RISE OF THE NORTH SEA EMPIRE! Crusader Kings 3 - Rise of the North Sea Empire Campaign #1

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welcome if you're watching this on youtube the start of a brand new crusader kings 3 adventure we're going to be playing as harold fairhair with the brand new northern lords flavor pack dlc for crusader kings three if you want to get it it's down in the description pin to top the comment section you can save a total of 15 off by using the code lords at the checkout so yes we're beginning our viking adventure with the new northern laws dlc flavor pack which gives us a whole host of new features decisions mechanics it's a lot of fun to go a viking right now so the main objective for this series for this campaign is going to be forming the empire of uh the north sea and to do that we have to hold the kingdoms of england denmark and norway and i believe you have to hold them for at least 30 years and then you can enact that empire decision so holding on to three kingdoms and not dying we're definitely gonna need to be whole of body i think uh we are going to have this on iron man with achievements enabled so let's dive in so we want to start in 867 return to harold fairhair the first character i ever played as in ck3 i feel like he's a good uh chap to start as for this viking adventure considering he has the option to form the duchy of viking i think that's quite nice and thematic so there he is just enable iron man and achievements normal difficulty everything else don't think we need to change anything uh there it's all good scandinavian adventure is frequent good good good there we go let's go for those achievements there are a few more new ones in the game one of them we will get by forming the the high kingdom of the north sea so let us begin the chieftain of vestfold oh yeah here we go that's fine just call this viking one and also save it to the cloud here we go so there's uh there's new decisions hold the ground blood uh we can raise a rune stone there's no point doing that one just yet because it'll cost us more gold than we have um let's go a viking so this is the one this is the decision um that we're going for with this campaign i probably won't continue it past this um i'd just like to have nice neat objectives i should also say if you're a fan of the aragon series as well that will still be happening being recorded and uploaded to youtube as well and being streamed we're just running this one in parallel as well so each week there'll be this viking stream and the aragon series until they both come to an end so yes secure the high kingdom of the north sea which will give us the um the north sea empire title which currently knows you're nothing from it that's fine you have to um requirements complete control region of the north sea heartlands which if i move this over there we can see it's jorvik through sort of it's basically the eastern portion of jorvik down through uh through england mercy east anglia wessex so you've got to take a big old chunk out of there obviously we do need to hold the kingdom of england title we've got to hold them all for 30 years we do not want to die we do not want to die that will um not be good uh if we if we end up dying because then it will splinter without us holding an empire title i'm assuming that this could disappear if we form an empire and i don't want to repeat of the aragon series with losing the option for this decision so we will not form an empire um so we get the uh hiking of the seas life expectancy plus 10 basil opinion plus 30 embarkation costs minus 50 percent naval speed plus 25 vassal levy contribution plus 50 i do not think we'll be able to achieve this with with harold uh it's not gonna be doable in his lifetime i don't think at least not with the way i play um because we'd have to grab all of these pretty quickly we're gonna be going for grabbing norway first then probably gobble up denmark and then once you know we've got our scandinavian holdings sorted we'll launch a massive invasion of of england that is my plan um but yeah uh when you do this as well all tribal holdings will uh in the realm will become castle holding so you your tribal vassals change feudalism you change feudalism with this so it will be the end of our our tribal existence we're gonna want to get to high partition for that we need heraldry um or at least get to partition we need to register rules that's going to be a focus but obviously to start with we are not the cultural head that's bjorn ironside he holds 12 counties uh i only have two that glorious norse land but yeah so we've got we've got viking tactics which give us new men arms rangian veterans are beautiful got long ships obviously herds for huskarls we've got varangian adventures which we're not gonna utilize for this because we don't want to up sticks and move because we want to go for norway um so we don't want to do that but at some point maybe maybe when we do a i was thinking of doing a sri lanka campaign at some point but maybe we'd do that by starting off as a viking and doing a varangian adventure over to sri lanka that could be good fun let's begin our adventure we're going to want to form the duchy of vikin pretty pronto which we can do by declaring war on these guys but we've got some we don't need to worry about the ground block just yet lifestyle choice uh we're going for conquest and we're gonna go for chivalry and through gallant air is unmarried which is my uncle currently um i don't think we can get any alliances with him so we will look what's his stats