400K Subscribers! Reacting to my Old Videos *Cringe* AD | This Esme

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] hello every this is me and oh my goodness we've now hit over 400,000 subscribers I feel like every time we reach a milestone I always like thank you guys so much but I really do mean it and appreciate it without you guys watching my videos over the years I wouldn't been able to do so many incredible opportunities and meet so many incredible people and all the things I've done because of YouTube so I really do appreciate all of you thank you so much but before I ramble on for too long I thought for today's video that we would do another reacting to my old videos video cuz I did one because last year in the winter and that actually did really well you guys seem to really enjoy it and I said I'd do a part two if you wanted it and you guys asked for it so I'll be doing that today because in the previous video I think only reacted to four or five videos and guys I have so many more in the depths of the archives none of you have seen before and so I'm basically gonna sit here and embarrass myself but before we do that to celebrate 400,000 subscribers I thought I would talk about some of my favorite videos that I've sort of done over the last year and some of these videos weren't like the ones that got the most views whether they're the ones that I really enjoyed making the ones that I put a lot of time and effort into the editing but maybe haven't got so many views but um I'll leave links to all of them in the description below so if you're bored during quarantine then be sure to check them out have a little binge watch it's always fun watching you know old videos of your favorite youtubers and seeing you know how different they are on how they've changed and age so again that's why I thought it'd be fun to do a reaction to my old videos okay I don't really know where to start with these this kind of list of some of my favorites but I think one of them definitely has to be when I took Casper to Hicks did that day just felt so surreal he just went straight up to the top the bank he just trotted up there like he does it every day and he did we and poo at the top of the bank so that was quite funny we got some epic photos and the view at the top was just incredible so that was a really surreal day we'll say I did quite a lot of travel videos last year and for example I went to Iceland so I wrote Icelandic horses for the first time experience the top we just can't even between a shot and the canter and also did some touristy things over there as well and that was just an amazing trip a really sort of more documentary style video I did for that one but I really do love it so please check that out if you haven't already also I went to the US last year as well tried western riding for the very first time I am actually thinking of maybe doing a video with all three horses trying to do like pole bending with them even though I don't own any Western tack because it's just not really thing here in the UK which is kind of sad um just for fun so also tried bow racing for the first time while I was over there that was amazing I also went on some really cool trail rides in Utah and Colorado and both were just absolutely stunning um also last year I went to Australia thanks to you guys I also did a few little travel videos out there as well which is really fun when I was in the Great Barrier Reef snuggling with sharks but also while I was over there I went to the Adelaide three-day event and that was such a surreal event because it's pretty much if you could imagine a cross-country course a five-star cross-country course big full up fences but in the middle of the city with skyscrapers in the background just in like a park that was such a cool event if you can go would definitely recommend I've also been through some really incredible horse shows and events and have met you guys which has always been so much fun I love meeting your such as Burley Hicks tip of course Liverpool limpia and of course the Dublin Hall Show and team Island you guys are a strong team there were so many of you so thank you so much to everyone who came to that Meetup so last year I made quite a few cool videos so I'll leave them down below again if you want to have a little bench watch during quarantine so now on to me reacting to some of my videos that I may be not so proud of and I'll probably cringe at okay everybody I'm now all set up I've got my headphones on got my laptop here and I've had a little look through these videos I'm played in here I've just been looking at the titles and I thought I would play to start with one of my first vlogs because thing is with vlogs I never usually go back and watch them because even to this day after so many hours of editing and filming I still cringe when I hear my voice played back to me and this sounds really weird but like what I'm editing on my own it's fine but if anybody else is in the room with me when I'm watching one of my videos I just sometimes have to leave the room because I'm like no this is this is too weird and so I thought I would watching my vlogs because I don't usually watch those back I like watching back like my progress videos such as my five years of kaspar video all of my anniversary videos because I couldn't wait to look back at the memories or my like year and repeat edit some kind of saw see you oh I got