Crusader Kings 3 - Part 5 - Sweden of Iniquity

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good afternoon ladies shopping i'm john this has been a trudeau welcome back to crew city kings 3 well last time let's talk all about the things that john did right because we did it we got ourselves a duchy my empire is not going to horrendously and pointlessly fragment the moment i dropped dead i flipping did it i did it in possibly the most ridiculously long-winded way imaginable probably most of it wasn't necessary but we flipping did it we've got a duchy i feel quite frankly we were hard done by when you know the king of sweden just sort of decided hey i'm gonna be having the capital of the dutch you blatantly flipping one so okay that's fine we are now the duke of owland which i'm pronouncing correctly you can clearly see on screen right now it says owland so that's absolutely fine though there are still some small problems like say how uh norway keeps flipping invading us and they've got the right to do holy wars and uh and we don't still we've got a giant pile of troops now but uh yes on the other other hand the more negative side yeah juke olaf has done spectacular things for our realm but he's 58 it's only a matter of time so that means that we've got the succession sourced out but we need to make sure that uh yes precious young adult though honestly not that young anymore to be honest he needs to inherit a good well put together kingdom that is properly under control so we're working on yes getting catholicism out of sunderland we're working on building up control in upland we're doing a bit of building in the capital as well just to make sure we have got more troops showing up so yeah we've got a few a few small problems here there's apparently a uh a smuggling ring that's popped up due to low control so that should disappear over time that'll be fine don't worry about it now while that's going on up north and yes uh bits of denmark and bits of norway just fight backwards and forth of sweden though where did the army of sweden go okay i'm sure sweden have an army somewhere we don't need to worry about it so yeah i was briefly thinking you know what we could volunteer to join the war then i realized no dumb idea instead while norway's busy over here how about we just continue yeah basically ransacking the entirety of norway in particular just out of interest okay now that's interesting the capital of norway is apparently right flipping here that's why we got someone good out of it previously so all we really want to do is just jab basically keep sieging that place keep attacking it keep raising it constantly because we'll just keep eventually finding more and more family members who we can release on condition that they convert then again the same thing might be true for engaging in battle because if we go in with a superior army with superior leaders superior knights etc we might be able to capture some of their knights and again on condition for being set free they have to convert so that's a possibility could do with some more money so just for the time being oh now this is uh this is going to be nice though i will say i think we can probably move the rally point let's actually have you know the main rally point b right flipping here love it right raise up the flipping troops and by the way i'm now allowed an extra man at arms unit because yes i'm now a juke but uh yeah we do actually have we have too many uh too many men at arms in in some ways this is all absolutely fine probably best we get some uh like say pokemon out pokemon seem fun so maybe we'll get some of those uh into production not her skulls yet that's that's definitely a good idea but some pokemon to see off horses and horsemen to see off bowman and also because horsemen are very good at uh pursuit so no that's screening john that one's pursuit though admittedly horses aren't very they're not very good you know in sweden too many hills too much forest but hmm therefore do we actually even need a pikeman to be honest because i mean bowman are the real stars when you've got hills and forest aust abouts well we'll think about that in a minute we need some more money for the time being so just raise everybody up yes indeed it's going to be everyone's favorite valdemar i'm going to miss him when he eventually dies i'm going to be genuinely so flipping sad because now now we've got the troops that we don't need to go to ireland anymore so ireland you can breathe a sigh of relief we will not be coming in your direction because denmark is right here and a damaged crippled denmark works in my favor because denmark just insists on continually being friends with you know norway not on this particular occasion though you do have matching masks which is lovely but yes on this occasion uh they're not actually friends anymore which is spectacular but yeah denmark is a threat to us as is norway so let's start with norway just see if we can capture some important folks convert them make some money on the rating everything is going to be absolutely a-okay and keep a close eye on the war as best we would you mean 1 100 i can see we've got more than that ah probably because of control and other related problems okay fair enough i suppose let's just uh get the troops out onto the water and find somewhere to go and you know ransack i will say though now we've been able to uh you know give away finland which is spectacular yes it's now being managed as a tribe i couldn't give it away before because it would have gone independent because then i would have been a count managing account which isn't allowed but now i'm a duke i've given it away it is actually going to start producing some if not much in the way of tax and levees okay we found the swedish i'm not sure where they went possibly they were going to try and deal with the inner hebrides issue but i think that's a bit of a lost cause my friends and yeah i've realized something very fortunate which is uh you've got to be careful who you're attacking just because i'm attacking norway that doesn't mean i'm just attacking norway if i actually attack a duchy i attack the locals so these guys are dangerous the best option for me with this army is in fact yeah go for denmark because denmark let's just actually split them out too they are not as strong they are not as strong especially over here so ransacking the danish border with sweden definitely a more sensible idea but what we do want to do is yes just keep attacking norway right here and also who's oh um sweden sweden did though they didn't actually capture anyone though possibly they did actually would i be told if my legion captured someone i don't know be i just want to keep raging this territory as many times as i can because every time i do i might capture someone then i can just convert them and everything's brilliant right you get over here that will be absolutely a-okay and we'll just loot absolutely all of this and we've got a mind and body related event so okay the link between mind and body absolutely makes sense so need a healthy outlet to cope with the strains of ruling ah this is just a free way to reduce stress which i kind of need because i'm getting close to a little bit of a breakdown of some description so okay go for a run lose some stress i might pick up athletic which is actually really really darn good but alternatively you could spend the afternoon doing a bit of journaling again it's 50 50. might become a journal that is learning plus one instead or take the day off so that's more guaranteed stress nice and easy but like yeah there's a chance i lose no stress but i might also gain exercise the perk is really nice because that's permanent health boost that's oh yeah go for it i'll give it a go and do i want the i'll take the learning so i'll do a bit of blogging for the afternoon and darn it i don't feel relaxed at all that's a bit of a shame but what can you do right anyway we're getting on with just ransacking these guys there's nothing you can do about it so basically screw you so 17 gold keep on keeping on we'll be up to 120 in no time and yeah sweden's just swinging round uh they're just dragging this out here that is dragging this out by consistently sieging and unsieging the territory that you know the norwegians need to actually uh win so that's all absolutely a-okay is that done by the way that is done keep on keeping on so much money thank you for all this money denmark i really appreciate it in fact you know what if denmark can't stop me and i don't think denmark really can stop me then again they can probably just about get out enough troops but if i could actually ransack denmark this has got to be the way that we potentially start putting some important people on the throne we need to capture them and force the conversion oh hang on did i miss something important up north