The Astrology of the June 2020 Eclipse and how it may affect your Personal Life

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it's Eclipse time we're having a major eclipse happening this summer in June of 2020 I had hoped to do some eclipse videos on earlier before this by just time didn't let me now that the eclipse is here I'm going to focus on what's most important to me when it comes to eclipses and that's eclipses in your personal life in our personal life I'm not going to be looking at Eclipse relevant to world events in this video however you'll learn a lot in this video that you can apply to world events if you want to and maybe if I find some time I'll do some world of bad ones too but as always for me the most important thing is that one person at a time and that's really how eclipses work they change humanity over thirteen hundred year period one person at a time and that's what they're really doing how it starts out is they'll be an eclipse at the north or south pole meaning it's going to be visible from the north or south pole and that eclipse will barely be an eclipse only a little bit of the you know the Sun will be obscured by the moon just you know so most of the Sun will be visible there just be a hint of the moon's shadow on the Eclipse and that's the beginning of an eclipse cycle that lasts 1300 years now the particular Eclipse were having now the beginning of that Eclipse cycle was June 3rd 1389 okay 350 731 local meantime at the ancient prime meridian of yama koti which is not 0 nor 165 east 46 longitude okay which is why I was calculate its type of things from so this eclipse of this of 1389 started something that's going to last about 1300 years okay and right now we're in that same cycle know how why is it the same cycle well eclipses repeat every 19 18 19 years ago where the same eclipse happens but in a slightly different place it usually happens 18 years and about ten eleven days later okay now it's interesting about this when the first eclipse happened as in 1389 over here the Sun and Moon are very far from rahu or ketu the north or south no the moon which causes the Eclipse so at the time that's perceived close Rahu is at 25 degrees of its Sun and the Sun and Moon conjunction was at 12 degrees which means there is a 17 degree difference the first eclipse happens when there's a 15-7 18 degree difference between the Sun Moon conjunction and Rahu so it's barely an eclipse it just touches it imagine it like the new moon all right we're not or like a New Moon conjunction you know that's the chart we would use to predict what's going to happen the next month so we do it the same with the Eclipse cycle we look at this Eclipse at the first hint of an eclipse and we say this is what this Eclipse cycle is gearing up for what it's moving us for and we read this chart which I'm going to spend time doing in this video so you can understand what this in this Eclipse means to you okay now every 18 years that this eclipse happens the difference between the Sun Moon conjunction and the rahu or ketu where it connects is going to be less and the Eclipse always starts with the Sun the first Eclipse in the cycle always starts with the Sun and Moon in front of rahu or ketu so further advance along the zodiac than rahu or ketu okay so over about some almost 700 years the Sun Moon conjunction that were the Eclipse Hopkins moves towards rahu or ketu until finally it's exactly or close to exact with rahu or ketu and then the next Eclipse that o'clock for that it's going to go behind it and those two Eclipse cycles are the big ones those are the ones where there's a total solar eclipse and for a long time because the Sun Moon and rahu or ketu the north or south of the Moon are within less than a degree of each other which means a long eclipse and those long eclipses like that are usually preceded by a lunar eclipse and followed by another lunar eclipse so whenever you see three eclipses happening in a row of lunar a solar and a lunar you know that Eclipse isn't its maturation pace of a page of that cycle okay so the Eclipse were happy now we have an Elune er a solar and the lunar which means we're getting really close to the maturation of this Eclipse now the maturation of this Eclipse cycle happens when the Sun and Moon are as close as they can be to Rahu and Ketu and still on this side and then also the next Eclipse where the side of Moon jumped to the other side of Rahu and Ketu okay now when this eek's the next time this Eclipse cycle happens we'll be twenty thirty eight that's the last one in this cycle where the Sun and Moon will be further advanced from rahu or ketu the Eclipse after that they're going to jump to the other side of rahu or ketu so the most important Eclipse in this cycle or the 2038 one and the one happening 18 years after that okay but right now we're really really close to it so the events are gaining mass how these eclipse cycles work it's really a snowball effect where with this first Eclipse cycle in 1389 the people who are hit by that did some things a little differently they broke out of the mold a little bit and started this slight snowball effect and it increased and increased and increased and it increased and increased and now we're in the ending phases