up to back during that year so I thought I'd do a vlog go into the deep end major cringe let's go okay so we're starting off it's at my old house I'm wearing some wellies and I'm wearing some pajamas and it's just my foot okay oh it's a time-lapse walk over to the horses there's the old stable Oh me climbing under a fence there's Mickey in Casper going around to the donkeys beautiful morning okay which is positive him I have such a baby boys I literally just said oh it's such a beautiful morning I don't know it just sounds so young this does have no copyright music in the background so well done is me from a young age she picked up on me no copyright YouTube so that's always great let's see what else I do I'm just saying hello to me using my little baby boy student still do that today Kobe has shade hazy all over so funny but she literally as I just said Toby's been lying down too stable I literally baby SME just said Toby have you been rolling so it looks like her commentate livings exactly the same I feel like this video I think it was filmed in 2016 I believe so four years ago four years ago that's a long time it goes again this is what the old stables that you guys are never really probably seen I can't even really care I'm just under my breath when I was younger I used to speak so quietly in my video clanging in the background you just can't hear what I'm saying but yeah that well I've seen my feed room in worst states but it was a little bit on the messy side of me I'll give you that really pouring out the food there she goes having her breakfast Toby still makes that noise yep he's still raised like battery me saying he can't bring Polly yep break okay Casper's having his food covered in staple sales as usual Miki also having his food not covered in Spain's Mickey you're actually clean once well done speak up please speak up so yeah they they can go out I just like point my finger like don't do that they do like to keep it chill and stuff so once I have my jumper just one there fence there are they okay love hearing stories about the donkey's chewing on things great there is me this was like when I was so shy like at school I was such a shy person I would hate putting my hand up at lesson lessons and things like that they would just terrify me so I'm very quiet when I'm vlogging I will say I don't think I ever do you think I started like vlogging with the camera like in my face like holding up my phone kind of like this or like putting on a tripod and talking to it so you just can't see my face it's just me like everything in POV like point of view like here the donkey's here's the face so it's definitely a very raw vlog you've gone for hair is me but we'll carry on see what else is here she death you've been rolling in your stable trailers out oh ok listen the background with our number plate in so I probably you have to blare that this later but this fluff on the floor as well I think I think I must have it must have been molting season I think and I must have like given making Casper groom or something probably Mickey's fluff I reckon no but that's where I used to tie the donkeys and the horses up on that little fence there with the beta tine okay let's carry on we went out geez crosscountry the other day nice - I'm going out tomorrow as well so just myself until when I was done but I'm gonna go have my breakfast you have your breakfast girl oh yeah there's the pajamas again those floral pajamas love that sweet back the house now so I can to have my breakfast house and get changed into my oh yes you want to change out of those pajamas also I don't know if you guys all noticed this but I used to have playing tastes of just butter on the morning for breakfast so I'm a really weird person that like I don't I don't know why but every morning I always eat the same thing for breakfast but every year or a couple of years I decided to change that one thing I have for breakfast every morning but if you listen really closely I think I'll probably I take the sound off but I had the sims 3 I think I believe playing in the background is like playing on the sims when eating my breakfast this is obviously at the weekend when I'd very leisurely morning if you're young not an adult yet then enjoy those leisurely mornings because believe me when you grow up life gets tough all right finish this repeating baby voice guys and don't know just cleaned out their bucket Toby and brew noise obviously that gross okay so I'm Len Kasper oh wow names so long Mickey does not love that rock anymore he destroyed it many years ago Caspar actually still does I have that rug but it's got multiple patches in oh there's my curly hair it's millstone your pyjamas you lied to us like I can remember cuz that was my pajama top Mickey does not want to go out to the field oh my goodness okay so that bit that patch there oh my goodness that was what we called the buggy bog bog because it was just a bog so that patch of grass it's not even grass a patch of mud it was just mud all year round even in the summer it would squelch underneath your feet we tried putting wood chip there to stop it from being muddy like oh my gosh the mountains I've got wellies stuck in that mud we're trying to push a wheelbarrow and it's just getting deeper and deeper into the mud I really don't miss this do you miss playing The Sims in the morning but don't miss the mud also you can see on our button one of my