Creating a DRILL to PIERCE The HEAVENS in Muck

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ladies and gentlemen i'm modding in the ultimate weapon and no it's not the starting rock although that would probably be pretty good actually welcome to the beautiful world of modded muk i've got a ton of little mods installed one of them being whenever i get an item uh i get well five of that item notice how i just got 250 health from that one red pill and now i look like i'm about to die it's a little bit of an adverse side effect that i was not expecting but you know what sometimes pain can be good for you and sometimes meat soup takes the paint away weirdly enough meat soup was my nickname in high school just don't ask me why hi pitman hut do you have a wooden pickaxe thanks that's just trash ooh rocks and bread it's like christmas if i just develop a crippling shroom addiction i might actually be able to get all my health that i have a sentence i never really expected to say out loud but that makes sense how your little wannabe works can you just stop trying to hit me please i don't have my modded stuff yet dang it no don't throw that ow this is the worst kind of boning god just die oh gold thank you for his taboo his murder is man is it profitable come here doggie oh you're dead oh why must we fight we fight so i can open up chess thanks for the money idiots ooh a little spool bean so now i just don't use as much hunger how about you oh a dumbbell now i have five times the bass strength or well in addition to five you know what i don't know how power ups work although that is just 40 damage 30 damage all right maybe i should just keep getting dumbbells game actually you want to give me some more that's wow that is extremely easy this whole modding thing is not half bad another item oh jet pack so just five yeah there i go why do i need to jump this high i don't but it's fun how about you little guy hunger drain slower again i love it oh a little free chest too more dumbbell oh sneakers oh yeah oh my oh man you really get moving huh oh yeah yummy nuts perfect no one take that out of context please gym map acquired get these maps out of my inventory time for us to set up home base mainly because i have 14 iron i need to cook and that's where all the modded things are hey we're dinosaurs you're dead you're dead too i may have a wooden axe but i've got modded power-ups baby so that means that why are you so squiggly kind of like zucchini noodle oh big rock monster come here wow 118 are you leaving what was that did you hesitate to turn around even though it's night time i'm opening up a chest less hunger drain that works for me how about this one more yummy nuts okay lucky number three oh blue pill which is chilled that's handy and freed orange juice yes oh the attack speed has increased and i am happy about it here have oh buddy i'm sorry i didn't mean to do that to you oh my gosh uh are you done yet wow it is actually i said that facetiously but it worked now whilst i could make a gun i can make an anvil station which has unlocked the steel drill can you get guys guys i'm doing stuff here die die no thank you however i need an ancient core all right well just give me the steel pickaxe for now because clearly i've got some more power-ups to get can i do this battle oh it's again some really cool dogs well bye bye doggy you're dead and don't touch my stuff you're dead too you guys ever see that movie cujo if not spoiler warning because well that oh more dumbbells thank you how convenient of the game to put some mithril right here for me it's like they know hey can i open a rare chest too i can oh my hello i have five sniper scopes that means yeah the game just made a big mistake and five bulldozers well now that's just handy and dead 5000 damage and what why is there nothing in this chest did someone loot this before i got here that's messed up beyond levels but i'm not even gonna say anything bad about it go ahead and cook oh hi goblin village anyone have adamantite tools you do have a mithril pickaxe in here how about you chef anything cool no do you have adamantite no dang it you have fur wood though that's handy all right guys here's the deal i'm taking some of your stuff and you will do nothing about it and then i'm killing the creatures that run at me because if we combine all of that i can get an adamantite sword give me yeah yeah i know you guys are hitting me it just doesn't affect me much all right everyone come rush me i'm gonna use you for gold purposes now it's a very good give and take relationship where you guys uh give me items give me gold and then i take your lives that's how give and take works right what i need right now is this checkered shirt look how much resource damage i do fun this is a wooden axe 29 000 oh man what have i become better question what will i become dracula not like i'm hurting for help i was so bloodthirsty and obsessed i realized that i never chopped any of these fur trees down which is an issue hello just ancient bone thanks guys where did you come from you blend