How does Mercury Influence Your Love, Romance and Marriage Astrologically

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I'm not gonna put that on the video [Music] [Music] getting centered okay welcome back everybody here with Karen white of divine time astrology divine time astrology calm we've been doing a series on how the planets can generally impact your relationships based on how they are on the chart I've done numerous talks with Karen with podcasts we've done a class together the yacht macaca and soul plant relationships course which is available as a download both at divine time astrology calm and Astro vedic astrology calm so far we've talked about the Sun Moon and Mars and this week we're going to be talking about mercury which is really one of the most important planets for long-term relationship you know everyone seems to say look at Jupiter look at Venus you look at Mars which are the obvious ones for relationships but mercury is so important for long-term relationships because it shows your ability to be friendly with your partner your ability to be playful with your partner your ability to communicate well with your partner your ability to manage the differences the different even ideas that you're you and your partner might have so that's really the stuff that people who have long term long lasting relationships I think typically realize is most important because you know as life goes we all get older our desires change our ideals change and as long as you can not take things too seriously and still be friends that's a really blessing to have in relationships so anyway enough of that welcome back it's good to see you again you too yeah okay so I had my little intro about mercury and why I think it's so important so from your experience I know you do a lot of relationship astrology and as we talked about in earlier videos you're interested in going through charts to help people understand the ships called relationship autopsies right yeah past relationships the ones that didn't work out right but that helps you learn about for future ones right exactly we're awful lot about yourself exactly exactly I have a rating called ready for love alright and that's what I do an evaluate all the planets okay not just Venus not just the obvious ones but and mercury is important sure in fact for some people they may actually make mercury more important than it should be you know romantic relationship in a romantic relationship is that what you said in a romantic relationship yeah because some people are so good at being friends with others that their partner can feel because the difference between Venus and Mercury is that mercury is more impersonal you know you'll put up with all kinds of stuff from your friends or even from your relatives that you won't put up with or be one even want to be around in a romantic partner so but a person who is way too much you know Venus II meaning that it's all about romance and they can't just hang out and have fun right and do other kinds of things together then that's a problem too you know or like there are people who can't be friends with their exes for instance like that's just impossible which is I think I'm really an unfortunate thing because this is a person that you really loved at one time you love to I mean maybe but isn't it isn't okay to leave those crazy ones behind well of course I mean why be continued to be antagonistic right what's the point of that so and so anyway like my current husband and I we started our relationship as friends I met him in high school that was 16 and we met in a reading class when we both loved to read so this was where it you met when you were 16 and this is you said your your your current marriage so what what what state did you live in that you got married lower earlier than 16 oh no it doesn't know what I find interesting about that this is more about Jupiter but okay Jupiter matures at 16 mm-hmm and for a woman Jupiter is the husband and I met my husband when I was 16 interesting Oh at the time I had no idea no clue whatsoever that would someday become my husband okay so it was not you had been together since you were 16 you had a marriage sometime between 12 and yeah yeah I married somebody else first that's my point we were friends a long time and um you know just the timing was right and we got together and what the first thing that we were more worried about than anything else was that by making the relationship taking it to a romantic level would we ruin the friendship you know we're more concerned about whether or not there would still be a friendship at the end of it if there wasn't into it you know we could make that part work yeah and so that was a an agreement that we made and that is if being married it was going to ruin our friendship you know to the point where we wouldn't couldn't stand the sight of each other anymore we would break up just to keep the friendship and so that's that's making mark I'm marking very important I would say why I would say I would say that you know also probably having mercury and a good dignity maybe in the fourth house and mercury maybe being exalted in a person's navamsa then maybe that could also are you looking at Mike yeah I do I have mercury exalted opposite the swamp shop yeah for people listening means the Affleck Erica in Anamosa okay that becomes the swamp shot and you look at the planet or the side opposite the swamp sure to give you an idea of what your spouse is like and then of course my husband he has mercury and Gemini in an angle so any seventh house actually so very important to him too obviously yeah and so it makes sense that for you that that worked well right now so that was a good a good thing and I mean do you find that you you know you still can communicate and talk to each other and have decent conversations I mean is that absolutely totally are you talking to him so you don't you know you're not one of the folks that when you go out to eat you're just sort of like well we are capable of just being quiet too or not you know we don't always have things to say but we do things together so and then we