Brand New Magic Mask in Davinci Resolve 17!

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so davinci resolve 17 has finally been released and with it comes a whole host of new effects techniques and tools for you to be using today's video we're going to be talking about arguably one of the most powerful tools within davinci resolve and that's going to be the magic mask so we're going to be going over what it is how to use it why you should use it and also some cool little techniques you can do with it so without further ado let's get started so what is the magic mask feature than davinci resolve 17. essentially it's a powerful new masking feature found within the color page of davinci resolve and enables you to use the venture resolve's new neural engine to isolate either the full body of a person which has selected individual elements of a person so i'll show you exactly what i'm talking about and how it can be used so if we navigate to the color page here you can see that we have several new tabs but the type we're going to be focusing on is this tab here which is the magic mask feature so if we click onto that you can see we have this whole new tab here with all of these new parameters so as i said before so the main use of the magic mask is to isolate and mask out either a whole individual or parts of an individual so as you can see we have a little qualifier tools here we can add a stroke take away a stroke we can invert the selection and we can show our mask so by default we're going to click onto show mask overlay and now if i just draw a little stroke over a person you can see that it's automatically very very quickly isolated our individual and this is extremely powerful absolutely powerful as you can see at the moment it's not actually perfect and that's actually because down here there's a quality slider and will run faster instead of better now faster will select and highlight an individual much quicker but it may not be as accurate better will isolate the subject as you can see with a much more refined mask but it will take longer to apply some of the changes and also tracking may take a little bit longer also you can also see that we have different modes here so for example if we click mode you can see it says shrink grow open and close it and this essentially enables you to adjust the parameters down here so if for example we go to shrink and i increase the radius should be able to see the effect it has on the mask if i go to zero and again if i shrink the radius you can see the mask is tapered in now this is extremely powerful extremely powerful all of these parameters and controls here for example blow radius your mac controls for clean black and clean white all of these controls and parameters can be adjusted before you track the image but could also be adjusted after the fact which is super super powerful extremely powerful so what i'm gonna do is i think this seems to be pretty good we also have a smart refine so if you want davinci resolve to do the whole thing by itself and use this intuition you can just adjust the slider and see how it affects the mask not bad okay so how do you track this essentially how you track it is quite similar to how you track things before you have this window here and if you click this button here it will track forward if you click this icon here we'll track backwards so what i'm going to do is i'm going to track forwards and i'll get back to you as you can see we're actually tracking the raw time and you can see a little blue line here and it shows you the progress of your track and where the track is working extremely useful extremely powerful very very very powerful and it's fairly quick it's actually remarkably quick and you can see the mask is staying in place okay so for now we're going to leave it here if we go back now for example if we were to adjust some of our parameters so say for example we make this whole mask blue i'm going to toggle my overlay off so i can see it better and you can see we now made our complete person blue which is absolutely insane now you might be thinking okay that's extreme why would you want to use this you can use this for several things the first and most obvious way to use this is of course for refined editing and grading so say for example if we wanted to make her pop a bit more we could increase the gamma we can make a slightly brighter we can change the contrast we can increase the saturation but if you wanted more refined tools you can see that it not only says person but it says features so let me talk on my mask overlay by the way there's two ways to see the mask overlay you can either click this mask overlay tool here or if i click off i can go to the highlight tool here and it's kind of like your qualifier you can see the little marks that way but i personally like using the new toggle mask overlays i'm going to do that so as i was saying you can not only mask out a complete person but also features so if i right click and delete this stroke go back to the beginning you can see here we have a features panel so if we click onto this we can see we have a drop down here and you have all of these little parameters that you can adjust and say for example face if i now click onto her face and i draw a little stroke you can see it's masked out her face and it's done an extremely powerful job now technically you have always been able to do this in a feature before with power windows and tracking say for example if i go to the power window tab here and i get like a circular mask i can then go to the tracking menu and then track forwards then i can pause it then for example if i want to adjust my parameters i can but as you can see we have like a huge circle here of course we can go back and we can like change the softness and stuff but it's not necessarily as accurate can be fast but now with the new magic mask all i need to do is go to features so my mask overlay on go to face draw lower line bang now track forwards and as you can see just as fast we're literally tracking and isolating just the face and by the way i've got the quality and faster i'm not better at the moment so now if i go to the offset and i change for example the face to like blue so muscularly off we can see we've now isolated just that specific feature and is tracked so if we wanted to give you more real use scenario adjust for example the colors of the face we could brighten up a little bit we can color correct it a bit you can see that we're doing that and it's extremely fast and helpful it's honestly very very powerful i can't stress this enough okay so not only can you mask out the face you can also