How To Hear From God - Wednesday Service

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[Music] father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force father i pray that you will open the ears of those at the sound of my voice that they will hear with clarity and that revelation knowledge will flow into their hearts we give you praise and thanksgiving for this opportunity to gather and to get into your word bless us lord we lit we receive that peace right now we receive that joy right now and we receive that blessing right now it's in jesus mighty name we pray and everybody said amen well welcome to bible study tonight praise god we want to welcome those of you who are streaming in tonight and let's just go ahead and get right into god's word right into it amen you know we've been doing this series on um understanding uh the principles that i believe that a new believer needs thank you in order to be able to uh live an effective life sometimes we get born again and we let things slip and so i'm doing a detailed series on everything i think that a a believer needs to know and understand in order to continue to have success in his life and so tonight we're gonna it's probably tonight and and uh a couple of weeks we're going to spend time on this this is a vital subject we're going to talk about hearing from god uh you're christian people and uh if anybody needs to understand that you have a blood bought right to hear from god and then how to hear from god it's it's it's you and i and so we've got to understand how this works and what we need to do in order for this to become a reality in our lives you say that to some people well god told me oh god speaks to you and they just think it's just foreign but every believer should be able to not only hear from god but to be directed by god so let's begin tonight in proverbs chapter 20 and verse 27 as we we deal with what i believe is a vital series concerning hearing from god imagine some of the things that you could accomplish because you can hear from god imagine some of the traps that you would avoid if you would hear from god imagine some of the decisions that you would make if you could hear from god now the problem's not god god's speaking but the issue is are we picking up the uh the transmission he's saying stuff but what is it on our part it's not on his part it's not oh god say something please say something i can't hear you well the problem is you can't hear him you know it's not he's not talking and so we'll begin tonight i want to show these two scriptures and we'll move on proverbs 20 and and verse 27 and in proverbs 20 and verse 27 he says the spirit of man is the candle of the lord searching all the inward parts of the belly so the spirit of man now let's go back to the triune part of man man is a spirit being he possesses a soul he lives in a body man does not have a spirit you don't have a spirit you are spirit beings you possess a soul that's your mind will emotions your thinker your filler your chooser and you live in a physical body now what this scripture says is that god is going to use your spirit man just like you and i would use a candle now just think for a moment if the power were to go off in the house and you would get a candle and light that candle that candle would provide what guidance for you so likewise god says the way that i am going to provide guidance for you is through your spirit i'm gonna i'm gonna use your spirit and guide you through your spirit now you gotta understand that your spirit is sealed with the holy ghost praise god and the holy ghost begins to instruct your spirit and then from your spirit that which the holy spirit and your spirit has agreed upon it it comes to your conscience and your conscious mind is the voice of your spirit your conscious mind is the voice of your spirit so the spirit of man is the candle of the lord and so you understand that and and and and praise god it'll it'll take you far now go to john chapter 10 and uh verse 27 john 10 27 you know what i'm teaching on wednesday nights i just kind of have to move on because i've only got 30 minutes to do this somebody says well you can have mo 30 minutes to find you know john chapter 10 verse 27 notice what he says here he says my sheep hear my voice oh glory to god so if you're born again you're in the sheepfold and he says my sheep hear my voice and he says what and i know them and what and they follow me so now if you're not hearing god's voice and he just said my sheep hear my voice then what's problem what's the issue here my sheep hear my voice you and i should be hearing god's voice now before i dig into this a little bit more i want to do something i thought about the banking system and there are certain safeguards that the banking system puts up to be able to protect your money as far as other people coming and get it there are certain things you have to do that will safeguard your your account well there are some safeguards in in hearing from god in other words how do you know that you've heard from god uh you know somebody says i heard from god what are some safeguards to protect you from all of those other voices some safeguards that will protect you from the voice of of the enemy so here are five safeguards to help you know that what i heard that that came from god all right five of them can you use these five of them number one when god speaks number one it will go against reasons and rationalizations of the world when god speaks it will go against reasons