or they come up two phases with this small ball getting as big as it can get it's going to be as big as it can get in 2038 that's the biggest snowball is going to get and then that snowball is going to have an impact in the world that will take seven that will have remains of it that will affect global life people on earth for about 650 almost 700 years more so it's this cumulative phase and then what manifests as a result of that culmination that energy starts to fade for the number of next 700 years and so we have this cycle of about 1,300 years and the beautiful thing is at any given time on earth we have 38 Eclipse cycles happening at any given time so the Eclipse we had last December January is of a completely different Eclipse cycle with a completely different focus than the Eclipse that's happening this summer and the Eclipse hopunion be summer later this year is a completely different cycle with a completely different focus okay so every Eclipse is doing something different and there's always 38 eclipses moving human destiny along evolving us changing us at any time within a 18 year 18 19 year period okay so the Eclipse we want to focus on now is this one whose story began in 1389 all right so let me look at this Eclipse that reads view but can we just look for the most important thing first during this Eclipse chart the most important thing was we had Neptune Venus and Pluto with Rahu the North node now the visible planets are always going to be the most important to focus on Neptune Raina's which are the invisible planets to the naked eye are going to impact the visible planet you bet but the planet we've got to focus on is the visible planet and that's Venus so Venus is the most important planet of this Eclipse cycle okay now all the planets have the role to play but Venus is the most important of them okay Venus is the planet we use to get nourishment from the outside so that we can have a healthy foundation in our life you know it's everything we get from the outside that's required to have a healthy stable foundation to do whatever wonderful things we hope to do in our lives okay it's an essential thing Venus we can't survive with this world long without Venus Venus is the clothing we need it's the food we need it's the affection we need it's the human relationship we need it's the vehicles we need and also rules be nickels one because vehicles allow us to travel further distances to get our essential needs which is Venus it's now vehicle you can jump in an airplane and get an emotional nourishment from somebody you can import bananas from Paraguay in the middle of the summer and heat bananas if you get nourished by bananas so those are all Venus things anything that gives you the foundation of nourishment and well-being in this world is Venus okay so Venus is the critical planet in this Eclipse it's with Neptune and it's with Pluto okay now it is with its 26 minutes away from Neptune they're almost like they're in the same degree just 26 minutes away Venus is 11 degrees away from Pluto so the most significant thing in this Eclipse chart is the Neptune Venus conjunction is an exact conjunction not exact conjunction is going to impact this Eclipse cycle for about 1300 years okay so we have to study that combination more anything in order to understand this eclipse and then we can add the other factors that are going on okay we don't have to worry about the house positions here in this chart or even the sign positions we're going to focus on planets mostly so what is Neptune we have to understand Neptune if we want to make the most out of this Eclipse as it hits us okay Neptune is I think the most abused planet out there the most misinterpreted okay to understand Neptune I got to give a real brief little idea about Uranus and Pluto Uranus is new stuff that manifest out of us and as a result the best new stuff coming out of us as we grow into ourselves more yes we'll meet new interesting things out there but those things are coming because it the new that's manifesting out of us okay Pluto is didn't planet that's here Pluto's basically Sheba okay Pluto's feet are basically cut off the junk does no longer help beam us which means this ideas we have in our mind the concepts that are limiting or well-being or happiness our growth and our flower and spirituality okay so and Uranus is like Brahma he's the creative energy he's like there's something new here Pluto's like this old idea this all way of living this overhead beam we got to get rid of it okay that's Shiva Neptune is Vishnu all right now Vishnu if you're in Hindu mythology is a great deity all right he's the one who always saves the day right yeah in astrology we really worry people freak out when opportunity comes they're like oh that one's coming I can't trust anything no Neptune is an amazing planet if you learn how to use it so between the state of new energy emerging which is Uranus Brahma and old energy that's not working going away which is Shiva Pluto there's the energy we have to work with but this energy is not meant to in a stagnant place it's meant to move and change and hopefully evolve it just needs to change see energy is in a constant state of change and that's what the Neptune is it's time to change the energy