Crusader Kings 3 - Part 2 - Finnish Him

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good afternoon unleashed jumping up john suspended trudeau welcome back to crusader kings 3 well last time we kicked off our brand new viking adventure here on the isle of aland and naturally things immediately just sort of spiraled out of control sweden's managed to get through three kings in seven years because they just don't bloody stay alive the war of 1066 has been raging for the best part of a decade at this point and still isn't decided after sparring out of control and now drawing in four different allies and after all this chaos we've still only got a single county however there is like you know good news and bad news so yes that whole three kings in seven years things means gavel kind has done its terrible dance and sweden has just sort of disintegrated into a nightmare and as a result of that uh yes i believe the single greatest landholder in the entire kingdom of sweden is this three-year-old girl who has got yes three counties and a duchy so yes sweden's in in dodgy shape but on the plus side the norse people rose up and said to the king actually i don't like this catholicism thing so we've got ourselves a bloody norse king now admittedly he is a weak like super weak like he's only got one county and one duchy which is the duchy i kind of wanted ultimately so it's not all perfect but basically my plan has now shifted from okay we've got to undermine the king so we've got to protect the king because right now there isn't a single norse candidate available to be elected for the simple reason that uh he doesn't have a child yet fortunately his wife's not like sick or in any way chased or anything so hopefully they can start producing children sooner rather than later because yeah we need to get ourselves a lovely lovely all the wife is catholic okay we'll need to keep an eye on what happens to his children because if that's a normal marriage i believe by default all his children should be born according to his culture and religion but keep an eye on that keep him safe he must be protected his son who will be raised norse must be the next king that's going to take some time anyway because pregnancies take like nine months or something i think i've read that in a book at some point so yes what we need to do instead is uh turn our attention to one continuing to make money so actually the piggy bank is starting to dry up over here ireland is starting to be less divided into tiny counties that they can't defend themselves instead it's a bit more defended okay we wanted to find some new people to raid as time goes by we'll have to keep an eye on that but yes this whole massive disintegration thing that means there might be an argument for some yeah internal movement because right now basically large parts of the coast over here and this bunch of counties they're the north ones the rest of it all catholic for the time being now i can't use my special religious raiding thing to actually go after internal counties it only works on external ones so i'm still going to need a claim if i want to go against any of this and i think the best bet is yes i think it's all down here hang on yeah these two counters the guy who's controlling this is very weak though admittedly he is going to be recharging his troops but i need to make myself some new friends it should be a-okay this county is very poor but this one is yes here we go here we flip and go now this place this place is loaded this place is producing a huge amount of tax so get down over here take some of this this is solid stuff the only danger is that will put me directly next to denmark which is uh a concern because denmark's very catholic at this point it's been catholic for over a century so okay hang on there's also yes there's okay there's the county of hang on that's i don't know how you pronounce that like oland which is distinct from owland which is except if that's allen that will be uhland i don't know swedish people let me know but yeah this place might be a bit more secure actually and easier for me to get to uh because yeah i can just sail straight down over here really fast okay you know what i like the idea of having multiple islands so right let's let's start getting that lined up because these days it's your realm priest not your chancellor that takes care of that nonsense so he's not very good to be honest okay how long would it take you to deal with this about two years give or take and because he's not the best at his job there could be problems lots of piety upsetting the target etc etc etc you know what get over there do it anyway but yeah we need more powerful friends if we're going to be attacking these guys we need to get you on side my friend now we tried before but you weren't interested but now now i've got some more troops let's see what we can do oh he is really close to accepting jon little precious baby john as the spouse of baby christina over here okay why doesn't he want to do it he doesn't like john that much he's a baby there's only so much to look or not like but i have too many alliances okay that's fine because i know one of my alliances is kind of trash at the moment because i've got lapland up here so nobody mess with me i will summon the hordes of reindeer down upon you to reign a holy red-nosed fury but there's also yeah housing land and to be honest you guys are you guys aren't great yeah i've got um stenar sort of uh hooked up with you don't time to be honest he has got such magnificent hair yeah we're breaking that off by oh he flipping loves it and even though he's got plenty of territory he's still a count not a duke so i don't get any debuffs for him being like a high rank or anything so oh yeah he is so so much more powerful than me 1 400 troops just chilling out next door okay so now now i've got myself friends up north and friends down south so put those two together i have got basically yes 500 troops myself and more like uh how much did you have again yeah like 4 000 troops just waiting to go in the wings spectacular also i'm currently working on trying to befriend yes my son's new wife okay we need to do that too ah yes we need to do that to convert her which is probably for the safest just to make sure she doesn't like you know murder anybody who's like you know norse or anything because right now she's in my court but after we're done with that we need to make friends with the king of sweden keep an eye on him keep him safe this man must be protected so over to the question of the piggy bank because ireland is starting to you know defend itself against voting incursions but i did notice uh yes there's a couple of opportunities over the water gwyneth is not looking strong right now plenty of good loot to be got from them very very easily indeed they can't defend themselves and even more soft and squishy the poor isles have been stuck in yeah some stupid wars for basically bloody ever they've been helping out with this nonsense versus england they've just been trapped in this war for the best part of a decade so their army is basically non-existent at this point nip over here help myself to all of this no trouble whatsoever pretty easy pickings to my mind so yes i think we're going after the isles next and let's quickly check in on the children here so yes adulvard is now married to a woman who is extremely fertile so hopefully we can get some good children out of that spectacular welcome to the family now story then we've got yes dinar's now single but i'm not