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they say to not look a gift horse in the mouth well a few days ago I Shot The Gift Horse hello ladies and gents I'm the spiffing fruit and I break video games for a living today's video is very special as the developers and Paradox interactive personally reached out and paid me to play the game with of course a very generous gift to my giant pile of T-money and with that the proverbial gift horse has arrived the one rule they gave me was have fun and on the 4th of April I had a lot of fun now today ladies and gentlemen normally when we break a video game we focus on just one big exploit but today as it's special and the developers have sponsored today's video we're going to be covering four lovely broken gameplay features so make sure you have yourself a proper brewed cup of Yorkshire Tea gold because this is going to be beautiful God that's a terrible pun welcome to Age of Wonders 4 a grand strategy Forex game that I would describe as Civ 5 If instead of Gandhi having nukes gan Andy instead had the ability to turn his population into the undead and turned your Capital City into an active volcano remember kids it's not a war crime if there's no survivors the game has the wonderful Empire Building of a normal Civ game with the combat of x-com and the result is well Magnificent the developers intended me to play this game normally and have fun building up a wide Empire of balanced forces I will instead be showing you all today how to destroy this game Sorry developers so Age of Wonders 4 is quite a special little game whereby we actually have ourselves a Pantheon which is kind of like a meta progression system now as I've been playing the game quite a lot I've kind of finished the pantheon tree well as in I've finished it up to the most important thing in the pantheon tree which is the chosen destroyers culture trade which we'll be getting to in a second now what we're going to be doing is playing a brand new custom game in my wonderful custom created land called spiff's chaos land now I'm going to crank up the amount of AI players in this world up to 12 because try trust me the more punching bags we have the better now when it comes to actually playing the game we need to pick ourselves a faction to players these factions are all led by one glorious hero say like Alfred elder stone here he's your classic human dude he believes in feudalism and building a mighty strong human Empire good for him it's pretty boring bog standard stuff have you also got some fruity little weirdos on this list like cruel bright Lord he's a rat effectively rats when they win fights just eat the corpses which as you can imagine creates more rats these guys are brilliant to play as if you just want a gigantic horde however where this game truly truly turns into an aptly glorious experience is when you just get to make your own faction and that's exactly what we're going to be doing today unlike normal humans we're going to make our particular humans Keen sided with a focus on overwhelm tactics this makes them more likely to hit and guess what when they do hit they've got a higher chance of getting a critical attack provided they're standing next to another one of their dudes next up we need to pick our society traits now when it comes to actually picking these traits some of them are very very useful indeed however one of them is very broken The Chosen destroyers this is how we're mostly going to be destroying the entire ballant of the game today the chosen destroys is a lovely thing that I picked up whereby basically we throw all of the normal gameplay completely out of the window in a normal game of Age of Wonders for you want to settle a bunch of cities and produce a bunch of units if you are a chosen Destroyer you can only settle one city however every time you've raised to the ground someone else's City your income of manner knowledge and gold is just permanently increased if that City gets resettled and you raise it again guess what your money Manner and knowledge gets increased yet again you can repeat this ad infinum and completely destroy this game which is exactly why we're going to be playing as them and then our next perk that we're going to be picking up is Mana Channel this is going to allow summoning units to be incredibly cheap because guess what sure you could actually just build an army out of a city alternatively you can just break the game which is what we're going to do now even though we are going to want to go down a root your chaos once we get into the game it is very important that the first and most broken thing you pick up ladies and gentlemen is this the lovely Tome of zeal because it gives us the ability to summon Zealot zealots are a terrible tier one unit however they're completely broken anyway next up we're going to want to pick up a wizard King so we're bam wizard King we go next up I need to actually uh reveal myself and that means creating a lovely boy but also actually we need a good flag oh my God the Penguins oh gosh okay right look there's a penguin flag you have to go for the penguin flag and I'm going to randomize the way my ruler looks because you know the more powerful and intimidating he looks the better right fantastic I've created our glorious Overlord today he looks brilliant and evil so this is going to be our emperor now we need to give him some kind of like evil a name something that really inspires fear into our enemies so he is going to be emperor Harry the Destroyer there we go bury the Destroyer now that is a name for the ages and of course our race is going to be the lovely British now the British will make up the bulk of our fighting force and consequently they will embody all of the many many important critical assets of britishness like you know just stealing stuff raising stuff to the ground and just destroying many Ancient Wonders of the World so welcome Barry the