Brother Rides My Horse for the First Time (Non-Equestrian) AD | This Esme

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[Music] is [Music] moments like this hello everybody this is me and for today's video is one that so many of you guys have requested for so long and that is to get my little brother max who actually isn't little he's 17 now and he's taller than me but anyway to get my younger brother max to ride one of the horses for the first time um so i think he's like when he was a lot smaller and a lot younger we both actually used to have riding lessons together he only did it for a few months and he was like now it's kind of boring wasn't really his thing he prefers um cars and cycling and all that kind of stuff rather than horses but anyway so i've been wanting to do this for a while he doesn't actually know we're doing this today um i thought now would be the perfect time because it's now summer he's finished with his exams and school for the years so he's not really got anything better to do today so let's go and get him [Music] no max i've literally just walked in the room what are you saying no to no no really what are you saying no to you've come here because you want to do a video with me and how do you know that there's a guy filming us okay so hear me out i was wondering okay because it's been very requested how about you learn a new skill okay i can because i know how to ride how about i share my new skill with you you want to share a skill with me yeah this is a sponsored video for skillshare isn't it yes it is so thank you skillshare for sponsoring today's video so max are you ready to get changed and get ready for riding you're not gonna make me look stupid no no no not at all come on let's get changed all right everybody welcome to the office um so while max is getting changed i thought i'd talk a little bit more about skillshare who have very kindly sponsored today's video so skillshare is an online learning community where millions of people can take the next step in their creative journey with thousands of inspiring online classes so i thought i'd show you a little bit because i get a lot of people asking me how i edit my videos and things like that and they have so many online classes that are brilliant such as they've got one for color grading here which is very important when you're editing so if i just little scroll down here they even have basic things such as how to vlog so if any of you guys want to get into youtube especially at the moment during quarantine if you'd like to learn a new skill i took a class on filmmaking on a budget and tips for achieving a cinematic look by simon cade and i really enjoyed the chapter on camera movement they have so many different things on here obviously they have different topics as well apart from photography and filming which of course i am very interested in so if you would like to learn more about skillshare i'll leave a link in the description below also the first 1000 people to click on that link will get two months free of skillshare premium and you get free trial for the first two months which is incredible so be sure to go and check that out so i think by now max should be changed so let's go and check up with him so max are you ready i am hello oh you're looking good actually i'm i'm quite happy with myself um yeah i thought you're gonna make me look stupid like in the last videos yeah no you're looking good you've got your top on you've got your breeches all your riding stuff i think you're looking pretty good so we're gonna get hasper now not quite yet before you ride you need to learn how to look after halls first so we're gonna do some mucking out all right max so i've been very generous to you today actually because i've already marked out casper's and mickey's stable so you've just got joey's stable to do today okay but you did have to leave me with the biggest stable yes but um joey's a little bit tidier compared to mickey and casper so i thought it might be a little bit easier for you to muck out as well so there are a few poos here that you need to pick up and there's maybe a little bit of wet here so i'm going to sit back and relax and basically shout at you in the instructions yeah well i'll be sitting in the corner on my phone maybe scroll through instagram for a little bit or something like that well you know you can do all the hard work i'll shout some tips and tricks to you but i didn't sign up to this yeah you'll be fine you'll be fine max go on have fun right let's go give it a little shake so okay just put this do you if you give it a shake it gets all the shavings when you know the clothes it stops because then you're wasting all the clean ones there we go there you go yeah you got it oh that'll do i'll get them in the next one bear in mind i've never done this before i just like to say that just dropping it off well you want me to get all the shavings off so as many as possible yeah that's me i i this is not what we agreed oh my gosh that's like all fresh shavings well how else am i supposed to get to the well you're supposed to do the shaking but not so violently if i shake the poo comes off yeah but you have to gently snack to it it's all right carry on carry on wait is that yeah is that cleaner or yeah so lift it to the back