PTC Creo 4.0 tutorial: Offset feature vs. Offset option

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hi folks my name is Vladimir and in today's video tutorial I'd like to focus on the feature with clear parametric 4.0 offset it's a second part because in the last video tutorial we have seen how to work and create based off set we would like to start from scratch so we need to specify the model name and I will start with extra feature but I like to focus on surface modeling so right now I select the surface modeling that I would like to create a surface and we can try to create really easy shape sub some rectangle and we would like to modify some dimensions so for example we would like to use damage and 50 to 100 if you work with surface modeling the system doesn't create solid model but only surface this older model is full and this is only surface model you can specify the depth and finish the feature with middle button if you don't want to see the datum feature you can switch off directly from the menu I will continue with some round and if you would like to select more than one round you can sell a right mouse button and system will create for you the round for all Internet is for the sketch of the extra features so it was really easy and really quick we would like to continue and we would like to define the thickness so we expected we can specify the thickness inside or outside here with dynamic preview can see how it look and again we would like to set some value for example 5 millimeters it was really easy how to create a base profile and I'd like to go back and a little bit explain to you the last video because in the last video I was spoken about offset analyzes and radius analyzes yeah so you know that if you will specify the another shape so for example again I will create a spline it will be same like last video tutorials but for now we would like to create directly the cut feature and we can specify dimensions you can go again and specify the depth you can specify the number or you can use and move it a little bit in so I'd like to go through yeah perfect really the question or you know the answer that if you would like to create offset feature of that surface the system can create offset feature or offset that surface but that is a problem sometimes you and you know that you can use the analyzer and check what is the maximum offset value but sometimes you would like to create the feature and even care because I like to move it for example 17 yes oh okay go here in the option tab and over there is the some functions you can use the normal to surface it mean the system will create of such a surface director to existing and create surface or you can use the automatic fate what the system do the system will approximate the offset value and right now you can go more yeah then standard offset now or you can specify the control at fit and you can specify in which direction the system leave the offset translation so you can have a look if I will switch on my coordinate system we have advised that because this is the coordinate system and we would like to for example switch off the site value and the system will define the space offset right now I can have a look here and you can use more than the value of more than 70 yeah so you can have a look it's so it means that you can specify how to assist and will offset your surface and you can manage by option tab so it was the first example or continue to my previous tutorial about of the feature and I like to show me more so I can delete this feature and we would like to for example extend this surface because for example if I will manage the extra feature I can change the value yeah for example I will select the Edit and I can change the value but you know that the system doesn't change my shape because at the second feature another feature is excellent feature and the system will make a cat and this cat is responsible where is the placed okay so I can move it but I don't want to move with this one because again if I will go outside the system will doesn't create nice shape for me so here is a question that we would like to manage some offset value as well for example will be 250 and you would like to manage in your I will generate in your promised remodeling that you would like to extend this exiting profile so for extant feature you can use that surface and you can use the offset functionality but you don't want to use the default offset if I will sell a right mouse button you can see here that I use the standard offset it this is the name of the standard offset feature but I'd like to use the function expand feature so you can select drop-down menu here or you can set a right mouse button and select expert is up to you how many times you use the right mouse button I don't need to go through the all icons because almost everything is in the right mouse button but how the system count this offset value so you can see here that right now the system follow my offset and again the system follow the shape and create the offset so here is the question it's not good because I don't know this time engine so you can go to option tab and I'd like to translate translate sorry and in which direction you would like to translate so you can use the datum plane or existing geometry right now it's really good because you can translate or offset the existing profile like you need later you can specify the parametric time engine relations or read about you yes so for example 200 so right now all together 150 the first or second exit features first cut and then I manage my profile with offset on so it was the second example how you can use the offset feature and manage translate and manage function translate okay here is the question if it is possible to add material or cut material so I'd like to create another extrude feature and again I will use the surface modeling and we would like to extend this right surface to some existing geometry so you can create the geometry or you can copy from in the assembly mode so for example we would like to extend our surface the created surface is something like this for example maybe symmetric shape you don't what is necessary that that surface has to be bigger like the offset that one so right now I'd like to show you how you can offset existing surface and you can manage the right mouse button here and add the icon there or you can use the offset value offset feature directly from here so right now you know that this is the default offset but you don't want to use the default you would like to use the replace function then so you can use the rig right mouse button I see and system ask you select surface to replace so I will select that one you can see this is the replace function if I will finish the system will automatically create offset feature for me and replaced the original one so with offset feature you can add material and my question asked me and it's the possible to remove material yeah no problem again you can try to on the opposite direction and for example I would like to create shape like this on the left side create dimensions and what is necessary to do is make a bigger yeah so again you can use the two selected and for example to select some excel face use offset sinc function and replace yeah the system ask you in reference tab replace quilt so you can select and you can see really easy and really quickly how to