it's not about new energy it's not about getting rid of energy which is Pluto it's about change so inept incomes it's an opportunity for change that's really what it is it's an opportunity for change not of things necessarily they'll sometimes it's an opportunity of changing how you use your energy with something so for instance Neptune with Venus Venus is your love energy and the energy used to get the things you need in your life you have a way that you do that you aware of that need you're aware you need love for instance okay and you go about getting love in a certain way and you have all this energy to be in love okay it's only working so good Neptune with Venus is about all right I know I need love I have energy for love how can i transmute this energy to have a more loving experience that's literally what enough to Venus is all about how can i transmute this energy to have a healthier experience an experience that gives me nor nourishment that's what Neptune is so it's about how can I change how I'm cooking I know I got to eat every day and I'm hungry every day it's not new to me it's not your anus I got to eat and I'm not dying Pluto so I don't need anymore I have out the title how can I change what I'm eating so my appetite provides more health that's how that tune literally works yeah Neptune has his reputation as the great illusionist don't trust Neptune well yeah you can trust Neptune the problem is we can't always trust ourselves because the truth is evolving is so hard it is so hard to change not energy the change over how it to transmute energy from the lower part of our self to a higher part because that's really what Neptune's about it's about saying okay you've been living on this let's eat a better dog okay you want love all right let's find a healthier love that's what Neptune is asking and it's very very hard to move to a healthier state of being so lots of times when an opportunity comes things are not don't work out for people because they're unable to take advantage of that opportunity if I see Neptune as an opportunity for something more nourishing okay it's not a sure thing though when your anus comes it's a sure thing something new is coming out when your innocent your Venus and not your period a bit happening you're going to find a new way to nourish yourself in this world when Pluto hits your Venus Wow some ways you've been trying to nurse yourself are coming to an end all right definitively when Neptune comes along you have an opportunity to become more nourished from things of this world including your relationships but will you succeed Wow we don't know it depends how are you gonna work it okay what are you gonna do Neptune is very much a plan of God saying okay here's your chance what are you gonna do with it you know and God is like that when your anus comes he goes here you take this no choice you take this you're gonna want to trust me you're like maybe I don't want it cause like yeah you're wanted I'm a force it on you you're gonna love it or maybe you'll say yeah I really want it either way you're getting it with your anus on Pluto comes Gaza and pull it out of your arms you don't say no no let me keep it and you hold on to it but he'll keep pulling until he pulls out in arms and that Tim comes he goes look here's something what do you think you could do with this like he wants watch he's not getting out of my chest say all right here's an opportunity for more nourishment in this world and I'm gonna make sure you get it he just says here's an opportunity for more nourishment only see what you can do with it okay contend because we're humans we usually muck it out honestly we usually do and as a result of being humans that usually muck things up Neptune has this reputation of being the illusion as the person who sets us the planet sets us up for disappointment so realize what Neptune's happening this is a chance to get more nourishment it's not a sure thing so in this Eclipse with the Neptune Pluto exact conjunction this Eclipse cycle is about people finding ways to become more nourished in this world through their relationships through better vehicles resolving the travel greater distances to get more nourishment through healthier food through healthier lifestyle through interrelating with our environment in any way that promotes a foundation of well-being happiness and health okay thus this Eclipse is giving not chance if it hits you it hits one of your planets if it hits one of your cusps the closer it is to your customer planet the more important it is okay if it's hitting you you're getting a chance right now to find greater nourishment in this world now what makes it so hard is that we always have expectations okay we always have expectations and it's not neptune that's disappointing us or given the illusion it's our expectations that are creating the illusion so we have an expectation that love is supposed to be a certain way all right and Neptune just saying hey here's an opportunity for more nourishment in the world than you have and then we walk into it with life love is like this instead of seeing the opportunity so the reason we as humans tend to muck up the opportunity of neptune is we don't see the opportunity for the opportunity it really is our