Assurance in Victory - Sunday Service

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your blood which was shared in your body which was broken and we received all the benefits of it in jesus name everybody said amen amen well hallelujah it's me today it's going to be me amen our men and women of god are on assignment they're doing and fulfilling their supernatural call that god has given for them praise god boy my my bread was a little stale praise god i'm working with it up here amen praise god amen we're glad that's just a representation we know jesus is not stale amen praise god but uh of course honoring uh dr dollar and pastor taffy and thanking god so much for them you all who are watching via line don't click that button don't click off don't go anywhere else i believe god has a word for you today and uh let's open up our hearts let's open up our spirits to receive what god has for us today because i believe that the word is able the engrafted word of god is able to save our souls it's able to change the way that we think is able to change how we look at at uh our circumstances and how we look at our situations if we were to just look at the way things are today we would give up cave in and quit but how many of y'all know we walk by faith and not by sight we walk by the word of god and what god has already said in his word and that's what we're going to live by and that's what we go by now i'm i'm continuing on in a a series of messages that i've been doing this i basically call it the encouragement series and from this it's you know with everything that's been going on i'm realigning our focus on god pastor was talking about focus when he was talking about how we tap into the supernatural it's what we focus on it's what we give our attention to it's it's what we meditate on it's what consumes more of our time and my goal here is to get us to focus on the word but not only just focus on the word but understand what the word is saying about us because see you have religious people who go to church and that's great that they go to church but if you just go to church and just read and then hear but don't do read hear don't understand read here don't come into some knowledge read here don't have a revelation of who jesus is all you're doing is just going through the motion but look well say with me that's not me i'm having y'all leave your neighbors alone i'm not gonna have you mess with your neighbors today but the message that we're talking about today is the assurance of victory uh you all have heard me i say often we win we win we win when i say that i have a revelation of what i'm saying i'm not just saying it because it's a catchy phrase i'm saying it because i am backed by heaven when i say that i'm saying that when i say i win i win i win i say i win with such confidence that i believe that i win praise god i believe that i win now let's go to um to mark the ninth chapter and let's start at the 22nd verse we'll read through the 23rd but i want to read this let me make sure let me make sure i get my translations right this time praise god i went back and i looked at that and and in the passion it did say agony and i was like what happened uh i don't know what happened but anyway we're going to be right this time praise god uh mark the ninth chapter and the 22nd verse and we'll read this starting off in the king james but then i want to um i want to go to the new living translation so it says and often times this is the man who brought his son to uh to the disciples first the disciple his son had a spirit with him that the disciples couldn't heal him um and then he brought them to jesus jesus was asking him the question you know how often has he uh how long has he been in this situation in mark 9 22 he says and often times it has cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him but if thou can't do anything hold on to that if thou canst do anything have compassion on us and help us next verse jesus said unto him if thou can believe can't believe all things are possible to him that believe now let's read this in the amplified i'm not the amplified i apologize new living translation new living translations nlt the spirit often throws him into the fire or into the water trying to kill him have mercy on us and help us if you can look how jesus responded jesus said what do you mean if i can in other words the problem isn't with me what do you mean if i can i'm god i'm god in the flesh i'm the one who made you i'm the one who these demons here i created them this earth that you see i made all of this what do you mean if i can jesus asks anything if possible if a person believes now why did i share that where am i coming from with that i'm coming from the point here that when i say i win i win i win i'm quoting scriptures that gives me the backing that assures me that i have the victory in jesus so then when i go and when i step into a situation and now i'm quoting the scriptures i quote the scriptures with the understand understanding that jesus said what do you mean if i can because the word did not return back to god void right but it accomplished that thing that it went out to do so when the word says that you can and when we quote it and and where doubt may try to come in jesus says what do you mean if the word can what do you mean if the word can heal you what do you mean if the word can supply all your needs according to your riches and glory what do you mean if the word says by uh by my grace my grace is sufficient and it's everything that you mean you need what do you mean the word is sufficient in and of itself it comes back to us as to if we will believe what the word says amen praise god so now let's let's uh let's let's get into some things so now one of the things that we know is that as we're in this time now we are there are a lot of things that are coming at us on a daily basis we look at the news it's talking about the climate and it's talking about hot weather it's talking about wet weather it's talking about uh tsunamis and tornadoes and hurricanes and all of that and you look at all