talk about it later like right before we go to sleep uh say somebody didn't like so what do you think you know that character and movie was trying to do and then we'll just have like this really interesting conversation yeah that's good that's good because that allows that that communication to continuously be there which is again important for relationships you know because too often I think people they don't they don't put enough attention on that mercury and they put it all on the passion yeah and once those hormones wear off what 7 to 11 months later there you are in a relationship and you don't have that thing that you share in common so oftentimes an I when I counsel people when I look at their mercury I see they've got a nice strong mercury and they're asking about relationships and I'll tell them go join meetup comm you know don't don't get on these dating sites where there everyone's looking for the one you know that Rahu Venus thing all right but where there where you're gonna meet someone who you love clam board games go join the board game meet up and maybe you're gonna meet the person that you can relate to on a mercurial level and then you just have the rest of your life to spend with someone you can play board games with I mean a lot of people have you know that's really a good that's excellent advice yeah not a sense go somewhere where you just are having fun right exactly because if you've got a strong mercury that is important right is that what we talked about with Mars in the previous video people have a strong Mars they gotta have a strong like inspiration or gold to meet you know so for people with a strong Mars maybe they need to have the goal to raise their kids well or the to save up and buy a great house or the goal to build a business together or the go to you know be able to travel around the world after they retire so everyone you're thinking about you know the planets in your chart I found the strongest ones those are gonna be the ones that ideally it would be great to share that with a partner and have that same kind of energy of that same kind of quality whether it's a malefic planet or a benefit plan doesn't matter because at least you understand each other yes I agree and then there's the other side okay people of today what's up you're awful combative today always the other side there I've heard people complain about a spouse who who puts their friendships above their marriage oh yeah so back to the pecking order saying right right there's a pecking order and that is the marriage it comes before your friendships and it comes before your even your friendship with your spouse because it's a it's it's a very specific kind of relationship so you do have to attend to the passion and all that kind of stuff too but you gotta like each other and the friendship the mercury part is liking each other and and that's I do I like my husband so mercury this is the other thing we're thinking about in our charts is that you know like a each other is good but mercury since you mentioned earlier that you'll put up with things from your friends that you won't put up with from like you know your spouse or whatever yeah but the thing about mercury when it comes to relationships is that when it's when it's a little it's indecent dignity when it's in maybe an again an angle or try I'm just gonna use that as a general statement for positivity because most people look at it that way you know it's more likely that a person has the capacity to let the other person be who they are because you'll find out in mercury in anyone's chart when you get when you get a early well-placed mercury they can be friends with people of different faiths they can be friends with people who like different kinds of music they can be friends with people who have rad different views on all kinds of really intense topics because they're able to understand that this person has a point of view I have a point of view it's all just a different point of view and so by having mercury well situated in a chart if if you have problems not your Karen but the people are talking to if you have problems you've got problems where you let your partner be who they are or explore what they want to explore or work if they've got a little bit different thought than you and that drives you nuts mm-hmm maybe that something's going on with that mercury and then you have to develop that which is what just learning to have learning to try to allow people to be who they are and love them anyway tolerance tolerance and and tolerance is part of it but I like to take a step further to go beyond tolerance because tolerance to me yeah go to acceptance you have to acceptance because tolerance to me is you know I want to tolerate you in my house but I really don't want you here what acceptance is you know you're different than me and hey I'm different than you so that's okay and and when mercury is really good typically the person can allow that breathing room in relationships for there to be other friendships for you to have friendships to have different viewpoints and they just realize hey I love you you love me and we get along right so we always got to be careful with this mercury and if you do have mercury and difficult dignity or gain starved by the moon or if it's with Saturn that can make you a little too focused on your own personal needs you know and doesn't allow you to see the other viewpoints in the world because they're equally as valid you know that's what drives me nuts I'm gonna go on a tirade then let's stop here for a minute okay what drives me nuts especially with things like astrology and people say one type of astrology is best so that automatically indicates that every other type of stralla G is inferior yeah or if people says people say this guru or this meditation path is the best well that automatically invalidates everyone else's choices that are different than yours right right so you know good mercury is able to make a statement without invalidating everyone else's stuff so whatever planet is with mercury that's typical and show how you communicate things and if it's with Mars