because you guys i see there is an army here and a secondary army but these armies are all trash there's not much here it's all low quality stuff so all right keep an eye on that up there while we continue to just you know make giant piles of other people's money so yeah they've successfully managed to get rid of some of this sweden is trying to join back up is there gonna be a battle there might be a battle between yes there is a battle right now reinforcements are piling in okay let's consider what's going on here norway has brought more knights inferior quality but a lot more in the way of troops and it looks like uh unfortunately yeah their men at arms are better suited to this and they've got the better commander i want your trait by the way oh organizer then again retreat losses are reduced so that's kind of good just hold on while the reinforcements pile in and it's not going to be enough i mean you'll be able to do a lot of damage there's a fair bit of champion on champion wounding happening right now meanwhile i need to keep my eyes on you know the literal prize that should be enough for me to uh carry all of that home in a moment sadly yes indeed sweden is going to uh it's going to lose maybe i should have volunteered to help them maybe i should have done it oh when you say you oh hang on i thought you meant literally during that battle okay like they were literally facing off against each other one-on-one uh but no no it's fine instead the isles is coming in for a war i'm guessing you also want the inner hebrides yep unsurprising and i doubt you can stop them i mean you've not got much in the way of troops but sweden is sort of busy though seriously i just need a handful more troops and i might be able to start making attacks on the capital of norway and sweden and okay count john nervously fiddling with his sleeve do we trust count john so he's snuck into my quarters because he wants to snitch to me about uh that's my spymaster if it's that he's not actually you know really properly on board with our religion i kind of already know to be honest but okay ten opinion i lose the house hook but i gain a secret i don't think i really need the house hook yeah you always get um a weak hook on all your family members if you're the head of the dynasty alternatively i don't want stress no no no no no and uh hmm you know what i will trade you the hook for a secret sure why not and what is the secret i already knew he wasn't a real proper died in the wool believer we knew this i forced him to convert right armies full up of money back home drop it off straight back out again so yeah sweden's had their ass handed to them the norwegians are looking dodging they can continue to fight and i'm not sure sweden can then again sweden is on the home territory so they can just you know recover over time nice and quickly no ways behind enemy lines they can't right money has been dropped off how's the building project going by the way um bit on the slow side but yeah i suspect it's being more slowed down because of control does that affect building speed i swear building speed feels slow right now but i don't know if that's why and there's so much i could do like yeah for example right now these are all basic modern bailey castles whereas if i actually yeah had 800 gold i could get them straight up to do i need the no i need some more tech before i can get up to level two which gives me a whole bunch of new more advanced buildings i can take these buildings forwards to so yeah then finally up to concentric castle and a fortress at the top okay so we got ourselves a big old pile of loot right there honestly i think we should just keep going just keep basically making our journey around uh the whole of flipping denmark proving to them that oh maybe not that guy though maybe not this guy all right that's an example of a guy we don't want to mess with ah and bad luck i was trying to befriend the king but despite 80 chance to succeed it did not work out that reminds me by the way keep a close eye on you know the succession see what's actually uh going on here so okay okay okay okay arrange by vote score so it's still the kid who doesn't like me despite the fact that yeah i can actually put a lot of weight behind torsten okay and also is anyone else being voted for no one else is being voted for it's just between those two because the king right now or he has a child doesn't he doesn't have a daughter possibly no one's voting for her yet she's too much of a baby i think that's is that you yes that's you but nobody's voting for her just yet i mean one day one day potentially you are going to be you know important so can we actually get you no obviously the king's going to be a little bit reluctant to get his only daughter hooked up but then again that's surprisingly close actually then again there is the problem of hang on hang on hang on hang on the current winner is prince beau now i appreciate prince beau doesn't like me but i've got a hook on prince beau and prince beau isn't currently married or engaged oh flip may hang the flip on here he'll actually do it because right now he's not important he actually thinks he's not that important because he's wondering he's not actually in court which means he's actually he's willing to go for matrilineal he's willing to go for oh flip me oh flip the flip out of me i can get the next king of sweden hooked up matrilineally to my granddaughter i don't even need to use the flipping hook that's absolutely oh my oh the flip my okay okay okay okay here's what we need to do we need to make sure that he becomes an adult okay because once he's an adult they get married so in seven years he's an adult they marry because she'll already be an adult by that time then we make sure he's the next king we kill the last king and then all of a sudden i have got myself a bunch of flipping children who are the children of the king who are part of my house oh flip me this is accidentally perfect that has worked out so well also apparently i have a couple of great grandchildren but yes they're being raised uh elsewhere that is ilva the giant daughter of adelvard who managed to okay i thought she had a spouse but maybe she just didn't she's got some children from somewhere anyway do we know who the oh apparently they don't just like stick around forever if this i need to click there fine so yes she did have a husband patilla unfortunately died in died in battle that's a shame i tell you what though she actually married well those children have actually got claims on this entire little chieftain that i say this entire it's just one county isn't it yes it's actually just one county fine it just looks big on the map yeah if we want to raid denmark or norway further we're just going to need a handful more troops oh yes i should really search for a physician by the way we should get a good physician in because yeah my wife died so we don't have a doctor right now and i'm getting on a bit so that's that's probably uh that's probably a bad thing also we should do a hunt that will also get a tiny bit of stress down so yeah there we go let's do great big hunt that is spectacular as well and to fund all of that guys we're heading straight back out again okay so so so so who do we want to have as our new court position now gonna be honest she's she's not actually smart and doesn't have any doctor-related perks so okay uh not you how about you yes like the one who's actually smart i see she's cheap but honestly you've probably just got better people sitting around in your court so yes tall brand congratulations welcome to the courts oh bloody hell the hunt's taking a dark turn for something we were just doing for a bit of rest and relaxation so adelvard the next flipping duke of owland went running off ahead and then immediately yes was found standing over a commoner pulling an arrow out of his chest which he then hid and blamed on a boar so you could have just said it was an accident but okay what happened here so three-quarters chance that i just successfully lie to everybody and the county of upland is thrilled as a result of that everyone likes adovar too but oh dear yes there has been a murder and it will be exposed there's a 23 chance of that we must cover this up 50 50. so murder secret exposed or we hide the body adamvar must answer to his crimes uh murder secrets exposed by me and wow i could just kill adulvard which i'm definitely not considering why did you kill this guy by the way i don't know why you killed this guy he was just some nobody so the thing about adulvard is like he's a good kid he's a very good kid but oh blimey hang on if alvar dies we go straight down to his kit as the secondary heir don't we except do we because under gavel kind the rest of my children have to have something so we go down to hof goadie no half goat is his job he's olaf okay so you