and rationalizations of the world so you don't have to be surprised if god is saying something to you and it's going against the reasoning of the world number one number two when god speaks it lines up with the written word of god when god speaks it lines up with the written word of god god is never going to say anything to you and it be totally opposite of what he's allowed to be written in the word of god god's written word and god's rhema word are the same so literally when you hear something the next thing you need to be doing is going searching the scripture and see if you can find it in the scripture amen here's number three here's the third safe guard the third safe god guard when god speaks it requires faith god will never say anything to you that doesn't require faith in order to take possession of it everything that god will ever speak is going to require faith so if you think for some reason you heard god say something and you're just gonna sit there and it's just gonna voila no everything that god speaks requires faith i mean when god spoke to me about you know this church it required faith in order to come to pass sometimes people miss it because a prophet will come and actually be right on with what he said to you well how do you know i'm gonna go check it in the word uh and if it is it's still gonna require faith on your part to walk it out so don't be so quick to say here a false prophet uh versus saying you're a lazy christian and you wouldn't you wouldn't you wouldn't walk it out in faith amen number four number four the fourth safeguard when god speaks now this is something that really got me years ago it will require courage it requires courage be strong and of good courage i mean to be able to have enough courage to actually step out in your faith and believe it when god says something to you it's going to require courage you've got to ask yourself do i have the courage to you know put myself in a position to hear what he says and to know that was god if it requires courage it came from god if it requires faith it came from god if it lines up with his written word it came from him if it goes against reason and rationalization it came from him but here's one of the most important ones when god speaks there will be peace peace will rule as an umpire in fact scripture says let peace rule as an umpire in your heart if you hear something and it brings confusion and it brings fear most likely that did not come from god it might have come from the back part of your mind but it didn't come from god because when god speaks there's a peace that's within and listen when god told me to do several things at one time there still was peace there now i might have had some weird things going on in my head but i had peace in my heart how do you know you can have doubt in your head and faith in your heart you understand what i'm saying and so when when god speaks there's peace the umpire of peace will be there and call that thing safe all right so these are these are things you carry with you as you begin to learn how to hear from god and it's vital it's vital to hear from god i i mean i i don't know if if there's been a day that i hadn't heard from him in some aspect of something you know i was asking the lord the other day i said you know god i'm sitting here reading about tabitha and you know she died she was a disciple of yours and peter happened to be around and they went and got peter and peter put everybody out of the room and he just simply said to tabitha you know wake up and and she got up and the bible says they heard about it and many believed many believe and i'm like god you know that's my heart i said i i'm trying to i want to do things that have caused people that don't believe to believe and i said so here it is god there are signs and wonders and the signs and wonders caused them to believe and i said so god tell me what i need to do watch this so that i can do the signs and wonders now what i really what i was really saying was show me what i need to do so i can deserve the signs and wonders and he said and he and he spoke it to me you know he told he told me two two weeks ago prior to this conversation he says i already told you and i thought oh yeah you did and what he told me was you don't need to look to do something to deserve signs and wonders he says i am the one that's responsible for signs and wonders you practice in the presence of god and you taking my presence with you every when you show up i show up signs and wonders show up and then he told me he said there are signs and wonders taking place over the stream that you don't even know about and next day i went in the office and there were some testimonies of some signs and wonders that i didn't know see what we need to do is just practice the presence of the holy spirit what we need to do is to get to know him and to fellowship with him and show up with him and when you show up with him the signs and wonders will be there and they'll believe because of who you with okay all right so real quick i want to really get this in your heart and really build your faith up where hearing from god is concern so let's look at some scriptures in the old testament i want to prove a point god spoke to man in the old testament go with me through these scriptures real quick genesis chapter 2 verse 16 and 17. god spoke to men in the old testament now verse 16 he says and the lord god commanded the man he commanded the man watch this he was saying to the man here's what saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat uh but of the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil thou shall not eat it for in the day that thou eat it thereof thou shall surely die god said that to man shouldn't have been no confusion at all in the garden they're talking to the devil why are you talking to the devil god said what he said to man so god is speaking to man even here in the book of genesis now look at genesis chapter 6 verses 12 through 16. let's look at noah so god speaks to man in genesis 2 16. genesis 6 12-16 now something very specific and interesting about noah he didn't talk to noah in vague impressions he talked to noah in specific details and this is to show you that god can he can tell you where to go what time to go when to go when to turn what to do when you get there hey man you don't have to show up you know not knowing what's what's happening look at this verse 12. and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and god said unto noah the end of all flesh is come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth make thee an ark of gopher wood god's talking to noah make an ark of gopher wood rooms shall shalt thou make in the ark and shall pitch it within and without he's talking to him go to the next uh uh uh yeah we're gonna go to verse 16. verse 15. and this is the fashion which thou shalt make it the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits what the breadth of it 50 cubits the height of it 30 cubits a window shall thou make to the ark and in a cubit shall thou finish it above and the door of the ark shall thou set in the side thereof with the lower second and third stories shalt thou make it and you talk about you heard from the lord what did he say oh no not only can god speak you see god speaking here in specific details in specific details and you can believe god to speak to you in specific details there's sometimes i'm like well you know lord i i hear you loud and clear but it's so specific it's so specific i'll never forget when i was writing on the plane one time and the lord said all right son uh uh keep your emotions together something's getting ready to happen with the plane i'll protect your life and in three seconds there it is i'm already ready to go specific details god will begin to speak to you all right let's let's travel a little bit more into genesis genesis 22 let's look at verse 10 through 12 and then verse 15 through 18. genesis 22 10 through 12 and then 15 through 18. see you you got to understand he did not talk to noah in vague impressions he spoke to him in specific details i believe that there are some of you both here and over the stream you need to hear from god and he'll talk to you in specific details verses 10 through 12 says and abraham stretched forth his hand took the knife to slay his son and the angel of the lord i wish i had time to talk to you this was not just an angel of the lord this was the angel of the lord okay i'm going to say this i don't have time to teach on but i'll deal with it later hopefully this was jesus before he came to the earth in a physical body this was the angel of the lord that's how he referred to jesus before it came to the body in the beginning um let us he was a part of that us in the beginning and so the angel of the lord called unto him out of heaven and said abraham abraham he said here i am and he said now notice now he's talking right here i am and he said lay not thy hand upon the lad neither do thou anything unto him for now i know that thou feareth god seeing that thou has not withheld thy son that only son for him he's talking to him had he not spoken to him he would have killed his son i'm telling you god will talk to you about daily things that are happening around your life god have talked to you hey don't go there i was on my way to a part of africa and uh we i landed in london for a uh a a layover and and and i went to bed that night and i heard god he said do not proceed on this journey there is danger there i said what this this is real wild story i don't have time to tell all of it but we called the guy to see where what was going on there and and then the phone rang and then we called them back and then the guy picked up well no i got somebody uh somebody picked up the phone the first time we called and it said don't come here and hung the phone up and then we called back because you know he kind of hung the phone up and we and we and the guy who owned the phone answered the phone he said hello and uh and then the guy that was with me said hey who was that just picked the phone up and and was rude like that hung up on me he says i don't know what you're talking about he said well i just called i don't know what you're talking about the phone was locked up i just unlocked it because i saw the light going on and i picked it up and i answered it and he told me that i'm like we ain't going nowhere we ain't going nowhere god will speak to you about everyday situations amen look at verse 15 through 18 he says and the angel of the lord called unto abraham out of heaven the second time look at there and uh and said by myself have i sworn saith the lord for because thou has done this thing and thou has not withheld thy son thy only son that in blessings i'll bless you in multiplying i'll multiply thy seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is upon the seashore and and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemy verse 18 he says and in thy seed shall all nations of