Creating a Beautiful House in Blender 2.8 - Architectural Tutorial | Beginner to Advanced

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hello and welcome to build on ideas instead of designing and this is six and sunny in this tutorial I am going to explain how to create a Victorian style villa in blender 2.81 and how to go about in modeling and rendering the villa in in detail so coming to the tutorial let's go and see how the output of this Victorian style builder will be so let's have a look at this villa this is created in front a 2.81 which is the latest release you can see that we have given a lot of detailed modeling in this view some of the add-ons which is very useful in creating some models which have used in this this villa so let's go and detail for this tutorial so coming to the tutorial you can see that the plan is having a very good detailed facilities inside you can see that there is a poster sit out and then coming into the drawing and then dining and you have a stair area out here you can see that there is a there are four bedrooms all together or attached as well as a kitchen and a walk area so this is basically having all the facilities required for a house and then you can see the ground floor area is connected on thousand four hundred and forty six square feet and the first floor area is 1103 square feet total area is coming to around two thousand six hundred and forty nine square feet so this is the total area of the plan now let's import this plant into blender so tomato plant up before importing we have to make sure that we are having this units set same as the CAD drawing which you are which we are having so in blender we have to make sure that to the unit system is set to metric and the length is set to centimeters because I have created this plan in centimeters you can see that it is in centimeters so while importing we have to make sure that both blunter as well as the plateauing you have the same units so we'll start importing that so now to do that we will just we import motorcar dot DX F and then make sure that the units are set to centimeters by giving it as point zero one as by default it is in meters and then I'm just I'm taking this import text and lights and then clicking on the plan which we have created I just select this and then imported it you just have the plan ready right now in the end lender and what I'm going to do is like select everything and then go to mesh of course and then click on contours it to joy and everything together you have it as one whole thing and then what I do is let just let this move into in your collection called plan okay so this is a plan now it is in a separate collection called plan well we can handle it very easily by clicking on this so that just save this so one dot pland in Victorian style below select that and then save so this is basically the plan inside now we will start modeling this as a Victorian style villa so in order to do that I'm just having some add-on sticked the basic add-ons like extra add mesh extra opposites and add coax objects which are in filled in this blender you also have some busy utilities add-on which have to be downloaded from the internet and the download link is given in the description below so just install it and then activate it so that you have these two tools like foxy tapasya tool and flexi I did Percy a tool which is active in London it's very easy for us to do some curve editing and curve modeling using these two tools so make sure that this is also activated in blender and save it as default so that you can use other files as well so I'll just start modeling by quick we're going into add mesh and then single vertex this gets activated when you activate the add-on call - add mesh extra objects so just select single vertex adds a new vertex now the vertex has come here to make sure that you are snapping into the different positions you make sure that the snap is on and the vertex option is selected so just start grabbing it by going into the vertex mode and then start grabbing it to snap it into position and then start extruding by giving it now clicking on e extruder and then start snapping e in X direction and then snap it if you are snapping it in this position by having the X direction it snaps here and they start extruding again start extruding extraordinaire extrude and extrude you get these starting vertex and ending vertex moves together if you have this in the active tool and workspace settings you come here and then take this Auto Moi's you have the last quarters and first motives get weld automatically otherwise this won't get welded automatically you have to weld it not manually so in order to do the export for the walls just come to the edge mode select the four edges and then give an extrude in z direction by 300 centimeters so this is the wall height of ground flow just go to the object mode select this and then come to the solidify modifier and then click on solid if I give it as minus 20 you can see the thickness but you can see that it is not the actual thickness that's because you have to select this even thickness you can see that this becomes the right thickness if you click on this even thickness just come to the right position and then click on apply you have the wall ready now repeat the same thing for the first floor as well save it select these two and then hide it for the time being now we have to have the window positions ready so in order to do the windows I'm just going in to add mesh and then plane and then I'm making sure that this 200 is made to 150 because most of the windows are 150 in size select that plane and then grab it to the positions required and then drop it adjust it and make sure that it is in positions so 50 and then I'm just good to getting it shift-d again this property a fixed direction rhotic more grab it in my direction so the ground floor is ready now I'll do the same thing for the first low so the first floor is also ready now we'll just take all these into the positions and sizes so just select peace main though the todos out here all these are two one zero in height this as well these two dos and then I'm going to get it more select everything and then extrude by two one zero centimeters I'm making sure that these two these doors as well as whatever us in touching the flow just select all the water positions and then grab it slightly down this is because otherwise when you do the boolean there will be some errors finish select all the other windows and then go to edit mode select everything explode by one to two centimeters select this this extra point sixty centimeters ten fifty centimeters so this is ready now what you do is like select all these things control-z to