in with the environment die what are you guys doing over there oh my gosh everyone needs to die huh that's it we don't have enough examples of me killing you huh oh my gosh it's just an absolute rocky bloodbath but it looks like there's different forms of drills they all need ancient course though so i might as well try and get to obama which shouldn't be too difficult when i can move around the map at this mach 8 speed wait speaking of ancient core here come here big chunks do you want to drop me one i'm assuming i can kill you and you did aren't you the kindest little guy oh and i got the dagger oh i have life steal now huh isn't it fun when things work out all right mithril drill i have no idea what i can i use this on trees no can i use it on rocks i'm assuming okay can i use it on bosses by chance yes that is look at you a little loser [Laughter] hey come here no excuse me anyone have a cavity not anymore how fun is this little thing oh my gosh thank you just a walking instant break of any rock that i touched yep hey rock bye rock hey rock bye rock hey rock oh wait there it is yep and that's perfect day five is here and if you've been paying attention to the clock on the left it's starting to go faster and faster primarily because i'm impatient i have a mod that makes day go by quicker so enemies can get stronger considering i'm insanely strong myself how about this another sneaker oh man i'm about to reach peak performance what about you more shield my health is 2200 game i don't think i need more shield items i will take more damage items though dumbbell ex juice oh no i'm about to be able to attack even faster now because whenever i hit crits my attack okay [Music] oh what am i becoming wow night six already and now i have 10x juices all right oh and i have 15 dumbbells yep bring it on i'm ready for it you didn't survive you didn't survive you're dead hey die too thank you oh more health don't walk into me don't just don't walk in whatever you do just stop just don't quit all right it's crazy this is doing zero damage to this thing i mean just look at it whatever and oh hey it's an unmurdered goblin village i'll probably be fixing that in a second yeah no one was selling anything good and there's really not much good in that chest either so murder time actually wait everyone just walk into the drill we have an agreement you guys step into me you die just let it be known yep and murder death death death death death death it's probably not good that i'm getting some sort of sick satisfaction out of this but who's gonna stop me this guy no he isn't hey gronk do you wanna come on out i'm just gonna have to drill you why is the drill the best melee weapon this wasn't even my intention i'll still be abusing it till i die though that's for sure more crimson dagger hey what are you what are you doing why why i'm right here i'm literally oh god why'd you look at me gross i have 34 at a man tight if i get another ancient core i can make the drill but first let me just make a pickaxe and a normal axe actually hang on a really tough tree buy really tough tree pov or paul bunyan who could have thought deforestation would be so fun this is man that is efficient game can i get the frog upgrade no you want me to have 25 x juices all right i just want more jumps not more sneakers who needs 25 pairs of shoes at a movement speed still fun who am i kidding here's that big chunk statue i saw so long ago hi buddy pop up out of the ground 3 300 health cool anyways ancient core no oh but you gave me the frog you know what i'll take that can also make the chunky hammer no why would i do that i have drills you saw what i just did to everyone you're still trying you're still trying you see the health you see the health i have buddy see the health you don't have gosh i wish people would just listen oh well now this legendary is just not fair more damage the faster i'm moving for instance there was a 440 thousand i wasn't even moving that fast actually oh my gosh next highlighting raptors by lightning raptors yep all right i feel like i need that little pig upgrade hi bulldozer thank you because i think the piggy bank gives me not yummy nuts gosh dang it i think if i get the pig monsters have a better chance at dropping their rare items and i need well some or i can have 30x juices that works too how fast is that attack pretty much instantaneously huh yeah it checks out sorry buddy on the bright side hi mjolnir hello friend mjolnir plus the drill is probably going to be the most psychotic combination i've ever seen hang on i want to get back home i just got a really fun idea wait it's another big chunk boss fight 3 800 health and he's out of here ancient core and more frog i'm about a whole map length away let's see if i can just bounce my way there wow i just uh i have makeshift flight mode it seems that's yeah that's efficient all right hi little guy my little guy fairly certain i saw a boss spawn in but i'm electing to ignore it although it looks like all these other monsters don't want to let me ignore it oh okay you're pretty