I upgraded my MINIGUN x1000 to DESTROY bloons

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balloons are born into this world only to be immediately murdered by a random monkey with a vendetta this is fair though they're trying to kill me and even though they're in a single file line their politeness is no match for my Dart of pain the stage I'm planning on is also just a perfect Recreation of monkey Meadows so the balloons actually won't just chase me down they'll follow a nice little set path meaning if I'm not on my a game well I'll die real quick good news is I'm always on my a game hi mystery monkey Merchant I thought about what class I want to go into but it looks like I just need a thousand gold to do it that's fine I've got 60 rounds to work with a thousand gold should be pretty easy oh and there's the banana tree here oh what am I doing I'm getting lost in thought like some pretentious jerk in an art museum hey wait a second because the balloons are following a single file line it's actually much more difficult to pop them with just a single Dart why do things get a lot more difficult in one round just die you overgrown pieces of helium what if my new game plan is I just stand behind where they spawn and start backstabbing them I have an infinite range so I can just continuously hit things down this straight kind of seems to work out a little bit and 360 Pop I think I missed round six I'm just like 220 gold off my goal oh good green balloons I was just thinking I want something that's more difficult to shoot this is balloons first person though of course I'm gonna be able to pop them I'm in OverWatch 2 sojourn main after all I just realized I completed round seven and I have a thousand gold give me the minigun This is highly inaccurate that just means I have to stand closer this is nice oh they got way too close if you're not aware if a balloon gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek much like a lover in the night time I lose one of my hearts so just like real life I try and avoid that at all costs they just can't hit me on this corner this is what you get for having linear pathing idiots learn to be a free thinker like me I say as I continue to only use the most optimal strategy to kill these balloons not thinking for myself that'd be pretty sweet if I could you know do something that makes these shots Pierce through all the balloons although I gotta admit I'm making a lot of money off this whenever they just continuously shove blue balloons at my face is that it why it's around that over how did these two get past me listen monkey man oh no I started the round on accident okay quick I'm gonna look at what you have focused firing to give me a more Liney line that works there we go now they're actually kind of following where my Crosshair goes oh but they are fast the yellow balloons are here that's why the balloons have upgraded themselves looks like I can't fall asleep at the wheel otherwise I will be dead what I need to hurry up and do is get twelve hundred dollars though to plant this banana tree that's where all the cash will come in thus that's where all my upgrades will come in why are you so fast stupid yellow balloons die oh where did all these green balloons come from new tactic let all the other balloons pass make sure I pop the greens and then turn around and shoot them in the back who cares how the war is won I'm gonna say I shot him in the front history is written by the winner that's just why the winner is always magically the good guy okay this tactic is actually busted hang on I can make this even more busted though if I just stand behind all the bull balloons now I can just as they break them before they could even get going where are you going huh you think you're going anywhere go ahead see I'm Different head on tackle jerk no one beats me I do have enough money though banana tree planted how neat all right suddenly the balloon numbers actually starting to get a little overwhelming oh good and there's pink balloons I was just thinking to myself yes make this harder on me game I'm lying I didn't think that at all actually you suck quit sending these things sweet delicious upgrades thank you and increased production for more money on easy mode the rounds only went up to 40 but since they're playing on normal this time it goes all the way up to 60 meaning I'll have 20 whole rounds of profit to just eat everything and so I intend to enjoy it to the fullest give me all of you and then buy greater production three thousand dollars I forget things are more expensive in the normal mode too oh regrow balloons gross I need to kill these things instantly then huh it doesn't appear to be working for me actually wait here we go we're getting it yep thank you oh that's that's scary hey Mr Monkey Man it costs three thousand dollars from an ex banana Farm how much for faster barrel spin 950 all right that's fine I won't be deterred as long as a regrow balloon doesn't just magically appear in my face and are these guys dodging me why are they going around me in a circle what kind of backwards baseball maneuver just happened whatever they're still not good enough to defeat me exhibit a I've just murdered them all actually thank you oh I've got 1400 gold now too in that case buy my faster barrel spin and I would actually really love to buy the monkey Ace but it just cost a thousand it's fine it'll happen later oh my gosh I have like a Nerf colored Blaster now but look at how fast these darts are coming out this is exactly what I needed to destroy every balloon oh 1100 gold too well Splurge a little bit get the