join it together these as well control-z to join you together unhide everything and then select this and then give this boolean modifier and then click on this apply and then select this and delete it make sure that you have all the holes in the right way just save it select this and then this is the solid if I modifier is that you just click on apply and then go to Orion and then Orion this apply and then selectively delete it so you have board and ready between depositions and the top positions not ready right now so we will move forward with the base and the roofs now so click on HQ hide everything you start with the base now in order to do the base for this what to do is like over to nuttin mesh and then go to single vortex start adding go to one and then grab it to this position start extruding the similar way we did before so execute again extrude extrude extrude and next field and then click on a and F to fill it and then go to the face more and bekstaarr it by - 45 so you have the face ready now you can see that the base is ready right now now what it was like will just create this sit out area now to do that to just go to edit mesh and then keep on a plane and then grab it to the position go to edit mode grab it select this edge and position select ourselves a negative position and then go to a face and then extrude it that's ready now we will create the steps here and then go to the face mall extraordinay game centimetres rabbit - 45 keep calling in direct mode click on ctrl R - how the loop cut to you from SK just select this face and then you're gonna explode the different centimetres so you have the two steps ready usually the most thing for this so just select this extra point three centimeters and then select these two faces and then go to the explode by along normals and then selected of offset e1 and then by three centimeters do the same thing for this the steps are ready so when you fall it's you can see that your structure is ready so we will just create this carpod side as well in order to do that I'm just hiding this and then I'm just adding add mesh and then I play once again grab it to this position go to edit mode select this edge and then drag it to a position and then here also just drop it to this position so that's ready and then G is at minus 45 and then go to face more by extruding by 10 centimeters select this edge and then grab it in y direction slightly outside we have the slanting position here now once again I'll add a plane plane I just select this and grab it to this position I think 20 select this grab it to this position and then click on edit go to the edge and then do an extrude to this position here recently when extra did this position maybe a to this position okay have then select everything and face and then explode by 90 centimeters but I return Z Direction 2 1 0 centimeters so now that is in position will have a detailed face for this so on I'm doing it later on so now now you have the shape of this will have a balcony out here so now to do that I'm just adding a mesh playing once again and the 20 centimeters grab it to this position I've got to the edit mode to select this edge extrude extrude and then select research as well and extolling this position select extra by 90 something appears select traffic to two months ago centimeters so have the structure already wrong now the next thing we have to do is like select all these and then position is position it on top of this to do that select these two and if you start moving it just like this and then grab it to this position just like that so that is snapped in position so total the roof what you have to do is like I'm just selecting only these and then I should edge to hide everything else I will have one big roof out here and one projection to this side and one position with this side will have one roof towards the back as well so that's basically the roof structure so now to do that I'm just adding a plane then gravel into position and then go to the edge mode select this why select this you have written X then for the overhang grab X 60 60 centimeters over we have y 60 disorders were select this graph X minus 60 and then the third yeah y minus 16 now I'll just make the roof angle as 45 degree now to do that select this face and then extrude it to whatever height you require the height doesn't matter right now I'll just add I just move the 3d cursor here by clicking on shift and right click the cursor moves to this position you can add mesh and then hang a cube here I'm just making this status in ten centimeters here also 10 centimeters now you have a rectangular cube and then go to this edit mode select everything grab it in y direction to make sure that the origin part is just the base and then go to rotate and then in X direction now having it as 45 degree you can see that this is 45 degree now grab it to this position and then what I do was like select this and then go to the edit mode select the vertices and then right click and then gives most vertices at center like these tortoises as well and don't you boys vertices at center so this is basically a nice shape roof what I do is like you select these tortoises and then go to this face and then go to the x-ray room and then grab a trend Z to make sure that you have it on the right angle see okay that is 45 degree now know what it was like we'll just remove all these faces now you have just this air shape here and go to the solid if I modify select this go to the sword if I modify and give 10 centimeters and then even thickness so that you have even thickness for that roof and it isn't 45 degree same thing you repeat for this this side and the third as well as on the backside so I'm just hiding this and how to do that we'll just again ad playing out here grab it to the position and just select this face this edge and then grab it to this position so that this edge and gravity next to this for the time being and then go to the face and the next oded height and then so I didn't move your hands and see by -60 this side see X minus 60 this side G by 60 these three sides overhang is 60 centimeters each and then what you do is like select this and then grab it to position and then we go to this and I go to the vertex mode set these vertices and then majid center these two as well how's your Center and then select these vertices go to this extreme mode and then grab in X direction so you have already right now what I do is like you just position this these roles select all the rows and go to this direction and just grab it in Z direction and more just to make sure that it is touching the roof the water just to make sure that it is touching the war it's a smaller tandem your office ready so this is