isolate for example the clothes so if i go down to features i change this i go to clothing top let me put the mask overlay back on you can see if i draw another stroke over the close we've masked the clothes which is insane now the big problem is if i change the mask over later off and i change for example the color you can see it's affecting both the face and the clothes which is not what we want so essentially if you want to isolate different parts of an image what you would do and what i'd recommend you to do is press alt s to create a new node and then just draw a new mask over the area that you want so i'm going to go back to magic mask i'm going to go to features clothing changes to top draw a line bang mask overlay change it to better it's going to take slightly longer but it'll look better going to refine the mask smart refine i'm going to grow i'm going to increase the radius okay for now this will be fine now i'm going to press this button here to track forwards you can see we're tracking the mask it's taking slightly longer since we're using a better quality sort of faster okay that's good enough now i toggle the mask overlay off you can see if i adjust the parameters of the top we've isolated just the top and this is so powerful this is so so powerful now if i toggle both of the effects on and off you can see just how much we've done in such a short amount of time we've isolated just the top isolated just the face and we've color corrected the face increased the saturation brightness of the face and also isolated the top now as you can see this is extremely powerful you can do some really really creative things with this this is not the only thing you can do this this is actually the least creative thing you can do this but the most obvious another thing that i found you can do is actually effects like this as you can see here we actually have our person and we have a smoke effect underneath them and you can see it's literally on their feet and it's right behind them this is extremely powerful this is another creative way that i found you can use this and i'm going to show you exactly how you can do this you can not only do this with for example video effects you can do this with text you can make text go behind somebody you can do shapes logos animations you name it videos this is very powerful and it's using the magic mask featuring davinci resolve i'm just going to show you really quickly how i've done this and how you can do it too okay so as you can see we've dragged our video here so the first thing you're going to need to do is duplicate the video so i'm going to hold down alt and just drag up to duplicate the video next we're going to go to the color page i'm going to navigate to the magic mask tab which is here and i'm going to enable the toggle overlay on next i'm just going to draw a tiny stroke over our character and you can see it's already masked them out however it's not really done a great job so i'm going to change the quality from faster to better and see if that improves it now this is actually quite a complex scene there isn't much contrast between our subject and the background but you can see it's actually done a very good job right off the bat again we could refine this mask by using smart refine dragging it back a bit we could use the modes we could adjust the radius of consistency the blur but for this tutorial i'm going to leave it short and we're just going to keep it like this so once we've selected our person we've isolated them next thing you're going to need to do is track them so i'm just going to track forward ever so slightly and i'll get back to you when it's done it's actually fascinating to watch this you can see it masking our individual a gate in the background this is it's some pretty pretty powerful stuff okay you can see it's finished it's given a little tick there to show that it's successfully tracked and marked from the beginning the clip to the end now what we're going to do is we're going to need to make this an alpha so within your nodes panel here right click and add alpha output then you're going to see a little blue square here drag the blue square from your node to the alpha output and we now have successfully masked our image if i use the highlight tool to see turn off mask overlay you can see that we actually have just our person masked out now if i go back to the edit page now this is exactly what we want if i disable the bottom layer you can see that we have our person at the top and at the bottom layer we have our clean plate if you will so essentially how this works is you place a text a video an animation you name it in between this layer and it will essentially appear behind them so so i've dragged in some smoke effects and i'm just going to press play gonna be quite laggy but as you can see straight away it's literally behind him and this is extremely impressive i'm gonna show you the rendered version just so playback is much faster and just like that we have the effect and again you don't need to do this for just videos you can do this for text as well davinci resolve has a whole bunch of new innovative text finally you want to see all of the text look like i have a video link in the description i'm just going to grab a just a normal text so as you can see we have our text here i'm going to type in memes increase the size and just like that you can see it's behind our subject here you can see we have another example we have pepe right here and you can see we have another example with pepe right here and you can see our person you know staring into the distance staring at pepe so again you have extremely creative options that you can do this it's the possibilities are truly endless and i'm extremely happy with the reach result right now this is the largest update yet anyway guys if you like this video please share subscribe comment like if you found this tutorial useful then let me know in the comments below the reach result 17 literally just came out so there's a whole bunch of new features and techniques so there's gonna be lots of tutorials coming out in the next few days so subscribe to catch them and not miss out i'll see you on the next tutorial guys peace
Channel: Branden Arc
Views: 13,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Branden Arc, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 magic mask, davinci resolve 17 new features, davinci resolve 17 new mask, text behind subject davinci resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve magic mask tutorial
Id: sysc6nY66iU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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