the earth be blessed because thou has obeyed my voice you've obeyed my voice that's the voice of the jesus before he got his body angel don't speak with this kind of authority amen so abraham could hear god in crucial times because he had been hearing him all along he'd been hearing him all along so in crucial times were getting ready to kill his son he could hear you better now let me say that you you might need to make sure you learn how to hear from god now so when a crucial time comes up you can hear from him then don't wait to try to hear from god in a bad situation when you've been ignoring him all along let's practice hearing from god in our day-to-day amen look at this first samuel chapter 3 verses 1 through 10 love this first samuel chapter 3 verse 1 through 10. you know and i i'm showing you this because i i first of all i want you to see he's talking to these people in the old testament oh my goodness for samuel chapter 3 verse 1 through 10 and the child samuel ministered unto the lord before eli and the word of the lord was precious in those days there was no open vision to and it came to pass at that time when eli was laid down in his place and his eyes began to wax them that he could not see and uh the lamp of god went out into the temple of the lord where the ark of god was and samuel was laid there laid down to sleep that the lord called samuel and he answered here am i must have been so clear that when he called and he said here i am samuel here i am you have been somewhere you thought somebody called you you know when people tell me did you say something you said no that must be the lord you better answer here i am and he ran unto eli and said here i am for thou calleth me and he said i called not i can call you lie down again and he went and he lay down and the lord called yet again samuel and samuel arose and went to eli and said here am i for thou that is called me he answered i i i i called you or i called not i called not my son call upon i ain't call you go on let go go back to bed lay down now samuel did not yet know the lord neither was the word of the lord yet revealed unto him and the lord called samuel again the third time and he arose and went to eli and said here am i for thou didst call me and eli perceived that the lord had called the child therefore eli said unto samuel go lie down and it shall be if he called thee that thou shalt say speak lord for thy servant hearing oh glory first of all i want you to know servants hear it servants heareth so samuel went and he laid down in his place and then 10 and the lord came and stood and called as at other times samuel samuel then samuel answered speak for thy servant heareth i mean how do you deny that god wants to speak to us and yet when you say that and even with it used to be just what i say people when you say that around save people they think something must be wrong with you all right look at jeremiah chapter one four and five jeremiah chapter one four and five god longs to communicate your purpose of your life to you god wants to talk to you about what you're supposed to do he wants to he's not trying to check it out he's god he's not trying to not say what you need to hear he said this jeremiah 1 4 and 5. he said then the word of the lord came unto me jeremiah saying before i formed thee and thy in the belly the god is saying this to him god is speaking this to him we read it just scripture but i want you to see it in context god is talking to jeremiah before i formed you in the belly i knew thee before thou came forth out of thy other womb i sanctified thee and i ordained thee a prophet unto the nation god wants to tell you about about the will of god for your life but you've got to believe first of all that he speaks and he wants to speak to you now here's my point now if god spoke to people in the old testament under the old covenant then under the new covenant we should enjoy at least equal privileges but hebrews says that we have a better covenant and we got a better covenant and can't hear from god uh-uh maybe we're not paying attention to the other things that god is saying like quit lying you thought that was the devil it was god like stop stop stop stop acting like that look at the new testament somebody says well is it possible in the new testament absolutely god spoke to philip acts chapter 8 go there acts chapter 8 verses um uh 29-31 and then verse 35 29-31 acts chapter 8. he spoke to philip here he said then the spirit said unto philip now this is interesting he's even telling you who who will be talking to you the spirit of god the holy ghost who lives in you will start talking to you the spirit said unto philip go near and join thyself to this chariot and philip ran hither to him and heard him read the prophet isaiah and said understand it thou what by reading so here's philip mind his own business and god said go over there and when he went over there he heard him trying to get some understanding and stuff and he said how can i understand except some man should guide me that's why god said go over there and he dies and he and he desired philip that he would come up and to sit with him verse 35 then philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him jesus got to tell you where to go god will tell you you ain't got to walk around trying to be dumb deep or or do you know how them dumb deep christians are they're just so dumb deep they just get on your nerves with all that deepness hey how you doing bless the lord oh my soul and all that