important enough to have any more alliances really so we'll just leave him be for the time being though pensive okay right now you're going towards uh yeah you're going towards a stewardship education by default i'm not sure we've got anyone to actually like you know teach you about that we do have off but he kind of hates me and then we have got folk who's just sort of hanging around he's got you know a decent enough education not sure whether he actually like you know likes me that much though my wife has a level 2 education so not as good but she'd probably try harder because you know that's oh hang on who who is your mother that is okay that is her yes that is actually um his mother good don't like pull the wrong child off on the wrong concubine might go wrong you know what folk i'll give you a go don't let me down and young bjorg and john are currently yes they're too young to actually be receiving uh education just yet though poor bjorg is actually delicate she is literally an egg so okay she's my favorite daughter but on the other hand she might die and when i say favorite daughter yes only daughter but like okay she's also my favorite in general though don't tell the others and before we go raiding again yeah we just need to set our military strength build up because we've just built what was it one of our new buildings over in our capital so right now we can get ourselves a handful more troops if we just uh wait for a moment oh speak to the flipping devil two of my problems seem to ever come together which is yes the new king who now everybody hates because yeah we sort of hate him over on the north side of sweden because he's very weak and ineffective and the catholics hate him because he's now pretending to be north so let's be honest i don't think he really believes it i think he's just uh kind of you know laughing as a viking right now so okay you're coming in to try and stop him with only 800 men i mean ballsy move for a three-year-old but i don't think this is gonna work out for you no no you are the traitor i'm coming in on his side protect the king of the norse yeah she wins he's got rid of so we're not accepting that no no no no no no that's unacceptable instead we need to we need to drive her to surrender because if she's driven to surrender then all of a sudden he's got her in prison he can have her land that's a land base he can use to enforce his will yes okay we're going in i'm offering to support i don't have much but it looks like yeah the republic has thrown its lot in with her at the bare minimum i can take them out your majesty i'm flipping in let's go the armies aren't 100 ready but it'll have to flipping do okay now where's that republic army going get my troops over here join up with the king of sweden and oh france is in okay good france is coming in okay so you guys are scrooge even if you manage to somehow win a battle france is eventually going to show up and this is the only war they've got okay i don't know why catholic france is coming in to protect a pagan king from being deposed in favor of a catholic but what can you do are you right my troops currently moving need to keep an eye on yeah where you're going i'm going to go and try and take out this army that's my objective in this war so just be ready for that i've got a decent force here i've got some good archers going on and you're moving straight over towards uh this fall you know what follow around the king of sweden and looks like he's just trying to track these bastards down you're nothing you're just okay you're just raiding doesn't affect me i've lost sight of these guys i don't know where the rest of this ah they just probably went round by sea to here so they're all trying to join together let's see if we can just sort of get on top of them here yeah we just need to get one good solid engagements i'm coming your majesty we're in all right we're flipping coming where is uh where's the rest of them they're probably going straight towards oh where are you going that is hang on who are you because you're not you're not my ally anymore but you can't raid me so that's fine right i'm guessing you just made it back here from ireland because i swear i saw a second ago i swear i saw a flag that said recently raided by these guys but maybe i was imagining it maybe it was somewhere else in britain oh i think we might have them can we get on top of them faster than they can move oh i think we've got it yep we've got a battle but my archers have a big advantage in the woods so we are going to have a first blood to us that's a good part of the army taking care of walking in absolutely lovely my champions are versus his knights absolute flipping walkover when i say walk over like here's the problem with the fact i haven't properly invested in you know pursuit or proper troops which is uh technically i've actually lost about the same amount as he has we both lost like you know 80 odd men he retreated but it was still a bit of a kick in the teeth for me the honesty looks like most of the work was done by yeah his knights they did a good job just murdering some of my levies right i'm just going over here to go and deal with this stupid republic because i've been meaning to go and raid this republic for a while and the king of sweden can 100 percent deal with the rest of this by himself oh they're flipping surrendered oh yeah oh flippin yeah so the king get some dread acer is in prison the grand mare is in prison absolutely beautiful and they've technically committed some crimes and crime strikes me as a very very good excuse to you know steal all their lands oh yeah he's had something 100 and wait what okay you've no no no who are you what's going on oh it's just another traitor well that's absolutely fine because you've got like nothing so you sir are once again the traitor that's another war i'll be joining in this is this is getting expensive to be honest also bloody hell i think we might be about to be raided um right they appear to be coming in in this direction who are you precisely oh it's cocking finland can we defend ourselves i mean if they're going to be trying to move in right now okay we've got the better commander we've got the advantage i think we can defend ourselves but this is going to start getting dicey fast you're coming in lads you're definitely sure about that and uh the duke of uh hang on the duke of osland and okay who's who's in prison right now okay you're in prison right now and you're imprisoned by who's got you imprisoned by the way some other guy okay there's there's just some chaos going on in sweden it's fine doesn't affect me i'm more worried about the fact these guys might be about to try and enter my territory so if they do then excuse me and did you just let them passed did you just literally let them walk past you because they technically hadn't started raiding oh but big news here though there is actually a child who said oh so the kid who we just kicked the ass off has been forced to convert as a condition of being released from prisoner she is now norse and the wife of the king is also pregnant okay we're starting to get some more norse floating around here which is good because the king has great pox why is every swedish king getting sick of dying we're getting through them faster than bloody defense against the dark arts teachers okay right now unfortunately a catholic is top of the list but yeah a fair few people are all voting for princess asa i'm assuming that's basically just a giant pile of you know pagans who are backing the only norse