of that in and you know and you can get perplexed and then they're talking about the diseases and the covet and the and the delta and the and the whatever the woo or the ooh or the move uh but it's talking about all of that and then you can get perplexed you look at um the economy and it's talking about the economy and and you can get perplexed there are so many things that if you look at the world that will try to come at you and will try to perplex you but when we look at the word we have to be strong in the lord and then the power of his might now let's go to first uh second corinthians the second chapter second corinthians the second chapter and the and the 14th verse and as we look at this i want to build your faith up as we look at this i want you to look at what situations you found yourself in and i want you to say i win i win i win i'm assured of victory every time i find myself in the situation i am assured to win amen so here in second corinthians the second chapter and the 14th verse it says now thanks be unto god which what how many times nine times 13 you sure it's not 50. thanks be unto god who what always causes us to do what what's another word for triumph when thanks be unto god who always causes us to win in christ so anytime that we're in christ he says by this scripture i'm assured that we're always going to win let's go to second timothy the second chapter and the third verse ii timothy the second chapter and the third verse praise god just land a little bit of groundwork here before we dive into what i want to really get into timothy 2 3. it says here and therefore thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ endure hardness of as a good soldier of jesus christ well wait pastor ken i mean what are you saying we got to deal with uh trials and tribulations and afflictions and and things like that those things happen to the christians yes they do i'm sorry to disappoint you if you think they don't amen because see these things happen but the thing about it let's go to john 16 33 just real quickly the thing about it is that in the midst of it all we win in the midst of it all we still overcome in the midst of it all we still conquer so here john 16 33 says these things have i spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you're going to have tribulation but be of good cheer what i have overcome the world and we are in christ therefore we have overcome the world so these things that are going to come at us they will combat us but yet and still we will still win we'll still have victory he causes it to reign on the just and what and the unjust now so as a as a soldier you're to endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ soldiers fight in wars we are called soldiers because we are fighting a war but the thing about the war is that it's already won hallelujah the thing about the war is that it's already won the thing about this fight is that it's a fixed fight hallelujah come on and say with me fix fight say we win hallelujah praise god this is a fixed fight and we win the battle is already won we're operating from the finished works of jesus christ now jesus has already fought the battle he's already conquered he's already defeated but what is what will happen if i don't know that what will happen if i've been called a soldier but i don't realize that i'm a soldier and that i don't realize that i'm in a war you'll get defeated you'll lose every time but praise god we're not ignorant of satan's devices neither are we ignorant of the word of god amen praise god now let's go to revelations 12th chapter and we're going to begin to get into this now so there's there's all kind of stuff that's coming to us from the world there's this onslaught of things that's trying to bombard our mind these things are trying to get us in fear and these things are trying to conquer us they're trying to take our peace away things are happening so god tells us said look in this world you're going to have tribulations don't don't freak out don't trip out over this you're going to have tribulations but be of good cheer i've overcome it i've already won this fight i've already won this war you're gonna win it's already won now but i gotta get you to understand who you are and where you are you are in christ you are the overcomers you are the conquerors you are the head you're not the tail in this world you have this tribulation but i've overcome it because you're in me you're able to do all these things but however praise god [Music] god told the children of israel go in and possess the land that i have given you now here's one thing about it he said you go in and possess the land that i've already given you however there are giants in the land but i've given you the land i want you to go in and possess a land that has giants in it but i've already given it to you so here it is that god has already given us the the victory in whatever situation you find yourself in whatever situation you find yourself facing he's saying though it looks like it's big i've already given you victory over this thing that's facing you hallelujah though it looks like it's cancer i've already given you victory over this come on let's hold on to the word let's hold on to the word you got the victory you got the victory you got to fight it you got to fight it you got to fight it but you got the victory your house looks like it's about to get repossessed your car's about to repossess i don't know can i keep my lights on hey i'll give you the victory over this i've given you the victory don't trip out don't don't fret fear not believe in my word don't ask if i can i already have can you believe it so i've given you the victory over this thing the war that you're fighting it's already won the land that you are to possess and this is the land that's your your life what do you need to possess in your life do you need to possess healing do you need possess good relationship do you need to possess uh uh kids that are that are born born again do you need to possess a good marriage what land do you need to go in and possess god