expectations make us want the doctrine to be some sort of specific and when it's not we get disappointed disappointment requires adequate expectation that's Neptune okay however if you go on the Neptune if you're getting hit by this eclipse you've got an opportunity for greater nourishment be open to how the opportunity may arise that's what you need to do with note to Neptune you go okay there's an opportunity it's done but I have to allow for that opportunity I have to see that opportunity I can't say the only way all how this is this is it this way know if you do that you lose the opportunity you will miss out on this chance you have to see what the gift is when Neptune comes and embrace it and not expected to be in a different form and you think it should be you're here to experience the nurturing energy on a level that you quite can't quite conceive yeah and you sort of expect it to be on the level you want or I've had you'll be disappointed but if you allow it to be on the level that it is you'll be happy Neptune Vishnu is all about experiencing something on the level it is and when you get this Eclipse rating enough to transit this eclipse is about all right you can get more nourishment on a level of availability that's here may not be how you planned it may not be what you expected in fact it won't be but it's going to be a real opportunity that if you work that opportunity you will find yourself getting more nourished as a result of this Eclipse by something in the world okay so this is create a lot of havoc for people I've seen people leave their partnerships with this okay it's just one day something yesterday so text me I'm leaving I moved out of them and they are moving out of a 20-year relationship or something like that why because that's what they needed for greater nourishment okay they needed the freedom to relate to things on their own level instead of the partnership level through a night on things based on their energy not their partnerships energy so that's what they needed and they can't really not be they took the opportunity so does eclipse can happen in many different ways depending what it's hidden in your chart if it's hitting your six eight or twelve house it's more likely to hit things in a way that is you know more of a suppurative type thing I'm not it might be a more connective type thing okay it could be either way you really have to study your chart but what you want to remember is this eclipse is about helping you become more open to possibilities okay and to have opportunities to work possibilities in the way that those possibilities actually exists not necessarily the way yours to exist if you have expectations get ready for disappointment but if you can just be open to wow more nourishment is available to me then I'm not before then this eclipse will not disappoint you okay so that's what's happening with the Neptune Venus and this Eclipse is starting this over a period of 1300 years and it's snowballing so imagine the first person who got hit by this Eclipse of 1389 you know and that's just you can't make a pretend person here so it's a lady and she works hard she has three kids and she lives a little cabin with her husband in 1389 somewhere and she works hard she has to prepare all the food from nothing she has the grinder on flower that's deal with a meth mathema you know what's it called the little thing you grind you read in my hand little hand growing there you know three hours later you know enough to some porridge so she's hard-working and she wakes up every morning 5 a.m. even though she was working late get canned sure everything was ready the kids kept her all night out but she wakes up every morning at 5 a.m. to make sure her husband has enough for breakfast okay and this the Eclipse this Eclipse hits her first house let's say and she's like my god I'm tired all the time I don't have am I getting the nourishment from this world why he did enough sleep his Eclipse concern she says you know I think I'm just gonna sleep again I'm gonna start sleeping a little later my husband's just gonna have to get up and cook his own Wow would she be the talk of the town right she'd be a rather cold little housewife right she's actually sleeping in breakfast ready when her husband wakes up or something you know and she took a little step towards evolving relationships so in a way that she could have a little more nourishment in her life it's a very crude example I'm giving all right because I want to make this clear it's not that big a deal and then we laugh at that that's a joke to us right or we might get offended why would she be expected to do that but imagine of world in 1389 where maybe thought was expected or hey well not a big deal but oh my gosh people would have pointed on her oh my god do you know my husband told me that he came to work hungry she didn't cook for him this morning Wow you know what you know so you can see how this could have been a problem nowadays 650 some years later or so person gets hit with this eclipse and they wake up and they go you know I am NOT doing this anymore and they walk out of their marriage or they walk out of their 20-year old relationship see what started with a really small thing that was almost insignificant wash