candidates but if the king has a legitimate son he's gonna have you know a lot of authority okay the question is can i do anything about this raiding or should i instead focus my attention on you know trying to make sure the king survives this uprising because i'm not sure i can actually do either i think potentially yes these guys have got they've got more troops than me and in particular they've got an extra champion on me so if i throw myself at them i'm gonna lose so many men i won't be able to effectively raid the better way for me to earn money is to accept that my territory is being raided i vaguely hope that maybe sweden comes to help out but send my troops to go and raid elsewhere that's the better option i think though yeah bear in mind we're still trying to get claims down here that we can't possibly afford can't just ban when there's hostile armies around oh good because this army isn't actually a raiding army i need to find somewhere to go and stand that's in sweden that's not hostile okay good no not not through them bloody hell out onto the sea and my attempt to befriend nastoy is just going catastrophically badly so no that's just not gonna fly right so we've had a we've had a few uh a few problems today i'm sure it's all fine right go down to the republic we should be able to break our troops down there because like there's no one around and it's still technically friendly sweden right yes okay we can disband our troops right there then we just move our rally point that needs to be moved up to here so we don't raise our troops literally on top of the enemy now i should be able to raise all my troops as raiders then again i'm slowly picking up troops if i just wait like one more month i'm gonna have well they're still gonna have a hundred on me no tragically i think we're just gonna have to accept that they're gonna do a bit of raiding and we're gonna have to offset that by going to do our own raiding right raise up our 500 men we're abandoning howland also i can't read numbers that says 493 so actually we've we've almost got them at them or elite no we can't fight it because our numbers are more made up of levies these guys have got more champions uh more men at arms we can't fight that we would lose so we're just gonna have to accept this gonna have to hope that sweden like does something because right now nothing's happening in the swedish war and we're just going like off to scotland or something then again hang on hang on hang on hang on just just out of interest what's going on down over here in like you know the holy roman empire no that's too big and strong to take on because if i attack any of these then overall that's that's too many men okay yeah we can't do that we're gonna be doing the isles plan the isles plan is a good plan sweden if you wouldn't mind like helping us out with this situation i'd really appreciate it and where the hell is where the hell is the swedish army and why is it oh you've let them all come together are you deaf oh it's the french it's the flipping french okay the french have shown up and now you're in flipping trouble okay so the french have just saved everything keep going your dicks just get round to the flipping aisles okay we got ourselves a strange lack of marshals in the world which is yes my liege needs a martial which obviously i'll be accepting that's great but apparently my own flipping marshall dies something to do with internal injuries okay i'm really sorry i'm not bothering to deal with this whole you being raided right now thing okay we're busy raiding someone else it will be profitable in the end i promise though actually the best candidate would be my own son that is the more important job right um oh if you can have the old job back welcome home right the french are now just mopping things up to the north that should be all a-okay meanwhile over here yeah i've settled on the um the hebrides so we're making some good money out of that in fact have you already taken the first i think you've already taken the well done good job there oh and the poor lambs are coming to try and defend themselves a bad call to be honest you're literally crossing straight which gives me a massive advantage already so you know what that's that's a-okay i feel like yes we've got um we just shot them down we just shot them down as they were coming and we've taken this up to oh we're already almost full up honestly we may as well just go home i'll be back for the rest of this later and it looks like the fins are on their way home but yeah we need we need more troops we need a lot more troops because otherwise they're going to be back also i just love how fast i move by boat this is actually a combination of two things by the way which is uh one i did actually well i actually started with the trait living off the land so that's raid speed up engineered for destruction naval speed up but on top of that nice little hangover from the fact that i am uh swedish and thus have a bit of norse heritage over in the tech tree here we go i literally start the game with long ships so navel speed up another 25 and on top of that i can raid overseas if i can already raid which i can i can sail in rivers and it's so cheap for me to get in these boats so that's why it's so bloody cheap for me to just head overseas it's great right money and prestige has been delivered good good good and i could afford a unit of basic footman not spectacular but it would give me the manpower to keep out finland the problem with footman is they're just they're just not very good i mean they're cheap but like they're not really good against anything other than heavy infantry which nobody's going to be having right now no one more ship overseas we'll go and do gwenith next because gwyneth was definitely under guarded on catastrophically bad news the i was planning to get a claim on has indeed broken apart but i should have checked the successions yeah most of it's gone to the elder daughter by the loopsie of it which means she's still very well defended for the time being actually that's that's mercenaries you can't afford that you can't flipping afford mercenaries good luck keeping them going on i'll wait yes you can she 100 can because of the way mercenaries work these days mercenaries now are one big upfront cost then you've got them for a certain period of time but if we just wait for that time to expire she's got nothing we still might be better off going for this territory then again this territory was uh very very poor so yeah that's that's not going to the problem is i've barely got the money to fabricate the claim in a moment they're gonna ask me for the money for that and i'm not gonna have it okay but anything we can do in marshall that might help out cause i've just got a new perk there so surf the crown natural dread up and control if i'm about to take over territory though about might be optimistic personal combat skill up by four and i can command armies more safely hit and run heavy and spearman archer damage up is kind of nice i mean am i ever going to want sappers am i really going to want sappers because that means taking parthing tactics and i don't have cavalry i don't even have skirmishers i've got arches instead envelopment is okay but if i go down this route note effectiveness plus 75 percent is really nice then we can have uh yeah advantage plus five huge pile of knights and i can make marriage with my children more desirable as we go through as well tempting i'm going to take hit and runner for the time being aren't you damaged plus 