has already given it to you hallelujah now let's go to revelation the 12th chapter and start in in the uh the seventh verse hallelujah boy we win we win we win we have assured victory you all know what that word assured me mean it it shall come to pass it will happen the way that it has already been ordained to happen it is assured to happen now let's look at this in revelation 12 chapter now we are soldiers engaged in a war that has already been won so we need to have the soldier mentality here but god has given us an example here of why we already have the victory revelation 12 7 king james and there was war in heaven michael and his angels fought against the dragon or satan and the dragon fought and his angels the dragon and his angels they fought next verse and prevail not hold on to that word prevailed not the devil and his infinite stupidity choose to fight against god and his people in heaven and the bible says they prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven now you know how it is when you when you when you conquer then you possess satan goddess was defeated excuse me you all know i'm i'm not going to say anything back up up here i don't know what you all were thinking i was going to say he didn't prevail he got he got whooped and when he got whooped he lost his place so whereas he was in heaven start of the morning the bright star all of that he lost his place the bible says there neither was their place found anymore in heaven all of them lost their place next verse and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan which deceived the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him now he prevailed not he was cast out he was cast down to earth him and his demons now let's look at matthew the 18th chapter and the 18th verse i'm telling you you've been set up to win when you hear these scriptures you will scratch your head and say how is it that i ever that i've ever lost a fight how how is that even possible how does that happen say no more hallelujah okay so satan has been cast out he's been defeated he didn't prevail he was cast down to earth him and his angels here in matthew the 18th chapter jesus gives us the authority to bind and to loose and here in matthew the 18th chapter and then we're going to read it in the amplified after this it says verily i say unto you whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven now let's read that in the amplified because the amplified is going to open your eyes and you're going to say my lord what have i had available to me all this time hallelujah satan was kicked out he was in heaven he was cast out he did not prevail he was thrown down here to the earth him and his demons and he in his infinite stupidity thinks that he can do what he did in heaven down here on the earth but say no that ain't happening truly i tell you whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven you got to see where i'm going with this must be what is already forbidden in heaven i say i say i say satan was already kicked out of heaven he didn't prevail in heaven he was thrown out of heaven him and his devil they did not prevail in heaven when he came down here on earth god gave us the authority to bind and to loose therefore he came down here to earth thinking he could do what had been done up in heaven but now we know better because it has already been forbidden in heaven therefore it will be forbidden down here on the earth hallelujah but we got to take that authority that has been given unto us and we've got to operate in that authority realizing that if you've already been defeated once you'll be defeated again hallelujah amen so therefore when he say whatsoever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on the earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven it has already been forbidden in heaven lack has been forbidden in heaven sickness has been forbidden in heaven broken relationships have been forbidden in heaven lack of peace has been forbidden in heaven hallelujah all these things that the devil tries to get us engaged in down here on this earth are things that he's already been defeated for in heaven so now when we take our position of authority we say unto devil i bind you in the name of jesus you trying to put sickness on my body has been declared improper and unlawful therefore you have no authority here because you have no authority in heaven hallelujah but i am an agent of god realizing that i now can operate in the same authority that has been given from heaven i now can operate in that authority here in earth realizing that i'm in christ hallelujah hallelujah i'm in christ and because i'm in christ hmm man i got i got i got another good one for you i got another good one for you i tell you so therefore down here on the earth i bind the devil i bind his demons i declare what he's trying to do to me is unlawful and it is improper therefore i will not put up with it you heard what i said i will not put up with it listen holy as pastor said means uncommon the world commonly puts up with stuff they give it all clinical names they give it all of these descriptions and all no i am uncommon i don't take the the view of the world i don't take the instructions of the world the world doesn't teach me my mind has been renewed by the word of god i have changed my mind i don't look at things the way that you look at them i look at what the word of god says and that's how i govern my life therefore i'm not going to put up with it i take a stance i told you from james 4 7 that's guaranteed victory submit yourself to god resist the devil and he will run in agony hallelujah hallelujah now so i've declared things unlawful and and improper here on the earth now that's my binding power he said and whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on the earth must be what is already permitted in heaven hallelujah i declare by the word of god that all of my knees are supplied by god i loose that in my life i declare that by the stripes of jesus christ that i am healed i lose that in my life i declare that i have the peace of