be olaf the second so i think he might become like the next in line or possibly it wouldn't be it would be stenar now i'm gonna be honest stenar is a bit of a beast and i wouldn't mind stenar becoming you know the primary heir but yes the son of sun sometimes takes precedence over stenar so i think the primary air would become i don't know who would the primary air become under that circumstance i mean adelvad is he's a pretty good guy all things considered he is a decent guy i mean look at those stats next to his actual son that's that's a lot better all round okay i'm gonna try and save adelvads i've got a good three-quarters chance of making this happen otherwise he's gonna be a murderer and okay we got away with that all right i don't really understand why you murdered that random commoner like you didn't need to but bloody hell now big question has sweden just sort of given up at this point because oh sweden is occupied i don't think you've got much and i gained prestige from being revitalized from covering up the murder i feel like that would stress me out more to be honest but whatever i mean you've got 800 troops i'm not sure you're allowed to to raise them if they're not already raised they well they're not over here because you're losing all of this oh sweden is sweden might be collapsing a bit at the moment which is a problem and also there's well there was some form of uprising but it was immediately put down so well done for that i suppose right all troops are sure let's be helping ourselves to a few more bits and pieces of other people's money but yeah uh sweden has been occupied by uh by wales right now the only bit of sweden that's actually you know sweden uh which i think is causing problems for everybody actually so yeah the holy war is going to be uh going to be lost but then again it's only a tiny bit of land we might be able to get some of that back and prestige is just coming in very fast for me bear in mind the moment i hit illustrious i am actually allowed to do english sister hang on let's actually demonstrate this very fast i can't because i've got armies raised but i can do yes a duchy level wars it's expensive but i can do it so i can't do holy wars but i can just do dutchy wars basically against anybody of my choosing oh yeah it's over it's over sorry go over to 100 there so yeah check them out there we have lost a bit of sweden and that de urey is supposed to be ours along with a whole bunch of other stuff though some of it now belongs to laplander some of it to norway so yes indeed we have got ourselves a problem still at the bare minimum we've now got a truce for the next five years so yeah he can't attack us for that long at least i mean what i'm thinking is the moment i hit the next level i could go and attack the duchy of scone scone possibly scone or scanner so yeah we could just take a bit of denmark that could be relatively accessible to me because these guys over here these guys aren't much oh and we've got a new learning lifestyle perk so okay okay okay okay and yeah i've been on it long enough now that i can change focus if i want to so wash your hands at illness but not disease at restraint celibacy bit late for that i feel like that's absolutely fine stress gain minus 20 percent is i could do without it's fairies just to i shift it afterwards i don't really need any of this to be honest so i guess i'll take uh illnesses and then yeah the priority at the moment really needs to be focusing on getting the empire into good shape so i think i'm gonna go back over to authority focus for a while because yeah authority focus will mean more control growth so that means we're just gonna speed up how fast we can get the actual you know county of upland back up to strength and oh my goodness the thing that isn't the title of the game has occurred which is yes the age of crusades has not yet kicked off but instead the age of jihad has so okay the great holy wars of islam are about to begin who are they going to be targeting i don't know but it shouldn't be me so hopefully it's fine surely that means though it's now only a matter of time until you know the catholics game crusades which again hopefully we'll be looking at you know jerusalem not may and while i'm just out with the troops because yes i'm now in a military focus abandoned castle okay i mean sure there's talk of ghosts but ghost sounds fun let's go find some ghosts so above there are tapestries and paintings that below who knows who gain ah i'm guaranteed to make gold it's just a stewardship challenge which i'm not so good at but okay might gain some dread and some stress but i might also gain at face my fears how good is that that's not worth a 70 chance of some dreading some stress i mean 40 stress is a lot i'm just going to take the money and oh flip me 75 gold also i picked up some like random low-born person does anyone even want her by the way i'm not sure anyone actually like wants her uh ransom no no one's got any money so be for a favor um does anyone know like who she who she belongs to or okay you know what sorry you're just gonna be got rid of i'll take the dread and the piety cause my religion says like you know we can burn you and it's cool right now that's got control moving up in a flipping hurry love it unsafe highways are disappearing conversion is speeding up yep things are settling down in the new acquisitions oh and very exciting and sexy lindoff can teach me about being a logistics person so supply duration plus 100 i mean that sounds useful for long distance rating but honestly i've never run into a situation where supplies have even started getting low before my troops are already you know so weighed down by treasure we have no choice but to come home i mean i was gonna take it regardless but uh unfortunately i must have got very unlucky there oh never mind it just took a moment to come through so i have picked up that extra trade beautiful so supply duration siege phase timer and fording lovely though i've now got kind of double forwarding so whatever and my glory just went up there we go all of that prestige coming in love it now i am illustrious so another night general opinion plus 10 and more importantly just just in theory if i wanted to declare say a dutchy war ho ho that's uh that's now allowed the problem with a duchy war though is yeah unfortunately of course i wouldn't be able to hold it because i wouldn't have an umbrella king title to maintain it but it would be a good game for you know sweden in general even if i don't directly gain out of it that is advantageous in its own right especially as yes i could try and take back norland but i do not have the manpower to pull that off though then again what's going on up here oh just i'm into vassal business nothing's actually gonna you know weaken the king at all okay good news and bad news the wooden barracks have been constructed which is great we can start work on the next building right there we are building up our troops nice and fast but the king is now popping out uh children in a hurry so prince presumably hawken is actually you know a boy meaning people are going to start voting for him pretty fast in fact hold the flipping phone who uh who are some of these people and why are you voting for him right there's there's a big extended family coming in no no put my vote over to here if you'd be so kind i now have a very very good reason for you know beau to uh become king but only ideally once he's hooked up with you know my granddaughter otherwise he could just decide to ignore the marriage when he comes of age so i can do a lot to this but i can't do everything okay so this is just some kid who is currently a guest of duke cole over on this side of the empire who was apparently the grandson of king hawken the first the red so okay some people are voting for him and his siblings for some reason meanwhile baby prince hakkin ah he was a set of twins that's why there's two of them already some people are voting for him including the king but the king gets like no vote power because nobody likes the king yeah specifically the people hate the king so he gets nothing so yeah development and popular opinion that lets me get more in the way of vote strength so if i boost popular opinion okay so popular opinion is a lot more important in a world where you've got scandidavian elective and i know there's a way to massively boost that hang on where is that here we are it's in oh no it's an architect possibly to my mind like the weakest tree in the game so yeah that's that's unfortunate i was kind of hoping it was going to be in overseer but i guess overseas kind of the opposite of being popular it's more about just being feared okay but here's the big one i've got the money to build a dutchy building which is pretty bloody spectacular so military academy user every ruler for the rest of time plus two