30 that's not bad i do other units of archers and i'm saving up for a second all right guys get ashore on this occasion we are going to be ransacking the hell out of wales lovely oh and speak of the devil wales is having its arse handed to it right now oh this is lovely and oh there's that okay a little bride but 84 gold i'm not ready it's fine i cannot but like does that mean i need to restart because honestly i just i couldn't afford it i wasn't ready for it then again i could change the target we could change the target to the now more vulnerable territory right here yeah you know what take the soft target go for that i know i've got allies who i could call into a full war but you can't guarantee they're gonna show up they might have more important things to be getting on with finland is also seemingly getting uh stronger they're taking more and more land finland's now up to a thousand troops finland is starting to scare me a bit we might want to see if we can yeah can we make some peace with you by any chance no i've got alliances he'd be marrying down because he's a duke he's not up for it oh and perfect over in wales we've got the fire and blood event so i get to do some extra special looting so no no bring me a giant pile of money please giant pile of money spectacular cheers and the king of sweden has won another glorious war here meaning hopefully yeah hang on let's just see what the new state of sweden is right now yeah look at this he's starting to drag stuff out here he is starting to kick some ass lock down more territory for him this is this is beautiful this means more and more territory is now being governed directly by yeah the actual uh norse faithful the problem is i don't know how long you're living and okay you've got a daughter but yes um problems there as well like is it guaranteed all your children are going to inherit great pox at this point because if so that could be an issue the vote is starting to get divided out though the vote is definitely starting to get divided around so this tiny princess baby who is sick and dying is yeah basically picking up most of the norse votes okay the troops and the goods have made it home we can now also create yes indeed while we could create anything but bowman all right create the bowman i've now got two uh full strength units of bowman or at least i will do once that's done at training up my levees are also going up by i think like uh 15 a month or something and uh accused of claim fabrication i'm gonna be honest i am yes it's not really an accusation if it's true also it's lucky i decided to uh yes raid gweneth when i did because now now there ain't a gwyneth anymore england's just gone in and oh no harold he lost oh that's such a shame i thought he had a chance but not only is england now secure under you know a catholic norman and whatnot but uh yeah he's kind of uh eaten the biggest part of wales so england is to be watched out for to be honest that reminds me baby bjork yes you're ready for an education at this point so skewing towards either diplomacy or intrigue right now the game is giving it over to diplomacy education despite the fact your entry looks much better but whatever uh who do we have to train you by the way okay my spymaster she's always been chill so yes my spymaster shall educate you my girl in the ways in fact of intrigue and because i'm part of a military lifestyle right now i've been reading about caesar's triumph in gaul so yes indeed built fortifications around their fortifications trapping the enemy garrison inside their own city effectively just a very fancy siege but this means i can oh i can give myself a perk right now i'm good at the older folding which is excellent but what can we do here so reckless but i'm picking up a tiny bit of stress potentially so reckless would be okay so when i'm rolling for battle advantage it could go a bit worse but it could also go much better on average though i'm really giving myself like you know a plus one so not sure about that alternatively unyielding defender so friendly casualties down that one is kind of nice i'll admit or ingenuity a military engineer so oh siege down i mean yes obviously that one getting a tiny bit of stress but that's okay oh i'm getting better at fighting now this is lovely and straight after that i'm on the practice grounds doing a bit of like a jousting or whatever but my horse starts freaking the flip out so okay there's there's a commotion i cannot fully see so okay try and calm down my horse that would get me oh 37 chance experienced rider so okay but i've got no cavalry in my army so not really important but there's a better chance i'm gonna become wounded alternatively i could lose a bit of prestige but just die for stable ground is that a partner because i'm on a horse it might be yeah i'm gonna go for that i'm not taking two thirds chance of wounded though i'm a bit suspicious of what that commotion might be like nothing bad's gonna happen is it no good i just started to dive into like a pile of convenient mud or something spectacular and finland also seems to be having its own problems right now good good good good there's a bit of attacking and counter-attacking with finland i'll keep them busy until i'm strong enough to deal with them though speaking of finland they're in okay hang on how is finland not at war with anybody when they're literally being occupied right now is this like a pleasant uprising no it's not a peasant uprising hang on what the flips going on here oh yeah there's a big ass war versus finland finland's oh yeah finland's in trouble good good good good okay this here this could be a good right now finland stuff's showing up possibly that was a count working for finland i'm not sure but uh yes finland apparently is under oh finland's under attack by a lot of people well screw you you stupid dicks shouldn't have been coming raided my territory okay if an option presents itself remember i can declare war on finland any time of my choosing so if i just call in my vassals to assist this could be of interest just wait wait another moment finland's army might get weaker but keep an eye on it's getting weaker it's already getting hugely hugely weaker they've got like nothing left and then it's getting stronger a bit but like you know everything's fine just wait there we go i have now got two full strength unit of archers uh together with my levies are recovering nicely over time that is always welcome too that means my combined military strength is almost 600. okay okay okay okay we need to uh we need to have a chat at this exact moment in time this is undoing some modern political chicanery so finland will now belong to flipping owland i love it also fairly major event i apparently completely missed so lapland decided they wanted a bit of you know europe and sweden decided yeah we're gonna be in on this so okay the whole swedish lapland thing that's working out nicely but like denmark's got it right now and also croatia's involved because why wouldn't they be i mean okay sure not really my business though it does mean lap plans are unlikely to show up to assist in any war against finland's oh hello sex scene we've got a good guest who's just shown up expert rough terrain robust peasant leader so okay interesting together with a good forwarder aggressive attacker okay my friend how much would you like 55 gold that's expensive all right he knows his flipping value but he'd also make an exceptional marshall making marshall my son could go back to what he's good at being chancellor i mean 