i wanna holler at god dawg and i just wanna know how you doing say hey back ain't got time for no long scripture salutation come here he's speaking he can tell you what to do he can tell you where to go he can tell you where not to go he's speaking i knew i had an in i had an impression in my heart bro 20 or 20 um yeah today 21 years ago and i was on my way to sacramento california and i was like uh i was getting ready to go but i had these i knew i wasn't supposed to go i i knew i wasn't supposed to go and i remember my son asking i want to go witch and i'm like no he's been with me the whole summer i'm like now you can't go this time i said i'm going to take your uncle ken because his body can handle whatever we might and i'm thinking like what are we supposed to and you know encounter that that requires to have a strong body to be able to do that and we went got in the car and and a car ran a red light hit our car our our suburban and the suburban went up airborne and started flipping and i was holding on and i said okay this look like it's it let me keep my eyes open because i want to see if i was right about the transition and see everything i could possibly see i kept my eyes open just like that and then what i think was turning around my eyes bumped into those angels and i can tell it's like it was yesterday the angels were the color of light their clothes and their hands were the same it was it was it was a light and it was light and and they and i saw their eyes and they went past me just like that and then once i went past their eyes then i saw myself in this realm where there were several people on my opposite side out of focus then something began to pull me closer to them and them close to me and they began to to come out of focus and then this voice came between me and them and said no and you could see the power of the voice uh no too much unfinished business and then everything went in reverse and i'm in my body don't know if i left it but i was in my body hanging upside down and and heard myself breathing and got out like what in the world just happened and then i looked for ken and he had got knocked out the side window and had they they reported seeing a man flying and he he was he he went about 80 yards down landed in the front windshield and was on this lady's lap she needed therapy after all this was over with on this lady's lap and uh you know we went to the hospital because i thought he was dead and and he wasn't and we got there and as soon as he got there i must have was on a supernatural adrenaline or something but uh it was just too much adrenaline so they checked me in at the same time and as soon as i kind of came to i went and found him and i wanted to ask him i said did you see and i couldn't even finish he said those angels i said you saw him he said i sure did and i'm like you know what i don't care what no i don't care what nobody think about what i said i know what i saw god sent his angels to rescue me praise god we we didn't miss our confession but even in my my not listening to him you need to listen to god you need to pay attention to him because he's going to say some stuff that's going to rescue you and take care of your life and sometimes people don't do that also god spoke to ananias acts chapter 9 verse 11 and 16 and told him exactly where paul was and that he was supposed to go and lay hands on paul and open paul's eyes out how else was he going to know it except god that he spoke to him god spoke to cornelius in acts chapter 10 verses three through six ladies and gentlemen god wants to speak to you god wants to say something to you he wants to lead and guide you it's not supposed to be this one time deal you're supposed to have a relationship with god to the point where you're hearing from him all the time where you're hearing from him every day i spent one year and several months doing those morning confessions those morning confessions basically consisted of that i got up early in the morning hear from god and then go there and talk on the thing somebody says how did that happen i was just sharing my life god said talk about this god said talk about that god said do this thought said do that i can't tell you the number of times people get oh my god this is what i needed here oh my god i'm going through that just right there i don't know that but he does and my time is all gone father we thank you so much for the word we thank you that you want to speak to us and we thank you that we have ears that are sensitive to your voice that we have ears in the center of our heart that can hear from you that you want to to to to guide us by our spirit and so father i thank you that there will be such a hunger and a thirst for for for the world changes nation to not only want to hear from you but lord that they will hear from you and in the name of jesus that their ears are anointed to hear from you i speak that right now over everybody that your ears are anointed to hear i command the blockage and whatever's stopping it to be removed right now you are god's sheep you hear his voice we give you praise for that right now in jesus name now if you're here you've never made jesus the lord of your life you want to be a servant of god you want to be born again you want to give your heart to the lord jesus i'm going to pray this prayer and if you'll pray this prayer with me i'm going to lead you to the throne of god where you can make him your lord and your savior repeat after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of