PTC Creo Simulate

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welcome once again to frontwards technical webseries today we are touching on clear simulate this is a continuation from last week from clear simulate light which is available on the base package however the one that I'm going to show you now is the one that you get when you purchase clear simulate this is the one that's integrated with creo parametric which is our modeling package so this is what we have at this stage now let's see for an example I'm having a check I know very well that I'm going to exert and load just like this and this is the part that's going to be subjected to that load that will mean that the backrest will fall off if that part is actually gone so this is a part in question so this is what I'm faced with number one I knew very well I'm having the following I need to have bolts that are fastening this product here but also quite intriguing is that if I look at this chair if I exert a load from the back I can have movement slightly in those directions however I'm going to have limited or no movement in that region that simply means that in here there's going to be a rotation and translation and here I will have rotation but I wouldn't have translation so this there's actually going to be a pin this is going to be a cylinder connection we'll get to that in a second so let's go back to this component here the first thing that you do you go in to simulate remember if you don't have the license will clear simulate it will take it to the simulate line if you haven't seen the video from Roxy please check that out so because I do have simulate now the first thing that I'm going to do is assign material there's a wide range of materials that I can actually pick through I've got composites I've got ferrous metals and so forth so these are some of the materials that you actually have in terms of composites there's a some of the materials you have for plastic however for this demonstration I'm just going to stick with aluminium which is under the legacy and of course I can look at the properties of that material I can change the Pisans ratio and so forth all right so now that I've actually applied this material I can actually match my model that means that I can actually break this geometry into small little fragments called elements I don't need to of course but this is just to demonstrate the capabilities inside creo parametric and clear simulate so what I have here is my mesh as you can see I've got different sized elements in certain areas I can of course control my mesh to say this entire component let's make maybe the elements to be ten millimeters right if I now mash this I'm going to have my mesh that has a specific Sox of course I can segregate and also pick regions or areas that I want to be even more finer than this what I also like showing in this case is the following I can also configure how I view this mesh I can say I don't want to see the mesh points this is what I have and I can also say in this case how about we look at maybe shrinking the mesh to be that size so that when I explode or mesh stirs you'll see there's like now a little bit of an exaggeration cap between my elements this gives you a rough overview in terms of those tetrahedral elements that actually exists in this case like I said it's not necessary for me to do this I'm just doing just to showcase the capabilities of simulated ok so now what I'm going to do is assign what you call constraints so like I said before I'm going to apply what you call a print connection here so that will mean that a Mont rotation but I want to restrict the translation so that's basically what I have they and then on this area here I want to free up the translation as well so this is what I have at this stage so quite interestingly enough I know that the load is actually applied on those surfaces and let's say in the z field if you can look here at the bottom it actually shows the orientation of my force that's a is actually going to be like this or even like that so what I'm going to do here is if I say make this to be 350 that's not the true representation of what's happening in fact one might even argue that the direction of the slowed is actually that way but that's not the true deflection of this because it to look like the force is directly on the poles but it's actually applied away from that point so in this case we're going to use what we call Tutor loaded point this is what we're looking for so this is it so it generates like a bending moment in this area so that means that I'm having something along those lines and you would agree that this is exactly what actually happens because of I'm actually applying the load here the load of the poles is actually going to rotate in this particular area so now that we've actually done with this we can start our basic structural analysis so what I'm going to do is start my analysis I can call it whatever here in this case let's call it basic and this is what I have now I'm going to run this analysis and look at those results and probably maybe I can do something extra from us okay so what also all significant dimension is while the analysis is actually running I can look at what's happening to my analysis and it will tell me when it's actually done I can also configure what you call templates for my result window so that every time I view my results they come in a particular format okay so these are my results I can actually see my vector plot I can obviously see the animated fringe plot which I can actually con control and clip it and so forth if you want to see a little bit of that can check the video that we've done last week that is it from this week and if you like to have more information and so forth please don't shy away from contacting us and please don't forget to like the video and inter comments as well until next time thank you very much
Channel: productONE Solutions
Views: 73,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creo Simulate, thermal analysis, Structural analysis, loads and forces, engineering, engineering software, engineering design software, CAD
Id: P-YIh8xjjuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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