god because jesus is my peace he is the prince of peace i have he said his peace i give he gives unto me i have the peace of god i lose that in my life you're the agent of this you determine if you win or if you lose the battle has already been won will you go in and possess the land or are you walking by sight and say oh the giants are too big the percentage of that happening is such a small percentage i don't know if it can happen for me see we can look at a lot of things that can sway our faith close your eyes stop up your ears don't touch me i don't want to feel nothing i want to meditate on what god's word says what does it say can i see it can i picture it can i go by what it says when it says in mark night chapter jesus said if i can we know that it's not a matter of if he can we know it's not a matter of if the word has or if the word will or if the word has done it's a matter of do i believe it [Music] do i believe it do i believe it now let's go to colossians excuse me colossians the second chapter jesus has guaranteed us the victory jesus has so set this thing up where we win we win we win from the scripture we just read in matthew the 18th chapter what that basically boils down to is god is saying heaven got your back that's all you're saying he said i already done dead in heaven i got your back man go you ever went into something knowing you're going to win you know as an athlete every now and then you run into those teams you like i apologize up front for the bud whipping you're about to get [Applause] because you know you're you're about to annihilate them because you know you win you know that you have that much power over the team that you're about to beat you're bigger you're better you're stronger in the spirit you're bigger you're better you're stronger i'm telling you're bigger you're better you're stronger than the devil so when pastor makes that statement it's not an arrogant statement it's a statement of truth i'm not afraid of the devil not for one split second everybody can't say that in confidence because some people feel like oh i don't want to stir him up you know if i say that then then you know he might get busy well you get busier that's all that is hey we're seeing the bound grace does much more about in other words we win here we are again we win we win we win colossians second chapter 14th verse colossians 2 chapter 14 first we'll read this in the king james and then we're going to go to the the passion translation king james and the passion translation now this is jesus having dealt with what he dealt with on the cross being buried and now he's encountering satan he's not afraid of satan because he realized in matthew the fourth chapter where he was led of the wilderness i mean led of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil he realized that there my weapon against the devil was my word or the word of god every time the devil came against him with something he would say it is written that is the classic example of submitting yourself to god resisting the devil and he will flee so jesus did that and we know that three times he uh the devil tried to tempt him with great things but every time he said it is written it is written it is written and then at the end of that particular chapter when he gave his his his third rebuke against the devil the bible says and the devil left him now a true translation is the devil flees from him a truer translation is he fleed in terror a truer translation is he fleed in agony because jesus whooped him amen whoop that tail praise god so jesus whipped him so jesus now having dealt with the cross being buried is now in hell and confronting the devil and his demons again you would think that having been whooped in heaven already down here on the earth jesus whoops him and then he goes down into lower parts of hell and whip him the devil's been whipped in three rounds you can't win in heaven you can't win in earth and you can't win in hell now you know not us in hell you can win against those that are in hell but not against us amen praise god all right so now let's read this colossians the second chapter and the 14th verse blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it and out of the way nailing it to the cross now world changers should know what the handwriting of ordinances are that's the law all 613 rules and regulations that apply to us god took the law jesus took the law and he [Music] stripped it of his power blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us the devil could always use the law anytime we were trying to live under it and fall follow it he could use the law to condemn us he could use the law to make us feel to to not feel righteous he could use the law every time i've got something that's against you every time so jesus in his death he blotted out the law he said this can no longer because he fulfilled it praise god and since he fulfilled it and we are in him then hallelujah the law has been fulfilled we don't have to try to fulfill it so he blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and he took it out of the way nailing it to his cross in other words that's how i defeated him by my death i defeated him next verse next verse okay nailing it to the cross and having spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them openly having spoiled you all know that word spoiled in other words when you go to war and you spoil the enemy when you defeat the enemy to the victor goes to what the spoils so him having spoiled principalities defeated them took all of their power all of their strength everything he spoiled principalities and powers he made a show of them he not only beat them but he made a show of them openly i want everybody to see what i've done that i have defeated this enemy i want you all to take take a snapshot you know i with your eyes you go snapshot [Laughter] got it you know take a picture of the devil in his defeated state it's important and never forget it when he comes roaring as a lion you got to remember he's a defeated lion when he comes roaring as a lion you got to remember