like he's a winter soldier nice uh brilliant strategist let's find a lassie who is good at fighting she's she's scaly but she is pretty strong although this one not scaly at 19. i've got any similar traits both honest oh she is uh she's amazonian yeah let's go for i know she's shy but she's zealous and diligent he's got diligent let's go for that get that amazonian in there early boom give that i've a go wife she is cowardly absorber okay she's gluttonous loves her food she's forgiving which is sinful to us uh she's content tough soldier and afforder we're calm brave ambitious skill tactician open terrain expert quick and a novice hunter right right right right well let's pop in here to the council and get her to help me with the old chivalry maximum conquest oh um gothi is actually pretty good he's not terrible what's this oh he's a poet as well i've not had the poetry events pop up yet in this it's pretty good there's plenty there's plenty of forest fear not for the murder forest don't worry don't worry um collect taxes switch that to domestic affairs keep everyone happy yeah organized levies to start with them will train commanders let me just go through my my champions and see who we've got my uncle and chancellor um i will forbid you from fighting i'm going to recruit you uh my spine master forbids steward forbid yeah no no no no no no no another uncle there um i'm gonna invite some champions as well spend that and i'm also gonna spend my prestige on some baringian veterans minute arms which are just bonkers heavy infantry they are counters for spearman heavy cavalry winter effects um toughness and screen increases in a harsh winter and a normal winter and they have benefits in farmland plains and hills getting you boys in we go i'm also gonna get some huskarls and then what we've got left i'm gonna go for some uh vegmen because they've got better toughness and screening than regular bowman they've got counters against skirmishes just like regular arches but they've also got winter effects so pop them in um my mother can marry right we'll marry her off for an alliance [Music] you know guys are nice and strong up there where are you guys you guys down here yeah we don't want that because we'll be going to war with them soon so you can go marry uh herrick to the north actually is oh no um actually um i can make her a shield maiden no i'm not gonna marry her off we'll have to do matrilineal right to keep her in the family find spouse matrilineal [Music] they're up here that could work because i can make them bend the knee although actually it's good for the genius although i think you're you're probably past having only you're not past having kids yeah get the genius matrilineal keep stay in the family though because i want to make you a shield maiden all right let's set all that off now roughly lovely and then make shield maiden gain straight shield main plus three marshall plus three prowess ah i need more prestige 350 okay i could use a hook right okay more prestige than we're doing that that's the thing with uh with viking characters or norse characters getting enough prestige is often tricky we can choose we can determine um a personal deity uh i'm gonna go for yeah go for thor i will dedicate thought friend of humanity stewardship and prowess uh yeah i'm definitely gonna recruit you you won't cost me much early on which is good just wait for our forces to gather on up then we'll go attack these guys ah so yeah best best way to gain prestige as norse twitch chat share your thoughts let me know yeah murder forest is over there people we need to murder in you go you'll never come out battles and conquest raiding is an easy option nice i can say yeah that's the thing we haven't taken a look at yet which i do love wit so in terms of what legacies are you gonna go for in this this let's play lion heart uh adventure and pillage because these are amazing uh and in fact we probably want to go through pillage first and get sea wolves because you get prestige and fame for battles plus 100 prestige you get prowess as well always space in the hold practice kidnappers so it would be worth having a character with the intrigued um ability to do the kidnapping uh i love that they've added this this just honestly gives and this is a small dlc this is just a flavor pack dlc this gives me like just insane like hope for what what's coming in the bigger dlcs when even just adding in this sort of stuff does change things up quite quite dramatically you'd also have a murder we could also have a murder mountain yes like we did in our aragon campaign because there's there's mountains where we're where we are as well pure tactics that's a that's a good shout but pillage is nice yeah gold from ransoms game prestige when ransoming prisoners making a killing enemy uh fatality uh fatality fatal casualties fatality and you gain gold from battles five gold per 100 fatal casualties just gain more gold for killing more people and then no quarter so it's just yeah brilliant and then one the last adventure you've got brilliant stuff through here as well gift givers faith so we're going to go through both those but we'll go through pillage first that is the plan the murder the murder fjord as well actually yeah murder fjord right there's so many possibilities right how many can we muster okay we're at maximum let's go declare war on you die die die die we're gonna conquer county that's all we need to do cost 50 piety there's new music and everything as well i love it it's so good raise the army let's go our viking crush him you got