DaVinci Resolve Fusion | 3D Travel Map Effect

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welcome back to another fusion tutorial so i recently created this fusion satellite 3d map effect that you're seeing right here and i posted it in a few places and quite a few people are asking me actually how i made this so i figured why not make a video on it right off the bat i'm just going to show you guys my node setup i have for this specific effect and i'm going to go through and show you how to do this typically i will work from left to right on my nodes but this one i kind of jump around all over the place a little bit so i'm just going to give you guys just like an overview of what the node structure looks like at first and we will deep dive into it as we kind of go along in this tutorial so without further ado let us go ahead and jump into creating a brand new composition with a new effect and show you guys how i achieve this so first thing we're going to want to do is come over to a website called hypemap.skydark.pl i will leave a link to this in the description of the video this is a website that is designed to export real world terrain data for a video game called city skylines it's kind of like simcity but cooler i've played it a little bit and it's pretty fun but um this website allows you to export real world terrain data and import it into the video game but we're going to hijack that and instead of importing into city skylines we're going to import it into fusion and there's a couple things we can do here so you'll notice that we kind of have this grid layout and this is a layout designed specifically for city skylines we don't really have to worry too much about that but let's find i want to do a map of yosemite i think that would be really cool so let's create let's go into the village here okay so this square is basically going to dictate what our map is going to contain so i think yeah let's center it right there and if we come over here to the little information button we're going to have a lot of a lot of data here so what i want to do is just click this auto button and you'll notice that the base level and height scale changed and you're going to want to make sure those calibrate to whatever location you're at so whatever place you pick just click the auto and it will take care of that you can come in here and customize your map size and if you wanted your map to be bigger or smaller it's entirely your it's entirely at your discretion we're just going to do the base size 17.28 kilometers and we'll just make sure everything is good to go there okay now i want to come over here to our layers and i want to look at satellite this is the data i want to export first here so we have a toolbar up here on the left on this website we have download rawhide we download raw height map we have download png height map we also have download map image and this is what we're going to want to download here for now and whichever map style you have selected that is what it will download so we're gonna go ahead and download our satellite view so we'll just download that next i want to you can try and mess around with this raw hot raw height map i was not able to get this to work right so i was stuck using the png and that is okay we'll just make it work so now that we've downloaded our images we can take a look at these and see that we have a satellite view of exactly what we want and it is perfectly lined up with our height map that we want and this is what we want to see if you're seeing colors that are pure white or just pure black odds are you did not calibrate your map layers over here and you'll want to check that if those are the results you're getting okay so now that i'm over here trying to import those images into davinci resolve you're going to notice that the satellite image for some reason shows as offline i don't really know why this is i am using davinci resolve 18 beta so maybe that's the issue i don't really know but our height map is a-okay so we're just going to go ahead and drag that over and the way i got around this last time is i converted this to a jpeg and i was able to import it in perfectly fine so let's go ahead and do that real quick i went ahead and converted this in affinity photo to a jpeg and as you can see we can now see it inside of davinci resolve so we're going to go ahead drag and drop that down here into our media and i'm not going to be too worried about organizing things down here just for a tutorial for you guys but feel free to do things at your own discretion so what we're going to want to do down here you can see this is our original fusion composition that i made let's just go ahead and let's do this again here so we will go to effects fusion composition and drag it down and we want this to be 15 seconds so our first our first composition was 15 seconds so let's drag and drop this to find 30. oop one more there we go okay so we'll just extend that out here and with our fusion composition selected we're gonna go ahead and open up fusion and we see nothing so what we're going to want to do is go to our media pool here and we're going to want to drag and drop both of our images that we just captured so we have both our height map as well as our satellite map and let me just move these over to the side here okay so there's a couple of things we need to do we are going to be working in both 2d and 3d space so with our media out out of the way over here let's go ahead and start working on that so i'm going to start building the 3d scene first so first thing i want is an image plane we'll just go ahead and add that we are also going to want to add a displacement a 3d displacement and we're also going to want to add a 3d transform and then with that we also want to add a 3d merge and in that merge we're also going to want to add a 3d camera and [Music] with this camera we're going to want to add two oops two 3d transform nodes underneath it and i will show you guys why in a minute it just kind of depends on the animation that you want to go with but for doing the animation i did in the original video we're going to use two so if we go ahead and load in our merge node we see we have a camera and a plane here in our 3d viewport so what i'm going to do is load in our satellite image into this image plane and boom there we go loaded in and now we are going to want to rotate this uh on the x-axis i think we're doing that right let's see let's say 90 and i think we're upside down i'm not 100 sure but i think we are let's find out what happens with our displacement so we're going to take our height map here and we're going to plug it into this displacement node and wow a bunch of things happen but i can already tell you we are upside down because things are moving in the wrong direction we want them to move up not down so we're going to go ahead and take this transform and we're going to make this negative 90. there we go and uh yeah this looks like a disaster so we're gonna go ahead and take our image plane and we're going to crank up the subdivisions to 500. we're also going to want to upgrade our scale to 10 