Tribal to Feudal How to Guide for Crusader Kings 3 (Adopting Feudal Ways)

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This one is a pretty hotly requested one, but after patch v1.1 that makes this a bit easier of a transition, I wanted to cover how to exactly manage your resources converting from Tribal to Feudal. Honestly, I feel like going from Tribal to Feudal starts out even before your campaign gets going, where you map out how your character will progress through the eras. Here's the table of contents to determine if you even need to bother watching the video :)

  • Intro & Summary
  • Pre-Feudal Setup
  • Planning Your Kingdom
  • Reforming Your Religion
  • Appeasing Your Vassals
  • Post-Feudal Management

If you get stuck on something that I maybe didn't cover, or would like to add some information, please go ahead and let me know. I'd love for as much information regarding this process to get disseminated out to the community as it seems to be a large hurdle for a lot of people!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/TheItalian567 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Have been avoiding playing tribal waiting for a guide like this. Thank you, great watch and answered what I needed to know to feel confident to start a game. Love your other videos too

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/xR-Anderson 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
whether you're playing in 867 or 1066 in crusader kings 3 converting your kingdom from tribal to futile can be a huge hurdle to overcome within the game the requirements seem relatively modest being a part of a reformed religion having all the tribal innovations a certain level of fame so on and so forth but as some of you have come to realize that is not necessarily the case in this video today i'm going to help you in your transition from tribal to feudal the way i'm going to break this down is by going over some steps before you even get your campaign going to help plan for that eventual transition to the feudal system a pre-feudal stage as it were then we'll discuss how to manage your kingdom after you've made the full conversion to the feudal system you can find chapters in the timeline below if you want to just jump to a specific portion of this guide and as always if you decide to pick the game up after watching this please feel free to use my link in the description you'll simply receive a steam key that you'll go ahead and place directly into steam while helping to support the channel at the same time but let's get started on how to convert your kingdom from tribal to feudal in crusader kings 3. so to start out we're going to take a look at prussia i've chosen prussia here in the starting year of 1066 because it just it was easier for the example of this video you don't need to start as prussia you can be whatever you want as long as you're trying to transition from tribal to feudal so let's open up real quick our decisions tab and let's look at adopt feudal ways and we can see that there are a number of requirements you have to have your tribal law at absolute tribal authority you have to be a part of or you have to have organized your faith you have to have level 2 fame you have to have development level 5 in your capital and you have to have all tribal era innovations so i feel like a lot of these are pretty self-explanatory but it's worth going over real quick let's jump over to the realms tab and you have to this is your tribal authority you have to get to absolute tribal authority so jumping up this quickly is going to be pretty crucial for you because if i press this button pass the law we can't go to the third one now for 10 more years so getting a jump on these tribal authorities as quickly as possible is going to be crucial so that you can get them done with and move on to the next step of what you need to do for your transition into the feudal system now another one is about reformation right when it comes to your religion so you've got some options here i can open up the religion tab and i can press reform this religion and i've got some options to do here we're going to jump into this more when we get to this actual stage but this is how you reform your religion but we'll go over this in more detail later you don't need to reform your religion though you can just join a reformed religion so if i click poland they're already a part of catholicism i can click this and it is an organized christian faith i can convert to this faith it cost me 250 and i can do it right out the gate and all of my vassals are going to convert with me now doing it at the start can be a little difficult because your old faith will consider you evil and it will be harder to convert the lands you are going to go on conquest so i would say if you're going to convert to an organized faith take a look at how the old faith regards it and make sure it's not going to make your conquest or your expansion in the early game that much more of a hurdle you don't want to create more hurdles than the transition to the feudal system is already going to be so just kind of mindfulness and this is historically pretty accurate right a lot of the tribal lords of the time would convert to catholicism as a means of consolidating power and actually getting aid and assistance from the church so it's a pretty cool little uh nod to history here but you don't need to do catholicism i could click all the way over here you could do um orthodox you could do any reformed or organized faith on the map as long as you have the uh the adequate quick convert here long as you have the adequate amount of um piety so that's one thing to note and i don't