new character on the map it's glorious who don't love some viking action we've captured this guy already is that adding to it no he's not can i ransom you for money a word but you don't you don't have you don't care for him that much an important chord here okay i could recruit him he's actually pretty useful and a weak hook yeah i'm gonna do that oh we've got a berserker coming to join us yes recruit court ash that's the point i don't i haven't chosen my court position yet have i sacrificed him to odin no i don't want to sacrifice him yet um probably some other prisoners and stuff um yeah who's got the highest my berserker could be a good uh healer physician or 15 here we go this guy who is ill oh that's that's not it that's not a good omen is it uh you go as court position try not to die yourself in the process that'd be awkward we wiped out their army in a single battle so they're now um gonna die i didn't even check the or any of my characters really bad no actually all of them we've got a fairly decent start actually that's a lot better than the one i had when i tried this for my first look on youtube a berserker healer you can also learn to be able to can you learn to be one or i thought you only got it when fighting through battle have they added that i'm not fully up to date with everything that's new but i'm trying to keep up with it all are they they are assembling a small force over here station procedures and go smack em we're leading the army also am i do i just see that right i am homosexual all righty then yeah i need to seduce the wife um why oh here we go i've captured you could i what happens if i if i ransom you i get 36 gold what's the execute option i'll gain some dread and some piety as a fairies normal think me a tyrant i kind of would like the money right now but i'll let twitch decide right let's ransom i think yeah 36 gold i'll probably knock our war score down because we haven't fully conquered this yet yeah that's fine we can just go capture them again possibly [Music] yeah i'm streaming ck3 mondays and wednesdays currently so mondays will have the plan will be to do viking this series uh and then wednesdays we'll do aragon to start with and then a couple of hours of viking in the afternoon because usually my wednesday streams are around about six seven hours so that'll be the plan for the moment oh there we go there's a hundred percent oh hang on can we get we gained a prisoner hello pop it i can ransom you uh three gold maybe we kill this one maybe we recruit this one are you not his heir no you're just a random child um is it bad killing the children so early he sacrificed them let's send him to the murder fjord uh and sacrifice him to the gods to the gods for our glorious victory and then we can enforce demands we gain some prestige we need more though we need more prestige so that my mother can become a shield maiden for us let's um i think we could probably disband and get some more soldiers raise a rune stone i have enough money to do this or this will give us prestige for them yes my mother can then become a shield baby boom yes but what to carve just carve a rune stone uh every room so tells a message of some significant event in the life of the commissioner from the smallest peasant to a chieftain like myself the stone records all what shall this monument speak of perhaps my vanquish foe uh rolled or you want me to pay how much for a giant painted boulder uh no so we can get refunded or no we want it we want it uh we want it done my vanquish foe rocks through the ages location uh with that i'm gonna have it in best fold though that's my capital so we gain plus 0.5 control although actually that would be better to have would be better to have here we'll talk we all watch street your streams for the child murdering exactly exactly right yes that'd be a good place pop that runestone there we can't hold a grand blog just yet because we need more gold for that you need like 75 we can make her into a shield main though my mother she's got the prowess she's gonna gain more being a shield maiden send the proposal there we go oh look at herrama that's awesome so if i'm not mistaken she can also can she also become a champion for me yeah there she is boom ha ha there she is i'm going to recruit this boy as well because he's three gold and he's 17. so that's my that's my champion list look at that look at that prowess 20 17 17 15 14. lovely my cousin inspired martial for beard everybody else forbid i'm gonna forbid you because you're actually amazing we don't need you guys we've got a full group we get a few more soldiers so we'll wait for them all to be ready and then we'll go off a raiding i think pregnant fate spells paul my wife she's bearing a child huzzah good uh did i did i start i didn't start seducing her why can't i romantic we already met romance i guess so time seduce if i hold off actually if i hold off a little bit until ah doesn't help seduction schemes dang it that's only the romance ones yeah okay right we'll give it we'll give it a crack now then what's the worst that can happen she ends up hating me probably let's try and seduce her you get events now where people propose a character for you to have as your conquer point which is pretty cool that is a terrible hat though yeah you are right also we're 19 now which means we can have our first beard we're gonna go fast girls braids look at that beautiful braids you've got huskarlbrade and aspiring viking and you've also got um massive braid i feel like that's when he becomes king that's that's that's big beard energy