he's a toothless lion when he comes roaring as a lion you got to remember he's been declawed he has no weapons all he has is his roar and that's the suggestions that he tries to give us to try to suggest things to us and if we listen to it that's why i remember i said don't do this do that if we listen to it you'll find yourself being now tricked by him and falling into his his schemes [Applause] say this with it not gonna happen it ain't happening devil so jesus made a show of him open not only him but all the demons triumphing over them or in other words victory he was winning or he won over them in it next verse which are the shadow of things to come but the body is of christ okay now let's read that in the uh the passion satan is a defeated foe you might want to put that as a screenshot on your on your phone tape it on your refrigerator put it on your mirror when you're getting dressed take it in the bathroom and put it behind the door you know when you shut the door so you can see it whatever you need to do do what you need to do to remind yourself he's a defeated foe now let's read this into in the passion translate he jesus canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us now i haven't been to jail some of you all have hey amen amen praise the lord that's all right it's all right jesus went to jail martin luther king went to jail a whole bunch of folks went to jail so you know amen but for those you all who went to jail you understand what i'm saying here in this script even if he didn't go to jail you understand all right so he canceled out every legal violation we had on our record we all had a record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us he raced it all our sins our stained soul he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved hallelujah cannot be retrieved everything we once were in adam has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently come on say permanently and has been nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation [Applause] praise god [Applause] so anything that the devil is trying to bring against you you say ah that's been canceled ah that's been nailed to the cross app that doesn't apply anymore it's been erased from my record hallelujah so he said he nailed it to the cross as a permanent public display of cancellation next verse now get this then jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse to accuse us and by the power of the cross jesus led them around as prisoners in the procession of triumph get this get this get this he was not their prisoner they were his whoo he was not their prisoner they were his you are not his prisoner he's yours we win we win we win when we start looking at these scriptures we say how how is it that we we lose now don't get me wrong i'm not insensitive i know sometimes the devil can suck upon you you know what i'm saying you didn't see that coming it caught you you know you you you buckle your knees buckle a bit you know but praise god you got to do like the 10 man on the wizard of oz you know straighten them back up praise god so things sometimes might catch you off guard it is a battle it is a war sometimes a punch might might get in oh man didn't see that one coming but you stand back up every time realizing that you win you win you win devil i don't care how many punches you throw how many might accidentally get by but one of the things that i do know is that you lose every time every time now let's go to isaiah the 14th chapter isaiah the 14th chapter and the 14th verse i want to give you this picture of who the devil actually is his bark is worse than his bite i've seen people small in stature but they raise up big you know how they say if you see a bear make yourself big you know they they make themselves big and people get so confused by the bigness of their voice that they forget to look at how small they are in statute you're focusing on the threats and really not so much the one who's threatening you because if you really look at the one who's threatening you you would be like seriously why why am i afraid now let's look at this in isaiah the 14th chapter and we're going to read uh down to the 16th this is satan and him making his declarations i will ascend above the heights of the clouds and i will be like the most high speaking big speaking big yet that's where it needs to be with us i hear you're talking devil yet i'm a wealthy tale yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit next verse they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider you saying is this the man is this the man is this the one that we've been so afraid of when you see satan for who he actually is you'll say the same thing is this the one is this the one who's making all of these threats is this the one who said that he was going to kill me is this the one who say he's going to take my finances is this the one and they will say is this the man that made the earth to tremble and did shake kingdoms let's recognize who our enemy is he's a defeated foe he's a defeated foe and the only thing that he has is suggestions trickery and he's trying to get up here he gets up here and you open the door for fear you start thinking on that you start thinking what can happen you start thinking what if don't don't get into what if get into what has been said hallelujah get into the word of god amen praise god so now let's go to matthew the um the 16th chapter matthew the 16th chapter are you getting anything out of this praise god matthew the 16th chapter and let's go to the 13th verse now i want to remind you that we have the mentality of victors and not victims you got to get this now it's what you know it's what you know what has your mind been renewed to what has god told you do you believe it do you believe that you are who he says you are do you believe that he's done what he what he's done do you believe his word so when you do when an attack comes and we we've already established they're going to come no big deal they'll come but you win so i don't mind things coming when i know i win so then if