and then yeah do like a little yeah that's good that's something like that nice and gentle that's fine you don't have to say hi but yeah otherwise it's gonna come on max there's a new skill you're learning lots of practice you can do this all week next week if you like because save me a lot of trouble well when i'm learning a new skill you're not supposed to complain at me all the time that's a it's a lot of poo yes i i think i'm done i mean well max you're not finished yet you need to push all the shavings to the back of the stable make joey's bed so it's nice and neat and tidy for him and so it's nice and soft as well we also need to make sure that the um all of the tools are away we also need to fill up joey's bucket with some fresh water get his heiner make hay nets for the evening so you're not quite finished yet max i just want to ride us well max there's a lot more to owning a horse than just riding them so you need to know how to look after them first and put all of that energy into making sure that they're happy and healthy before you can even think about sitting on them oh my gosh look at all these poozie mistbacks oh my god how how am i supposed to see those you have to like root around for the booze okay so at the moment we have a lovely circular bail here so if you want to grab some of this is it just that easy yep it's that easy you know i feel like you might um might do a bit better at this compared to the old mocking out it's not as fiddly so you just have to you know grab the hay and put it in you're doing a great job do you want to do one as well or uh no no no no no no let me do it when you're having to go a new skill you've got a you've got to have put the practice in so i'll let you do plenty of plenty of practice you know fair enough casper's here we've also got mickey's so you might want to put a little bit more in rather than just a tiny handful if you can can you put more at a time yeah you grab like a whole chunk like this wait how about i open it up for you and you you shove it in there we go that'll be easier there we go that's a big big hefty is that what you want me to do yeah maybe try not to get the hate on me it is it's harder than it looks you know all right max so you have mucked out joey's stable you've got his hay ready for tonight what else do you think you might need as we're a tap i'm gonna guess water yep so uh here we have the hose pipe very simple just um turn on the tap and there we go you can stand there for a good five minutes five minutes yep it takes a while i'll see you later so max this is a question you should get right do you know what this is yeah it's a horse no max is not actually a horse casper is a pony because he's cornwall pony so um horses tend to be a bit bigger um 15 hands and over so anyway are you ready yeah we're gonna ride them now no no no we can't ride yet hold your horses literally okay so we need to give casper a groom i'm gonna also do test you on parts of the horse i want to know if you know any of the parts do you know what this is oh i know that's the main yes good i know that do you know what this is the front is no no no no the front bit of the machine okay so this is the four lock not the fringe the four lock okay do you know what the top of his head's called it's called the pole the pole okay and do you know what this bit is up here is i i don't know no i don't know any of these so this is the withers and then if we go back here do you know what this is as i literally know you're gonna have to say okay so this is the flank not the plank you're not doing the plank so you're okay you don't have to worry about that no this is the flank and then okay this one you should get easy what's this oh so hard it's a tail well done you got one right okay okay max here is my grooming kit thank you um i reckon because he's a little bit muddy and things i'd grab a curry comb first you're not making this stuff for you no no it's literally called a curry comb okay which one do you reckon the curry comb is have you not learned anything from my videos that one no no no that is a mane and tail brush you can use that one later curry coat it on the floor again get it back this is my personal property you've got to be respectful resilient okay the curry comb um no no no that's another main brush okay where are some no that is um a body brush okay this is a rubber curry comb okay yeah and there's other types of curry curry more yeah there's a plastic curry cone and there's a metal curry comb on your hand like that yeah you're wearing your hand it's quite cool and if you just give it a little circular motions it will lift up all the dust okay your turn i can take that off you go off to work in my hand like that it's a bit big that's good bit small for me sorry and just like that yep you got it and you just have to do that all over him all right okay so a little top tip max if you actually start from the top of the horse first or the pony in this case um if you go down it just helps flick everything away so if i give you a little swap here is a dandy brush and what you do is this um you can flick with it so you just flick all of the dust off and then like that okay and put a bit of elbow grease into it as well you know give it a real good flick you know put some energy into it