your own laundry said that one lady in 1389 and 1489 a lady said no I don't have time for this go away to her spouse the husband said not to her and now there are like no this is absolutely wrong for me I have other opportunities for happiness that aren't this relationship and so what happens is causes eclipse Annika snowball the things they promote people to do are bigger so right now with this Eclipse cycle being so close to its culmination in 2038 when we get hit by it you're going to have much more bigger changes of what you're willing to do to get more nourishment in your life then the little lady or the little man did in 1389 but the only reason you're able of doing that huge then now is because of those tiny little steps they took back in 1389 it created this social momentum a one individual at a time doing a little more being a little more open to happiness and nourishment to create this snowball effect ok so this is a really big eclipse now it because it's got 650 or so more than 650 680 or so years of momentum behind it so if you get hit by this eclipse you got a 680 your snowball coming into your life ok and not just a 18-years snowball you've got years of momentum ok but the truth is the lady who moved out on her husband you know after 20 years what she did was took no more effort than the lady who decide she was not gonna cook breakfast for her husband in 1389 you know it took the same amount of grip for that lady in 1389 say opps they've been in then it took this lady to walk out of her marriage ok because it wasn't nursery and she had other possibilities for nourishment ok so when the Eclipse hits you it's always intense but when we measure what actually happens externally bigger things happen that generally as the eclipse culminates where it is now compared to when it's just in its beginning a little tiny little snowball but that little tiny little snowball the people who push that down the hill Wow they have to push this as hard as people get hit by today have to push this snowball right now okay so the experience is the same although the X journal is completely different and the experience with this Eclipse an opportunity for greater nourishment that many many people will not succeed in because they will not be open to the opportunity doing to their expectations that's not - now one thing we have in our favor for this eclipse if you want to say that is Neptune's also with Pluto now we're sorry venus is also with Pluto they're 11 degrees away they're far away but Pluto is right with the North node they're within less than half a degree of each other I've got eclipse so what that means is Pluto's a big player in this new clubs come on Pluto is a big player means okay I'm willing to be vicious radical and get rid of the stuff that I have - so it's going to help people who get with this Eclipse get rid of the limiting concepts of how things have to be and I'll hurt so they'll be a disappointment along with this Eclipse people getting hit by this Eclipse you're going to have some disappointment your expectations are going to be shoved in your face but it's because they're shoved in your face that you're gonna realize I don't get my expectations it's going to actually help you see the opportunity for what it really is how you really can have a more nourishing life even though your expectations just got smashed in your face I like that because if you don't have your expectations smashed in your face you can muck up an opportunity that could help you because you're holding on to your expectations but this need close Pluto's not going to let you hold on to those experts smash them in your face and that way they won't be in the way of you embracing more Neptune which is when it comes to Venus an opportunity for greater nourishment in this world from some source to be any source okay what source examine your chart carefully yes if it hits relationship factors oh yeah it's relationship world even if it's personal with the factors like the first house your son is where you're up McCleary your soul planet it'll be about how you're nourishing yourself okay whatever it may be if the 12th house mahir's the amount of time you take off from work where you need to find nourishment whatever okay all right those are the two most critical things and up to Venus little conjunction now over there by the South node always look at plants are with the South node or in the North node to start with where you've got no Uranus right at the beginning of the sign so it's literally 13 degrees and 15 minutes or so from Venus that's it's far away but still opposite I'm gonna pay attention to it so this Eclipse also has your rain is there which is saying okay there's more stuff coming out of me there's more self development happening in my life to help me nourish myself so we have all three outer planets or somehow impacted Venus but the main one is Neptune which is simply there's an opportunity it's not we expect it's not what you plan for it on what you si dreamed about but it's an opportunity to benefit from and you'll benefit to it to the degree that you let go of your expectations okay of how things have to be which can ruin and which are the one thing that ruins in Neptune experienced in your life okay now the