Critical Role: Jump Scares (or Travis Willingham dying)

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but there is oxygen now in this chamber you can breathe there is enough air to like actually get a lungful here and there though it is still thin and there is still the toxic fumes here that had you not had the heroes feast should be having a rough time but you're not having to constantly dip into the the jug anymore that was you that was me over did it come out of the speaker I [Laughter] cannot wait to get the Halloween Horror Nights again we leave you ten feet ahead about anyway wasn't really going to offer information no standing by the doorway you see their arms crossed casually standing before you hey I would like if you would come to life again a little bit then tell us some things that we want to know lighted shits going you you find it very quickly because you're attuned to the smell of some of the herbs and various mosses that they've been cultivating and drying out their deck that's familiar and so much like you take your first step and you watch something I'm just glad across the entrance from wall to wall some faint glow in your figure just in his car they burn it down but you know under does see you know what who really needs this fear should we just go back to the boat no I didn't mean it okay for you just have kind of this like this gentle chill in the back of your head like something just frozen just caressed the back of your skull it's gone like a Jack Johnson I'll see this to me I'll do this to me that's acceptable joke like that okay okay cool no problem okay don't just don't make it like green girl okay or like bowls or do so continuing on yeah something up ahead for the Tuaregs all right go ahead and make right behind it you see the figure of a man going at you white and pale within steps back into the wall and vanishes that's the worst thing I've ever heard or seen and it just stared at you before it stepping back into the wall and then shine stop describing it we go forward right yeah yeah you can see what looks to be about 12 or so these ghostly figures just kind of standing there oh let's make I would I hate this war I'm looking for in good out with the hustle and you I mean on the hustle on the quick march all right where are the ghosts they're just hanging out you glance over your shoulder yeah about 15 feet behind you not moving just looking at you being perverted that's great as you're kind of looking over towards the throne you look up and about 10 feet above the throne standing up no in the seaweeds though holding on to the clusters of it you see what looks to be a female humanoid form mostly in shadow hair down over the front of the face one one yellow eye peeking through on this side and one half open yellow eye kind of glancing through just up against the wall right above the throne holding him for hungry I do you watch as you watch as she kind of scrambles across this I'm this behind the seaweed in his dog let's roll initiative Ian's rock into this wicker chair and mother do you know much of this city [Music] yeah I'm standing in the corner of my head raise your hand if you want off the ride the ability to heal wounds sustained yourself you seem uncomfortable would you like to wait outside just like what the name if I were to look up under equipment are these four vials of poison resistance called I'll show you the break okay can we please eat or go check out the boarded up house what are the other just whatever direction is further away from this [ __ ] place I was totally comfortable out of European GB yeah by just a couple of couples and a little Club [Music] keep pushing [Laughter] [Music] it was just like low mournful just wail [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] just risen up from behind like yeah [ __ ] you don't need to make the noise every time I know you see a couple of stones like no tumble down move up in this corner and from one of the larger holes you see these larger lathes emerge much larger than the other spiders they're clearly opposite side you see the body you have a better look at it now the spotty itself is is a deep gray almost black with these red stripe like hooks try striations to come across the front of the body at the edge of each kind of joint of its leg a large barbed hook comes out there and there looks like a row of horns that goes down the back of its head and across its abdomen you figure turns and looks towards you the vacant dark eyes the sockets where they should be in a glance in your direction the hair seems to almost lift it vanishes an excuse bet those bad guys detect undead the music still fired were backing up away from the mist mmm okay you were right here I admit it you were right a lake over the lake and like that her form just did she look like if you looked in a scary or did she look look at its kind of mystical I this campaign how did you see some brutish ogre instead of scary [ __ ] wake up so what's happening you guys are all into the dough my god so it'll take a full minute all right so Kailyn begins drawing the circle across the ice you're setting it down you see like the Dragons like angrily roaring and slamming its closet on the opposite side you can see like handful of yetis that apparently have come in since you you watch it about 20 seconds in galavan's anger subsides Higgins kind of like caged lion the inside of the circle about 40 seconds in goes where do you think you're going 50 seconds in we didn't want to disturb your seven platinum out the out the door [Laughter] [Applause] what's the crack around form this kind of a blue dome over the outside right as the circle is finished you see it move all the same runes flare familiar from before give six seconds
Channel: Soda Wax
Views: 887,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Critical Role, Dragon Friends, Matt Mercer, Sam Regil, Sam regiel, Purvon, Pervon, Assum, Sigil, Sigel, Travis, Willingham, Marisha, Ray, Taliesin, Jaffe, Ashley, Johnson, Laura Bailey, Voice Actor, Sound Effect, Vox, Machina, Mighty, Nine, Nien
Id: 3XEF2R3lwtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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