Easy Map Animation's In Davinci Resolve: QGIS

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this video I'm going to show you how to do map animations interin resolve using a software called qgis map animations have become very popular on YouTube recently by people like real life law and Johnny Harris so I'm going to show you how to make them indent resolve right so first go over to qg.com over here and click download So once it's downloaded open up qgis and then just click Newt project like this after you've done that where's his coordinates type world and then go up here to plug in manag and install plugins so there's loads of plugins here so there's loads of different things you can do on qgis but we're just going to start off simple search quick map so we'll see quick map Services here so I've already got it downloaded but you just need to click install like that and then once you've done that go over to web quick map services and then you can pick from any of these Maps here uh so but I like Google Maps satellite so click that and just check it for now so I'm going to do a map animation of the UK and France I'm going to click this and then highight the UK and then right click what it says world map export save selected features as and just give it a random name and then close out of this here and do the same for France so we'll uncheck this click on world map highlight France right click export save as and then a random file name again right so now we've got these two we won't need this anymore so we'll just uncheck that we'll zoom into the point where we want the animation to be so I like this so I'll just uncheck the satellite again click project new print layout okay then click in this empty space here where it says size go to custom change this to pixels and then 840 by 2160 which is the 4K dimensions then click on this background here and change the opacity to zero so then just go up here and click add map drag it from the very top to the very bottom now once you've done that click here then go to iton properties and scroll down and click background and check that then go up here and click export as image here I'm going type UK save it let save and now I'll close out of this again uncheck UK and check France then go to projects new pint layout and then do the same as I did before custom 85 by 2160 and drag it again like that click on it get rid of the background and save it again so now I've done this we're going to do it again for the satellite so uncheck France and check Google satellite then click new print layout again click in the empty space 840 by 2160 and we don't need to change the background anywhere because there's no opacity in the satellite image and drag it like this once again it'll take a minute to render and then just save it again that and call saite okay and now we're going to do a more zoomed out version of the satellite so we'll get this scale here copy this number so make sure so once the map's selected you can copy this number and then go to calculator paste it in and tabs it by two and copy this number paste it in here so it'll zoom out the map a bit just so we can start off the animation a bit further away so that now we're going to export as image again col satellite light zoomed out great so now I've done that we just want to go over into D Vinci resolve make a new timeline I'm going call it map animation and then make make it 4K down here like that then WR click in the media pool and click new Fusion composition I'm going to change the duration to 7 seconds and paste it then drag it into the timeline then click open infusion page great an now going to go to our folder and drag them all in one by one so I'll do the UK first I'll just name it as we go I in F2 Dr in France and satellite and then we're going to leave the zoomed out version for now because we don't need it yet I'm going to click on this satellite image here press shift space b type and then type merge then click on Multi merge here and drag it to the medeor out so okay so now we going to drag in this background ner here and give it whatever color you want so I'm going to make it blue and then I'm going to drag this from the UK image onto here which will basically mask out the background like that and then draging this background right here to the multi merge so that's just highlighted it in white Okay so so now I'm going to drag in a new background nerd I'll make it green and then type shift space bar and type in m control and then type key and drag in the Delta key so then just drag in the UK and connect it to this gray garbage mat here and then the gray garbage mat on the Delta key chug that into the multi merge so as you can see now it's got a big green background so going to go into the Delta key here the background color and click on this here and drag it onto the green and then go over to mat and adjust the aod dilate so that's going to give it an outline so I'm just going to make the r dialate about uh like that then change the soft color here to hard color and then I'm going to make the color for this white looking at I think it still needs to go down a little bit maybe like that okay so now we've done that we're just going to copy this whole thing here and we're going to actually delete this front image we going to copy all this here paste it down here and drag up then connect these both to the multi merge and then we going to drag this front image and replace it like that there we go so that's done that for the front image so we probably want to change the colors around I'm going to change it to red and then I'll maybe change this color to the yellow and I'll go back to the multi merge and change the opacity so I'll click on background layer one so that'll be the UK and change the blend to about .3 have that and then do the same for the other background layer not3 so now we need to do do a few more things to make it look nicer so click on this Delta key add at the end type shift space bar and type glow that's that's added a little glue I might adjust it just the glue size up a bit and the glue it's maybe a bit like like this looks nice so I'm just going to copy this and paste it onto the other Delta key like that right so that looks good so you can so now we're going to add in we're going to animate the countries in so I'll go to about 40 seconds where I want the animation to end and I'll make a key frame on the blend nerd for all these layers so click on the first layer make a key frame do that for the rest of the layers and now go to about 15 seconds in and then set the blood mode to zero for them all like this it's an not should animating like this okay cool so now we're going to make a 3D animation with it so you could just have it like this if you want but I think it looks better 3D so I'm going to disconnect this multi merge here click on it and type shift space bar image plan 3D and I'll drag this out a little bit so it's not in the way and type merge 3D rent camera 3D and render 3D so that's basically set up our 3D scene there so connect the render 3D to the media r then click on this merge 3D press one to show it here then drag the camera back and now we're going to position the camera to how we want it to end on the animation so so you can click on these two here to just switch it from rotation to position like this that looks good so then we're also going to get our zoomed out satellite that we made earlier going to drag that in here and then type shift Space by image plane again drag that here and then on the transform I'm going to move it back very slightly so on the Z AIS click minus 2 0.001 minus 0.001 like that so you want to move it back just enough where it's not noticeable but you also don't want it to be sort of merging like this so like if you have it at a certain point it'll start to look a bit weird so we'll make it 0.001 and then change the scale to two so that's just made the map a little bit bigger but it also means that once the camera is zoomed in here this will still be 4K but this stuff won't be so you can see when we zoom into the edge that this stuff's lower quality but it won't matter cuz we'll be zoomed out in the camera so now go back to the camera here click on transform and then go to where you want the camera animation to end so we'll go to 35 make key frame for all of them like that then go to zero cool so now we just need to go in this SP editor and make sure the multi merge is disabled then zoom out and highlight everything right click click ease then out cubic there you go so that's just a very basic map animation you can go a lot further with this and I might make a video in the future if you've got any other tutorial requests comment that down below as well and hope you have a great day see you
Channel: Will Croshaw Editing
Views: 9,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 17, how to use davinci resolve, davinci resolve free, davinci resolve effects, best davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve transition, davinci resolve 18 effects, video editing
Id: jA5chRStJSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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