Destroyer a new ruler emerges explore your surrounding and expand your domain prepare to face your Rivals and become the master of this realm anyway Welcome to our Capital City aquilon no that's a terrible name say hello to our new capital city berries Party Palace Barry's Party Palace is going to be the home of our Empire now the game is very simple our city has one population which means it can only take up this one tile every time we get a population we can simply Annex an additional region turn it into say a farm or a forestry camp where of course go to go Farms because Farms equal food food equals more population and more population generally equals mold good the army of Barry is going going to generally try and fight as many battles as possible in this nice early game because the more battles we fight generally speaking the more experienced Barry will get and consequently the more powerful Barry would come so we've just summoned our first Zealot and it's time for us to do our first fight in this first fight we can of course do manual combat but instead we're just going to auto combat this first fight because you know I don't want to lose that to be embarrassing and we're bam we got a glorious Victory Barry the Destroyer wins and we get the 47 magic crystals those units were stood upon oh my goodness we've also found our first ancient wander on the map now the map is going to be filled with these Ancient Wonders they're basically like giant dungeons that you have to go in and fight in but if you manage to win and you get to control this terrain you're going to get lots of lovely wonderful bonuses think of say the relics and slay the Spire that's generally what I would equate them to so our Capital has finally grown to the point where it can expand so immediately we're going to pick up these pastures because that will help grow our City faster at the same time we'll spend some of our gained money to hurry the production of the store how hours up will also help us generate population faster we'll grab a workshop grab a vendor and I'll even cheese the game a bit by spending some of our lovely Imperium currency here which is definitely not meant for this on just getting ourselves an additional population as soon as possible which I'll spend on this Quarry yes lovely now as I mentioned we are technically chosen destroyers and what that means is effectively our one purpose in the entire world is to raise everything to the ground and kill everyone now that's of course very evil and because it's a very evil thing indeed generally speaking it means the entire world hates you in fact you should at least start the game off at war with every faction in the game uh one minor issue however you don't for example we're going to meet a free city they're effectively the city-states of this game very very powerful you turn them into vassals very useful indeed we've met the free city of avernos now vernos was being the same race as us should immediately want to kill us however they can't because even though it says we started war with all other rulers and free cities we actually don't baby for perfectly balanced now what I have decided to do is declare war on avernos herefore they can grow too large and in doing so I must have a giant stack of zealots and some of them out of thin air now despite the fact that you know they're magic units that apparently cost eight Mana upkeep they don't so we're fine to just declare war here and use our giant summoned Army now of course it is a low risk battle many of these units will die that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take because um it's fine others will live and all that matters is that we took control of avernos now normally this is where you'd be able to say control the City Annex it blah blah blah blah blah uh we're going to raise it to the ground they might be our peoples but they aren't following me so consequently burn them all and luckily our ruler has leveled up as well making him even more powerful that's right Barry the Destroyer is looking brilliant so naturally we're going to grab him the undying loyalty perk which basically means he can turn his units into temporarily Undead units that just can't quite die perfect stuff indeed and here we go ladies and gentlemen on turn 16 the lovely city of avernos is about to be raised into the ground and I think I'm heading my way over towards another AI civilization there's probably another city around here I mean this map is gigantic if you can't see it doesn't really matter how swiftly we get to all of these Empires but we will be getting to all of these Empires right and here we are ladies and gentlemen we're about to do the ultimate race transformation we're going to turn all British people into spawn kid which does make them smaller uh which very funnily kind of shrinks them down I I kind of love it look they're tidy now it's brilliant I mean it does make their arms kind of a little bit too big and the weapons a bit silly but it's fine look they're weird we're just all a bunch of little small little zenlets down so uh everyone's happy and that means more units more damage more power one eternity later so far we have raised eight cities in total into the ground so uh yeah we're getting quite a lot of magic crystals oh and my goodness the orange J I decided they wanted to say settle a new cities so they settled on this city that I tried to raise oh the absolute fools ladies and gentlemen do they not know what they have done this city doesn't even have walls it doesn't even have walls you've always right well um that's uh that's gonna become their problem very quickly oh by the way I can summon free units per turn now that's how high our world casting that pool is because um because we've truly become an absolute sorcerer King we just cannot be defeated right welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've finally made our way over to the