Create EPIC Instagram Posts In Davinci Resolve 17 Tutorial

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what is up i'm marcel and welcome back to modern filmmaker in this davinci resolve tutorial we're going over how to make custom instagram posts in davinci resolve 17. now with a few techniques you can really make your videos pop off the stream [Music] so making instagram posts like this is actually a lot easier than it looks once you know the steps to the technique it actually becomes really simple to do this with any video so the first step usually for me is making a new timeline so from the edit tab if you go to your media pool open your media pool and right click inside the media pool and go to timelines and then create new timeline we can make a portrait custom instagram portrait style timeline and i'm just going to name that to portrait insta and then come down to use project settings and unclick that even though i have this project set up for the instagram settings that i like i could do the same thing with any project settings and if i come over to format then i can change the resolution to wherever i want it to be no matter whether my project is in 4k or 8k or hd whatever it may be so here you can already see that i've got my resolution set to custom and then i'm using the 1080 by 1350 uh instagram resolution there's three resolutions for instagram i'll get that in the next video i typically always use the portrait style i love how it takes up a big portion of real estate on people's screens when they swipe past it so moving on i'm going to leave this at 23.9 frames a second and then click create so from here you'll just want to pick your video and the portion of your video that you want to make your instagram post i'm going to choose this video that we directed not long ago and i'm just going to pick a section like this chorus here this bridge boom i'm going to hit i to make an end point there and then i'm just going to come to we're at 244 i'm going to come down to 3 44 to make this like a solid minute and i'll just cut it there right before that drummer comes in i'll hit o to cut that and then i'll bring this into our timeline so this is our instagram post so far and it's nothing too exciting but this is where things start to spice up and this is where i'm gonna pick two frames to make our top and our bottom uh and so if i go through i'm just gonna pick two frames from the video that we have already and by using two still frames from this portion of the video it's like we're promoting the song but we're also promoting like this portion of the song there's all kinds of continuity goodness in there that people will notice as they're watching it's almost like easter eggs at the top and bottom for what you're about to see in the video which is really cool so i'm going to hold alt and click on the video portion which will kind of separate this from the audio and then hold alt again and drag this up to copy this portion and then i'm going to scrub through here and kind of find the still that i want of matt maher this artist with the gray hair let's see here this could be cool right there and i will drag the beginning to that point right click and change speed and go to freeze frame and change you could also probably do this from this menu here no there's no change speed option on the side so yes right click change clip speed freeze frame and then i can make this however long i want which i want the entire portion of this post and then i can drag this down if i come over to the inspector the transform and the position i'll drag this down to about right because i want his head popping out of the frame eventually so i think i'll probably put it around right here it looks funny because there's two of them now and from here we're going to cut this guy out of this frame and kind of make the bottom of this frame first so we'll come over to the color tab and then kind of just collapse some of this so we can focus collapse this clip here so we can focus on cutting him out from this background and i'm going to use kind of an odd technique here but it should work out pretty well and so from here if i hit alt s just to make a new node and then right click in this clear space and add alpha output i can connect this blue dot i can connect this blue square to our alpha output and now this will kind of control our mask and what is in the frame and what is out of the frame and so if we come to our mask option our power windows and then come down to our custom power window now we can start making a mask around the artist i'm just going to start right here on his shoulder because i don't think i'm going to come below here i'm pretty much going to cut him out and then come across and then make a background with him as well you'll see what i mean so i'm going to go ahead and cut him out here i'm going to try to do this kind of quick so it may not be super perfect but and again i've talked about this in other videos if you hate to mask get over it masking is super important and the more you do it the faster you get and the less annoying it is so keep that in mind and try to you know enjoy the process [Music] yeah i probably won't come this far down to be honest [Music] yeah i won't so i'm gonna come out i'm back in boom kind of crazy kind of crazy kind of crazy we see it's already working here we need to soften our mask a bit it's gonna go to that soft bring this up just a little and maybe even go inside uh but i don't want to get any aliasing and i feel like that's what's gonna happen stick with our normal mask here and yes that's nice and then what i'm going to do i'm going to hold alt and highlight both of these videos scoot these up one frame and i'm gonna throw this video underneath the original one and then i'm gonna have to come to this one in the color tab select this one here and then reset this whole situation that way we still have our background but we get his head popping to the frame as well is it a perfect mask no it's not a perfect mask but i'm just trying to make this informative and fast at the same time and next i made this move and we kind of made his head kind of slowly come more and more outside of the frame which is why we made this in two different sections because we could have just made a line here cropped around his head and made a line out but we did this in two layers one in front and one underneath so we could do a little dynamic zoom and it wouldn't affect or seem weird so if we go to the top layer and click the dynamic zoom and then swap and then go to this bottom one click the dynamic zoom and then swap you'll see as we scrub through now it pops more and more outside of the frame which is nice really nice gosh that's so sweet i love that and then if we pick our frame of john for the top portion i want to take this middle section which this was our like kind of master video here that that's still playing through in the very middle of the frame i'll go ahead and hit alt and click this and then hit alt again hold and drag this up and then i'll scoot this position wise i'll scoot this at the top and you know what i'm going to do i'm actually going to slide this behind everything like underneath everything and so i'm going to move this to the side hold alt and select all these videos scoot them up and then grab this and throw this underneath there we go and i'm gonna find our frame of john that i like it's right there boom and i'll go to change clip speed freeze frame boom and drag this all the way to the end and now we have john up top and i did the same thing but backwards i did a dynamic zoom backwards on him so he's like coming backwards as matt mars going forwards but