Create AMAZING Instagram POSTS In Davinci Resolve

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what is that I'm Marcel and welcome back to the modern filmmaker so in this video we're talking about Instagram now you can use DaVinci Resolve to give your Instagram its own unique customized look to draw more followers fans and clients [Music] [Applause] so whether you love Instagram or hate Instagram one thing is pretty undisputed it and that's the fact that a ton of people are on Instagram if you think about TV commercials work so well because people are already sitting there they're already tuned in they're already waiting for content so if you can just slide your ad in there then a ton of people will see it and social media can be used the same way for content creators if somewhere people are already checking in on multiple times a day on their phone they're already looking and waiting for new content so if you can kind of work the system and get your stuff in front of them then a ton of people will see your content and be able to give you a response or you can connect with other Creators or whatever it may be one thing that's always been important to me is the presentation of my Instagram I want people to kind of come to my feed and before they even enter any post I wanted to kind of see my visual style I wanted to see like a clean aesthetic almost like an art gallery like they're walking out of the social media platform and kind of in my room where I have the walls painted a certain way and posters up and they can kind of feel my aesthetic and my creative abilities before they even look at new my videos or pictures and you'll see a lot of content creators do this and a lot of really dope ways a lot of people just choose like a color palette and so you'll see throughout their whole gallery there's kind of a certain color scheme going on that makes everything very unified and look very clean some content creators will do this kind of framing thing that I do where I put all my posts within a frame that's white so it kind of plays off the white background that Instagram or he has giving this very unified kind of sleek look throughout my entire gallery so let's go ahead and hop in DaVinci Resolve 16 and I'll show you some really cool and simple ways that you can create your own look for your Instagram so we got a project open called insta be do and typically if I'm in a certain project making a video you know export that for the client and then I'll take that video and I'll import it into this project where I already have the resolution set for Instagram and some of the design elements that I'll use to make these frames so when it comes to resolutions on Instagram there's only a few things to remember and that's that you have your wide post you have your square post and then you have your portrait tall post and then you even have your kind of extra tall story portraits or Instagram TV portrait resolution some pretty random resolutions but I guess that's what works best with instagrams algorithm and you know how it streams videos depending on what connection that we're working with so from there I'll come in to the file and the project settings now you can see that I already have mine set up for this tall 1080 by 1350 and I typically always choose the 1080 wide by a 1350 high post unless I need to send somebody something for their Instagram stories or Instagram TV I always do the regular tall portrait post now the reason I choose that instead of a square post or a landscape is because it takes up more of their screen if I cancel out of this and you guys see here if somebody Scrolls past this this is going to take up the majority of their screen it's almost like a little pro tip little hack here so when you're scrolling through Instagram a taller post is going to take up more of your screen therefore they'll be less distracted by the post that came before it or the post that comes after it and they'll kind of be stuck with your post for the whole kind of stroke of the screen to deal with whether they want to watch it or just scroll past it it's kind of a little selfish little trick there that you can kind of throw in and not only does that work really well but if you have all this real estate you might as well use it I mean we're content creators so take that extra real estate and kind of show people how creative you can be so first let's jump back over here into the project settings so we can go over this resolution and frame rate I've got mine set to 1080 wide by 1350 tall and then for playback framerate i just got such 29.97 because i do not believe that instagram plays back 24 frames a second or 50 frames a second you can upload those frame rates but they will just reconvert the file to a twenty nine point nine or 30 frames a second to my knowledge and then from there you can either choose to save this as a preset you can see that I have an insta story's preset already saved with the 1080 by 1920 because one of my clients loves to have their videos put up in the YouTube TV resolution or the Instagram TV resolution because they're kind of long videos but once I have that sale just press cancel and go back and then we can drag in some media and so I'm going to go to compass here and let's go to this house and I will choose what's this beautiful bathroom piece here hit I and then we can move forward and oh and I'll just drag in just the video portion of this and I'll scoot this up a little ways and then we'll need a background you can see that it's already got our resolution kind customized here and ready for our background to come in so I'll go over here to effects library and then generator solid color and just drag this in widen this out and then in the inspector I can choose white now like I said earlier I always choose white because instagrams default layout is why so by giving your images or videos a white background then you won't get when people look at your gallery you won't get those white lines that separate each image making it look a lot more like it was one kind of planned and thought out creation so here with this set to white I'll change this resolution and kind of zoom this out a little bit that way because if it's all the way out here then we're still gonna get these white lines and it's kind of gonna look like typical Instagram but just by shrieking this a little bit and giving yourself a little bit more width on the outside if you can imagine you have one post just like this right next to it then you're gonna have more of a gap kind of giving it the illusion that you're doing something different than everybody else is doing on Instagram even with just a slightly thicker gap people will notice that because they're so used to seeing those thin little gaps in between each post so with this setup here I'll drag in the logo and just drag this right on top here and I'll stretch this out and we'll shrink this down to go right where we had it before which was down here I'll go to the position and just scoot this right in right here and then what I did if you look back here I've also got their little compass little logo right here up top and that can be done really easily I'm going to slide this down and I will hold alt and copy this logo and then I'm gonna scoot it up to the top and then I will scoot it over to the right and from here I can go to the crop and the crop is like a really quick way to like make a mask now of course you can only make a square mask because you can't diagonal any of these cropping options but you can't soften it which could be kind of helpful depending on your situation but from here I'm just gonna hit the crop left and I'll scoot this over until the C's gone and then crop right I'll scoot this over and tell the rest of compass is gone and I can come up here to the zoom I can make it a little bigger and here we've got kind of the bottom hanging over so I'm gonna crop the bottom a little bit to you and that way I can make this a little bigger and