20. all right you know what you're pricey but you can come along all right kettlemand congratulations you've got yourself a spectacular job too and that is going to increase my levy size by decent 25 percent spectacular we're finally putting together a semi-competent council here plus he's going to significantly increase the quality of my knight so that's good as well ah and this will work in my favor so yes this stupid war in finland is uh have you won by the way good good good good they've just won so that means right now finland should be pretty much at their weakest so finland can't help but notice that you actually came and you know stole some of my stuff a while ago so i'm going to be taking your entire coastline now here we go and the music is going to start jazzing up too by the way uh my friend as it's only 75 prestige you're going to be coming along toe and raise up all of our armies this is our first proper war not a raid so the music's gone a bit hyper for all of this also oh yeah my brand new commander he's actually going to be ludicrously effective at this nonsense and of course he's coming along too but here's the thing actually because i'm a military engineer i will be taking this one my friend i'm gonna be leading this myself in fact you know what i think it's time i think it's time as i literally invade finland and kick them off the coast it's time i got a hat just a small hat to start us off with okay we don't rush hats in this family we're gonna take things carefully start with a nice soft hat we'll see how you do with that and move straight in not sure whether fiddling will even bother trying to defend themselves to be honest two flipping nose but straighten over here and this should be a nice easy one for me and when i say nice easy one right it's gonna take six months because seizures do take a little bit longer yes but we are making some progress at least and if we're lucky yes my friends are showing up good so once that's been taken care of hopefully that should oh yeah that's gonna speed things up oh my goodness did you bring did you bring siege weapons they brought catapults oh you magnificent bastards so yes at this point the walls might start to collapse when that happens we have the option of assaulting until then we cannot but this is going to make things uh much faster flipping love it thanks for bringing that along and uh-oh okay who's targeting our new beloved king now also i'm still part of the liberty faction which i really shouldn't be so let's just disband that so okay hang on what's going on here wants lower county control oh that's very minor don't worry about that that's okay now some guy has actually joined finland but he's only got a thousand troops all right us together we've got this and if need be i could call up lapland but i'd rather not distract them from what they're doing down over here keep an eye on this though because actually okay you've got other wars going on it's unlikely you're sending everything over towards may so the finnish coast will be dealt with momentarily and there it is the walls have started to collapse so as a result of that siege events are now accelerating which is great because random stuff is happening this is beautiful we could have sold the fort but there's no real reason to to be honest that's just gonna cause yeah casualties so that's a lot of casualties don't need that we're not in that much of a hurry we're about to flipping take this territory we've also captured oh is that our first prisoner it might be you know and you know what's fun about prisoners so we believe in human sacrifice in this religion so okay just trying to check uh who you actually are to be honest do you anybody no you're nobody so i mean is there really anything to do with you aside from putting you to death how much would you be willing to like you know pay or anything oh he would be willing to uh come and join my courts hmm okay what if i wanted to i could recruit you demand your conversion gain a weak hook over you and you my friend could be the best spy master i've ever had i mean 20 that's welcome the flip aboard okay now admittedly he does slightly hate me for the moment but that's going to start going up very very fast indeed i'm not going to make him spymaster just yet not just yet but keep an eye on him he could be very useful once you know chills out all right so the coast is taken but yes we need to go deeper to wrap this up and unfortunately because we're going into tribal land we're probably going to start taking some attrition are you guys with me by the way so i'd really like you to dare we'd go with me please thank you right going to be three months to wrap up this siege but yes with those siege weapons and okay who's attacking our beloved king now okay it's just some guy logically you've got more troops now oh yeah you're up to like two and a half thousand because you've managed to secure so much land for yourself oh you're fine then that should be a-okay and i've got the wrong martial of swedenback toe spectacular i think i lost that at some point but nice to have it back because that does come with yeah i like this new system where you get lots of really really major bonuses for you know being actually a part of your leisure's council that's great so kind of but notice you're trying to uh yeah take back uh finland aren't you so we're gonna be coming to smash you in a second don't you worry about that i mean just look at that even though i've only got a level two education in marshall plus another 15 that's that's huge so being on your leisures council is a massive bonus for how fast you're gonna develop your skills that's brilliant okay so they're trying to take back finland with 400 men but it's gonna take them like five months to do uh meanwhile we are making some very fast progress here this is going to be taken in a matter of days at this point they're basically surrendering and boom and oh sorry i forgot that that was a thing that we were supposed to be doing i don't have the money for that right now um just like keep hanging around we will get to that at some point and oh my goodness how many how many people have we just taken captive okay we've got his son all right we've got his son so just out of interest we could we could demand his son converts now when we say sun do we mean like your one and only sun sadly not but he is in line to inherit one of the chiefdoms okay you know what you can go on condition you convert to my boy ah but on the other hand they'll just convert him right back during his education so there's kind of no you know what rather than that i think then again how much money will you pay six okay so he can't afford the full ransom of uh of 25. you know what you like this kid so instead we're just going to use them as leverage to uh wrap up this here war so i'll be enforcing uh enforcing my demands at this point so i'll be taking some fame some prestige and you know obviously uh the coast of finland and with that we have spread swedish power into finland and on top of that and oh dear my wife did have a child going on but no longer yes um miscarriages and stillbirths and whatever seem to be a lot more common in crusader kings 3. it's very very heavy sometimes right time to get our troops out of here because yes this is um this is going to be tricky oh that's that's some good strength we've got going on here this is lovely what was what was this war again by the way there's oh yes sorry you've got a war against some stupid random rebel so enjoy your new territory yeah the