Make a Medieval house | Unwrapping Tutorial | Beginner

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hello in this episode we are continuing our UV unwrapping course by making a medieval house you don't have to watch the previous versions if you want to make a medieval house there's enough information in this tutorial for you to complete the model but if you want to follow the course on UV unwrapping and you're fairly new to it and you may want to look at the previous episodes I'll post links in the description and all these exercises will be on GABA Tokyo UK where you can go right from beginner to advanced level and all the courses are free also if you have any questions then you can get across to the discord server and chat to me there you can also post your Finnish models and get some feedback okay so this is my startup scene and I'm going to model some basic shapes that I'm going to use as building blocks to build my house I'm going to do this in a time-lapse sequence and you should be able to see that all the models are very basic I'm just using planes and cubes and occasionally I'm rotating a few vertices just to add an element of distortion to the shapes so they look more real and warped so here I have the basic building blocks of my house so here's the finished textures we've got a wall different sized beams rooftop window indoor and this is what we're heading for so the next thing you'll need to do is go across two textures comm and in here you can type in door for example an old and there's a thousand old doors and you can pick one that you think will suit your house when thinking about these textures don't worry too much about all the things that are around the door because we can just use this area in here for example I think this is a great image so I'm going to use this one with textures calm you get 15 free credits a day so you should have enough to get all your materials you need so with that let's go back to blender and here's my door model it's just a plain that's going to be surrounded by wooden beams so that we won't be able to see any of the edges now what is important is that when I was building all these models I sometimes scaled them whilst I wasn't in edit mode so I scaled them in object mode now if I press N on my keyboard I can get this panel up here and you can see that the scale is not at 1 that means when I unwrap it it will cause some slight issues therefore we need to set the scale on each of our objects that's easy to do in object mode we can press ctrl-a and apply or set the scale you can actually apply the rotation and scale just in case your rotation is out or minor at 0 so I won't have a problem but if you have rotated any objects you'll want to set that or apply that as well so ctrl a and set the scale and rotation and I'm just going around doing it to each of my objects so let's go back to our door and you'll see my object origin isn't in the center that won't make too much difference but you do have to understand that that's your rotation point and your scale point so if I rotate this in the y-axis it will move around that point so let's unwrap it I'm going to get rid of the timeline at the bottom so I can right click when my cursor changes there and say join area and then it will ask me which one I want to join I'm going to get that way and then I'm going to pull out two windows one will be the node editor and one will be the UV image editor and I'll get rid of this side panel as well and the same for him do that by pressing in I need to make sure I'm in cycles for this and I'm all ready to unwrap my object so if I go into edit mode and go to phases and select all press you to unwrap and press unwrap and there it is let's create a material for this so I press new there's my material if you've got anything different down here you can just close down whatever you have and press new again I'm not going to worry too much about shaders at the moment I'm just gonna add a texture in so I'll find the texture I just downloaded and what's nice is you can get your window up and just drag it straight in I'll close that down hook it up and we won't see anything yet because we're not in textured mode so let's change this to texture and then see what we've got if i zoom in by pressing full stop on the numpad I can see that this has gone slightly wrong if I press these little double arrows here any textures that I've loaded in will be there so there's my door zoom out so we can see that and we can see it's sideways on four one and it's only covering half the door so we need to rotate this and scale it so it covers the actual door so if I press R then ninety that will rotate 90 degrees I'll scale it down and you can see my text you're moving over here s the scale G to grab and let's move it into position and I can scale in the x-axis by s then X you can also go into the individual pieces and grab G in the y-axis and pull it down and get them nice and precise and there we have a simple door and we'll be able to put that on the front of our house so the window the plaster and the roof will all be a similar scenario to this what's going to be slightly different are these beams so I'm going to go back to textures calm and type in wooden beam now if you want to go nice and realistic then I would suggest choosing an end as well as a beam material so you can select an area in here is your beam remember when choosing textures the higher the resolution the better but it will increase your render times very slightly I've changed my search term to wood beams and I think there's a few more options then I quite like this one I think it's got some really nice-looking beams in there so I'll download that so back into blender so I'm going to click on my beam and create a new material I've got a beam and my texturing