other thing that's happening in this eclipse we had a Mercury Mars conjunction okay Mercury Mars is not one of the pretty you know one of the pretty conjunctions in astrology mercury is an enemy to Mars and it starts okay so what this conjunction is going to do it's going to cause conflict strong differences of opinions to different people coming together with very strong ideas that don't agree okay so yeah if you're getting hit by this eclipse you're gonna have to agree to disagree or get punched in the face or punch in the face you can get a lot of conflict with this eclipse okay now the Mars Venus are in a strong aspect to each other as well and so it amplifies this is part of the Eclipse pattern okay so potential conflict will come out when Mars is worth the mercury it's all too opinionated people just have strong opinions about things that they don't want to let go of look at charts of people at Mars mercury conjunctions there are the ones that love to push ideas and have conflicts with others okay so if you get hit by this Eclipse yes expect be around people or be involved with people who say this is how it has to be or this is what I really need from you nor like well geez I just can't agree with that somehow you cannot do it so there will be some conflict in Wills that's I think the more unpleasant part of this experience and not again this will impact worldly events too but I'll talk about it personally in your chart mostly and with Mercury Mars you're not usually able to resolve arguments so this eclipse is always going to leave a pattern oh okay there's conflict here that's not resolvable okay you know where two people have different ideas and it's just going to be a certain way and people won't be happy everyone won't be happy okay so expect some of that in your loaf handle that you know I just ain't marked mercury because it's it's not resolvable it's just not so yours can have saying you have to agree to disagree try not to engage trying to have conflict they're not going to get your opinion they're not going to get where you're coming from these people yell conflict for now just let it go just say hey you can think of it that way but I have to think of it this way don't push don't engage it's the only thing you can do in large Mercury's there you have to learn to not engage okay those are our primary things going on those conjunctions those on permutations there's always a sudden conjunction anytime you have an eclipse so it's not a special thing to examine Saturn's alone Jupiter's alone these are the highlights of this eclipse every time it hits someone in the next you know over 1300 year period okay now in the Eclipse happening this year of this cycle six twenty one twenty twenty five forty four thirty p.m. again at zero North 165 East forty six we have got wrong we got 29 degrees the Sun and Moon just over the border of the sign at 0 degrees something there within a degree of each other so it's a full big Eclipse it's a big snowball it's not the biggest snowball the biggest snowballs in eighteen years okay it's the second biggest snowball in this cycle so when it hits people people are going to do big shifts okay if it's hitting you expect a lot of differences okay lot of change it was hitting you with and you're getting that conflict of the Mars mercury expect a lot of Mercury Mars conflict okay now in this current eclipse will be some slight variations to help us in our time of need of this day and age compared to you know 1389 and that is Mercury's with the Sun Moon conjunction and Venus is with rocker again so the fact that Venus is with rock again just as it was in the original Eclipse and about one out of three times maybe four times by one out of three Venus was probably with Rahu on average so it's not super unusual for this to happen okay Venus has almost always come with Rahu or the Sun and Moon in an eclipse in a solar eclipse and that's because this Venus is only so far from the Sun at any time so that's why all eclipses most eclipses tend to have some relationship ramification okay all right and also mercury ramification because mercury is almost always there too now in the original Eclipse mercury was not really being changed mercury was just being stubborn and opinionated okay because it was with the Mars but it wasn't really like being transformed by rahu or ketu or Pluto any of that you know was impacted by those directly in this particular Eclipse we have the Rahu a Venus again so yeah it's going to be big about you know relationships and not only relationship or where you get all your nourishment in this world primary Hrant that we think about these days is our relationship in the old days in 1389 the primary source of nourishment was not for our hearts people water and ground think and all I need more milk full nourishment they were like oh my stomachs growling you know but this day and age yeah mostly way to think of Venus and we think of emotional nourishment I remember of eNOS is also food nourishment it's just we've gotten used to being fat so we don't think of it that way anymore okay but Venus is there so the question of nourishment won't come up if you get hit a lot in this big snowball and Eclipse we're getting now you'll be thinking about is this