basically the structure of the elevation now what you have to do is like we'll have to create a roof on this area the shade area wind on something a slope so that will have a different angle because we have a window here and then we don't want to have a big height so that will be slightly slanting angle and we'll have it so in order to do that what we'll do is I'll add my cell robotics drive it to this position and start extruding till here and then what to do was like products select these are just an extruder ten centimeters and then select these faces and then come here to find numbers by 60 centimeters off city one monotone extras like select this face grab it by 140 centimeters you can see in this plan this dimension is coming to 140 centimeters and 40 centimeters so we have this is 140 centimeters the same thing for this face as well they are written by my papi we have it like this doors then select this and place and grab it in Z to snap it here you have this like this select these two go to the X x-ray more and then grab it in Z direction just to make sure that it is touching the ball you can see that it is touching here just like that that this is basically the sloped roof on this side can also will have it so now to do that just select this face shift D to duplicate it and then grab it in X direction to this point and then extrude it to this point Z is that a 20 centimeters right so this is ready the slope for the side is ready right now save it so to get this area already right now or what to do was like just hide these for the time being and then a plane once again drag it to this position and then select this edge extrude it so this is store it maybe I'll just select all this I said that's position let's show it let's go again take this position and then select face and then select all thing 90 and then drive again Z by two one zero so you have this beam structure already now we'll have a hole here so now to have the roof I am just trying anything else I'll just explain once again take a position and then select this edge and graphic to this position select this edge and arrive at ten my direction slightly up to this area and then we will give our X 60 and at this rate the X - 60 and care as well see y -2 and then go to the face more export to hid and fall that's we have this angle here just gravity in position and then select this to the Y and then into the x-ray mode select these click on the vortex and then select these two right left and then noise what does our Center and it please do as well and then these vertices are set up surface tortoises have written as a direction just to add the angle [Applause] and then the face and then select the faces delete basis and then go to solidify modifier and then there's all a final five and then ten centimeters and even thickness that overstudy you have to position it now to position it just select this row as soon as this door chef touch it like this I go to extreme mode and then select this Z and then interest position at in the right way okay know what are the worst Nick we can see that there is some insertions coming in so just go to the edit mode this one select these two inches and there are it in the x-direction in a place like this in X direction so it's nothing no other doors like to set up these two and then drive it in X Direction slightly and look for that it is touching so these two as well and then drive it in X direction so it is sister Janet so you have the slope ready take all touch you can see that that is also reading this high it is slightly less so you have to increase the height of this by increase the height of this slightly so that s touching we have to fill in these gaps as well in order to do that just select this beam and then go to the edit mode control tower and then just move it to this position and the scale next and zero and then what it was like select select this edge visits and then drive it and see to make sure that it is filled now you have children face study now I have to close this area to do that I just select these X's X 2 Z direction make sure that I know all these this oranges and then I got it more I'll get these tortoises click and then mas focuses at center select these tortoises as vertices and center so you have it closed just select those two addresses but I've gotten zero mushrooms right here that's ready I'll just start with the roof detailing so just select only the rules and everything else Oh shift that's to have just a few things and what I'm going to do is like I'll just select this edge and this these edges out here and then duplicate it by clicking on shifty and then B to separate it so we have a separate add joke here just like that let's see a separate item similarly we will do it for these as well and we exist select so you have all the edges ready for doing the profiling now I need to have some profiles ready so to do that I'm going into this position I'll just have a plain so I'm just adding a plane around okay 20 centimeters just move it to this position yeah what was like I'll just go to zero so that it is in zero position over the top this is 20 centimeters so we'll have 20 centimeters I profile so come to the vertex mode now what I'm going to do is let for the time being I'm just switching off the grid out here I don't want the period so come to the overlay and then switch off the grid so you don't have the do it anymore you can see it clearly now what I'm going to do is like I'll just go into this tool just select the stone know what it was like we will start creating a profile for this so in order to do that start from here click here in x-direction to sleep here and in y direction just come down again in x direction to here Y reduction till here X Direction again till here just how to click X Y and then just drag it and you have the position out here just like this just like this and then in X Direction again attic here y direction just do it here X direction again taking it here and in what direction not to pay again and then X collection once again and then in y direction I'm just clicking on all to snap it to the end point and then clicking on enter so that you have this ready you can see this profile very much so what you do next just like make sure that the origin to the geometry is said yeah and select the geometry and then select everything grab it to make sure that you have origin at the starting point this is to make sure that when you do the profiling is going just the way you want okay save it now just we don't want this so this is the profile if you feel this is not too extra protruding too much you can exist it otherwise what I do next just like or select one of these what I'm going to do now is like I'll just