think that it's gone over enough that you don't have to reform your religion but it's also really fun and really cool because what's more badass in this feudal reformed um nordic army rampaging through the map now in addition to let's bring that decision pad decision back up level of fame pretty self-explanatory just get the prestige and knock it out development in your capital just start increasing that gradually over time and we're going to go over that a little bit and then get your tribal innovations so now that we've gone over those just base requirements one thing i want to talk about here is how to kind of plan out your campaign from the start if you've already kind of if you're already working on a campaign you just want to jump ahead to probably a further chapter right now but here we are with our lifestyles and this is important when deciding how to really build your character from the start of your campaign now in my opinion you want to go solely with a marshall style character and you can do any of these other lifestyles but my point is you want to focus on conquest in the beginning of your campaign because when you actually transition to feudal you're going to be spending a lot of time building up your internal strength and trying to kind of patch up some of the holes in your ship that transitioning to feudal does cause for you so going marshall is crucial not to make it rhyme and the reason for that is if you are not starting as a faction that is the cultural head of your culture it's going to be very difficult for you to complete your innovations now remember if you're starting in 876 you have a lot more time to do all these innovations no one's going to be making that transition to feudal anytime soon so you can spend a lot longer on it if you're in 1066 the problem with staying as tribal in 1066 is you're dealing with larger armies you're dealing with bigger forts with higher fort levels so being a rating force is not as advantageous and the further you get into the timeline the harder and harder it is to stay as tribal if you're not a massive force so in the early portions of your campaign gobbling up as much territory as possible allows you to maintain culture head and influencing the further progression of your innovations i've gone with prussia here for this example because they already start as the head of the prussian culture and it was easier for me to kind of manipulate this um for the for the uh the example of this video but again you can be whatever you want and even though you're focusing on conquests you can still use your wife's ability to assist you to increase your learning to help boost all of your innovations and really i mean stacking your cultural fascination with something that you're exposed to is going to greatly reduce the time it takes to push through a lot of these innovations and you're going to need these innovations fast to get all the way into that feudal stage so jumping back into lifestyles if you're going down that first initial stage any one of these can really work for you it just go with whatever one works the best what you have in mind i like to go with the chivalry focus it's just something i really enjoy a lot of people like to do dread you can do that if you so wish some people like to go down strategist especially for this one to just reduce the cost of going to war you any one of these lifestyle focuses is going to be just fine now going back here a stage oh just just the to the parent branch after you've conquested what i feel is a good adequate amount maybe you're still on your first character maybe your second character is still going through those martial stages and and just conquering the land your your next character when you're starting to really focus on drilling down on those innovations and pushing you out of the tribal era should be focusing on learning and there's a lot of reasons why for one you want to go into the scholarship focus it gives you a nice boost to learning at plus three you get a nice boost to your development growth plus 15 and it's just a really great tree this whole right branch is so strong so you get scientific for cultural fascination progress plus 35 percent then you get planned cultivation which helps out with the counselor task of increasing development in the county by 20 percent then you get scholarly circles which is going to increase your learning by two per level of devotion so if you have a high amount of piety this is going to give you a lot of return and increase your learning substantially and this last one is so crucial 20 of counselors primary skills added to your own so this can really boost up your stats alongside your wife if you really focus on a wife that has a lot of learning her learning plus your learning plus this whole side of the branch is going to help you out a ton in addition to remember you're transitioning to um futile so you're going to reform your religion or you're going to convert it's going to make stuff like this well open-minded different culture opinion ignore negative culture opinion and different faith opinion and faith conversion cost very advantageous for you because you've now gobbled up land you've got differing cultures and you probably have differing religions especially once you reform because as we'll talk about in a bit with reforming religion um that is going to change uh your faith to the new version of the faith the reformed and the old one so you'll have to convert the old one into you so i feel like this is such a strong tree for that that character that's working on innovations to push you into futile now at the end of that once you've uh kind of worked on getting all your innovations