celestial Heaven aka the capital of the orange faction and we are about to knock them out of the game because um well my Army is very powerful now we have our glorious bailor here which um is slowly going to get more and more empowered and become just generally a bit of an overpowered God anyway we'll just alter our way through this fight glorious total Victory our bail or how many more kills did you get you got two more kills very good you're getting nice and strong anyway we also managed to wipe out their entire Army and we lost um free zealots that's it oh my God imagine having two and a half stacks and only being able to kill three two one units oh dear oh dear it's not even like they're Fielding low quality units they're feeling you know pretty meaty stuff uh there's just one issue uh I am a God uh an absolute God and Akio on the endless here is about to die there we go that is their lord dead Adam Baylor gets two more Slaughter empowerment Buffs lovely stuff anyway now that he's been defeated I will raise his entire city into the ground welcome back ladies and gentlemen I think now is probably the best time to show off our true power um we have an army assembled here which is you know a mix of chaff and actually okay units but most importantly uh we are getting attacked by the full bite of the strongest faction in the entire game these green little toads they are very powerful indeed however I can summon a whole bunch of Gremlins for free and all they can do is well uh die so I can automate this entire combat and do basically nothing as I melt all of their cities meanwhile our resources are getting a little bit out of control the issue is the game can't really scale to our size because I can just endlessly raise the same cities over and over again and I don't really have any consequences for losing any fights this does create a little bit of a problem of course because it means the amount of damage I can do is effectively endless and losing battles is pretty much meaningless when I can get all of the resources to re-summon an entire Army each turn because well you know that's fair right well it's turned one for one and most of the AIS in the game are dead there are only five AIS left in the game and I'm about to uh execute what I like to call a Pro Gamer maneuver and um commit a little bit of a war crime now here's the thing late game uh I can just Target some of their units and do damage to them with say my Abyssal Flames this effectively sets fire to a province and Deals 20 damage to all units in an enemy's Army the issue is I can't actually Target their fans because they're protected by this very pesky little spell Jammer here fortunately for me however the developers accidentally included a little bit of what I would like to call a workaround you see I cannot cast this in a province that is protected by a spell Jammer but the uncolonizable and uncontrollable Mountain Province next to them oh yes I can cast my fire spell there and do damage the units in the city the game just cannot stop me so yes I will cast this spell next to them dealing damage to all of their unit making sure they get nice and low and very vulnerable to my attacks look at their poor little armies oh dear oh dear Meanwhile my glorious battle armies will simply stand here awaiting the attacks from our very devilish foe a few moments later and then if we attack this unit here are 6 000 strength will attack 3400 there we go we can automate combat and watch as we should hopefully win without taking too many casualties I mean the game has a fair bit to process here so I imagine this is quite a complicated Festival there we go it worked no casualties oh my God oh dear and then here we go without our final fight we uh should have now successfully destroyed pretty much the entirety of the enemy's Armed Forces with this fight um dear Lord oh my God this is such a mess I shouldn't be able to do this this is the most powerful faction in the game they're the strongest military in the game and they just grouped it up into one giant blob and I've just systematically eliminated them one by one and look at that all of My Heroes Have leveled up right well the time has come uh we are here to attack uh the poor seeds you've said before um now normally the city would have defenses however for the temporary nature of this fight I have effectively earthquaked all of them away in fact I've lowered the health of all of the Defenders so much that they're just not going to be able to survive so I'm just gonna Auto convert this one it's over I mean this this guy is completely done for he is still the strongest player in the game apparently game when will you learn he is not the strongest player I am the strongest player I've always been the strongest player I cannot be defeated my goodness right well once again glorious total Victory no damage taken at all the city is now ours we just walked into the center of the city we can then attack this stack of troops this is an instant murder you can then also raise this city around lovely and oh my oh my you even built yourself a little teleporter here before that would make you safe well alas no you're going to get Auto resolve Oblivion and um just like that I think their entire military has just accidentally been evaporated by a stack of units that just seemingly can't die when they do die I can just summon more that seems completely fine to me right well welcome back I've teared down the spell Jammer of the final region and uh whilst we were sieging it down we were attacked twice by um some giant stacks of course uh didn't make a single difference because yes we murdered them and we lost no units anyway I'm going to cast this spell and turn this terrain into a desolate terrain yeah this will be fine we're bad what's the Worst That Could Happen yes a whole bunch of fire damage fire damage isn't that bad for us we take hardly any uh they however do take