select all the goals for the time being and then just hide it you have only the edges just demonstrated easily I just come here select one of these and you have to make sure that now this is a mesh so you have to just convert this into curves by cognitive objects and then convert to call from mesh so now this is a curve you have a profile here and you have a path here so go to this path curves object data properties and then wanted to us like go to the geometry and then pick and the big well you have to pick the object and then point to this so you have the profile ready here now the profile what happened is like it has gone the opposite direction so in order to make sure that us in the right direction what we'll do is like go to the edit mode select the whole thing and then rotate in y direction by 180 degree so what happened is like you can see that the profile has come in the right direction so now you can see that there are slight adjustments required so in order to do that what you have to do is later just donate some some more tweaking so just select this select everything grab in X Direction this profile has to come below the roof so in order to do that what you just do is take off just both here into this profile first you can see here what is happening just go to the Edit tab grab it in X direction it has gone inside and grab it in y direction just come how time than just on that you can see that it is inside here also do the same thing select this so you have the profiles ready we need to have a profile for this as well this area now to do that we just like these two these edges as well and then f.2d escape the in selection and just select this go to edit mode go to one select the edge of this grab it to this position we have this works instantly drag into this position as well no you know these two controls it to make it one and then just move it again and you have snapped here select this and drag it or not it is not now what are the words like just object and then convert coho and then select one of these profiles and see how it is it's a wrongful file that's the right profile just convert this object number two : and mesh and then select everything gravitons erection scale Italy so you have type of virus already so we'll have some profile detailing around the windows and then have some design features on the walls as well so going into that first we will do the window so in order to create the window profiles we'll do one thing we will just add a vertex out here go to a grass and do vortex and then anderson robotics going to vertex mode here X 2 to 2 and X 2 and then what to do was like go to the exists and then select everything click on my direction and give - 10 centimeters go to solid defy and then we had a thickness for this by 15 centimeters and even thickness so you can see the profile so in order to give the detailing for this just click on apply and then select the faces the front faces then what I'm going to do is like I am just going to give an insert by 3 centimeters and then an extrude inside minus 2 centimeters and then you have this now what you do is like we'll have some detailing below as well as I had about so now to do that select this face and then extrude then cross escape scale it scale it in my reduction the next Road once again lightly centimeters and then I can extrude by three centimeters square it in why there are two necks and skeleton why is that that and then again extrude escape scale skeleton why as well I'm an extrude so this will become the head of that now we'll have some detailing below this not to do that we'll just go to the side of it and then let's go Matt go into the flux seat logos v8 - and then start right just it here one more here and then once again and then here and after creating this profile go to convert and then make it as a mesh and then select this guitar and just select everything I'm gonna click on F and then interface and I'll select this next root so you have this profile ready now just set the origin of this to suami tree and then move it just below this just grab it position it and then just so much it's a small to know this but my direction slightly inside just see it like this and then what you do is pick on shift D and in X Direction is a small and that you count the feet we'll just select all these and what your doors come towards you to negative one in the X direction and then slightly married take it like this so this is basically the profile which we are having for all the windows so just so creating this as well as this and until control Z to make it one like here and then all today you're going to sent and then just start snapping okay so you have all the profiles ready right now now what you're going to do is like we will have an arch here and the profile details of these areas will have the pillars ready and then we'll go for the these two areas and this area and then we'll go for the windows and finish of the modeling part so coming here we'll just create not yeah now to do that we'll just add a cylinder rotate it and extraction 90 degree and say I thought and assessment scales in the new generation just to myself is below the half get a bowling out here this select that go to the modifiers Olien and then pick this tangle of joy and celebration too late so you have this beauty box out she'll surrender and we rotate in X Direction is 90 degree and then scale it in X Direction J relax this Mouton y direction [Applause] are those legs Alexis can have one on the side also so shift D and rotate in 90-degree just a copy of this here as well and then grab it in my direction click on these two and control J and then what to do was like select this and then and then boolean modifier just like this and look here the compliance it was connected here also select this and then water volume water for years I like this and then select this apply it selectors related so you have the archers ready not making some some filler kind of features out here on the edges on the corners so another do that will just create the box cube here and then grab it into this position the size of this would be around 30 centimeters 40 and then this could be a 600 edge and then go inside so this is the profile will just you insert for this no no to do that go to a small select this face and this face [Music] you make it does individual go to this and then do an extrude my foster diverges so this is the profile okay now I'll just take this copy of this year select this and shift D and in X Direction just normal to this position that's also ready so now you are to do the triangular part of this so I'm just hiding all the other things thanks for the loop and this shift adds to find everything else