Where Do Snail Shells Come From? | SPD Q&A #051

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• From what the first dinosaur was, to how snails get their shells, we answer some of your most burning questions about life • Hey there, my name is Doopie, I'll be reading out the questions and answers • I'm Danger Dolan and I'm here to blow your mind with truth 10 – CephasRed When was Ice Cream invented and who made it first? • Someone threw a tub of rancid milk into a washing machine and set it to the highest cycle. What came out wasn’t edible, so we doused it in butter and froze it until it became a delicious snack. As for who made it first, I dunno, but they were probably stupid. • The invention of Ice Cream is not credited to any individual but its origins date back to 200 B.C with a Chinese dish made from rice and milk that was frozen in the snow. Ice Cream, similar to what we have now dates back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It was made with buffalo milk, flour and camphor. 9 – Nintendouche Productions Who was the first celebrity on Earth? • That was Robo. She was the very first walking talking synthetic intelligent robot humanity ever created, unfortunately she doesn’t like anyone, including you. And if you try to give you her gifts for her birthday, she’ll try to stab you with a tiny knife. It’d be adorable if it weren’t so homicidal. • It is almost impossible to name an individual but the Ancient Greek Olympians would have been considered celebrities. They were worshipped and revered like gods. The difference being that their fame could only spread via word of mouth, so widespread celebrity as we know it today did not happen until the invention of printing. • Ooooh, you’re such a cutie! I love your little antenna! • I’ll kill you and I’ll kill your whole family  • That’s not a very nice thing to say… humph! • * • Oh my gosh… she likes my antenna… 8 – Ian Hayes What was the first religion and is it still practised? • The religion of triggard is highly renowned as being the first. The only problem is you can’t bring it up in conversation without everyone getting angry. • Triggard? Pfft. Christianity is best religion. Nu-uh, Islam was first. Yo, Hinduism is where’s it’s AT. SPAGHETTI MONSTER. • There are traces of small prehistoric religious practices, but historians cannot confirm any of them as being the first religion. Hinduism is considered the oldest religion and is still practised today. It began in Northern India more than 5000 years ago and is still the third largest religion in the world. 7 – fireclaw 789 What was the first dinosaur discovered? • It wasn’t the T-rex. It wasn’t even the Tyrannosaurus Dolan. It was the Egoraptor. • Um… did you just hear the name Egoraptor and assume it was a dinosaur? • Shh. Just because YOU descended from the DoOver dinos. The Derpy DoOver Dino Durr— • Fossils were discovered in the 4th century in China although they were attributed to a dragon so it is not known what dinosaur they likely belonged to. The first dinosaur fossils to be scientifically confirmed belonged to the Megalosaurus and were discovered in 1819 by William Buckland. Magalosaurus was a large meat-eating dinosaur. 6 – jackviolence234 How did humans find Plutonium? • We threw a tub of rancid milk into a washing machine and set it to a medium cycle. I know, it’s very easy to confused ice cream with plutonium, but the key thing is to take a bite and if you die instantly, that means you did it properly. • The scientists that first discovered Plutonium were trying to split atoms through a process called deuteron bombardment, to find ways of creating nuclear bombs. This occurs in a reactor when Uranium atoms absorb neutrons. The discovery occurred in 1940 but was kept secret until after World War II. 5 – tehpicswampert How did humans decide on North, East, South and West as directions? • We discovered a compass. That thing helped us out a TON. • Humans did not decide on the directions, as it is the Earth’s rotation that determines what is north. The star Polaris appears in the night sky in the same spot all-night, every night and is the indicator for “true north”. Earth has a magnetic field that runs from north-to-south and so compasses will always point north. The names themselves are Germanic in origin dating back to 400-800 A.D. 4 – Travrinity What is the similarity and difference between a black hole and worm hole? • Oh wow, didn’t we already answer a very similar question? What was that video…? • * • And we STILL can’t find them. Ugh. • A black hole is formed when a supermassive star collapses in on itself. It creates its own gravitational pull from which light cannot escape. Wormholes on the other hand are only theoretical and are tunnels that connect two points in space-time. In theory one might be able to travel through a wormhole but nothing can escape a black hole once it is past the event horizon. • We already answered this, though! • Well, maybe *I* wanted to give my thoughts on the topic. Considered that? • I liked Shima’s answer better. • Don’t make me set me dinosaur on you again. • *gulp*… I’ll be good. 3 – spoondiesei How do snails get their shells? • They earn it. When they get 100 consecutive sniper kills, they earn an achievement that unlocks shells as a permanent addition to their arsenal. It comes loaded with extra ammunition, med kits, radio equipment – and a little bed. If you see a snail rolling around in a mini tank shell, you better WATCH IT. He’s a vet. • Snails are born with shells that are soft and colourless when they first emerge from their egg. Over time the shell expands and hardens. In fact the centre swirl of a snail’s shell is the original shell that the snail was born with. • Doopie, careful—! He’s got you in his sights! • * • HE GOT YOU. Doopie…. *cough*… he uh… got you. • Oh. OH. ARRRGH, YOU KILLED ME, HOW COULD YOU, URGH, THAT WAS A GREAT SHOT, AND I’M DEAD. Bleurgh. • * • Victory! 2 – DragoneyeCreations What is the oldest piece of literature? • The end-user license agreement. You can tell it’s an old piece of writing because whoever wrote it was a senile grandpa who put down the biggest piece of rambling nonsense that we’re still trying to decipher thousands of years later. We keep using it in contracts because we’re… pretty sure it’s important? • The “Kesh Temple Hymn” and “Instructions of Shuruppak” are both from around 2500 B.C. The first is an ode and the second a piece of ancient wisdom. The first work of fiction is “The Epic of Gilgamesh” from around 2100 B.C. Each of these works are from the Sumerian Civilisation of ancient Mesopotamia, inventors of the first writing system. 1 – Vivian Sprague Why does the sky change color at sunrise and sun set? • This doesn’t always happen, but when it does, and a red sun rises, it means blood has been spilled this night. The only problem is… we don’t know whose. We do have one suspect though. But where did she go? Hmm… • The light doesn’t actually change colour but appears to as it takes longer to reach our eyes when the sun is almost over the horizon. This is due to the scattering of light, which is where molecules and small particles in the atmosphere change the direction of light. The blues that we usually see during the day have scattered leaving colours with longer wavelengths such as yellow and red. • Doopie, have you by chance seen Emojie, Gooby, Shima, Snewpee, my brother, Pandora, Melissa, Kyle, Hellbent, Andie, Tolop, GhostToast, Ladybot, Nixxiom, Pringle, Slapped Ham, Sweetcommando and Cidius lately? • I think so. They said something about napping in a big pile earlier. • And we didn’t get an invite!? Bunch of scumbags. Ah well. Video’s over, I’m off to go lie down and lower my defences for a bit, will leave the door unlocked in case anyone wants to come visit. Later.
Channel: Super Planet Dolan
Views: 3,218,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doopiedoover, super planet dolan, danger dolan, planet dolan, dolan true stories, dolan life mysteries, hellbent, robo
Id: LA7Boywu7Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2016
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