monkey Ace this guy's nice because he flies around very angrily but he just continuously shoots giant darts down he should help me defeat waves of balloons hey look look at those two they're gone the true treasure was the friends we made along the way or in this case the crazed pilot who also hates balloons as much as I do give me all of my bananas because I'm basically halfway to my next little banana plantation and I can't wait I'm at 2100 meaning I'm getting about 700 per round I don't know when a camo balloon appears though which is actually a little scary this is fun at least it wasn't this round I'm so close just 200 off I'll be able to get the banana plantation just right after this one round no it's the camo balloon I can break it what you know what don't even need to worry about it banana plantation purchased super bananas cost 17 000 oh nothing's easy in this world that's fine just keep up the good work of absolutely popping balloons with a gallon gun I thought I almost killed them all but turns out there was still a lot of pink ones in my face god with some of these balloons they have some weird Vendetta acting like I ate their chocolate bar or something the good news is I can buy powerful darts I almost have Rockets but lasers so how much better am I at popping balloons a lot better wow is that one upgrade really all I needed to just decimate balloons everywhere Yep looks like it was what's going on with this round it's so slow maybe it's just a fact that my monkey Ace is actually so extremely good I haven't really done much he just kind of stops things with a vendetta much like the balloon spawn with one alright everything line up this is a lot of yellow balloons I'm just gonna go ahead and look straight with my extremely upgraded Gatling gun Yep this this works out kindly there's the monkey Ace Target the front one survey says oh we did that time so the second no he just targets balloons at random that's actually a bit worrisome for business also I've Got 5 000 gold it's only fair that I get fun laser oh yeah this is an absolute fun laser light show my years of balloons tower defense experience is paying off just look look as the balloons can do literally nothing okay well if you divvy like that instead of following the path yeah never mind you have a chance that was just a little rude to break off from the formula but you know what I'll let it slide and look these are camel balloons are they just supposed to be like invisible to my eye and that's why I can't shoot them because I've got really bad news everything follows one lane meaning they walk into this no matter what get laser Gatling gun this is everything that I've worked for you stupid jerks you think you can spawn and not die whenever I have this really fun jumping back and forth tactic you're so poorly mistaken what if I just took like a 20 minute nap right here and put auto start on I think I'd be able to fare pretty okay oh but then I wouldn't be able to collect my sweet delicious bananas I've got 7K gold which is really good the only thing is it cost 25 000 for my plasma accelerator so I think my best bet is to actually just get the 17K to buy Super bananas also how do some balloons get past my absolute laser death field that doesn't seem like it should be working oh well that's just out of the pan and into the fryer the bad thing about this map for you guys it's all just a bunch of straightaways delicious at least I'm starting to get like a thousand fifteen hundred ish per round now maybe I'll be able to get that tier V plasma laser after all and you know what actually I will just put auto start on I'm gonna upgrades what oh that's right auto start how did I already you forget that my five goldfish Duck together just not remembering anything oh ceramic balloons exist now it's like one of the toughest balloons in here I'm so close to 17K God I keep forgetting about Auto stuff yes die die I'm like one Reaper old this should be 17K yes by super bananas oh it's a MOAB the good news this thing's really easy to shoot the bad news I was not prepared for it are you gonna pop anytime soon oh he did it just showed no damage I thought he was immune do I survive do I win do I stay alive please yes 20 more rounds to go and I'm making a lot of money now oh my tier five here I come die you stupid latex losers coincidentally what's my nickname in high school so I'm sorry game hit round 41 and all of a sudden it's setting an absolute mob of balloons I mean that was two thousand dollars gained off pops alone oh and this is all a bunch of camo and regrow camos Time Out Auto start off dwighted bananas drops does that mean there's a balloon still somewhere around oh there is this one tiny red camo all right buddy give me you that's three thousand gold I'm too come over here by regrow blocker and Camo detection all right balloons now you have nothing I can see you all and I can stun you all also my monkey Ace shoots faster helpful for these big mobs like that oh my gosh and you're all done sweet delicious bananas come here my loves we will destroy balloons as an entirety what are these things even good for everyone knows you only blow up balloons to look at them for two seconds and then pop them that's where all the fun is I'm just skipping right to the popping part there's no shame in that right delicious wow I'm already at 18K again I really should be able to hit my tier five also I am once again reverting to the shoot them in the back strategy patent pending so far it's working out pretty pretty good so much so then I'm just gonna let this sit here for a second and go get some coffee