then move this over to the right boom and of course you could jump into fusion and mask that if you were working with a a logo or something that was a little more complicated and this is kind of a really simple situation but that is how I did that and then to make some design elements one thing I would do is just draw dragged in another solid throw this on top and I can keep it as black and then I'll crop this to make a line at the top and the bottom so I'll crop about there maybe scoot back a little bit and then I'll crop the bottom about here and then I'll scoot this over here boom and then what I can do is either copy that or just make a whole new one if you guys want to see that process again drag in the solid color then go to crop and I'll just crop the bottom like this kind of looking for the middle of that compass logo trying to make sure it's level and then I can crop the right side and there we have a beautiful Instagram frame that your clients will be like oh my gosh thank you for this and it's really cool I mean you have no idea when you send your client the regular finished video but then you also send them like an Instagram formatted video that gives their gallery a cool certain look I mean clients love that they love that so much and it just proves that you're thinking about them and not only that you're thinking about them but they hired the right creative that's really gonna think outside the box and of course it'll it'll pull in more eyes and more followers so that's really really cool and of course I can also come over and let's make another one let's make one a little more complicated though so I'm gonna drag in let's say this deadlift guy here where this guy is doing this huge deadlift it's in slow-mo Nakul uh he's like The Incredible Hulk here boom god that was a beautiful shot I mean come on guys for one take that's kind of tight I mean can't we all right sorry I'll move on so I'm gonna go ahead and drag in a solid color down here about it being about a boom and change us to white and I will shrink this video on top beautiful now I'm gonna right click and import their look I don't even have their logo right here yeah so I'm gonna go find their logo real fast projects ruck and ruck nutrition here we are boom and I can drag in this logo as well and let's say put this here on the bottom yeah that's nice and then hold alt and copy this and I'm gonna reset the zoom and reset the position and I'm gonna go down to the crop and I'm gonna crop the top of the logo out just so it says ruck nutrition and then I'm going to move the position up like this and zoom this out leveling it out with kind of a width of the video maybe crop the bottom a little bit yeah sick and then I can hold alt drag this up and move this up and then take the opacity down a little bit and then do this again hold alt and drag this up and change the opacity again and boom there we have a whole nother frame which is really sick I mean it's just it's so fast and so simple to make anything like this it really kind of takes our job to the next so another thing we can do that's really really cool is let's go back to this compass video because keep in mind that what you're seeing here and once you're uploading an Instagram is a video now the background looks like text but it is a video so you could come to let's say the solid color here on the right and the video could start with these lines coming across so let's play this and go forward a few frames and then boom we'll create a keyframe and the crop left and then go back at the beginning and I will crop this all the way and then we can simply come down here to the splines and select this and ease it a little bit so we get it a little smoother motion there and now yeah that's really cool and we can do the same thing let's do the same thing with the top one but offset it a little bit so I'm gonna scoot this back and then from here I'll make a keyframe and the crop right for this top line here and then I'll come back almost at the beginning and I will scoot that crop right all the way across and then we'll do the same thing and edit this keyframe here a little easing stretch this out and we should have something pretty cool yeah that is sick and of course you can also come down here if I just get rid of all this stuff here it also come down here to the compass and let's say you know it would be really cool okay what you can do huh this is sick so I'm gonna need to make all this smaller and we are going to move around this video I'm gonna put all the design elements underneath the video and then scoot the video back on top probably should have done this to begin with but you know what you do what you can and then from here I'm going to take this compass and move forward a few frames and I'm gonna drag this underneath the video keyframe that keyframe is at the beginning again and then go back to this last keyframe that we made and I'll move this back down and then of course we can go in and add that easing that we added to the other keyframes boom that's pretty freakin cool that's just such a sick little thing to do and it makes all the difference just kind of having those things come on the screen because it also kind of draws the attention there it's like oh this is a compass video in case you didn't notice and of course you can do the same thing with the logo at the top if I move forward and make a keyframe at the position and then come back close to the beginning I can scoot this down under the video and voila very cool very slick now I think you guys are getting where I'm going with this the possibilities become kind of endless because you have this whole frame and you can just make a completely animated frame that's constantly moving as well as kind of make your whole gallery look a certain way what somebody actually goes into the video they're like oh my god this whole frames moving it's like I'm in a whole different universe where at Instagram go and then one more thing we can do is if I just want to save this frame just the frame I don't need the animations I just want this picture for future use I can drag in and make it the background for future Instagram posts I can simply go into the color tab and let's do this first in the Edit tab let's go ahead and mute the video so it's just the frame and then jump into the color tab right click grab still and then you can right click on the still and then export that still something's gonna export this to the desktop as a JPEG as compass frame or compass insta frame boom and now on my desktop I got the frame right here so I can import it back in any project I need and kind of take it from there anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope you guys learned something and please comment down below your Instagram so we can all check out each other's Instagram galleries and kind of gain some inspiration from each other so I definitely wanna see what you guys are doing what you guys do it this kind of thing how far you guys can take it and if you guys like this video definitely do me a huge favor and click that like button and if you didn't like the video definitely do me a huge favor and click that like button and as always definitely make sure you're subscribed and guys I'm Marcel and there's been a modern filmmaker and I'll see y'all next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Modern Filmmaker
Views: 30,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve instagram, Create AMAZING Instagram POSTS In Davinci Resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 16 instagram tutorial, instagram resolution 2019, how to make instagram video, instagram davinci resolve, resolve 16, davinci resolve editing tutorial, davinci resolve 15, blackmagic design, the modern filmmaker, davinci resolve instagram tutorial, davinci resolve 16 guide, davinci resolve guide, peter mckinnon
Id: 341AYG7dUTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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