Creflo Dollar Succeeding in Everything You Do

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the following program is made possible by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries we are at hand where God is about to take the last and make them first and the first and make them last and your in line for increase and promotion so I speak what I believe and what I believe I speak and I speak it over your life promotion and increase and the church that received it said now for today's message with creflo dollar we've been talking about grace based prosperity and that's just simply understanding that the grace of God has already made everything available that you will ever need in your life because of God's love his unmerited favor and love that he has bestowed and showed to us then the things that you pray about most of the time has already been finished the things that you're looking for and trying to get ahold of it's a part of this finished works grace has made it all available it just simply means that when the doctor says you're healed Jesus paid the price for your healing 2,000 years ago when there's a need for deliverance in your life the deliverance is already at hand it's a part of the finished work of Jesus and so our faith we've got to reach out with our faith and apprehend what Jesus has already made available and so what do what did we do to deserve any of this nothing it was his on his his is his love his his unmerited love that he bestowed upon us through His grace to cause all these things to come to pass now please understand something because of the blood of Jesus the grace of God has made healing available because of the blood of Jesus the grace of God has made deliverance available and because of the blood of Jesus the grace of God has made Prosperity available he delivered you from sin sickness and death but he also delivered you from lack and poverty that is a part of the finished work of Jesus Christ but you got to understand that everything that grace is made available to you unless you believe it unless you reach out what your faith to apprehend it you will never see the manifestations of it if you allow religion to continue to tell you that's not something or if you continue to say to yourself I don't believe that God would do that then I'm gonna tell you something wherever the will of God is not known then you know faith won't work faith will only work where the will of God is known and when you understand that's the will of God then your faith will begin to work so what religion tries to do is confuse you about the will of God is it the will of God for you to be well the answer is yes is it the will of God for you to be delivered the answer is yes these are the will of God for you to have a sound mind and to have joy and a happy life the answer is yes is it the will of God for you to be successful and prosperous the answer is yes but if you don't believe it and if you don't receive it where the will of God is not known or not understood faith won't be able to work so ladies and gentlemen it's never God that you can blame because he's already to finish the work and now we got to do our part by using our faith say I believe it and I think him for it I didn't really mean for you to say it you start up me a little bit but but that's what we do I can tell you ready though you understand yeah so let's look at 3rd John verse 2 3rd John verse 2 and the amplified the King James Bible says let's read it out loud together ready read beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prosperous now let's look at the amplified now you know most people in this country and around the world when they hear the word prosperity they immediately think what money but prosperity is not just money in fact the first time this word was used in the Bible it was describing as full journey and so when you look at the word prosperity it means successful he wants you to be prosperous or he wants you to be successful that's the will of God and for some reason we're not buying that because religion taught us that Jesus was not successful religion taught us that Jesus wasn't prosperous religions taught us that you know it's the will of God for you not to be successful but listen to this in the amplified same verse of scripture he says beloved I pray that you may prosper in every way and that your body may keep well even as I know your soul keeps well and prospers notice this this verse this translation says that God wants you to be successful and prosper in every way think of that that's the will of God he wants you to be prosperous and successful in every way prosperous and successful in your spirit what's that call born-again prosperous and successful in your mind was that called soundman or renewed mine prosperous and successful even in your body that your body keep well what's that called it's called health prosperous and successful in your marriage relationship was that called peace you see that's God's will for your life but you've got to accept that as the will of God for your life and believe that that's what God wants you to have but now notice what he says none of that is going to be available to you if your soul doesn't prosper if you're not successful in renewing your mind so that your mind will line up with the word of God I'm telling you a renewed mind is the key once you get born again then you spend every day of your life renewing your mind renewing the mind is not a one-time event renewing the mind is a lifetime process and when you spend your time renewing your mind in God's Word renewing your mind a successful mindset successful way of thinking is thinking that lines up with the word of God but think about it if you're never getting in the Word of God if you're never coming to church if church is not a priority in your life and the study of God's Word is not a priority in your life most