that's big beard energy um you've got grizzled varangian as well but i'm gonna go for huskarl's braids for now my hair's fine that hat no no no viking cat no y'alls cassie it looks so silly um north circle no i want to get me a um is that all we can get yeah i'm going with that one gilded german boo helmet with mail look at that that's that's a proper hat happy days oh yeah some nice nice clothing as well nice clothing um ooh adventurous cloak ah look at all these fox skin ah so cool the cape oh big fur cloak i feel like that's that's big ragnar energy once we've done some some more conquering i think for now i'm gonna go for an adventurous cloak and then my clothes northern lords would be a commoner lone ability so we've currently got that one number two i think we'll stick on that until we become a a duke which we can actually go for we've got the number of counts you don't have enough gold so we need to go a raiding but we need to gather up our troops for it first and some armor i'll add some armor when we go when we go viking so let's just have a little lookie i wish there was a map mode for raiding that'd be really nice they've got i went to cornwall last time that worked out pretty well britney's fairly plump it's all about going after people that you can definitely kill has wessex formed england yet no jorvik still busy conquering northumbria they'll probably form the dane law once they take all of that it's much easier for them to form their kingdoms now uh probably we need more gold for that are we nearly there no we're still like 100 men away oh yeah we got the yum's viking decision as well so i was trying to work out on youtube i don't know if anyone commented what i was missing to have frank's equal to county is coastal uh must have an empty castle city we can't get castles though so if i got a i've got a conqueror castle first is that right or a city and then i can do it is that what you have to do to get them so you have to conquer someone that's that's feudal already i think maybe i have indeed seen the last kingdom series many times uh gift for labor what would she like she is poetry wood carving of a castle um i'm gonna go for a wood carving of a castle yes a sun with no special traits of course he will be the great viking that will lead us all to glory tim hey go too strong and wise my son uh you will be a fighter just like your father and you're also gonna be educated by him boom all right that's one kid may there be many more oh here we go we're getting offers of concubines what's this offer concubine you've captured someone have you yes you've captured her and gone you know what she'd be good for you not really feeling that what about the other one what are you who are you offering you are offering this lassie who yeah she's she's more impressive i will accept and i am going to on decline yeah i'm just gonna decline oh we've got ourselves a concubine oh yeah do we get a is that part of the prestige penalty or is that income have they got rid of the concubine penalty or was that not a thing for vikings [Music] [Music] yeah what's her shame her prowess is really bad although i can't make her a shield main it's only direct family members you can do that but yeah if we have lots of daughters now um that's fine we nearly are our fully raised limit just waiting for the levees come on levies we looked upgrade these guys when we've got a bit more uh prestige as well i want to go a raiding didn't you get peanut yeah you did i thought maybe they've got rid of it i haven't slept through all the patch notes that come alongside the uh the dlc yet so i don't know if it's maybe mentioned in there entertained with poems let's go for poetry it was great huzzah 75 chance to seduce that's good come on levies my beloved wife i lay with her lovely smashing message so they still haven't grabbed northumbria yet to do battle with zeal what's this i understand you are interested in deepening your grasp of warfare helgi smirks as he approaches me i might be able to help you see the battlefield in new ways helgi is well known for his mastery of fighting infidels if there is one who could help me understand it would be him i want to learn comes my mentor will attempt to teach you his holy warrior skill uh yes teach me thanks for destroying those raiders that's cool or whoever it was you are after right raise everybody as raiders let's go a raiden call wall have you still got lots of loot uh well you do you do it in devon so that's where we're gonna hit first oh it's really annoying that candy got hit that in my when i did my first look of this canterbury had like 53 gold northern france um there it's little bits and pieces oh that one's good the reason why i'm not gonna go straight to northern france or i might swing that way is that they are big and strong if they send armies towards me they will break me cornwall can't raise enough against me kingdom of brittany probably can't so i don't want to bite off more than i can chew right now right now what about venice actually yeah let's hover over venice we'll just finish have at the start 28 uh not worth the sailing trip we're getting we're going for holiday in devon which is where i'm going hopefully in september fingers crossed oh yeah i said i put some armor on let's add some armor all the lord's armor there we go ready for battle isn't certainly south of your capital also part of my duchy it is but i never bother going for that to start with um i will grab it once we come back from this raid but i always grab that one because it's easier to get next to us