we don't have to watch any more ben and like we need to go back to work those are cringe videos you know what i totally agree that one was the definition of like a cringe video i'm glad we won't see those anymore yeah i'm definitely gonna go back and maybe take that one down all right this one i remember this tick tock that is the most i was so caught off guard it was so random yeah that was actually a good one actually i i don't have anything you're in your bathing suit again you don't even need them three two one i don't even like this sound i don't get it you put it down with clothes on yeah why did you have to have your faces on so you know what we're done with whatever yeah thank you um okay we are absolutely done going through my tick tock draft and my cringy tick tock and um it's safe to say that if anything i just got totally roasted today because this was more of a you should be used to it and then reactive yeah you guys i don't know what i was expecting i expected you guys to you know be a little bit mean but i was not expecting to get flooded you should have expected it all right you guys this is going to be it for this week's video i really hope that you guys enjoyed it and if you did be sure to give it a big thumbs up and also subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and i will see you guys next week you
Channel: Alexa Rivera
Views: 9,112,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H6ujn4baWZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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