Pam Gregory: Insights from the Galactic Center

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you know i'm i don't study astrology but i really like astrology and um and one of the things that i get a lot through the my guides for years they've talked about the the rising consciousness on the planet and i'm called to try and break down how that might be affecting us and what that looks like and then when i channel my guides for recordings or for live events they will speak about our consciousness becoming far more galactic now that can sound kind of amorphous but when i hear what you say about oh there's a new planet that i'm like oh okay it's great because it it grounds it and that's the thing i really like about your videos pam i know i'm gonna get three things i'm gonna get very good grounded but high and far-reaching metaphysical information on a psychic level and i'm going to get great cushions and most of the time i'm going to get a really good collar so i said that to you before we started i said i always know because i saw your cushions i was like the cushions are fabulous now this collar isn't as high as some of my favorites but i always i because i remember when i first saw you and i think i saw like three videos or four videos like wow she has great collars it's it's her regal past life coming through here and then you told me just now that you the queen of colors is what you've been dubbed yeah it was do you know people write to me and ask about do i make them i mean not a chance i can't many many years ago i was in sydney australia and there was a huge chinese festival in a sort of massive marquee and i discovered these beautiful silk and satin chinese jackets which i just adorn they're all handmade and silk and satin they don't have labels in them so i just bought a load of them and i only wish i'd bought more because i just can't find them anywhere anymore but that's where i got them many many years ago so but it's interesting going back to what you were saying lee about becoming galactic citizens it's something i've talked about a lot in my videos over the last year or so because i have such a strong sense with these new deep space planets coming online and hopefully i'll get information coming through particularly when i write i get it coming through and this will these new planetary archetypes will link us to the greater galaxy and for instance what was very exciting at the end of last year on the 14th of december we had a big solar eclipse solar eclipses are big new beginnings and this was happening at 23 degrees of sagittarius that is super super close to something called the galactic center which has the the power of the mass of 40 million suns it sort of spews out lots of cosmic radiation with which we create our world and so that is a very powerful place in the cosmos the galactic center at 26 of sagittarius but what was even more wonderful was there is um a planet which is called a kuiper belt object it doesn't have any other name but that it's way out beyond the realms of pluto and it's called vada and it was exactly at 23 degrees of sagittarius exactly on this solar eclipse and in myth she is known as the star lady she's the goddess of the elves she lives in no time and she in myth lit up the stars in our heavens and she placed the sun and moon in our sky and set them on their trajectory as it were essentially the moon moves and because this is a big new beginning solar eclipse on the galactic center i was thinking okay so she did that historically in myth but is she actually saying this is a whole new beginning in our understanding of the cosmos is there a whole new layer coming in which she's going to help she's going to enable for us with our understanding and that feels just super exciting that we're on to a whole new adventure in consciousness and understanding and i get very you must tell me if i'm speak to it but i get very kind of buzzed up when i read and think about them because that all of them that i've studied so far are very quantum in their understanding you know you don't have to slog and write a business plan and push and make that unit they're quantum in their their leap they're very magical and they are very much to do with creative energy and regenerative energy which is just fabulous you know for a new consciousness but that many of them are also very connected to indigenous myths and the big dreaming and um you know the aboriginal song lines and a very deep instinctive connection to nature as well so they've got this kind of quantum physics leading edge understanding of reality but anchored in ancient shamanic tradition beautiful it's funny you know a couple of the things that you said again it's lovely for me to hear this because i get my information intuitively i can't always qualify it but then i hear some of the things you're saying like the the creator energy which they have been saying uh that we've just this year entered into a whole new era of creativity and innovation where the dial gets really turned up and we'll we'll see it immediately this year but it will just keep growing as we go through the decade but also the consciousness that is rising that is causing so much of the destruction and dissolution that we see which you have to be very mindful of because as a human being who has grown up you know in the programming of the time that we're living in it can be triggering or upsetting or distressing as you watch things that previously worked arguable but that previously worked falling apart and how that's affecting everybody but at the same time remembering that you know the this is what has to this is what we have to go through in order for the new birth to happen so i heard those two things in what you said yeah and it's it's really interestingly because i don't if you've heard in my videos um cosmologically the earth is moving into a different area of space where it hasn't been for 12 000 years approximately it's moving through the photon belt so literally we are getting these incredible waves of gamma ray and neutrino energy and light coming in and that's why the light seems so white i don't you know it's very light almost like being in the mountains in the snow you know very bright white light whereas previously it was kind of more of a golden light and that is for tonic light so this is very high kind of crystalline energy that's coming in and when that happens it's impossible um according to my understanding of quantum physics that two different levels of energy can coexist at the same time the old lower vibration stuff has just has to disintegrate which is what we're seeing right now it can't continue so but we are literally physically every cell in our body is being electrically repatent by this new light and i think the more we've worked at our frequency the easier that transition is for us we'll just blend with it much more easily and it is very distressing to see everything we've known in our lifetimes just kind of collapsing chaotic dysfunctional but it's so clear in the astrology i mean it is so i must have said in every video over the last year that pluto is moving through capricorn it's very very slow it takes many years and pluto always deconstructs the sign the symbolism of the sign that it's moving through so capricorn is big corporations big institutions government um institutions and governments that have power over you it's a top-down vertical structure rules and regulations we've seen a lot of facts when it's minting so it will pluto will always reveal anything that isn't pure or of integrity or of the highest principle and therefore that in turn that kind of disclosure will help the collapse as well in addition to that we've got uranus another massive archetype in taurus and taurus is let's keep things as they are let's keep the boat steady it's about materialism and brooks and mortar and the banking system and you know solidity and uranus just wants to smash everything up uranus is the maverick so you've got two massive archetypes pluto and uranus that want to break things up to get us to a better place a higher state of being moving through to earth signs which is density materialism i'm here to make a profit not here to make a difference it's all the the old 3d world if you like and those are just two of the really really massive things that are contributing to this collapse apart from what's happening with the cosmology and the light as well so it was re it was really clear so i'm curious let's say you know you're with someone in your life your personal life who is really freaking out about what's going on on the planet we all we all know people who are having those experiences um what do you say to them if you can't really go there with some of the astrological information what do you say to them if you feel compelled to say something that might reassure them or help them deal with what we're going through yeah i think what i'd say without getting into the the jargon as i just said with you is just to sit because they know i'm an astrologer i just say well i can see that happening very very clearly in my work so isn't it reassuring this is meant to happen to get us to a different a much better place but we've got to go through you know if you're going to build a new house you have a plan for the new house that you've got to demolish the old house on that site before you can start to lay the foundations for for the new house which will be so much more beautiful and so much better than than what you had but it goes through a mess you know the grilling and the blackened deckers the you know the dust and the rubble it's a mess and it's the mess that we're going to be going through through summer 2021. and pam the universe hears you my i have a lapel mic on so it probably isn't picking this up but the drilling just got really loud as you was i'm not kidding you probably can't hear it but i said to wendy before we started i was like oh there's some drilling outside and she was like i can't hear it but i can hear it so the universe says yes pam you
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 51,971
Rating: 4.9610343 out of 5
Id: xWomGVe5y5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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