complete you've got your land set all settled and you're ready to make that jump so at the end of that character's life or the beginning of the next character wherever that kind of falls in your transition to feudal you want to focus on stewardship this one is so crucial because you can go down the architect line and get a lot of benefits for trying to really boost buildings and the construction time as well as the cost for them so we look at this cutting cornerstones reduce construction costs and building times for your buildings and your holdings going into professional workforce reduces the construction time again by 30 percent as well for holdings centralization is going to help with development growth which we've talked about is so important and remember if you're doing it in your capital your capital has the highest level of development it's going to spread outward and help out all of the places around it the domains around it popular figurehead is going to help with popular opinion but architect's a real juicy one here because it's going to further reduce construction costs and time and increase your stewardship so i think this one is very good because you'll also be receiving high stewardship which will give you an increase to your domain limit and to your domain taxes so these things are very strong and a very very good so this is kind of setting things up this is that pre-feudal stage now i want to jump forward a little bit here into okay we've we've taken up a bunch of land and we're ready to start reforming our religion so we're going to talk about reforming religion next and then i want to talk about after we've reformed religion but before we've hit feudal and then finally we'll talk about that post-feudal stage after we've hit so let's transition now into that pre-reformation once you've conquered the land you want to conquer i'd say that reforming your faith is going to be a huge portion of that transition to feudal now you could have done this earlier but in my opinion if you do it later when you've created a lot of land that you know you want to gobble up it makes it easier to convert because all of your vassals hopefully will convert alongside you and they'll convert their counties with them and it's just a matter of converting any remaining domains that didn't fully go along with it because they weren't ruled over directly by a vassal uh for example if one vassal has two domains his chief domain his primary domain is what's going to convert not both of them i think the other one has a chance to convert i'm not 100 sure but let's take a look at my kingdom of lithuania i have used some console commands here to push me forward in this campaign clearly it's 1067. there's no way i could have done this in a year but i used some console commands to create the exact scenario i wanted to talk about so like i said before you can convert to any reformed or organized religion out there you can jump into any christian faith any muslim faith anything that just is easier for you it's uh cheaper to do so if i click convert faith it's only 250 but the benefit of reforming your own faith is if i bring up decisions and i go to consecrate bloodline if i reform my own faith and i also have religious icon then i get some pretty cool benefits i get to trade paragon religious vassal opinion plus 20 and your actual dynasty gains 500 renown and you get the title of um i believe it's savior and we'll show this off in a little bit because we're about to do this but for this playthrough and i assume a lot of people are going to want to go this route too um we're going to reform this faith so if i click on the faith button in the lower left you can see our current faith and this is important because again it says unreformed baltic faith and you see prevents tribal rulers from changing government type non-pagan faced with syncretic folk traditions tended are considered hostile instead of evil mutual opinion 30 bonus with faiths that have syncretic folk tradition tenant and rulers have a conquest casa's belly against neighboring rulers so you can see how this affects us right but as a version 1.1 you can simply reform the faith down here at the bottom and choose all the existing stuff that you had before so it's a little bit nicer you don't have to choose a bunch of different doctrines if you so wish though you know you'd say you know um let's go with bastardry here click this button and you can choose there's no legitimization there's no bastards you can you can choose all these little little situations here like saying okay deviancy is accepted in my faith now but it costs you more because you're deviating further away from the original doctrines of the faith so you kind of have to do a little bit more reformation in that and i believe this will actually affect the acceptance of some of your vassals because their sins and their virtues might fall under this now so we'll just do this as is we'll keep the faith as it is you can click this button and it'll show you all of your vassals and their likelihood to convert even this guy is at the very bottom at 23 pretty much everyone's going to convert reforming this religion will make it an organized faith organized faiths have access to holy wars and their court chaplains are better at converting counties which is nice and this is important too your old faith will consider you consider you a stray so it'll reduce character opinion popular opinion and you can usurp their titles as far as how this is kind of equated they essentially look at you as hostile but not full on hostile i'll show you guys in a second here so let's press reform faith and i've just pressed r to bring up all of our face