problem we've got here is this territory is very much not mine so it's not my faith it's also not my culture i have zero control over it basically and also that building is disabled so it kind of needs to kind of needs to go i could replace it with something else uh no available buildings to construct in this slot at this time right so this place is it's a basic tribal hold okay if i want to feudalize the tribe that's wow 500 gold to feudalize the tribe so right now we're not really getting much out of these guys got it okay so we can start making some changes here if that's what i want to do so yeah the mayor over here could go and start promoting our culture now there might be resistance but county opinion up more taxes uh more levees go and give it a go it's going to take him five years to completely swedish a fire this area and on top of that i could send my marshland to go and deal with this but actually because this place is producing like no troops i think most of those extra troops are actually just off the back of the fact i finally got a competent martial in play so i'd rather you just keep doing it what you're doing then again you'd be very effective at increasing control like a lot effective how fast could you do that nine years no that's too long we'll just let that happen a bit organically because as it's tribal it's not going to be doing much anyway to be honest my useless steward can get on with it because he's not got anything better to do like six percent six percent taxes is sort of nice and we've literally never seen those extra taxes in like a decade so he can just get on with that that's fine oh but flipping perfect timing just as we've actually picked up yeah brand new perk the top rank of overseer that would get me growth control yeah by default it's 0.1 so yeah quadruple in a single moment do it surf the crown right so that is going to get the control of this district slowly growing so that's not too bad that's just gonna start slowly ticking up eventually maybe we'll be able to get like you know something out of this area though to be honest feudalizing the tribe is difficult it might be easy just to straight up build a brand new you know castle city whatever then again bit bit risky bit risky this territory is hang on this is small right and we've not got anything no we've already got this is a tidy tiny island we need bigger territories if we want to expand i suspect this is going to get raided to be honest but honestly there's like actually oh it turns out i'm a genius okay so no one's gonna rate this because it's not worth raiding there's nothing worth raiding here so as a result of that it's basically going to keep owlin safe because people are going to raid each other in oh it turns out i'm a genius okay the king has also had another daughter this one isn't sick and dying so that's positive still no sun which would be good because i suspect hang on let's just uh where are we in terms of the votes right now because i suspect things aren't going entirely to plan i mean people are getting behind her a bit but the majority of the votes are still for this guy who are you by the way because you're not actually anybody you're just sort of like hanging around in somebody else's courts i mean i guess technically you're the eldest son of the last legitimate king in the eyes of catholicism so i suppose that's something but i mean hmm we couldn't murder him right oh not a chance it's just not a thing i'm good at okay let's plan long term here so the problem we've got here is ideally i would like to be the duke of upland that means even though yes we're kind of uh we're stuck with gavel kind for a while because uh yeah next to cruz eddie king's two a long long way down the tech tree that ain't happening for you know centuries yet so that's that's not on the cards so yeah what we need to do especially as i'm not even in control of the tech tree right now the king of sweden is is yeah basically just figure out the best way to keep my titles together now having the relevant duchy would be one way of doing that problem is yeah the relevant duchy has four counties i control one the king of sweden himself controls two and another one over here the king of sweden has actually somehow recovered from great pox so as a result of that that's pretty bloody good news all things considered though it does concern me how easily i could murder him if i wanted to possibly because a lot of people would be um on site quite frankly i'm amazed he's not dead already but yeah if i want the duchy title i'm gonna need three territories now in theory in future what's gonna happen is some of these are probably gonna go to the daughter who isn't actually the next queen and that's assuming there's no more children now he's healthy his wife is she's still 23. there should be plenty more children to come hopefully a healthy sauna at some point so at that point i might be able to just you know go and invade one of his other children or rather the sister of the new king not that's going to make me 100 popular but also just to double check yes they are both being brought up right excellent that means this here is my best bet but then again he's got a fairly large number of troops but he's also close by to lapland he's also potentially you know as close to these guys as i am all right change of plans change your flipping plans my friend get over here take this territory and while you're doing that my brand new army is now looking better than it ever has before which is going to make it much easier to go and raid ireland because over here oh yeah you're looking at very very flimsy my good man right everybody up we're going back to the piggy bank ah then again maybe we should save up some money first because as the army gets larger yeah we can't actually afford to uh have it standing anymore so that's that's a concern could we send maybe like half the army because i feel like we don't actually need all of it here we go with 600 men we are just about okay we're still making a modest modest profit so right guys round to island we're doing the usuals oh and we just got 50 gold out of nowhere my wife just like found 50 gold down the back of the sofa that's that's bloody good thank you darling oh yeah my new army can now hold 60 gold in a single raiding trip this is a this is beautiful also the kings moved me to the position of chancellor honestly i'm not a hundred percent convinced about that but okay so that gets me okay big piles of prestige which is really nice fellow vassals like me and now diplomacy lifestyle is going up that's still uh that's still really good like that is that's pretty much two-thirds of all my prestige in the world right now so thanks oh and even better wasn't even looking for this but i've actually just located the um sun and air of the king of right well he's got to be worth a pretty penny 54 gold up front yeah now that that we can most certainly have yes i will gladly take that again hang on hang on hang on um how much money are you gaining per turn because if i just wait until the end of this whole siege then you'll probably have a bit more actually i mean the alternative of course would be releasing him releasing him but only after we've made him nause now he's in line to inherit yeah quite a bit he's gonna be getting everything actually so hmm no i want the money i'm going to keep him in prison for now i'm going to keep him in prison for now but like we could just drop a lovely yeah person who's been compelled to be north right under there that's that's kind