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three two one go 16.4 is open and ready for fitness that Schriever Air Force pace katrin davidsdottir and sara sigmundsdottir going head-to-head as they left off at the CrossFit Games last year in 2015 captain taking that first place Sara in third and they will start with 55 deadlifts at 155 pounds it chase we saw that Sara drop that intentionally first she has a plan and and watch the open updates with passion where you talk to both of these ladies before push-ups so she got her present here today definitely saw the smile on her face when Dave cashew announced Dedalus we're going to start 16.4 sara sigmundsdottir has just a slight edge on Katrin Davis daughter if you look at the top part of your screen your leader between the two athletes will be and Gloria as the red athlete was a note how many reps that be our catch and we'll take a break 40 Saracens honor will pick it up at the same time as well as our three Airmen who qualified to be here in a chipper style of egg ensure you're talking about altitude captain and Sarah don't have experience with this out to date but the three athletes competing with them today do [Music] I don't think she intended to break that she took a cute and look just a snap Sara off the dead list verse and she will miss her first vlog all shot it's a 14-pound ball to a nine-foot target captain Davis owners about 20 seconds behind her history was first heard this announced it was really hard to digest exactly how challenging these deadlifts were going to be you spoke earlier about it something middle-of-the-pack rep scheme middle of the pack wait I think both of those combined together can be very devastating if you don't pace it out well very winning to pull that bar off the ground at that weight for 55 reps movements that we have you know basically the thrust is for just crushing people's engines so and they're getting huge sets this just goes to show how ugly wait just past the 2:30 mark sara sigmundsdottir has a 5 rep lead on captain Davis on who's on the left in the green shorts are three Airmen [Applause] working through the refs but stepping forward at the right part of your screen Jessica Tandy who actually won that qualifier chipper has moved up to join our two women for good reason she amazing those dead lips done in under three minutes Jessica trendy onto her first set of wall balls 14 pound ball to a nine-foot target as both Greg Overton and Mark Skinner are still on their platforms trying to keep pace with Jessica but sara sigmundsdottir has just three more reps remaining before she has finished her set a 55 wall and she'll miss just hitting the bottom of the target that might leave a little bit room for Davis on her to catch up a sigmas daughter at 336 is on to the rower and we moved from one exhausting movement to another I tell you what though cheese I hate to say this but I think their role is where you're gonna catch your breath sound silly coming out but when you've just done those deadlifts and those wall balls and it really get your heart rate up and you're winded you can and you can recover on this 55 calories they're going to get through this round Sara Sigma's daughter holds a 20 second lead on katrin davidsdottir is the same amount she had coming off the deadlift so caching didn't lose any time on the wall balls as Mark Skinner Greg Overton and Jessica Tandy are on their set of 55 wall ball shots you can look for the ladies whoever would be in the lead to get about 165 to go with their clothes to get you know that I'll keep you on track to how much stronger they need to be as sigmundsdottir still has a nine lead on captain Davis otters she's about 18 calories in we have two races going on at the same time second lieutenant Jessica trendy in blue at the top part of your screen is 86 reps in she'll need to get to a hundred and ten to finish her wall golf shots and she's moved seventeen and twenty six reps ahead of her fellow Airmen showing why she took first place in the event to be here in front of everybody and to make her husband proud overseas that's the five minute mark your three Airmen being led by Jessica trendy she has about 13 reps to go before she moves to the row of herself the race down on the rower is between sara sigmundsdottir and captain Davis otter and Sarah has moved up she had an 8 rep lead getting to the rower she's extended that to about 11 you can see the top part of your screen the refs tonight donated by Katherine's name is how many she is behind cygnus daughter and surely like he said 165 is the number to see so she's about twenty two reps off but getting off the rower more importantly looking at the watts that pays the two right about 900 a little bit low in Sarah's holding 9:6 thousand so we're gonna say right now which means she's gonna keep her meter you can tell by looking at how much she's pulling ahead here into your pointer he said this is the time where you can almost recover or arrest on the rower 900 cows at pace wise this is a pretty easy pace for most female athletes to see the guys tending but this is definitely you can salad they're almost biding their time knowing that you can get through the handstand push-ups quickly if you're efficient but you didn't