there we go okay like that yeah you got it instead of doing it downwards because we're kind of doing it downwards because this coat goes this way across like that there we go yeah you got it so much fun cannot change my excitement okay get out the way you're gonna get wet you're gonna get wet you're gonna get i gave you a warning max oh sorry i'm just tired max you've barely even started how can you be tired all you've done is mucked a stable done some haynes filled up all the waters and only barely gotten started grooming casper you haven't even ridden yet come on and then and they're like really messy places just like give it a rubbing try and get rid of the stain there we go yeah you got it no my arm is on the top check me you've been you've honest nah it's gonna be a mac sandwich so you can play this game oh yeah i win okay max excuse me do you put your elbow on my elbow how am i going to stand do i stand like that no you're back to me then you look really rude yeah okay i'll put my back to you turn around okay ready there's gonna be a lot of outtakes in this are you feeling this all yeah yeah okay max okay max now casper is nicely cleaned and groomed and everything we actually need to make sure that you've got a helmet because before you get on you need to make sure that you're nice and safe so yes safety first so how about we go into my tack room and see if i've got any that will fit you okay let's go come on in okay max let's try this one purple yeah i feel like i thought it might look quite groovy on you okay let's pop it on it doesn't have a hat silicon so just look a bit that's not going on okay let's try a different one let's try a different one okay rose gold let's see how this goes nope that one doesn't fit okay okay [Music] no no no well max it looks like you might have a head just too big for horse riding no i mean it sounds like you're just going to get me to do all the chores and then i'm not going to ride casper is that is that right is that true no no no okay okay i'm going to make a few phone calls and i think i might be able to get a helmet that fits your head thanks okay max so i'm just going to measure your helmet so i'm going to make sure that's above the older eyebrows and put it on the back here okay so the results are in and looks like you have a massive head oh come on really hi farrell hey how are you okay so i have a little bit of an issue basically max has a massive head i know i know okay so i tried him in all of my helmets and they're just too small for him because i know just inhuman like how even possible to have a head that big it's huge anyway i was wondering if you'd please be able to get helmet out to us we'll do it quick as possible oh brilliant thank you so much okay see you later bye thanks cool so that should be on the way soon oh here it is okay max i've got your helmet i'm just gonna have to i don't know what i'm gonna do with your hair because we're not used to man hair so man yeah okay so that's all nice and back and he's been pushed down so it's just above your eyebrows no that can go even tighter okay how about this there we go nice and comfy tight enough so it's not gonna wobble around looking good okay max here you go do you know what this is uh it's a saddle pad yes it is well done you've been watching my videos okay you want to put it on it's because you talk about them all the time yep okay um that that's on a little bit too far back and it's also backwards so do you want to have another go yeah do you want another go maybe change it around okay good so that's forwards i assume now what you can do is i always like put it like right on his neck and because his hair or his coat kind of goes in this direction just kind of slide it back slide it back on there we go okay so that's on what's next then saddle well done yep saddle is next let's go yeah where is it got me settled okay i'm gonna come this this way this side okay i'm trying to put it on because you can just bang it on yep oh my gosh okay i'll take the girth do not drop it i'm not gonna drop it don't drop it don't drop it okay okay wait is that it's that way around isn't it is it that way around i just hit him okay yep that's the right one okay there we go okay that's a little far back do you remember to put it at the top do the slide yep like that yeah that look that looks good that's good that's good i kind of you do the slide with the saddle pad but that's fine okay well okay yeah okay that's side to side dory it's all good calm down okay so this is the girth um so if you um lift up the flap here and then put it through the saddle part it's quite complicated and then yep i always put on the smallest hole because casper likes to puff his tummy out um and then i'll just do this little subtle pad deering straps okay i'm going to get you to do the girth on the other side now i've shown you just grab it and then you lift it up or feed it through there [Music] what do you do just a few moments later do you feel like you've not got enough arms yeah a bit or else it doesn't it spit does it just go in the no do you know how to do it no no no no that one that one yeah that one because then you put the rolly bit oh yeah sorry i'm nervous are you struggling a little bit there max sorry can you it's high all right max i thought i'd do