Creepy Stories that happend to Redditors (r/AskReddit - Reddit Creepy Stories)

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what's the creepiest experience in your life the time I woke up to find an intruder in my bedroom standing beside my bed looking down at me I chased him out and wasn't physically harmed but the police were certain that despite him taking a number of things I was actually the real reason he broke in and that waking up when I did saved me from rape or worse because it startled him a few years ago I was home alone with my sister I was 14 she was 13 and my parents and siblings went out for ABS six hours me and my sister were sitting at the TV watching dr. Phil and we hear a lock all our doors were locked so I was confused I checked the house and found nothing the next night I'm in my room walking around in booty shorts and a sports bra I hear a click sound I thought nothing of it and laid on my bed that faced the window and went on my phone I hear another click I put on a t-shirt and I go to my window and I slam on it a guy with a effing camera was hiding and he bolted I screamed for my dad and he realized what happened and he went after the guy in the dude was caught turns out he had multiple pics of me over the course of two months of me sleeping showering and changing along with multiple pics of other underage girls so of course he got arrested that was by far the creepiest experience I'm 17 now and still get a pit in my stomach when I tell the story and I always feel watched woke up not being able to breathe and realize there was a hand over my mouth then I felt the sharp knife in my back and heard someone whispering in my left ear shut up shut up shut up a guy had climbed in my New York apartment and wanted to get everything he could he thought I had a roommate in my loft above but I didn't we were alone somehow once I was completely awakened not paralyzed with fear which miraculously only took a couple seconds I was able to act very calm I acted like this happens every day that someone climbs in my window at 5 a.m. in the middle of his visit his energy turned and I could tell he was considering raping me I had a very bizarre experience of being present in my body and feeling like I was high up on my ceiling looking down at myself once I had that very bizarre big picture view somehow even though this guy was strung out on drugs and had a knife I felt like I would be okay and I was able to talk him out of the rape I was actually very calm and collected all morning through the experience through the cop visit and even through the guy calling me after the cops had left to threaten my life once he found out the ATM card code I had given him was wrong I even went to my morning workout I wanted to get out of the apartment and thought a workout would help shift my energy in the middle of the workout I sort of collapsed as the adrenaline wore off even though I was calm cool and collected that was one hell of a scary event when I was really little between 2:00 and 3:00 judging by what house this took place in I turned in my bed and saw my father laying in a plank position he was balanced perfectly on top of the flimsy plastic safety rail my father is a disabled veteran and at the time he could barely walk without a cane but he was just laying there perfectly balanced on an inch thick plastic rail his arms were rigid against his side his eyes were open and staring up and his mouth was gaping I got freaked out so I got out of bed in his eyes shifted and looked at me while the rest of him was completely still I ran into my parents room where my father was asleep in bed I'm convinced this was sleep paralysis at a young age several other events have happened throughout my life and I still get hypnagogic auditory hallucinations when falling asleep each night when I was 7 years old I was home sick and my mom was there to take care of me she went out to buy some breakfast and left me alone at home with our home phone and her number in case something happened I was sitting in our living room playing Bakugan on my xbox 360 when I heard very heavy footsteps from the stairs about 5 to 6 meters to my right I didn't think much of it assuming my mom had come home even though I hadn't heard anyone open or closed the door it's very loud there were these glass windows that you could see parts of the stairs from our living room when someone walked up or down you would always see them the steps got louder and louder as they should but it sounded like it was a very large and heavy person even larger than my dad who was at work at the time I couldn't see anyone through the glass and when it got to the top of the stairs the sound stopped like something was standing there looking at me and I suddenly felt really sick like very sick then I heard the steps again and they faded away the further down they got that's when I started to cry and shake like I've never done before I grabbed the phone and called my mom she hurried home when she heard me sobbing on the phone under my blanket never had a scary experience since or at least as scary I live in Sweden and now later on when I asked my dad about the history of our house he said that it was an old police station in the 1940s others in my house now like my stepmom stepsister and even my mom when I asked her about it have all had creepy experiences and are convinced that there is someone else in there something else my dad said that it was the old wooden steps creaking but it's not possible for them to do it one by one that consistently and loud up and down I don't really believe in ghosts but I still can't explain what happened I was on a business trip finished a group dinner downtown but felt funky so left early by myself walked along a boardwalk by the sea was beautiful late night then out of nowhere I got this weird feeling seriously like dread looked out in this cloud that couldn't have been that big was hanging over the water and I swear it was looking at me and wanted to hurt me as I stopped and looked it seemed to actually be coming toward me I started walking away and it seemed to be following me and moving faster eventually I broke into a sprint I was so scared still have no idea what it was but it was terrifying I used to live in this crappy little apartment in a crappy neighborhood just three streets over boasted the first murder of the year just after midnight on New Year's Day anyway the place was above a restaurant and the dumpster was right up against the wall of the building from there you could absolutely hop right on top and gain access to the first floor roof which happened to be right outside my bedroom window one day I noticed there was a knight raced into the grom on the outside of the window I started sleeping in the living room after that with a hammer was visiting my parents with my husband they live in the countryside and me and him decided to go for a walk at night look at the Stars and all that it's maybe 11 p.m. so we walk for a bit reach the top of a big hill and lean on a gate looking over a field pretty stars moon out no torches we're there for maybe five minutes when I spot a man walking slowly across the field towards us the guy doesn't have a torch which seems super weird to me like we didn't bring one but we're walking along the roads and there's a bit of light from the moon the only reason a man would be walking in the field would be if he was out checking his livestock which he would definitely need a torch for he's just slowly walking straight across the field at us and I can't think of any reason for him to