and we only need three to form the duchy so we'll incorporate that one afterwards gain the money these guys have got a little bit of coin so we'll go grab that that part of the uk nice and sunny yeah i think devin could be nice and sunny in cornwall i mean the uk can be nice and uh uh did we get your son is that your son please that's your son i've got your air 100 gold yes how much are you offering return for this offer the offer actually hasn't come up um go shake release come on conversion no 100 gold yes please lovely thanks for the loot as you like is where you can now get it um events where you you're raiding territory and you'll be offered gold to leave and peace out with them so you won't come back for a while which is pretty cool harold the sensible indeedy devon is lovely yeah i'm looking forward to it we will have a a two-month-old with us so that could be interesting [Music] level of fame has increased lovely all right we've got 27 loot so far oh we could go raid breast i do love a good raiding of breasts over we go awesome sneak thank you very hitting southern whales uh they got any good loot oh 17. yeah there's some good stuff there actually sorry we'll go for breast in a minute but first whales must perish to our raids blunder results in a claim ooh nice oh lovely i mean we don't need the claim because i've got a i'll have a du jour one because of the duchy lovely a white will come out be allowed to use an axe um we'll find him a nice soft axe to play with here's what's here how much does the western coast of hispania have i mean santiago like churches often have a lot santiago's got it oh here we go we've got a test i've gained holy warrior lovely what does that actually give me uh faith hostility advantage nice i'll be against christians yeah there's quite a lot all the way down all the way down hispania but they're big and they can raise enough forces to easily trounce me so that's that's the key with uh with raiding don't bite off more than you can chew unless you've got really fast rapid raiding capabilities pillage the cornish pasties i've already done that we've already raided them i need some beer i do have some some some braids put in me in my beard i don't know i i actually i've got a i've got a proper treat for you guys so we've got fire and blood here we're going to go for bring me mountains plunder for gold and prestige lovely but i do have a treat for you guys that hopefully i'll be able to show you all in i know a couple of weeks time i've got to wait for it to be delivered it's going to take like a week or two for it to come but i've actually got um some uh cosplay uh kind of icy blue contacts or similar to ragnar's eyes as well as the as a temporary tattoo of the one he has on his head so obviously i've got my my viking costume so i'm gonna do one of these streams in full viking cosplay with the with the ragnar tattoo on my head uh with the blue contacts in i will try them out beforehand though to make sure that um they don't irritate me eyes or something bad like that um ransom or i could execute you yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna sacrifice you because worth it not a marshall perk uh night effectiveness definitely i like his tattoo i don't like that much that i'd want to get a permanent ragnar tattoo on my head but yeah all fire and blood again perfect yeah we're gonna make so much with this perfect i'm getting so much money from this as well we don't even get to breast we won't even get to breast this next one will be the next one you i'm gonna keep on killing you all i think um you won't be ransomed anyway yeah keep giving me dread and pisces please you're catholic so yeah you're heretical scum you don't follow the true gods so you will die yeah i've got some beard braids so we'll wear them with uh with the cosplay at some point oh yeah we don't need to do that one right head home guys drop all that loot off that should be enough to form the uh duchy or we can actually do it now do it now boom i'm now a mighty y'all i can ransom you um [Music] you're pretty old i'm going to ransom you for 50 gold yep i can take a concubine my courtier that's log um are you good at anything uh go on uh inheritable traits quick maybe that's from me uh you know what no i'm not i'm not going to you're not particularly amazing a few champions i can get more can i uh um i will allow who are allowed to join us [Music] fight champions that cost me prestige leave that for now um let's just get you working on county control over there uh yeah how much does rome go actually that's worth checking rome has got 36. that is yeah that is very oh and it's actually it's actually doable they only got 1250 52 so we could go and raid rome raid the papacy i think we might try and do that if we get a few more troops we'll just take this one because we can declare on them shortly right uh we need to disband these guys we can hold a ground block let's do that let's do that now so a great festival and sacrifice there's definitely a norse decision to sacrifice the pope we just need to invade italy or do i need to control it or do i need to just have him captured because that could be pretty interesting we could uh hold a feast and call a hunt that will give us more prestige but i don't know what we need more for right now right perhaps uh so who do we want to invite to this festival all the free men of my domain will come yes everybody's invited that does take a while the thing is we can't raise our armies now while the um the ground block is um is activated so um we just need to sit and