nights and they're more effective that's so bloody temptation the marches i can do without that's that's not so good i mean garrison's size plus 25 is uh actually it might be worth it just for that because when you're boosting all the garrisons that's that's really nice then again it's it's garrison not levy like actually yeah the levy size plus 20 that's over here in the armory so and there's blacksmith that's that's pretty minor i can do without that jousting grounds is fine archery grounds is okay but i'm not sure i'm going to be specializing in arches you know forever tax office holding taxes plus 10 everywhere or giant piles of money yet plus 20 percent to levies or it could be money and of course this thing can be upgraded so up to 1.4 i feel like 1.4 is actually kind of underwhelming in the grand scheme of things whereas uh plus 20 to levy size that's just going to keep scaling up and up and up as i invest more and more and more so yeah i think we're going to have that but if i construct that i can't construct anything else at the same time so what i might do is have pastoral would get me a tiny bit of money and some levees military camps gets me plenty of levees i'm gonna take the camps i'm gonna take the camp right there that's all absolutely lovely and then it will take the boost after that points but now finally the economy's going to take off plus 2.7 that's decent also looks to me like yeah country might have recently burst over here so okay that's some nice easy pickings ah some of it's already been looted boo this one i think is fine though uh yeah we got a bunch of money we can have around here also apparently my wife actually was pregnant i'm gonna be honest i kind of brought you on board just like you know help out with managing the empire but i mean okay sure this is a nice bonus we shall call you surprise which is the polite way of saying accident also i should probably wait for hang on hang the flip on here hang the flip on here we need to let our armies uh recover for a second though why are my armies literally draining in front of my eyes oh bloody hell right it's bloody lindolf so yeah we decided what we were going to do was we were going to you know send lindofof to work in finland at which point he started actually you know making finland in some way valuable as a result of that it's immediately come at a bloody attack okay well that's just annoying okay your majesty king of sweden if you could like do something about this i'd appreciate it because i'm not sure i've already got enough troops i mean it's going to be to the wire and i don't want to throw that many troops away actually he's he's wandering off did he have okay he stole 15 gold and that was all there was so you know what it's not the worst thing in the world and yeah we seriously just need to let the levees refill because we could have so many more troops than what we've got right now if we just stopped you know constantly walking them around the world to raid oh sweden just cannot catch a break at the moment so yes uh wales and the isles both had to actually come all the way to sweden to just start smashing the hell out of it though fortunately it's down the south and now some kid is moving in two all right the duke of oppo land who is literally a 13 year old child so what are you after you want to county do you unacceptable no i'm not losing any more okay you're not having it problem is it's not a terrible army it's also got a whole bunch of horses which are very effective against my archers now my archers will do a good job versus those skirmishes okay we've got enough money coming in it is time we need to start getting some new troops into production so get some pikemen in play to counteract horses that might be dealing with you know my archers and a boost up these guys to seize toe in fact you know what we may as well get this done now we should destroy this regiment because once we get that out of the way sadly i don't get any form of a refund yeah i've actually got space to have my own horseman so i'm going to have one unit of horse as well now that's going to be a bit on the expensive side but it is going to make me much stronger as time goes by so we're just training up those troops right now oh good and the king of norway actually just uh just joined that fight right um your majesty you really really really need some new allies because right now you've got okay that's it's not much of an ally that really isn't much of an ally get some of these children married to somebody sweden is falling apart yeah right now sweden has like 300 troops so it's not exactly going well for him we need a period of peace and we're just being bull rushed from every side what he needs to do is surrender in all the insignificant wars give up this bit of land give up this bit of land and just focus on you know the mainland just focus on this bit okay control is high enough i'm starting to get a little bit worried here so how about yeah we move on to uh organized levees so let's get the reinforcement rate up damn it and everyone likes me well enough so yes my wife can also move over to chivalry just a tiny bit more in the way of troops please boost everything we need more men we need to get this filled up as fast as possible right the economy will be fine just as soon as we finish topping up all of these beautiful beautiful mena arms that will be lovely and then i would love to deal with this over here but i feel like oh there's another 50 gold thank you yeah we need i don't know what we can do like we're being attacked from too many sides and sweden can't do anything because they've only got one county that's that one's kind of my fault i feel like in some ways this is uh you know some of the uh eggs that i have laid are coming home to roost we just need to lose every single one of these wars and then take a moment to recharge and refresh okay that's all we need to do but i didn't like to not lose that counter that's that's gonna worry mayor are we strong enough to go over here and kick this guy's ass because we might be but then our bloody hell does there's also two large norwegian armies so i feel like it's kind of irrelevant because they're here for that one reason aren't they yes yes they are the thing is there's no point in me getting involved because what we need to do is surrender surrender a bunch of these wars uh give away the stupid territory over here we don't need it anyway i think these guys are actually fighting over over who gets to actually take it off us so just surrender it all right give up the county and then regroup you need some time to chill the flip out sweden because right now like half the bloody country is occupied okay my menotomes are ready to go but the levees are still damaged so they need more time but i feel like we've got okay right now i'm making 2.7 okay so is there an easy way for me to see how much it would cost if i were to be uh you know boosting things ah there we go i think that's what that means so if i were to raise everything then at that point i would be losing 11 gold every year so about 0.9 a month or they're about so that's not too bad all things considered so in which case would i like to have a one more unit of then again cavalry uh hmm they're expensive pikemen are pretty good just as you know straight up doing a murder and protection but i feel like actually my strength is in archers boost it one more time get them to rank three and while we're waiting for them to come through yes what we want is oh there's the high tense good good good good and control should be ticking up really nicely so okay that should be that should be good 500 levies are reduced by only 12 from low control that is ticking up warner every month so okay we are just going to stand back and let this happen yeah that's that's a war right there we're losing uh we're losing territory dangerously fast and the problem is that he had a truce with us he completely ignored actually did he or was it just okay all right marshall lifestyle get back in there we need to what's the right thing to do at this point yeah kingsguard another four nights admittedly i'm not sure whether i've got another good four nights but it'll do okay here we go that war's over you've not been besieged anymore you can regrow some tropes all right you need to get some troops and you need to marry off your bloody children like now you have so many siblings admittedly some of them are ah some of them have wandered off i say but you do have children you have like several unmarried children just get the marriage to somebody there are so many pagans with a decent number of troops over here estonia is right there make friends with estonia ah you already made friends with kerland and they're now having their asses handed to them by prussia so i see you back to the wrong horse got it this is just painful to watch