it's not that quick i didn't want it to be that dramatic so i'm just going to come here and make this a much slighter zoom yeah because i want this one on the bottom to be a lot more noticeable this one on the top i almost want you to not notice it until you're like has that been changing or until it like restarts and you see it jump back to its first position in instagram it's little tricks like that like using the frame to your advantage using the way that instagram plays things it loops things so keep that in mind because that in itself could be a really cool trick in how to handle things so a few more things we're going to do is make these top and bottom black and white like i did in the end result there so if i go to the color tab and let's go to our i'll go to our masked out frame and i'll go to this node before that's why we left this node before empty and then come over here to our rgb mixer and just click monochrome and then from here to make it a little bit more contrasty and pop a little more i'm going to dial up the mid-tone detail in the primaries wheels and then even go over to our blur and click the blur go to sharpen um tone this down to probably the 20 section and then in the radius come down to 40 47 looks good boom that looks nice and then we can come over here to our other uh to our background of the same shot if we click in on the mouse wheel this will copy the grade but it'll also copy the mask we'll have to come to the mask and just delete that and then if you come over to our frame of john the other artist at the top we can do the same thing and or right click and here's another way to do this you can append grade which will add another node with whatever node was in this other grade and now we have the same situation of john here up top looking really good maybe i'll turn down the sharpening a little bit on john to 40 9 come down the scaling to maybe 18 to make it a little bit slighter of a sharpening kind of 48. that looks good and then we can add their names and we can do this in a pretty cool fashion here if we take these two first top layers hold alt grab these two top layers and we'll need to drag them up one and two we'll probably drag them up some more we actually need more space but that's totally fine and then we can throw in a text layer we can even throw in i mean let's just go ahead and make the styling here so we'll put the names at the top john redick and we'll have to move it up because right now it's behind this video layer and i'm doing that for a reason so pay attention here so if we slide this up we have john redick we can put him over here choose some kind of text styling let's go up to classic gotham scale this down this in oh yeah go to layout and move this back down scoot it over you can make this a little smaller probably yeah that looks cool and then hold alt and drag this up and then we can change the text on this one to our other artist memoir slide this over and we can drag these out to make sure they stay the entire portion of the video and then one thing i didn't do in my instagram post that is something really sick you can do when you're always thinking video instagram posts because it's like you're using a lot of this frame as like still 2d picture space but that doesn't mean you have to just just like we took the our still frames and we did the dynamic zoom so they're slowly moving you know even though they seem like pictures to the viewer they're actually moving pictures which it just adds a little bit of spice and pizazz and so you can do the same thing here with these text just by transitioning them in so if i come over here to the video transitions i can come up to the let's do a slide in and we can put the slide at the beginning of this and then come over here to our preferences and go to from bottom up in and then we'll ease out and let's try this again here pretty good and we can stagger these animations so john's will come in and then mass could come in now we can hold alt and click this transition and just drag it up so that way we have the same easing the same length and then i just want to change the direction of this one from right to left so it comes in different than john's name does that's pretty cool we could speed that up a little bit too that's pretty sick yeah i like that and we could make room for the name of the song in the middle like i had in my instagram post if we slide these names over slightly and then of course we'll need one more video layer so we're gonna have to grab these two with hold alt grab these two that way we don't grab this audio and move it around to different tracks make one more track here throw a text in and the name of the song i'd turn it around go back to i think we're using book maybe pull this up oh that's kind of cool way bigger than i had it before it's not a bad idea that's not a bad idea i'm actually kind of into that we could move this like right above the names and it could just fade in i don't have to do anything fancy let's see these two slide in yeah it's not insane but you know it's pretty dope it's pretty dope uh and then i also did one other thing which is i threw in my company logo at the very bottom if i just go to composite mode screen and then throw this down here boom that's how it's done right there and as far as exporting i'll just go to the end and click o to make our out point go to the beginning hit i to make our endpoint and then come to delivery and i'll name this to john reddick insta and then as far as uh bitrate now that's that's really what matters i found that 2500 kbs in davinci resolve gives me the best bit rate which is super important i plan on going over all this in a different video but this is just super important especially when you're trying to have text on the screen that you want to be sharp because if your video is not sharp on instagram then your text won't be sharp either so i found that for my portrait post this resolution and bitrate works great the resolution of 1080 1350 my frame rate anything between 23 to 30. like i said you can use 60 but i'll just cut those frames down to 30. it won't screw up your video but it will not give you that high frame rate look and then as far as quality restricted to 2500 kbs and then from here make sure our audio is on and good to go and click add to render queue render and then from there you know you throw it on your phone throw it up on instagram and of course i hope you guys got something from this video i hope you really enjoy it and if you did make sure to go down there and click that like button it really helped me out if you didn't like the video maybe click the like button anyway and if you have any comments questions or concerns leave them in the comment section down below leave your instagram handles down below so we can see who's got the dopest frames on their instagram we can all kind of swap likes and shares and follows and all that stuff and of course feel free to subscribe if you like videos on davinci resolve and videography in general and my name is marcel and has been the modern filmmaker see y'all next time peace [Music]
Channel: The Modern Filmmaker
Views: 3,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve instagram, Create EPIC Instagram Posts In Davinci Resolve 17 Tutorial, export video for instagram davinci resolve, create instagram video davinci resolve, instagram video setting davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 instagram export, davinci resolve instagram video, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve instagram story, davinci resolve 17 effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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