and you can see before i do that you can see here's all the religions that's reform and this is how the it is immediately divided up and all of your vassals will start to try and reform things on their own so don't be too worried about stuff but this is going to take up a lot of your time in your feudal transition because you're now going to be spending time trying to convert everything that is from the old religion to the reformed religion and this can be kind of sped up a little bit here by pressing e selecting your vassals and going to their vassals right clicking and demanding conversion this guy's gonna accept it boom let's just have that happen buddy go to this guy okay he's got a dude here he's still the uh not even the previous religion it's a different relation altogether and by demanding conversion you can do this in any play through you're doing of a vassal it will convert the entire county that he controls which is a really really really powerful way to sway new regions that you've conquered into your um i guess control and opinion so just going for just going across the board here going to every single one of these looking okay unreformed religion a different one demand the conversion but this is just a great way to kind of clean it up this guy converted so it's great this guy's got no vassals oh got this guy oh he did not convert and i'm looking at this icon right here 50 50. i'll take it did everyone convert here yes and yes but even some of my own personal lands did not convert so you can still jump over to your council go to your chaplain and convert the faith here you can you've still got that ability and your like i said your vassals are going to convert their own territory they don't want it to be the other faith any more than you do so you don't have to worry about that as much in fact i'm going to unpause oh ho so this shows us here that we just reformed the faith how awesome is that and we'll do the other little dilemma that pops up here okay so he just allowed it i'll just pay him the money he didn't want it he didn't want it he wanted it gotta calm down with that and another one here so you can see this will start to just change and grow great my wife's pregnant um so reforming faiths is pretty crucial because you obviously need to do this for a feudal um requirement right now we've all got everything checked and we'll press this button and push forward a little bit here but it does grant you this consecrate the bloodline and this is going to grant us paragon so we're going to perform the final rights it requires a massive amount of piety and so does reforming your faith obviously as you saw so we'll perform the final rites and we now get the sacred lineage you gain the nickname the anointed the gain the trade paragon the fervor increases by 25 and you get 500 renown for your dynasty so it's pretty awesome um but let's take a look now at the former faith if i click this faith they just look at us as a stray versus being hostile which has a much larger impact so you kind of fall in this weird situation where you're not in good graces with them but they're not going to outright attack you and do holy wars and usurp you and stuff like that but now you have the ability to do holy wars on other conflicting religions which is very strong especially when you make that transition all the way into feudal where you lose the conquest castle's belly which is a really important a really huge part of being tribal it allows you to expand your borders very quickly so now that we've reformed our religion we have one task here that is to adopt feudal ways but before we do that i want to talk about the individual territories that your that your um vassals hold and how to really kind of set you up in the best way possible transition to feudal we're going to start out by talking about these two duchies right here and it's kind of important that when you're navigating around the relationship of your vassals you ensure that they pretty much have all of the lands that include that are included in their title so for example this is the high chiefdom of lithuania but if i actually snap this back to where my nation actually is we can see that that's not really the case he just has these lands right here and if i hover over his opinion well he desires land that i've got this one in specific so what you should really try to do before you jump into your feudal stage is try to make sure that your vassals are as happy as possible and doing stuff like this granting this location to the gentleman who has it is him is going to be good it just increased him from like 20 something to now 89 because he no longer desires that location and if i look at him on the map he's a little bit more in line with his dutchy title he still is missing this chunk of land so i can click on a vassal this guy in specific who has another vassal this guy right here so this duke has this count and this county is a part of the duchy of lithuania so having all these county lines and dutchy lines really line up with their their chief title makes it easier and makes it so that your your vassals are a lot happier so i can right click on this guy who's already just in in oopsies right click right click on this guy who already really likes me click on vassals and chord then press retract basil so i'm making one of his vassals become my direct vassal so we're going to choose this dude because it's his only vassal too and for the sake of this it is an active tyranny you would probably want to use a hook to do so but for the sake of this video i'm just trying to show how quickly to do this and he's going to accept it because that 100 percent retract the vassal let that