close to my base now i just killed one of you a second ago i just killed you in one hit is this milk oh yeah that's that's just ten strong bones now okay i'll see it what'd you drop why don't i i don't have enough inventory space what weird guys can you see that i'm trying to craft something get out of here i thought i was gonna unlock something but i think i didn't pick up the ancient core oh wow it's a good thing i can go talk to god about it i guess this is like can i just infinitely jump what's going on here there's not fall damage in this game right okay wow i really didn't pick it give me this now with the ancient core i have the power to can i hello what i can't kill this guy how about with a piece of wheat you're so dumb as i was saying i have the power of the obamium drill wow this is this is a lot huh okay yeah oh my eyes hurt hello fire after drop your fireball for me or don't that's an option cool hey what are you doing oh jumped way too high way too high just there we go come here little dog buy a little dog i'm just not really sure what would survive this because that is okay i really just want these things to drop their fireball because it's a really cool sword i want to make but it looks like the game doesn't want to be kind to me i'm pretty used to that kind of thing by now just what what stands in my way now really wait ruby drill unlocked is that better than obama wow the ruby drill is actually the best one and here i thought i'd reach the pinnacle i realize i'm pretty much what happens when the dentist just gets fed up with all of their patience although i don't know if many dentists are able to do what i'm doing right now but still damn seriously just one of the hogs no quit giving me yummy nuts one man can only take so many yummy nuts please and there's my 40th axe juice one thing i gotta do to get something new around here wow broccoli this is the first time i've actually gotten this one but now i have health regen that's handy all right hi creatures and bye creature wait how are you alive stop don't be alive anymore thank you like when stuff listens to me i feel like i could just walk around casually and clear the entirety of the map just doing this bye bye rocks see you buddies thank you oh i'm doomed to look at you aren't i hey gronk and bye gronk that was just the most intense bass boost i've ever seen hey who who kills who first man let's figure it out ah yeah i had a sneaking suspicion about that one i just didn't want to let him down dead dead what a useless legendary item falling below 30 when does anything kill me when does anything do a remote amount you know watch watch see see this little guy and look notice how he's dead 30 yeah right oh hi guardian just no go ahead keep dead i think it's cute how things continue to try though that's probably my favorite part about i've always admired that about these little creatures huh ten mule nears you know what that means lightning on every hit still yep all right my power continues to grow thank you thank you can i get another ancient core actually big chunk that'd be super handy for me if you would how are you surviving so long thank you what are you doing what is it what are you doing a little dance a little jig oh what a weirdo anyways back to murdering thank you three buff big chunks i'm what happened are one of them still alive ooh the hog ooh crimson dagger how are you alive how did you survive all that well didn't survive that one now did you big guy stuff's hitting me too can you stop you weird little dragons quit going so high up in the sky it gets annoying it's not difficult to kill you i just don't like jumping up here well now this is just great news all around i can't make a ruby drill because i need a black shard can i make nope nope need one more glow crystal you know what i can do is put some pants on how lovely gosh dang it i keep accidentally breaking stuff well the good news is i actually know where a black shard is i can also get a guaranteed legendary more checkered shirt that's fine is it three more buff big chunks really how many times i got to do this before they realize they can't kill me just get out of here there's a lot going on on the left side of my screen right now it's too much for me to look at the thing oh well i just got two more glow crystals that's actually one piece of my puzzle complete huh lady luck are you looking at me and did you by chance just wink now if i can just remember where this freaking cave is pretty handy that i never have to touch the ground huh this is a cave i don't know if it's the right one though game yes there's a black shard there's another one in here too if i needed it aren't set seeds fun why did i just come back to my base being just nope everyone dies i don't care whatever you're gonna say doesn't matter you're dead hey you dead too you right there birdman yep not anymore anyways now i can make the legendary ruby drill along with this lightsaber this thing just looks fun did you throw something at me yep oh that's gotta be horrifying to watch me eat those huh have that