likely you don't have a prosperous mind and when your mind isn't prospering and your mind isn't successful and your thinking is not successful and what what makes a successful mind and successful thinking it's thinking that lines up with God's Word well he said you'll be successful in every way only when your soul is successful and that's not gonna happen unless your soul and your thinking lines up with the word of God you see right thinking will equal right living if you change the way you think you gonna change the way you live and if you are successful in your thinking you're gonna be successful in your living and if you agree with that say Amen and so one of the things I want you to continue to understand is that that's gonna be the key to what Jesus has already done what Jesus has already manifested what Jesus has already made happen is something what we've got to do is we've got to make sure that we consider the promise more than we consider the problem now I know most Christians would say well praise the Lord I do consider the promise but here's what you do at the same time you consider the promise but at the same time you consider the problem - in other words you consider what jesus promised and then you know you go right around and you say alright I consider the problem well when you do that that's unbelief when you say when you spend five days considering the promise and one day considering the problem that one day cancels out your five days see then your problem is not Lord give me more faith your problem is you have unbelief and when unbelief their unbelief and faith can exist at the same time so you go five days lord thank you I believe that I'm successful I believe that your will for me to prosper Lord I believe that your will for me to have success in this area and then you wake up one day you're on the wrong side of the bed whatever that is and you open your mouth up and you say you know what I'm just as broke as the ten commandments as Moses dropped on the bottom of Mount Sinai well that's enough to cancel out everything you did see as a Christian person what you've got to be determined to do is to be consistent some I say consistent because consistency is the key to breakthrough and when you make your mind up that this is this until this word becomes a life it will never become a you got to make your mind up I'm gonna live this thing I really believe this I'm gonna live it and I'm not gonna be going back and forth well this Bible call that a double minded man and what's he say a double minded man is unstable in all his ways don't let that man think that he should receive anything from the Lord so it's any area of unbelief that the enemy can inject into your thinking process and inject in your life well you'll start murmuring and complaining and open the door for that it will short-circuit your faith and even though grace has already made it available even though Jesus finished it 2,000 years ago you continue to struggle with it being manifested in your life because you consider the problem more than you consider the promise now I'm not saying that you won't have certain thoughts of unbelief that'll come up but what I am saying is like brother Hagin said you can't stop the birds from flying over your head but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair a man so don't let unbelief building a nest in your hair and you just keep believing what God said and you'll begin to see the manifestations of success and prosperity in your life does everybody believe that all right let's go to Genesis chapter 39 and let's pick up where we left off in Genesis chapter 39 as we begin to look at the life of Joseph Genesis chapter 39 and let's begin at verse 1 Genesis 39 verse 1 and Joseph was brought down to Egypt and Potiphar an officer of Pharaoh captain of the guard and Egyptian brought him of the hands of the Israelites which had brought him down hither so now here he is he was sold into slavery by his brothers and they took him and put him on an auction and Potiphar was the one that that bought him as a slave in his house verse 2 and the Lord was with Joseph underline that I like that and the Lord was with Joseph and he was a prosperous man and he was in the house of of his master the Egyptian now let's look at that in the amplified form um before we go on verse 2 the Lord was with him and he was a prosperous man but look at the amplified he says but the Lord was with Joseph and though a slave check that out though a slave he was a successful and a prosperous man and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian though a slave now how is it that you can even declare that a slave is successful and prosperous well according to this verse of scripture he was not declaring his success in prosperity based on what he had done based on what he had accomplished and based on what he had accumulated he was declaring that he was a successful and prosperous man because what the Lord was with him the Lord being with him is what determined him as a successful and a prosperous man praise God you see we got to get a hold of the same thing that the Lord is with us now let me ask you something is the Lord with you how do you know the Lord's with you well the day you got born again the Bible says that Jesus came on the inside of you Emmanuel which means God is with us God is with us God is not only with us God is in us that's what happened me you got saved God moved in he moved on the inside of you I want you to put your hands over your heart and say this out loud with me God's in there and I know it and he's never leaving me and I believe it see I need to establish one thing I don't know what you are I don't know what your occupation is I don't know what you do but I know that if you're born again the Lord is with you he is in you and he is for you amen now notice something because of the Lord was with Joseph it