you're probably gonna be an idealistic dry person if with Jupiter you're going to tend to be a little more accepting of others so we gotta we had to consider this to house mercury getting influenced because he will act like any planets he is with right you know and that can really impact how we relate to our partners yeah no kidding um okay I forgot what I was gonna say that's okay I've got one more thing yeah so when we when we think about mercury especially when we take it to the the navamsha the d9 dealing with things like our life paths our purpose our marriage and so on well mercury shows our ability to manage our life paths in our marriage and we have to remember that marriage is very important but is not the only facet of who we are and so when we have a good mercury in a d9 again we're just going to generally say blanket statement even though it needs to be more specific than this angles trines and good dignity that a person will be able to say I know that you know based on my marriage that I can spend Tuesday night and Thursday night with my friends tonight I need to be home you know with my spouse because that's important to manage both or I know I've got this hobby that I just love and it just makes me so happy but I also know I need to have this balance so I have to manage doing my hobby with growing and enriching my relationship so when we think of mercury in the d9 that's going to give us typically a really good indicator of how well overall can a person manage to be an individual to manage to have other interests in life but also to be able to nurture and support their relationships as well their long-term commitments right and when I see the mercury Anna and then the bump show too it tells me if they're able to have a friendship together right they can do things together if they want to develop skills together this victory rolls skills as well and it rules the arts it you know it rules crafts and that kind of thing and that's something that people can usually do together right kind of mutual interest like you were saying board games or developing skills like say taking a cooking class together and you get to know your partner in ways of that you wouldn't get to know them before having a social life too because mercury is friends and it's relatives and it's always good to have some interaction as a couple with other couples other people with their relatives because it's what's interesting about it is it helps you to see your partner as being separate from you as an individual of their own and you get to enjoy them in a different way exist fun you know and you see things you didn't see before you know it's kind of like when you're married or you're in a relationship you go through cycles with that person and you know you go through cycles where you feel like the ebb and flow right you feel kind of far away and a little bored and which happens inevitably over time if you bring mercury into it like you bring people into it you bring a new skill into it a new interest or something fun because we're tree rose fun too then you get to fall in love with your partner again but there's a totally different way right so that's another great thing about mercury well you mentioned skills right and I think that's important because often times when we get into relationships you know who we are and what we're interested in before we start the relationship can be very different 5 10 15 years in enuine you can actually learn skills just by being in a relationship with someone different than you right you know it's it's fascinating my wife is not really interested in astrology in the sense of studying it you know she definitely wants me to do her chart and everything you know when someone starts talking to me about astrology she will start talking about it and she'll be right like short answer questions better than many students that I have and that's that's not because she hears me talk about it a lot like when I'm teaching classes at home maybe she's reading over on the couch or something she hears it and so just by us being together she's learned astrology right and by me being with her you know I've learned all kinds of skills and one of them is to be more polite and tactful like when I think about how I was earlier on you know pre relationship and stuff and and I've learned to listen to her when it comes to social engagements and diplomacy and things you know one thing I've learned from her is to be a little more tactful to be you know have a little bit more manners you know things of this nature Venus then yeah she's got an exalted Venus so there you go yeah that's what that's what does it and um you know in that situation when we think about mercury the mercury in a person's navamsha possibly not remember there could we have to really read the chart as a whole so these are inter ala T's can show well how are you going to develop skills in the relationship not just skills to have the relationship are you going to do things with the partner that you you learn things you learn things just by being in the relationship by sharing information you know yeah in fact I know a lot of women including myself where one of the things they look for in a mate is the ability to learn something from him right we like to and men tend to like to teach too when they know something I like to teach and I know for myself you know with mercury being opposite my swamp sure yeah yeah that's one of the high values for me and that is intelligence a man because mercury represents a certain type of intelligence yeah and my husband's into Mercury's better than mine and he's much more detail oriented okay and I'm not so you know before I said that a blog post I asked him to look at it right he always sees something that I didn't see even though I read it over five times but yeah so it's been all right so mercury no mercury plays a big role in relationships and I think that by understanding that and trying to figure out ways to develop that and honor that that can really help a relationship work well you know again that whole idea of accepting each other being friends with each other and