things come at me i'm not going to take a cowardly victim position why me man this always seemed to happen dog it seemed like i take one step forward and then i get knocked back two steps you know what lord it just seemed like everything just goes wrong with me watch your tongue watch your mouth you remember your parents you say watch your mouth boy yes ma'am yes ma'am watch your mouth what's coming out of your mouth so those things might hit you don't focus on the things focus on jesus those things might hit you don't focus on them focus on the word those things might hit you what is god said that's what i focus on now so we don't we're we're victors and we're not victims amen we're victors we're not victims we have the victor mentality victim mentality goes into a situation with confidence knowing that i am going to be victorious when i come out on the other end a victim mentality says i hope for the best i hope god can get me out of this situation man we've been say i will never sell myself short all right now let's get into this real quickly when jesus came into the coast of caesarea philippi he asked his disciples saying who whom do men say that i am i the son of man am and they said some say excuse me that thou art john the baptist some eliza and others jeremiah or one of the of the prophets he says unto them but whom say ye that i am our victory should be collective our winning should be collective but it starts with individual so jesus asked him collectively who do the people say that i am who does everybody else say that i am but i realized that that's not going to be important if individually you don't understand who i am so he breaks it down and asks us this individual question but who do you say that i am it's important that you know who i am next verse and simon peter answered thou said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you but my father which is in heaven now let's stop here just for a second because it's interesting that peter and all the other disciples because jesus is asking their disciples who do you say that i am you've been around me for almost three years who do you say that i am you've seen me operate you've seen what i can do you hear me talk you know my conversation you know my mindset you know how i think who do you say that i am even with them being around jesus all that time it took god to reveal to them who he was what's the point the point is this you can go to church for years you can go to church for years you can have bible studies you can do all that stuff but you got to let god reveal to you who he is when god reveals to you who he is you can't lose you win you win you win when you have a revelation of who jesus is he he reveals to you jesus when you have that revelation of who he is let's keep reading [Music] he said but my father in heaven has revealed this unto you and i say unto thee thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it ah stop the gates of hell let's go back begin another sermon revelation 12th chapter satan and his devils ward in heaven and they prevailed not so jesus is telling you once you understand who i am they won't prevail against you they can't beat you they can't whoop you they can't conquer you they can't overcome you they can't once you get the revelation of who i am so he says he says thou art peter and upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it now we understand that he peter does mean rock or stone but he wasn't talking about i will build my church upon you peter we all know this we we've heard this he's talking about i will build my church upon this rock of revelation that you've gotten that god has given to you of me so when you have this revelation of me which is a rock which cannot be moved anytime something is built on a rock it is stable it can't be shaken it can't be moved it can't be it yeah it just can't he said if you build the church you the church you guys know we are the church not this building if you build yourself hmm if you build yourself remember i told you he said who do you say that i am if you build yourself upon this revelation of who i am the gates of hell will not be able to prevail against you we're the church we're the church this isn't the church we're the church break it down individually as we win individually we win collectively quit looking good you can't you can't go in on somebody else's cocktail you got to win i might be whipping the devil's tail every day but what is that to you you got to win they're saying i got victory in my house you have victory in your house i that that wasn't cocky you guys i was making the point but he said the gates of hell would not prevail against it now as i have read this scripture over the years this always jumps out at me because it's very interesting the gates of hell shall not prevail against us how does gate how how do gates my wife is helping me with my english how do gates prevail against you do the gates come off the hinges and then they float around and they come against you and fight against you like do they go over here and they go against you or the gates you they came off the hinges and they're coming against you and they're fighting against you like that i am sure that i can say that gates are stationary anybody seeing gates that move around they're usually on a post right so gates don't move so how is it that the gates are going to prevail against us the understanding is we prevail against the gates can you see that understanding the gates of hell is hell's gates you have been given the authority because we have victor's mentality and not victims a victor goes and conquers a victor doesn't wait to be conquered he goes and conquers the mentality a victor is on the offense though you have defensive weapons that's fine but you have a sword of the spirit which is offensive the gates of hell will not prevail against you in other words when you go against the gates the gates do not come against you why do we want to even go to hell why is hell trying to stop us from coming in because you all know loved ones that are in hell you all know that