was determined that even though he was a slave he was a successful and prosperous man so I declare right now today that the Lord because he is with you you are successful and prosperous I don't think you heard this let me prophesy this over you right now because the Lord is with you you are successful and prosperous r8e ret now I am NOT I am NOT declaring that you are prosperous because of what you have done because of what you've accumulated or because of what you have accomplished I am declaring right now while you are sitting here minding your own business I am saying to you right now I don't know what you do as an occupation but I know the Lord is with you and he's in you and he's for you and if the Lord being whipped Joseph and not even lord have mercy go home and announce it to somebody else I am successful and I'm prosperous and they may look at you a little funny but this has to be taken care of on the inside before you ever see anything on the outside if you can take care of this right now if you can take care of this issue I know that I'm successful cause the Lord's with me I know you go home and look at something that's a failure and then say you're a success you experienced this sweet something that fails and say you a success when the squeeze is on and you keep saying I'm successful because the Lord is with me then what is in you is go squeeze out of you and everybody gonna see what you've been saying God's gonna take you into a time of show and tell it's not just you saying it but everybody gonna see it how do you receive that right now Joseph was a successful and a prosperous man why because the Lord was with him amen not because he drove a Bentley not because he lived in a big house not because he wore the latest styles of clothes but he was successful because the Lord was with him now some of you say well I don't want that kind of success I want the other kind of success no you don't understand this is the best kind of success hallelu because this success in you make sure that you are ready for the success that's gonna come on the outside of you see we're talking about being safe for success or okay for success and a lot of people are not okay for success they're not ready for it because when it shows up on the outside it ruins the inside hallelujah but if you got a relationship with Jesus then when success comes hallelujah it's just gonna amplify the Jesus that you got on the inside of you do you believe that I now watch this verse three King James though he says and this master saw that the Lord was with him now hold on a minute there hold on a minute now I prophesied that people gonna start seeing that the Lord is with you see when the Lord is with you is not so that's something nothing can not be seen when the Lord is with you something is supposed to be seen you don't hear what I'm saying when the Lord is with you something is supposed to be seen I declare that a few days from today something is about to be seen on your life do you receive that right now and his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in his hands and the Lord made all that he did successful in his hands I declare that everything you do is gonna be successful in your hands you don't hear what I'm saying everything you do will be successful in your hand somebody said what is he doing the Prophet is prophesying into your house today he's prophesying into your life today I prophesied that everything you do is gonna work the grace of God is even gonna be on your mistakes do you receive it see I can prop this out but if you don't receive it somebody gonna take your blessing you better go in and take this thing his master saw that the Lord was with him your employer's going to see that the Lord is with you mum and empu Kinnear secreting them go see that the Lord is with you people are going to come to the place of understand that there is profit in serving God and that the Lord made all that he did to prosper in your hands verse 4 and Joseph found favor or grace in his sight talking about Potiphar he found favor in in in his in his boss's sight in his master sight and he served each one of you who has an employer you're about to find favor on their job you're about to find favor with your bosses you're about to find favor with your company if the whole company got to get a promotion in order for you to get yours y'all better hear what I'm saying put it on tape I'm prophesy on this bang today you are about to find grace in the sight of your employer's but now watch what he said he says serve them you got a job you go to work don't be sorry don't be lazy go down like a servant do what somebody else won't do do listen to me do what somebody else won't do pick up what somebody else won't pick up stay with somebody else won't stay see that's what happened because he served he found favor when trying to get favoritism but he got favored see when you are willing to do what others won't do somebody gonna notice you but if you just do it with everybody else doing you get lost in the pack but the way to stand out servanthood it causes you to stand up because we live in a very entitled society right now and everybody think they're entitled to everything oh but how wonderful it is to locate a servant a problem solver that'll do what others are not willing to do amen and he made him watch this overseer over his house and all that he had he put into his hands i prophesy promotion right now I prophesy increase and promotion in the lives of these world changes hear those who are at our fellowship churches you get ready I'm prophesying promotion in your life it's not gonna be by your mic it's not gonna be by your power it's not gonna be by your work it's not gonna be by kissing up and sucking up it's gonna be the grace of God that's getting ready to promote you hallelujah you say you say guy got my own business well God's getting ready to