old lone pony's Bradley I don't know how I said this before but he would rub his butt against that bond because he had sweet itch so that's why there's dents in it that bond is no longer there we now have our house there so yeah that's quite funny but you can kind of still see the fields where Mickey and Caspar oh we are pausing this because you can see my face for the first time in this video probably because I've just gotten changed I'm wearing the teal blue I've been rocking the matching matchy for a while my hair doesn't look too different that was when I just had it on braids that was lighter on the bottom there's still quite dark on the top I don't think I'm wearing any makeup and I remember this really well because it must have been April I think 2016 because I don't have my braces anymore and it was like right at the beginning of April that I had my braces taken off I think so yeah this was just after her my bracelet okay my pajamas - oh my gosh it's a weird scene my old house Mickey's head color okay we're pausing again because guys people they believe me but I have been rocking the match keep that Chi from the start so we have the teal blue head color I'm wearing the teal blue top we've got the teal blue saddle pad and oh no oh oh no it doesn't finish there because we have the teal blue stirrups as well you know you've got to match it all up also as me that girth is disgusting I miss running him so much she was such a fun little pony there he is we keep trying to vlog with me I'm still struggling today just made up I told you this video she's gonna be me embarrassing myself and I feel like whoo definitely got okay oh oh oh oh even mo matchy we have the blue grooming kit the teal blue grooming kit as well I still have this grooming box but at the moment I just put all of my lotions and potions and shampoo in that box and kind of store my cleaning will say my brushes look pretty clean I give props there's my bathroom there we go he does look a kind of shade of light yellow but it's fine it's the winter if you didn't know Scala is actually gone off to uni like six hours away so unfortunately I don't get to see her that often I did catch up with her at Christmas during the Christmas holidays and she was back from uni which is really nice so yeah that's what everybody asking what school I was going just going to uni but yeah hopefully catch up with her again when this is all over and I can leave in the fall so yeah let's continue you I'm a little hack adventure so if you couldn't tell Rick he definitely isn't jumping pony there was a look that fallen over over the path of the bridle way which was incredibly muddy you can kind of see that my stirrups are a bit too long here I'm just I'm like this was what I was kind of getting a bit big for Mickey but he's quite a stocky Pony you know he could manage my weight like my weight fit for what he could carry was like fired like don't worry I wasn't putting too much pressure on him no I'm definitely too heavy for him and he's retired anyway cuz of his age and health problems and things but anyway I just kind of treated up to that log and Mickey this is how make you sit up here like trot up to something you'd kind of stop and just like lift up his front legs and just kind of like launch we have really loud non copyrighted rocking music going on here guys oh my goodness Mickey is so sweaty oh yeah those definitely keys has she said yeah the same sorry oh my gosh so I've just brushed Mickey oh he doesn't look too bad actually our names can be a wash where the dirt and where that isn't it's loose about you here oh I can't remember this from this video is not universe baby rolls hundred percent right I just know my horse Mickey will roll oh no the music's back copy this too loud oh yeah there he goes rolling oh my goodness he's so dirty he's so so dirty please no I can't remember having to groom him when he was that dirty but oh gosh Mickey oh it's later Hey oh we did it film me writing Caspar okay that's fine Mickey does look very posh in his rug Mickey you like never really seen him in a cooler so when I put him in a cooler he looks nice he'll have his I just said I can't say he'll have his bucket if you don't know what bucket here's dad behind the camera laughing say in my family we have a few sort of words that we cool things that isn't the actual name for them but in our family it's just part of our dictionary so hard feed for the horses so they're like grain they have in their bucket we used to call it their bucket tee because if you didn't know I'm British we have this thing called afternoon tea sometimes British people cool dinner tea if you don't have like an afternoon tea in the middle it's very confusing so we would cool the horses breakfast or their dinner we'd call it their bucket tea because it'd be like their dinner they have in a bucket I feel like that's a really long-winded way of explaining this but I just made me chuckle books women called it bucket tea and so long so just remember a bucket tea while I'm gone why you have my dinner well behave steaming yeah okay my necks oh and there's my outro a seven-minute blah oh my gosh I felt like I was watching that for 20 minutes and so long-winded ha feels just like filming the floor so you know it wasn't a bad video it definitely took me back down memory lane you know it's where it all started your first videos are never gonna be perfect do we