though the kingdom is being picked apart and there's nothing i can do about it okay good that is all of the wars are over so the isles is gone we still have we still have this thing no that's not ours that's lapland so okay fine whatever so right the viking didn't go spectacularly well i feel like it kind of screwed us over we need to think about what the hell we're gonna do to norway we need to get some of this back but i feel like the better option might actually be yeah denmark okay we need to move against denmark i have the troops to make that happen i can make that happen i don't even need your help so my levees are now not reinforcing any further for the simple reason of i assume it's now limitations on control and whatnot so that's as many troops as i can get for the minutes denmark is in a very weak position right now and it's about to get a whole lot weaker oh we're setting some really bad nights out though okay bad cool bad call before we do that let's let's just start let's just get some champions in play very quickly somehow the military strength of sweden is continuing to go down oh it's because they're massively bankrupt okay this is this is just going spectacularly well for you i say right so you my friend a covetous gentleman welcome the flip aboard 80 gold are you flipping mad oh bloody hell right i'm guessing you're a guest for the minute okay i mean you're good but i'm not sure you're 80 gold goods okay we'll figure it out as we go this is the best move we've got right now i am conquering the entire duchy of scone probably so yes only 300 prestige absolutely nothing so yes them absolutely beautiful and we will be able to call in some reinforcements to help out too right vomaland i'm going to be needing your assistance you're technically in prison right now but apparently you'd say yes anyway and lapland never says no they just flipping love a good war so that is worth the prestige raise all armies this is gonna be the biggest army we have ever fielded it's gonna be beautiful not you though not flipping you i'm doing it i'm going in myself so get that up to strength absolutely beautiful lapland is involved of course and everyone is present and correct so yeah this is made up of hang on are you actually part of this territory too no that's actually a county are you a county that's part of well i'm glad i noticed that right okay so that's its own actual unique special little area down over here that needs to be taken care of so we've got to take care of county capitals so county capital county capital county capital that should be all of scone aside from the one we actually already have so that's all a-okay right guys all aboard the ships will storm the island first while waiting for the laplandians to arrive i have had enough of seeing sweden bloody shrink all right we are going in we're gonna take some flipping land back oh the king's dead by the way their king just um died so happy 16th birthday kid go on a hell of a war for ya so this is gonna be a really fun first day right i see their army over there we have got army that is bigger and on top of that much more elite because we are bringing all the knights in the world well wait what how we how am i losing that much money oh oh good so it turns out i read that completely completely wrong okay so that's um that's that's much more much more expensive than i was uh than i was expecting okay so we need to wrap up this war in numb in eight months which i think we can do assuming everyone else bothers to show up so yes we just go in take all of this smash them all we'll get some gold just for like you know taking this stuff obviously now denmark is yes the denmark forces are coming in over here you're probably going to attack those guys and probably do okay as well we'll hopefully get some loot out of this i cannot actually afford you know actually champions right now yeah 22 goals that's going to keep us going and also okay why is the price so wildly inconsistent okay you lad you at least are a reasonable price so yes we'll be having you and uh welcome to being a champion oh and here's interesting the people of owland are actually sending me money so i could get popular opinion up and development growth up but gonna be honest we need the money so thank you for that very useful so they're backing out right now the laplandians are in the process of arriving and we should hopefully be able to trap these forces yeah right now they're just pursuing this smaller lighter force then we just chase them down then we just take this here uh capital you guys got there before me but whatever then we just take that down and we will be in golden shape so they're just charging north at this point trying to catch up with vomaland but honestly while they're doing that we're just like you know knocking down their counters and stealing all their stuff like we're making 2.7 progress a day that's crazy and we're going to make a load of loot when the job's done tone and well that's sad okay so i mean i thought he was fine but then i guess it does indeed make sense that uh you know he was he was 64. so i guess he just died peacefully and when i say when i say peacefully he was engaged in a siege he did a lot of sieging okay so that's not too surprising all things considered and uh as a result of that yes we'll now be playing as um adelvat his time has uh has finally come yes indeed let us take a moment to remember jukolaff third a man who stepped up at the end of the voting age to try and stop it from ending and i'd say he did a pretty bloody good job all right what do you expect vikings to do you expect them to get in their boat go to flipping island and tear it to shreds until you are rich and that is what he did all right he started on a tiny tiny island and he turned it into a mighty duchy the most powerful duchy our mighty mighty outlander in all of sweden a great man and yet a man of some contradictions too let us be honest he was a calm and trusting and patient but when the time called for it he got on that boat he put on that completely anachronistic and a historical helmet he went and he raided and he didn't really talk too much about you know where the money came from when he got tough he just told everyone he was nipping out for milk he came back with a hundred gold he wasn't a glory seeker but he was one hell of a commander three different military traits and a strategist a great military leader a strong diplomat in his own right and the foundation upon which everything that follows up shall be built and uh duke adelward meanwhile moves into a very difficult position actually because uh yes he's taken over a war and he's not quite the military leader his dad was so we've just lost a lot of troops actually right valdemar i need you to step up and help us out for the time being because uh things are not as good as they should be the number of yeah the number of champions has just dropped significantly so that is uh that is a concern we do have 5 000 good troops here the enemy army has yet taken a bit of a battering and look at this huge numbers of basic skirmishes my archers will have the advantage going forward so all we need to do now is go forward and okay there's just going to be casualties i don't know what causes them precisely like some territories just seem to cause uh attrition just a single flat amount of attrition i have no idea what causes it but okay in that case screw you we'll just nip over here oh sorry we're not done with the siege yet sorry i thought we were done with the siege it's my first day i really apologize for that and okay good good work there we just need to destroy this army and now move up take out the rest and okay hang on now i am allowed to go through here possibly something to do with zone of control i haven't understood yet i'm not sure but uh okay okay okay okay let's just get our troops moving in this direction we have got plenty of manpower all right and where's where are my friends there we go my friends are right behind me good good good good everything is fine do we want to take the mom in the forest okay they're in the forest right now my archers would have an advantage in the forest if they want to get round anywhere we can catch them two months left that's not even that much and bear in mind oh money is money's a problem money's going to be a problem right okay let's make sure we know where we are right now so adelbert has been you know living his own life so that means yeah he's been going down diplomacy he's gone entirely down family hierarch so he can immediately befriend people each friend meanwhile means yeah less stress which is good befriends scheme powers he can make friends faster personal success chance against family members is higher his close family like him his children are better friends give him random skill points and children give him random skill points