a little bit of parts of the saddle so at the front here we have the pommel the back we have the cantle um these are the stirrups stirrup leathers obviously you've known the girth you've got the d-rings um so they're just some like basic bits um so yeah now we just need to get casper's bridle and then i think you might yeah there's a bridle you've got to put it on his head of course yeah and then you might be actually able to ride then okay okay let's go all right max is it time yes now finally time for you to be able to get onto casper so before you get on um a little disclaimer that any injury that happens to you is that your own cause um don't want you to sue me even though you're my brother just thought i'd put that out there um and also with horses it's not just like getting on a bike um you've got to have a partnership with them you know you've got to respect them and they've got to respect you yep yep um so i've got casper in the lead rain today got a lead rope here so i'm going to be leading you because i don't trust you on your own you're not going to be countering off today you'll be lucky if you get a trot actually okay so the first thing you need to do is um well come and say hi to casper give him a little pattern things he seems very chilled but yeah i know he knows you already from like grooming attacking him up but just to make sure because i've just warmed him up um you guys i've just warmed casper up to make sure that um he's not too fiery but he's definitely potato casper today he's nice and chilled also a little disclaimer that also i'm not a qualified riding instructor but i have i used to work at a riding school i actually did my young equestrian leaders award so a lot of the time when i was at the riding school i was helping to lead um lots of young people who are like starting off with riding and things so that had very little experience so i'm going to try and remember how easy to do that so the first time yep come over to the mountain block here we go okay so you want to check his girth give that a little feel that's nice and tight ready nice and tight yep i know but some horses they pop their tummy out like casper does oh he's walking walking back start to move no no no it's fine we're walking forward gather up your reins here okay gather up your hands because you don't need to run off okay put your foot in the stirrup left one oh like that yep okay and then up and swing your leg over i've got him there we go don't sit on your reins oh sorry okay are you good yeah put in the stirrup okay so max you're doing well okay these are reins you need to make sure that your elbows kind of boil your waist here so it goes ear shoulder inner shoulder hip heel and then elbow and his little mouthy okay so because casper is written in a bit you've got to be quite sensitive with your hands so don't like yank him in the mouth or anything like that um we've got your little pinky fingers here so your little pinky goes underneath and then your thumb actually goes on top of the reins like that so you're pretty close can you do that with both fingers brilliant yep that's good okay so you don't want your hands to be too high but you don't want them too low so what you might what might happen is especially when we're trotting is you don't want to basically with your balance it's going to all be in your core muscles okay okay don't rely on your balance on your hands because that will be uncomfortable for casper and also try and balance using your legs as well so what you want is you've beautifully got your um boots here on the ball of your foot okay so you know like there's your toes and then this kind of bit here on your foot so that's nice and good yeah and try and keep your heels down so that's very good um we're going to have to do the best we can because you're a little bit too big for his saddle so you're just you're just about on it you're fine um because i well i could make your stirrups longer but i feel like it you'll be more balanced if they're a little bit shorter um luckily your knees aren't going over the knee roll now so that's good um weight wise obviously we've checked so you're a good weight for casper so you're not too heavy for him but your legs are a little bit on the long side but that's fine what can you do um so to ask casper to walk on um you can use your voice and the main thing you do is squeeze your legs so both you're like squeeze there okay so casper's a little bit of a lazy boy today so you might need to squeeze a little bit more than usual so if you say casper walk on open squeeze big squeeze come on good boy okay we're off okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to be here but i want you to do all the steering and all the stopping and everything so if you'd like to ask casper to go forwards to halt so we do is just pedal slightly on the reins sit up tall and hold he wants to stop anyway yeah he does he's like i've had enough of this already so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to be here kind of as a safety net i want you to do everything yourself but i'm here in needsby if for example you ask him to slow down and he doesn't i can ask him here um but i'm not gonna put any pressure on the rope here it's nice and loose here um so you're gonna be basically doing all the