have time to watch another one I think we do I think we do what else should we watch Oh which one's gonna be the least embarrassing the most entertaining going on to count videos I have and it's I think that's still up on my channel which I'm quite embarrassed about but its essentials for camp I might have to private this video stumble across this and be like oh my gosh needs the video she makes okay number one we'll start off with well done is me you're filming your actual face so that is a good start number two this was just like in the landing so the door behind me was actually my bedroom oh my goodness my hair guys my hair is something else this is what I had my cool Tracy Beaker hair it was when it was dark and then really bushy and frizzy I do like that was also like when ombre was like kind of in fashion back then that was when I was like slowly going into the blonde eyes I didn't want to commit 100% sorry about taking like hello today I'm gonna be teaching you all the things gonna be taking to Pony camp and I I'm just so quiet and so robotic and it just seems very awkward awesome I'm sitting there cross-legged I like I'm sitting in assembly Caspi when he's young oh his Mane is actually looking quite neat apart from that one tough that he used to always rub out and luckily he's stopped doing that now and he's because the old fencing we used to have he used to put his head through and try and get the grass way old wheelbarrow or IP my blue wheelbarrow I got that weed blue wheelbarrow for my 10th birthday that was back in the day when all of my friends for their birthday were asking for iPad some things but no I just had my heart set on this blue wheelbarrow because I wanted it to be all matchy-matchy and much of my blue things so in a second you'll see all the blue things because I'll show you so let's just skip this forward Oh caspere's buckets all teal blue as well well morning and evening written on them also if you're wondering those buckets have also died a sad death there's no nandi use because they were broken many years back I still think I have that blue wash bucket though I keep that in the trailer so that's that's good something that my horses haven't destroyed have all my washed stuff in that's also blue surprise surprise oh my blue grooming box or my blue stuff in here I'm just gonna skipping through my other blue grooming books so this navy blue one was the one that actually sprayed silver and then I sprayed it gray and there I have all of my my old boots oh I've got my hip blue I've got two blue sprays a stain remover and fly spray I believe and so I have one two three four five saddle pads here I think I had one almost for each day I definitely was the person at camp that brought the my saddle pad so they're all neutral colors as well so I was very proud of myself that I could still be matchy-matchy and wear different outfits but neutral colors my old boots my old hats this was back in the day when pineapples were kind of a thing back in 2015-2016 so I had these pineapple flip-flops but I can't believe I show these on camera because like the plastic on it is worn away and peels off my fear being in it like these look Nike but if you do go to camp it's good to have flip-flops because you don't want to get your feet wet when going to the showers here's the trailer all packed up oh my gosh here we go it's got all the blue things okay guys you haven't even seen it yet wait till we get to the back of my car I have a blue suitcase the exact same teal blue if you can tell back then that was my favorite color a lot of my friends also had a lot of teal blue kind of gear so I was so sad when I got to camp everyone else had teal blue stuff and I was like damn with all much I was like I thought it's gonna be so cool like working out being like oh yeah none of my stuff will get confused with other people because all of my stuff's blue everyone else's stuff was as well so should we go for another old vlog I felt like will go for area Pony Club showjumping now I believe this is still on my channel we start off the first thing you see I've even played the video it's like the frame that you see is my lilac shovel with poo orbits no intro nothing like people just gonna click on this video below bam poo in your face is me also this video is five and a half minutes long so I didn't know about I don't think even YouTube started doing the like 10 minute thing we have to give it is 10 minutes if not YouTube just won't want to / ate it but here we go me shoveling some poo Oh give it a little shake put it in the bucket there we go oh grooming Casper oh my gosh let's pause this okay soup Casper big conveyor being a native pony he has the thickest mane and the thickest tail and these were my golf ball plots I've never been very talented at plotting ponies Mane's but you could definitely tell when you go to a pony club competition just by looking at the horses and the riders you can be like yep that girl there she plaited her horse herself she doesn't have a question parents that was me so here are my golf ball clip plots this is before I used to thin out Casper's main he just had like the longest thickest Mane but it was always that awkward length because he'd have that bit they would rub out so I'd waited a bit that he would rub out to kind of grow bit and then I'll cut it all the same length so his Mane would never fully grow out so it was never really