CrossFit Open 16.5 SMITH vs FRASER vs FRONING

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three two one go we are underway at the ranch in aromas California the only time you're gonna see these guys going head-to-head this year and maybe ever as Ben Smith Matt Fraser and rich Froning kick off 16.5 I'm actually really impressed with Ben Smith look how fast he's coming out of the gate now we all know and we've talked about pacing is imperative but he's really attacking and that I wouldn't normally consider him being an attacker of the workouts he just kind of gets himself going but wow he is gives us an assault mode the leader in the workout will have his name highlighted in blue and the number of reps he has completed be in that white box the two men in red the number of the white box will be vacate how many reps they are behind the leader in right now Matt Fraser and rich Froning are trading the lead and Ben Smith is just about a half rep behind so even here in the round at 21 right out of the gates watch Matt Fraser every rep he goes over the bar he starts to slowly turn himself around so he's cutting down that rep in half looks very relaxed that's real important this is not where the reigns is going to be won that first set of 21 you just need to find yourself a tempo [Music] Matt Fraser continues to work through his 21 burpees as does rich Froning and groaning did this workout in 2014 in San Francisco and keys are pavilion and he actually went up against a bunch of former champions including women and remember when he went out in 2014 he was behind Sam Briggs that he completed that first round in a minute 49 seconds and he does the same thing here about two seconds ahead of that face he knows his case so well he knows exactly how hard to push and this is exactly what he did back in 2014 he lets the field get ahead let them get comfortable let them blow out a lot of energy and then he slowly reels them in after playing with some of his splits from that year we found out that all of his raps every single one whether it was thrusters or burpees was virtually the same from the start of the workout all the way to the end that Fraser and rich Froning are on the lead paced Ben Smith as the bar down he's the first man to break up his thrusters be sure to send in your tweets we try to get him up on the screen here as part of our live broadcast from the ranch and aromas California's 16.5 Ben Smith Matt Fraser and rich Froning going head-to-head were approaching the three-minute mark and Matt Fraser now slightly ahead of rich Froning who's keeping that steady pace as he moved himself pump and over that night boy watch rich froning the last time he did this workout both people come flying up but he seemed stepping up now really really smart what that does is it allows him to not have to pop his hip so much he steps closer to the bar so it doesn't have to jump over as far very very smart and I'm just surprised I'm not that I'm surprised that he is amar Nath leet last time he didn't have to do that Ben Smith is falling off the pace is slightly rich froning about a rep or two behind Matt Fraser rich Froning in 2014 got done with his 18 rep round in 336 and once again he is on that pace Fraser is done with a round of 18 he'll be the first to the barbell on the left of your screen in the black shirt 15 reps now at 95 pounds Shaun just before the workout just before these guys got on the floor when once they announced the workout we saw Matt run over to Ben's been parousia and get a little bit of some helpful tips there so I think that that turn on the Burpee you see him actually resting up top stealing a little bit of rich Froning technique I think that is really smart for Matt Fraser starting to put some distance between himself and throwning and Ben Smith Smith is now solidly in the third and needs to play a little bit of ketchup is now Fraser is on to his round of 15 mentioned Ben Bergeron he is the coach of katrin davidsdottir the man who brought her from missing the games to winning them in 2015 not a bad coach to have in your corner now one thing we haven't really talked about and we don't really like to say things like this you know whether a workout is a big man's workout of small man's workout but this is a range of motion workout you have that thruster the distance that that bar has to travel or how far do you have to go from laying on the ground to jumping over the bar and the shortest athlete out there is Matt Fraser so that means he has less distance to travel so he actually does have the advantage right now Fraser has a full rep advantage on rich Froning a seven red lead on Ben Smith and that wanted to go on his 15 burpees and Fraser taking a break to strip off a shirt and move to the barbell for his 12 Bruster's now Matt Fraser we've seen other athletes who go out this quickly they're not Matt Fraser if a guy can maintain this pace it's him the guy can take pain he can put himself into that really dark place and just stay there knowing that he'll get to the end eventually he right now is the head of Rich's time from 2014 done that that in that year Matt beat rich by about 10 seconds so he is on he's on his own pace to do the same thing he did that year and also that year when rich Froning did this workout live he was chasing down Samantha Briggs and wound up passing her later on in this workout her on the round nine is when rich froning took the lead and he's creeping up on Matt Frazier's got the bar belt down Fraser's working on his burpees as his rich froning ben smith 12 reps back of the leader the battle between these two men Matt Fraser on the left and rich Froning on the right you see that little sidestep with Fritz Froning trying to save a little bit of energy I'm gonna see if he can use that when we get down to the fast rounds of nine six and three so he can play catch-up razors Donnie moves tonight and if you watch him closely he was taking a look over to his left to see what brownie was doing and Matt Fraser is right back on that barbell as we're past six minutes that Fraser is leading both Smith and Froning well behind him rich Froning finishes twelve reps at 6:23 so he's behind that pace that he said a couple years ago but Matt is just about ten seconds ahead of that so he is on pace for his time and you know we talked about this earlier he's got something to prove he needs to show these guys what he's all about he wants to show everyone that you know what that second place is not the first loser has you know a lot of people stay with that number two spot I mean he is the real deal rich Froning on the writers screen trying to catch up with Matt Fraser who set a frantic pace to start he has pretty much kept that he's almost through his round of nine beds Smith 17 reps off the lead pace enough Frasier where two barbells to go six reps on this one and rich Froning is still working on his birdie so Matt Fraser is making a statement in aromas about seven and a half minutes gone here in 16.5 the first time these three men have ever been here competing at the ranch and possibly the last time we see them compete together as individuals floating of course in the team competition Smith and Fraser are individual competitors and Matt Fraser getting set to wrap up his six burpees and he is leaving rich Froning and Ben Smith in his dust and he is moving so fast on to the final barbell three thrusters three bars facing burpees and maybe one big win here at the famous ranch in aromas California three puppies remain for Matt Fraser who does not have a championship but right now Fraser has bragging rights and a whole lot of confidence and that could be dangerous in July he just did not stop at all he's so good at just stayin in that pain zone knowing that here can relax at the end but doesn't stop did not quit at all Ben Smith is on his round of six wrist warning is on his round of three froning's going to wrap up a second-place finish and the defending fittest man on earth Ben Smith will finish third Froning is in does not beat his time that he set in 2014 congratulate SMAP Fraser now bed spent the only one who needs to finish up he moves to the final barbell and Ben Smith is a little ahead of the pace in he had in 2014 you know and even though he's taking third place here when you got a better score than you had you really can't be bummed out about that and improvement is improvement great job for Ben Smith Ben Smith in at 19 Oh 6.8 registering will finish in second place the first time that Froning has not won an open announcement and that Fraser is the winner he came out early set the pace held the lead and it's something that we don't see people do often when they're facing rich Froning keptin in in this workouts Matt
Channel: Fatal7ty
Views: 1,013,386
Rating: 4.8410392 out of 5
Id: StylmpaQCJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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