too and he's a patriot which means a bit more fertility and once again a stress loss now presumably therefore you would have made yourself a bunch of yes you have been making friends good good good good clever lad all right the ai is not a complete fall and he's got two children i'm gonna be honest i feel like we need to we need to get you a new a new wife i need to get you a new wife actually and yes i can just divorce as much as i want so we're to be getting rid of you bye and uh next up we just need to find you a lovely new wife and ideally if we could have maybe a new exciting you know sexy sexy alliance no the alliances are kind of trash just because all the counties have recently been trashed the best we can do is these guys who do still have a thousand but hang on aren't we already like alloyed to you i swear we're already allied to you oh no we've okay we've we've lost everything we've actually lost um we've lost okay that's that's right yes um in that case get them back on board please so yes my alliance doesn't count with lapland because yeah uh bjorg is apparently my half sister which isn't good enough so as a result of that oh dia i am really struggling to find people to marry to you know people who are close enough related to me because okay this is this is uh this is very concerning actually this is all very very concerning okay luckily because they were already in the war they're sticking in the war but that's um that's uh that's the best we can say about this right now so we need to wrap up these sieges kick these guys answers and finish this war fast because one bankruptcy two allies might just drop out anytime at all then again hang on hang on hang on hang on i need to i can't even find a good wife for myself by the way like i cannot find a good flipping wife best i'm getting is offers from bloody counties and whatnot so yes this is uh okay everything's fine everything is everything's a-okay it's it's all okay i'm pretty sure i already had yeah i had someone in for you already to get uh voma land back on side so that's that's fine just watch out for these guys right now they're not moving okay vomaland is back to being on side these guys just hanging on right here we've broken the walls so the role's going to start going more in our favor and denmark is wandering off they know they can't take us on directly and um by any chance did did my allies just go no no they're still there they're still there it's fine everything's under control and you might want to take these guys on and honestly you're keeping them busy which is uh which is just fine if you can oh you're about to be merged again by the way uh good luck with that and chancellor yep unsurprising that's uh that's obviously a natural position for me to be in okay so bit of a fight going on over there hopefully you do like you know okay in that this seed should be over momentarily and okay i have got my own flipping problems all right siege is almost over and did we just get some money i'm not sure we got any money from that siege um okay there's also another 1238 right here all right three nights now these guys are we should be able to absolutely [ __ ] the problem is we've now only got a matter of uh two months or something uh till the money runs out so okay we need to get on these guys and kick their asses fast because this war is going to drag on but on the other hand i can wipe peace out any time i want kind of unfortunate i died when i did i mean we should be able to win regardless even if i have to stand down and leave it to lapland like now we've taken this lapland should be able to handle we need to kill this army head down south kill this army wait for them to cross over and catch them as they move in okay wait and can you cross without penalty i think you can no wait can you no no you can't but they're trying to get away can we get to you in time they're trying to escape but it's going to take them ages to get on the boats okay so as soon as they cross over just chase them down i think we're slower than we used to be yes we're way slower than we used to be but it takes so long to get on the boats we can just keep following them all right this is oh bloody hell but now now we need to be careful because yes it's when you go behind enemy lines without locking down what you've got okay we need to lock down some more territory we're about to run out of money we are literally about to run out of money okay this is this is fine everything's under control right let them go we need to take out the uh yes the capital over here we need to capture someone that's what we need to do get over here and just capture the capital do not chase them follow me please follow the flip out of me i'm gonna jump on a capturing yeah they're just gonna go out to sea that's absolutely fine okay we're now in debt we're now complete i've not chosen a lifestyle john okay panicking just just slightly panicking oh he's chased he's a patriarch who's chased so you get more skill points for your children but you don't have children great thumbs up all round okay um i'm a mama mama what's the best option here what's the best option i tell you what money would not be a bad thing let's go into wealth focus it's going to get me at least a little bit more money just to keep me going here we need to take this place down potentially we need to assault it come and join me we're going to knock down the walls and then we're going to assault this place as soon as the option presents itself we might be able to capture somebody they're moving over there yet they're they're taking that territory back which is irritating it's gonna take them four months okay they've got no siege equipment they've got no siege equipment they can't assault and we can but only once the walls fall and where's my assault button okay possibly i'm not losing the siege anymore so yeah we're we're in debt we're in debt right now that is going to cause uh problems uh like you know corruption creeping in and whatnot please capture someone important for the love of god i need you to capture someone important right now you captured nobody okay this is fine this is all fine did we make any money at least we didn't make any money either i think these guys are taking the cocking money okay i don't think they can win by themselves i don't think they can um vomaland their troops have been destroyed i mean the bare minimum sweden's starting to starting to drag some stuff back here one more territory would get us that wouldn't get us 100 would it i mean it should start ticking up because ah but they're gonna take that i can't land on that island i cannot land on that island and we didn't capture anyone important darn it this has turned out to be just way more expensive than i thought also the council okay well there's there's no chancellor for the time being oh that's cause i was the chancellor john would you like to be chancellor you're apparently the most qualified person for the job which is terrifying okay don't have a spouse yet because you know we got engaged to a child uh that's fine she'll be along in time do we want to try and play this out or do we want to give up okay there's another yeah there's one here there's one here let's move over to here okay leave out lollard for the time being just keep pushing i can accept some small problems insofar as like banditry and whatnot but keep an eye for alerts that are gonna let me know just how bad this is uh this is getting and who is that who is attacking us now and who are you and do you have like money and oh my secrets uh oh how many secrets do i have because i might have been doing bad stuff when i wasn't me i murdered oh yes i knew that my dad helped protect me from that uh that would lower my stress apparently how bad is my stress barely oh i literally have no choice right well apparently i'm telling her anyway okay three months and he's gone over okay so we're splitting we're splitting the labor right now i could have sold the fort and okay casualties every day but okay would add 5.6 all right what does it need to what does it need to get up to 200. so that would take like uh how many days is that gonna take like less than 30 like 20 to 30 or something but casualties 27 casualties every day so that's like 500 men dead do it yep go go go go go go go go go just get in the damn bridge because then we don't have to pay for them anymore this is okay that's fine our first ever assault spectacular right so we've taken that 91 91 okay technically they've taken this where is their army i don't know where their army is is it planning to come over here are you guys where are you four months left right get over here help them with that we're at 91 we might still be able to win this oh oh yes they're going over they're going over to scone they're not going to try and stop me but they don't have siege equipment it's going to