there we go so i kind of want to up upsize the scale of this just because i don't really like zooming in so far just the way the 3d viewport works so scaling it up makes it a little easier to navigate things and it's actually looking kind of decent right now i'm pretty pretty happy with this actually i could almost leave it like this and i think we'd be okay so our displacement actually let's go back to controls subdivisions for working inside of resolve i kind of left it at 500 but for my final render i cranked it up to a thousand subdivisions and it just kind of adds a little more detail in the further you go but there's a certain point that you reach where you're adding more more vertices than there are pixels in your image and you're just not doing yourself any favors unless you're starting to do some custom sculpting or things like that and we're not going to get into that today in fact that's more of a blender thing than it is a fusion thing so we have everything loaded in and we are looking good so now i want to animate our trail that's one thing i did in the original video and i'm going to show you guys how to do that so we're going to come back here to our 2d space and with our media satellite image we're going to add a background oops i can't spell today for anything and we already have a merge node added and as you can see our background is black but we need to size it to the same image size as our satellite image so let's come over to image and i know that these are 2560 by 2500 2560 and that did nothing oh yes i need to disable auto resolution okay 2560 versus 2560 and there we go now we're covering up so what we need to do is change the color of this to what we want our trail to look like so i mean we could use the color wheel down here might try let's go with the yellow i think yellow will work oops i did not want that there we go okay yellow will be just fine and we're going to select our background and we're going to add a polygon mask to it and with that selected we're going to come over here to with our with our satellite image selected here actually we can just load in our merge node and see what we're doing we can do some [Music] masking so what i'm going to want to do is just kind of draw a line of a trail i want to make and you're just going to click and click and click and click until you have what you want so i'm going to go ahead and fast forward through this just for the sake of saving some time for you guys okay so i have our trail drawn and i don't even know if i'm actually following the road or not but i think we're gonna be okay no one's gonna know except for us so i think that is good and typically with a mask you're gonna connect it back up to your first note to kind of create a 2d object but we're not going to do that we're going to leave it as it is and we're going to leave invert unchecked solid checked and we will change our border width to that's a little too wide but you can already see what it's doing let's go point zero zero three um point zero zero four perhaps i think three was better point zero zero three let's work with that okay but you can already see what we got going here we just have a line that is drawn and it is important that you start from the point you want your animation to start at as well as end where you want it to end so with our line drawn all we have to do now is animate it so let's jump to the first frame of our animation and inside of our mask node we're going to select our length and you can see what's happening here so we're going to go ahead and add a keyframe there then we're going to jump to the last frame in our animation and we're going to crank our length all the way back up to one and so what that's gonna do is slowly as i jump through these frames it's just gonna draw that line across the map as the frames advance and so there you have our 2d animation so now we need to go back into our 3d viewer and we need to animate our camera so to do that first thing i want to do is add in a render node and this is going to show us what the camera sees and what the camera sees is kind of terrible so let me rearrange things here a little bit okay so what i want to do here let's drag our let's go to this transform node our first transform node selected let's drag the camera back and let's pull it up and then let's rotate it on down yeah there we go okay and you know what i could probably go a lot higher i think and is from here it's just a matter of adjusting things making more adjustments and making sure it doesn't break anything else and i think we're okay there so with that view selected what i want to do is i want to have the camera do kind of like a circular orbit around the center of the map and that's why we have our second transform node here and to animate that it's a little bit difficult if i just use this single node here the easiest way to do that is to make the center of the object the center of the map however with this first node you notice that the center of the object is in the object itself however if we add a second transform node or a 3d transform node our center is shifted back into the center of our scene and so that gives us the ability to rotate along our y-axis and now we can rotate the camera and that gives us a lot of room to play with so let's shift things over kind of want to play around with this and get the image right okay and i'm kind of offsetting the center of where the camera is going to be rotating just adjusting these settings on the second node and that's okay so let's say we can see the map is clipping up here in this corner i don't really want that so let's shift this to the side there okay [Music] okay so let's go to rotation and we're going to add a keyframe right actually let's jump to the beginning of our animation and add a keyframe right there and then we're going to jump to the end of our animation and we're going to rotate this just a bit more and i think that will be good right there so jumping to the first i don't think my computer is strong enough to play this let me see if i can reduce the subdivisions maybe that will help a little bit let's go to 100 and see what that does better but not great okay so we'll just skip through this like so and you can see the line getting drawn as our camera rotates around and i think that looks really good okay and there you guys have it that is what you do how you make a 3d scene with the animated trail map and what you're going to want to do after this is take your render node put it into your media out and then you can come back here to your timeline it's pretty simple and straightforward not very complicated and i think you guys are going to have fun with this one so if you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to like comment and subscribe and i will see you guys in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Aaron and Taylor
Views: 29,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adventure, Lifestyle, Travel, vlog, Overlanding, Camping, Hiking, Outdoors
Id: olrOLvH9oc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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