Easy Face Swap with #SeaArt AI

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hello and welcome ladies and gentlemen I am naquan Jordan they are protagonist and today we're going to be doing some easy face swapping here at Sea art.ai so at Sea art they added a new feature that lets you swap faces we're going to go into AI painting to take a look at it these are some images that I've used to just kind of play with it a little bit you can see this is the default image and then I was able to swap the face so you can see these all have the same face and then these all have the same face as well so what we're going to do is we're going to start with this one right here and just to show you what I use so if you click this icon it will reload all the prompt details so you can see the model that I used is the I Can't Believe It's Not photography that's actually one of my favorite models I didn't add any Laura's everything else was pretty much left by default you don't need to do restore faces with this model it's a very very good model very small negative prompt uh didn't really do anything here did use a vae it was the 84 um I don't know what is that 84 840 000 whatever I used that one and if we go right here into facial replacement this is where the magic happens so what I'm going to do is first I'm going to just use it while generating and then I'm going to actually upload an image and change the face in that so if we look at some faces that I got here's some images that I downloaded yesterday some stuff that I did we are going to use we'll use this face here it's a face that's different enough to where you can actually tell if it worked or not and so everything else is pre-loaded let me go ahead and go ahead hit generate and we're gonna see what happens all right so here is the results and as you can see they all have the same face they have the face that I chose I might have wanted to up the image strength a little bit so that it would be a little clearer but you can obviously see that it swapped the face and we'll try this with another model let's do this with um well something a little more animated we'll use this one again some click on this to bring up the prompt details you can see it copied all of the uh The Prompt the models so the model this one was a real moon anime which was used for this one I didn't use any lures and we're just going to well we'll check the negative prompts so you can see there is some negative prompts in there as well we're going to choose a different face this time and this time we're gonna go with um let's go with this face we'll choose this one all right and now we're going to click generate and here are the new results and you can see they all have the same face as the woman in the photo so this is a great way to keep a just a consistent face when you're generating but of course you can also use it to switch faces okay so now what we're gonna do is we're going to take an already existing image we'll go the image the image and then do a face swap on that so let's see we'll go with something realistic we'll go with this one and now it's loaded up a prompt I'm going to go the facial replacement and choose a different face to replace it with we'll try this one now normally you would want to use a really stick face for a realistic image but I just want to see um what will happen if I use an illustrated face with a realistic image so I'm not going to change anything else I don't think I need to add any lures by the way the the model that's being used for this one is uh qgo prompting reel and I'm not going to do any character repairs but this is where you would repair like faces hands and stuff like that we're not going to do any of that so I think that's pretty much it we're just going to go ahead and generate let's see what happens and here are the results so you can see it definitely looks a little a little less realistic because we used a non-realistic face but it easily changed her face looks very different compared to the one we uploaded all right so I want to try one more example I've loaded up another image from the um the backpacking series that I did and I'm going to replace the face with this red head down here now when you load up an image that sea art does not recognize you use the intelligent analysis down here and CR will try to create a prompt that represents the image so you can see it changed the model to realistic vision 4.0 it didn't add any lures and then it created this prompt down here but all I really need to do is just hit that and then hit um facial replacement to pick the image and now we're ready to generate and just like that we are done so you can see the new images that it created and these look really good so you can see you get a little bit better results if you have two similar skin tones and similar styles of images but it definitely changed the face and it does look pretty good so that's pretty much it for this video I just wanted to show off the cold new face replacement feature it is a great way to not only replace faces but to also keep a uniform face whenever generating a new image so if you guys have any questions about CR you can uh go ahead and leave them in the comments below I will leave a link in the description where you can sign up for your free account at Sea art see art is completely free uh Generations let's see they give you 60 free Generations a day and then after that it starts using credits and they do have a way for you to actually earn credits they have daily tasks that you can do to earn credits and I did not get my daily 100 credits so every day you get 100 credits just for logging in so that is on top of the 60 Generations plus there's a bunch of different things you can do like following people to gain even more so if you want to join you can go ahead and click on the link in the description and sub your free accounts and I'm going to create an actual tutorial uh just going over the basics of this showing what all the different modes is how you can find the different models and all that stuff look for that coming up next so as always thank you so much for watching and I will catch you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: AI Protagonist
Views: 22,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: face swap ai, face swap app, easy face swap app, seaart ai, sea art ai tutorial, sea art tutorial, free ai image, free ai image generator, free text to image ai, free text to image, free text to image ai generator 2023, best free text to image ai generator, best free text to image ai
Id: 3bqZms7EVGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2023
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