be there I asked my husband do you see that guy he says yes I say what's he doing my husband says I don't know then shouts hello and waves at the guy why nothing doesn't slow down doesn't wave doesn't say anything just keeps walking straight towards us husband shouts hello again no response again I'm effing terrified and assuming this dude is a lunatic and we need to run and then the guy turned slightly to the side and is a horse turns out at a distance in the dark the shape of a horse walking directly towards you looks exactly like the outline of a person [Music] my friend and I slowly drove by a car that was stopped at a stop sign one night the dome light was on in all four passengers were sitting perfectly upright and staring straight forward completely motionless with their eyes wide open as we passed the car nobody moved or acknowledged that we were staring at them and as we continue down the road the car remained in that exact spot until we lost visual of them when I was leaving my friend's house about five or six hours later I was continuing down a different road roughly about a half mile from where this strange occurrence happened when I approached a car that was pulled over on the side of the road headlights facing toward me I slowed down and was going to see if they needed any help until I realized that it was the same car from earlier in the evening all four passengers like before were sitting perfectly upright in their seats staring straight forward with the dome light on not acknowledging the fact that I was staring at them I nearly came to a full stop as I was passing them until they all abruptly and in perfect unison all turned their heads and looked directly at me it was at that moment that I got this rush of fear deep down in my bones and I slammed on the gas and took off down the road but their car once again didn't move an inch whatsoever they never pursued me or anything one of the most bizarre moments that I can recall I was at a nightclub with a friend and this guy came over and started talking to me we spoke for about thirty minutes during that time he kept asking where do I live I would give vague answers because I didn't feel comfortable telling him he seemed too personal and asking questions as my friend and I were leaving he's seen what type of car I was driving and just waved by and went back in the club a week later I was leaving for work and found flowers in my car with no note this was in 1982 when nobody locked their car door the following week I found a card in my car stating that he found out where I lived and sat in my car for four hours hoping I would come out so he can see me I noticed my personal items missing from car as well he said he didn't feel comfortable coming to the door due to my parents were home this was creeping me out I locked my car the first time scared what I may see next him probably laying down in my back seat he wrote another note that he was pissed that I started locking my car doors and left it on windshield the following week he busted my window out that is when I got the police involved when I used to live in Japan I always felt safe but there was this incident one night I can't shake out of my mind was waiting for a friend around this apartment building just chilling when I saw just a regular guy smoking a few feet away from me not weird about that so I'm just on my phone when I feel a presence look up then it's that guy wearing a suit pants pulled down and touching himself furiously right in front of my face I jumped up and dropped my phone between his legs trying to push him away to run when he grabs my arm luckily another man nearby saw this and scared him away terrified of what could have happened if that man didn't interfere when I was like seven or eight years old I was at a pool with some guys I knew one of them got aggressive rather quickly and he was at the time like ten centimeters taller than me and easily stronger so we decided to throw one of those toys that you throw in the water and then die for them we raced there and I was a split second faster and he got angry because he thought I'd ripped it out of his hand he tried to drown me and pushed my head down multiple times before keeping me underwater i legit thought I was going to drown I had nightmares about drowning for multiple years after that ooh there were many incidents happened at one of our rented flats back when I was a teen my sister and I were babysitting our cousin's kids aged 10 6 & 3 respectively the youngest was one of the brightest and the most polite kid you could ever meet so there we were getting ready for bed and he asked for some water I lifted him up took him to the table outside the kitchen now we always had the window open in there and this window took three-quarters of the wall from where we both were standing sitting that window was to my right in the kitchen it was almost sunset the kid was sipping water I was looking at his face maybe talking about something I don't remember what he has ridiculously long and beautiful eyelashes so I often caught myself looking at them I saw his eyes moved towards the window and becoming wide his face lost color all of this happened in a split second in that black man I looked towards the window of course there was no one we lived on the second floor I inquired about what did he just say his face still horrified eyes never leaving the window the black man tried to smash the window with his axe he couldn't and ran away to the other building the one adjacent to ours I soothed him by saying along the line of he got nothing to worry about we are all here with him there was no way he could make this up he never lied I am very strong nerved and rarely get rattled but this shook me good enough that I couldn't sleep that whole night a couple times I've been home alone and seen a woman walk into my brother's bedroom it's a kind of ongoing thing she seems to be of a rich background she wears a sort of nightgown with puff sleeves that come back in at the wrists her hair is always very neat but I've only ever just caught her going into my brother's room a couple months back I saw her as I was coming out my bedroom leave my parents bedroom and walk into my brother's bedroom she has never noticed me nor does her presents make me feel unsafe it's just confusing as to why she never comes to my room I just got hold of my first car a few years back and took it out to the country lanes to drive fast and just generally mess around it was around 7:00 p.m. and just getting dark after half an hour of wheelspin and speeding I pulled over to reply to messages and browse read it in my new car I looked up in my rearview mirror and saw a man around 6 feet crouched just enough for me to make eye contact with a black canvas mask and his hood up just watching me with white eyes he noticed I'd seen him and made a grab for my driver's door luckily I'd locked it I floored the car and drove home so quickly never been back screw this I was walking my dog at night I noticed someone was following me so I turned around we talked for a little and all of a sudden he said he wanted to kill me and grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go I ran home immediately after [Music] [Music]
Channel: ReddiTV
Views: 24,163
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Keywords: creepy stories, askreddit creepy, scary stories, reddit stories scary, askreddit, reddit stories, scariest stories, scary things, scary, creepy experiences
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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