bring the business that you hadn't seen yet you'll have no choice but say this is the Lord's doing and it's marvelous in your life promotion promotion sometimes out I receive it promotion I speak promotion over this church I speak promotion over the members and the Friends of this church I speak promotion over all of our churches and then Bishop hotel about there is that might occur we are at hand where God is about to take the last and make them first and the first and make them last and you're in line for increase and promotion so I speak what I believe and what I believe I speak and I speak it over your life promotion and increase and the church that received it said yeah yeah yeah and he said and the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph's sake what none part of a deer is because he had a blessed unnoted favorite person running his business oh Jesus I'm a hotshot guy if it was because you were blessed that you were able to cause the blessing to get on somebody else and that's what I'm prophesy on over you right now that the blessing on you is contagious it's contagious you know what I'm learning sometimes we wonder why things wouldn't happen is because we wouldn't receive it other times it just needed to be prophesized isn't it amazing people have spoken negative things over your life and you saw those things kind of fast well I reverse the curse today every negative thing that has been spoken over your life every negative thing that's ever been placed over your life we reverse it in the name of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus over your life and the will of God be done and everything that you do and everybody that received it said Amen verse 6 and he left all that he had in Joseph's hand and he knew not all he had saved the bread which he did eat and Joseph was a goodly person and well favored I prophesied that you are a goodly person I say that you are a goodly person yes I speak that you're a goodly person hallelujah yes you're a goodly person and you're well favorite said I'm a goodly person and I'm well favorite said again I'm a goodly person and I'm well favored said again I'm a goodly person and I'm well favored look at how they go together God's grace has made everything we need in life available to us however we can't be passive about this grace it takes faith to access grace and lay hold of all our salvation provides which includes our soundness wholeness deliverance and everything you'll ever need in life this teaching series is packed full of Revelation knowledge on the covenant of grace so be sure to obtain your copy today call or visit Creflo Dollar ministries org to request today's dynamic teaching series God is committed to your success in this study creflo dollar offers the tools you need to live richly in every area of your life place your order today it's coming get ready expect change if you want to receive the best God has for you let creflo dollar's show you how in this riveting six-part series God is big sin is small get a hold of his groundbreaking teaching today and also receive his companion study marked by God is radical grace book and this God is big sin is small magnet all for a specific gift to the ministry or for a gift of any amount simply received marked by God and find out how your life can be transformed by God's amazing grace I'd like to take a moment to address all the partners of Creflo Dollar ministries now to me showing hurting people the love of God in a tangible way is what the gospel is all about for example in January 2014 our us-based missions team joined staff from our Asia Pacific office in Thailand now over the course of 10 days they visited refugee camps in Burma which has close to 50,000 refugees they assembled and distributed malaria prevention hygiene kits treated common worm infections and children distributed to food parcels and meals and hundreds of children received prayer now this is just one example of how partnership with you enables us to have a far-reaching impact in the lives of hurting people as you partner with us it's also important to me that you are personally impacted by our ministry that's why I go before God and pray about what he would have me to share in my partner letter to you each month I'm sharing some things that I believe will profoundly mark your life so be on the lookout for this month's letter which will arrive in your mailboxes shortly after you read it contact us and give us your feedback what you have to say is deeply important to us you know I thank God for you and I look forward to hearing from you real soon he's lying God get ready to turn some things around in your life sometimes to wrap and always anointed creflo dollar streaming live from Atlanta and New York City Saturdays at 6 p.m. Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. stay connected no matter where you are in the world creflo dollar's just a click away catch him live three times a week at Creflo Dollar ministries org your love and financial support is being felt around the world for this we say thank you we thank the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries for making this program possible
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 134,126
Rating: 4.7985258 out of 5
Keywords: Creflo Dollar, Pastor Creflo Dollar, CrefloDollarMinistries, World Changers, Taffi Dollar, TaffiDollarMinistries, Dr.Creflo Dollar, WorldChangersInternational, God, Bishop, Gospel, Gospel (album), Everything, Ministries, JesusChrist, Christianity (Religion), Religion (TV Genre), Holy, Salvation, Truth, You, Prophet, Study, Prophecy, Word, Preaching, Lord, Spirit, Jacob, Grace, Want, Hebrew, Messiah, Ministry, Holy Spirit, Father, Cross, Revival, Healing, Savior, God's, All, NewYork, Atlanta Georgia
Id: wiuNdOxlY7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 08 2015
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