go through and it will become mine he accepts it he doesn't like it again it is an act of tyranny now this guy i think should desire it yeah now he does since i own it he wants this because it's part of his uh do your title of duke so we'll go here and let's go ahead and oh i want to click on him so i click on the guy who wants it right click on him and go to grant vassell and click this dude and that's going to grant him this vassal it'll be a part of his direct control and i've now completed this duchy now there are some issues over here still coraline in this situation you do have to do some situ you have you have some issues with stuff like this um these are instances where this guy doesn't have a vassal down here it's his direct domain so you need to revoke the title by going here revoking the title and clicking here now this is going to incur tyranny on me he's not going to like it but if i have a hook or he's a criminal and i can imprison him i can i can do this without incurring any tyranny but again for the sake of that what i'm doing here i'm going to revoke the title it's going to incur some tyranny you should say yeah okay i accept there we go people are going to be upset but now that i have this looking back on this this chieftain hovering over him he wants that chief thumb he wants mamal so we're going to grant it to the dude who deserves it due to his ducal title and there we go so now when i look at the map and i swap over to the duchy view these guys now have the land that is in line with their dukel title and this is going to make them overall happier so when i jump to feudal i'm not going to deal with as many issues so one last thing before we actually adopt feudal ways and go into that is buildings as a patch 1.1 buildings no longer are destroyed they will simply convert over to a random feudal building keep that in mind so these buildings down here right now the warrior lodge um the grand halls the wall and ditches and market villages are going to become random feudal villages or random feudal um buildings i've seen someone get all hall of heroes so it really just depends on what luck of the draw you get but it is just kind of mindful to to take note of what buildings you've got in your domains and i honestly when it comes to tribal i don't spend too much time on buildings if you're an 867 i think you'll spend more time in buildings than you would in 1066 but i know that it's just gonna become crazy once i hit that adopt a feudal ways button so i don't spend as much time here but we'll talk about how you can replace these once you make that transition to the feudal ways well let's go ahead and do that now let's transition into feudal all right the big time has come let's do it let's press the decision button here at the top and adopt those feudal ways so this is going to cost us 200 prestige and things are going to happen now keep in mind stuff's going to change especially with your military you'll probably have minute arms that are created let me just do this really quick we've got plenty of renown remember right now they cost renowned to have so upkeep and the cost of creation of minute arms when you are tribal is nothing but prestige cost that's going to change as soon as we hit tribal or i'm sorry futile but i want to put it there as a as kind of a control and also take a look at this we have 10 000 soldiers the important reason behind this is the contribution from your vassals as i press the wrong button there we go is linked to your level of fame so if my level of fame well it's a rent not rightfully to go to this guy this uh if my level of fame goes higher and higher they give me more and more vassals same thing with taxes you can see that they're giving me um so much taxes because of my level of fame we're at exalted of men among men we're not a living legend you can get up to 100 contribution at living legend but this is gonna drop because you're gonna have to start managing your feudal contracts so let's press the button let's do it remember at 10 000 right now and we're at a plus 10 for monthly income so adopt boom it's a new era we have made it to the feudal age now we have dropped substantially so we went from ten thousand down to twenty seven hundred soldiers we went from ten to now four in our monthly income if i jump over to our military our military is now costing us 3.2 gold a month versus what it was before at uh just the prestige cost so one of the biggest differences between going from tribal to feudal is that you can have um arguably higher quality minute arms because you can progress through better innovations and take more advantages of them but you also have to realize though your vassals now are a bit stronger if i jump over to to vassels here they're contributing far less troops to me and they've got a little bit more of their own so you now have to deal with managing your feudal contracts so clicking here even at the top end of a feudal contract if i look at taxes they're they're oh let me look at a guy who doesn't have that here we go um even at the top end here it's going to be 25 taxes and even at the top end of for feudal it's only going to be 50 levies but you can just get a better momentum going because of the way feudal contracts work in limiting or granting good vassals or bad vassals more or less rights respectively in addition to here if you don't get a kind of jump on these these uh contracts quickly you might deal with a situation where they start to lose opinion of you and you can't manipulate these as easily and using and securing hooks before you transition into futile can help you out with this so if i want to say okay this guy he's my friend you know we're firm