a few moments later I came back from getting coffee to see that I've started to get overrun I almost spilled it just sitting down but you know what we're still in it that was worrisome all right everything's dead give me all of my sweet sweet bananas and clearly I'll be able to get my tier five so in this case let's upgrade my monkey Ace again but I can also buy this hero guy who just I guess is his own entity or something either way he seems fun so I'm gonna give him a minigun and armor piercing shells and then I can buy a tack shooter give it more attacks and faster shooting you follow me around you look like you want to shoot me the support wasn't expensive to buy but they just destroyed everything maybe I should do one of these but entirely support everybody new plan go right here this way you're just perfectly in position to destroy everything yep we got it going this is good balloons never stood a chance all right I'll admit it I'm in all oh look camo balloon so that I can very clearly see now this guy's shooting giant explosives out that's why I've got the monkey Ace who just loves throwing 400 darts down at once the bombing man a random attack shooter that's way too big for its size are you guys actually gonna be able to win this one or do I need to step in hang on well this is the farthest balloons I've gotten because I haven't been playing but it really is just a matter of time no matter how far they get they never get far enough more bananas thank you what upgrades in here for these guys Moab barrage that sounds crazy twelve thousand though I don't want to buy that pack sprayer for 2 000 sure you look any different oh you're mean and red you're like Clifford but if he was a Mech and also shot tax out now that I think about it maybe you're nothing like Clifford after all that's right tank you want to come to the front lines there you go if you just sit on where they spawn they can't get out of the tunnel Why did no one think about this beforehand all right you guys got it I'm just gonna go check my Twitter real quick Link in the description much much much later all right well responding GMS was going great until I just went deaf from hearing 5 000 balloons getting popped in my ear these rounds are starting to just act like they're gonna be extremely easy and then in turn they just proceed to absolutely decimate just in the latter half but I still win Super bananas thank you and for this overdrive and fine I'll get you Moab barrage just because I'm curious oh it's an ability I have to use use it how do I I'm hitting I'm hitting the button to do it game does a MOAB need to be on the screen or something for it to happen oh moabs are on the screen use the Moab barrage oh missiles just fell from the sky maybe it was a handy thing I bought that ability after all it's almost like I'm actually playing on monkey Meadow now this is why I want the attack shooting Paragon this is also why I won all camo balloons to die that was extremely easy thanks for the cash idiots all right go ahead Moab barrage oh no never mind the modes broke before I could do anything yeah just a one tack shooter is enough to decimate the world I think give me all this sweet sweet money oh and what am I doing it's 28 000 now that means I can buy my plasma accelerator this thing is oh wow okay that actually worked hang on all right no balloons past this line Sorry gonna need a permit Not Afraid not buddy can't do anything for you sadly EVS balloons are dying I think it's just a great time to tell you we have Channel memberships there's already like 43 000 videos that you can watch over there but if you want to see more Ace versus helium videos well I'll put one up on that channel membership page pretty much instantly you know what auto start on sorry to say nothing can be done oh moabs oh you didn't know there was missiles falling from the sky oh all these balloons now I'm afraid they're dead too now this is just uh not a fair upgrade I think watch as I look down this Lane and proceed to destroy every Balloon by tapping my w and D keys back and forth this is what it means to be strong doesn't it I am absolute strength personified there is nothing you can do about it I am sorry to say don't worry Moab you cross into that laser for a little bit too long didn't you buddy just everyone get popped dead a destroyed death murder Mayhem I kind of feel bad this is bullying they all just die immediately there's nothing you can do oh there's moabs here cool I'm gonna use my missile and break you right after all these just Moab missiles come back down oh man I am become death and it feels good so anyway for me to see my pop count it's probably four million maybe even better than that large caliber ammo sure buddy I'll give you that too this is just like in The Lord of the Rings you have my bow my ax my large caliber ammo and giant God Ray Lord of the Rings might have gone a little differently than that but it's pretty much the same round 59 completed round 60. hello big red balloon use my Moab busting missiles that should all rain down oh they got popped already now it's just a bunch of losing balloons Victory is sweet so sweet maybe I need to try it on hard mode to get a challenge
Channel: ImCade
Views: 616,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, apes vs helium, bloons td 6, first person bloons, first person btd6, I became a JEDI MASTER to pop ALL balloons, btd 6 mod, jedi knight, I upgraded my MINIGUN x1000 to DESTROY bloons, bloons tower defense 6
Id: W8CITsCy8sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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