be way slower for them we're going to help out with this siege and that is going to count up because it's still why is it ticking up i don't know why it's ticking up but if we can assault can we assault fyi everything's under control everything's fine please begin assaulting how long until these guys take this by the way four months we're gonna take that first we're gonna win then again hang on is there the whole 99 because you haven't had a major battle thing is that still a thing i don't know if that's still a thing 30 days assuming no one drops out okay seriously yep i'm seeing what have we got yes oh flip me we got it holy hell ho ho ho ho ho okay yeah and also my daughter is my new heir i don't know why that just happened but it just happened okay now that that's good now how about we we get the flip out of all of this territory and we make some money back like now my army is way more expensive than i thought it was oh flip me we've taken it okay your majesty how are you doing just fyi nearly a thousand troops not much okay that's that's not so good okay so our land is made up of yeah three counties so i started with yeah i started with uh this territory up here sorry upland now i've got these three so now i have four out of fours this is actually worked out really nicely however i do not have the relevant dutchy title i don't know whether it doesn't exist or not so hang on yes i can create it so presumably it was destroyed but would you believe i don't have the money right break the troops down that was okay that's one hell of a first day for both of us uh so adelvad has had a bit of a difficult uh bit of a difficult start there and i'm guessing all of these territories are going to be basically zero control okay so right now they're not going to be yielding much i mean they're going to be yielding something i'm making plus 2.3 i feel like that's not the writer that's not the right thing okay denmark is where on earth did you get this from how do you have okay that's that's not that's not how many troops he's got but fine okay we need to be uh at peace for the time being so she's already boosting taxes as much as we reasonably can we need to boost some control like so much control uh one in theory makes me the most money so this has got mansions that's a good amount of money and this place has got a dutchy building i've inherited so levies plus 150. okay that's sort of nice this place just yields troops but no money this place yields some troops some money yeah let's get the duchy capital under control that's going to take nine flipping years okay all sorts of problems here so so many problems yeah so apparently i'm not as rich as i thought i was and also hang on we're being who's occupied us oh you decided to get involved in some stupid war you had no reason to get involved with well you've brought this on yourself lindolf guys seriously we need to not be fighting amongst ourselves for the time being in case you haven't noticed like catholics so many catholics everywhere okay i'm clearly getting desperate now but right i can have a slight small alliance by marrying yes my half-sister surprise off to the republic of gotland so i mean it's 700 troops it's not bad it's fine honestly i really really doubt that like it's gonna happen because he's probably gonna die of old age before she comes of age so that's fine that's just you know a free alliance immediately i'm gonna say free alliance bloody hell lapland we've lost laplands and i don't see a way to get them back okay we have badly damaged denmark that that is spectacular we've recovered a little bit of land but you know not too much our king is still catastrophic catastrophically weak i need to get myself back on you know an even footing i need to think what would my dad do if he was this badly in debt and needed money oh right yes and even better now i've seized control of the slightly suspiciously penisly shaped owl and two yeah i can raise my armies even closer to ireland also can't but notice um yes ilva is currently why is ilva inheriting literally everything yeah confederate partition male preference so why have you excluded your eldest son i don't know but for some reason you've decided you just hate him i mean to be honest i'm glad you have because seriously look at this flipping woman she's spectacular ilva a siege specialist giant ambitious brave trusting mighty mighty warrior queen oh yeah oh flipping yeah you know what i agree let's flip and go okay we have reached ireland but oh bloody hell right so he's he's dead right okay this is fine that means i've presumably got my half sis yes half sister she's back potentially to be engaged to somebody else i am having a terrible time just finding anybody anybody to flipping marry into my family i do not know why this is being such an issue the king of sweden is back down to less troops again what is he doing now oh right i'm i feel like i should have been told about this to be honest apparently there's a war going on involving one of my flipping vassals right just let me stabilize my bloody economy i will come and help oh good i think we just lost finland because my liege got himself cocky captured before i could go and help right so we've lost we've lost finland and now now we've got these guys are you guys working for for them by the way does does anybody know what happened to lindolf right so he's just unlanded in finland right now so that's that's nice would you like to come back okay he'll accept that's good welcome back to court because you you were pretty good at your job so you might be a good marshal or something oh speak of the flipping devil though then again actually yeah stenar you're even you're even better yes stennar you could do that it's nice you finally get a really nice badass job in fact that's true oh bloody i'm sorry there's so many things i didn't check because you know problems uh is everybody on the council who wants to be on the council apparently yes spectacular ah yes also my doctor who is very learned should definitely be my new uh yes priest because doctors and priests are basically the same thing when you think about it ah but on the other hand you my friend would make a better yes you know what you would make a better steward by a long long way meaning no no take the helmet off that is not your job meaning valdemar you get to be there we go that's better and that should also mean yes a lot more money coming in hopefully some extra taxes because you are very very good at administrating never mind tall brands doesn't endorse me because i forgot to i forgot to check that right so we better we better befriend him like oh bloody hell 47 chance yup you're supposed to be a diplomatic genius okay just sway him please just get on with that this is okay i'm gonna be honest adulvard i'm not impressed this has not been a good first day okay my son is back as my heir i don't know why he ever wasn't but i'm gonna be honest he's terrible next to his sister i mean just just in theory oh i can't murder him because he's my own child he needs a special perk for that but as the dynasty head i can just straight up remove him from the succession yes that's that's interesting cost 300 prestige bit of renown that would make his sister the number one candidate and uh gonna be honest that is a lot more interesting to me yes okay someone said fortune um could i just have some money like any amount of money okay 50 up front but control plus 10 that's very nice and she could join my court ooh i mean i wouldn't mind both to be honest oh bloody hell um joins the court then again though she's intelligent none of her stats are so spectacular i'd put us through the council and because she's female yeah she probably couldn't have most positions anyway i'll take control plus 10 control plus 10 will be good all right that will be very welcome when i say that um reduce 90 percent dear flipping dear right are we at least making some money out of basically nothing good good good good everything's great we do have enough money to get rid of the debt we just need to come home and bank it but while we're here we may as well take out the last two one day i promise we will stop looting ireland whenever we need some extra cash i promise one day we will and [Music] hmm we just captured a couple of people did we 10 gold a piece 100 yap done yep just just here have him back 10 gold fine oh never mind he doesn't actually think she's worth 10 gold um well in that case i'll take some piety also i'm zealous so i actually lose stress for murdering people okay now that's good to know by the way uh time to get the flip out of dodge get that money home please fast as we can no doesn't even need to go over that just come to the nearest port that's way closer right bye guys i'll see you in a few months and here comes the money okay we are no longer actively in debt we can stand