wait basically it gives us time for our troops to replenish a little bit um mere wife can i pursue you oh we didn't oh we do we seduced her but it didn't she didn't become lovers we just we just laid together let's try and seduce her again because we've only got the one child at the moment oh tim harold's son here we go the ground blocked um with a grant and a small affair we have to choose what we're going to sacrifice [Music] an animal um peaceful foul for every man no no no no no tradition matters the gods shall taste human blood but we're going to go big go big i'll go home with these instances let's sacrifice man and animal alike here we go so we get 250 piety uh optionally you may designate a chief sacrifice from among your prisoners who have have i got any of i don't have any that's a shame next time though i'll have a prisoner that will sacrifice for this only the fine sacrifice will do man and animal alike need to control all of italy to what to sacrifice to pope uh okay i mean we might be able to do it games pensive um okay yeah learning is good too but also learn to use your sword please learn to use your sword i'm going to attack you in a minute i think the still it's still going isn't it or is it ended now we've fired that i think it's done actually [Music] new kingdom bloodline adopt fuel we won't be doing that consecrate bloodline strength and bloodline we can try but we won't be going for any of the blood uh legacy stuff beneath those layers be as gallant and charming as possible yes i am fairly gallant right i think we can declare war on this boy oh i should rethink my approach oh no it went bad row rut row that's not good oh here we go the ground block is the final part of it to odin to prayer to the new near um or we can rub shoulders with the common muck so we lose went to grand festival and we get went to people's festival so i don't i don't see why we would never not do that one to be honest because you want to have that popular sport that's quite useful go for the uh rub shoulders with the common muck why not right clear war and grab this now please uh i could subjugate you actually but that cost me a lot of prestige uh i could press my own claim or i can just conquer it wow ah they got ten thousand two that was close didn't see that did i you are under this boy what happened to your dad oh sick of snake whoa what happened to him he was murdered oh he did not last long yikes you're a strong boy and you've got some strong friends ah you've got this guy who have you got who is this dude yaldam of the of the northmen army what what is this how are you allied to that's what is this there's been a mud that right not bootlegger yeah we've turned we've turned off um child name redeems at the moment because we've already got like 10 queued up has he gone off on an adventure then or something how has he gained all of that house telemark oh is it what from this one is that telemark he's got a claim on me oh he's got he's got a claim on that one yeah uh he is currently at war northern army of duchy of um swalinsk he's going over there oh that's no fun um if i kill ice too far away from me to interact with the other option is to kill this boy oh there is not a good chance of that eight percent we're not very good at the whole murder thing yeah that is far from ideal he's an adventurer yeah i could say y'all yeah he's the one we raised the runestone for oh that's cool he's one legged though he chopped off his leg in that conquest clearly that's fun oh no that's rather unfortunate isn't it uh what's my council looking like okay so we can't grab that then um not at the moment anyway you're you're helping out the northern army but i don't think i'd be able to nip in there and grab it before getting killed i don't know he might be able to bring his forces back i'm not sure i want to risk getting absolutely smashed because we'd be declaring war on him so we just go through all of his territory i imagine he'd come back with them all although maybe the northern army wouldn't what is their number oh they're fairly even actually i say give it give it a little bit longer and see if they one of them wipes out the other one we'll go after these guys instead um conquer the duchy i do actually have enough to do that although they've got more troops than me [Music] rattus [Music] okay what about rogueland [Music] yeah you guys are weak i can go after you don't need the duchy declare war raise my men we'll pick them off around them and then come back and get them my quality is pretty good uh i will actually look to upgrade these guys when i can that's going to cost me 300 prestige keep fighting then we'll go radian again i think we're uh we've got the murder fueled in this in this series yeah it's the murder fjord in this campaign kill em all we've got elite quality but it's not enough ransom you you're the chieftain or i do like trial by combat as well that we've got now we've got a if we've got a valid imprisonment reason on someone we can uh uh offer them trial by combat which is pretty cool um that will give me oh is that how is that not giving me the war score from prisoners he's we haven't what oh right he's yeah sorry i thought we got him we don't we've got his friend um if i execute you i'm just gonna i'm just gonna ransom you actually can i negotiate release are you worth are you worth stealing not really let's have some gold then sing of rejection oh no he failed to seduce the wife i can't seduce her again for a while you won't be you refuse to be ransomed because i'm assuming you're an important courtier