my sins i believe that jesus died for my sins and that he was raised and he's seated on the right hand of god the father almighty father come into my heart sit on the throne of my heart be my lord and my savior and by faith i declare that i am saved in jesus name amen if you prayed that simple prayer with me we rejoice with you you are born again and in the family of god if you were to die right now you're going straight to heaven now if you just text the key word i'm saved that's one word to five one five five five i'll send you uh some um information that's to help you in your growth and help you to get started if you'll give me your name your email address i'll get that free ebook out to you today and welcome to the family of god well praise the lord let's go ahead and finish up our worship through our giving i don't think people really understand how powerful it is to know that god has committed to multiplying the seed that sown now he can't multiply what you consume he can only multiply what you give think about that if you were a farmer with corn seed and you spend all your time eating and consuming your corn seed well when it gets time to plant the seed you can only multiply the little that you have left over so since god is committed to multiplying the seed sown make sure you are a giver make sure you sow we don't give to try to get god to bless us he's already blessed us and we are giving and in response and thanksgiving and gratitude for what he's already done i'm not giving so i can get the victory when i go on the job interview i'm given in thanksgiving that he's already given it to me by faith i receive it so i am celebrating him through these gifts i am giving out honor i am giving out of love i am giving and it's causing me to remember all that god has done and the gratitude and the gratefulness for what he has done is what moves me to give and so you know i've got some really awesome things to teach on that because i want people to understand that the bible says you have to determine in your heart what you're going to give god but we kept going around with a set amount and and putting pressure on you and god and everything else and you never check with god this is a communion you determine in your heart what you give to god that's what the scripture says and so it's a really neat thing so let's go ahead and and worship god with our giving let's give him thanksgiving through our giving i just if you hadn't read it matthew chapter 2 the magi finally located jesus he's probably about two years old and they bought treasury with them and the bible says when they finally saw jesus they fell to their knees at the same time reaching into the treasury and they begin to worship him they begin to worship him glory be to god that's what you're doing right now you're beginning to worship and you're reaching into the treasury and you're worshiping him with gifts that's what this is all about so if you'd like to participate in this if you want to use the text you can text world changes space and the amount to 74483 world changes space and then the amount to 74483 if you'd like to call you can call that number on your screen 1-866-477-7683 if you want to mail in that address is there 2500 burdette road and then if you'd like to give online where you can use your paypal if you have one you can go to or and you can give there i tell you what learn to celebrate god in your gift-giving it's a powerful thing it's just something you know you have to examine your heart when god's done so much for you stuff you don't even deserve and you still got problems giving i understand why some people have problems giving you know because of our bad teaching in times past and not really getting it straight and and filling it with condemnation and guilt and you're gonna go to hell if you don't do this and if you don't give that god god ain't gonna bless you in fact he's already blessed you and um i cannot wait to break the details down on that it's gonna go against the established religious church in the world i'm used to that you love me so i'm cool and and and i'm free too i'm not only i'm not only cool with you but i'm just so free that um i am i'm so ready to spill out every truth that i've ever kept to myself because i was wondering oh what are they going to say i don't even care now i'm listen god brought me out of this pandemic preaching to chairs for a year and three months i'm good you got to understand you know it's like 10 000 people in here tonight you understand and i'm i'm blessed of the lord and i just pray that you will go to levels you have never even dreamed of and i just thank god that the truth of god is what's going to get you there so we thank god for you tonight thank god for the celebration of jesus christ through his word tonight thank god for the wednesday night crew and all of you who hunger and thirst for god's word i pray that you are being filled and god is good he's good all the time and uh amen and amen praise the lord now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless y'all good night everybody [Music] i'm a world changer changing the world everywhere i go i'm a world changer anointed with the power of the holy ghost i'm a world changer [Music] changing you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 54,958
Rating: 4.9085712 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: q1E2cOX97oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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