down the army give it a moment to just chill out and what not now we've got money we can actually yeah fill our men at arms back up to strength though uh it appears i may have got a bit uh over excited with the number of uh men of arms and so forth i definitely went to bitter went a bit too far went a bit too far there so they need to be filled up to cap which is fine because the pipeline the bowman at least the second bowman they'll be up to strength in no time bowman will be okay in a moment too then we should start being into our into profit not as much profit as we're used to but at least some okay okay okay okay it's time to have a think about this because now now i've got multiple vassals so i you know feudal vassals so that means we've actually got contracts with my brother stenar and my brother john so i can change their contracts anytime and i could use that to yes get more money so that is yeah that's tyranny if i just demand more money but how about more troops that's a lot of troops too okay what if i guarantee you that you're oh he doesn't like that hmm okay i kind of need more money because my army is a more expensive than i thought i'm willing to never revoke anything you own under any circumstances but i want a bit more gold for that okay then again do i have you don't have an available hook i mean i should do he's part of my family isn't it no it was my dad's hook that died when he did so yep we'll be making that modification and john same basic deal but then again that's only 0.1 meanwhile i could get myself a fair few more troops this wine and again i am willing to uh yeah 100 percent guarantee that i'm not taking anything off him so he's happy with that not a hundred percent but it's a handful more troops you know what i will take the money high taxes he's not thrilled but he'll accept it so modify that okay bit more money coming in off that though the uh mares you can't do that with it's only for feudal lads okay the bowman and the pokemon are back up to strength and the main unit of bowman will be back up momentarily because yes when you're actually uh getting minute arms back to stratfor teaser very expensive and uh yeah i see what's going on here so okay didn't realize he was dressed like that but fine yes there's a whole bunch of events pertaining to petitioners coming to see me because of my business focus but what do we need to do here shared interest maintain time okay apparently that would be good enough so 30 and then also gain some prestige i'm going to go for the safe option because it's going to get him on side regardless so now he likes me yes i should actually start getting church holdings in goods it's worth 0.2 a month but you know what i'll flipping take it i'll take it every flipping time okay i can't help but notice that uh all around us uh the kings are getting stronger norway is getting stronger denmark has put together one a hell of a pile of men at arms so yeah giant giant pile of light football now they'd be torn apart by my archers but still it's a lot of men who are better than basic levees however our king is just he's just not doing anything he's just not doing a thing in fact the whole of sweden is looking basically ready to uh to fall apart so varend put itself back together but even then it's only got like 600 men that's nothing uh oh lands at 400. down over here it's a baby with only 300 men you somehow have got only 200 men bloody hell all right varma land is the only person who's actually no putting any bloody effort in here all things considered then we have got ourselves a princess acer she's she's sort of doing all right it's hardly spectacular but it'll flipping dough again a less than a thousand men and the king himself of course useless absolutely bloody useless i mean for goodness sake my own brother count stenar has a thousand men he's actually doing a competent job admittedly he decided to take architect of all things so you know not every decision is spectacular but it'll do he's he's pretty darn good all things considered okay i would say that's enough for now but i need to figure out what the hell we're gonna do because uh sweden feels like it is barely holding on right now we are losing territory everywhere the pietasari are gonna be coming in sooner or later and the king is completely incapable of protecting us from them salvo is right there lapland is no longer willing to work with us uh norway has over 3 000 troops denmark's pulled bloody 2800 out of their ass i don't know where they even came from but somehow they've got that many troops possibly they can't really afford to field them but who knows and uh other than that we are we're lacking in friends all right we have done a good job dealing with a little bit of you know anti-christianization around here but yeah i'm not convinced i'm not convinced we're onto a good thing here and if we're stuck with a bloody useless king who is yeah currently uh 27 so he's gonna be around for a fair while longer yet we need to get rid of him the question is how what are we going to do because i'm not seeing anybody mighty just waiting in the wings to be installed in his place we got ourselves a i mean i would like bo to be king but let's be clear he's dreadful he's just dreadful so that's not gonna fly torsten looks okay i suppose uh then we have got ourselves a orvar is uh i mean he'd be good at being sneaky but i'm not 100 sure he'd be able to lead the armies of sweden properly and yeah that's what we need we need someone who can actually defend us for the time being but then again speaking of you know people just sort of uh waiting in the wings i can't help but notice that i happen to have a brave ambitious giant just sort of you know hanging out nearby ready to take over kick ass take names screw it we're doing it as dynasty and i have the right to do this it is expensive because renown it comes in very slowly and buys you very very powerful dynasty perks but screw up that's it he's gone and ilva is back on the front line in fact she gets everything because now she is actually the only child this whole succession thing could have been a lot easier going to adelvad had i actually realized that yes i could have um could have done that at any time actually so that's that's unfortunate oh my god i've just realized what i've been doing okay so i have just realized hang on sorry impromptu last minute episode of let's talk all about the things that john got wrong i know precisely why i have not been getting any good alliances anywhere it's because i accidentally left on the filter of my religion only meaning all the other religions like say you know lithuania estonia all of these guys they weren't showing up none of them were showing up okay they're not going for it immediately but they're pretty close they are pretty close to accepting it i think we might be able to get something going on with estonia or lithuania which could help provide a bit of firepower to protect us against norway or denmark right foreign reinforcements me making my own play for the throne potentially backing someone else who's got their claim maybe interfering in the next election the king who might have to die right there's a lot of different ways we could play this so i'm gonna have a think about what the best way forward is because i don't know if i'm quite ready to make a play for sweden myself then again i couldn't do a much worse bloody job so okay watch this space it might be time for us to start thinking about taking over if only because uh yes the um the existing king is so catastrophically inept if we leave him in place there might not be a sweden left to uh left to take over so we shall see ladies and gentlemen i shall have a think about what the best way forward might be we shall see what i come up with very very soon indeed but in the meantime i'm hoping johnson has been many a true nerd and this has been crew said kings three thank you very much and goodbye this this guy's enjoying that this guy's enjoying his elephant a bit too bad oh my god in fair verona we set our scene oh my god becky look at her bud it is so big they've managed to glitch inside one of the buildings elephants in the rear and then come the chariots
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 116,356
Rating: 4.9590254 out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 3, Crusader Kings 3 game, Crusader Kings 3 gameplay, let's play Crusader Kings 3, Crusader Kings 3 tutorial, Crusader Kings 3 guide, Crusader Kings 3 pc, Crusader Kings 3 walkthrough, Crusader Kings III, Crusader Kings, Crusader Kings 3 viking, crusader kings 3 vikings, crusader kings 3 sweden, crusader kings 3 campaign, crusader kings 3 1066
Id: b6wBHcMassU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 51sec (4971 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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