so i'm gonna execute you blood for the blood god there we go boom oh we took the prisoner we can ransom you 10 gold are they your only oh no no primary yet that's fine uh we'll just ransom give me the gold [Music] give me all the loot give me all the loot i've gained that bit we're now four or four it's okay how is their war going they're battering one another um how many troops can i now raise not that many more let's go raiding again then console that out just yet you're you're you're okay you're homosexual stop trying to seduce ladies fine hair fair hair a nice lad stop now no we need we need more heirs he can push through it [Laughter] that's why we're not very good with the stock at least we at least we have an air but if something happens to him we're in trouble the challenge oh practice jewel yes against dosti it's a poet half goadie yes challenge accepted or i can wound him no we won't do that let's end it here well fought okay we've got 1500 we can raise are they they got an ally oh they're right he's allied to him how is northumbria still alive as well what the heck is happening there ella's son what what's going on there northumbria normally always dies what the heck how are you still alive [Music] how did you get defeat surely you didn't get defeated you've got special soldiers still yeah what what never seen that never back down that's normally gobbled right up you've became the dane law straight away that is uh very rare indeed yeah we're witnessing uh something quite strange there right um yeah i was gonna what if i he's under that one but how does that give how does that give an alliance to so confused how does that oh she is married to who ha what how did you oh she was married she was married to snake in the eye first that's how that's happened right who's easier to kill her eight oh wait is it i'm assuming my intrigue is just awful it's not great we've already tried looking at murdering him it's not going to work um between this guy [Music] murder 8 yikes it's much harder to murder people these days have they changed that so it is much tougher it seems like it right well let our troops gather on up um yeah right that's that's very interesting that's very interesting i'd love to know where that northern army is right now but i i don't want to risk going up against that water is that just yet could probably go after you guys just keep grabbing land i might just do that actually rather than raiding at the moment raiding is good but grabbing more land for a kingdom is better uh mistress let's have a hunt actually i'm brave and i'm a novice hunter sound the horn do a hunt then we'll go after that one can i still do invasions yeah you can still do like if we go over here we have to do a range adventure but that would take us all over there which we don't want to do we can do an invade kingdom one if we have enough prestige which will be nice to gobble upload stuff um poacher training yes go for that one long ships on the sea [Music] lovely right with that i'm actually going to upgrade my varangian veterans um might be a little bit too much but uh but we can still go after these guys while we're waiting for that conquer the county add a rally point up here let there be war [Music] wow my advantage 39 that's bonkers go kill all the gods risk it for a biscuit yeah the new the new tracks they've added in are great oh nice our champion ripped their head off one of the enemy um champions and became a berserker in fact it was this guy [Music] our off uh gothi nice is now berserker beautiful yeah look at that excellent prowess good lad can maybe can uh gothi be married i kind of feel like he should be spreading his uh his berserker seed around a bit let's find him someone nice someone that's got a lot of marshall uh actually we can filter it by um prowess as well can't we she's showing up is pretty decent oh she's a berserker as well oh you're you're meant to be together then we'll not be born into a house oh no that's fine descend fun oh who's raiding me ah sneaky just taking their plunder go get him and i'm being raided i will catch you you can he run from me laddie three two one here we go it's gonna be close though my advantage is sublime how are we doing up here no we're smashing oh yeah we're smashing them good axes out break them nice two wins lovely camp dispute uh let's try delivering a speech about unities of the crowd we are stronger when we stand together my berserker land doesn't have any i don't think he has to be unlanded doesn't he uh oh wait no he can he can have land can't he yeah uh we'll get we'll give him we'll give him this bit of land that we take up here for the north the north remembers take your stuff you have casper whose stuff where are you you're of these guys yeah well you're sure i'm gonna come for next oh what's this uh oh oh you are weak i am strong you dick just because you've got your ally this means war
Channel: lionheartx10
Views: 395,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: North Sea, North Sea Empire, High Kingdom of the North Sea, North Sea Vikings, Viking Adventures, Viking Raiders, Northern Lords, Northern Lords DLC, Northern Lords DLC CK3, Crusader Kings Northern Lords, Crusader Kings 3 Northern Lords DLC, How to be a Viking, Viking, Viking Gameplay, Viking Crusader Kings, Crusader Kings III, Paradox Development, Paradox Interactive, crusaders kings 3, crusaders kings iii gameplay, crusader kings 3 gameplay, crusader kings 3
Id: -P25NE7FNeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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