wow you just died you didn't even get a chance poor guy and this is still really efficient all right well let's go try out this little lightsaber on some bosses hi buff grong and there we go thank you a little lightsaber can kill stuff in like four heads then that's just handy yeah you're dead hey you dead too oh i forget that i actually have to do these gem guardians too don't wow wow you're pathetic you just saw me kill that guy in one hit what are you get out of here what are you doing stop you're all witnessing me murder stuff and you continue to rush at me what is your deal also i feel like i'm in the maiden heaven loop right now it was just night time like three minutes ago i didn't kill everyone in this village do you even have anything cool sort of man my actual attack speed is still pretty crazy without the drill now that i'm realizing it dead just lightning strikes critical hits murder all fun things all right now let's try out the drill okay try out the drill on a stronger enemy maybe guardian hello okay yep that works too oh wow i have over 10 000 health now too huh that's a psychotic i think is the word that i'm looking for hey guardian you got some in your teeth just let me i got it don't worry all right man you know the drill come on yes that was a pun as well just gonna break a rock on your head hope you're fine with this yep and thank you green gem unlocked why do you guys keep destroying my base stop that you stop that too what that didn't kill you didn't know all right i'm just gonna mash e and hope i can fix this entire ship with everything that i have on me i think i just felt like nine bosses i just got a black shard drop from a guardian isn't that ironically a one percent chance whatever that's that's no i'm i'm lucky yeah that's fine here you can die too guys leave my base alone fight me not my cool stuff come on stop come on i guess it's night blade i don't think i've ever actually used this thing feels pretty good all right now i just need to make a bunch of flax fiber get my wheat then i can make a bunch of rope or eight rope that's also an option oh cause i don't have enough part and there we go there's more rope oh you really you're just stop i'm realizing the reason enemies get out of my range is because of my bulldozer upgrade uh so i'm just gonna wait hang on if i drop an item and pick it back up i can hmm that's a exploit that i was not aware existed anyways just real quick don't mind me just yep real uh-huh and just real no no this is fine this everything's fine nothing nothing bad's going on here ah those items look a little bit better thank you yep [Laughter] where's some wheat i'm gonna go stab bob in his eye how does this look like now actually hmm that feels fitting how much damage do i do with 145 okay well that was 133 damage just crit okay can i get oh that's uh not even a computable math number huh yep checks out makes sense to me all right do i have enough yet no i need 30 wheat oh man i wish i could duplicate the wheat like i just did my items it's like i'm on the world's worst scavenger hunt right now i still haven't found anything oh i think it's finally over is this enough yes 31 i solved my wheat shortage one and two oh my gosh that took forever all right bob i'm a completely reasonable uh just level of powerful also i did not have nine guardians chasing after me that would be silly gotta slowly wait for the great flood to happen oh there you are buddy 30 000 hp bob we're almost equal wait a second this says it deflects projectiles do i have to hit him bob throw something at me have it back that didn't really get deflected at all neither did that all right bob have it back no all right you know bob can you just touch the ship i'm just gonna take a quick look here buddy 30 000 and all right thanks for playing what where where'd we go bob how are you up there how did you survive no bob come here come here get back i can fly too i don't have the wings but man do i have the gravity for it i cut off your attack path bob your approach is lacking no i missed try this again let me just quickly touch the ground bob you gonna touch the ship again oh bob you're so stupid hey buddy guess what you're dead pretty anticlimactic but still really fun bob come here i've got a drill that'll pierce the heavens much like it did you wow i did 4.5 million damage who'da thought drills could be so overpowered i wonder what other weapons i can make
Channel: ImCade
Views: 1,012,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, muck, dani, I Downloaded EVERY MOD, modded muck, muck mods, muck hacks, games like risk of rain 2, risk of rain 2, muck gameplay, muck update, much final boss, muck new update, how to mod muck, muck best weapon, muck best items, imcade muck, iamcade muck, muck best seed, muck speedrun, muck world record, muck mod, muck game, muck survival, muck hack, muck game mods, dani muck, I Downloaded EVEN MORE MODS, Creating a DRILL to PIERCE The HEAVENS
Id: SCtaqs_YoKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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