Horse Rehoming Centre Day in the life at World Horse Welfare | This Esme

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like we do with all our horses in the morning so he should be a good way to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello everybody this is me and today I'm going to be a groom for the day Outworld horse welfare's blender spoon of farm i'm also here with Steph he's gonna be helping me out obviously I'm somewhere new I don't really know the horses don't know where I work for example the mucking out tools are so Steph what are we gonna be getting up to today so you're here today on our vet and sorry a day which is one of our busiest days things to do yeah we have a day list for each day great and you're on here so you're know where you have to be and when and we've got lots to do so should we get started yeah brilliant okay so the first stop we're gonna do we're gonna grab some coca-cola brilliant ready to go and check some horses out in the field to find the grass easily yes one of the others really on a lead rope suggests in here yet great so we're gonna be checking these two horses over here okay okay say this Keith hi Keith we're just gonna normal feel check with him like we do with all our horses in the morning so he should be a good boy to happen got him and so I don't think keith was quite too sure about having somebody new intruding into his field and then catching him quickie and then if you wanted me to hold him yeah and what we do is we take their rugs off okay so that we can see all of him and make sure he's real okay however Keith was such a good boy when I was taking his rug off he was definitely starting to get a little bit more used to me and when I was talking to staff we're actually talking about how I was wearing a bright blue coat which is totally different to all of the staff at Walters welfare where they usually wear navy which is a darker color so maybe that was another reason why he was a little bit not too sure about me to start with and then what we do if wanted to take your gloves off I sorry holding him we run our hands down all his legs they look muddy at Louis yeah just to check for any heat or swelling that he might have hurt himself overnight in the Theobald and we do this with all our horses every morning just to make sure they were all right as you can see this time of year in England it gets so muddy say what I was doing Keith field check my hands did get a little bit on the dirty side but it was really good to make sure that he hadn't hurt himself over the night and Keith's gonna be doing some work later as well so we checked that he's but all four of his shoes still to make sure he'll be okay to work and it was good that Keith had all his four she's still on because I was actually scheduled entities rehabilitation exercises with him in endure the afternoon delong happy' yep okay once these all checked in put it right back on again brilliant and then once I was done with Keith's field check and I'd put his rock back on it was time to go on to some more horses so next I went and caught Primrose which again took me quite a bit of time and took her a while to trust me we got there in the end [Music] hey guys so this is Primrose you might recognize her he wants back I actually did the worthless welfare scotch trail and I painted a horse and the horse elf kind of allocated was from Rosa here she is in real life sorry to meet you she's so cute guys she makes me think of making it so much with her being a Camilo and her like blue eyes and everything oh you're so sweet and then Here I am struggling with the gates a little bit I've got like all gates have their own kind of personality they all need to be opened in a slightly different way so I was just kind of getting the knack of that and Primrose was so good when I asked her to back up so I could open the gate and we were through guys we made it yeah once I caught Primrose it was then time to lead her back into the pond and give her a little bit of a wash down because today was one of these days where the sun's out for a few minutes and then suddenly it just starts pelting it down with rain so we had some really strange weather I think Primrose and I were both very glad to get out of the rain okay so we've just bought Primrose into the wash box we as you can see she's got quite muddy over here last night so we're gonna give her legs a really good wash off and her tail as well so we can see her legs make sure they were all alright okay watching yeah so here's our hose yep and I'll let you have that it was a good girl so she should be fine if you just spray it next to her first no she's not too worried she knows what's happening and then go ahead start on her foot perfect and you can see Primrose is quite used to this now she's being a mellow that she has quite sensitive skin that you have to treat yeah she definitely did especially when she first arrived she had been badly burned skin that only where she was so poorly yeah she had skin on her shoulders were sort of coming away all on her nose is really badly burned yeah Sun cream on my Camaro Mickey's nose is very very similar to that yeah as you can see yeah well yeah she had to wear fly mask the fly sheet yeah protective but yeah she's actually on her website is a project pony now that she's so much better yeah luckily Homer will have the potential to be able to back her so prices also had some phones I believe as well has she came in with a follow up foot it was named jelly bean she has been rehomed since which is pretty good she's doing really well and she was pregnant as well when she came in and yeah she had a little teddy he was actually down in the crew you can see him later yeah thing really well I was brilliant yeah he's recently been weaned actually not that long big boy now growing up yeah although it is a super cold day out today this water is lovely and warm and I think from Rose is loving having a good old wash down okay yeah not a bad job she looks much better now so what we were gonna do next is good for her a bit of a groom yeah I think must be something about Carmelo's and how they just absolutely love mud because it looks like this girl has definitely been rolling this morning and now that she's ready to be rehomed as a project pony before she's allowed to leave she has to be able to load into the trailer yeah so the next thing we're gonna practice is saluting with brillian yes okay so now I've cleaned her up a bit are we doing some loading practice now yeah we've got to go to our trailer out here I relive some tasty language is that likely enjoying the experience so all of our horses have to do this just in case the perfect me Homer comes along yeah and they can just go away Oh brilliant see what she thinks yeah then in a matter of minutes