blow yourself up getting to it [Music] and she is still holding a high place right there about 9:20 forty right there and she's getting ready for that second movement that she wanted and in the air for sara sigmundsdottir she's new to rips past captioned by 13 jessica Trumpy is on to the rower at the seven minute mark six minutes remaining of this 13-minute and wrap this 16.4 is live in underway at Schriever Air Force Base in sara sigmundsdottir and the 710 mark will waste no time and she will move into her 55 handstand push-ups that transition from the rower to just go right overhead and quest out rep she has done right now about 15 already a start as our first set the number you're looking for to finish out the entirety of the round is 220 repetitions at the top part of your screen Sarah Simmons daughter has at 185 and you can see how fast you can tick these handstand push-up reps away because David solder has moved back 23 reps at one calorie to go davis daughter will join Sigma's daughter on the wall right about the 8 minute mark with 5 minutes remaining plenty of time to get back to those deadlifts [Music] super has gotten a few dough rats from her judge she's struggling to get her heels over that line right now and that line denoted previously before they started this it was the same one they had last year type the pennant for the athletes but it is very tough to get as you get more fatigue because it does matter as far as hand placement and making sure your heels get over the top of that tape line and you can see how she's being much more deliberate now in each one of those who doesn't lose any more reps much skinnier in the four partiers screen of our three Airmen tackling 16.4 still on the 55 wall ball shots but alone on the rower Jessica trendy is just just - playing these two guys [Music] you can see the combination of movements is starting to catch up with her the rowing is looking slightly like it's in slow motion so she's trying to catch her breath really doing a phenomenal job on those deadlift struggles four minutes remaining until he hit the 13 minute cab for 16.4 Sigmund's daughter has lost some of that extended lead on captain's David's daughter this place she's lost about rats and what you'll notice the difference between these two women is that Catrin is really pointing your toes down very significantly and Sara now you can see she did it there is starting to do it more dramatically in order to and what are the couple things that she can actually do to make that a little bit easier the wall or point those toes down make sure that your hip doesn't go back [Applause] Sigmund's daughter at to 18 to 20 is the number she needs before she's done with their final repetition and right under the ten-minute mark sara sigmundsdottir has three minutes remaining to work her way back down the chipper and it was just waiting to pick up tonight want to make some bets here that she's gettin to that wall bone it took her about a minute and 45 seconds on the first go-around she has three minutes in total to get back to the Med balls still able to do a big set at ten Eggman's daughter has 15 reps done of the 55 she needs to complete as we're slowly approached in the 11-minute mark David's daughter in the back part of your screen few reps left for her to go Catrin started right in the middle of her set of handstand push-ups starting to get no rep as well so similar experience and there you can see her judge just no rupture on that handstand you really pay attention to where your body is the hips where your hands are where your heels all Italy to make that count as David's daughter is trying to trap down Sarah Sigma's daughter are two Airmen mark Skinner and Greg Overton has finally joined the rower with Jessica trendy Jessica winning that qualifier that Schriever Air Force Base held to qualify to compete here today her 16.4 ship Ravi off the rower done herself pretty soon and it appears as though competing against herself now and it gets the leaderboard in order to keep herself the open and really not have to do this effect of head when she leaves here Eggman's daughter 255 reps to go to 75 is the for you're looking for as captain Davis daughter has 30 left to make up but only 60 seconds to go captain's Davis owner is to the bar as cygnus owner has 20 more reps of course she finishes from the first round starting off this event and look at the look Catrin stays in the zone she's gonna try to hold on to the car as long the ketchup we seen her ability to hang on to some heavy dental Sephora's that actually led to her winning the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games Sigma's daughter Dave his daughter the dead last 20 seconds remaining sigmundsdottir has 10 reps ago 9 can she get through these deadlift she's running out of time as David solder is doing everything she can to this stay within striking distance 5 reps and only 5 seconds to go in Sigma saw her get to the dead list at the buzzer and with one rep shy Sarah Sigma's daughter will take 16.4 [Applause] Sara
Channel: Fatal7ty
Views: 1,561,744
Rating: 4.8010836 out of 5
Keywords: crossfit open, crossfit games, workouts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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