the sickness that the devil tried to try to conquer you might be there you all know that the devil and his demons as he tries to uh get get a foothold on you that's his place of operation and he's trying to send out from that place all of these things that are going to try to destroy you no i'm not a victim i'm a victor so you can have a hornet's nest and if you hit it and prod it then they come out and they attack well devil you should have left me alone you shouldn't have tried to hit me with sickness you shouldn't try to hit me with with lack you shouldn't try to hit me by attacking my mind you shouldn't try to hit me with that because now you've stirred me up and now i'm coming against your kingdom and now when i come against your kingdom you will not prevail against me because i understand who i am that is exactly what jesus christ did jesus went down to heaven to his kingdom and the gates of hell did not prevail against him but he went in and he conquered what was jesus doing with that he was showing us we can do the exact same thing we can go in and we can conquer because we realize who we are in christ we realize who christ has made us we realize what we have we realize that the devil has been defeated in heaven and therefore he's defeated down here on earth because i understand the authority that i have to bind and to lose we realize who we are in christ jesus we realize that when he says all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me i realize that all power in heaven and earth has been given unto me i realize that i have the power to trail over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me i realize that hallelujah i realize that i'm more than a conqueror i realize that i'm an overcomer i realize that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world i realize that if god before me who can be against me i realize that do we realize what has been given us so we can whoop the devil's tale every time hallelujah come on let's give god praise for his word hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord we win we win we win we have assured victory assured victory hallelujah praise god almighty well listen we have victory as well [Music] in our finances god has blessed us we do not fear when it comes to finances one of the things that my wife and i confess is that we thank you lord that we serve you and not the spirit of mammon we trust you and not the spirit of mammon we trust you give from the position of grace what do i mean by that give from the position of grace in other words god has been good unto us god was good to us when we were no good god commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners he died for us that's how good god is so god really when we were in a position where we didn't deserve anything god said i'm gonna give you my best i'll give you my son seriously god you're gonna give us your son for wretch like us for the bible says when he do we were yet centered that that meant while you were in the midst of it he died for you he wasn't waiting for you to get better so when someone is that good and we know god you've been good to me you've been good to me so much i should have gotten that i deserved but you forbade it you declared it unlawful you said my blood is good enough to wipe away everything that you've done if he's been that good to us can we now be that good in our giving grace giving giving out of grace given out of god you've been good to me i sure want to just show you my appreciation show you how much i'm thankful how much i love you how much i understand that if you would not have died on that cross for me if you would not have taken that beating if you would not have allowed yourself to be buried and go to hell and even with that you still have me in mind god you whipped up on the devil so that i can whip up on it now god you've been good to me so as we give let's give out of that goodness god is teaching us in his word how how we can overcome how we can conquer and who we are in christ and and and not only that but just his love how great is this love the bible says his love is intense and wonderful can you imagine his love being intense in other words god the bible says he had dissatisfied some of you women who who've gone through pregnancy you know when you had that that taste that urge you just had to satisfy it it's like joe go out and get me some uh peanut butter and uh and uh now laters i don't know some but you know you just had that weird taste but you had to satisfy that's the love of god god loves us so much he said the love was intense he had to satisfy it and the way he satisfied it was by being so good to us so as you give give with that understanding give with how good god has been to you and just to show your appreciation now of course you can do that by texting the word world changer space to 74483 or call in 1-866-7-477-7683 it's there on the screen or writing 2500 burdette road or going on the web to world or also we have up there the uh the text to give code i think that's also showing on the uh on the internet wherever you all are watching and you can scan that code and it just goes right to it it makes it super simple and super easy so as you prepare and also if anyone in here needs an offering envelope raise your hands and the ushers will give one to you we can we can give via that way as well but as we prepare to give we we do this um not the bible says not gradually nor of necessity for god loves a cheerful giver um to be able to give in joy man there's there's a message that god gave me that that so blesses me on how the christians gave to the church of macedonia uh and the churches in that area but it said they gave out of their lack they gave out of their poverty some kind of way they were able to get something to give but it was the attitude in which they gave that was so amazing they gave it with such exceeding joy they i can imagine them jumping up and down paul paul you got to get this man come on here here hurry up what's taking you so long to get here we got this thing we want to sow they were joyful in