adding playing out here in this plane and then giving it as 20 centimeters just grabbing it and positioning it go to the edit mode go to the ends mob and grab it and then go to the face extrude so yeah let's load in this direction and then go into the vertex mode select these two I'll click and then q Mose vatos Center just as well elect those two and then I geotextile Center so you have this jungle fixed field same thing you do for these as well okay so all these triangle pieces are ready now now will it give some detailing out here so alt H to see that so now are you a shape out here just like this so in order to do that I'll just select wrong with this roof and then find everything else and single vortex as a no vortex drive it to this position I'll just grab and reaction between construction just position it yeah that's true and x-direction slow in subduction expedition so once again it's happened so you have this profile now what it was like I'll just select these vertices give a subdivide here now to do that you just find out subdivide select all these subdivide once again they select these two very next slightly more power select this gravel in Z Direction adjustment although that's like that I click and then give your vertices just goes like that so you have this profile click on F and F will help us work on the story quite sensitive it is slightly inside come on it's just notice now we'll have the same thing in the saddle so before that we might face selected just on face and then we have the selector I'm gonna click on shift to be duplicated and then can't be for a selection go that way we'll just make this origin to geometry and I'm here in my direction you can see and then what to do was like a solidify modifier and then give it as 50 meters and even thickness maybe a 5 centimeters also by yes how good so you have this design they positioned everywhere so just create this in order to do that we'll just select this and then funko edges of this so let's add shift D and then I compete to separate it and then select the edge select everything short zero option by 30 centimeters just select this Z in this election just power and then put the modifier and then make it that's over 2 Phi minus 20 centimeters and even thickness and then apply go to edit mode select these faces and then start extruding or making a profile we will use the similar profile so now to do that I'll just select the edge of these and then shift D and then B direction and then you have this profile here just object convert to curves and then select the curve and fill this profile oh and another one of these four files see if it is okay it is okay this and then grab a 10x deduction I'm saved just like that you have that door funder email they're just expecting all this up for [Applause] and in the position so we lose this same thing I'm just gonna copy of that to this position just ctrl + Z direction and if this go to edit mode and if the space of this face and and I'll grab it in three directions just make it like this see in action just move it down so at this fill cap okay and then select the search position it so you have that now next 14 hours like this Fort Worth is more on this border he just came from NP this gives also just like this and then time to give up this is just going to extreme now select all these vertices see in my direction outside X direction outside outside and then you got to solidify modifier thank you five centimeters you know thickness that as well so that's ready now will give the pillars out here and here so we'll just start with the pillow so now to do that I'm just I mean the cost of their and then I'm just creating cube on there and the size of this cube will be 30 we have 45 centimeters and then I'll just select this in rabbit in Z Direction destined position evidence e and then in this direction select these faces and probably spaces who answered and please enter this okay that's a theory and see that just to answer plans again and then outside scale it so in order to have the profile what I'm going to do was like I just add single vortex and then grab it with this position like this this direction just a bit here so you have this and then just object 90 except Oakley and then make the subject into throw guys ready no fine see just a little fight here select this go until the edges of this and all the edges and then shift D escapee and it's a machine with this edge object somewhere that'll do go and then to the curves select whisper file so you have the profile there anything that's a bit stretched a little we will just say that this to make sure that the test is 14 and then select anything did I have a doubt sake no shift alt d' this busy in the position with you click this shift D Z just position it scale it and just to see just position like that this way you have a profile here as well select that again all T the position it here select this control and and then click enter so just and with that 50 and Z Direction just skip it here and then what a bow as net system all this you have this line select that line and go to the geometry and then give some thickness so maybe a 3 Z 2 centimeters it has been scaled so skeleton reduction z the Z direction just give it here give one more for that so all day is that good here and these two things all day isn't keep it as well no some details as well now to do that just plain rotate it in X Direction selection just position it product mode select this edge draw button Z direction keep it here just like this you were delayed only phases so you have this and then go to object and then what it is can go go and then again here safe isn't lettuce so you have that so well study tip here and cube here maybe by say five centimeters three centimeters in x direction slightly scale it drive it so let us all today and whether I should just move it like this shift okay so the pillow is ready now we'll just know all these this to a new collection called pillow so that pillow is I thought its we'll just select the pill Louis and then all maybe shift D and then Z X direction just move it here okay so now we'll have the windows also placed and then we will do the texture and partner okay so now to keep the windows what I'm going to do was like oh we'll just add a plane here before that i'm just having only these two heard all the other things we'll just have these and then we have a lot of instances out here and also we make sure that to be are using a plane and the alpha to do the windows so how do we do that so just save it you know we are entering into the model or texturing partner because to place the windows I am using the textures instead of modeling the whole windows I have some set of images for Windows