controlling with him i'm just gonna be here so would you like to say um ford's to walk castle so we'll come good boy there we go we'll go for a little walk around shall we so with horses you know you've got that sort of rhythm going on there you can feel the one two three four walk is a four beat pace so you can feel the one two three four so um with your sort of body kind of move with the walk rather than sitting kind of rigid it's like a nice sort of flowing movement yeah go with the go with the flow so how's it feeling up there it's quite high up yeah no you're doing very well okay do you want to ask um casper to um halt in a little bit and go down so i find when i want casper to go faster i use kind of exciting noises and then when i want him to go slower i kind of go because it's sort of like going down um a pitch and also that's like for a downwards transition so you say walk on again walk on come on good boy there we go well done casper you're doing so well you're doing all right as well max but casper's doing being such a good point would you like to go for a little trot maybe um yeah go on okay so you want to gather up your reins a little bit make them a little bit shorter to make sure that um if you do want him to slow down that you're ready okay and then we're gonna do try and do sitting trot first until you get the beat of the one two one two one two and then when i feel like you're ready we can maybe try a little bit rising okay okay so okay we'll go around this corner and then we'll get going maybe down like the long side we'll do a little bit of trout there we go yep hold on to the saddle saddle okay yeah just stay nice and balanced yay come on casper yep oh no okay okay max we'll go for one more little trot we've done a lot of walking in today's session as well so uh probably won't probably edit out a lot of the walking because it's a little bit boring isn't it you know you want to go fast you want to have the chop but obviously we don't want to push you too much for your first time ever on casper um come on can you remember when you last rode was it you had a little nicky about four or five years ago so it was quite a while ago and you were a lot smaller then weren't you and mickey was still being ridden so it was a very long time ago um so we'll have one more little trot but it's not it's not as easy as it looks is it you know you've got to find that rhythm and that violence and use your core muscles so if you sit up tall shoulders back um let's go how are you feeling up there max i'm getting getting better at it cool good boy cass how's that it actually does take a lot of effort yes and your legs good boy i kind of think of it as it's supposed to look like you're doing nothing we're actually working really really hard yeah but like a swan how they're swimming along on top of a pond but underneath their little legs are puddling away exactly but they look so graceful and that's why people always say oh with riding you just sit there and do nothing but actually using all your core muscles like doing the plank and holding that position it's really hard work so well done boys good boy okay max how was that yeah it was i feels quite fun actually it's a lot more work than i thought it was you have to sit back balance legs as well so anyway guys i really hope you enjoyed today's video seeing max riding casper the first for the first time also be nice in the comments you know something that really makes me upset is that some people in the equestrian community when they see somebody new riding for the very first time they give them all these critiques and things and obviously max isn't gonna get on and be like a five-star rider so nobody gets on first time and is amazing and something i really wish that the equestrian community could be is more accepting and sort of um just being a lot more nice to people who are maybe starting horse riding for the first time and obviously it's good to have tips and tricks and things but just please be nice about it like it's so sad on social media when i see people learning for the first time or new to riding and i just wish the question community would be more nice because not everybody starts riding horses at the age of five like i know people who started riding in their 30s and now been riding for loads of years and loving it so um yeah that's my little little chat for today anyway guys thank you so much for watching today's video if you're new or have not done so already please like and subscribe it really does help me out and i really do appreciate it also thank you so much to skillshare again for sponsoring today's video i'll leave a link in the description below if you'd like to check that out and i'll see you all next time bye good boy a bit knackered actually i mean i can i can ride 80 miles on a bike but five minutes on this yeah harder work than you think no it's just i think it's just different muscles yep yeah you tell yourself that but actually it's pretty hard work hey good boy let's get you some treats i think so good [Music] you
Channel: This Esme
Views: 1,214,178
Rating: 4.9316239 out of 5
Keywords: Brother, Horse, First Time, Equestrian, Pets, Animals
Id: qKVoh8h3DzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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