you know also having the capacity to be an individual like you were like you were saying like go out and socialize with people you get to BD not just in the relationship yeah you know mercury also can give a great capacity to have the time to spend a part together because you know if you have got a good mercury yourself well you can find something to do you know mercury people have no problem finding something to do this is true yeah but if you've got a weaker mercury you may seem to be more dependent on the people around you to find something to do so in a way in a secondary fashion you want to be very cautious of being kind of like dependent on the others if your mercury isn't so good you know to define yourself because think about it mercury he said to take on the energies of of any planet that he's with right yes so that can also show that mercury is deficient or as some difficulty the person might be seeking out their sense of self by relating to someone whoever it might be right yeah learning to have time apart and relationships and being okay with that to find out who are you as an individual that can also help to develop your mercury if if it's possible because not everyone can pull that off but it is helpful I think to try right you know sometimes - I have clients who tell me you know I'm always the friend they never see me as the love object good see me as a pal well you know that's that's an example of mercury being maybe too prominent in a person or and their Venus being undeveloped underdeveloped or maybe even their Mars you know where they're just too friendly and nice and easy and you know they don't have there's no challenge to them right so if you're the kind of person who is always the then you don't have to develop your marker for you to work on you know Venus and Mars and you know but you can use your mercury to learn to learn relationship skills or attraction skills is really what that comes down to is to you know how to be the the love object the beloved and then be a friend right even though a lot of times that's that's the favorite game of that person who has that issue is they do the long game right we're going to be friends first and after they get to know me well of course they'll fall in love with me right yeah that depends have them if you have some of those other skills or not right oh and there's tons of books and stuff on that subject oh you know you bring up a good point well we'll go ahead and probably finish up with this point before I move on to Jupiter um and that is the point that with mercury and with all planets that we're not we are just talking to our planet individually here there are you know other planets in the chart so sometimes the things that we mentioned as strong or weak versions of a planet as Karen was saying it could just be a deficiency or an overcompensation with another planet you know I'm saying so we do have to be very cautious not to jump to any conclusions here but she brings up the great point that you need to learn about all the planets and essentially your best to develop all the planets as in as in a balanced fashion as possible for these things to work in their ideal situation right you know so we have all these different organs in the body for a reason we we couldn't just have a heart ought to be functioning together so okay if you - if you have a really weak mercury don't despair it doesn't mean that you can't have a good relationship you know there's just there's a million ways the divine has made it possible for us to learn how to do just about anything seriously and that's what astrologers are for you know it's to help nobody do anything yeah just to help you understand yourself yeah you got a car problem come to your Australian I can change your timing belt that's about it yeah and you know Karen spends a lot of time exploring relationships and so on so if you have an interest in if you've listened this video and you think oh crap you know my plants are messed up I'm never when I have relationship why would advice I'm getting a session with Karen to like do the relationship autopsy for past relationships or just have her help you explore how to develop those things because number one you can tell she likes talking about this stuff and she's good at it number three it's always better to explore these things with your own chart specifically with professional who's been doing it a while versus just watching a video and trying to come to your conclusions and coming to the wrong conclusions yeah we're complicated beings yeah and we need to look you need objectivity right you know it's like people who self diagnose all the time you know use use these videos it's just a guide to get a sense of well what's the possibilities here today go see Karen yeah alright is the sense of humor yeah so you can take a joke just about any woman I've ever talked to about what they look for in a man they almost always say first thing sense of humor huh then what a guy who's not gonna take things really seriously right you know and to be able to laugh at himself and laugh it just laugh at life right sometimes it's all you can do well you know if only women had more of a sense of humor if you really want to please your man when he has gas chuckle with him we think that you know farting is funny and weird oh well it's mostly because we have to deal with the after all right well I'm not no that's very deep and profound conversation we're coming here hey it's mercury right yogi deep and profound we need funny and trivial anyway all right so we'll conclude here you can find out more about Caron a divine time astrology calm and we will be moving on to looks like Jupiter in our next session so we'll see you next week with Jupiter fine salute man so let me ask you something do you have [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ryan Kurczak
Views: 5,268
Rating: 4.888268 out of 5
Keywords: Mercury, Astrology, Love, Romance, Marriage, Navamsha
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 42sec (1662 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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