really long so I couldn't get away with being like oh he's a native I don't have to plat him or do you like a running back Bray doesn't he but then it wasn't short enough that looked good and putts either it was just like a dodgy medium I'm saying yep golf ball plots what else do we have here oh you can see my face guys we're improving you can see my face there's you can see little casts bees is I forgot what it was like having horses with trailer you can see so this is our third hand trailer I believe there's me having my pad lunch on the way I believe this is when we went to fail bridge I have my little penguin bar in there that no girl I I still have a few penguin bars every now and again they are very good I think they're like Tim Tams for people in New Zealand in Australia so hey we are arriving be so funny if like there's somebody like oh my gosh I was in that video like in the background that show so this is when I used to compete since I've been doing YouTube I have not competed I don't think like obviously I was doing YouTube then but this was like before I had 10,000 subscribers and I get a lot of questions why don't compete anymore but it's just something I haven't really picked back up on after doing so this was when I was 15 15 I believe soda been year 10 at school so this was the last year at school before my GCSEs which like the big exams you do when you're 16 so I basically when I went into year 11 and I stopped competing so wanted to focus on exams then after that I had a level exams they wanted to focus on them because a lot of shows I went to you'd pretty much like to take an hour to drive there you'd go there you jump you around which would like lasts a few seconds and then you'd go home and it would like be like an hour to get home you'd also have to like Platt with Pony Club make sure your horse is clean your tack is clean and having a grey it takes a long time to clean them so instead of going to competitions or shows and are you thought it would be more wise for my time to have lessons instead just enjoy riding have the fun of it while I had the stress of exams because having the stress of competition on top of the stress of exams it's just a very stressful environment and I have many stories about shows I've been to and parents shows I've been to but we'll leave that for another day here we go we're arriving at the show ground Casper's munching on his hay to be fair from a distance his plots don't look too bad they are very golf bully and his forelock plats does look a bit like a unicorn cause it's kind of sticking up a bit but that's fine okay here we go practice rounds okay music way too loud so this was the eighty centimeters part of me wanted to be a tea party wanted to do the ninety and I think retrospectively looking back a day I probably could have done the ninety but I just hadn't really done many competitions before this I was like I'll do the eighty but I was kind of bummed because the eighty was in the smaller arena rather than the big arena so I think the ninety was the first Heights where they did it in the big arena see ya there I go I was so proud I think we got clear so Casper and if you didn't know when I used to compete him it would either be a major success or a major fail when I went to show so he either went clear we went amazingly like Casper barely ever had poles it shows like he's a very careful showjumping he doesn't like to touch poles but if you do not set him up correctly he will just like back off completely or if there's a fence he just doesn't like the look of he just backs off completely and there's whatever you do it's very difficult to get him moving forward if he doesn't want to do that fence so I was very happy with him there he is having his grass a few of this plots have fallen out so I think I did have to do redo them before an extra hand so there we go oh my gosh oh my gosh so um I was a very dedicated student when I was younger if you couldn't tell here is me after horse show so I think I'd had my lunch whoever my let my mum very kindly looked after Casper took him for a walk around the show show ran kind of thing have a meet your own because Casper would get a little bit bored if he was just tired to the back of the trailer standing there even if he had hey you'd have to take him for a walk every now and again I have multiple very chaotic stories about my parents with Casper at shows and Pony Club I do believe that Casper my I've gotten loose at that show but I just didn't include in the vlog because we don't have any footage and I didn't really talk camera much but I could don't know if it's actually that show I felt like that that's another story for a story time I have so many story times about and chaotic things happening at shows so if you want to know what my handwriting looks like this is what it looks like here's my French GCSE writing I feel like if you're French and you're watching this please do not judge it I did get an A in my French GCSE so it must have paid off however I did get an a star on my Spanish oh we can see my mum holding Casper in the back oh thank you parents for taking me to shows oh you can see all the trailers oh my goodness okay so people do believe me when I say British horse shows if you do pony club or unaffiliated they are the busiest things on earth like this like this is like the overflow carpark or it's like another field full of horse boxes like