How to cross the Atlantic ocean with a small airplane. 3 optional routes.

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2100 MILES Hi guys, are you guys good? so here's some information about crossing the Atlantic Ocean with a small airplane or light jet or very light jet generally the distance between European America and Canada is generally a little bit more than two thousand mile and to cross the Atlantic From one point to another you need at least that distance like more than 2,000 miles most of the small light jets and of course props don't have this distance and Like much less and that's why they have to do some Stop on the way to refuel the airplane. So as you can see you generally we can see 3j3 routes to cross the Atlantic each route has its advantage in this advantage and right now we'll talk about the three routes advantage and disadvantage and if you want to do it So which route you should select according to your situation and your airplane So let's look at the southern route. It's called the mid-oceanic route and I'm talking about this route that go Directly from st John Charlie Yankee Yankee tangles like Torbay it's going to To deserves to Santa Maria Lima Papa alpha Zulu and the alternate here will be Lima Papa Lima alpha it's lavas and From there you go to Europe in this place we go to this bone, but you can go anywhere you want Think with this route, it has only one one stop on the way And of course you have to have the distance from st. John's to Santa Maria it's approximately 1,400 mile and If you have this amount of fuel in the airplane, either you have it or you have extra external fuel tanks For additional distance so it's the best way to do it by this route The weather here is usually better temperature as higher as you can see if you go through this northern Canada and northern Greenland, so you're mostly going to encounter much lower temperature and much rough Rougher a weather like snow ice and stuff like this if you do it in the winter, it's really and not nice Not fun to fly last time I was here and I plan to go from here temperature was like minus 30 degrees Not fun. Another thing that you need in the mid route from St. John's to Santa Maria. It's to have a CH of communication. This is a must HF communication Not as like as the northern route Which you can do it on a specific procedures without a Jeff Of course that VHF and GPS must be on board. That's for sure So, let's look generally about what think we'll we'll check Before we go on this flight first of all is the distance as we said if you have if you don't have this 1,400 distance. So all the mid route is an unreal event because you cannot fly it Of course depend on the weather. So if the weather is bad on the north, of course It's better to do it in the mid if you have the distance, of course The edge of communication for the northern route you can do it without in the mid route You must have this H of communication either a portable one or installing your airplane so this is another consideration and Alternate Airport. I will talk about it when I will talk right now on the northern Route, but you want to have all the time and alternate Airport. So I'm going back to the route now and switching to the next one, which is the one go from Goose Bay to SAS walk which is back bow and from there to care to Iceland to Keflavik or Reykjavik and continuing to Scotland So about this route you can you guys have here 700 miles of approximately three legs of 700 mile as I say it's like more a little bit more than 2700 mile to here 700 my and just a little bit less Think with this leg from Goose Bay to No sass walk so now saw stack is a small airport single runway and if you have like 1,000 mile of distance so Of course, you need a 700 mile of distance to go trip you then with this alternate stuffs So you have you don't have much Alton the airport next to announce us walk have the Nuke a github see bravo golf golf hotel Which is an airport with a very short runway like line 900 meters Most of the time it's icy. And with snow so if you do it with a light jet if you don't get props So the problem is the distance. It's like 250 mile if you do it with jet so it's not long enough for most of the time for landing on a snowy runway or wet runway and Moreover the distance as you can see is not so close It's like 250 mile or you can go to the bigger airplane, which is sandstone Bravo golf Sierra Foxtrot and this is like 400 miles so still if you come in with 1000 mile of distance available for you guys So you left over only with 300 mile here. You need to go missed and you go to this small airplane So what I'm saying, is this on the leg from Goose Bay to now that's what you do have a problem of an alternate Airport You going for a single runway Airport within the fueled only? ADF approach one ADF approach so you really want to land it So Here alternate Airport is a big disadvantage And other thing you can do of course is to go to a colleague Frobisher and then to go to this big This is a big airport with long long runway instrument approaches Bravo girls here folks. This is a 500 mile of Lead and then you can do it you have much more fuel and this Airport is let's say safer especially in weather as I mentioned before temperature here is much more rough here temperature in the winter can go - 30 - 35 Not fun Continuing from greenland - iceland. It's less of a problem Distance is like 700 here or 800 here, but you have the Bravo India Kilo Foxtrot Keflavik, which is a very big airport - crossing long. Runways Alyce's and if anything so you have the reykjavik Bravo india on the kilo and vice versa. You can use them as an alternate which is making feel safer the last leg to Echo golf Papa Oscar. It's you can choose any Airport that you like there is many many put it there in the area of Europe and you can see you can go anywhere you like this is less Interesting as I said the legs here are more interesting When I did it, I I didn't want to go from here. Cause temperature was really really low I didn't have the distance to go from the mid one So I had to go from Goose Bay to nos ass walk and I was it was tight with the fuel I had the fuel but if I had to divert to the alternate so I am going to have problems with the short runway over there, so it was kind of Operating to Airport without an alternate with which there is a procedure to this however as a pilot, it's not something you really Want to do anyway, so I summarize you have like three main routes the lower one that it's a short distance Feel comfortable but temperature is really low. You don't need an HF. It's an advantage the mid one - no sass work. You have an alternate Airport? issue weather is kind of in the middle and Route later on it's not a problem and here if you have the distance on your airplane, it's only also once landing one stop So if you have the distance and you have the dhf most of the time it'd be easier and I say do it from Here, that's it. It's a really interesting Flight there is a lot of issues that I talked in a previous Video, but as a route issues we mention it all now, so I have a great flight safe flight don't forget to gear the life light draft and survival kits and everything just in case you know and Have a lovely day. Thank you
Channel: Captain Boeing
Views: 45,215
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Id: GAMwpPwwen4
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Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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