companions so i'm going to do this and this well he's not going to like it it's going to drop this he's not going to like it at all and you can't do one tyrannical change you can only do one time radical change at a time right so getting that hook allows you to do a little bit more but you can also grant things like well you know what you're a good buddy of mine you're a great you're a great uh council member i'm going to guarantee you a seat on the council and they'll counteract each other so what i couldn't do before i can now right these were two tyrannical options but i've granted him a good right and i can do this again to absolve the tyrannicalness of both of these things i'm taking more taxes and more levies but i'm granting war declarations sanctioned war declarations and i'm guaranteeing him a seat on the council so those are important things to note with manipulating these feudal contracts and as you push up in innovations you get the special contracts like scootage which increases taxes levies and minute arm maintenance situations marches which is going to help out as well it's going to help out with your your army gold maintenance your controlled territory defender advantage levy size garrison size and levy reinforcement rate that's not me by the way that's him so it's important to note that these are not always good for me they're mainly good for the uh the vassal depending on which one it is so using these to your to your advantage is going to help you out when you're making this total transition also you have to know too we went from absolute uh tribal authority to autonomous vassals the bottom of crown authority this is why that step we talked about is so important because if you don't have this up to three i think it is yeah it's three vassals cannot wage war against other vassals unless they use a hook on their liege if vassals demand land that is part of their duchy title and they don't have it because of whatever circumstance they'll go to war with other vassals to create it and they'll get stronger and stronger and if they don't like you that's a possible person that could be a real thorn in your side so creating these proper dutchy lines before the vassal transformation is going to help you out a ton here because remember like we said passing these crown authorities takes about 10 years let's do this from autonomous vassals to limited crown right now we got to wait what is it that's actually 20 years to jump up to high crown authority and you also need an innovation now with royal prerogative so you're gated to getting to this point um for a long time once you adopt feudal ways so trying to make sure your vassals are very happy is going to be very very strong for you now let's jump over here to military because now like i said you have less levees because you're getting less contribution also your champions are going to be tweaked a little bit too because that had a effect on things with prestige and whatnot um so you'll you'll have to to determine who's going to be the the champions that fight for you but when it comes to your men at arms i in my opinion i feel like you have the ability to boost these guys further because they're only drawing from your constantly rejuvenating income pool versus your prestige which required you to go to war to really boost up substantially or call hunts and so on so forth so in my opinion you can have more elite armies because you can increase your minute arm number or a maximum capacity of meta arms easier with buildings and with lifestyle focuses and with the ability to just increase their size by virtue of income um so those are things you have to take a look at is this dragging you into negative right now well then stop the monthly maintenance of them watch what happens when i do this jumps back up to 6.5 so make sure you're looking at military immediately after you make that transformation because you might just be draining money right now in a situation you just don't really need up front so now that we've done that let's take a look real quick at some buildings i don't know what i have anymore there we go we have three uh domains so actually we looked at this one before so let's look back here so we had some some interesting buildings here we had one of every single tribal building and now we've got homesteads which helps out with tax supply and levees hamlets bailey and hound pens i mean to be totally honest i think we kind of lucked out on this random this is a pretty solid transformation here we get a nice defensive building in our capital and some good uh money and levy making buildings and now we can make dutchy buildings because we are a tribal faction so one thing though i want to talk about is maybe you don't want homesteads we'll click on this and press this button replace building and we can then replace it with whatever building we want replace this building will destroy the existing building the cost of building is not refunded so that's important to note let's just choose barracks for for s's and g's and there we go it's going to now switch over to a barracks and we're good to go if you look at these icons you can see the color when it's that like gold yellowish icon that's denoting that you have the ability to upgrade the the building if it's this blue one that means it's at its max upgrade for what you've got right now see uh right now we can't do this because we need a keep building for its upgrade and the pump the prussian culture has the manual realism innovation so we can't go further also we're already constructing but still if you see those colors that's what they mean so we have gone over our vassals managing them through your feudal contracts