just use those windows and alpha mode so in order to create those windows what I'm going to do is like I just add some some planes out here so just go and add a plane the size will be 150 so that's rotate in X Direction 90 centimeters you have it to this position so you can see that is being positioned so I'll just click on alt D because this is instance I have some more instances here so I'll just it for T once again rotate and Z - 90 and then grab it to this position Alti again just position or D again so you have all the three shutter windows ready now I'll have shift D to position it here and then go into the edit mode grab this to this position all today again position it here rotate it in Z and 90 and grab it to this position these two windows are similar and all these three shutter windows and this is three shutter but French window and this is the special window which is having a bigger fight so just grab it to this position select this gravity so you have a bigger window here we have a smaller window so now to don't have that shift to you once again I will just try with assistant go to edit more select this graph and this direction so you have all the windows ready so why I've created this is that we can use the material for all these windows and create the windows I'll show you how to do that that's quite easy and if you have the windows image we can use that here and apply it has windows with alpha applied for the glass area so we'll do that and we'll give images of those as well so I'll just select this and shift to D and go to edit mode to select this grab it and so this also under grab it to this position you have the dole there is just select us shift to D once again you know and then select this grab it in X reduction so you have that door also ready so I've applied so many planes the reason why I applied all these places is that you can easily apply the shutters and windows using the planes see that's ready now now the modeling part is over so you can see the module so now so now we will start with giving materials to this now to do that I will click on it and then go to the material preview mode so in 2.8 when it is called material preview mode instead of looked up mode so the so let us select this and then start giving materials where did this add new and then I'm just going making roughness increased and specular reduced and I'm going into the shading mode we have this this goal here I have some materials you can see there this can be used instead of creating detailed model we can use images and use the Alpha so I'm using this this window just select this target and to the box and then give the color into the base color you can see what happened here and then and the Alpha n to the Alpha of this or it is not shown because if you go to the EB you can have some settings here go to the materials and then come down and then make the opacity to alpha T you can see that alphas we're working very well now what you do is like just go into the UV editing mode and then here just like this go to the face have it here it was just right click and then you give a smart TV project okay you have it and then just select this grab it in Z Direction y direction and then position it and then grab it and then see in X just more weight to make sure that you have three shutters there and you have the three shutters ready and square DS so the best thing is like since it is an instance you have all these windows ready you come here if you repeat the same thing just come here and then you just select this and then apply the material on this a new material and then respect Allah and place this come to the shading mode and then come here and then open a window and just move it here and then drag this to the base color like this to the alpha and a positive make it Alpha clip and then I do anything more like it and then make it as SmartTV project with okay and then the selectors rotate in 90 degree you select this see my direction and position it now you are the wind already so let us see an X and a moment in such a way that you have three shutters there so you have the three shutters and the best thing is since it is an instance we have all the shutters the windows ready okay so you have wind already know windows ready and that's the best part so you have the windows ready now coming here you can see that the windows are ready I'll just give another material here so just go in here and make it material through this will be war with grooves yeah ropes so just select that and then I'm going to apply a material that is go to the shading and then select this material and select here give it a base color just excuse the specular English the roughness and what it was what do you weigh everything more then just select everything right let kill UVW map s box select the voltage scaling way so you can see that it is done I'm sure you apply the same material and then go into this select ever the thingy and box select everything scream anyway okay so you have that save it now what I'm going to do is like I'm just giving all the materials as white so it's a select this and then in your material always like this and then make this is your white and then give this material s white okay for the time being when I'm going to do a slip since both are saying and just keep it like this why I'm doing this is because I just want to make sure that all the colors which is applying screen on so select all these just like that I click on this control and then to apply materials so it's getting applied so one by one just give everything required my material control D there so all these are now white I'll make it white I know today that time here I make all all this all right now all that's you can see that all these things are white select this add a new material yeah I'll just give this one yeah select the base color know it now coming to this one adding a material and then to the shading mode just go into this and then find another good tone out here itself trying to use it so you have all the tools ready no will queue a beautiful shingles on top of this so now to do that just go into this select these two and then kill a new material to that and then make the spectral toughness and everything ready come to the shading this one maybe this one so just thank you selectors I'm going to simples and then trying to move in detail and then scare late just these two smell to me exist because so now you can see that the ropes are ready the next thing you have to do is just go into this and another material adding a new material and I'm just selecting this face just upon I to inverse the selection and then I am going to be what tire material to this so new and then roughness will be less