Tusk Love: The Supercut (Critical Role Episode 11 - 72)

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[Music] there's tusks laughs that was a little more sassy she leads you both to the back she she plucks a copy of Tut's gloves is a guy did you do want to get anything oh yes I want to buy that the task II love one that is also a three silver pieces we will hang out up here and us be weird alright so as you guys spend the remainder of the evening waiting for this to inspire some patrons come in some leave into it you're reading through the book and I would assume it's about some sort of pork laughs it is actually it deals shields with the union of a half-orc and the daughter of a traveling merchant as they they meet they meet on the amber Road up near druvan load and it goes into a saucy union between the two but they can't because whatever the parents think [Music] Oscar with the K Oscar what you reading there oh man Oh horse we obviously have a lot to decide on perhaps it would be better if you just stayed up in the room I can do that I can do that I'll just lock myself in there and let me know if anything comes up if you like I'm gonna just grab the copy of tusk glove relax but not too much where's gives you a long look of like I learned a lot about you in the moment that's it isn't that I've just been bored and reading this book page yeah any favorite parts no pictures good there are addictions [ __ ] you reading it for which scene the scene where the ship is sinking and Oscar and Genevieve do paddle to shore it was going to hear Guinevere that's what it much I remember Oscar a little more not only Oscar was paddling in that one I'll run over and I'll kneel down next to gestured pick up her head before us I would go to toss in their form [Music] I've seen him other half Forks with the teeth the guy in tusks love had them he did you know what maybe Keira shouldn't treat rascal up just yet how old did your are your parents how old are you compared to most people that are like you I think that means she spread the young yeah Carrie where do babies come from she doesn't know without we're talking about [Music] where do babies come from do sound like now okay just spend the evening telling Katie basically the story of tasks laughs oh god I have two really really dirty bits I fall asleep like 20 minutes in its most beautiful love story you've ever heard in your entire life basically [Music] [Laughter] I draw pictures of it you know it's like illustrate if you if you could see a black bird of lush book the stress reading first when she grabs a book actually this is the plain letter but yeah okay you know I'm obviously just a little bit jealous but I don't want to take you away from your reading to make conceptual check 9 you can see there's a little bit of text like just barely visible at this proximity to the cover the book but you can't make it out in this low light she takes she takes it and closes it puts a beneath the counter leave 2 gold on the counter before I leave for you no matter what but if you tell me what it is I promise I won't tell the rest of them I just want to lord it over them she palms the two gold enjoy your evening maybe they're just trapped together I don't think I don't know they haven't done anything pull out touch gloves and just start reading it to them okay so carrying on for the next 20-30 minutes or so as a gesture loudly reads outward into the open cold air of the valley at the base of cravat Oh Kirara needs a little stirring that still he did you do watch as more figures begin to appear at the peripheral there's that same woman who is kind of almost to the front and you see three other figures and then there are six and there are twelve yeah and they're all just drifting in a semicircle behind you follow do I recognize that I'm gonna not inside paper of smaug okay that they're not happy maybe I should not read this book anymore no it seems to I don't know it distractions are good let's keep going keep reading just for fun one more detect undead just to see if there's anything beyond what we see okay you tune out the sequence that gesture is loudly professing amongst the audience three or less as you close your eyes you sense dozens and dozens of entities around all of you just if you want to pause your reading from minute or two and see if that has any differences I just finished this one sentence though and it was real deep number three best reskin so you finish the phrase and pods and moments and continue to walk in silence for another few minutes as you do you watch the spectral figures begin to pull back into the mist and disappear they don't just want to hear this maybe they just a piece of the living they stopped following us when she stopped a few and then the number of they were still there were the numbers have dwindled we're look a couple dozen figures in the mist that were drifting behind you now there's about eight maybe should start again surely push one yes all right to continue reading or do you remain stuff let's do it to do you guys I mean the ghosts did seem a little horny so maybe I'd say All Things Considered I'd rather have happy ghosts than unhappy ghosts and they seem to perhaps not loudly but continue for the and founding it I've been finding it oddly comforting if you just pause it for now odd cast our location as we're walking Mitchell positive neutral yeah look they seemed naturally ghastly expressions unchanged the slack-jawed eyeless sunken sockets you haven't gotten very close but from like the thirty foot distance that you have a view of most of these entities they just kind of drift and trying to build the atmosphere I've rolled pretty good eleven eleven unfortunately their spectral forms do lack definitive genitals but your imagination helps you imagine that sure maybe a half of them are pitching a tent I got a sequel actually intestine I gotta I gotta go oh god damn it I love this so much I'm going to say let's continue to show them whatever respect we can this is a little I refuse to I refuse to believe that this is your Karma's my respect do you mean reading smut or not I think readings for okay I'll read it quieter yeah skip to the good parts I think it's okay that's very intention okay you ripped open for about this it's like five gold as you're reading the numbers begin to swell once more to about 30 or so entities keeping on the outside at the outskirts of your Travel Group one by one they all vanish entirely into the mist that single female figure that you first encountered the last one standing before disappearing she stayed for the whole reading biggest fan she might have written I don't remember whose they are Mathilda Masseria be like a maybe we should just come back here once a week and read to them it seemed to like we were reading them our gesture was really nice glass held at the bottom you can see you interrogation about oh it's really good to you and to borrow it I mean for as long as we're here we're gonna be a large shape maybe okay good heavy read go stick the same author know if you guys are gonna know what's Edurne if you can pick me up a copy maybe if you're coming back yeah it's a crime story Tyla is completely taken with just love oh good then she's gonna enjoy what I wrote in the book that she write in the book oh I just wrote a wonderful story about petunia and her lover captain tusks tooth and there are adventures on the high seas in a pantsuit [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: renaissanxes
Views: 1,107,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CriticalRole, MightyNein, Tusk Love, Mighty Nein, Critical Role
Id: WBL_HoeNvnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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