it went from winter to spring as the sun's finally decided to come out if you just walk her up and see what she thinks to stay there and have some tasty houses yeah we try and make it as nice and as fun as possible so that they love going into the trailer good girl okay we'll take her back into the barn brilliant silly Primrose so this is rocky here has actually been here at world halls well over that long and as previous place it hasn't been handled much so this is all still a little bit new for him and today he needs to go to the fire so that's good mate something that I realized when I was at Walt horse welfare is how essential these grooms are because these grooms know their horses that they're allocated so well meaning when these horses get a vet check or a farrier check that they can talk to the fire and the vets giving them crucial information so what we'll say here within the farrier and he's just doing rocky a little check over I'm just seeing house here sir so rocky is having a very busy day today because not only has he had the farrier done today but he's also got the vet coming as I look Jenny the vet here high high rocky high as me so um I believe he's had some teeth taken out recently yeah he has so poor rocky have had basically a central incisor through me they were picked up on a routine dental check yeah about a month ago and they were both infected so the surgery's gone really well and today we're going to be checking the sockets giving them a bit of a flush and checking and that it's all going as it should be great so he's just got a plug of food up there which I'm just removing very gently but these sockets are much smaller than they were last week so I'm very pleased with his progress once rocky was finished with the vet we then went down to the crew yards for our last job before lunchtime okay start doing some lunch yard duty brilliant you do this about half-past twelve every day no so we take out all the droppings sweep back all the mats so it looks nice and tidy and we'll just give him some hay lunch cool so we're in the crew this is our crew yard we've got sand crew yards on the right-hand side stroker yards on the left brilliant so we're actually in Teddy's crew yeah yeah yes he is primroses some yep neurosis baby yeah so cute so let's get to brilliant thank you problem [Music] so now I'm going to be emptying my hey nuts oh there we go I'm getting a much boy oh boy okay guys just got back to run now here with detention which is will be Tuesday afternoon volunteers here waffles well-fed but also how they open to prayer as well we are because that's the main but they not to expose all the Tuesday you have to clean out the stables brilliant so you get stuck in there next let's go [Music] [Music] we're now in the hay barn and I'm here with Joan who's been very busy so far already today you've made quite a lot of hay nets and with over 70 horses here at wild horse welfare Glenda spoon a farm that is a lot of hay that sneeze we made so it's crack on [Music] so Jane here is just weighing summer hay nets because obviously a lot of horses hair on very strict diets and somebody's lose weight so you gain weight so heavy [Music] so we're back with Keith this is actually the horse that we saw this morning that I took his red rug off gave a little check over and hey hey so he's actually recently come back to Glenda some uniform he was actually out at a loan home for quite a few years actually as a running horse but now he's come back he's getting a little bit older so he's a little bit off for a tick at the back so today we're gonna be doing some work with him with it we're gonna be lunging him going over some poles and things just all that's a rehabilitation just of helping get getting a little bit more stronger so yeah time to give a bit of a groom the groom off and yeah get him in the school [Music] so okay what we're gonna do with key now is we've got some pole set up yeah this one exercise on the right is called the Hogs back okay this exercise on the left is called the sway back you can see why by the shape and he's recently had his hopped medicator certainly we're doing lots of pole work to get him strengthened yeah so what we do you on this one just a smallish circle round over the poles sort in the lunging position okay we'll just do that one a few times and then we just change onto this left hand exercise yeah because the poles are slightly differently has to pick up his legs in a dirty up weight so if you're happy yeah I'll pass with it maybe if you start over on the right yep and over the pass [Music] [Applause] [Music] so as part of this one cab yeah he's been doing stretches as well so he I think yeah so we stand by his shoulder mm-hmm let him know we've got some treats and he's just been doing stretches try and keep his feet as still as we can he was trying to come round and low to stretch all around the side of his neck and open up his ribs on the other side as well you can tell he's been doing this recently he's pretty good oh and another one we do try and get bucks good boy it's come down to his yup that lock and it really stretches along his back so we do that on both sides and another one that he's really good at yeah we've put the treat such as he knows what's going yeah in between his front legs and he has to come right down Oh Superboy and you can really see he loves his back really lifts up and stretches so if you wanted to have a go on the other side really nothing our parks entry thank you he's like yes didn't we try and get them to hold it for a few seconds oh well as well so that's really nice and low yeah and low really stretch along his back and along his ribs this is the hand of the trees really good I think you want to try the one in between his legs Oh brilliant I saw a little bit hey well done and then we'll get his rug on and get ready to go back out to his field to his friends they're brilliant cool thank you so much for letting me be a groom today and showing me around and helping out I've had so much fun oh I think you so guys if you'd like to learn a little bit more about world horse welfare I'll leave some links in the description below if you have a day free then be sure to come and visit here as well if you have some time free they're always looking for new volunteers as well so thank you so much guys for watching today's video if you're new or have known uncertainty be sure to LIKE and subscribe it really does help me out thanks again for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: This Esme
Views: 936,206
Rating: 4.9020815 out of 5
Keywords: Horse, Rescue, Charity, Transformation, Equestrian, Pet, Pets, Animal, Animals, DayintheLife, Barn
Id: JpJDaUYNnp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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