specular let it be like this and then going into a shading mode this one I just you'll be box going to you just stay X what do this and then scale it to just align it okay so that's also done you have died might even on top of that I think we have to have a little more darker tile here so I just and replace that time with this one already this one so just goes you yeah that looks fine here toughness small and then whatever everything shading and this one okay so just select this that and then to the base color and then assign it's nice books would be nice okay fine that looks nice before going further I'll just add one Gabe load here I forgot to add the gayborhood so I'll just select a copy of this and then click on shift D and then the reduction there is a small bit forward and then but in y direction just to fix it okay and I'll just all of these what does this it also is you select is no more disses and then I had select a piece and these as well traffic Y direction now I want these are just to be going cycling and at the artists Z Z and then just okay and then shift D and suppression this is even a direction I don't want peace so I just like these two and going to click that just now I'll just select this minus this and at the point of select everything contacts and then reduction and then once again set up these dota thing and face this and then he looks shifty so I let be and then just set up that and then just come in to solidify and then a solid if I modify offset by apply and scale it in my direction just like that that selectors and apply a material which is white this one will be a glass and debris you have some boxes out here so we're just going here and add Q and then go into the edit mode just grab it and reaction soap on with this face fifteen hooked it in an expedition collection once you shift over D say Jason the beat okay no it's just so my piece culture just be still victim is either option is going to be don't whatever face I look pleased with this that's how it is so you have to already know what you do was like will kill the interiors for this and do the landscaping with the materials and textures and everything and then finish off the window so that's what we are going to do right now I just add a plane out here to do that and then rotate it updated in x10 90 just grab it and ex grab it and Z and then wrap it in Y slightly so like this given new material and this material will be MSE emission material and then go into the shading mode here what the doors like I just use this in to zoom in for the time being and then I just go to the color and we have that interior please just the first and then given I'm going to the one I just ate I'm 80 I said scale it a bit you know just click on alt it's had everything have it save it select this and then this time this will be a class material so last material so this is going to the spending in this mantle and the chef duty in X Direction is like inside and then I phase windows and it select this this material was immaterial okay so all gets so now you have all the windows with glass to save it now we are ready for landscaping to start with the landscaping I'll just give a fancy on backside and we'll give the paving tiles out here and some grass materials and some plants and trees and then we'll give the HDI map and the lighting and then we'll do the rendering so not to do that so I'll just add a box here I just add a cue which is of 150 and then I'll just make this as 20 centimeters so now you have this just carpet and z direction just to this position we are put in y direction and then select this and then mostly just X direction just like that I'm not doing any of these windows because we are just focusing that this is angle so let's just see X thank you like this and just position it like that we have that ready to select the top face face and then do an extra lengthen tinnitus select the side face the side face and then give an extra okay and then I just like to see something like you know same and your material color the white material so and then keep it like that but now you have for the fence you know what it was like we'll just give some grass out here and here and then the peering so first time do the paving I'm doing this just drive it to this position specially engraved okay come to this side that connects this is rabbit in my direction just like that this edge you know at this point we have to have a camera and so that so I just add a camera my Center and this position so light positioning and I'm just going into the animal song just like that and then this position it can was positioned right way so select this go to the materials at me like this and then you add grass to that so just go to the shading select this grass and then I'm just giving a material now and then I'm just go into this and select over the thing and then here we can select so the face and then cable box study there's a select this and until very time so how to do that there's just an angle do you expect a lot and then go to surely lose this baby I just track here and then just right here and then I'm going to be editing map and then watch then look swine so you have the paving as well as the grass now I'll have some real grass so in order to do that we will just import a grass into this into an event or until this come to append and then I have some collection of glass with me the word blunder grass - what is this open that water collection and grass and append so you have the grass they're just never in the x-direction q yeah so that's the grass I'll just add 10 to this so go to the particles and then a new particle go to the hair there are doors and then make this this as say one that reduces the house order and then find a collection go to the collection yeah so that's there I just make it as well okay you can see that it is laying down so forward to the rotation and then it does go over there X exists it okay so we're standing up now coming to children children and make it as interpolated so you have it run to make some upscale randomness okay so now we have to add some trees and plants into this and then we have the HDRI mapping and the sunlight I'll just link some plants and cheese so Ross it's using plants chase entered production and then just playful 311 so I just have this scene okay now I'll add another one alone and then maybe a three seven Y direction now we'll import one more car Thanks you can see that we are almost on the finishing point so now we'll have the lighting and on the stop study so first I'll do a dare enter and then I'll go into the evening's rental as well with the lights and stuff like that beautiful shading mode come to this world and then I'm just adding one of the