their giving and our giving should really always be like that because we will never out give god so what you give of course we'll come back bible says he multiply the seed that you sow and by the fact that you sow a seed classifies you as a sower and then therefore he says that i will give seed to the sower so even in our giving we win amen praise god hallelujah well ushers um you all can uh just pass those buckets there and of course while they're doing that father we thank you for this seed that has been sown we thank you that we declare that we are good ground uh lord multiply the sea that has been sown give seed to the sower cause lies to be changed manifest your goodness and your greatness to those who've sown in jesus name amen praise god listen everybody likes a winner everybody wants to win i know of no one who likes losing but you're only able to win through christ all the scriptures that i shared is through christ nothing in our own strength the only thing that we do is get understanding get our minds changed get a revelation of who uh christ is and we flow in that but god gives all of that but you can't do it on your own you need jesus and if you haven't accepted jesus as lord and savior then we want to i want you to pray this prayer with us get in the winning circle declare yourself a winner can you imagine going from a loser to a winner just like that just like that a lot of people have to practice and do all of these things to get in a position to win you have to get in the position to win that position is in christ so if you want to receive christ pray this prayer with me say father i come before you realizing that i'm a sinner that i need your son jesus as my savior i need jesus to forgive me and wash away all my sins jesus come into my heart be my savior i believe that you died and rose again and that you sit on the right hand of god i receive you now as my savior as my lord in jesus name amen praise god listen it's just that simple the bible says they that believe on the lord shall be saved and what you did as that act you just show that you believe on him if you prayed that prayer i want you to text the word i'm saved to five one five five five now i'm saved it's one word all together text it to five one five five five give us your name and your email address and we will send you a free ebook as a gift to you today praise god come on let's give god praise for those who come into the house of the lord amen praise god now listen if there's anyone uh in here we want to give you the opportunity if you want to receive the baptism of the holy ghost you're already saved if you want to receive the baptism of the holy ghost if you want special prayer or if you want to become a member of the church here if god has called you to come and to join and hook up with us we're going to open this up and we receive you right now in jesus name come on down become a part of this family be who god called you to be carry out what god called you to do hey when you're planted in the right place i'm telling you that's where the provisions are hallelujah so as you come on down we welcome you we receive you we thank god for you we praise god that he's building his family he's building his army he's making us big boy i tell you what this is the one of the best decisions you ever made before in your life yes you are amongst good company good good good good company praise god [Applause] and as you come and as you join with us those of you all god still might be speaking to some of you all still come on down as you come and we want to help you in your walk in christ we want to help you develop into the man and woman of god that god has called you to be we want to help you fulfill your purpose we want to help you fulfill your destiny we want to help you to know god in such a way that you will be in awe you will be wowed by saying oh lord i've never known you in this way i've never known you like this praise god hallelujah hallelujah boy we're so glad to see you all we're so glad to see you we thank god for you listen i know they talk about down here in the south we have large families you know that was because we people had farms and they needed the children to work but we thank god for you because you are enlarging our family and we welcome you to the family of god but not only to the family of god but to the world changes nation amen praise god come on you all let's give god praise thank them for coming down again what we're going to do is we're going to send you up this gentleman right here who has his hand raised praise god thank you we're going to send you up there we've got some instructions that we're going to give you simple instructions that will help you get logged right in and be registered as a member just like that so as they get up there they're going to give you those instructions you guys just follow it it probably should take all the five minutes and then with that unless you want special prayer or unless you want to receive the baptism of the holy ghost which if you don't have we encourage it we welcome you to the family of god let's get praise god praise again for now sir god bless you all [Applause] well praise god praise god thank you all so much for allowing me the opportunity to break bread with you this morning um praise god we will be back our man and woman god will be back as i said they are fulfilling the supernatural hallelujah in their lives and so you all just continue to stay faithful encourage other people come on let's get in the word let's keep receiving this word and let's become overcomers and world changers that we are lift your hands praise god now to him who's able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever in jesus name be blessed have a wonderful afternoon god bless you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 4,782
Rating: 4.9239545 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: btT357ytcas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 6sec (4386 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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