nourishing to me that your woman who'd been with her husband for 20 years Wow just wasn't nourishing to know she was getting sick and drained and exhausted so she went to a more nursery and placed all living alone and having her own environment and that was more nourishing for her leaving a relationship so again where are you going to find your relate nourishment is a big part of this Eclipse you'll be questioning and will come into your consciousness is this nourishing me what do I get more nourishment is nursing opportunity that's what you're looking for is that what I expect how I expect you to be nervous no but that doesn't mean it's not the best nursing opportunity of your life or at least a very good one to take okay the other big thing in this Eclipse is what this chart okay is that mercury is with the Sun Moon okay luckily Mercury's retrograde and the original Eclipse going back at 1389 Venus was not the mercury was it but now they're both retrograde that means they have more impact for nice things okay so stronger possibility so whatever you get if you're able to receive this eclipse if you're open to the nourishments that's there it'll be greater because Mercury's retrograde and especially a Venus that's retrograde okay especially because Venus is retrograde retrograde plants are closer to Earth which means they can give you more it's a good thing okay alright but mercury is with the stun them mercury doesn't love being with the Sun though so there could be confusion when you try to talk if you fall you'll get confused this eclipse originally is about conflict the Mars mercury where mercury is saying it is you know forcing Mars to be a certain way basically trying to and so we have conflict and this the Eclipse mercury is with the moon as getting confused okay so when you find yourself having a conflict with people and you try to talk things out that have being constantly eclipse you might find yourself she's hitting a lot of confusion where it's like hum you know not being able to really clear it out and the other danger of this eclipse of with this moon mercury thing going on is mercury moon is Europe makes a person your own worst used car salesman meaning Mercury Moon loved us to talk us into something that's not right and sell it as it is as if it is right okay people have a Mercury moon conjunction their chart that comment this compatibility and you say it's about ability Galway run they'll say buddy have this and he has this and he has this seems like a really good guy and I'll say right and they'll say alright but he has this and then they leave and they date I'm gonna have a miserable six months and I look at her chart or his chart and it's a Mercury moon conjunction Mercury Moon loves to sell themselves on something that's not right okay so if this eclipse to you in this particular one happening this year you need to be aware I thought there's a recruitment conjunction okay and that you might think you have to take the deal that's being offered and missed a deal that's really there that sounds confusing right meaning you can see a deal and talk yourself into something that's not you at the end of the day you only can take the real deal alright so you might confuse yourself you might try to convince yourself of things as this eclipse goes through so as a result before you make any super long-term decisions during this Eclipse wait and make sure you didn't lock yourself in that you did install yourself you know a used car that was bad and trying to convince yourself it was good because that's what Mercury moon does it makes it try to convince ourself something is better than we know it is okay so stop the mental chatter it's not trying to convince yourself just say what is this is it yes or no for me okay trying to get clarity and that clear yes or no feeling instead of oh I think this is good look at that really good thing that's over there know if you're playing that game then this eclipse will deceive you more likely either case don't be too rash during those Eclipse try to be calm collected take your time examine things make sure you're not selling yourself something that's not right for yourself okay mercury Moon does that because it needs something right now I need a car right now I'll say that shitty car it'll work Noah wrong it's a shitty car if you buy a shitty car because you think you need it now instead of walk in another 100 miles on your feet then you find a good car you're going to miss the chance to get the good car and hundred miles of walking same with everything else don't talk yourself into shitty things because you're desperate for something today all right that's the thing we have to learn with new mercury all right now the good news is Jupiter is opposite mercury I know you're saying oh but Jupiter's you know debilitated maybe oh I don't care because it's also a retrograde so it has something good to give to the mercury over here and and this whole conjunction over here so Jupiter will help you have a little more wisdom they're finally telling you to not run into your moon mercury and confuse yourself and so yourself something you don't want so Jupiter is helping you out here the other important thing on this chart that's important we have a Mars Rahu our