damage and look the poor King here is trying to defend the city bless him he's trying okay he's really trying he doesn't quite know why everything's on fire all of the time okay anyway I'm just going to cast uh yet another cheeky bit of Abyss flame just Scorch up the land a little bit more lovely jubbly and um yes I think next turn uh we will attack you and I think this is probably the end of the game for us because we have kind of defeated it just just a little bit um I mean this is supposedly the strongest AI around still is apparently they haven't managed to kill basically a single unit of ours I I don't I I think the game's lying to me oh dear right well a single turn has passed I did that turn he has managed to raise an entire Army of peasants to defend this city oh you fool right well what we're going to do is cast uh Abyssal Flames twice place in this province because why not I might as well and now we're going to fight this battle uh because I can this battle I'm going to Auto resolve yeah it's uh it's not going to be fair and I think I can kind of predict the outcome oh okay yeah well there's the outcome we knew was coming a sweeping total Victory where I lost no units and took basically no damage and with that the uh glorious frog Empire is dead another AI has been eliminated from the game and we did it ladies and gentlemen we absolutely smash them from this point on I just need to move my free stacks of troops anywhere around the map and just blow up whatever's there the AI is never going to be able to retaliate because they can't even get into my own terrain and even if they did I only have one giant City that I can very easily defend they however are perpetually ruined so there you have it ladies and gentlemen it turns out Age of Wonders 4 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits whatsoever thank you ah welcome back into the world of Age of Wonders for ladies and gentlemen where today I'm going to show you how to um just print units out of thin air now this exploit was brought to my attention by my lovely Irish friend potato mcwiskin my goodness is it perfectly balanced in order to pull this exploit off you just need two cities that are relatively close to each other and this lovely bonus here the wild expansion basically upon completing the annexation of a province an animal unit will be spawned under your control this is a brilliant way of just getting units for free and allow me to demonstrate how now in order to do this you must wait until one of your cities has a large enough population in our case we're going to use the right of expansive group to instantly increase the population all of our settlements by one and then what we're going to do is trade a province back and forth this lovely Quarry Province here I'm going to trade to harperton there we go where Bandit is going to take one turn to trade meanwhile this Farm Province here I'm going to transfer to Twin Mount and this Farm Province hero can transfer to Harbor till as well we're bam lovely stuff now this is the kind of thing that happens when new annex of Province flowing fields and exist Province over here and we have received a unicorn that's right a unicorn is of course a tier 3 Celestial shock unit with fantastically low maintenance that's wonderful now that's what's meant to happen when my city expands I get a free animal unit but the issue is the developers have it coded so that when a new province is added to a city's control they get a free unit that creates one minor issue when you are simply moving one Province from one City's control to another because all that happens when we enter is free wonderful units are just going to be summoned straight out of bloody thin air oh and would you look at that we have ourselves a little piglet we have ourselves a walk and we have ourselves a spooky spider we can simply merge all three of these together lovely stuff and we can use these guys to help add chaff into our various battles see look this fight is nice and easy now glorious successful Victory and oh dear a walk died that could take people time to produce but don't worry we can just simply transfer these provinces around again once again we're going to transfer this Farm to Twin Mount and then transfer this Farm to harperton and if we repeat this process over and over again we will just simply get free units every time that's right there's literally no point in paying for gold and making your own unit when you can just spaff out a bunch of animals oh and also because you have to go down the nature Affinity Tree in order to explode out all of these free animals guess what those animals get buffed to heck good luck trying to kill a stack of celestial unicorns my friends those things are spiky so thanks developers that's lovely and spicy and best of all ladies and gentlemen you can achieve this incredibly early into the game my goodness it's only turned 20 and I can already spaff out a bajillion units for free cheers devs that's perfectly balanced now one thing that I really like about Age of Wonders for is that this game has meta progression that's right not everything is immediately unlocked when you start up the game you see effectively our heroes are working under a glorious Pantheon and my Pantheon is that of the Yorkshire Tea drinkers the greater we do in games the more experience we gain and the more experience gives us Pantheon points that we are then able to spend on glorious upgrades some of these upgrades are pretty basic just like cosmetic items and then some of them are horrifically overpowered like the chosen destroyers which limits you to one city but allows you to steamroll the entire game with endless amounts of gold Manner and knowledge it's a horrifically broken oh what about the silver tongued trait which allows all trade deals with free cities to cost you 100 less resources this just basically means you can rob everyone and they love you