you would go to a show for the whole day there would be like a hundred people in one class and if you were at the end of the class or if you're at the beginning of the class and you went round to the jump-off you had to wait like a whole hour for the jump off so that's why I got fed up with competing and didn't do it for a while also I have a younger brother and my parents had to make sure that during the weekends they spent time with him and he didn't get dragged to hoe shows every single weekend so that's another reason why I didn't do look dating I'm doing a little bit of tax shopping look at all the stuff mmm just lots of head colours and lead ropes I'm gonna mount Oh actually I'm on a mound you can see oh my gosh there's so many horse boxes of course we need to learn to turn down the music so this is the 85 centimeters oh we really chipped in their castles very honest at that first fence there's one thing we used to really struggle with Casper is the first fence like I just really need to gear them up Jim and really be like okay we're going here was oh he's so honest here so yeah we do quite a nice little round oh okay we can see SM he's getting into the editing because the jumps that I think he looks good on I slow it down okay chicken flap BAM look at me go over that oxr you were flying Bobby oh yeah my nickname for Casper sometimes they call him Bobby I don't know everybody talked about that but he did very well over that double he did get two strides in but that's fine his a pony and very short stride it there we go Oh flying over that oxr he actually looks pretty good this is making me miss competing looking at all those horse boxes makes me not miss competing but seeing this does his little is the forwards will say because it's painting club we had our white saddle pad on which again makes him look a really light shade of yellowy brown but that's fine like not completely white but there he goes over the last fence oh my gosh should we take it absolute flyer but it is very honest and went over here we are grazing again and I think I have one more round oh no that's it I remember this day very well because this shows how well my parents like competing so it's just like a pony club competition and if you're your team if they all went clear you would get through to the next round which is like regionals and no I can't remember what it was called but you'll get through to another competition which was I think it was like four hours away from us and it would have been a stay away show to this day I still have never been to a stay-away show because my parents back in the day would only take me somewhere for an hour because again I had schoolwork a younger brother you know that kind of stuff we're just understandable you know as well yeah also my parents have a job but anyway so I remember before my round going into this with 85 they said to me ask me please so I think two of my teammates went in before me they both went clear and they said to me as me just get Casper deep make him chip make him get a pole because then we won't have to go to the competition which is for our dad laughing in the background because like most pony club parents you see them at shows and they're like go faster weirdly this so competitive zone my parents like please get Paul we don't want to go to the next round in like a different County so I went around and I went clear and they were like damn we're gonna have to take her to this show that's four hours away like we could just say no if she's like qualified my mum was so happy because I let my teammates got a pole and she was the last one to go in it was the last fence she got a pole and she felt so bad because she stopped our team from qualifying but me my mum my dad we were so happy like my mum and dad both went up to my teammate my friend Baku she knocked a pole and literally congratulate because they were so happy that they didn't have to trailer the trailer all the way up four hours away so that's why I haven't competed much during my life so yeah that is the end of that vlog I feel like we've been on a bit of a roller coaster today guys we've seen some very old videos so yeah be interesting to see what videos I make is this is yeah this was four or five years ago so it'd be interesting to see what videos I'm making in like five years time Wow okay so that was a trip down memory lane for me I wonder how many people have actually watched these videos before or watch them when I had YouTube because I think it's just really my friends and family or people that kind of knew me that subscribed to me back then but yeah so thank you so much everybody for watching today's video and let me know how all the videos I reacted to which one you found the most entertaining also if you want to then be sure to watch some of my favorite videos they'll leave a link to in the description below you know if you're bored and what I have a little bin draw thank you so much again for over 400,000 subscribers still blows my mind today thanks again for watching this video if I knew I have not done so already please like and subscribe as it really does help me out and I really do appreciate it and I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 421,328
Rating: 4.9615903 out of 5
Keywords: ThankYou, Equestrian, ThisEsme
Id: atgBXsfw8xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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