of fun in its own way for the moment though we'll just keep raising we'll decide what to do with your son in a second i'm the bad guy aren't i also the bloody king just keeps changing his mind about who ought to be in what job i just keep gaining and losing jobs right that's literally all the wealth in your kingdom we'll just nip home now um you can have your son back later when you've got enough money for him right money gets delivered how are you doing my friend okay you know what that's good enough i suppose because you might go and spend it on something else if i don't sell the prisoner now and that jumps me straight up to a very solid 187 meaning i have finally got enough money so yes actually you know by the claims i've been fabricating also i don't mean to alarm anybody but i just um had a quick look around europe so hungary's been getting you know hungary as regards it some as regards its neighbors so i think they ate poland while no one was looking so yeah they've definitely eaten poland so fortunately those are oh those those aren't going to different people okay why are they not going to different people i don't know but yes this tiny baby is going to inherit one a hell of an empire right i think we need to rest the troops for a bit just to let them get their strength back because yes we've definitely lost a handful of them as time goes by so you guys stand down for the minute and yes for the meantime uh my dear beloved son john magnificent hair by the way yeah we need to have a little looks at your uh education so you are okay you're a thinky lot going towards either stewardship or learning now it looks to me like learning is okay right now it's poor but that's a decent base stat then again hmm interesting that's you could go either way really okay who do we have in terms of a guardian for you honestly nobody's spectacular so hang on teaser yes you know what you can have stewardship from your own mother at least you'll try hard also i should really probably stop trying to uh yeah get control or culture or anything sorted out here because i can't help but notice that uh because it's tribal i'm getting literally nothing no levies no taxes so possibly this is this is a bit of a waste of time i mean it would be nice for it to be swedish you know what no i just want finland to be swedish that's what we're gonna do regardless also i have just realized why exactly did i invite the very good you know uh what was it uh spymaster man to my court when he like hates me when i've already got a really really damn good spy master like why did i do that okay we should probably like you know get rid of you or something can we imprison you like is that a thing we're allowed to do no he's too damn clever so even with a hook we can't actually imprison him okay um can we just basically get rid of you in that case have fun spreading norse culture wherever it is you end up oh big change though it would appear that yes the last chieftain of lapland has died did you die in battle or something yep died from his wounds liked uh being on the front line that one meaning unfortunately i don't have an alliance anymore though alliance formed with oh do i just get to keep that because we're still close enough related oh when i say close enough related right well that's just flipping lovely all right stenar has grown up for the last time you do not get flipping helmets you have to earn it oh but i'll say something about this kid braver and vengeful they're glowing in green because they're both virtues under this religion so he's pretty much everything that you know a young exotic sexy norseman should be plus he's also ambitious which is okay that's that's pretty good so he is going to be gaining piety at a terrifyingly high rate that's that's of interest and yeah level three fortune builder education all right keep an eye on this kid because right now he's actually heir to yeah the county of finland he's gonna get that not a great selection of wives out there no actual uh you know alliances to be had so just get him hooked up with someone who's got some decent stats that'll do us a starting point oh now here's something i wasn't expecting so i can get my claim on the county which is fine that's what i wanted but he's also come up with a claim on the entire petty kingdom which is the the duchy level of uplands so a claim on the entire dutch but i'm not in a position to go to war against the king no i'm just going to take the county we're just taking the county that sets and yeah this guy's got a fair few troops but he's got no friends he's got nobody he can call in now he could make some alliances and call them in but toss in all my friends in particular lapland we should significantly outnumber him now obviously this going down he is on board because he's just on board for basically anything that involves beating the hell out of catholics but any chance you're in yes he is it's gonna be expensive but it's gonna be worth it so get them both on board raise up our armies but do not move in wait for them to make the first move all right we got a good number of troops but we really need these guys on board first all right the music's getting epic again and we're going to take our first bit of land within sweden proper now he's not moving right now he's just sort of waiting all right go over the straight where's the king of sweden himself going by the way possibly to raid i don't know ah one thing to keep in mind here though this is very important so he's got a big army but what's that army actually made up of because it looks to me like that army is it's trash for the most part it is yep just a giant pile of levees he's only got three knights there all right and he's got some basic basic skirmishes so therefore it's only a level two army same as this army over here my army however is elite i have got more nights i have got plenty of archers so even though i'm massively outnumbered i would almost certainly lose but i do better than you'd probably think yep my allies are joining up together up north and rapidly heading in the right direction these guys seem to be reluctant to move for now we should be in a good position momentarily to yeah join up with them right now you are several there you go you're trying to get in my way aren't ya all right back straight back out again wait for the reinforcements to show up all right because you'll hopefully be moving in momentarily good he's allowed us to group he didn't come and attack me prematurely so in which case one major battle against all of these guys i mean we could just we could just knock over this castle while we're here i mean this is actually the target this is the target so taking this is going to be very good for the war score so get on with that that's going to take two months might be a little bit of uh attrition just because we're a little bit uh over the uh over the cap here but we've got siege weapons and my concubine is also pregnant good good good good well maybe not good i might have too many children given we'll start with gavel kind for centuries oh yeah the attrition is very very low it's nothing at all so we will momentarily have king of england is no longer norman all right go on anglo-saxon fair enough and we have got ourselves eight gold together with actually holding the key holding in this whole business right guys guys guys guys guys guys would you like to come and always picked up some more troops from somewhere where did you get them from oh he's presumably uh hide some mercenaries right yep big old pile of mercs