for it it's perfectly balanced but how do we efficiently get these Pantheon points well the developers would have you believe that this is something that should take time and it'll be very slow but in actuality it's incredibly easy to farm Pantheon points just simply create a custom realm the land realm what you're going to want to do is basically create a 1v1 world where there's only you and one additional AI make sure they start really close to you and just crank down the difficulty to nothing then you want to pick the most overpowered Rush faction in the game which um if you couldn't guess it's the rat boys yep these rat boys are brilliant because their Tier 1 units are extra powerful and also extra cheap so they're fantastic at just spunking out more dudes okay don't clip dude spunking anyway welcome into the world lovely stuff effectively what we need to do right away is try and work out where the other AI is located we also want to fight and kill as many of these random AIS as possible because in doing so we're going to gain rewards and loot and also some gold and said gold we can use to rush the production of this Storehouse which in turn will grow Our Town faster effectively we're just playing a super turbo game and fantastic we've found the AI they are located just over here ah yes look at them we've got syndrome to live here this man is a great ax wielder and he has a whole bunch of magic Boys in his army that's very good now if we were to fight them at the moment it is a risky battle meaning we will probably lose but luckily we have a few advantages on our side number one do not fight fair make sure to recruit and hire more Heroes than you actually should have access to as early as possible this has given us a wonderful additional fighter in this upcoming battle and just like that with the addition of a hero this fight which was going to be basically impossible is now very very viable and is in fact a low risk battle so naturally we're going to declare a war which is completely unjust but who cares because it's going to kill their King and in doing so all of our dudes have leveled up and we've got a whole bunch of food and Magic now this is very important as our next actions we must immediately be lined where they came from which is down here somewhere effectively we must now Rush at them as fast as humanly possible and I do believe I have found myself the enemy Capital yep there it is and of course they have summoned their lord back that's very good the issue is it's not going to be enough he is going to die next turn now here's the way the game works Pantheon points are very important if you achieve 500 experience in a session which in game by as you can see improving your diplomacy rating defeating enemy Heroes leveling up you get experience points but they're pretty terrible pretty much each time they just give me 10 experience each which means I'm gonna need to get 50 integers of my heroes leveling up before I even get one pan Champion Point well I know something that's a fair bit faster than all of that and that's just quite simply winning the game which is exactly what we're going to be doing effectively all we're going to do is just quite simply sit back relax and wait for our lovely Siege to be successful and just like this on turn 13 ladies and gentlemen the game is over as we've just captured the enemy capital city this does work on pretty much any difficulty you don't need to play on the easiest it just makes it faster by about two turns but in doing so we've killed the enemy AI he's the only other person in the game and that means we win that winning the game ladies and gentlemen well that gives you 500 experience which as you can imagine is drastically more valuable than anything else so webam we've just won the game it really is that easy and would you look at that ladies and gentlemen that's an immediate level up oh my two Pantheon points we gained two Pantheon points wonderful oh so many potential bonuses I can get ah another glorious win for the perfectly balanced Yorkshire Tea drinkers ladies and gentlemen this is exactly how the developers intended you to make your way through the game [Music] foreign welcome back to science with spiff as I'm boat show for brand new exploit now here's the thing about allowing you to create custom factions they can get very overpowered very quickly like for example the faction I'm playing right here today this faction ladies and gentlemen are very very broken but they have the silver tongues trait which means trade deals with free cities cost you minus 100 resources if you couldn't tell already ladies and gentlemen that's a little smidge broken you also get to start with one additional Whispering Stone which if you didn't know is basically how you make all of these lovely free cities your vassals very very quickly now immediately we get to start out the game already knowing exactly where the nearest free city is and already being pretty friendly with them we can then immediately trade with them and use that to instantaneously get 10 free production per turn or 10 free Mana per turn that's right that's an extra 50 starting manner putter just for free that seems fine what about an extra 50 production yep that's also good how about a silver tongue fruit that allows your Whispering stones to give you even more Allegiance so you can just instantly Ally with of all of the free city-states oh dear oh God that could probably get quite powerful indeed so I'm just going to fast forward to the early section of the game probably only about 20-ish turns in where you know everyone's still starting out and nothing too crazy is going on just to see what it kind of looks like well welcome ladies and gentlemen it's turned 26 a little bit of time has passed and you will notice that uh this lovely city-state here is now our vassal meaning they give me Mana they give me gold and they even give me research wow