remove material by offset value or by offset feature and the another question is that if I will select offset one more time over there is another function and I'd like to focus make offset with the draft feature now what does it mean see the for example if I will use the function with draft feature you can see here the system ask me select the sketch so I can define with offset value and specify the sketch so we will create a new sketch directly over here for example here and you need to specify some references and then for example we would like to create some in really the shape for example some rectangle here so I'd like to add or remove material okay so over here I can create a shape and if I come from okay this time will create for me offset feature you can see from inside the system will create really nice shape and the system will specify the draft and here is the answer one I the first time it's a bit draft we also it's a offset function with the draft feature so you can specify the sketch you can specify the draft angle and finish here so it was another example how you can reuse the offset feature and create the offset region with the draft and the similar is if you would like to offset without draft so yes same function really easy only expand yeah but in the reference you can see that we would like to expand the in-video individual surfaces but in the option tab again it's the option scheduled region so we would like to define the sketch and you can create preferences for the sketch and then you can only expand some geometry and for is it good with this feature you can add material or remove material so go inside set that for example two millimeters and the system will create the something like how okay or you can select with the definition you can go outside and system will automatically add material yes again here the question with previous method it was possible to remove material no problem set that and set soft and if you said that inside the system automatically remove the material so here is the answer that with the extra of it sort here is the answer that with offset feature you can add material or remove material and you can specify the region and in the last example I like to show you how to create and how to work with text so for example we will remove this two objects and I like to create some special geometry so for game second I will a little bit change shape and we can change in a little bit so I will change the previous sketch and over here some default value and for example we would like to create shape like this and some odd yeah you will be good I'd like to show you that is the possible to create a little bit difficult geometry okay so this is my shape that I like to use and if I will finish the system will create for me the nice shape and you can see here I miss some geometry here so give me a second some modification and right now it's okay so be careful with dimensions what we are using with dynamic clave is you can really easy check what is the problem and the system will automatically show you which object has some problem so investigation of errors are really good with creo parametric 4.0 and dynamic preview directly there okay continue with of the feature if you would like to offset here some text I have created more than one surface because on one surface it's really easy but you would like to learn more so I like to continue here and create some text if you would like to work with text and offset feature you have to create the separate sketch and the place the text on the separate sketch so I have selected the sketch feature and in this feature I'd like to create the text I don't want a bright light here so I will orient the these reference to horizontal you know that is the possible from previous training and right now we can add some text here so for example we would like to place text on for example on some o some cars into the Clemson over here it will be combination of the text place it on the curve and right now I will create a text here and place along the curve yes it's really good you can place it anywhere you can play the directly on the curve and right for example my back patch yeah focus ID so you can specify the text you can place it directly along the curve for example you can manage the aspect ratio or you can manage the default font to go it up to you and it will come from okay and if I will come from okay you can see that i have created the my sketch on the datum plane directly in the middle and right now here is a question that if you would like to offset that text you have to select more then once our face because the tag was place it directly here now you can see that i can specify with surface i'd like the outside and then if I will use the offset function over here in the option I like the option select the schedule which I will specify the define we would like to define the sketch plane and orientation plane and so for example this one will be in the right so I print we would like to see the text directly so we would like to use the hide align and here is the answer while is not possible to use the text directly in the offset because you can see here that system show me the text in the opposite way is no problem you have existing sketchy geometry you can use the project function and use loop loop means that you will select only one edge and sister will select for you oh geometry and you can follow and select all necessary sketch it features and I will select on a few lines if I will confirm ok the system will create for me for example -1 the knife shape and here's the question what isn't working and then forgot to add some another one and in the option I will use the translate yes ok so you can see here that if you forget some geometry you can specify the shape and if you forgot something is a problem you can use the Edit definition and I like the project the gain from for this one yeah you can have a look here that I can add material or remove matter add material or remove material is up to you if you would like to add or remove so you can have a look here it was really quick and really nice example how to manage and create the region or you can specify the text directly on any surface or any shape of your 3d modeling if you would like to go and set some colors it's not problem you can have a look here and you can specify that which surfaces you would like to make a different color yeah and if you would like to apply the color for a whole object you can select the objects five for example the right one use the render function and you can visualize eight your 3d model directly with a creo parametric 4.0 I hope so did you like my example how to use the offset function and in this video tutorials I explain to you how to manage and work with standard offset how to define the region with the draft and expand offset feature or with replace function was some example you can add or remove geometry and replace the existing one stay tuned and follow my youtube channel see you soon Vladimir bye bye you
Channel: 4K Side - Creo Tutorials
Views: 29,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo, parametric, tutorial, proe, proengineer, Pro/E, Pro/ENGINEER, EFX, video, 4.0, creo 4.0, ptc, vpalffy, surface, surface modeling, 4kside, creo tutorial
Id: et2tX-avmtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
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