okay guys i'd like you to follow me please we would like to you know go and attack these guys and that's just a peasant uprising right you've got to be oh yeah that's just a small faction in civil war you'll be fine don't need to worry about that okay all troops move forward to the capital adjacent to where he currently is that's another territory we can very quickly just uh mop up so may as well take that while we're literally guys guys what are you doing guys guys chill the flip out and okay um finland's not keen on me ruling them fyi so finland might be a lot more trouble than they're worth okay so apparently i had the genius idea of splitting up my army leaving them in disarray and then telling them all to make their own way back to the capital and as a result most of them have got lost bloody genius me so i could just you know leave that up to the mayor who's a good organizer so supply duration but if i go out looking for them i might gain a martial lifestyle perk taking it yeah we'll see where that goes oh bloody lapland's been called away to deal with this nonsense down here um i'm gonna be honest i don't really have time i'm doing like you know my own war which i was kind of relying on your troops to help me win okay the war might be starting to go a bit on the dicey side um potentially and on top of that i've just come across uh some of my soldiers they're just getting drunk in the pub good good good good glad to see the army's a good professional bunch of lads and even better they trash the place so now i've got to pay reparations it's worth it if i get a perk at the end it's fine oh meanwhile norway's attacking sweden now they want an individual county apparently so not really my business in a whole bunch of ways uh war is about to kick off yeah they're moving in but like i do still have my allies now these guys are now yeah decent thanks those mercenaries but with my reinforcements hopefully we're gonna be okay right and there we go it's cost me a bit of money but i still get a free martial lifestyle poke which is uh pretty bloody good if i do say so myself in fact i've got two of them just apparently i forgot to actually um you know uh spend the last one good good good good now this is this is actually kind of very convenient because uh because because because uh you know what let's get a little bit of gallantry going on like say making my nights twice as effective on the eve of a battle and okay the battle has kicked off but reinforcements are there and now oh dear it looks to me like oh my superior quality my ten champions my ludicrous gallantry looks to me like you are having your ass handed to you you stupid bastard and oh dear um i think we've lost yeah i'm pretty sure we've lost we've lost lady linda but we get to keep the sun right yes we do get to keep the sun and as linda died at giving birth to him he shall not be brinjolf he shall instead be lindolf in her honor also i'm gaining stress so need to keep an eye on that at some point oh oh dear looks to me like you've just had your ass handed to ya you're stupid bastard and even better oh the siege the siege is going very very well oh we need to wrap this up fast by the way because i think he's managed to get one of his daughters married and immediately called them up to the war but we are at 81 percent with one siege almost done we did however capture oh we captured a champion and one of my allies lost their champion but okay um are you valuable by any chance nope doesn't even seem to care about that he's also kind of terrible so you can go if i can have a hawk and you convert and just in the nick of time as reinforcements were starting to gather they would have won we've got up to 100 enforce my demands and there we go boom and with that we're now up to three flipping counties love it though tragically kettleman was actually maimed during that battle we won but he was maimed so he's now disfigured and maimed which is you know sad but he did win and he's still a very good martial regardless but crucially this place is actually pretty well developed already so yeah we've already got ourselves some beautiful beautiful stuff going on here and yes even better though this was held by catholic it did remain on the ground norse so this is not so bad at all in fact you know what kettle munda take your lovely new linnaeus mask and yeah get working on this and as for the rest of this money yeah a third unit of bowman if you'd be so kind oh but i've got the best news in the world the king of sweden has produced a son a son who everyone has thus decided ought to be the next king because you know he's the son of the last king so that's legit doesn't matter he's the wrong religion everyone's like you know what fair enough that's how the rules go so oh oh flip me we might have just locked down at north sweden ah the only problem being because of male preference right now he's getting everything he gets literally the lot i'd like this to be split out a bit because what i really need of course is one of these two territories if i can get either of them i've got the right to the duchy of upland then i'm a duke and then i can stop losing every single bit of land to gavel kind because time's getting on i'm 43. also do need to keep a slight eye on the fact that yes norway's sort of uh looking in sweden's direction and going yum yum so that could be um that could be interesting too so so so so ladies and gentlemen i would say that is enough for now we have done what i really need to do which is actually managed to secure a bit of territory the problem is uh right now yeah it's uh all being handed out to different people because uh there's no big all-encompassing primary title the single most important thing i must do with my life at this point is get hold of the dutchie whatever it takes i need to become the duke of upland so as a result of that adelvad when he takes over can be the duke he can have some territory and his brothers can work for him we've got ourselves another big job yet to go because the territory we need is currently held by you know the king of sweden who we can't turn on directly because one he's got 3 000 troops two the french tend to show up to help him a lot earn three and need him to have another son yet in a perfect world because you know we need to like uh have a son to start dividing all this territory apart with so i can start picking it apart next generation then then it might be time for you know how can the red to uh have a little accident potentially will um we'll have to see about that all of that coming up very very soon indeed but in the meantime either johnson has been many a true nerd and this has been crusader kings 3. thank you very much and goodbye this this guy's enjoying that this guy's enjoying his elephant a bit too much oh my god in fair verona we set our scene oh my god becky look at her bud it is so big they've managed to glitch inside one of the buildings elephants at the rear and then come the chariots
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 226,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 3, Crusader Kings 3 game, Crusader Kings 3 gameplay, let's play Crusader Kings 3, Crusader Kings 3 tutorial, Crusader Kings 3 guide, Crusader Kings 3 pc, Crusader Kings 3 walkthrough, Crusader Kings III, Crusader Kings, Crusader Kings 3 viking, crusader kings 3 vikings, crusader kings 3 sweden, crusader kings 3 campaign, crusader kings 3 1066
Id: U89EKQnrm2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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