that's wonderful oh and also they still give me that production meanwhile there's another city state over here oh they give me research oh that's very nice as well as all of the other stuff oh and then there's another city-state over here oh they're about to be a vassal of mine in three turns and they also give me a bunch of magic crystals lovely what about these guys over here oh that's right yet another city state that is just giving me free research and in five turns will be my vassal I went over here oh once again yep that's a pact of loyalty oh once again yep that's zero money for 24 magic crystals yes perfectly perfectly perfectly bad balanced oh Deary me game this seems a little bit broken and I know it's completely broken because I'm by far the strongest faction in the game and all I've done is basically expanding my Capital City deliberately not settle any more cities or even build up an army and I'm still by far ranked the most powerful in the game it does help that my research is in up to 187 knowledge per turd which is absurd absolutely absurd anyway I'm going to fast forward into the future a bit once I've pretty much picked up the entire world as my vassals now you might be thinking well spiff look having vassals is great they give you income they give you money but that's useless because someone could just come along with an army and defeat them no they can't because with rally the legions I can just simply summon units using the endless gold I have straight to their Capital City these units they're not bad it's turned 26 and I can summon tier 4 units pretty much two of these can just wipe out an entire stack of enemy units because oh my God I shouldn't have access to them but I do at the same time I can recruit a near endless quantity of them just because I'm many vessels I have and if that wasn't powerful enough ladies and gentlemen allow me to show you something truly broken say hello to blessed reinforcements ladies and gentlemen it is a spell that you can cast as many times per turn as you like and it just summons two tier three units to your vassal now this is brilliant because you can have your vassal be at war with someone halfway across the world and you might think that a player could defeat them but no a player can't if you're just continuously handing them high-powered units via magic oh yes perfectly balanced anyway I'm gonna fast forward a bit and uh see where we end up without of course settling any more cities okay right welcome back to uh what is meant to be the early midsection of the game it's turned 44 okay we're not even anywhere near the midsection this is like late early game and um things have gone completely out of the bloody windows so to speak uh I am up to 423 knowledge per turn which oh Lord is far too much and this basically means I'm blitzing my way through the entirety of the technology tree as everything takes one to two turns to restart search which as you can imagine is a little bit of an issue when for all of the other players in the game it's taking them a lot longer at the same time I have literally endless quantities of resources and my units are now Unstoppable yes we have effectively ascended into godhood and it generally was as easy as just picking these two traits none of the other AIS on the entire map even have a single vassal and yet I have picked up a bajillion of them here are all of the free cities in the world of which all of them are vassals of wine excluding one which is going to be my vassal uh next turn that's right that's literally how long it take one Turner then these bad boys are on board so it happens when I end my turn well my research goes from 423 oh we pick up a brand new vassal that's really cool uh the turn moves over and will bam it's up to 435. I select myself a new piece of research oh this tier 6 research here looks great oh yes I'll have it in two turns time that's five oh God yeah so this is a little bit of a problem because effectively at this point I could just declare war on any of the AIS and my giant vassal swarm would just systematically endlessly send units towards them raiding their entire cities into the ground effectively soft locking them out of playing the bloody game it's perfectly balanced and I'm sure exactly what the developers intended so there you have it ladies and gentlemen it turns out Age of Wonders 4 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits whatsoever if you enjoyed what you saw today then guess what you can pick up the game yourself there's a link on down in the description the game even has multiplayers why not grab a copy for your friends and invite them to a multiplayer session where you can use what you've seen in today's video to absolutely decimate that friendship and make them never want to spend time with you ever again ah perfectly balanced so thank you very much for watching a huge thank you to all of our lovely patrons YouTube channel members and Paradox interactive themselves was for sponsoring today's video seriously thank you very much and have you sat there wondering what to watch next look no further than this video on screen now Hand josen by myself to be lovely for you a goodbye [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,294,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, age of wonders 4, aow4, aow 4, AGE OF WONDERS 4 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, everything is broken, is broken, aow4 is broken, age of wonders 4 is perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced, age of wonders 4 gameplay, age of wonders, strategy game, money exploit, funny moments, video game, exploit, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, age of wonders gameplay, civ 5, ck3, victoria 3, paradox interactive, age of wonders 3, ign, meme, gameplay, game
Id: oWdd2xPnZOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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