unangan each other within four degrees of each other plants on angles from each other always very important Mars wrong one angles from each other that's more potential passion and fire going for this whole Rock of Venus which means you can be impulsive to do stupid things are going to take your time it's also going to create more potential for conflict again like in this original Eclipse the Mercury Mars it's a it's going to have conflict imagine that first later you said actually I'm not going to wake up and cook breakfast for my husband in 1389 imagine the conflict that that created okay and again I'm being funny about it trying to convey the idea I'm sure that happened at least once though okay now with the Mars here you know aspecting the Venus and the Rahu it's like I drew Venus wrong - okay you know this eclipse can bring conflict into your life where again people just are not going to be able to agree it'd be nicer if Mars was clear of the whole picture but it's here okay people will not be to agree on certain things right now and the conflict will be hot what can you do engage you know because this Eclipse cycle as irresolvable conflicts that you cannot no one's going to agree just stop to agree to disagree everyone go do things their own way when that conflict comes up okay all right that's what this eclipse is doing for you I'm trying to prepare you for this okay as all eclipses if it's hitting you it's gonna change your life to a small or drastic degree depending on how close it's hitting you and what exactly it's hitting okay if it's hitting your angles well Kyle's comes one four seven or ten or the rulers of your angles or your moon or your son you're out McLaren cut and these really big important things in your chart then you bet you're gonna have some big and especially if it's close in degrees expect some big changes revolving around that area of their life they give you opportunity for nourishment yeah which come with an element of conflict and an element of you really wanting to believe something is really good and you're going to you're going to be a little skewed about just how wonderful that thing yes you know you'll talk yourself into in ways that aren't completely real so but there is a real opportunity there and the trick is to find that real opportunity amongst the conflicting opinions are going to experience against the resistance you're going to have in fulfilling that opportunity and in face of the fact you're gonna mercury moons going to create some expectations okay and some of those expectations are not going to be correct and therefore you can feel a little bummed when things end up yeah you don't take your time make sure you're clear and again shut the boys off that's telling you this is how it is it's the hardest thing no what's the opportunity where's the opportunity feel right and good yeah I always want more I'm a human I'm a pig always want more but that doesn't mean to tell myself there's more here than there is right now okay that's an important part of this eclipse too to help you to take full advantage of it cuz as eclipse it I mean all of the coaches are good to me I think you know because eclipses are what move us forward which help us grow and evolve in our lives and evolve as our cultures and involved on a global level one person at a time are the people who get hit with that Eclipse so if you're getting hit by this Eclipse yes you're being asked for yourself and for future generations to find greater nourishment in your life defines to see the opportunity for greater nourishment and to take it even though it won't be everything you expect even though they'll be an element of it'll create the conflicts with others in your life okay and your ex you're being asked to be brave so over to accept those conflicts to do it anyway and you're being asked to appreciate what you're given and not and to be real about it and not try to lie to yourself that you're getting something you're not which the mercury Moon likes to get okay likes to do if you can do that and you're getting hit by this Eclipse you should have a nurse or nurturing nourishing experience and you should come out of this Eclipse on the other side with something in this world that will make you nourish you more than it did before whether it's being alone eating better getting a puppy dog who knows something that provides an element of nourishment okay and for some people even starting a new relationship as possible but take your time during this time because we got the mercury moon and Mercury Moon is always a fun one and if it's in there with thee it's in there as part is the Eclipse pattern okay it's not part of the original one so it's not gonna be that serious now they've been warned I'll expect anyone who fall into that trap I'd have been in this original chart even with my warrant you don't expect us all to go be stupid but since it's not an original chart we should now been escape the Mercury moon okay all right have fun with your lives thank you
Channel: Ernst Wilhelm
Views: 47,866
Rating: 4.9275656 out of 5
Id: lqBRK8TrmTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 42sec (2922 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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