and let's hook that up now we won't see anything yet because we haven't unwrapped it but let's take a look at our texture and think about how we're gonna unwrap so I'm going to need long thin pieces to go along the beams so let's press full stuff on the numpad to zoom in into edit mode and what I'm going to need then is cuts down one side here now once each sort of side three faces like this to be attached together so I can put them along here so I'll split up the ends and in order to split them up I'm going to need to mark seams so if I go into here and press ctrl e to mark these four as a seam you'll see they're turned red and that will become an island to itself so in edge mode if I alt right click these and press ctrl e mark seam I'll have a split down here I'll do that with the other edges so that one alt right click shift or right click and shift I'll right click that one down there ctrl e mark seams and then lastly these four at the end here ctrl a mark seams I select all you to unwrap they're all ready to be positioned on my material now for this I'll find it slightly easier if I use the island selection so if I select that and then right-click on one of these islands I can then grab it and move it into place let's scale that down just a touch if I press shift spacebar I'll be able to maximize that one screen and then I can make sure it's in a good position which it is right click on the next one scale it down and move it to a different position for some variety generally speaking you'll want to keep them roughly the same size but a tiny bit of variation won't matter too much so all this time when pressing s to scale right clicking to select G to grab and moving these pieces into position if you have to for any reason you can also rotate with R and usually you'll be rotating 90 degrees or a hundred and eighty degrees now these pieces will be a bit different and I can actually use these areas at the end here if I scale that down so it fits one of these end pieces and there we go shift spacebar to go back into normal mode and we can see my plank I'll just deselect everything so we can see it a bit easier and it's looking alright so now you should be able to do the same for each of your objects and you'll be able to position them and you'll be able to duplicate them with shift D and position them so that they make up a beautiful house I'll show you a time-lapse of my process so you can see how I went about it for each of these beams you can use the same material so the beam material I can use and then I just have to reposition those into different spaces of my beam material now you might think why haven't you just copied and pasted this one and shrunk it down well one it's good to have variation and two all the materials will shrink down as well so you'll have beams that look identical but shrunk and that's not quite realistic you may not need to do as many as I've done here and you can edit the geometry slightly and not distort the texture too much so if this one for example isn't the right size I can easily scale it in the Y it will stretch my material slightly which I'll show you here if I grab the end face and pull it out you can see it's stretching that material and you have to watch out for that it doesn't look too bad in this case but you do have to be aware of that as it can detract from the final look of your model you now it's worth pointing out for the plaster material which is actually loam I'm using a seamless texture from textures calm that way when I bring it in hook it up let's just check what it's looking like if I at all need to and I think this is a bit big I can press ctrl T with the node Wrangler installed otherwise you'll need to find the mapping node and the texture coordinate node and hook them up but ctrl T over this texture will give you those automatically with the node Wrangler installed so file user preferences add-ons and just type in node Wrangler and make sure it's ticked and then save your user settings now I can easily scale it up and press something like 2 and then just make sure you're on material mode and that will show you what it's actually going to look like texture mode will only show you the texture material will show you the node material that you've got and there you can see that seamless so it's tiled really nicely and now it's a case of just building my house you and you can see in the cases like this I just need to scale it really slightly so scaling the Y and I can just scale it down and make it fit in to these different areas and it shouldn't matter too much to the materials as they're only stretching very slightly the other thing you might want to do every now and again is just rotate your objects so that they show a different side of the wood and they don't look so uniform you now you can see for this object the texture has become distorted so what I need to do is bring back my UV image editor and known editor with shift spacebar and just re unwrap it so if I select it in edit mode select the face or select all with a unwrap and re unwrap it now I can put some piece of wood in here and it will look just fine so don't be afraid to re unwrap if you need to you so there we have it a basic medieval house I would encourage you if you are able to take this even further and maybe think about some levels perhaps putting a brick base or a stone base to this find some reference images find some unusual interesting shapes and take it to the next level thanks for watching and I hope this helps
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 87,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, texture, paint, game, material, guide, easy, unwrap, nodes, cycles
Id: 4c64OqXQj3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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