stra now so shift a shift select this control T for the note wrangle look slightly different and 2.81 and then we'll go to the Eevee rendering and then make sure that you're going into rendering mode we'll see how it looks in this just make it a good fire you have enough lighting in this and then as you start it in z direction you see we have put clouds that's another beautiful signature okay so to the camera and that looks fine save it and something is missing that is the light so we'll just add light into this then you'll add the light so we'll just add a light direction this morning this deduction yeah now I'm just into the light fine yeah now we have the effect the scene of it is so anyway I think I need to have this corner profile and a little bit of depth for this and this so what I'm going to do is like I'll just select this go to the shading and then I will just have a bump for that selected this and then I'll have this material this material coming in and then I'll just have a ship a and then I will add a normal album map and then add this to the height and the normal to the normal so you have that depth but I don't want that too much so just have the depth now just going to do this and I just select this and then come here just add this bit again just a setup to Allah to the height then normal to the mumbles mumbles a flight I'm just being fun for that as well so you've had those two priests and no go into the layout I just need to do some corner for this so know how to do that I'll just select these two faces comedy and then to compete and then separate it now I'll just select this edge you select this and the right click and then until the villages I just make this two and then this will be in centimeters go to the face mode and then select these two faces delete those then select these two faces extra time on five centimeters and then just grab it in the ignition what it was like go into this movie everything more considering select this one the editing mode and then just women face mr. faces and then I get and or in this position you can max just to make sure that this and none of these sits and then they do the same thing for the other areas as well so you have that ready save it and then save it now it's ready for the final Renta so just click on f12 let's see how it renders it has started the final gentle let's see how it is parenting is over we just save this file and they was jpg and then just make it ask on two percent and then I just stay under so this is finally underway the day so now the day under is over we'll do any weenie render for this with some lights set up on this so just you will save us to save and then save us and then I'm just giving an increment to that save it and then what I'm going to do first is that I'm just going into the shading into the world and then I'm changing this from this is a little baby okay so that has come on so I'll just reduce this 2.5 go to the lighting and then just reduce just rotate this what I'll do is let I'll just add some lights to this you can see that this is the evening mode we will just add some lights to this you know to do that I just have yeah and then add light and then in India area light then make this slightly warmer and then negative or fall sighs can be rectangular and we use it and or see Thanks [Music] and then you have faced a district see okay daddy [Applause] we hope some like skill as a louse yeah I say I'm done production isn't here just what you do us make this light now to do that you just have to have two materials just add one material that is a dark gray and of it you know how shiny it's just a preview of that okay just select that tab selected third face and then just give one more material and then just make it as msu together and then just make they let you bomb right and then assign that is a site just for Sevilla that light and point light other one let the markup on the cycles I don't know if you see Reliance use notes go to that and then go to shading so let that go to Egypt and then you can see that the night is on the con shift a and then you can see that there's a black body here it's just put it to the car I'm gonna make a just because in kasanga the process now should a and then input an IES text then external and then select the IES and then put into this and then accept and then for a little strength so now you have the is ready and D Z Direction update a new collection called lights become okay and see a test render out here I just go into this and then see how it is stunning contestant right [Music] this is anyone's like this those three notes in my direction just moved so let's see the lighting of this now I've placed all the lights and then let's see the renting law okay guarantee is over or you can see that there are some optics required like called the light the more lights more washers are having a little bit white finish we have to build mobile home finish and then noting the background is also need to be a little more late we'll go into all the shading once again and then make this just to see and then go into the world just the strength can be wrong too once again I'm just going to the baby and just to see that all the various okay just don't update it at of it invite me to beat you someone that's fine so there is sunlight and then you just sit select tonight okay I'll just pour into the cyclist and then - once again the renter I think this would be the final render we'll just see if the lighting is okay and then finish off the tutorial so just click on after all it has started rendering let's see our does you know the light has become long okay so the rental is over the final output is ready now we'll just save this as jpg meaning renter and then just save it so we have finished the tutorial I hope this tutorial was very helpful to you if you like our video kindly subscribe our Channel and make sure that you click on the notification link so that you get our future tutorials thank you
Channel: BUILDON IDEAS Design Institute
Views: 39,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Architecture tutorial, blender tutorials, blender 2.81, Blender 2.80 tutorials, blender 2.81 tutorials, architectural tutorials, how to create a villa in blender, villa in blender, house modeling in blender 2.81, house modeling in blender 2.8, house in blender, house designing in blender, how to create an elevation in blender, blender for architecture, Buildon Ideas Institute, Blender tutorials, blender house modeling, modeling a house in blender, architecture design
Id: 8uw10-XkClg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 11sec (6551 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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