we've talked about managing your domains and how to replace those buildings and we've talked about your military and it is we've also gone over crown authority and how important that is so now at this stage you should really be focusing on oh your court your your accounts there we go increasing development across your lands so let's just say this place right here because it's my capital and ensuring that you're starting to build up development across everywhere because remember when you are in the feudal system development is now going to contribute to your levies your taxes and your supply limit with the tribal it was only contributing to your supply limit so getting these things up and going is going to be important you can now construct new holdings so you can make cities castles and temples in any county that you see fit now that you want to help expand out so focusing on that development is going to be very crucial for you also you have your religions to worry about this like i said before though is going to kind of take care of itself so uh as long as your chief domains have been converted through your priest your vassals should start to take care of this on their own um if they appoint new vassals to these lands you can go ahead and convert that vassal but one thing you also can do i think i've got some territory here we can we can experiment with let's say i really i really want this to be the new religion and i want to do it quicker than actual conversion or maybe this is new territory that i've gobbled up and i want to make it part of our religion we'll go ahead and press grant to at the bottom here and let's just find someone with a good opinion of me that's not a duke it's just an unlanded person so we'll press the toggle filters and we'll go to ruler not a ruler okay so this guy's got a pretty good opinion of me is the old religion which is what this location is and that's important you want to kind of match up those faiths let's go ahead and just grant him this title for the sake of the video he now has that we're going to click on him i'm going to right click on him and demand his conversion i remember this was the old i think it's called vitalist middle list vitalist unpause that watch this go through hopefully it goes through you accept and boom there you go so if you're trying to deal with all these lands and they're not being in the right religion or you've conquered new territory this is a great way to swap things over for you and the last thing i want to talk about too is using your wife that sounded bad using your wife to help you out with managing your your domain remember this is the stated you should be with your development character trying to boost development across the land or if you really want to focus more on innovations have her use patronage to increase your learning help out with that or even if you're in stage one use chivalry to help have her help you out with the marshall ability marshall's going to be increasing your levy size and reinforcement rate so really use all the tools that you can at your disposal i know that you're in the feudal system it might be easier to cement marriages with other feudal countries out there or create better alliances with those feudal countries so now that the world is kind of open to you through the feudal system hopefully this helps you out in that conversion process it is very tedious it is very time it's a huge time sink you're going to be spending so much time right now trying to boost up the interior of your country so that you get back to a sizable amount of levees but even at 2200 um looking around we're still competing this guy is a massive um a military strength of two thousand uh two thousand i mean that guy's a tribal dude uh this one's feudal at 3 500. poland's got 3 700. i mean we still are are doing quite well in the levees department we're just gonna boost it up by using those uh abilities such as buildings such as our feudal contracts and so on and so forth but hopefully this video helped you out guys i know this is one that a lot of people have been struggling with and if there's anything that i missed out on that you still have a question please by all means go ahead and let me know in the comment section below and if there's something that you wanted to talk about that is really important for the transition from tribal to feudal please let it be known in the comments the more information that is disseminated out to the community the better i want to make it as easy for people to to make this transition as possible this video is very dense we cover a lot of stuff and we cover it in a very small time frame in my campaign but in yours it's going to be 40 50 60 70 80 years depending upon what starting location you go with or what starting bookmark you go with but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today don't forget to like subscribe comment below all that kind of fun action but have a good one and take care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 172,657
Rating: 4.9415889 out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 3 tribal to feudal guide, Crusader Kings 3 feudal guide, Crusader Kings 3 beginner's guide, crusader kings 3 tutorial, how to get started, noob, newbie, essential tips, tips, gameplay, campaign, lets play, live stream, new player, get better, crusader kings 3 gameplay, crusader kings 3review, crusader kings 3 pc gameplay, crusader kings III, let's play crusader kings, crusader kings 3 tips, crusader kings 3, campaign guide, feudal, tribal, innovations, reform religion
Id: bj6W0YH-fwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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